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January 2005 Final Report
August 1993 - July 1997
Human Factors Phase IV: Risk Analysis Tool for New Train Control Technology RR293/R2032
Edward J. Lanzilotta and Thomas B. Sheridan
*Human-Machine Systems Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology DOT-VNTSC-FRA-05-02
Cambridge, MA 02139
U.S. Department of Transportation AGENCY REPORT NUMBER
Federal Railroad Administration
Office of Research and Development Mail Stop 20 DOT/FRA/ORD-04/17
1120 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20590
This report covers the theoretical development of the safety state model for railroad operations. Using data from a train control
technology experiment, experimental application of the model is demonstrated.
A stochastic model of system behavior is developed which is used to estimate the dynamic risk probability in a human-machine
system. This model is based on a discrete Markov process model. Based on observer behavior of an existing system, the model is
used to determine an instantaneous risk probability function, which is dependent on the system state.
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18
1 inch (in) = 2.5 centimeters (cm) 1 millimeter (mm) = 0.04 inch (in)
1 foot (ft) = 30 centimeters (cm) 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.4 inch (in)
1 yard (yd) = 0.9 meter (m) 1 meter (m) = 3.3 feet (ft)
1 mile (mi) = 1.6 kilometers (km) 1 meter (m) = 1.1 yards (yd)
1 kilometer (km) = 0.6 mile (mi)
°C -40° -30° -20° -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100°
For more exact and or other conversion factors, see NIST Miscellaneous Publication 286, Units of Weights and Measures. Price $2.50
SD Catalog No. C13 10286 Updated 6/17/98
This document summarizes work performed under an ongoing research program at the Volpe
National Transportation Systems Center, RSPA/USDOT (Cambridge, Massachusetts) in
collaboration with the Human-Machine Systems Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Supported by the Office of Research and
Development, Federal Railroad Administration, the program is part of a comprehensive effort to
identify and develop the technical information required for safety regulation of high-speed
ground transportation. This is a final report on one component of the overall research program.
The evaluation of risk of any complex human/machine system must necessarily include study of
the interaction between the human operator and the system. The pursuit of safety can be
considered as the minimization of risk, under the constraint of available resource expenditure.
Thus, risk assessment is the objective component of safety. The risk of an undesirable event
involves the probability of the occurrence of that event combined with the severity of the event
In the area of transportation, the undesirable event is often referred to as an accident. In ground
transportation, this class of events includes collisions between two or more vehicles, as well as
situations where vehicles become separated from the normal guideway or roadway. An accident
has potential for causing personal injury or fatality to passengers or operators, as well as
property damage.
The risk probability of a system is dynamic—that is, the risk probability changes with time. This
research assumes that the dynamic risk probability is a function of system state. A stochastic
model of system behavior is developed which estimates the dynamic risk probability in a
human/machine system. This model is based on a discrete Markov process model. Based on
observed behavior of an existing system, the model determines an instantaneous risk probability
function, which is dependent on the system state. The risk probability function is used for system
analysis and identification of high-risk system states. The risk probability function also is used to
transform observed system behavior into dynamic risk trajectories, which are used for
performance evaluation of individual operators with respect to risk.
This report covers the theoretical development of the safety-state model. Using data from the
control automation experiment (Lanzilotta and Sheridan, 1998), experimental application of the
safety-state model is demonstrated. An appendix includes a detailed description of the high-
speed rail simulation system used for a series of human factors experiments in high-speed rail.
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the many people who have been involved with
and contributed to the completion of this work. In particular, the authors would like to thank Dr.
Thomas Raslear of the Federal Railroad Administration for his guidance and financial support of
the project. Dr. Donald Sussman and Mr. Robert Dorer, at the Volpe National Transportation
Systems Center (Volpe Center), lent significant contributions to the shape and direction of the
work, and were able to provide key contacts and references. Dr. Jordan Multer provided valuable
insight and guidance during the experimental phase of the research. In addition, the authors
would like to thank Dr. Peter Mengert and Mr. Robert DiSario for graciously reviewing the
theory and application of the theoretical model.
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the authors would like to thank our colleagues in
the Human-Machine Systems Laboratory for their contributions and support. Through
collaborative work in development of the high-speed rail simulation system, as well as through
complementary experimental work, the association with Ms. Shumei Yin Askey was fruitful and
enlightening. Mr. Nicholas Patrick was especially helpful with statistical analysis and
interpretation. Messrs. Jacob Einhorn, Bernardo Aumond, Steven Villareal, and Helias
Marinakos have all been of assistance while in the process of taking on the next phases of the
project. Our undergraduate assistants, Ms. Sapna Augustine, Ms. Wendy Chang, Ms. Grace Park,
Mr. Joseph Wenish, and Ms. Jill Chen, were helpful in preparing for and conducting the
experimental portion of the research. Dr. Jie Ren built the analog-to-digital converter used with
the simulator throttle.
Finally, special thanks go to Dr. Judith Bürki-Cohen, of the Volpe Center, for her guidance and
enthusiasm throughout this work. Her experimental experience and editorial input were critical
to the successful completion of the experiments and subsequent reports.
Section Page
Figure Page
Table Page
Safety is often considered to be the freedom from risk. Since risk cannot be completely
eliminated, it is perhaps more accurate to define safety as the minimization of risk. The risk of a
bad event is generally considered to be some combination of the probability of occurrence of that
bad event with the eventual outcome of the bad event, relative to the health and well being of
people that interact with the system. Both reducing the probability of an accident (active safety)
and reducing the consequences in the event of an accident (passive safety) are attempts to reduce
the level of risk. Both classes of effort require expenditure of resources to achieve their goal.
It is relatively easy to evaluate the outcome of a bad event—through deterministic creation of the
event and measurement of the resultant effects one can reasonably determine the relationship
between the event and the outcome. For example, by evaluating the risk to human passengers in
head-on automobile crashes by deliberately colliding two vehicles under controlled conditions
with instrumented dummies in passenger seats.
It is, however, much more difficult to objectively evaluate the probability that the event will
occur. First of all, accidents are extremely rare events. As a result, it is difficult to identify
conditions immediately leading to an accident. To further complicate matters, the relative safety
of contemporary systems is higher than before. This implies that most, if not all, of the first-order
safety flaws have been identified and corrected. Thus, accidents tend to be the result of complex
compounding of causal factors.
Intuitively, we know that the risk probability is not a constant, but rather a dynamic state. This is
especially true in highly dynamic systems, such as transportation systems. The concept of a near
collision underscores the understanding that some situations are inherently riskier than others.
Furthermore, it is believed that near collisions occur far more frequently than actual collisions.
The goal of this research is to develop a model that allows estimation of the dynamic risk
probability as a function of system state. This goal is motivated by the fundamental notion that
risk probability is a dynamic system state and is a function of system state which results from
human operator input. Accomplishing this will allow objective identification of near collision
situations, and will provide a mechanism for identifying causal chains leading to collisions or
near collisions.
Some techniques have been developed for estimation of risk probability. Such techniques
include fault tree and event tree modeling, among others. However, these techniques estimate
risk probability as a constant number, valid throughout all operational modes of the system.
While useful for certain types of system safety evaluation, these techniques do not provide a
mechanism to estimate dynamic risk probability.
The safety-state model is a stochastic model, based on a finite Markov process. A set of binary
conditions, which are either true or false, are combined into a binary number to form the Markov
state number. As a result, the Markov state number is a description of the system state. An
additional state is assigned to the accident event. The accident event is classified as a trapping
state, corresponding to the irreversible nature of an accident. When the state transition matrix of
the Markov process is known, the mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) can be estimated for each state
in the system. The MTTF is then transformed into an estimate of risk probability. In order to
determine the state transition probabilities contained in the state transition matrix, the system
behavior of an operational system is observed and recorded. The collected statistics are
combined to determine the state transition matrix.
Application of the safety-state model to determine dynamic risk probability of a system is shown
to be a successful technique for estimating dynamic risk probability. It is a generalized model, in
the sense that it considers all combinations of the contributory conditions, without prejudice or
bias. The observational nature of the method corresponds to conventional human behavior in
evaluating safety— the behavior of a system is observed, and conclusions are made regarding
the relative risk. The safety-state model is an omniscient observer, collecting data over a wide
scope of conditions. It is a method that can be easily automated.
The primary weakness of the safety-state model is the potential magnitude of required
computational resources. The number of states in the Markov process grows exponentially with
the number of conditions that are considered. Thus, the breadth of effectiveness of the method is
constrained by limits in computer technology. An additional shortcoming is related to the
observational nature of the method. Calibration of the state transition is only as accurate as the
observed data. Thus, the accuracy of the resultant transformation function is limited by the
nature of the observed data. As a result, the method is not well suited to prediction of events in
the absence of calibration data.
Overall, the safety-state model is demonstrated to be a useful tool for estimating the dynamic
risk probability in a complex system. Application of parallel processing computer technology
can be exploited to address the limitations of the technique due to computational limitations. The
technique does not require special laboratory conditions, and it can be applied to virtually any
operational system. It is believed that the method is generally applicable across a wide scope of
complex human/machine systems, including most forms of transportation systems.
As the United States moves toward high-speed passenger rail service, questions emerge
regarding the usefulness and implications of automation in the vehicle cab. In the study of
existing foreign high-speed passenger rail operations (Train à Grande Vitesse [TGV] in France,
Inter-City Express [ICE] in Germany, and Shinkansen in Japan), it is clear that train control
technology in these systems is being implemented in differing degrees and with differing
The primary motivation for incorporating control technology in rail vehicles is to simplify the
task of vehicle operation. Some believe that using control technology for mundane tasks will free
a portion of the attention bandwidth of the locomotive engineer, thereby allowing the operator to
focus more intently on higher-level tasks, such as monitoring for vehicle failures and other
emergency situations. Thus, the overall performance of the train operator is expected to improve
through the use of technology.
Applying technology often carries a concern for safety, especially in the case of transportation
systems. Human error is a significant factor in a majority of transportation accidents. As the
level of technology in any system increases, how the human operator and the system interact
necessarily changes. It is not yet clear how these changes will impact safety. On one hand, some
believe that increasing the level of technology will free the attention resources of an operator
from mundane, repetitive tasks, thus, potentially increasing the level of safety by allowing the
operator to focus more intently on safety-related concerns. On the other hand, it is possible that
increasing the level of technology will sufficiently reduce the workload of the operator who
might then lose some degree of situation awareness. This condition, often referred to as an
operator out-of-the-loop situation, has serious negative safety implications when an operator
must make a timely response to an unexpected emergency situation.
Accidents are relatively rare occurrences, especially in transportation systems. Estimating risk,
as a means of evaluating relative safety, is a difficult task. To complicate matters, monitoring a
system for accident analysis is quite difficult because the time period of highest interest occurs
immediately prior to the accident. This situation leads to great difficulty in obtaining data that
could help identify accident causality. Complicating this is that the cause of accidents is
generally a compound set of events interacting unexpectedly. Under these conditions, it is very
difficult to estimate risk probabilities or to determine causality among the chain of events leading
to an accident.
The goal of this research is the development of a method for estimating the dynamic risk
probability of a human/machine system. A driving force in this work is the notion that risk is
dynamic, changing over time. Considering an example in highway transportation, it is clear that
an automobile driver is at higher risk of having an accident when either drunk or tired, compared
with being well rested, alert, and sober. The level of risk varies with changes in operator fitness,
vehicle positions and speeds, vehicle condition, weather, obstacles, and so on. Identifying risk as
a dynamic state, as a function of a set of potentially causal factors, opens the door to methods
that will allow identifying causal factors and events.
The safety-state model uses a stochastic system model, based on a discrete finite Markov
process, to estimate the mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) from each of the defined system states.
The system states are defined as combinations of binary (i.e., true or false) conditions, each of
which are potentially causal factors to an accident. The accident is modeled as a trapping state,
corresponding to the notion of irreversibility of an accident.
As a related component of the research project, a human subject experiment evaluated the effects
of control automation on operator performance (Lanzilotta and Sheridan, 1999). The experiments
used a high-speed rail simulation system in a laboratory setting (see the Appendix). . During the
course of this experiment, data were collected and used for demonstration of the safety-state
Whether we are conscious of it or not, risk assessment is an integral component of our lives.
Throughout our daily activities, decisions we continuously make impact the understanding of
safety. In a sense, each decision is a form of risk assessment: costs weighed against the benefits,
and making a decision. In general, understanding safety is based on intuition.
The analysis of safety is an active field of research. Applying the techniques generated by safety
research occurs in major decision processes, often in business. Formalizing many of the concepts
and terms results from this research. This chapter provides background from the safety research
literature as it applies to the development of the safety-state model and its applications.
Because of the often intuitive understanding of safety, the words describing safety-related
concepts can sometimes have multiple or ambiguous meanings. To prevent ambiguity we define
and discuss terms here.
The dictionary defines safety as freedom from risk of human injury or death (Webster’s
Dictionary, 1994). However, this represents an ideal (and realistically unachievable) goal, as it is
impossible to completely eliminate all risk. While completely eliminating risk is not achievable,
reducing risk is possible, although at some cost. Therefore, it is more appropriate to discuss the
pursuit of safety, in which the level of risk is traded against the costs of reducing risk. In effect,
the pursuit of safety is the minimization of risk, subject to constraints on available resources.
Lowrance (1976) defines safety as the “judgment of acceptability of risk,” thus providing a
working framework in which safety is separated into a subjective component and an objective
component. The subjective component, the judgment of acceptability, evaluates whether a given
level of risk is acceptable to the society that is affected. Based on that judgment, policies are set,
which determine the trade between a desired level of risk and resources expended to achieve that
level of risk.
The objective component is risk assessment. There are a variety of definitions of risk in the
literature. Rowe (1977) defines risk as “the potential for unwanted negative consequences of an
event or activity,” alluding to the notion of chance and reflecting the undesirable nature of the
outcome. Lowrance leans toward a more explicit definition, defining risk as the “measure of
probability and severity of adverse effects.” Rescher (1983) echoes the notions of probability and
severity: “Risk is the chancing of negative outcome. To measure risk we must accordingly
measure both of its defining components, the chance and the negativity.” Gratt (1987) specifies
the mathematical relationship between probability and severity in risk assessment as a product of
two values, stating that the “estimation of risk is usually based on the expected result of the
conditional probability of the event times the consequences of the event given that it has
occurred.” Wharton (1992) offers that “a risk is any unintended or unexpected outcome of a
decision or course of action,” including both positive and negative outcomes.
There is a tacit presumption among the various definitions of risk that zero risk is an unattainable
goal. This reflects the fact that, whenever there is human interaction with a system, there is some
finite potential, no matter how slight, that there could be injury from that system. Taking a
fatalistic viewpoint, a truly probabilistic event (i.e., an event that is well-modeled by probability
theory) will eventually occur, given enough time. The only way to avoid the occurrence of such
an event is to “get out of the game” before that event occurs. In fact, this is what happens to most
people with regard to rare catastrophic events. This notion forms the basis of risk exposure—
given a constant risk probability the expected number of failures over a prescribed period rises
with the size of the period. The colloquial notion of risk exposure is that the “laws of probability
catch up with you.” While this presents a convenient rationalization, in fact, the relationship is
reversed—the occurrence of the accident provides statistical data to calibrate or validate the
probabilistic model.
Whenever individuals are part of a system that has potential for personal injury, safety is of
concern. The system in question might be a transportation system that is used for commuting to
the workplace, or might be a production line in the workplace. Whatever the system in question,
the goal of the pursuit of safety is to reduce the potential risk of that personal injury.
Through expenditure of resources, risks can be reduced. This is the task of risk management—
strategically choosing the amount and application of resources used to reduce risk. Risk can be
reduced either by reducing the probability of occurrence of the undesirable event, or reducing the
severity of the outcome when the event does occur.
Thus, the basis exists for distinction between active safety and passive safety devices,
respectively. Active safety is a term typically applied to those devices or systems which assist in
preventing accidents, while passive safety is applied to those devices or systems which reduce
the severity of an accident when it does occur. In practice, the pursuit of safety involves a
combination of the two.
The challenge of risk management is adequate determination of the relationship between safety
expenditures and the resultant reduction of risk. This relationship is difficult to determine, in part
because it is difficult to quantify the potential for risk. In addition, the risk manager must
consider that there is always some point of diminishing returns on investment—as risk is
reduced, the relative expenditure required to further reduce risk is increased. In order to improve
the quality of safety decisions, it is essential to improve the quantitative understanding of risk
A generalized system can be represented as a black box operator (Figure 1). Contained within
the box is the equipment that constitutes the system. Inputs to the system are the consumable
resources—energy, labor, and money. Outputs of the system are measurable units of production
or service. These outputs evaluate the overall system performance.
Risk can be considered as one of the outputs of a generalized system. Risk is not a physical
output. Rather, it is an information output, but one component of an overall system performance
evaluation. As mentioned earlier, whenever humans interact with the system, either as consumers
of that system or labor in the system, there is potential for risk of injury; minimization of risk is
the pursuit of safety.
system input: system output:
material resources generalized product
capital equipment system waste
labor resources risk
Risk assessment is, in effect, a subset of reliability engineering, which estimates the probability
and effects of system failures. Quantitative reliability techniques predict the likelihood of failure
or estimate the availability of a machine system. When a system failure results in human injury
or death, it becomes a safety issue. Assessing system reliability with respect to a failure of this
type is risk assessment.
Using the accident as the primary time mark of interest allows classification of two key
components of risk. Risk probability is the relative likelihood of an accident event, while risk
outcome is the cost of that accident in terms of human injury. It is interesting to note a non-
reciprocal relationship between accident occurrence and injury outcome—while it is clear that
injury is the result of an accident, accidents do not necessarily result in injury.
Because of high public visibility and reliance, transportation systems have evolved into
extremely reliable and safe systems. As a result, accidents have become relatively rare. While
positive, in itself, it makes more difficult the task of further improving the reliability and safety
of the system. The only true measure of the safety of a system is the occurrence of failures, and
by improving safety, reducing the opportunity to measure the performance.
Furthermore, because many of the more obvious safety flaws have been discovered and rectified,
the remaining safety problems involve the occurrence of complex combinations of precipitating
events. In other words, accident causes have evolved from single-point failures into complex
sequences of causal events, and the absence of any would effectively avert the accident. In
effect, the situation has moved from the realm of first order effects into higher order effects.
This, in combination with the rarity of accidents, makes the task of identifying causal factors
much more difficult.
Sequences of events almost leading to the point of accident are commonly referred to as near
collisions (and sometimes mistakenly called near misses). A guiding motivation in this work is
the notion that these near collisions are far more common than actual accidents. If the capability
of identifying near collisions and the conditions that lead to them is available, responses (either
in design, operating procedure, or policy) can be formulated to reduce the occurrence of near
collisions, and in the process reduce the number of accidents.
Risk probability, especially in transportation systems, is not a static quantity. Instead, risk
probability varies as a function of the state of the system, which includes the state of the vehicle
and operator as well as the state of the environment. The system state in transportation systems is
quite dynamic with respect to time. Operators are responsible for a constant stream of control
decisions and actions that determine the state of the vehicle in relation to the state of the
environment. Thus, through these control decisions, the operator has a profound impact on the
risk probability of the system. Many accident scenarios result from compounding several hazard
conditions, each of which may appear relatively innocuous in isolation. Some of these hazards
may be due to operator errors, while others may be due to machinery failures in vehicle or
wayside equipment. The collected set of potential hazard conditions leading to a particular
accident scenario can be considered to be a system state. Because this state varies with time, and
the risk probability is a function of this state, risk probability can also be considered to be a
function of time.
Time is an integral component of dynamic risk probability. Using the probability theory, the risk
probability can be modeled as the relative likelihood of the occurrence of an accident. However,
the risk probability of an accident only makes sense if its occurrence is compared to the
alternative event, which is the non-occurrence of an accident. Since nothing “happens” during
the non-occurrence, the event can only be considered with respect to some fixed metric. The
safety-state model considers the probability of an accident with respect to a fixed time frame,
known as a time slice. Thus, the risk probability represents the relative likelihood of an accident
in a single time slice. On the average, it also represents the percentage of time slices that result in
an accident. An alternate expression is in terms of the mean time (in terms of the number of time
slices) between occurrences of accidents. Commonly known as MTTF, it is used extensively in
the field of reliability engineering. The relationship between risk probability and MTTF plays an
integral role in the development of the safety-state model.
Many techniques have been developed for quantitative system reliability and safety analysis. In
particular, the methods of fault tree analysis and event tree analysis provide useful background
(Swain and Guttmann, 1983), (Lewis, 1987), (McCormick, 1981), and (Gertman and Blackman,
1994). Both methods utilize a tree structure to organize the events that can lead to failures in
complex systems. The event tree method is considered forward-looking in that the analysis
commences with a precipitating event and explores the possible consequences in light of
subsequent decisions and actions. By comparison, the fault tree method is backward-looking—
the analysis starts with a failure event and works backward to evaluate the possible combination
of events that might have led to that failure. Both techniques can be used quantitatively or
qualitatively. While these are powerful techniques with wide application, an acknowledged
weakness in both techniques is difficulty in accounting for the time relation of events, especially
relative to application in transportation system analysis.
Markov process models have been employed in the related area of system reliability. Babcock
(1986) demonstrates the use of Markov process models to simplify the quantitative reliability
analysis in fault-tolerant systems. In this work, he contrasts the Markov process modeling
technique to both fault tree methods and MTTF methods. In addition, several methods for
reducing the size of the Markov network are demonstrated, to ease the loads of data storage and
computation. Lewis (1987) discusses the use of Markov process modeling to evaluate system
reliability. He takes the significant step of using Markov states to represent the system states (in
contrast, Babcock uses Markov states to represent events). This concept is used in the safety-
state model.
The safety-state model is an extension and combination of event tree and fault tree models, using
a discrete finite Markov process. By considering all combinations of the possible precipitating
events, the safety-state model is the most general form of these. In addition, the time-based
nature of dynamic risk probability is captured through use of the Markov process model. Thus,
the safety-state model represents a step forward in risk probability estimation techniques. A
detailed development of the safety-state model is contained in Section 3.
When comparing the relative safety of transportation modes, the traditional approach is to
compare statistics relating the number of fatalities or injuries to a performance metric. For
example, it would be reasonable to express risk as the fatalities per passenger-mile, or the
injuries per vehicle-mile. While this technique is useful for comparing the safety performance of
two or more competing modes of transportation, it does not provide for deeper analysis within
one specific mode or system.
Consider, for a moment, highway safety. It is generally believed that human operator error is at
least partly accountable for over 80 percent of all highway accidents (Shinar, 1978). If the
human operator is considered to be part of a closed-loop control system (Figure 2), it is clear that
there could be three general causes: failure to properly sense the system state, failure to make a
correct decision, and failure to execute a decision (control action). Yet, it would be very difficult
to use accident statistics to identify the faults, relative to these three broad classes, that lead to
the accidents.
controls vehicle
Fitts (1951) published a comparison of the performance of humans and automation for certain
classes of tasks. His list identifies classes of tasks that are well suited for human operators, and
those which are not. In many cases, the use of automatic control would eliminate the potential
for human error leading to safety problems. Yet, for a variety of reasons, human controllers are
often employed in systems where automation might be more sensible. One factor is the difficulty
of qualifying sophisticated automatic control elements with regard to overall system safetyit
becomes more difficult to prove the safety of a new train control technology system under all
possible scenarios as the system grows in complexity. Safety qualification of human-operated
systems should be at least as difficult, especially when the human operator must interface with
increasingly complex systems, because it is impossible to prove that a human operator will have
sufficient resources to handle any possible scenario. However, from a policy point of view, it is
believed that properly trained human operators will have adequate facility to handle any
foreseeable emergency scenario.
When analyzing a system with respect to risk, there are several points of interest. The first is
identification of the conditions or combinations of conditions that pose a high risk in order to
determine which system states (i.e., combination of potential causal conditions) present the
highest levels of risk. This is an essential step in system safety analysis, and it must be taken
before any form of corrective action can be made to the system.
A second area of interest is identification of the causal chain of events that lead to the high-risk
states. This is a more subtle effort, and requires observation and monitoring of the system in the
time period prior to the event of interest. In the event that it is impossible to completely eliminate
the risk via system design, the next possible step toward ameliorating the risk is to reasonably
assure that the high-risk state is avoided. Identification of the causal chain can help in this
As a simple example, consider the problem of grade crossing safety in rail systems. Grade
crossings are an acknowledged safety problem in rail operations, and, as a result of human nature
and impatience, they will likely remain a problem in the future. The obvious design solution is
separation of the rail from the highway paths, so as to eliminate the crossing altogether.
However, this solution is not feasible in many places, due to the high cost. An understanding of
the causal chain (i.e., the train and car are approaching the crossing; the car driver does not wish
to wait for the train to pass, so an attempt is made to cross before the train; because of the long
stopping distances, the train is not able to slow in time to miss the car; the car is demolished)
leads to the intermediate solution of grade crossing barriers—by blocking the opportunity to
cross before the train, the risk level is reduced.
The closed-loop control paradigm can now be extended to a different level. Consider a control
loop, where the “plant” is the operator. The output of the “plant” is the safety-related behavior,
and the controller is intended to regulate the safety-related behavior through education.
In many forms of operator training, there are two possible impediments to this system. First of
all, there is no effective objective method for measuring the safety-related behavior of the
operator. Without this measure, it is virtually impossible to regulate the behavior. Secondly, the
input to the “plant” (also known as operator training) occurs only for a relatively short period of
time, typically at the beginning period of operator experience. In effect, these factors lead to a
control loop that is not closed.
One potential application of the safety-state model is to provide an effective measure of the
safety-related operator performance in a dynamic sense. This, combined with continuing
education, will allow effective closed-loop control of operator safety performance.
Having determined that the goal is to express dynamic risk probability as a function of system
state, the task of developing the theory that will accomplish that goal can begin. This theory is
centered on a model of system behavior, which can be used to predict the future based on some
Machines and human operators are the systems of concern. (In this sense, any human that
interacts with the system and can change the outcome is considered an operator, whether they are
trained for the task or not.) Although deterministic models are often useful for machines, humans
are much more variable in their perception, decision, and actuation processes. As a result, a
stochastic model is more appropriate for modeling a human/machine system. This approach
employs a finite-state Markov process model.
Before considering Markov process theory and analysis, it is necessary to define the term system
state. In the field of system dynamics, the state of the system can be represented as a vector of
numbers, with each element of the vector corresponding to a physical entity. In general, a system
state vector is continuous with respect to time. Each state element might be measured by an
instrument, or perhaps estimated by a mathematical model.
As an example, consider the dynamic state of a rail vehicle. If the path of the tracks is known,
and the tracks do not move, it might be sufficient to express the state of the vehicle in terms of
its position along the tracks and its speed, each of which is a scalar number. Each of these two
state variables is used to represent a continuous physical parameter. Combining these into a two-
element vector is an expression of the system state.
If a state vector has n elements, it can be considered a vector in n-space. If each unique
collection of state variable values is considered to be a separate “state,” then there are an infinite
number of states possible in this n-space.
The notion of system state, as described above, correlates the individual state elements to
physical quantities. This is distinct from the general concept of state as used in discrete Markov
process analysis. In finite discrete Markov processes, the number of allowable states is limited to
a finite positive integer. For the moment, ignore the precise definition of those states, except that
they are mutually exclusive (i.e., the system cannot be in more than one Markov state at any
given time). Each individual state has an identification number associated with it, which serves
as a label for the state. In most cases, the state numbers constitute a sequential set of non-
negative integers—an n-state Markov model would have state numbers from 1 through n (or
perhaps 0 through n-1). The notation S(i) indicates that the system is currently in the state
labeled i.
A useful metaphor used extensively by Howard (1971), is a set of lily pads on a pond. Each lily
pad represents a Markov state. A frog, representing the system, jumps from lily pad to lily pad.
The jumps are instantaneous, so the frog is on one of the lily pads at any point in time. Whenever
the frog moves from one lily pad to another, a state transition is said to have occurred.
A simple example to illustrate this concept is a coin tossing process. Suppose interest is in the
combinations of the three most recent coin tosses. There are only 8 possible combinations:
HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, and TTT (where the last letter represents the most
recent toss in the sequence). The only concern is with the three most recent tosses—anything
prior to that is irrelevant. Each of these combinations is assigned to a Markov state, as shown in
Figure 3. Each box represents one of the states, and the directed lines represent a possible
transition path. It can be seen, for example, that it is possible to go from state HHH to HHT with
the toss of a tails, but it is impossible to go from HHH to HTH, because no change can be made
in the state of the previous toss. Each of the states is assigned a state number. (In this example,
the selection of state numbers has no meaning beyond identification of the individual states.)
In the discrete Markov process, the opportunity for a state transition (i.e., the chance for the frog
to jump from one lily pad to another) occurs at specified points in time. In the coin toss example,
these state transition opportunities occur each time the coin is tossed. In dynamic systems, an
alternative approach is to define transition opportunities that occur at fixed intervals in time.
Note that these are couched as “opportunities”—at a transition point, the system may change
state, or it may remain in the same state. In the coin toss example, the transition path that leads
from HHH back to itself represents a case where the system remains in the same state, when
three consecutive head tosses are followed by a fourth.
If it is considered that each transition path has a probability associated with it (Figure 3), these
probabilities can be organized in the form of a matrix, known as the state transition matrix and
denoted as P. Each element, pi,j, is the probability of transition from state S(i) to state S(j). For a
Markov process with n states, this state transition matrix will be of dimension n × n . By
convention, the row number corresponds to the state S(i) before the transition, and the column
number corresponds to the state S(j) after transition. Because the probabilities of all paths
leading from any one state must sum to 1, it follows that each row of the state transition matrix
must also sum to 1.
S(1) S(3)
S(0) S(7)
S(4) S(6)
trapping state S(k), the corresponding row in the state transition matrix has a value of 1 for pk,k,
and 0 for all other entries.
The state transition matrix serves to summarize the probabilistic nature of the Markov process at
each transition. In addition, it can be used to forecast the behavior of the system in the future.
Consider the row vector π (0 ), of dimension 1 × n , which contains a value of 1 in the position of
the current state and 0 everywhere else. Since each row of the state transition matrix contains the
probabilities of transition from the current state to any of the possible next states, the
equation 3.1 can be utilized to find π (1), which summarizes the probabilities of being in any of
the other states after one transition.
π (1) = π ( 0) P (3.1)
Now look ahead one additional step. It is now possible to calculate π (2) in the same manner
( π (2 ) = π (1)P ), based on the knowledge of π (1). Substituting for π (1), the probabilities of being
in any of the other states at the second transition can be evaluated, based only on knowledge of
the current state and the state transition matrix (equation 3.2).
Continuing the iteration, it can be seen that this relationship can be summarized in terms of the
power of the state transition matrix (equation 3.3).
π (τ ) = π (0)P τ (3.3)
Traditionally, the power of the state transition matrix is notated as Φ(τ ) , following the
Φ(τ ) = P τ (3.4)
Φ = P∞ (3.5)
In the case of Markov processes having one trapping state, Φ will always have a single column
of ones, in the column corresponding to the trapping state, and the remainder of the matrix is
zero. This makes sense intuitively—given an infinite number of transitions, and the system will
ultimately reach the trapping state, regardless of the transient states occupied.
This brief summary of Markov process analysis illustrates the basic tools used to form the
safety-state model, which provides a mechanism for expressing the risk probability of a system
as a function of system state. The safety-state model is an application of discrete finite Markov
processes with a single trapping state.
3.2 The Safety-State Model—An Application of Finite Markov Processes
The goal is to find a model that allows estimation of dynamic risk probabilities. As mentioned
earlier, the motivation is straightforward—existing methods of safety analysis only provide
mechanisms for determining the overall average safety of a system, without regard to individual
operators or system design features. If the safety-related behavior of individual operators within
a system is to be evaluated, a dynamic estimation of risk probability is needed.
Ideally, such a model would provide an instantaneous risk probability value, and would be an
analytical function that takes all of the pertinent state variables as input. However, there are
practical problems with such an approach. Such a model would be deterministic by nature. But
humans are far from deterministic, especially in response to real or perceived emergency
situations. Another problem is the calibration of such a model—how do you obtain the values of
the pertinent parameters? Still another problem is resolution of the model—how sensitive is the
model to the accuracy of the parameters?
An intermediate approach is to divide the state space into a set of domains. By calculating the
probability of reaching the failure event from any of these domains, a coarser estimate of
dynamic probability can be achieved than might have been achieved with an analytical model
form. These domains are defined to be the states in the discrete Markov process.
The development of the model requires several steps. First, the structure of the model is
developed. In this step, the method for assigning Markov states is defined. Next, the method for
determining the state transition probabilities is developed. Then, the algorithm for calculating the
mean time to failure is derived. Finally, the technique for estimating the risk probability is
The safety-state model is an application of a discrete Markov process model with a single
trapping state. A set of domains in the continuous system state space is mapped into a set of
Markov states, which forms the model. To define these domains, consider a set of n binary
conditions (i.e., states that are either true or false). All these conditions are assumed independent.
Each condition can be represented by a single bit of information (i.e., a 1 or a 0). If the set of n
bits are concatenated into a single number, that number can have a value from 0 to 2n-1, and that
set of 2n numbers represents all of the possible combinations of those n conditions.
Each of the binary conditions used for definition of the safety-state model is an expression of a
safety-related system state that may be a potential causal condition for the event representing the
bad outcome (accident). A causal condition is defined as some system state value or range of
values that may lead to or contribute to an accident.
In the safety-state model, the definition of the Markov states in the safety-state model forms the
structure of the model. By using the set of conditions to define a number which is then
interpreted as the Markov state number, a link is created between the system state and the
Markov state number used to represent that state. In the general case of a Markov process, this is
not necessarily true—the state number is merely a label. In the safety-state model application,
the state number carries with it a definition of system state. The resultant set of Markov states
represents the exhaustive list of all possible combinations of the specified safety-related causal
conditions. As a result, the safety-state model allows comprehensive investigation of many
interacting conditions, which, if possible at all, would be tedious and time-consuming using
other methods.
Therefore, defining the potential causal conditions defines the structure of the model. It is
important to note that the causal factors are described as conditions, and not as events. A
condition is defined as a state of being, while an event can be defined as demarcation point in
time, which might signal the change to or from a condition. This is an important distinction—an
event is a point in time, while a condition occurs over some period of time.
The safety-state model is based on the notion that there are a variety of condition combinations
that might lead to a particular failure. Each condition is binary—it is either true or false. The
binary condition may be based on a continuous state variable. For example, if vehicle speed is
considered to be a factor, a binary condition based on speed could be whether the speed is above
or below a specific threshold.
The set of binary conditions are then concatenated into a binary number, which is interpreted as
the Markov state. This implies that there is an individual Markov state for each possible
combination of the specified conditions. There is also the implication that the number of states
grows as a power of 2. That is, if there are n conditions specified, there are 2n possible
combinations of those states, leading to 2n Markov states. In this context, these Markov states
are known as operational states, as they represent the non-failure operation of the system.
One additional state must be specified. This failure state is defined as a trapping state, and it is
predicated by the defined failure event. Or, alternately stated, the Markov transition to the failure
state is used to represent the occurrence of an accident. The definition of the system failure state
as a trapping state corresponds to the irreversible nature of a failure event.
The structure of the safety-state model that results from the definition of the safety state
conditions provides a framework for observing an existing system. Once the failure event and the
causal conditions of interest have been defined, one may observe an operational system and
record the state occupancies and transitions. Such an observation results in a safety state
trajectory, which is simply the statement of occupied state as a function of time.
A simple example of a safety-state model is shown in Figure 4. Consider that there are three
conditions in this example, leading to eight states plus the failure state. This diagram shows the
possible transition paths between the defined states, assuming that only one of the conditions can
change in a state transition period.
S(7) S(8)
(111) failure
Now the method used to obtain the probabilities for state transition matrix must be defined. In
order to do this, first consider the micro-actions of the model.
Assume that the model is currently in state S(i), and from S(i) can transition only to state S(j)
(Figure 5). At the next transition point, the system might remain in state S(i) (with a probability
of pi,i), or it might transition to some other state S(j) (with a probability of pi,j). Therefore, if the
system enters state S(i), remains in that state for k transition periods, and then transitions to state
S(j), it can be estimated that the probability pi,i is equal to (k-1)/k, and the probability pi,j is 1/k. In
other words, of the k transition opportunities in which the system was in state S(i), k-1 were
spent holding the state S(i), while 1 involved transition to state S(j). Therefore, the relative
likelihood (probability) of holding in state S(i) is (k-1)/k, and the relative likelihood of going to
state S(j) is 1/k.
S(i) p
Data from the safety state trajectories are accumulated into the statistics matrix. For each state
occupancy, the current state (S(i)), the next state (S(j)), and the time spent in the state (ti,
expressed as a count of the transition intervals) must be known, and then increment si,i by ti-1
and increment si,j by 1 (corresponding to the number of times each transition was experienced).
This process is iterated for all the available safety state trajectories.
When all the safety state trajectory data have been incorporated, the state transition matrix
computes the sum of each row in the statistics matrix.
si = ∑ si , j (3.6)
As an example, consider a three-condition safety-state model (Figure 4). There are nine states,
numbered 0 through 8. Assume that it was observed that the system entered state S(1) on 12
different occasions. The total holding time in state S(1) was 88 transition periods, and the system
had transitions to state S(0) on 3 occasions, to state S(3) on 6 occasions, state S(5) on 2
occasions, and state S(8) once. The total time in S(1) was 100 transition periods. The resultant
state transition probabilities from state S(1), corresponding to row 1 in the state transition matrix,
is estimated as follows:
It is a distinct possibility that, in the system observations, certain states are not occupied. This
does not imply that the state will never get occupied, only that it was not observed as occupied.
To account for the possibility that states might conceivably be occupied, there is an initial
default state of the state transition matrix. This initial state says that, until experience has been
gained from the real world, assume the most general form. That is, if the state were to be
occupied, it would be occupied for a default amount of time, and the distribution of the
transitions out of this state is equal among the possible states.
Assume a discrete Markov process with a single trapping state is available. Also assume that a
state transition occurs at fixed regular intervals in time. Thus, a count of state transitions can be
equated with a period of time, as the product of the number of transitions and the length of the
time interval. (The system may remain in a given state for longer than one interval—this is
captured with the holding probability, which is the probability for each state that the system will
return to that state at the transition point.)
One of the fundamental questions to be answered is: Given a particular starting state, what is the
mean time for the process to reach the trapping state? This question is of particular importance if
the trapping state is considered to indicate an undesirable failure event.
Consider a large, discrete Markov process with n transient states and one trapping state. The
states are numbered from 0 to n, with S(n) as the trapping state. The P matrix is of dimension
(n + 1) × (n + 1) , and has the form
p0,0 p0,n
P Pf
P= = a (3.8)
0 1
p pn,n
n, 0
where Pa represents an nxn sub-matrix of the transition probabilities between operational (or
transient) states, Pf represents an nx1 column vector of the transition probabilities into the failure
(trapping) state directly from the operational states, a 1xn row vector of zeros (in the last row),
and a single element of 1 for pn,n.
The probability of state occupancy, as a function of the initial state, after τ transitions can be
expressed by:
Φ (τ ) Φ f (τ ) Paτ
Φ(τ ) = a = (∑ τ −1
i= 0 )
Pai P f
0 1 0 1
Note that a similar partitioning occurs, with the last column representing the probability of
getting to the trapping state after τ transitions. The matrix Φ is the limit of Φ(τ ) as τ goes to
infinity ( Φ = lim Φ (τ )). In the case of the P matrix for the safety-state model, Φ will always
have a column of ones in the rightmost column, and zeros elsewhere. (In other words, Φ a = 0
and Φ f = 1 .)
However, in order to obtain the MTTF, the probability distribution of getting to the failure state
on the τ th transition is of more interest. This can be expressed as:
τ −1 τ−2
Ψ ( τ ) = Φ f (τ ) − Φ f (τ − 1) = ∑ Pia − ∑ Pai P f = Paτ −1P f (3.10)
i =0 i =0
Ψ ( τ ) = Pa P f = Pa Pa P f
τ −1 −1 τ
The iterative method for calculating the MTTF for each state is to sum the product of the number
of transitions and the probability of the failure event occurring on the τ th transition. This can be
stated algorithmically as:
M = ∑ τ Ψ (τ ) (3.12)
τ =1
where M is a (n-1)x1 row vector containing the MTTF for each of the n-1 operational states.
The disadvantage of this approach is that it is difficult, if at all possible, to predict the number of
iterations required to achieve an acceptable answer. In addition, the MTTF is expressed as an
infinite sum—it is also difficult to determine the bounds that will qualify an acceptable answer,
even if the number of iterations required could be predicted.
An alternative approach is to use transform analysis. By evaluating, at z=0, the differential of the
z-transform of the first order interarrival time, the MTTF can be calculated directly.
M= Ψ(z) (3.13)
dz z= 0
Using the definition of Ψ ( τ ) from above (equation 3.11), the z-transform can be computed as:
Ψ ( z) = Pa−1 [I − Pa z] P f
Ψ(z) = Pa−1[I − Pa ] Pa [I − Pa ] P f
−1 −1
M= (3.15)
dz z= 0
[I − Pa ]
= I + P + P2 + (3.16)
Pa [I − Pa ] = [I − Pa ] Pa
−1 −1
simplifies to:
M = Pa−1 Pa [I − Pa ] [I − Pa ] P f = [I − Pa ] [I − Pa ] P f
−1 −1 −1 −1
1 − p0,0 − p 0,1 −Κ − p 0,n −1
1 − p − p −Κ − p 1
= [ I − P ]Μ
Pf = a = [ I − Pa ]1
1 , 0 1 ,1 1, n − 1
1 − p n −1,0 − p n −1,1 −Κ − p n −1,n −1
where 1 is an (n-1)x1 column vector of ones. Using this, the expression can be simplified further
M = [I − Pa ] 1
for each state S(i). (This is based on the method of computing expectation by conditioning,
where E[X ] = ∑ E[X|Y = y]p{Y = y}.) In vector form, equation 3.21 can be stated as:
M = Pa M + 1 (3.22)
M = [I − Pa ] 1
Note that the result of equations 3.20 and 3.20a is a set of MTTF values, expressed as a vector.
Each element of the vector represents the MTTF from a single Markov state. Thus, the vector
represents the MTTF as a function of Markov state, which is defined by a set of discrete system
This solution has been verified experimentally, using a 129-state Markov model. Using the
iterative approach, the calculations required approximately 300,000 iterations to get to a
reasonable (but inexact) solution, taking about 20 hours on a mid-range Silicon Graphics
workstation. The closed-form solution required less than 10 seconds (on the same computer) to
get an exact solution.
In the previous section, a method for calculating the MTTF was developed for each non-failure
state in the system. However, the real interest is in estimating the risk probability at each
operational state in the system. The probability of transition directly from each operational state
to the failure state is expressed as P f . However, for most of the states, this probability is zero,
meaning that it is not possible to go directly from a specific state to the failure state.
It is known that the model will always eventually reach the failure state, given enough
opportunity—this is inherent in a Markov process with a single trapping state (as evidenced in
equation 3.5). What has to be learned is the relative likelihood of reaching the failure states,
based on the current system state.
To accomplish this, the MTTF vector is transformed to an equivalent risk probability. Assume
that a Bernoulli process is used (i.e., the “coin toss”), which has probability p f of failure and
probability 1 − p f of success, occurring at points in time corresponding to each transition point.
Because the failure event is rare, it is expected that p f will be small. The MTTF for such a
system is equal to 1 p . (The units are consistent—since the probability values represent the
likelihood per interval time, the inverse of the probability values are in units of time, appropriate
for the MTTF.)
In the safety-state model, the MTTF was calculated for each non-failure state of the Markov
process. By assuming the form of a Bernoulli process, it can thus be estimated that the equivalent
risk probability by the relationship Ri ≡ 1 M . Thus, the MTTF vector is transformed into a risk
probability vector by an element-wise transformation.
This estimate underscores a very important concept: Although it may be impossible to reach the
failure (trapping) state directly from a specified state, by nature, the trapping state will always be
reached eventually, regardless of the initial or transient state. Restated, although the probability
of going directly from an operational state to the failure state may be zero, the probability of
eventually reaching that state is one. Computation of the equivalent risk allows the differences in
risk to be expressed between the various defined states in the system.
As shown earlier, the state transition matrix is used to compute the MTTF, and the MTTF is used
to compute the equivalent risk probability. Thus, there is a direct link between the state transition
matrix and the resultant risk probability estimation vector. What is the nature of the form or
shape of the state transition on that risk probability estimation vector? And what do the risk
probability numbers really mean?
It is expected that, given a suitable time scale for the transition point intervals, the number of
periods spent in each state (holding time) is significantly greater than the number of times the
state is visited. Or, stated differently, the average hold time for each state is substantially greater
than the transition intervals.
Thus, if the state transition matrix is viewed as a mesh diagram, it is expected that the
topography will appear as a row of mountains down the main diagonal, with shorter “hills”
scattered sparsely about the remainder of the area. In a mesh diagram, the horizontal axes
represent the rows and columns of the two-dimensional state transition matrix, and the height of
the surface represents the values of the individual state transition probabilities. (An example of
the state transition matrix displayed as a mesh diagram is shown in Figure 7 in Section 4.)
3.3 Implementation—Four Phases of Analysis
In the process of applying the safety-state model to a practical risk analysis problem, there are
four distinct phases of analysis. These are, in approximate chronological order, the risk
identification phase, system observation phase, model calibration phase, and risk estimation
phase. Each phase represents a distinctly different type of activity, and can be represented with a
set of inputs and outputs.
The risk identification phase is the starting point for the analysis. The analyst enters this phase
with a general problem, and uses that problem to define the application of the safety-state model.
The system observation phase follows with the measurement of an actual system and the state
trajectories of that system. The model calibration phase uses the data collected from the
operational system to feed the safety-state model, which results in a function that relates risk
probability to system state. Finally, the risk estimation phase applies that risk probability
function onto the measured state trajectories, resulting in a set of risk probability trajectories as a
function of time. A flowchart of these phases is shown in Figure 6.
These phases of analysis can be considered to proceed in a chronological fashion, as the output
of one feeds the input of the next. There is also room for iteration, especially in the latter two
phases. However, this places an implication on the earlier two phases—in order to have latitude
in the later phases, it is important to leave a number of doors open in the earlier phases. This will
become apparent as we discuss the phases in greater detail.
The system observation phase is when an operational system is observed and its behavior is
recorded. The input to this phase is a failure event and set of conditions that might contribute to
its occurrence, and the output is a set of state trajectories that result from measured system
At the commencement of this phase, the analyst must transform the failure event and set of
contributing conditions into a set of measurements to be made on the system. Each condition of
interest must be defined in terms of events that determine the beginning and end of that
condition. The required measurements may be of two possible forms: event recording, and
continuous variable recording. The former is appropriate for events taking place, such as
operators pressing buttons or components failing. The latter form is appropriate for measuring
variables that are truly continuous in nature, such as vehicle speed or position, or perhaps the
position of a control lever.
Once the specific system measures have been determined, the system is instrumented and
observed. In practice, this phase represents the most labor intensive, and consumes the largest
proportion of the project time. Because of the amount of effort required in this phase, it is
appropriate, in the risk identification phase, to over specify the conditions to be used. By
identifying a large number of conditions, enough data will be collected during the system
observation phase to allow some flexibility during the subsequent phases.
The model calibration phase consists of a series of calculations, which transform the measured
system behavior from the system observation phase into the dynamic risk probability function
used by the risk estimation phase. This is the phase that utilizes the Markov process model.
The risk estimation phase is the time when everything comes together—the risk probability
function (output from the model calibration phase) is applied to the safety state trajectories
(output from the system observation phase), transforming them into risk probability trajectories
as a function of time. These represent the grand output of the entire process.
One of the disadvantages of using a Markov process model is that the number of states grows
very quickly with increasing number of variables, and the number of elements in the state
transition matrix grows as the square of the number of states. In the case of the safety-state
model, this growth occurs exponentially. In a system with n conditions, the number of states is
approximately 2n, and the number of elements in the state transition matrix is approximately 22n.
In any computer-based system implementation, there are two fundamental constraints: processor
speed and memory size. Both of these constraints will have implications on the maximum
practical size of the safety-state model.
During the model calibration phase, the state transition matrix is converted to an equivalent risk
probability function (as a function of safety state) via matrix inversion. This matrix inversion is
the single most costly computation required in the method. The number of multiplication
operations required to perform a general matrix inversion is roughly O(N3), and N=2n+1.
Therefore, a 15-condition system would require roughly 3x1013 multiplication operations, which
would require about 300,000 seconds (about 3.5 days) using a dedicated computer with 100
Mflop performance. Each additional condition in the safety-state model raises the required
processing time by a factor of 8.
In terms of data storage, the largest load is due to the model calibration phase for storage of the
state transition matrix (which contains approximately 22n elements). Assuming that high-
precision floating point numbers are used (each using 8 bytes), a 15-condition model will require
about 8 gigabytes of memory. Each additional condition in the safety-state model raises the
memory requirement by a factor of 4.
The previous chapter outlined the theoretical derivation of the safety-state model. In this chapter,
we apply the safety-state model to an active safety issue, to demonstrate the procedure. The
experimental demonstration of the safety-state model was coordinated with a human subject
experiment investigating the relationship between vehicle control technology and operator
situation awareness in operating a locomotive, the details of which appear in Lanzilotta &
Sheridan (1999). The research was conducted as a laboratory experiment in human behavioral
response, using the high-speed rail simulation system.
In a sense, demonstration of the safety-state model was piggybacked onto the new control
technology experiment. That is, the control technology experiment was conducted as a formal
controlled behavioral study, addressing experimental design issues as necessary. The data used
for demonstration of the safety-state model were then extracted from the immense reserves of
operational data, recorded during the control technology experiment.
The motivation of this component of the work was to demonstrate that the safety-state model is a
viable technique for estimating the dynamic risk probability in an operational railroad system.
Typically, a formal validation process includes comparison of test results from a new technology
to those from an existing method. However, in the case of the safety-state model, there was no
known method for estimating dynamic risk probability in an operational system. Therefore, the
validation is limited to demonstration that the method can discern differences in risk probability
as a function of system state and that the data generated from the model is useful for system
In this phase, the task was to identify the risk event of interest, and to identify the conditions
believed to contribute to that risk. The risk event used was a grade crossing collision between
train and highway vehicles. Due to the significant momentum involved, rail vehicles have
braking distances that are very long (greater than 1 mile). When a train approaches a grade
crossing, highway vehicles often attempt to “beat the train” in an attempt to avoid waiting while
the train crosses. Despite the presence of barrier systems, grade crossing collisions are a serious
problem in operational rail systems, and the situation only promises to worsen in high-speed rail
A seven-bit safety-state model was defined, using the following five conditions:
a. near (vehicle cannot be stopped before crossing, even with use of the emergency
b. medium (vehicle can be stopped before crossing with use of emergency brake, but
cannot be stopped with full service braking)
c. far (vehicle can be stopped before crossing with the service brakes)
a. manual control (operator manually operates throttle and brake under all conditions)
b. cruise control (operator sets a cruising speed, and control system modulates the throttle
to maintain that speed)
c. programmed stop (operator selects a stopping point, and control system modulates the
brakes to stop at that point)
Note that conditions 1 and 4 are compound conditions and have four mutually exclusive states
each. Using the technique for combining multiple mutually exclusive conditions, as described in
Section 3, each of these conditions was combined into two bits of the safety state number. For
example, the four cases in the control mode are manual mode, cruise control, programmed stop,
and autopilot. In the general case, these four conditions would require four independent bits in
the safety state number. However, because it is known that these four conditions are, by system
design, mutually exclusive (i.e., if one mode is active, the others cannot be), these are
represented with a two bit sub-word—00 for manual, 01 for cruise control, 10 for programmed
stop, and 11 for autopilot.
The seven-bit safety state number ranges from 0 to 127. Thus, there were 128 operational states.
The risk event, collision in the grade crossing, is defined as state 128. State 128 is a trapping
state—once the system experiences a collision, it cannot be “undone.” The resulting state
transition matrix is of dimension 129 x 129. The resultant set of system states is listed in
Table 1.
Another parameter specified is the interval time scale for the Markov process. In this case, an
interval of 1 second was used. In general, specifying this parameter is not required during the
risk identification phase, as tuning of this interval is useful during the model calibration phase.
However, as this interval should not be much smaller than the resolution of the time stamp in the
data recording, a preliminary specification was set at 1 millisecond, allowing a proper bound in
the time resolution of the system observation phase.
Although autopilot is not currently used in railroad operations, the possibility that it could be used in the fictitious
scenario was considered.
Table 1. Summary of Safety States in Seven-Bit Model
state hex description
0 0x00 nobstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, stopped
1 0x01 nobstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, far
2 0x02 nobstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, close
3 0x03 nobstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, medium
4 0x04 nobstruct, manual, nestop, brake, stopped
5 0x05 nobstruct, manual, nestop, brake, far
6 0x06 nobstruct, manual, nestop, brake, close
7 0x07 nobstruct, manual, nestop, brake, medium
8 0x08 nobstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, stopped
9 0x09 nobstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, far
10 0x0a nobstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, close
11 0x0b nobstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, medium
12 0x0c nobstruct, manual, estop, brake, stopped
13 0x0d nobstruct, manual, estop, brake, far
14 0x0e nobstruct, manual, estop, brake, close
15 0x0f nobstruct, manual, estop, brake, medium
16 0x10 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, stopped
17 0x11 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, far
18 0x12 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, close
19 0x13 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, medium
20 0x14 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, stopped
21 0x15 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, far
22 0x16 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, close
23 0x17 nobstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, medium
24 0x18 nobstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, stopped
25 0x19 nobstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, far
26 0x1a nobstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, close
27 0x1b nobstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, medium
28 0x1c nobstruct, cruise, estop, brake, stopped
29 0x1d nobstruct, cruise, estop, brake, far
30 0x1e nobstruct, cruise, estop, brake, close
31 0x1f nobstruct, cruise, estop, brake, medium
32 0x20 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, stopped
33 0x21 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, far
34 0x22 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, close
35 0x23 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, medium
Table 1. Summary of Safety States in Seven-Bit Model
state hex description
36 0x24 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, stopped
37 0x25 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, far
38 0x26 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, close
39 0x27 nobstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, medium
40 0x28 nobstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, stopped
41 0x29 nobstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, far
42 0x2a nobstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, close
43 0x2b nobstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, medium
44 0x2c nobstruct, pstop, estop, brake, stopped
45 0x2d nobstruct, pstop, estop, brake, far
46 0x2e nobstruct, pstop, estop, brake, close
47 0x2f nobstruct, pstop, estop, brake, medium
48 0x30 nobstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, stopped
49 0x31 nobstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, far
50 0x32 nobstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, close
51 0x33 nobstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, medium
52 0x34 nobstruct, autop, nestop, brake, stopped
53 0x35 nobstruct, autop, nestop, brake, far
54 0x36 nobstruct, autop, nestop, brake, close
55 0x37 nobstruct, autop, nestop, brake, medium
56 0x38 nobstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, stopped
57 0x39 nobstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, far
58 0x3a nobstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, close
59 0x3b nobstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, medium
60 0x3c nobstruct, autop, estop, brake, stopped
61 0x3d nobstruct, autop, estop, brake, far
62 0x3e nobstruct, autop, estop, brake, close
63 0x3f nobstruct, autop, estop, brake, medium
64 0x40 obstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, stopped
65 0x41 obstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, far
66 0x42 obstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, close
67 0x43 obstruct, manual, nestop, nbrake, medium
68 0x44 obstruct, manual, nestop, brake, stopped
69 0x45 obstruct, manual, nestop, brake, far
70 0x46 obstruct, manual, nestop, brake, close
71 0x47 obstruct, manual, nestop, brake, medium
72 0x48 obstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, stopped
Table 1. Summary of Safety States in Seven-Bit Model
state hex description
73 0x49 obstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, far
74 0x4a obstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, close
75 0x4b obstruct, manual, estop, nbrake, medium
76 0x4c obstruct, manual, estop, brake, stopped
77 0x4d obstruct, manual, estop, brake, far
78 0x4e obstruct, manual, estop, brake, close
79 0x4f obstruct, manual, estop, brake, medium
80 0x50 obstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, stopped
81 0x51 obstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, far
82 0x52 obstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, close
83 0x53 obstruct, cruise, nestop, nbrake, medium
84 0x54 obstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, stopped
85 0x55 obstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, far
86 0x56 obstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, close
87 0x57 obstruct, cruise, nestop, brake, medium
88 0x58 obstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, stopped
89 0x59 obstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, far
90 0x5a obstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, close
91 0x5b obstruct, cruise, estop, nbrake, medium
92 0x5c obstruct, cruise, estop, brake, stopped
93 0x5d obstruct, cruise, estop, brake, far
94 0x5e obstruct, cruise, estop, brake, close
95 0x5f obstruct, cruise, estop, brake, medium
96 0x60 obstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, stopped
97 0x61 obstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, far
98 0x62 obstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, close
99 0x63 obstruct, pstop, nestop, nbrake, medium
100 0x64 obstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, stopped
101 0x65 obstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, far
102 0x66 obstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, close
103 0x67 obstruct, pstop, nestop, brake, medium
104 0x68 obstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, stopped
105 0x69 obstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, far
106 0x6a obstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, close
107 0x6b obstruct, pstop, estop, nbrake, medium
108 0x6c obstruct, pstop, estop, brake, stopped
109 0x6d obstruct, pstop, estop, brake, far
Table 1. Summary of Safety States in Seven-Bit Model
state hex description
110 0x6e obstruct, pstop, estop, brake, close
111 0x6f obstruct, pstop, estop, brake, medium
112 0x70 obstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, stopped
113 0x71 obstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, far
114 0x72 obstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, close
115 0x73 obstruct, autop, nestop, nbrake, medium
116 0x74 obstruct, autop, nestop, brake, stopped
117 0x75 obstruct, autop, nestop, brake, far
118 0x76 obstruct, autop, nestop, brake, close
119 0x77 obstruct, autop, nestop, brake, medium
120 0x78 obstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, stopped
121 0x79 obstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, far
122 0x7a obstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, close
123 0x7b obstruct, autop, estop, nbrake, medium
124 0x7c obstruct, autop, estop, brake, stopped
125 0x7d obstruct, autop, estop, brake, far
126 0x7e obstruct, autop, estop, brake, close
127 0x7f obstruct, autop, estop, brake, medium
128 0x80 collision
In the system observation phase, an operational system was observed and data from that system
were recorded, using the high-speed rail simulation system.
During the experiment, data records were recorded into a disk file by the train simulation
program. The recorded data included periodic summaries of the vehicle state, recording the
vehicle position, speed, and operator input (throttle position) nominally at 600 millisecond
intervals. A higher sampling rate was used when the operator moved the control lever, enabling
more accurate capture of operator actions. Also included in the data file were records of the
operator input at the control buttons, as well as state changes within the vehicle (such as vehicle
system failures).
Because such a comprehensive collection of data was recorded, the resultant data files are large.
Typically, the raw data file for a three-hour session is on the order of 1.5 to 2 megabytes in size.
The raw data file was post-processed by a program named ss_process, which reduces the
raw data to a safety state trajectory as a function of time. The resultant collection of safety state
trajectories was used in phase 3 (model calibration).
Even before entering the model calibration phase, the safety state trajectories provided useful
information. It was feasible to quickly identify the occurrences of the risk event, and the
sequence of states that led up to each risk event. An intuition may be developed about the
relative occurrence of risk events and the causality leading to those occurrences. Such an
intuition, in itself, is useful in general risk assessment and safety engineering.
For example, inspecting 96 safety state trajectories recorded during the control technology
experiment2 allowed identification of 10 grade-crossing collisions. Table 2 lists the sequence of
states that occurred in the 300-second (i.e., 5-minute) interval prior to each collision.3 The state
numbers correspond with the list provided in Table 1. It can be seen that states 70, 78, and 114
can be considered high-risk states, as the state immediately preceding a collision event is always
one of these three. State 70 is the condition where there is an obstruction present in the grade
crossing, the grade crossing is at close range (i.e., the vehicle cannot be stopped before the
crossing using the emergency brake), and the operator is braking with the service brakes only.
State 78 is a similar condition, except that the operator has engaged the emergency brakes.
State 114 is the condition where there is an obstruction in the grade crossing, the crossing is at
close range, but the operator is using the autopilot—neither the service brakes nor the emergency
brakes have been activated.
The safety state trajectories used for this comparison were gathered simultaneously with data gathered for the
control mode experiment. The trajectories included those generated by the formal experimental subjects, as well as
those generated by preliminary subjects. In addition, safety state trajectories from training session road tests were
The “test type” field in Table 2 refers to the level of control automation used during the test run, where “manual”
refers to the case where the operator is in full manual control of the vehicle, “partial” refers to the case where the
operator utilizes both automatic speed control and automated stopping systems, “full” refers to the case where the
operator utilizes a full autopilot system, and “practice” refers to operator training sessions.
4.4 Phase 3 Results—Model Calibration
The purpose of the model calibration phase is to transform the safety state trajectories, generated
during the system observation phase, into a risk transformation function. The risk transformation
function summarizes the relationship between the safety state and the risk probability of failure.
The algorithms for these calculations are presented in Chapter 3.
The collected raw data identifies changes in the binary conditions (used to construct the safety
state values) and the time marks at which those changes occurred. Post-processing of the data
resulted in a time-based trajectory of the safety state values over the course of each test session.
From the safety state trajectory, the number of transitions into each state and the length of time,
in terms of transition periods that each state remained occupied were identified; these data were
accumulated in the statistics matrix (section 3.2.2). The selected time period was one second.
From the statistics matrix, the elements of the Markov state transition matrix were calculated
(equation 3.7).
A graphical representation of the resultant state transition matrix is shown in Figure 7 . In this
view, the height of the surface represents the state transition probability, and the x-axis and y-
axis correspond to the row and column indices of the state transition matrix, respectively. The
point furthest from the viewpoint is the trapping state, with a probability of 1. In effect, the “back
side” of the state transition matrix is viewed as the x-axis corresponds to the columns of the
matrix and the y-axis corresponds to the rows of the matrix. Note that the higher transition
probability values lie along the main diagonal of the matrix—this is an indication that the
average holding time for each of the states is relatively long compared to the time interval used
by the model, and can be used as a criterion for judging the quality of the state transition matrix.
An alternate view of the state transition matrix appears in Figure 8. This view is a plan view of
the matrix, with contour lines showing ridges of equal probability. This view gives a sense of the
sparseness of the state transition matrix, and reinforces the sense that the largest probability
values lie along the main diagonal of the matrix.
Once the state transition matrix was calculated, it was used directly in computation of the mean
time to failure estimates (using equation 3.20). The resultant MTTF output is shown in. The
MTTF, for a given safety state, is an estimate of the expected time interval (expressed in terms of
safety state intervals) that the system will take to reach failure. The MTTF was then converted,
element-by-element, into an equivalent risk probability (using equation 3.23).
Figure 9 shows the risk probability function obtained from the MTTF function shown in Figure
10. Table 3 lists the values of the dynamic risk probability function.4
Consider the meaning of the numbers calculated using safety-state model analysis. The state
transition matrix contains numbers that are (literally) the modeled probability values for
Note that the probability values listed in Table 3 are represented in scientific notation, with the number following
the e representing the power of ten (e.g., 3.665911e-05 is 3.665911x10-05, which also may be represented as
0.00003665911). Since many of the probability values are extremely small numbers, one method for quickly
identifying the riskiest states is a cursory inspection of the exponent values.
transition from one state to another. These probability values are specified relative to the
sampling time period. Thus, the mathematical statement pi , j = x is interpreted as follows:
Given that the system is in state i, the system will transition to state j with probability x within
the next sampling period. The value of x lies in the interval [0,1] inclusive, where x = 0 means
that the system will never transition from state i to state j, and x = 1 means that the system will
always transition from state i to state j.
The MTTF is an expression of the amount of time, on average, that the system will take to reach
the failure state from a given operating state. Thus, a state with large MTTF has less risk than a
state with small MTTF. Note that there is no specification of the path leading from the given
operational state to the failure state—the MTTF is path-independent.5
The equivalent risk probability is used as an alternative means of interpreting the calculated
MTTF values. These values are not true probabilities, in the same sense as the state transition
matrix elements. Instead, they provide a mechanism for using MTTF values to compare dynamic
risk as a function of system state.
The risk probability function was subsequently applied to the safety state trajectories. The
outputs of the model calibration phase (i.e., the dynamic risk probability trajectories) are also
useful. Through knowledge of the risk probability function, the states that have a high relative
risk probability can be identified. For example, by inspecting Figure 9 and Table 3, state 706 can
be identified as the highest risk state. Other high-risk states include 78, 66, 98, and 114.7 This
analysis provides quantitative evidence of the intuition developed in the system observation
It is important to keep in mind the test conditions when inspecting the numbers that result from safety state
analysis. In the example presented, where the occurrence of accidents was much higher by design than an
acceptable operational rail system, the MTTF numbers are relatively low. In fact, the absolute level of the MTTF
values depends on the overall risk level of the system—a relatively risky system will have lower MTTF numbers
than a less risky system, by virtue of the fact that accidents are more common. The true value of the MMTF values
lies in the relative differences between MTTF values for a set of states for a given system, allowing identification of
higher risk conditions and the occurrence of near collisions. If a system under analysis has a set of MTTF values
which are all relatively close in value, then the analysis, as designed, is not able to identify high risk conditions or
causal paths.
State 70 corresponds to the case where the operator is using manual control, the track is obstructed, the emergency
stop system has not been engaged, the operator is braking, and the vehicle is near enough to the obstruction that it
could not be stopped even with the emergency brake applied (Table 3).
State 78 is the same as state 70, except that the emergency brake has been engaged. State 66 is the same as
state 70, except that the operator has not applied the brakes. In state 98, the operator is using the programmed stop
system, the track is obstructed, neither the service nor emergency brakes are being used, and the vehicle is too near
the obstacle to stop. State 114 is the same as state 98, except the autopilot system is in use.
Figure 7. State Transition Matrix (Mesh View)
Figure 8. State Transition Matrix (Contour View)
Figure 9. Risk Probability as a Function of Safety State
Figure 10. MTTF as a Function of Safety State
Table 3. Risk Function Values
state risk probability
0 3.665911e-05
1 3.670811e-05
2 3.673025e-05
3 3.683592e-05
4 3.656192e-05
5 3.668415e-05
6 3.682628e-05
7 3.691074e-05
8 3.666303e-05
9 3.688520e-05
10 3.826712e-05
11 3.746290e-05
12 3.658067e-05
13 3.668879e-05
14 3.805374e-05
15 3.699488e-05
16 3.712783e-05
17 3.669579e-05
18 3.670769e-05
19 3.676927e-05
20 3.717917e-05
21 3.677300e-05
22 3.798726e-05
23 3.737859e-05
24 3.726584e-05
25 3.739357e-05
26 3.803250e-05
27 3.771626e-05
28 3.763017e-05
29 3.761168e-05
30 3.847551e-05
31 3.783688e-05
32 3.666176e-05
33 3.669719e-05
34 3.700730e-05
Table 3. Risk Function Values
state risk probability
35 3.718579e-05
36 3.691381e-05
37 3.675101e-05
38 3.811438e-05
39 3.737176e-05
40 3.718822e-05
41 3.727720e-05
42 3.813179e-05
43 3.775556e-05
44 3.714476e-05
45 3.707438e-05
46 3.824729e-05
47 3.769418e-05
48 3.667969e-05
49 3.683916e-05
50 3.685009e-05
51 3.691703e-05
52 3.731020e-05
53 3.708427e-05
54 3.810838e-05
55 3.759305e-05
56 3.731806e-05
57 3.760678e-05
58 3.822687e-05
59 3.780334e-05
60 3.767245e-05
61 3.768800e-05
62 3.853966e-05
63 3.789223e-05
64 4.072072e-05
65 3.670344e-03
66 8.954155e-02
67 4.102894e-05
68 3.729218e-05
69 2.172839e-04
Table 3. Risk Function Values
state risk probability
70 1.718398e-01
71 4.018481e-05
72 3.839946e-05
73 3.831102e-05
74 4.563649e-05
75 3.885834e-05
76 3.689360e-05
77 3.694418e-05
78 1.589488e-01
79 3.716552e-05
80 4.026902e-05
81 4.043406e-05
82 4.415102e-05
83 4.074997e-05
84 3.966327e-05
85 3.986338e-05
86 4.470954e-05
87 4.014169e-05
88 3.892607e-05
89 3.891547e-05
90 4.110291e-05
91 3.924490e-05
92 3.904216e-05
93 3.909455e-05
94 4.288274e-05
95 3.924964e-05
96 4.065515e-05
97 4.067023e-05
98 4.682744e-02
99 4.117748e-05
100 3.960947e-05
101 3.973881e-05
102 4.510500e-05
103 3.989938e-05
104 3.916737e-05
Table 3. Risk Function Values
state risk probability
105 3.921421e-05
106 4.156458e-05
107 3.946551e-05
108 3.851417e-05
109 3.873631e-05
110 4.280711e-05
111 3.904190e-05
112 4.069965e-05
113 4.061480e-05
114 4.057289e-02
115 4.141718e-05
116 3.979895e-05
117 4.000007e-05
118 4.527933e-05
119 4.031103e-05
120 3.893162e-05
121 3.916019e-05
122 4.193459e-05
123 3.946246e-05
124 3.908867e-05
125 3.916637e-05
126 4.305445e-05
127 3.931972e-05
The risk estimation phase is the phase in which the risk probability function is applied to the
safety state trajectories. A safety state trajectory output from the system observation phase is a
summary of the safety state values (as a function of time) of one test session. The risk probability
function transforms each safety state into a dynamic risk probability trajectory. A dynamic risk
probability can also be thought of as an instantaneous risk probability trajectory, as it
summarizes the dynamic risk probability as it changes with time.
Samples of instantaneous risk trajectories appear in Figure 11 and Figure 12. These figures show
the instantaneous risk probability trajectories for some of the experimental sessions run as part of
the control technology experiment. Each figure plots several trajectories for a
single operator, representing several test sessions for that operator. The y-axis label indicates the
automation level of the test. The formal test included three separate test sessions for each
operator: manual mode (where the operator was responsible for all throttle and braking input),
partial automation (in which the operator used cruise control and programmed stop systems),
and full automation (in which a full autopilot was employed). In addition, the random test
variant corresponds to the second training session, where a random process generated the failure
scenarios and the operator was free to select from the available control modes.
Figure 11 through Figure 16 show two representative samples of the test data collected. Figure
11 and Figure 12 show the instantaneous risk trajectories, representing the equivalent risk
probability as a function of time (via the safety state trajectory). In these figures, four plots are
shown, correlating to the four separate test sessions for each subject. Figure 12 and Figure 15
show the cumulative risk trajectories, which are time-integrated functions of the instantaneous
trajectories. In the cumulative plots, the solid line corresponds to the manual mode test session,
the dash-dot-dot line with the partial automation variant, the dashed line with the full automation
test, and the dash-dot line with the random test session.
Figure 13 and Figure 16 show the average risk trajectories, where the cumulative risk is divided
by the accrued time.
These three types of figures show three different ways of interpreting the safety state analysis
data. The instantaneous plots allow identification of specific points in time where high risk
activity occurs, allowing rapid identification of near collision situations. The cumulative plots
estimate the overall likelihood that a failure will occur. An alternate way to consider the
cumulative plot is as a predictor of the number of accidents that the operator should have had.
The steadily increasing trend in the cumulative plots underscores the notion of risk exposure,
discussed in Chapter 2. Finally, the averaged plots provide a sense of how well an operator
recovers from high risk situations and provides an estimate of average risk level for a given
operator and session.
Figure 11 through Figure 16 show the relative performance of two test subjects in the control
technology experiment. Subject 18 (Figure 11 through
Figure 13) exhibited behavior that was on the high end of the risk spectrum. This subject
experienced two collisions, one each in the full automation and random tests. Inspecting the
instantaneous risk trajectories and noting the high- risk spikes that are evident easily identify the
collision events. These spikes immediately preceded the actual collisions, indicating that the
subject entered an extremely high-risk state immediately prior to each collision. In the manual
mode test session, the subject experienced one period of moderately high risk, while in the
partial automation test, maximum risk levels are much lower in magnitude than the other test
sessions. The cumulative and average risk trajectories reflect the high-risk states as expected.
Subject 7, by contrast, had a total of five moderately high-level risk situations, distributed
throughout the four test sessions. Each of these situations could be interpreted as a near collision
event. However, none of these situations resulted in collision, indicating that subject 7 displayed
good response to potentially risky situations. Inspection of the cumulative risk trajectories shows
that subject 7 displayed very consistent performance relative to risk level; the average risk
trajectories support this assessment as well (note the scale of the vertical axis).
Using the safety state analysis to compare the risk-related performance of subjects 18 and 7, we
can conclude that: The test results of subject 18 show evidence of ability to complete a test
session with extremely low risk behavior. However, subject 18 is more likely to have a collision
when higher risk situations emerge. Subject 7, on the other hand, while experiencing a greater
number of near collision situations, was able to effectively control the vehicle through those
situations and avert any higher levels of risk.
Figure 11. Instantaneous Risk Trajectories—Subject 18
Figure 12. Cumulative Risk Trajectories—Subject 18
Figure 13. Average Risk Trajectories—Subject 18
Figure 14. Instantaneous Risk Trajectories—Subject 7
Figure 15. Instantaneous Risk Trajectories—Subject 7
Figure 16. Average Risk Trajectories —Subject 7
4.6 Discussion
As a brief summary, the goal of the safety-state model is to identify the risk probability of an
unrecoverable failure event in a complex system that includes human operator input. The
fundamental notion is that actual failures are preceded by system states that could be described
as near collisions, and that near collisions occur much more frequently than actual failures. If the
system states that constitute near collisions can be identified, steps can be taken to avoid these
states and thus reduce the number of actual failures.
A number of interesting details become apparent during application of the safety-state model.
First, there is the state transition matrix. Because the state transition matrix is a two-dimensional
matrix, the values of state transition probabilities can be shown as a surface in a three-
dimensional space. In this type of representation, the row and column indices of the transition
matrix constitute the x-axis and y-axis, respectively, of the three-dimensional space, and the
transition probabilities are represented as the height of the surface. As shown in Figure 17, there
is a row of “mountains” down the main diagonal axis, which corresponds to the main diagonal of
the state transition matrix. The values of these elements are generally the largest in the matrix,
with the last element being the largest overall. The diagonal elements represent the probabilities
of remaining in the same state during a transition period. Note that, provided the measurement
period for the state transitions is sufficiently small compared to the holding times for the states,
this is an expected condition, and it can be used as a qualitative judge of the sampling period. If
the holding times were on the same order as the time slice interval, then there is a possibility that
the model might not have captured state occupancies during the system observation phase,
suggesting that the specified time slice interval was too large. The last element (i.e., where
S(i)=128 and S(j)=128) is the probability of holding in the trapping state, which is (by definition)
equal to one—this is the largest possible value in the state transition matrix, and should only
occur in this matrix element.
There is also a distinct pattern shown in the remaining “mountains” in the figure. The
“mountains” tend to form lines that are parallel to the main diagonal, and they tend to be grouped
into distinct “sub-matrix” patterns. These patterns correspond to state changes that occur as a
result of only one binary condition changing state. (In other words, the numerical relationship
between the two numbers is that the binary representations differ by only one bit.) As a general
rule, the patterns as observed are desirable, as they indicate that the sampling period is short
enough to separately identify changes in individual binary conditions.
Also consider the evolution of the risk trajectory. Data from 96 test and training sessions was
used in the model calibration phase. After each safety state trajectory was added to the statistics
matrix, the state transition matrix, MTTF function, and risk function were calculated.
In Figure 17 the evolution of the risk probability function is shown. The safety state is shown
along the x-axis. The z-axis represents the risk probability. The y-axis represents the number of
files that have been included to that point. If a plane parallel to the x-z plane (perpendicular to
the y-axis) were sliced, the intersection with the surface would be the risk function after y files
were incorporated.
The resultant surface is quite interesting. When a smaller number of files are included (i.e., if an
x-z plane were isolated at a small value of y), the risk probability function is relatively flat,
indicating that, as far as is known from the available data, there is no significant difference in
risk probability between the states. The notion correlates with the intuitive sense, because until
there is a collision, do not assume that one will happen (and hence Pf is an array of zeros). As the
number of trajectories increases, and the number of recorded collisions rises, safety state
trajectory paths with collisions are incorporated into the state transition matrix, and peaks start to
appear in the risk function. By the tail end of the evolution, that is, after many of the safety state
trajectories have been incorporated, the patterns have leveled out along the y-axis. This trend
indicates that there exists a point where additional data does not substantially change the shape
of the risk function (Figure 17). At that point, the average behavior of the system has been
Finally, to calibrate the results, the collision data from the tests were compared to the expected
number of collisions that are predicted by the model. During the practice and test sessions, there
were a total of 10 collisions (Table 2). In addition, there were 20 training sessions, during which
there were a total of 22 collisions. Thus, there were a total of 32 collisions that occurred in the
data used for model calibration. From the safety-state model data, the final values of the
cumulative risk trajectories were added across the complete set of trajectories to arrive at a
predicted value for the total number of collisions. The predicted value, from the available data,
was calculated to be 36.7 expected collisions, which compares well with the actual number of
Based on the overall results found, the authors believe that the safety-state model is a useful tool
for estimating the dynamic risk probability.
Figure 17. Evolution of Risk Probability Function
The overall objective of this research was to develop a method for estimating the dynamic risk
probability in complex dynamic systems. An underlying assumption is the existence of dynamic
risk probability as a function of system state. It is intuitively clear that the probability of
occurrence of a “bad event” depends on the state of the system. This is supported by the accepted
notion of a near collision. The research detailed here focused on finding a method for estimating
dynamic risk probability, thus providing a quantitative measure for comparing the risk-related
performance of human operators in complex human/machine systems.
The work can be considered in terms of three major components. The first, contained in
Chapter 2, covered a top-level review of safety analysis and a discussion of the interrelationship
between safety, risk, and system reliability. This section also included a brief review of existing
risk assessment methods and evaluation of the applicability of those methods for estimating
dynamic risk probability. This work led to the following conclusions:
• Risk is the relative level of chance that the health and well being of a person is
• Risk is a function of both the chance that a bad event (an accident) will occur and the
magnitude of the outcome, relative to the health and well being of human beings, when
an accident occurs.
The second component, covered in Chapter 3, focused on developing a theoretical method for
estimating the risk probability. The approach developed was based on discrete finite Markov
process analysis. The system state (safety state) was defined as the exhaustive combination of a
finite set of binary conditions, each of which may be contributory to the occurrence of a
particular accident. The accident itself is modeled as a trapping state, as it is not reversible. The
resultant collection of safety states is considered to be a Markov process. Markov process
analysis is used to determine the MTTF for each individual operational state. The MTTF
estimate is then converted into an equivalent risk probability, thus creating a risk probability
function that transforms system state into risk probability.
The third component, in Chapter 4, was experimental demonstration of the safety-state model.
Demonstration was accomplished through application of the safety-state model for evaluation of
operator performance in high-speed rail. The goal was demonstrating viability of the developed
method. Data were obtained in conjunction with a human factors experiment evaluating control
technology in high-speed rail. A five-condition, seven-bit safety-state model was defined. The
risk event evaluated was a grade crossing collision. The safety-state model processed the data
The experimental results demonstrate that the safety-state model is a useful tool for evaluating
dynamic risk probability. This conclusion is based on the following:
1. The method for generating the Markov process state transition matrix from raw collected
data proved successful. The form of the resultant state transition matrix closely matched
2. The method for transforming the state transition matrix to estimates of MTTF, as
function of system state, was successful. This was verified by performing the calculations
using both the direct method (equation 3.20), which was derived using two independent
approaches, and the iterative method (equation 3.12) as verification.
3. The method for transforming the MTTF function to the equivalent risk probability
function was successful. Inspection of the resultant risk probability function allowed
rapid identification of system states having relatively high risk.
4. The method of applying the risk probability function to create instantaneous risk
probability trajectories was successful. Inspection of the resultant instantaneous risk
trajectories allowed rapid identification of the causal chain of system states leading to
accidents. In addition, inspection of the instantaneous risk trajectories allowed rapid
quantitative identification of near collision situations.
Several issues have been raised, which present the opportunity for future development of the
method. The primary limitation of the method is the exponential growth of the system state
number with an increasing number of binary conditions. An appropriate approach to mitigate this
shortcoming is by exploring parallel processing computer technologies. In addition, there are
issues with sensor requirements and data storage and processing which could be addressed.
Finally, on the theoretical front, the model should be extended to address multiple failure events
with a single safety-state model.
4. closed system,
Two examples in transportation particularly well suited for experimental application of the
safety-state model are high-speed passenger rail and auto racing. While an experimental
application to high-speed rail would provide a more direct path for general application, there is a
significant shortage of implemented systems available for evaluation. Auto racing, on the other
hand, provides the advantages of availability, as well as providing a highly dynamic and risky
environment that would allow rapid generation of pertinent data. Additionally, many forms of
auto racing already include a high level of sensor data and telemetry for communicating the
sensor data with ground stations.
In conclusion, the safety-state model is shown to be a viable approach for evaluating dynamic
risk probability in complex systems. It is recommended that experimental research on the safety-
state model be continued.
An important component of this research has been the development of a high-speed rail
simulation system. This system was developed for the purpose of performing laboratory
experiments, and is categorized as a distributed interactive simulation system. It is interactive in
the sense that it is designed to be used by human operators in real-time—a “virtual reality”
system for high-speed rail operation. The simulation system is considered a distributed system
because it operates on multiple computers, which are interconnected by a local area network.
This appendix describes the design and implementation of the simulation system, from a systems
perspective. The following sections discuss the goals and motivations of the simulation system,
the system architecture and related design issues, the active elements of the simulation, the
support elements of the system, some software engineering issues, and a summary of the
configurations used for the experiments.
The overall objective of this simulation system is to provide a virtual environment for high-speed
rail operations, with the intent of using the system for laboratory-based human factors studies.
As a result, the overall performance requirements of the system are to provide a sufficiently
realistic environment for human-in-the-loop operation, such that the task objectives and
constraints of the real operational tasks can be met.
In rail operation, there are two primary classes of operating personnel: locomotive engineers and
train dispatchers. The locomotive engineers perform their duties in the vehicle, generally in the
cab and while the vehicle is in motion. Their primary task is speed and position control of the
vehicles, which includes detection and reaction to emergency situations. The train dispatchers
perform their duties from the wayside. Their primary tasks include control of the switching
points and overall system coordination.
The high-speed rail simulation system has provision for supporting complex rail system
operations. The system supports multiple system elements, each implemented on one or more
computer system, operating in conjunction with one another and communicating over a local
area network.
During the development of the simulation system, considerable effort was spent addressing
issues relating to the system architecture. Broadly speaking, the term “system architecture” refers
to the organization, interconnection, and functionality of the individual elements that comprise
the system. In the case of a human-interactive simulation system, these issues include design of
storage representations for the various databases, specifying the mechanisms for
intercommunication between the computers that form the system, and identifying appropriate
user interfaces.
A.2.1 Road Data Base Representation
One characteristic of rail systems is that they cover large distances over paths of very small
width. Because these vehicles operate at ground level and along narrow paths, the view from a
rail vehicle is quite limited relative to the distance traveled. This is in stark contrast to the view
from an air vehicle, which is unobstructed over a wide area. In addition, an air vehicle is not
constrained to narrow corridors, like a rail vehicle. As a result, air vehicle simulators must be
able to reproduce a wide area of visual field to a reasonable resolution. For the purposes of a rail
vehicle simulation, however, the topology can be reduced to a network of interconnected paths.
An explicit design objective was to incorporate dynamic elements in the environment. Pertinent
to rail operation, these include signal states, switch states, weather conditions, and hazards. In
order to achieve this, the design of the database must include variables for these states. In
addition, a mechanism must be provided for communicating state changes among the simulation
Two distinct data base formats were designed to address these issues. One was designed to
capture the topology of the road itself (the road data base), while the second was designed for
representation of the objects that appear along the road (the object data base). Although the two
are interrelated (through reference to the same inertial coordinate system), they are implemented
as separate entities. This is because only a subset of the active simulator elements requires the
information contained in the object database, while all of the simulation elements require the
road database.
The road database contains all of the information required to describe the network of guideway
paths that comprise the road system. In the abstract form, the network is composed of nodes and
links. Each link is a path between two nodes, and each node is a point where links interconnect.
The network is a collection of nodes and links.
To describe these elements, four data structures are defined: the road segment, the road unit, the
connection unit, and the network header. A road data base is a binary file containing all of these
data structures, organized with the network header first, followed by arrays of the other three
data structures as shown in Figure 18. The data structures are organized as multiple linked lists,
using indices into the respective arrays as the linking mechanism.
The most basic element is a road segment. A road segment is defined as a piece of road that has a
fixed start point (represented in X-Y-Z coordinates, as well as heading, grade, and banking), a
fixed length, a constant curvature in heading, and a constant curvature in pitch. The data
structure for a road segment contains the preceding data, as well as dynamic state information
(for signals, hazards, and weather) and a link to the parent road. A ‘C’ program implementation
of the road element data structure is shown in Figure 19.
A road unit is defined as a collection of road segments that collectively form an uninterrupted
path. The data structure for the road contains links to the segments that define the start and end
of the road, as well as the connection points that are used to connect this road to other roads.
These links are specified as indices into the arrays that contain the road element and connection
unit data structures. The data structure also contains a name for the road. A ‘C’ implementation
of the road unit data structure is shown in Figure 20.
A connection point is defined as a point at which two or more roads interconnect. In a rail
system, these are used to represent switches, stations, and entry points. The data structure for a
connection point (known as a connection unit) contains the links to the roads that connect at this
point. It also contains a state variable, used by connection points that have a dynamic state (such
as a switch), and a name. As with the road unit, the connection unit references the road unit links
via indices into the road unit structure array. A ‘C’ implementation of the road unit data structure
is shown Figure 21.
The highest level data structure is the network header. This data structure contains all of the
information that organizes the individual arrays into a system, including the locations and sizes
of the individual arrays, as well as the name and type revision of the system. A ‘C’
implementation of the network header data structure is shown in Figure 22.
/* definition of the road segment structure (and fields) */
struct road_element { /* one for each individual road piece */
int road; /* index of parent road unit */
float pitch; /* aka grade (radians) */
float curvature; /* inverse turning radius (1/meters) */
float banking; /* tilt of roadway (radians) */
float x_position; /* distance east of origin (m) */
float y_position; /* distance north of origin (m) */
float elevation; /* above sea level (meters) */
float orientation; /* inertial yaw angle (radians) */
unsigned int hazard_class; /* potential hazard class (bit-encoded) */
unsigned int hazard_state; /* hazard state (bit-encoded) */
float hazard_position; /* relative to start of segment */
unsigned int weather_state; /* weather state (value-encoded) */
/* lower 8 bits are reserved for temperature information (deg C) */
#define WEATHER_CODE_MASK 0xffffff00
#define WEATHER_TEMP_MASK 0x000000ff
unsigned int signal_class_up; /* signal class (upstream) */
unsigned int signal_state_up; /* signal state (upstream) */
unsigned int signal_class_dwn; /* signal class (downstream) */
unsigned int signal_state_dwn; /* signal state (downstream) */
#define NO_SIGNAL 0x00000000
#define RAIL_CLEAR 0x00000001
#define RAIL_APP_START 0x00000002
#define RAIL_APP_MED 0x00000004
#define RAIL_APPROACH 0x00000008
#define RAIL_CAUTION 0x00000010
#define RAIL_RESTRICT 0x00000020
#define RAIL_STOP 0x00000040
unsigned int speed_limit; /* speed limit (value-encoded, kph) */
float segment_length; /* length of this segment */
Figure 19. Road Segment Data Structure
/* definition of the connect unit structure (and fields) */
struct connect_unit { /* for each connection */
char connect_id[16]; /* identifier string */
unsigned int connect_type; /* type code */
#define RAIL_ENTRY 0x0001 /* termination point */
#define RAIL_SWITCH 0x0002 /* switch */
#define RAIL_STATION 0x0004 /* station */
#define RAIL_INTERSECT 0x0008 /* track crossing */
#define HWY_ENTRY 0x0010 /* end of the road */
#define HWY_RAMP 0x0020 /* on-ramp/off-ramp */
#define HWY_INTERSECT 0x0080 /* intersection */
int connect_state; /* connection state */
/* definition of connection state is TBD */
#define CU_MAX 6 /* maximum is 6-way intersection (?) */
int connect_point[CU_MAX]; /* road unit index array */
/* (organization depends on type of connect) */
Figure 21. Connection Unit Data Structure
The object database is used for representation of the visual environment. This database is
independent of the road environment database, in that they are contained in separate disk files
and there are no references or links between them. However, they are related in that they share
the same “physical” space. The visual environment database contains all of the information
necessary to specify the objects in the visual field. In effect, the visual environment database is a
comprehensive list of objects that exist in the visual field.
Like the road database, the object database is implemented as a set of arrays of data structures,
which contain links between different levels of data structures. This database is different from
the road environment database in that it is more hierarchical (Figure 24).
connections roads segments
segment m
road j
segment m+n
connection i
segment p
road k
segment p+q
vertex m
face j
vertex m+n
object i
vertex p
face j+k
vertex p+q
A face is defined as a single polygon that is part of the object. A face has the property of color,
and the data structure includes the number of vertices that form the face and reference to that list
of vertices. A vertex is a point in inertial space, and all of the vertices that form the objects in the
database are contained in a single list. The data structure for each vertex contains specification of
the three-dimensional point that locates the vertex.
The objects defined by the visual environment database are static. That is, they have no dynamic
state, and their parameters cannot change in time. The data structures that are used for
specification of the linked list interconnections are shown in Figure 25 through Figure 28. The
data is stored in a binary disk file. Creation and modification of these binary files is
accomplished using Pathnet.
/* define the representation of an object face polygon */
struct obj_face {
float rcolor; /* color coding */
float gcolor;
float bcolor;
int vertex_cnt; /* number of vertices in the face */
int vertex1_indx;
struct vpoint *vertex1_vptr;
float oriented; /* outward direction of face (wrt E) (horizontal) */
Figure 27. Object Data Base, Face Data Structure
/* define the representation of a polygon vertex point */
struct vpoint {
float y_pt; /* north of origin */
float z_pt; /* elevation above origin */
float x_pt; /* east of origin */
Figure 28. Object Data Base, Vertex Data Structure
The individual simulation elements are programs that run on high-performance graphics
workstations. These workstations are interconnected via a local area network. The
interconnection protocol used for these connections is generically TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol, Internet Protocol). Specifically, the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) protocol is used,
which is layered above IP (Internet Protocol).
The selection of this protocol is a significant element of the system architecture. The alternative
protocol, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), is connection-oriented and has guaranteed
reliability, while UDP is a connectionless datagram protocol. In other words, using TCP, each
data packet sent from one machine to another is guaranteed to be delivered, regardless of the
time required. If a network failure prevents a packet from reaching its destination, it will be
retransmitted until successfully received. The UDP protocol, on the other hand, is a datagram-
based protocol, without guaranteed reliability. This means that once a packet has been sent out
on the network, there are no mechanisms in place to check for receipt or to retransmit the packet
if it does not reach its destination.
In the case of a distributed interactive simulation system, the information being broadcast over
the network is real-time state data, which is more sensitive to transmission delay than reliability.
The vehicle state data, which includes current vehicle position and speed, is time-sensitive and is
transmitted fairly frequently (about once every half-second). The implication is that, if a
datagram packet was not properly received, an updated packet (with more recent information)
would be sent in a time frame that is comparable to that which would be required for
retransmission of the original packet.
A.2.3 OTW View
The vehicle simulation includes an out-the-window (OTW) viewport for the locomotive
engineer. Through this view, the operator can look out into the physical environment and see
objects that exist in that environment. These objects are rendered as true three-dimensional
objects, and maintain true perspective as the viewer moves through the environment.
True three-dimensional graphics require an immense amount of computational power, and are
best implemented on specialized graphics workstations. The platform used for this
implementation is an Indigo-2 Extreme workstation, manufactured by Silicon Graphics Inc.
(SGI). This machine was considered a mid-line platform at the time of purchase (January 1995),
and boasts computational performance of approximately 100 Megaflops and graphics
performance of approximately 150,000 polygons per second.
Despite the specialized hardware, there remain limitations with synthesizing the OTW view. It
was determined by the project team that, to maintain a jitter-free view, the frame update rate
should be 20 frames per second or greater. In order to maintain this rate, and to enhance the
perception of motion, several steps were taken in the design of the OTW view.
A night view was selected to reduce the number of required background objects. The view of
objects up the track diminishes in light intensity, giving the perception that the vehicle headlights
light the objects. To support that perception, the intensity of the block signal lights does not
diminish with distance, since those signals are sources of light emission instead of light
To limit the drawing requirements, the objects along the wayside are drawn as wire-frame
objects. That is, only the outlines of the objects are drawn, and it is possible to see through the
objects. In addition, objects are constructed from a small collection of fundamental shapes. This
collection includes a cube, a pyramid, and an octagonal column. More complex objects are
constructed from these basic shapes, such as a building or a pedestrian bridge.
Certain objects in the view are filled as solid shapes. These include the rails, the roadbed, the
grade crossing roadway, and cars going across the grade crossing. Also painted as solids are the
block signs and the kilometer posts, as they provide information via numerals on the signs.
In summary, the design of the OTW view represents a compromise between the desire to provide
a realistic visual environment and the available computational resources. The resultant
implementation provides a limited fidelity view with a medium fidelity frame rate. Despite the
limitations, the view provides sufficient quality and task cues to allow immersion into the task of
vehicle operation.
In the high-speed rail simulation system, the executable programs described as active simulation
elements are those software modules that execute when the simulator is in operation. The current
implementation of the system has two distinct types of active simulation elements: vehicle
simulations and central traffic control (CTC) simulations. A vehicle simulation provides a human
operator with a user interface that reasonably resembles an actual vehicle. These generally
require two workstations for operation. A CTC simulation approximates the interface used by a
human CTC operator.
The system architecture has been designed to support multiple vehicles coexisting in a common
virtual environment, as well as multiple CTC interfaces. However, to date, the current
implementation has been tested with only one each of the vehicle and CTC simulation elements.
The following subsections give a brief overview of the active simulation elements. As these
programs total approximately 50,000 lines of C source code, a detailed description is beyond the
scope of this document. Instead, the intent is to highlight the major feature of each. Unless
otherwise specified, the software described was designed and developed by the first author.
The CTC simulation element provides an interface at which a human CTC operator can control a
rail system. The primary display is a two-dimensional plan display of the rail system. This
display is geometrically correct, providing the operator with an accurate view of the road curves
and interconnections.
The individual block segments are identified with white marks at the block boundaries. Each
block segment is color-coded, indicating the most restrictive signal level in that block. At the
highest level of resolution (zoom), the block segment is shown with two lines, representing the
signal indications in both directions. The actual color-coding of the signals varies with the
The stations are depicted as magenta rectangles, and are identified by name alongside the icon.
The switches are identified with magenta circles. At the highest level of resolution, a text display
of detailed block information is available, which includes signal status.
The primary input mechanism for the CTC operator is the computer mouse. Using this device,
the operator is able to zoom up and down (i.e., decrease or increase the field of view), as well as
pan (i.e., move left or right) and tilt (i.e., move up or down). The operator also uses the mouse to
change the state of a switch. Through the use of select function keys on the keyboard, the
operator can alter the state of a signal, either setting or clearing a signal in either direction.
In general, the signals are controlled automatically by the CTC simulation. The CTC simulation
element takes the role of an automatic switch system, sensing the position of vehicles in the
system and setting the signals accordingly. In this capacity, the CTC simulation acts as the
responsible agent for the state of the system signals and switches. The CTC simulation initiates
the change of any signal or switch state, and it is the responsibility of the CTC simulation to
apprise all active vehicle simulations of the changes in signal and switch states as they occur.
To date, there are two versions of the CTC simulation. These differ only in the implementation
of the signal control system—one version is set up to provide a seven-aspect signal system (in
support of the display-aiding experiment), while the other provides a five-aspect signaling
system (for the control mode experiment, described herein).
A.3.2 Vehicle Simulation—Display-Aided Version
For the purposes of the display-aiding experiment (Askey 1995, Askey and Sheridan 1995), a
train simulation was developed which featured advanced display technology. At the core of the
simulation is a real-time process loop that includes the vehicle dynamics and user interface I/O
processing. The primary user input devices are a throttle lever, mounted to the table near the
computer display, the computer keyboard, and the computer mouse. The sole output device is the
computer display.
The vehicle operation simulates that of an actual rail vehicle. This includes accurate vehicle
dynamics, as well as realistic safety systems. The safety systems include an alerter system, which
is used to ensure that the operator remains active in system operation, and an advanced train
protection (ATP) system, which automatically enforces speed limit compliance.
A significant feature of this simulation is the capability for providing advanced displays to the
user. These are enabled via command line options when execution of the program is initiated. In
the basic mode, the fundamental instruments are provided for the operator. These include a
speedometer, odometer, vehicle system instruments (such as brake pressure, power supply
voltage, and door status), in-cab signal indicator, system status and warning lights (such as
emergency brake status, alerter warning, and ATP warning), and throttle position indicator.
The next level of display aiding includes a preview display. The purpose of the preview display
is to provide the operator with information about the state of the roadway beyond that visible
through the OTW view. The additional information includes block boundaries, miles boundaries,
civil and signal speed limits, multi-block signal preview, and position of stations (among others).
The operator, allowing trade-off between range and resolution, may adjust the preview distance.
The next level of display aiding includes a predictor display. This display adds three curves that
project from the current position and speed indicator. The topmost line provides a prediction of
the speed trajectory, assuming that the throttle is maintained at the current level. Modulating the
throttle will cause this prediction to change. The middle line indicates the stopping speed
trajectory when full service braking is used. The bottom line indicates a similar trajectory for the
emergency brake. Both of the braking trajectories are a function of speed alone. This display
allows an operator to improve the strategic planning of throttle and brake application to suit the
conditions that are shown in the preview display.
The highest level of aiding includes the advisor display. The advisor display shows a pre-
computed speed trajectory that has been optimized for various higher-order performance factors,
such as fuel consumption and passenger comfort. This speed trajectory is overlaid on the
preview display. The operator then attempts to manipulate the throttle and brakes so that the
predictor display matches the advised speed trajectory.
The train simulation has the option of providing an OTW viewport in the upper third of the
display area. In addition, the simulation can be configured to drive an external OTW server, as
described in Section A.3.4.
The train simulation provides a recording system for storing vehicle data that occurs during
system operation. The data are stored in the form of ASCII data records, each of which contains
a time stamp, an event code, the position and speed of the vehicle, and additional information as
To suit the needs of the control mode experiment (described in detail in Lanzilotta & Sheridan,
1998), a second train simulation was implemented. Because the advanced displays, as used in the
display-aiding experiment, were not relevant for the control mode experiment, the instrument
panel was redesigned to better utilize the available space for the basic instrument set. In addition,
the instruments themselves were redesigned to more closely approximate instruments currently
in use. The primary input devices are the throttle lever and the computer keyboard. The output
device is the computer screen.
The overall functional operation of this train simulation is similar to that of the train described in
Section A.3.2. The vehicle dynamics approximate those of an actual vehicle, and the same safety
systems (alerter and ATP) are included.
The instrument panel display provides the basic instruments for vehicle operation. At the center
is a large round speedometer, with a red pointer for the current speed and a smaller yellow
pointer behind for use with the control systems. The in-cab signaling system is located above the
speedometer, and contains indications for both the current block (the signal most recently
passed) and the next block (the upcoming signal). There are four small round gauges for system
state monitoring, including brake pressure, bearing temperature, and trolley voltage. The vertical
LED bars are ammeters to indicate the current applied to each of the four traction motors. There
are status and warning indicator lights for emergency brake status, ATP warning, alerter
warning, and door status, as well as a clock and indicator lights for the control modes.
There are three control modes: cruise control, programmed stop, and autopilot. The cruise
control system operates much like an automotive cruise control—the operator selects a desired
cruise speed, and the system maintains that speed, applying throttle as required. The operator
also has provision for making fine adjustments of the set speed, via keyboard button inputs. The
control loop for the cruise control is based on a proportional-integral (PI) control loop for speed.
The programmed stop system is designed to stop the vehicle at designated stopping points. This
implementation stops the vehicle at the end of the current block. (Stations are always located at a
block junction.) The programmed stop system uses a look-up table, based on the stopping curves
for the vehicle, to modulate the brakes such that the vehicle stops at the appropriate point. There
are several safeguards to prevent dangerous situations from occurring. The first is an overspeed
protector—the programmed stop system cannot be properly engaged if the vehicle speed is
above a preset threshold. Another safety system guards against late application—if the speed is
too great at the position of application for the vehicle to be stopped using the service brakes, the
system detects a fault. In both cases, the emergency brake is applied.
The autopilot system utilizes a pre-programmed speed trajectory, and uses both the traction
motors and the brake system to maintain that speed. In effect, the pre-programmed speed
trajectory takes the place of the operator command to the cruise control system. In addition, the
autopilot makes use of the brake system to slow the vehicle for low speed sections. When
approaching station stops, the autopilot invokes the programmed stop system. Using the
autopilot, normal speed control of the vehicle becomes a “set and forget” operation—once
engaged, no further input is required.
This version of the train simulation can be configured to display either the instrument panel or
the OTW view. When configured as the instrument panel, the OTW server (Section A.3.4) may
be optionally invoked on a separate machine to provide the OTW view. Similarly, when the train
simulation is displaying the OTW view, the dashboard server (Section A.3.5) may be optionally
invoked on a separate machine to provide the instrument panel.
This version of train simulation also provides a recording system for storing state vehicle data
that occurs during system operation. As with the previous train simulation, the data are stored in
the form of ASCII data records, each containing a time stamp, an event code, the position and
speed of the vehicle, and additional information as appropriate.
The OTW server is an independent module that is used for secondary display of the OTW
viewport. Its function is to display the OTW view only, as a slave to a primary train simulation.
Communication between the primary train simulation and the OTW server is accomplished via
the local area network. The primary simulation element sends state information to the OTW
server, via the local area network, which then updates its internal estimation of the vehicle state.
To maintain smooth graphics output in the absence of new state information, the OTW server
performs position estimation using dead reckoning, based on the last available state information.
Similar to the OTW server, the dashboard server provides a dashboard display on a secondary
machine. Like the OTW server, the dashboard server is in communication with the primary
process via the local area network. In this case, the data transmitted from the primary process to
the server is the only data required for the instrument panel display.
In addition to the active simulation elements, outlined in Section A.3, there are a number of
programs that exist to support the overall simulation system. One of these is used for creating
and modifying the road and object databases used by the train simulation system. The others are
data analysis programs, used for post-processing the data obtained from the simulation system.
A.4.1 Pathnet
The off-line program Pathnet is an important support element of the simulation system. The
virtual environment is contained in two types of files, known as the road and object databases.
These files are used by the active simulation elements during operation. Pathnet is a tool used
for the creation and modification of these databases.
Additional programs have been implemented as required, to provide support tools for the various
experiments that are performed. This section provides a brief introduction to the programs used
in support of the control automation experiment.
The program transform was developed to transform the raw data, generated by the train
simulation, into the failure response times required by the control mode experiment. This
program reads through an entire raw data file, identifies the failures that have occurred during
the session, and identifies the operator response to those failures. The output of the program is a
new file, containing the summary of the failure responses.
The program bonus_process was developed to calculate the bonus point performance of the
subjects in the control mode experiment. As with transform, bonus_process reads
through the entire raw data file, and selects those data points that are required for calculation of
the bonus points. These include response to failures, as well as station-stopping performance and
schedule maintenance. The output of the program is a text-based summary that is directed to the
terminal output (computer screen).
The program ss_process was developed to convert the raw data file into a safety state
trajectory. Once again, raw data files are provided as input, and the resultant output is a text-
based summary of the safety state values, as a function of time.
The program mtbf_calc was developed to convert the safety state trajectories into a risk
probability function. The input to this program is a set of safety state trajectories (generated by
ss_process), and the output is a set of risk trajectories that result from transforming the
safety state trajectories with the risk function. These risk trajectories are stored as disk files.
The program risk_stats was developed to perform statistical analysis of the risk trajectory
output from mtbf_calc. For each of the risk trajectory files, a corresponding statistics file is
generated which summarizes the state occupancy for that trajectory, as well as the average risk
probability over the trajectory.
In the development of any substantial body of software like the high-speed rail simulation
system, issues of software engineering must be addressed to ensure the ongoing viability of the
project. These issues are especially critical if the project is to be developed and sustained by
several software engineers. The following sections outline some of the software engineering
issues that were addressed.
A.5.1 hared Libraries
In an effort to modularize the code to the greatest degree possible, the concept of shared libraries
is used wherever possible. This concept forms a basis for the sharing and re-use of code among
separate elements in the system.
There are two distinct scenarios where libraries are especially prudent. In the first, there are a
number of different pieces of software that need one or more functions that are related.
Development of a single library for these functions allows several modules to share the code,
lessening the development load and unifying the interface.
The second scenario occurs in the case where two separate processes need to communicate using
a common protocol. By incorporating all of the functions related to that protocol in a single
library, it is easier to ensure consistency throughout the function set.
The high-speed rail simulation system has four shared libraries: the data base interface library
(libdb), the network interface library (libnet), the OTW interface library (libotw), and the
schedule library (libsched). The data base interface library contains those functions used for
loading and interpreting a road database. The network interface library contains those functions
used for inter-process communication over the local area network. The OTW interface library
contains those functions used for displaying an OTW viewport. The schedule library contains
those functions for loading and interpreting a schedule database.
It was recognized early in the software development phase that there would be a substantial
amount of software development required. In order to partition the project into manageable
chunks, a development file tree was created.
The root of the tree exists at a level separate from and parallel to the users personal directories.
Located at /usr/projects/rail-sim, this root directory contains distinct directories for
vehicle simulation code (vehicles), CTC simulation code (ctc), shared libraries (lib), data
base information (data base), experiment-specific scripts (exp), and data recording (data).
In the vehicles directory, there are four subdirectories (veh-1, veh-2, veh-otw, and
veh-dash), each of which contains the source code modules for an executable program. In
addition, this directory includes subdirectories for common code (common), local libraries
(lib), and local include files (include).
Similarly, the ctc directory contains two subdirectories (ctc-1 and ctc-2) for source code,
as well as the subdirectories common, lib, and include.
The lib directory contains four subdirectories for source code: libdb for the database
interface library, libnet for the network interface library, libotw for the OTW interface
library, and libsched for the schedule library.
The exp directory contains subdirectories for the display aiding experiment (exp-disp) and
the control automation experiment (exp-auto). These subdirectories also appear under the
data directory, to allow segregation of the data obtained from the two experiments.
A graphical depiction of the file system hierarchy is shown in Figure 29. The file system
hierarchy is replicated on all the machines.
The primary tool used to support software build engineering is make, which is a standard Unix
tool. The build specifications for each of the executable modules in the system is contained in a
file named Makefile, located in the local directory. In addition, there is a master Makefile,
located in /usr/projects/rail-sim, which will rebuild the entire system from scratch.
The primary tool used to support software revision control is RCS, which is a publicly available
and widely used tool. It is supplied as part of the SGI development environment, along with the
compiler, linker, and source-code debugger. RCS stores multiple versions of a source code file in
a separate archive file. Each time the code is changed and “checked-in” to the archive file, the
differences between the new and old versions are recorded, and comments are inserted to provide
a “paper trail.” The comments include the date and time of revision, as well as the person that
was responsible for those changes.
At any point in time, any of the revisions that are stored in the archive file may be retrieved
without risk to any of the other versions. Thus, it is possible (and easy) to revert back to an
earlier version of the software, without losing any of the subsequent changes.
A majority of the source code modules also include “markers” for storing RCS header
information. These “markers” allow the RCS data to be included in the executable module. It is
then possible to identify the source code modules that comprise an executable module, even if
the executable has been separated from the source code directories.
To date, two experiments have been conducted using the high-speed simulation system. The first
was an exploration into the effects of display aiding on operator performance. The second was
focused on identifying the effects of control mode on operator performance. The configuration of
the simulation system was tailored in each case to the objectives of the experiment.
In the case of the control mode experiment, the alternate CTC simulation (five-aspect signaling
system) was run on a Personal Iris. The train simulation was run on the Indigo-2 machine,
configured to display the OTW view, while the second Personal Iris machine was executing the
dashboard server program. A system schematic of this configuration is shown in Figure 30.
For the display aiding experiment, the CTC simulation used was the version that supported the
seven-aspect signal system. This was run on a Personal Iris machine. The train simulation was
run using two machines. The Indigo-2 was used as the primary train simulation machine, which
executed the display aiding train simulation. The second machine was a Personal Iris, executing
the OTW server. A system schematic of this configuration is shown in Figure 31.
Personal Iris
dashboard /
Personal Iris
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