Crown Lengthening A Comprehensive Review
Crown Lengthening A Comprehensive Review
Crown Lengthening A Comprehensive Review
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Crown lengthening (CL) is a surgical CL procedures were classified as either cosmetic or
treatment that allows the clinician to rebuild the tooth by functional according on the clinical state 7. In the "aesthetic
extending the supragingival tooth structure. Surgical crown lengthening" category, young patients with gummy
crown lengthening can make it easier to restore worn smiles and short clinical crowns due to altered passive
teeth. It improves the look and makes dental preparation eruption that necessitate an increase in the length of the
easier. The amount of height that can be gained by tooth structure were discussed 7. In this case, crown
surgery may be limited by anatomical factors. Lasers are lengthening is limited to the anterior aesthetic zone and aids
the greatest option for crown lengthening because they in improving an individual's aesthetic look, whereas CL
offer precision, faster wound healing, less discomfort, designed to expose subgingival cavities or a fractured tooth
and superior aesthetics. To attain satisfactory results, is referred to as "restorative / functional crown lengthening"
cases suggested for crown lengthening in the aesthetic ( Hempton and Rosenberg, 2010) 7. In some clinical
zone require unique considerations. The employment of situations, cosmetic and functional crown 7.
appropriate diagnostic methods, surgical and
restorative criteria, and lasers increases the procedure's Crown lengthening can be done with a scalpel,
certainity and achievement. This review article will go electrocautery, or, more recently, lasers 7. Lasers have an
through different aspects of crown lengthening, surgical advantage over the scalpel in functional crown lengthening
crown lengthening methods, indications and treatments due to advantages such as little discomfort, quick
contraindications, role of orthodontics in crown hemostasis, and immediate placement of restoration,
lengthening as a multidisciplinary approach, and however literature to support the same is sparse. (1993,
prosthesis placement of margings for prosthetic cases. Pick)7.
The functional and aesthetic requirements of laser aided
crown lengthening, as well as surgical vs laser assisted A. INDICATION
crown lengthening methods, are discussed in this article. Indications for the crown lengthening can be subdivided
into 3 subgroups
Keywords:- Crown lengthening, Biological width , Laser PROSTHETIC1
assisted-crown lengthening , Laser vs surgery. To increase the crown length
To create ferrule effect
I. INTRODUCTION To reposition the borders of restoration impinging
the biological width
Dentists see highly disfigured or highly mutilated teeth
on a daily basis in today's dentistry1. This complicates
clinical decision-making when determining whether the ASTHETIC1
tooth or teeth should be removed or restored1. Modern Changed passive eruption
dentistry is primarily concerned with patient safety and In Gummy smile cases
minimally invasive procedures2. New instruments and In cases of short teeth
materials have been created to achieve this 2. This is the age Teeth with uneven gingival contour
of dental implants, an era in which efforts to save severely
damaged teeth are dwindling1. RESTORATIVE 1
For correction of subgingival caries
Clinical Crown Lengthening procedure is an important Analyze perforation in coronal third of root
alternative in almost all the specialties of dentistry 3. The In cervical root resorption.
term Crown Lengthening (CL) was first coined by DW
Cohen in the year of 1962 4. It's a surgery that involves a B. CONTRA-INDICATIONS8
blending of hard tissue and soft tissue reduction, as well as Insufficient Crown to Root ratio
orthodontic tooth exposure (with or without braces)5. Unrestorability of caries or root fracture
According to the definition of the American Academy of When it affects esthetic appearence
Periodontology ,CL is a “ Surgical procedure designed to High furcation
increase the extend of the supragingival tooth structure for Inappropriate predictability
the restoration or esthetic purposes by apically positioning Tooth arch relationship inaccuracy
the gingival margin , removing supporting bone or both 5. Compromised adjacent periodontium or esthetic
Various clinical conditions may need CL such as irregular Improper restorative space
smile line , gummy smile , mutilated or fractured teeth , Unable to maintain.
worn out teeth by parafunctional habits( eg: bruxism) 6
A. CLINICAL METHOD proximal aspects, and also for cosmetic crown lengthening
When a periodontal probe is used to check the procedures22. Bone sounding is used to determine the
restoration margin levels and the patient experiences tissue thickness of soft tissue layer and proximity of the alveolar
irritation, it signifies the margin has extended into the bone during the planning stages of various surgical
attachment and a biologic width infringement has occurred. procedures22 .
Chronic escalating gingival inflammation near the
restoration, bleeding on probing, localised gingival C. EVALUATION BY RADIOGRAPHS
hyperplasia with minor bone loss, gingival recession, pocket The interproximal breach of biologic width can be
formation, clinical attachment loss, and alveolar bone loss distinguished using a radiographic approach. Because of
are all signs of biologic width breach. Alternate passive dental superimposition, radiographs are not useful on the
eruption and subgingivally positioned restoration borders mesiofacial and distofacial line angles of teeth 28. Sushama
are the most common sites for gingival hyperplasia. 26. and Gouri introduced a new parallel profile radiography
(PPR) approach for determining the size of the
B. BONE SOUNDING dentogingival unit (DGU). Because it is easy, rapid, non-
Under local anaesthetic, probe to the bone level (called invasive, and repeatable, the authors conclude that the PPR
"sounding to bone") and subtract the sulcus depth from the technique can be used to precisely measure both the length
resultant measurement to get the biologic width. A diagnosis and thickness of the DGU, as well as to eliminate individual
of biologic width violation can be validated if the distance and location variance29.
obtained is less than 2 mm at one or more places. To ensure
accuracy and reduce individual and location variance, this
measurement should be conducted on teeth with healthy
gingival tissues and repeated on several teeth 27. It is used to
decide the placement of the alveolar crest on the labial and
Fig.3: (a) Normal crest showing biologic width on labial and interproximal site, (b) High crest showing biologic width on labial
and interproximal site. (c) Low crest showing biologic width on labial and interproximal site, (d) Pateint ALow crest unstable;
and, Pateint B-. Low crest stable
External bevel gingivectomy
Internal bevel gingivectomy
Apically displaced flap with or without bone resection
Rapid Orthodontic Extrusion
Combined technique (Surgical and Orthodontic)
Non-anesthetic tissue removal.
Tissue removal without discomfort
Tissue removal without causing haemorrhage
B. DEMERITS:43 Fig. 6: Diagram of the internal bevel incision (first incision)
The action of paraformaldehyde is confined to a depth to reflect a full-thickness (mucoperiosteal) flap. The incision
of around 1mm. ends on the bone to allow for the reflection of the entire flap.
Packing must be repeated here.
Leaving a pack on for an extended period of time will Most periodontal flap operations start with an internal
cause healing to be delayed. bevel incision. The flap is mirrored from this incision to
If the pack is held below the bone edge, bone necrosis expose the underlying bone and root. The internal bevel
can ensue. incision achieves three important goals:
Abscess development is a possibility. • It removes the pocket lining;
The action's depth is uncontrollable. • It preserves the relatively uninvolved outer surface of the
It is impossible to obtain effective gingival gingiva, which becomes attached gingiva when apically
remodelling. positioned; and
• It creates a sharp, thin flap margin for adaptation to the
bone-tooth junction.
• In the linked gingiva's enlarged zone.
• By primary goal, close proximity of the flap
encourages healing.
• The bone provided is completely covered by the flap's
viable tissue, eliminating macroscopic sequestration
and likely decreasing chronic alveolar crest loss.
• When the amount of gingiva in the postoperative
period can be accurately managed.
Fig. 7: Position of knife in performing internal bevel • The surgeon is able to build a functionally appropriate
incision. investing unit by keeping the mucogingival complex
and transferring it apically.
Ensure that adequate linked gingiva remains after the
incisions are made to avoid a mucogingival issue. To Orthodontic extrusion is also known as forced eruption
guarantee that the tooth height is maintained at a minimum therapy (FET). FET is based on the biologic concept that
of 3 to 5 mm over the whole circle, the final bone level orthodontically erupted root segments are accompanied
should be carefully measured in all areas surrounding the coronally by their respective gingiva and supporting
tooth. structures53, and it is used to treat solitary non-restorable
teeth as defined by Ingber. According to Reitan and others,
B. MERITS: 27 eruptive tooth motions stretch gingival and periodontal
• The pocket liner is removed. fibres, causing gingiva and bone to shift coronally54,55.
• It protects the gingiva's comparatively unaffected outer
surface. Circumferential Supracrestal Fiberotomy (CSF) is the
• It results in a razor-sharp, narrow flap margin that cutting of the connective tissue attachment (through
adapts to the bone-tooth interface. fiberotomy), which prevents tensile forces from reaching the
• There are no exposed bare surfaces. periodontium and hinders osseous remodelling at a level
• Healing with a major goal in mind. coronal to the remaining intact fibre attachment.
C. DEMERITS:28 Rapid orthodontic extrusion with CSF is performed when
• If flap elevation is performed, it may result in crestal there is an adequate root crown ratio with associated
bone loss. gingival to improve clinical crown length60.
Fig. 8: Radiograph demonstrating post placement 6mm within alveolar bone prior to eruption
Fig. 9: 2mm distance between the serated post and 0.022x0.025 stainless steel rectangular wire
Fig. 10: Orthodontic extrusion with wire attachment by composite and e-chain