Significance of Islam As A Revolutionary Force
Significance of Islam As A Revolutionary Force
Significance of Islam As A Revolutionary Force
Religious Reforms:
Shift from polytheism to monotheism.
Belief in One God,prophethood,Hereafter.
Social Reforms:
-women status was raised, given share in the property.
Shift from tribal to egalitarian society.
-gambling, drinking and all unethical practices were banned
-equality among all social classes.
Blood thirsty enemies became brothers.
Best example at Medina
-principles were being followed, as Prophet himself was the role model being truthful and honest
-social justice started prevailing
-polygamy and polyandry were reduced to a great extent
Political Reforms:
Islamic Political system based on equality,liberty,fraternity.
tribes no more remained the centre of political power
-merit was followed in every aspect of life.
-Central authority was formed at Medina.
Foundation of world Empire.
Charter of human rights was given in last sermon of Holy prophet.
First Constitution was given by holy prophet in Median:
-treaties were signed on equal footing
Economic Reforms:
Prophet introduced best economic system
-social disparity ended to a great extent
Inheritance laws were established.
-zakat, sadqat were implemented
-economic reforms by Prophet himself then by caliphs......
Intellectual Reforms:
Islam brought a revolutionary change in the pre Islamic intellectual domains.
Islam Promoted learning and education.
Arabs who were lizard eaters became the most civilized people on the face of earth.