Target Heart Rate Lesson Plan
Target Heart Rate Lesson Plan
Target Heart Rate Lesson Plan
- White board
- Writing utensils
- calculator
Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Understand, value, and care for oneself (intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually)
W7: Promote sustainable well-being by planning for and engaging in movement activities, alone and with
others, that enhance the health-related (i.e., cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance,
muscular strength, and body composition) and skill-related (i.e., power, agility, speed, reaction time, balance,
and co-ordination) components of fitness.
o Explain the direct correlation between committed engagement in cardiovascular endurance activities
and calorie-burning potential.
PGP Goals:
1.1 the ability to maintain respectful, mutually supportive and equitable professional relationships with
learners, colleagues, families and communities
2.2 Proficiency in the language of instruction
Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
- Calculations on Heart Rate sheet – were they able to find answers using their own information
Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
- Apply knowledge of heart rate while working out in the gym – use higher level thinking to determine
what heart rate zone they are in
Stage 3- Learning Plan
- Begin with finding each student’s heartbeat, and calculating their heart rate. This will help to engage
students by understanding the topic in a kinesthetic form and preparing them for what the lesson will
Main Procedures/Strategies:
- Hand out “Heart Rate” sheet and read through with students. Discuss words that they do not know
using visuals and actions.
- Have students participate in reading part of the handout to practice literacy skills.
- Demonstrate finding calculations of the different heart rate zones, and have the students work
through using their own data
- Explain how these results can be used in the gym to see certain results
- Continue lesson in the workout room to have a practical experience using heart rate
- This lesson will be presented differently for the EAL students than a regular Phys. Ed. class. The terms
need to be explained and broken down in greater detail.
Closing of lesson:
Personal Reflection:
The lesson went fairly well, but some of the concepts were difficult to explain to students with minimal English
and math skills. I would narrow down the material discussed to a few main points rather than a five-page
handout as the lesson took longer than expected. Including other strands of communication would have been
easier to express the material covered.
M. Wilkinson ’16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)