Effect of Well Control On Constrained Sparse Spike Seismic Inversion
Effect of Well Control On Constrained Sparse Spike Seismic Inversion
Effect of Well Control On Constrained Sparse Spike Seismic Inversion
tion frequency, information in the inversion comes from the con- tive inversion containing only frequencies at and above the transi-
strained sparse spike output as described above. tion frequency. Sections along the key line 40 are shown in Figures 4
and 5 for the relative and full inversions, respectively. Note that the
relative inversion does indicate a build-up and evidence of local low
impedances. The high impedance anhydrites lapping up against the
Data reef are strong indicators of structure. The build-up itself would cer-
The project data consisted of 100 lines, each with 90 CMP’s. The tainly be evident from the seismic reflection data too, although the
bin size was 40 * 40 m. Time migration before stack had been done interpretation of the low impedance layers would be less so. Even
and care taken to preserve true
amplitudes. Nineteen vertical wells,
each with sonic and density logs
were used and porosity logs were
available for many. Several horizon-
tal wells were also available for use
as quality control. The key interpret-
ed horizon was the “Reef” event
which was picked along the top of
the build-up until the salt was
encountered whereupon the salt
base was followed. Other key hori-
zons were the shale carbonate inter-
face above the reef, the reef platform
and the tops of both salts. The inter-
preted horizons along the key line 40 NEW 2/3 Ad
are shown in Figure 2.
Film Supplied
Modelling Using Only an Off-Reef
Initially, we do not assume a
knowledge of either the reef or even
its event horizon. We use only the
distant off-reef well, “A”. This well
encountered salt and platform facies
with no reef build-up at all. The salt
in this initial model was allowed to
collapse, not against a reef but erro-
neously against the regional plat-
form. With this incomplete
information, a 3D impedance model
was constructed, a line through
which is shown in Figure 3.
though the reef has been placed in an incorrect off-reef geologic set- of a reef horizon is also now assumed. We used the same reef hori-
ting, the existence of anomalous activity in the full inversion (Figure zon as shown in Figure 2. In the early stages of development, it
5) is still evident. might be more uncertain. This will not affect our conclusions. We
expect to fine tune the horizons as new wells become available, thus
uniquely positioning key layers in time and space. The updated
model is shown in Figure 6. Since only a single well lies within the
reef core, the on-reef impedance is laterally homogeneous except for
structure effects. The corresponding full and relative inversions are
shown in Figures 7 and 8. Now the geologic setting has been ren-
dered with considerable accuracy. This with just two wells. The
meaning of the fine seismic detail has been made clear and more
reliable judgements about the locations of future wells made. In this
way sweet spots within the reef can be detected and exploited.
Figure 2: The original interpreted horizons along the key line 40. Lateral salts
dissolve against the reef. Initially, we do not assume existence of the reef hori-
zon. Inversion analysis is done using only the off-reef well,“A”.
mation had revised the expectation of the range of impedance val- To answer these types of questions, apron impedance maps can be
ues in the region of interest. Then, the constraint fairway defining made. This was done here, by copying the reef apron event below
the constrained sparse spike solution space would have been updat- itself, re-building the model and then measuring the average
ed. Other differences could have resulted from re-estimating the impedance in the layer between the reef and copied-reef horizons.
wavelet using the “G” impedance log. We did not do this since well Since this layer is conformable with the apron horizon, the average
“A” was one of the few to encounter the lateral salt. This resulted in of the inversion within it is a measure of the lateral variation in aver-
a highly characteristic impedance log and less non-uniqueness in age apron impedance. We first mapped the inversion constrained by
the estimation of the wavelet. a model containing logs from well “A” plus all the on-reef wells.
Figure 9 is this map for a sub-apron layer 4 ms thick, starting at the
Reef event. Apparently, regions of low impedance surround the reef.
However, on-reef wells have little to say about the apron facies.
Except for some knowledge of structure, we have essentially
returned to our single-well scenario. Furthermore, that single well
(“A”) did not encounter near-reef apron facies.
Figure 6: A section through the model impedance cube designed from the off-
reef well “A”and the on-reef well,“G”. A knowledge of the reef horizon has also
been assumed and added to the model.The reef horizon and the model would
normally be updated with each well drilled.
has been defined to respect both the reef structure and the observed
push-down. Figure 12 is the same section through the final
impedance model. Lateral variations in impedance arise from both
structural and stratigraphic effects. At CMP’s where no log is pre-
sent, nearby logs were stretched or squeezed on a layer-by-layer
basis to account for structure and then subjected to a weighted aver-
age to arrive at the model impedance. A simple distance-weighted
average sufficed although the weights could have been set arbitrar-
ily as required. The final full inversion using all the wells is shown
in Figure 13.
Figure 11: A stratigraphic section through the 3-D geologic model.The colours
indicate the different layers defined by the interpreted horizons and the
framework table.The banding within each layer describes the layer stratigra-
phy which governs how lateral well log interpolation is done.
Figure 9: Average inversion impedance in the first 4 ms below the reef hori-
zon using the model defined only from the distant well “A” and all of the on-
reef wells.There are several areas around the core which might be prospective
for low porosity.
Figure 12: Line 40 through the 3D geologic model. The impedance logs have
been interpolated according to the framework defined by the interpreted hori-
zons. None of the fine detail within the reef will be transmitted to the final
inversion. The model provides only low frequencies so that the transformed
seismic can be placed in a geologic context.
Figure 13: Line 40 through the final inversion cube.This result has been com-
Figure 10: Average impedance in a layer 4 ms thick immediately below the
puted using a model defined by all the vertical wells. All of the detail within
Reef horizon using a model constructed from all 19 vertical wells. Porosity
the reef has come from the input seismic data. The model has simply provid-
development is evident to the west, south and northwest of the reef core.
ed a reef-like geologic setting.
CONCLUSIONS and DISCUSSION were necessary to define the basic geology. As off-reef wells were
We have demonstrated that seismic inversion can be useful in made available, their contributions to the net porosity could be
both exploration and production environments. The high frequency accounted for and regions of enhanced porosity located. It is not
seismic band component of the inversion remains remarkably con- always possible that extensive drilling will have resulted in a thor-
stant from rank exploration to mature production. The reason for ough a priori understanding of the play. But when such knowledge
this is simple. The inversion result is constrained only to lie within is available, it should be used to build an accurate and detailed
the impedance constraint boundaries. It is not constrained to be sim- model. We have used the abundance of wells not to force the answer
ilar to any particular impedance log, even when inverting at that in the seismic band but to improve our model and the knowledge of
CMP corresponding to the well location. Therefore, a comparison the low frequencies which we extract from it. This idea is illustrated
with log impedances is a very powerful QC tool. Significant changes in Figure 14.
could only result from an improvement and general tightening of
the sparse spike constraints and re-estimation of the wavelet. These It is perhaps worth emphasizing the importance of formally com-
can be implemented as more wells are drilled and there is a better puting both the relative and full inversions explicitly. Whether the
understanding of the expected range of impedances. The model and play in question is new or mature, there is always the danger of a
the full inversion are dramatically improved when wells have been mis-interpretation. The relative inversion is mostly immune to this
drilled through all representative facies. In this case, only two wells condition. When horizons are at all suspect, the constraints are sim-
ply relaxed a little. It is a different story in the case of the full inver-
TDROV + Stratimagic =
Reservoir Description
Structure Map
ARCIS Processing is pleased to Structure map of top reef
announce Mr. Alan Richards has using Stratimagic horizon
propagator tool
joined the division as of November Reservoir Quality
1, 2000. Mr. Richards has over Reservoir quality from
twenty-six years of experience pro- TDROV impedance
cessing 2D data, large 3D projects
and structural data sets in areas Surface Attributes
both domestic and international. Azimuth surface attribute
Alan will hold the position of pro- from Stratimagic
ject management and Technical
support and will be involved with
2D/3D land projects both structural CGG Canada Services Ltd.
and stratigraphic. Alan will further Seismic Facies Suite 700, 404-6th Avenue S.W.
enhance Arcis Processing ongoing Seismic facies of reef Calgary, Alberta T2P 0R9
using Stratimagic neural (403) 266-1011
commitment to increasing its tech- network technology [email protected]
nical capability and experience with
key individuals. Alan can be
reached at 298-4786 or e-mail at Processing and Reservoir Services
[email protected].
January 26, 2001 Luncheon ‘Confronting People’
February 5, 2001 Sulphur Recovery Fundamentals
February 6-7, 2001 Introduction to the Petroleum Industry
February 16, 2001 Luncheon ‘Family’
For more information or to register call the Petroleum Institute for Continuing Education (PEIC) at visit the organizers
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For more information on workshops and conference please contact: Unni Soelberg-Claridge,
Ste. #100, 4500 - 16 Avenue N.W., Calgary, Alberta T3B 0M6
Phone: (403) 247-0321, Fax: (403) 247-4811, email: [email protected], website: www.eventplant.net.
To ensure timely publication of your materials, all materials must be sent two months in advance of any critical dates.
The following two figures were inadvertently omitted in the December, 2000 feature article “Effect of Well Control
on Constrained Sparse Spike Seismic Inversion”. Figures 2 and 12 were incorrectly shown twice.
A complete and correct version of the paper can be obtained by e-mailing John Pendrel ([email protected]) .
Please specify whether you would like a digital or hard copy version. The paper can also be downloaded from Jason’s
ftp site (calgary.jasongeo.com; userid: recorder; password: booboo). Our apologies.
Figure 3 Figure 13