Advanced PSDM Approaches For Sharper Depth Imaging: Davide Casini Ropa, Davide Calcagni, Luigi Pizzaferri

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Advanced PSDM Approaches for Sharper Depth Imaging

Davide Casini Ropa*, Davide Calcagni, Luigi Pizzaferri

ENI Exploration and Production Division

Pre Stack Depth Migration must be considered the solution to many imaging problems especially in
presence of complex structures. This paper presents a series of three case histories where the proper choice of
depth migration strategies led to a fine tuned sharp seismic image, of much superior quality with respect to the time

Depth migration algorithms are now frequently used
during the processing of seismic data especially in
geologically complex areas. They are theoretically more fit
to solve positioning problems (migration) in presence of
subsurface velocity anomalies and steep dips. Moreover
the final depth volume allows a better integration of the
many professionals involved in E&P projects: geologists,
geophysicists and engineers. In fact such an integration
should start well before the final depth migration is run: the
construction of the velocity model is indeed the result of a
close integration between time and depth processers,
geophysicists, subsurface and structural geologists and also
reservoir engineers (L. Pizzaferri et al., 1998).
Nowadays Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM)
algorithms are becoming more and more affordable, due to
the available low cost computing power. PSDM has proved
indeed to be a very effective tool for better seismic imaging.
The following three case histories are taken from different
geographical and geological environments, from salt
tectonics, to compressional geology (overthrust), to passive
margins. The methodological approach is also different from
one case to the other. All cases are taken from the vast
experience that ENI E&P Division has gained in the last
years, both in terms of theoretical development (proprietary
PSDM algorithms) and from exposure to a variety of different
basins and play world wide.

1st Case History: West Africa deep waters and

complex salt tectonics features
The study area is located in the West African ultradeep waters of the South Atlantic Ocean, in an area
characterized by very complex structures (fig. 1), exhibiting

Fig. 1: An image of the Salt top in the area (notice the isolated salt
pillows). The color code is proportional to the depth.

most of the salt tectonics features like salt walls, salt pillows
and salt diapirs. Due to its intrinsic limitations, time migration
leads to unrealistic images not only below the salt pillows,
but also at salt flanks (fig. 2), in spite of the overall high
quality of the time data. The PSDM project had to improve
the definition of the salt geometries and of the overall
structural setting obtained by pre-stack time migration.
Kirchhoff depth migration was able to produce very good
results in the upper sedimentary portion of the area, so it
was used to define the velocity field by means of the standard
layer stripping methodology via iterative updating of the
velocity field itself.
Not surprisingly, first-arrival Kirchhoff migration
was not able to properly image sub-salt structures,
particularly below the salt pillows; this is where wavefield
PSDM had to demonstrate its superiority. Figure 2 shows
the comparison between the prestack time section and the
depth section obtained by the wavefield migration of the
entire dataset (PSPI downward continuation kernel) plus


6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics Kolkata 2006

Monte Carlo imaging (L. Cazzola et al., 2004). The PSPI

Wave Equation algorithm was fully developed internally by
ENI geoscientists. The improvement in the definition of the
central salt structure is quite clear; even the sediments
pinching on the left salt wall assume a completely different
shape. A comparison between a commercial Kirchhoff
migration package and the final PSDM image is shown in
figure 3. Though the Kirchhoff image shows a high quality
far from the salt pillow, the breakdown of the first arrival
assumption makes the events below the salt completely
blurred. The comparison also shows that the Wave Equation
imaging exhibits a surprisingly low level of noise. The velocity
field was evaluated by means of a Kirchhoff approach and,
in this case study, the resulting estimated velocity field
adequately describes the subsurface, since events below the
salt pillows appear mostly continuous and geologically
consistent. An example is shown in figure 4, where the final
migration is superimposed to the velocity field used for

Fig. 2 : An eloquent comparison of Pre-Stack Time Migration (above)

and PSPI Wave Field PSDM (below).

Fig. 4 : Superposition of velocity model over seismic image provided by

PSPI Wave Equation code.


A strict integration between depth imagers and the

geologists and geophysicists acquainted with the complex
area proved to be one of the winning factors in the successful
completion of the study together with the use of the
proprietary PSDM algorithm.

2 nd Case history: enhancement of seismic


Fig. 3 : Kirchhoff PSDM (above) and PSPI WE PSDM (below). Notice the
low level of noise reached in the PSPI results (below).

The study concerned an actually producing field,

located in the Adriatic Sea, at a water depth of 50 m. The
reservoir is a turbiditic sequence of Pliocene age. A total of
12 thin layers of gas bearing sands spread over a total
thickness of 400 m, the top being at around 1300 m bsl. The


trap is mainly structural: a typical anticline with Apennine

trend, having origin from an overthrust. The closure in one
direction (NE) is clearly delimited by the thrust fault while
towards NW it is defined by a clear syncline.
The real problem is the closure towards SE, where
the available 3D seismic in time did not show very clear
evidences of low angle reverse faults that supposedly
crossed all the structure subdividing it in many separated
A well drilled on what was supposed to be a flank
turned out to be just the opposite: the dips at the well did
not fit at all the dips taken from the time seismic, they were in
the opposite direction.
After a few 2D tests, it was decided of solving the
problem by a full 3D PSDM approach. The results clearly
showed that the depth volume solved most of the structural
uncertainties and was able to match pretty well either depths
and dips of the reflectors.
The depth image was of much superior quality (fig.
5), improving the continuity of the seismic events, the
interpretability of formational tops and the definition of the
fault patterns, leading to immediate positive consequences
on the reserve estimate and the development plan.
In this case the code used was a Kirchhoff True
Amplitude (KTA) fully developed internally. This code
guarantees the amplitude preservation of events being able
to regularize the illumination in the angle domain, both
scattering and dip angles (V. Lipari et al., 2004).
The KTA approach has also reached its fully maturity
with the implementation of anisotropy (N. Bienati et al., 2005)

3rd Case history: how 3D PSDM can reduce the

exploration risk
This case history illustrates how a high risk
exploration lead has been matured into a drillable prospect
by improving 3D seismic imaging and ultimately reducing
risk associated with trap definition (P. Bocca et al., 2005).
The Vesta prospect, northeast of East Swan-1, is
located within exploration permit AC/P-21 in the Vulcan Subbasin, Timor Sea, offshore Australia. It is a large tilted fault
block complex on a central high in the Swan Graben, and
lies about 50 km southwest of the Jabiru and Challis fields,

Fig. 5: Enhancement of seismic resolution after depth migration (3D

PSTM time above and 3D PSDM depth below). Notice the good
fit of the dipmeter data after PSDM.


6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics Kolkata 2006

Fig. 6: Comparison between PSTM (above) and PSDM (below). The

depth image displays better continuity of the reflectors and offers
superior image of the main bounding fault of the graben.

equally distant from the Skua and Puffin fields, which are
located 30 km to the south and southwest.
The 3D PSDM Onnia reprocessing has addressed
Vesta seismic uncertainties that based on 3D PSTM Onnia
interpretation were largely attributed to the lack of reflector
continuity and to the presence of multiples over the Swan
Graben. The low signal to noise ratio (S/N) and the lack of
reliable velocity picking in time domain severely impacted
on the depth conversion approach and on the trap definition.
3D Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM)
reprocessing was conducted in 2003 on a portion of the

Fig. 7: Close-up of main fault footwall, comparison between PSTM

(above) and PSDM (below). Notice how the geometry of the
footwall reflectors can be better resolved with PSDM processing.


Onnia 3D seismic cube, located in exploration permit AC/P21, Timor Sea.

The main objective of the reprocessing was to obtain
the best seismic depth image and the most realistic structural
reconstruction of the subsurface in order to mitigate the risk
factors associated with trap definition (trap retention and
trap efficiency). This represents one of the main challenges
for oil exploration in the area.
The 3D PSDM methodology was chosen as the
most appropriate imaging tool to define the correct
subsurface geometry and fault imaging through the use of
an appropriate velocity field. An integrated approach to
building the final velocity model was adopted, with a
substantial contribution from the regional geological model.
Several examples demonstrated that the 3D PSDM
reprocessing significantly improved the seismic image and
thus the confidence in the interpretation, contributing
strongly to the definition of the exploration targets. This
improvement can be observed in fig. 6 that highlights the
better continuity of the reflectors and the higher resolution
obtained using the KTA PSDM. Another striking example is
shown in fig. 7.
The interpretation of the new seismic data has
resulted in a new structural picture in which higher
confidence in seismic imaging has improved fault correlation.
This has enabled better structural definition at the Middle
Jurassic Plover Formation level that has reduced the
complexity of the large Vesta Prospect, in the centre of the
Swan Graben to the northwest of East Swan-1. Improved
understanding of the fault reactivation mechanism and the
structural elements of the trap (trap integrity) were eventually
incorporated in the prospect risking.
In the Swan Graben 3D PSDM has proved to be a
very powerful instrument capable of producing significant
impact on the exploration even in an area with a complex
geological setting and a fairly poor seismic data quality.

The examples shown in this paper clearly
demonstrate the great impact that a PSDM processing can
have on the seismic image, producing a more focused image,
with sharper details and an increased resolution.
Time processing is not a secondary part of depth
imaging: the standard or sophisticated processing sequences
targeted only to obtain the best time data may not be suitable

for a good depth processing. A close cooperation between

time and depth processors must always be implemented.
It is also clear that a reliable depth image requires a
good definition of the velocity field in the subsurface. Indeed
the geologists give an important contribution in the validation
and updating of the velocity layers, especially in areas with
poor signal-to-noise ratio.
It must also be stressed the fact that during the
depth imaging process one need to take into account all
available a priori data (well depths, sonic logs, check shot
data, all suite of logs). This is especially true during the
definition of the initial velocity model.
Velocity gradients are of utmost importance and even
stacking velocities can help in defining an initial guess or
initial gradient map. All the examples that have been presented
show that depth imaging is an interpretative process that
requires the active presence and strong interaction of
geoscientists with different backgrounds. They must apply
not only their own specialistic knowledge but also encourage
discussion and creativity. This is the only way of producing
not only a better focused seismic image but also an improved
understanding of the geology of the area of interest that, at
the end, represents the real objective of such projects.
Finally each project needs appropriate tools and it
is responsibility of the depth imaging experts the correct
choice of the best methodological approach to each individual
project, always optimizing the cost-benefit ratio.

The authors would like to thank ENI Exploration
and Production Division management for permission to
publish this paper.
The authors are also grateful to many of their colleagues at
ENI E&P Division in Milan for their co-operation.

L. Pizzaferri, E. Delfini, G. Francescato, K. Barsoum; 1998; Depth
Imaging of a Complex Structure in an Offshore Deltaic
Environment; I Simposio Internacional De Geofisica
Minera, II Conferencia Latinoamericana de Geofisica,
Congreso Venezolano de Geofisica; October 25- 29, 1998;
Caracas; Venezuela.


6th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics Kolkata 2006

L. Cazzola, L. Pizzaferri, L. Ratti, G. Cardone, E. Bonomi; 2004; An

example of Wave Field Depth Migration and Monte Carlo
Imaging in West Africa Deep Waters; 74 th SEG
Convention; October 10-15, 2004; Denver (CO); USA.
V. Lipari, C. Andreoletti, G. Bernasconi, N. Bienati, L. Cazzola, G.
Drufuca; 2004; Some Practical issues related to Migration
in the Angle Domain; 74 th SEG Convention; October 1015, 2004; Denver (CO); USA.

N. Bienati, C. Andreoletti, A. Melis, P. Cibin, L. Pizzaferri, D.

Calcagni; 2005; 3D Anisotropic Depth Migration for VTI
Media: Theory and Case Histories; International
Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC); November 21
23, 2005; Doha; Qatar.
P. Bocca, L. Fava, E. Stolf; 2005; 3D Pre-stack Depth Migration:
A tool for reducing Exploration risk in Swan Graben, Timor
Sea; APPEA Journal 2005, pag. 421-438.


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