Vaping The Truth THRA 2

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(Electronic Cigarette Use)

The Truth
By Kellie Forbes BScN RN
It’s estimated that smoking is
responsible for 30% of all cancer
deaths in Canada and is related
to more than 85% of lung
cancer cases
(Canadian Cancer Society)

All people who smoke are at

increased risk for:

•problems with their heart and

blood vessels
The most common
•certain types of cancers
addiction in Canada is
•lung and respiratory problems
(Public Health Agency of Canada)
•other health issues

•premature death
(Government of Canada)

Smoking contributes to
the buildup of plaque in
your arteries, increases
the risk of blood clots,
reduces the oxygen in
your blood, increases your
blood pressure and
makes your heart work
(Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada)

The Tobacco Epidemic

Tobacco smoking is the biggest avoidable cause of city of Edmonton33 suffering with heart disease,
disease and premature stroke, COPD or cancer! The social cost
death in Canada36. Just to the taxpayer was $17 billion in 200218
over 5.7 million Canadians and yet governments collect only $7.3
smoke52. Every year billion (2013) in tobacco taxes34. But no
37,000 Canadians die one can put the price on the health-
from smoking; that’s 101 destroying effects of smoking-related
people dead from illnesses: years of decline and suffering,
smoking every day32! The for the smoker and their loved ones. We
Centers for Disease have long known that smokers smoke for
Control and Prevention the nicotine but die from inhaling the
states, “For every person thousands of chemicals within the
who dies from a smoking- smoke from burning tobacco23. We also
related disease, about 30 know that once hooked, smokers have a
more people suffer with less than 10% success at quitting13.
at least one serious illness from smoking”35. That’s Canadians deserve access to accurate information on
about 1.1 million Canadians or every person in the every method to quit or reduce tobacco smoking.

Why is tobacco smoking so addictive?

The two aspects to tobacco addiction: nicotine and behaviour
600 ingredients are added to tobacco cigarettes to pharmaceutical grade nicotine found in nicotine gum
enhance nicotine delivery and effects37. Ammonium is the least addictive because it is the easiest to quit.
salts increase the amount of nicotine absorbed into The other addictive aspect of smoking is the
the bloodstream; menthol numbs the lungs as well as repeated physical habit12. The ritual of bringing a
eucalyptol and theobromine chemically stretch the smoke to the mouth; tasting the smoke with a drag;
passageway to the lungs to get more smoke into the feeling sensations in the throat and lungs on a big
lungs38. Then, lactones reduce the body’s ability to get inhale; and seeing the visible large exhale are
rid of nicotine; and acetaldehyde acts as an repeated 240 times a day for a pack-a-day smoker12.
antidepressant in the That’s 87,600 times a
Ref: 1
brain38. Tobacco is more year! This physical habit
addictive than just is coupled with a hard hit
nicotine on its own1. of nicotine to the brain.
This chart shows the Together, the nicotine
success rates of people addiction and physical
trying to quit various habit make smoking one
sources of nicotine1. The of the hardest things to
source of pure, quit1.

"The burden of proof is on
the regulatory agency to
demonstrate that the
product is unreasonably
dangerous for its intended
use...electronic cigarette
prohibition will do harm to
hundreds of thousands of
“More subjects
would use the vapers already using

e-cigarette to electronic cigarettes in place

make a quit of tobacco ones - a clear
attempt (76%) violation of
than the inhaler nonmaleficence
(24%)” (Electronic cigarettes as a harm reduction strategy
for tobacco control: A step forward or past
(E-cigarette versus nicotine mistakes? (2010) Cahn, & Seigel)
inhaler: Comparing the
perceptions and experiences of
inhaled nicotine devices. (2014)
Steinberg, Zimmermann,
Delnevo, Lewis, Shukla, Coups, &

"People smoke for nicotine but they die from the tar"
(Professor Michael Russell, 1976)

The Vaporizer or ‘Vape’ (Electronic Cigarette)
What is it and what is the liquid inside?
Electronic vaporizer or ‘vape pen’ or just ‘vape’. Only 3.7% of
cigarettes or vapers use the cig-a-likes6. Vape pens produce more
‘vaporizers’ are vapor; deliver nicotine more effectively; have longer
very simple lasting batteries; hold more eliquid; and come in
electronic devices many styles that allow the smoker to find the right
that use a one for them13. Eliquid comes in hundreds of flavours
rechargeable for taste preferences and in various strengths of
battery to power a nicotine allowing the ‘vaper’ to wean off6.
heating element Eliquid has 4 just ingredients that have been
(coil) that heats approved for inhalation by Health Canada (HC):
the ‘eliquid’
Top left corner: battery charger. Middle: vaporizer assembled.
propylene glycol (PG), glycerin, nicotine and flavours5.
Lower corner from left to right: mouthpiece, atomizer, battery
into a The same ingredients are found in nicotine sprays:
non-toxic vapor to be inhaled. An ‘atomizer’ holds the
eliquid in a ‘tank’ and wicks sit in the eliquid to draw
the right amount into the coil, to produce vapor. The
vapor travels through the inner tube and is drawn
through the mouthpiece. There is a computer chip in
the battery to ensure power to the coil will not
exceed 5-10 seconds.
The evolving vaporizer technology has been
completely driven by consumer demand21. In the
photo below: on the upper right is a 1st generation
disposable cig-a-like and in the middle is a cartridge
style. On the left is the 2nd generation style: the
PG is used in medical inhalers, nebulizers, hospital air
sanitizers and injectable medicines4. It has been
extensively tested and is safe for inhalation41. Glycerin
and flavours are in the cig-a-likes without nicotine
approved for sale in Canadian pharmacies.

Nicotine is an addictive mild stimulant . It elevates foods are too low to cause any effect20. As with
mood, stimulates cognitive function and increases caffeine, water and Tylenol, massive doses of
energy1. Nicotine is one of the safest medicines and is anything including nicotine can be toxic (1mg of
used to treat neurological disorders1. Most people nicotine per kilogram of body weight). The amount of
have it in their bodies because it is in foods such as nicotine found in vapor is 1/10 of what is found in
tomatoes, potatoes and peppers20. The amounts in tobacco smoke24.

Risk reduction of ecigs is at least 95%, and
probably 99%”
(Professor Hajek)

The amount or
dose of a
“Saying e-cigs chemical entering
are 95% safer the body is
is not a medical probably the
claim, it’s a single most
truth” important factor
which determines
(Professor Bauld)
whether a
chemical will
cause poisoning.
(Canadian Centre for
Occupational Health and

Vaping: What the Science Tells Us
Are there risks to the vaper?
There have been over 600 published papers on Heavy metals have been found in some eliquid and
electronic cigarettes9. No serious adverse effects have in nicotine inhalers but at far lower levels that could
been caused by vaping9. Dozens of samples of eliquid cause harm17. A typical vaper has about 200 daily
and vapor have been studied and analyzed24. puffs on a vaporizer1. For worst case scenario, this
The amount of cancer causing chemicals found in chart shows 880 puffs a day; the levels are still low:
Ref: 1
just 2 out of dozens of samples of eliquid tested is the
same amount found in a nicotine patch8. These levels
are 500-1400 fold lower than tobacco smoke24:
Ref: 8

Fourteen types of harm resulting from nicotine This chart shows vaping is at the same level of risk
products are all factored into this comparison of of premature death as a non-smoker1.
different sources of nicotine. ‘E-cigs’ are shown to be Ref: 1
96% less harmful than tobacco smokes27.
Ref: 27

It’s not just about what chemicals but how much

The amount of a substance matters when we apply it to health
For decades, scientists have been testing tobacco smoke. We know that the types and amounts
thousands of known substances and have established of chemicals in tobacco smoke cause disease and
safe, therapeutic, toxic and lethal doses. Those death8. This is not the case with electronic cigarette
standards have been applied to analysing vapor and vapor45.

“Current state of knowledge
about chemistry of liquids
and aerosols associated with
electronic cigarettes
indicates that there is no
evidence that vaping
"None of the toxicological produces inhalable
testing conducted in E-cigs exposures to contaminants
has shown that users or of the aerosol that would
bystanders are exposed to warrant health concerns by
harmful levels of toxins or
the standards that are used
carcinogens. E-cigs eliminate
exposure to the smoke to ensure safety of
toxicants responsible for workplaces.”
nearly all smoking-related (Peering through the mist: Systematic
diseases." review of what the chemistry of
contaminants in electronic cigarettes tells
(A fresh look at tobacco harm reduction: The case for us about health risks. (2014) Burstyn)
the electronic cigarette. (2013) Polosa, Rodu,
Caponnetto, Maglia, & Raciti)

"Bans of e-cigarettes based on harms that

are minor compared to smoking are likely
to perversely protect tobacco sales from
(Nicotine and Health. (2013) Laugese)

The Science on Vaping
Is there risk to bystanders?
A considerable advantage to vaping is that there is smoke either don’t exist or are significantly reduced in
no risk to bystanders17. Over 9000 observations on the vapor1.
constituants of vapor were compared to workplace
exposure standards; and all (except 2 were less than
<5%) were less than 1% of safety levels45. Vapor is 70-
90% water (we breathe in water all the time; it’s
called humidity); some PG and glycerin; and traces of
nicotine and flavour25. The toxic chemicals in tobacco
Ref: 1

Considering the lack of risk to the person inhaling

directly off the vaporizer, what is exhaled and diluted
by room air is negligible1.
Remember, risk to health is not only what the
substance is but how much of it. This is why we are
comfortable having lunch on a patio even though
vehicle exhaust contains lots of toxic chemicals, heavy
metals and compounds that cause cancer42. The
amount we get in our lungs is diluted by the
surrounding air and the amount of toxins is too small
to cause harm42.

The Problem with Public Bans on Vaping

Vaping is not smoking and should not be treated as such
Public bans of tobacco smoke are justified to Spain’s vaping ban decrease the number vape sales by
protect bystanders from the toxins from burning 70% and 60% of the vape shops closed48.
tobacco1. Vaping is not hazardous to bystanders and it Canada is a free country. In public, we allow
helps smokers reduce or eliminate their tobacco perfume although it can affect asthma; shellfish,
smoking1. Banning vaping would wrongly make vaping strawberries and peanuts can cause dealth to those
look like it is dangerous and this would make smokers with allergies. Vaping in public is a small social shift
less likely to try vaping and the public less supportive. like wearing seatbelts, to reduce harm without
Forcing those trying to quit smoking to stand outside endangering others. Agencies give out condoms to
amongst people smoking encourages smoking relapse. reduce the risk of contracting disease eventhough it
Vaping regularly, maintains nicotine levels in the was met with fear-based resistance in the 80’s.
blood thereby effectively reduces the craving to Canadians supporting the use of less harmful sources
smoke26. Of 1615 vapers surveyed, 61% said they of nicotine can reduce smoking related diseases and
would go back to tobacco if there was a vaping ban43. the associated public costs27.

"Surveys document that most smokers would like to quit,
and many have made repeated efforts to do so. However,
conventional smoking cessation approaches require
nicotine addicted smokers to abstain from tobacco and
nicotine entirely. Many smokers are unable - or at least
unwilling - to achieve this goal, and so they continue
smoking in the face of impending adverse health
consequences. In effect, the status quo in smoking
cessation presents smokers with just two unpleasant
alternatives: quit or suffer the harmful effects of
continuing smoking. But there is a third choice for
smokers: tobacco harm reduction. It involves the use of
alternative sources of nicotine, including modern
smokeless replacement for smoking. E-cigs might be the
most promising product for tobacco harm reduction to
date because delivering nicotine vapour without the
combustion products that are responsible for nearly all of
smoking's damaging effect, they also replace some of the
rituals associated with smoking behaviour."
(A fresh look at tobacco harm reduction: The case for the electronic cigarette. (2013) Polosa, Rodu, Caponnetto,
Maglia, & Raciti)

Smoking Reduction and Cessation
Does vaping help to reduce smoking?

52% of smokers try to quit every year22. They have reduction of 60-80% (from an average of 25 tobacco
a 4% success rate cold turkey; 8% success with smokes a day to just 5 smokes a day16). The lower the
nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as patches number of cigarettes smoked in a day, the lower the
or gum22; if you add intense counselling, success can chances of getting lung cancer2.
reach 16%23. Smoking cessation methods currently 27% of attempts to quit smoking in the UK utilize
approved by HC have an 84% failure rate at best! Of vapes29. This method of smoking reduction has been
those successful ‘quitters’ 80% relapse in the first completely consumer driven21. In 2012, the UK had
month and only 5% achieve long term cessation24 700,000 vapers; this has tripled to 2.1 million in
Hundreds of thousands of smokers all over the 201417. Vaping appeals to the smoker because it offers
world have quit smoking by switching to vaping6. In the smoker very similar physical sensations to get
controlled clinical trials smokers not intending on nicotine but without the health compromising
quitting were given vape pens and eliquid. Six months chemicals found in tobacco smoke6. Socially, they no
later 21% had quit smoking compared to 7% “success” longer are embarrassed by smelling of smoke15 and
with cig-a-likes and 6% “success” with nicotine they no longer feel guilty about harming bystanders
patches13. Some became ‘dual users’ (smoke and with second-hand smoke2. Financially, vaping is about
vape) which reduced the number of cigarettes 80% cheaper. The hundreds of styles of ‘hardware’
smoked. These clinical trial groups had a total and accessories offer a hobby interest.

Who are using vaporizers/ecigarettes?

And why?
Less than 1% of never smokers try vaping and 9 out of 10 stated that their health improved with
virtually none continue28. vaping and 65% said they continue to have a smoking
experience but with reduced health risks24. 93% felt
vaping was less addictive than smoking3.
Ref: 51

Over 25,000 vapers have been surveyed: typically

they are long term smokers, 35-45 in age; had tried to
quit an average of 9 times and 2 out of 3 had tried
NRTs to quit24. Over 3/4 of them had not had a
tobacco smoke in the last month; 19% were dual
users and had reduced their daily smokes by 40%24.

Now that research
shows that e-cigarettes
increase smoking Harm reduction is one of
cessation, it proves also the four pillars of
that e-cigarettes Canada’s Drug Strategy.
denormalize being a This health-centred
smoker. approach, with the goal
(Nicotine and Health. (2013) American
of reducing the health
Council on Science and Health)
and social harms related
to substance use and
(Substance Abuse Issues and Public
Policy in Canada)
Once these products are
more common and the
purpose of
them is known, seeing
people use them should
normalise quitting
behaviour, something the "Harm reduction” aims to
children were very keep people safe and
supportive of.
minimize death, disease,
(Looks like smoking, is it smoking?: Children’s

and injury from high risk

perceptions of cigarette-like nicotine delivery
systems, smoking and cessation.(2013) Glover,
Nosa, & Pienaar)

(BC Center for Disease Control)

Tobacco Harm Reduction
It just makes sense in a country with universal healthcare.

‘Harm reduction’ is intended to lessen the negative The cost of smoking-related diseases to healthcare in
health, social and financial consequences caused from 2002 was $4.4billion18. It has been estimated that the
high risk behaviours31. Examples of harm reduction cost of smoking to healthcare in 2012 was $14billion39.
are impaired driving check-stops40, condom use19, and This cost is 100% preventable!
needle exchanges. Giving an IV “Refusing to provide truthful
drug user 5 clean needles a day information about and access
would cost 50₵ each day or $186 a to safer alternative sources of
year. If that person uses a dirty nicotine dissuades smokers
needle just once and contracts from quitting the most harmful
HIV, the cost to healthcare to treat method of obtaining nicotine -
that person starts at $14,453 a inhaling smoke24." Vaping is a
year and increases to $22,000 as tobacco harm reduction
the disease progresses19. Our taxes approach for those addicted to
ensure every citizen has access to tobacco smoking. It satisfies
healthcare. Reducing harmful the nicotine addiction and
outcomes means lesser costs to physical habit without the toxic
the taxpayer. chemicals.
Smokers are hooked on Smokers with chronic
nicotine17. Nicotine is just one of diseases that switched to
4000 chemicals47 formed when vaping showed improvements:
burning today’s tobacco cigarette. 40% with diabetes; 50% with
In fact, 69 of those chemicals high blood pressure; 42% with
definitely cause cancer37. Smoking is responsible for high cholesterol; 65% with asthma; 54% with heart
36% of respiratory diseases, 29% of cancers, 14% of disease; and 76% with COPD6. 18% of those with lung
cardiovascular diseases and 87% of COPD12. These are disease lowered their medication and 18% stopped
chronic diseases requiring drugs, doctor’s visits and taking medication6. Asthmatic smokers showed an
hospital stays over many years. Eventually the long- actual reversal of lung damage when they stopped or
term smoker can become so sick that they are unable reduced smoking by vaping11.
to work and our taxes will provide disability benefits.

‘Normalizing’ smoking
Will vaping undo all the progress we have made?
Vaping doesn’t make the distinctive stench and breathe outside on a cold day. But for the smoker, the
toxins of smoke that is so annoying to others1. No sensations within the body feel much like smoking,
more smelling like smoke, yellowed teeth and dulled making it an appealing alternative3. How can
sense of taste. There are no ashes, no side-stream, something that doesn’t smell, look, operate, pollute
and no butts. Vaporizers look nothing like a smoke. nor harm like smoking, normalize smoking? If
The only similarity is a visible exhale like when you anything, it normalizes quitting smoking1.

“…only one student who
initiated with an
“Nonsmoking teens’ [ecig](1.7%) was a daily
interest in e-cigarettes user of any tobacco
was very low (mean 0.41 product, compared to the
on a 0-10 scale)…Past 30- 10% to 21% of current
day adult e-cigarette daily tobacco users who
users had the greatest first tried conventional
interest in e-cigarettes, cigarettes…”
and their interest was (Which nicotine products are gateways to regular
use? (2015) Meier, Tackett, Miller, Grant, &
most affected by Wagener)

flavor…flavors tested
appealed more to adult
smokers than to non-
smoking teen, but
interest in flavours was
“Nearly 1 in 5 (18%)
low for both groups.”
participants [teens] were
(The impact of flavor descriptors on nonsmoking
teens' and adult smokers' interest in electronic
willing to try either a plain
cigarettes. (2015) Shiffman, Sembower, Pillitteri,
Gerlach, & Gitchell)
or flavored ecigarette, but
willingness to try plain
versus flavored
varieties did not differ.
Smokers were more willing
to try any ecigarette than
nonsmokers (74% vs
(Which nicotine products are gateways to regular
use? (2015) Meier, Tackett, Miller, Grant, & Wagener,

Youth and Vaping
Is banning flavours the solution to reducing future tobacco smokers?
Eliquid flavour variety was rated 4 out of 5 (very (91% had quit smoking of the 4,618 surveyed7). Its
important) to vapers7. If flavours were restricted, 49% evident that flavours of ejuice are a very important
said they would have an increased smoking craving aspect of attracting smokers to vaping.
and 40% said they would have An online survey of 11-19 year olds found
been less likely to quit or reduce that there was no difference in the desire to
smoking7. Two thirds, switched try an electronic cigarette with flavour than
flavours daily (average of 3 without flavour46. However, 74% those
flavours) because a flavour will get youth that smoked were willing to try
‘blunt’7. Tobacco flavours are more vaping compared those that were non-
common when starting vaping and smokers (18%)46. Keep in mind that 43% of
in dual users7. Most vapers used Canadian grade 12 students have tried
fruit (70%) and sweet (61%) smoking49. Interest in vaping is higher in
flavours if they stopped smoking adult smokers than non-smokers as well1.

The Gateway Theory

Is vaping leading to smoking?

Where vaping is increasing, smoking rates of adults A child’s strongest influences for future behaviours
and youth are decreasing at higher rates than ever are parents10. Children have a twice the chance of
seen before. In England, the national smoking survey becoming a smoker if just one person smokes in the
recorded decreasing rates in quitting smoking from home44. Therefore, if the parents quit smoking it
2007-2011 (6.7% down to 4.6%). But in 2012, 700,000 reduces the chances of their children becoming
smokers started vaping and the quit rate jumped to smokers.
6.2%. In 2014 (2.1 million vapers) the quit rate rose to Gateway from vaping to smoking would mean
7.5%50. switching from wonderful
99% of youth who flavours to revolting toxic
first exposure to smoke; to something that
nicotine was vaping, makes you stink and is more
did not become addictive. Smoking is 100-
tobacco smokers30. Of fold worse for your health14,
those that tried costs 10 times as much and
tobacco smoking first, casts you out in the cold.
10% to 21% became How likely is that switch?
daily smokers30. The gateway theory is simply

Beliefs don’t change facts.
What do you think
Facts, if you are
science is? There’s
nothing magical reasonable should change
about science. It is your beliefs”
(Ricky Gervais)
simply a systematic
way for carefully
and thoroughly
observing nature
and using
consistent logic to
evaluate results. “Nurses to the extent possible,
Which part of that provide persons in their care
exactly do you
disagree with? Do with the information they need
you disagree with to make informed decisions
being thorough? related to their health and
Using careful
well-being. They also work to
observation? Being
systematic? Or using make sure that health
consistent logic? information is given to
(Dr. Steven Novella)
individuals, families, groups,
populations and communities
in their care in an open,
accurate and transparent
(Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses.
(2008) Canadian Nurses Association)

Summing It Up
Did you learn anything new?

Tobacco smoking is killing people, destroying lives impression that vaping is harmful; it would also inhibit
and costing Canadians a lot of money. Chemicals are the vaper from maintaining nicotine levels in their
added to tobacco cigarettes to make them more bodies to effectively reduce their cravings to smoke.
addictive. Not only are smokers addicted to nicotine, Banning flavours will make vaping less appealing
but the physical habit of smoking is a huge part of the and therefore less effective for smokers trying to quit.
reason smokers can’t Evidence shows that youth
quit or stay quit. and adults that are
Vaporizers are smokers are almost four
simple electronic times more interested in
devices that heat 4 vaping than non-smokers
ingredients into a and flavours are not a
non-toxic water-based reason to try vaping. The
vapor to be inhaled. gateway theory is simply
They don’t smell, look, nonsense!
operate, addict, We have an ethical
pollute, nor harm like obligation to support the
smoking but it feels freedom and right of all
like smoking to a smoker; and this is what makes Canadians, including smokers, to have access to
them appealing to a smoker. Vaping is growing in accurate information and resources to have control
popularity and technology because of smokers’ over their health! Evidence shows that quitting or
demand for it. Vaping substantially exceeds the quit reducing smoking by vaping improves chronic
rates of patches and gums or it helps smokers cut way diseases.
back on their smoking. This paper is just scratching the surface on the
The amount of a chemical entering the body is as variety and depth of information available from the
important as what that chemical is to determine if it on-going investigations into vaping as a tobacco harm
will be harmful. Harm reduction has been successful reduction strategy. If you have any questions or
at keeping Canadians healthier which in turn, has would like more information, please email
lowered human suffering and tax expense. Vapor is [email protected].
not hazardous to the user or bystanders. Banning
vaping in public is unjustified and will give a false

A special thank you to Ray Yates and Carmen Hoffman for all your support in the writing of this paper.


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