328 Index
328 Index
328 Index
Entries for editorials, news, papers, primary care, information in practice, clinical review, education and debate, learning in practice, quality improvement report, letters and reviews are indicated by the use of symbols (E), (N), (P), (PC), (IP), (C), (ED), (LP), (Q), (L), and (R) respectively. Series entries are made for the ABC series, Drug points, Extracts from Clinical Evidence Concise, Fillers, Lesson of the week, Personal view, Recent developments, Science, medicine, and the future, 10-minute consultation and the other subject series. Articles in BMJ Careers are also included in this index.
Aaby P, see Benn CS 328:1223 Abassi K, see Bhutta ZA 328:777 Abbas, Khudair, interview with (F Fleck) 328:1280 (N) Abbasi K et al, India versus Pakistan and the power of a six: an analysis of cricket results 328:800 (P), 328:1500 (L) see Roberts I 328:845 Abbasian C, Psychiatry in the Caribbean (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s187 (8 May 2004) Abbott J see Garry R 328:129 see Sculpher M 328:134 Abbs S, et al, Nature Encyclopaedia of the Human Genome 328:172 (R) ABC of burns First aid and treatment for minor burns (J Hudspith, et al) 328:1487 (C) Initial management of a major burn: I-overview (S Hettiaratchy, et al) 328:1555 (C) Introduction (S Hettiaratchy, et al) 328:1366 (C) Pathophysiology and types of burns (S Hettiaratchy, et al) 328:1427 (C) (correction, 329:148) ABC of eyes Glaucoma1: Diagnosis (PT Khaw, et al) 328:97 (C) (correction, 762) Glaucoma2: Treatment (PT Khaw, et al) 328:156 (C) (correction, 762) Injury to the eye (PT Khaw, et al) 328:36 (C) (correction, 762), 328:643 (L), 328:644 (L) ABC of rheumatology Low back pain (C Speed) 328:1119 (C) Pain in the hip and knee (AJ Hamer) 328:1067 (C) ABC of sexually transmitted infections Main presentations of sexually transmitted infections in men (J Richens) 328:1251 (C) Vaginal dischargecauses, diagnosis, and treatment (H Mitchell) 328:1306 (C) ABC of smoking cessation Assessment of dependence and motivation to stop smoking (R West) 328:338 (C) Bupropion and other non-nicotine pharmacotherapies (E Roddy) 328:509 (C) Cessation interventions in routine health care (T Coleman) 328:631 (C) Economics of smoking cessation (S Parrott, et al) 328:947 (C) Harm reduction (A McNeill) 328:885 (C) Nicotine replacement therapy (A Molyneux) 328:454 (C) (correction, 686) Policy priorities for tobacco control (K Jamrozik) 328:1007 (C) Population strategies to prevent smoking (K Jamrozik) 328:759 (C) The problem of tobacco smoking (R Edwards) 328:217 (C) Setting up a cessation service (P Spice) 328:699 (C) Special groups of smokers (T Coleman) 328:575 (C) Tobacco control policy priorities (K Jamrozik) 328:1007 (C) Use of simple advice and behavioural support (T Coleman) 328:397 (C) Why people smoke (MJ Jarvis) 328:277 (C) abdominal aortic aneurysms see also aortic aneurysms screening, in men (JJ Earnshaw, et al) 328:1122 (ED) abdominal hysterectomy see also hysterectomy cost effectiveness, laparoscopic v. standard (M Sculpher, et al) 328:134 (P) laparoscopic v. abdominal comparison with laparoscopic v. vaginal: eVALuate study (R Garry, et al) 328:129 (P) (correction, 494), 328:642 (L), 328:643 (L) Abeygunasekera AM, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:838 (L) Abhinav A, see Abhishek A BMJ Careers 328:s138 Abhishek A, et al, Being a successful SHO in emergency medicine (A&E) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s138 (3 April 2004) Aborigines see also ethnic groups Canada, clinic privatisation fears (D Spurgeon) 328:972 (N) abortion, induced Abortion, Motherhood, and Mental Health: Medicalizing Reproduction in the United States and Great Britain (Lee) (Books) 328:1022 (R) C4 My Foetus (DJ Murphy) (TV) 328:1021 (R) postmortems after fetal anomaly (PA Boyd, et al) 328:137 (P) Abrams KR, see Minelli C 328:371 Aburugba, Khalil Zarroug, Obituary (OZ Abdelkafi) 328:646 Abyssinia, hypnotism. One hundred years ago 328:155 (correction, 384), 328:155 academic medicine see also research BMJ Publishing Group campaign 328:45 (L), 328:46 (L), 328:47 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) campaign calls for radical thinking (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1454 (N) chink of light in gloom (G Easton) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s79 (21 February 2004) developing countries, practising just medicine in unjust world 328:47 (L), 328:49 (L) resuscitating clinical research in UK 328:48 (L), 328:49 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) revitalisation campaign kicks off (P Tugwell) 328:597 (E), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Peter Tugwell interview (J Clark) 328:604 (N) WMA calls for retired academics to teach in developing world (S Pincock) 328:602 (N) accidents, traffic, risks to life. One hundred years ago 328:1258 ACE inhibitors, ramipril and cardiovascular and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetes (M Marre, et al) 328:495 (PC) (correction, 686) acetazolamide, acute mountain sickness prevention and: with ginkgo biloba (JH Gertsch, et al) 328:797 (P) Aclimandos WA, see Goyal S 328:1075 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome see also antiretrovirals; HIV Africa AIDS Africa: Continent in Crisis (Jackson) (Books) 328:1081 (R) antiretroviral treatment access (R Loewenson, et al) 328:241 (E) children, decline in mortality 328:523 (L), 328:524 (L) "Letting Them Die": Why HIV/AIDS Prevention Programmes Fail (Campbell) (Books) 328:1081 (R) Libya, health workers sentenced to death (K Krosnar) 328:1153 (N) Mortal Secrets: Truth and Lies in the Age of AIDS (Klitzman, et al) (Books) 328:1080 (R) prevention partner reduction: overview (D Wilson) 328:848 (E) partner reduction and balanced ABC approach (JD Shelton, et al) 328:891 (ED) Russia, government accused of hampering efforts (A Osborn) 328:1154 (N) Rwanda, genocide survivors denied treatment (L Hilsum) 328:913 (N) South Africa, infection control measures (P Sidley) 328:366 (N) south-east Asia, burden (AKM Zaidi, et al) 328:811 (C) stable partnership and progression in antiretroviral therapy patients: Swiss study (J Young, et al) 328:15 (P) UK, 20% increase (S Pincock) 328:425 (N) US cheap drugs access blocked (O Dyer) 328:783 (N) drugs price increase (F Charatan) 328:974 (N) WHO drugs target may be unrealistic (F Fleck) 328:1151 (N) women, let down? (Z Kmietowicz) 328:305 (N) World Health Report 2003 (F Fleck) 328:10 (N) acupuncture see also alternative medicine chronic headache in primary care cost effectiveness (D Wonderling, et al) 328:747 (PC) trial (AJ Vickers, et al) 328:744 (PC) acute coronary syndromes, hospital discharge rates 1990-2000 (NF Murphy, et al) 328:1413 (P) acute haemorrhage, bradycardia in (I Thomas, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:451 (C) acute medicine Acute Medicine: Making it Work for Patients (L Eaton) 328:1091 (N) new initiative to improve undergraduate teaching (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s29 (17 January 2004) acute mountain sickness, prevention, ginkgo biloba and acetazolamide (JH Gertsch, et al) 328:797 (P) acute otitis media, adenoidectomy v. chemoprophylaxis in children (P Koivunen, et al) 328:487 (P) acute pancreatitis, management (DA OReilly, et al) 328:968 (E) acute respiratory infections, drink plenty of fluids": sytematic review (MPB Guppy, et al) 328:499 (PC), 328:957 (L), 328:958 (L) acute stroke units, lower in-hospital mortality rates and (Dr Fosters case notes) 328:369 Adami H-O, see Hall P 328:19 Adams KM, et al, Healthcare challenges from the developing world: post-immigration refugee medicine 328:1548 (C) Adams T Sharing electronic health records 328:1438 (L) et al, Lessons from the central Hampshire electronic health record pilot project: issues of data protection and consent 328:871 (IP), 328:1437 (L), 328:1438 (L) see Sanderson H 328:875 Adams, Thomas David Meurig, Obituary (DB Hargrave) 328:467 Addis GJ, Alcohol evidence and policy 328:1203 (L) Adeel A-H, Roll Back Malaria: a failing global health challenge 328:1378 adenoidectomy, recurrent acute otitis media, comparison with chemoprophylaxis in children (P Koivunen, et al) 328:487 (P) Adhikari RK, see Mendis L 328:779 Adkoli BV, see Mendis L 328:779 adolescence see also young adults ABC of smoking cessation (T Coleman) 328:575 (C) antidepressants, efficacy and safety (JN Jureidini, et al) 328:879 (C) (correction, 1170) cancers, prognosis fails to improve (Z Kmietowicz) 328:540 (N) depression, treatment of major depressive disorder (P Ramchandani, et al) 328:3 (E), 328:524 (L), 328:525 (L), 328:711 (L) Difficult Consultations with Adolescents (Donovan) (Books) 328:1443 (R) health behaviour sex differences (B Christie) 328:1395 (N) India, use of tobacco products as dentifrice (DN Sinha, et al) 328:323 (P), 328:958 (L) pregnancy and childbirth are leading causes of death in girls (S Mayor) 328:1152 (N) Sexual Orientation in Child and Adolescent Health Care (Perrin) (Books) 328:469 (R) Adsett J, The human resources perspective on the PLAB dilemma BMJ Careers 328:s259 (19 June 2004) Adshead G, Working with Dangerous People (Books) 328:1324 (R) advance directives Mental Capacity Bill, clarifies legal gap (C Dyer) 328:1516 (N) specify treatments that patient is refusing (C Dyer) 328:1035 (N) adverse events acute care hospitals, methods for estimating rates (P Michel, et al) 328:199 (P) advice (K Dalby) BMJ Careers 328:s173 (1 May 2004) harmful reactions. When I use a word (J Aronson) 328:1173 Aeschbach E, see Voth EA 328:229 affirmative action, ethnic groups, lessons for health care (F Sassi, et al) 328:1213 (E) Afghanistan see also Asia MSF work suspended after staff killed (T Sheldon) 328:1398 (N) Africa see also Angola; Libya; Malawi; Mali; Nigeria; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; South Africa; Sudan; Uganda; Zambia AIDS antiretroviral treatment access (R Loewenson, et al) 328:241 (E) antiretrovirals (W Stevens, et al) 328:280 (ED) disease control programmes: linking (DH Molyneux, et al) 328:1129 (ED) malaria, treatment (B Greenwood) 328:534 (E) microbicide trials launch (S Pincock) 328:786 (N) polio, WHO warning (F Fleck) 328:1513 (N) ageing see also elderly end of party. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:1416 growing old. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:1039 Merchants of Immortality: Chasing the Dream of Human Life Extension (Hall) (Books) 328:715 (R) theories and old men. Endpiece (JH Baron) 328:675 Agell I, Problem-Based Learning for Health Improvement (Books) 328:113 (R) Agerbo E, see Eaton WW 328:438, 328:1017 Agius R, see Ayres JG 328:1450 Agrawal N, Neuropsychiatry BMJ Careers 328:s35 (24 January 2004), s149 (10 April 2004) Ahmad K, Karachis quiet revolutionary 328:790 (N) Ahmad N, et al, Burden of non-communicable diseases in South Asia 328:1499 (L) Ahmed A, 10-minute consultation. Management of diastolic heart failure in older adults 328:1114 (PC), 328:1378 (L), 328:1379 (L) Ahmed M, et al, Surgery in South Asia 328:782 (E) Ahmed RI, PLAB: myth and reality (Advice) BMJ Careers 328:s272 (19 June 2004) air pollution, south-east Asia (S Kumar) 328:787 (N) (correction, 1104) Aitken JM, Acquiring accurate crash data is important 328:1261 (L) Al-Ubaydli M, Handheld computers 328:1181 (C), 328:1565 (L) Albertazzi P, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:46 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Alberti KGMM, see Amiel SA 328:1215 albumin, resuscitation, comparison with saline in critically ill (S Mayor) 328:852 (N) Albuquerque A, see Maria V 328:572 Albuquerque VMG, see Miranda-Filho DdeB 328:615 Alcock S, Misinformation, poverty, and overseas doctors BMJ Careers 328:s219 (29 May 2004), s274 (19 June 2004) alcohol drinking advertising, ban? (R Coombes) (Ads) 328:1572 (R) Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England (M Plant, et al) 328:905 (E), 328:1202 (L), 328:1203 (L) drink-driving level, limit should be much lower 328:895 (L) (correction, 1284) ethnic groups, cross cultural adaption review (R Bhopal, et al) 328:76 (P) (correction, 563) evidence-based policy or policy based evidence? (MG Marmot) 328:906 (E), 328:1202 (L), 328:1203 (L) screening, opportunistic brief interventions in general hospitals (MJ Emmen, et al) 328:318 (P) UK government plan (L Eaton) 328:659 (N) violent crime and: Sweden (M Grann, et al) 328:1233 (P) Alcolado JC, Death of the teaching autopsy 328:165 (L), 328:406 (L) Alderson P
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Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence 328:476 (E), 328:1016 (L) et al, What doesnt work and how to show it 328:473 (E), 328:1015 (L), 328:1016 (L) Alho O-P, see Koivunen P 328:487 Allen D, see Lyratzopoulos G BMJ Careers 328:s196 Allen, James Taylour Doyle, Obituary (D Magennis, et al) 328:467 Allen ME, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:584 (L) Alles, Terrence Noel Joseph, Obituary (R Perumal) 328:960 Allinson MD, see Duerden MG 328:168 Als-Nielsen B, et al, Non-absorbable disaccharides for hepatic encephalopathy: systematic review of randomised trials 328:1046 (P) Alshafey H, A positive experience of a clinical attachment (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s265 (19 June 2004) Altemimi BJ, et al, Thoracic aneurysm in elderly woman (Minerva) 328:414 (R) alternative medicine see also acupuncture Netherlands, crack down (T Sheldon) 328:485 (N) US, dirty dozen dietary supplements (JH Tanne) 328:975 (N) Althahabi MM, Q&A. Effects of ginkgo extract 328:1072 Altman DG et al Confidence intervals illuminate absence of evidence 328:1016 (L) Turning a blind eye 328:1135 (L) see Bland JM 328:1073 see Campbell MK 328:702 Alzheimers disease Rajit Kumar Chandra, journals raise validity doubts (C White) 328:67 (N) (correction, 257), 328:465 (L) donepezil probably better than galantamine 328 (10 January 2003) Amarasinghe AW, WHOs world health report 2003: 328:288 (L) Ambache, Nachman, Obituary (D Greaves) 328:960 amenalotic lentigo maligna, in woman (E Ladoyanni, et al) (Minerva) 328:356 (R) American College of Chest Physicians, Medscape conference coverage 328:503 Amiel SA, et al, Inhaled insulin 328:1215 (E) aminotransferase, liver disease mortality and (HC Kim, et al) 328:983 (P) Ammann P, et al, Raised cardiac troponins 328:1028 (E) Amorim MR, et al, Is there a familial link between Downs syndrome and neural tube defects? Population and familial survey 328:84 (P) Amos A, see Bhopal R 328:76 Amos T, see Shaw J 328:734 amoxicillin, pneumonia, three v. five day treatment (ISCAP Study Group) 328:791 (P) (correction, 1066), 328:1566 (L), 328:1567 (L) Ana J Health in South Asia 328:1498 (L) The role of a general medical journal (Personal view) 328:591 (R), 328:1498 (L) anaesthesiology, US, nightmare (D Kamming) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s188 (8 May 2004) analgesia see also pain neglected in war areas (P Moszynski) 328:1398 (N) nitrous oxide toxicity after intermittent inhalation (M Doran, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:1364 (C) analgesia, epidural caesarean section rates in nulliparous women (EHC Liu, et al) 328:1410 (P) effective for low back pain? (A Samanta, et al) 328:1509 (E) Anderson AM, see Smith WCS 328:1459 Anderson, Edward, Obituary (D Crowley) 328:1079 Anderson HR, et al, Trends in prevalence of symptoms of asthma, hay fever, and eczema in 12-14 year olds in the British Isles, 1995-2002: questionnaire survey 328:1052 (P), 328:1380 (L) Anderson R, et al, The maxillofacial factor: not just for dentists BMJ Careers 328:s55 (7 February 2004) Anderson, Tom, Obituary (J Anderson) 328:1020 Andrews PA, Transplant (Tilney) (Books) 328:470 (R) Angelini K, see Goodacre S 328:254 angioplasty myocardial infarction should be first line treatment (D Smith) (For and against) 328:1254 (ED), 328:1567 (L) v. thrombolysis: topical parable (P Bogaty, et al) 328:1257 (ED) angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, cardiovascular diseases, conundrum of HOPE study 328:167 (L) Angola see also Africa Jacqui Mukoyogo (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s27 (17 January 2004) animal research Colin Blakemore, threatens to resign over honours debacle (R Dobson) 328:7 (N) evidence for human benefits (P Pound, et al) 328:514 (ED), 328:1017 (L) Anonymous Help! Im a medic, get me out of here (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s18 (10 January 2004), s119 (20 March 2004) Parents as well as children need protection (Personal view) 328:775 (R) A time to live or a time to die? (Personal view) 328:1445 (R) anorexia nervosa see also eating disorders management, revisited (J Russell) 328:479 (E), 328:1075 (L), 328:1076 (L) Anthony-Pillai R, Fluffy thinking 328:574 antibiotic resistance, clinical outcomes and (M Woodhead, et al) 328:1270 (E) antibiotics, effectiveness in preventing meningococcal disease: systematic review (B Purcell, et al) 328:1339 (P) antidepressants see also depression brain activity: v. cognitive behaviour therapy (S Mayor) 328:69 (N) correction, 396) children, efficacy and safety (JN Jureidini, et al) 328:879 (C) (correction, 1170) suicide, US FDA panel calls for warnings (R Moynihan) 328:303 (N) antiepileptics, children, NICE guidance (S Mayor) 328:1093 (N) antihypertensives, responses of black patients and white patients are similar (S Mayor) 328:602 (N) antipsychotics, stroke warning 328:1262 (L) antiretrovirals see also acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in Africa (W Stevens, et al) 328:280 (ED)
protease inhibitors or non-nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors: indirect comparison of controlled trials (Y Yazdanpanah, et al) 328:249 (P) stable partnership and progression to AIDS or death: Swiss cohort study (J Young, et al) 328:15 (P) antisocial behaviour, children, mentoring in reduction (H Roberts, et al) 328:512 (ED) Anwar ZK, Stop moaning. In my day we did a one in two and enjoyed it (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s138 (3 April 2004) anxiety cardiovascular diseases and (SJC Davies, et al) 328:939 (C) Pakistan, risk factors, prevalence and treatment (I Mirza, et al) 328:794 (P) Anya I, Public involvement in health care 328:462 (L) aortic aneurysms see also abdominal aortic aneurysms national screening programme (RM Greenhalgh) 328:1087 (E) (correction, 1486) US, high prevalence (D Spurgeon) 328:852 (N) aortic stenosis, surgery (GP McCann, et al) 328:63 (E) Aparna G, The overseas doctor hurdle race (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s105 (13 March 2004) Appleby J, What is the Real Cost of More Patient Choice? (Books) 328:54 (R) Appleby L, see Shaw J 328:734 Appleton R, see Pritchard J 328:1537 Arafa M, What do overseas doctors think? BMJ Careers 328:s243 (19 June 2004) Arakelian C, Are you ready to work in the United Kingdom? (Job hunting) BMJ Careers 328:s269 (19 June 2004) Arasu A Becoming a medical diving referee (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s186 (8 May 2004) Carer of torture victims (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s126 (27 March 2004) PLAB is good for you (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s282 (26 June 2004) architecture, difference from medicine. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:1544 archives, LOCKSS, preservation of scientific record (V Reich, et al) 328:61 (E) Arends B, et al, eds, Experiment: Conversations in Art and Science (Books) 328:114 (R) Arie S Italians are offered do it yourself paternity testing kits 328:1275 (N) Plastic surgery reality show angers doctors (TV) 328:590 (R) army see also war smoking, urgent action needed (R Dobson) 328:125 (N) Arnold B, Patient power? (Personal view) 326:1042 (correction, 328:1284) Arnold J, see Goodacre S 328:254 Aronson J, When I use a word, Harmful reactions 328:1173 Aroori S, et al, Giant cell arteritis causing sudden onset blindness and painful tongue (Minerva) 328:296 Arroll B, et al, Corticosteroid injections for osteoarthritis of the knee: meta-analysis 328:869 (PC) arsenicosis, clinicians roles in management in Bangladesh (R Murshed, et al) 328:493 (P) Arslandemir C, see Hetzel M 328:1051 art cat on hot tiled wall (L Eaton) 328:484 (N) encouraging future doctors through art (S Bagchi, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s107 (13 March 2004) Arvanitis TN, see Chryssafidou E 328:839 asbestos Australia, fund (B Burton) 328:728 (N) mesothelioma, radical surgery (T Treasure, et al) 328:237 (E) Asen E, et al, Ten Minutes for the Family: Systemic Interventions in Primary Care (Books) 328:961 (R) Asfour, Thelma Rowett (ne Gaunt), Obituary (M Asfour) 328:290 Ashrafian H, et al, Portable echocardiography 328:300 (E) Asia see also Afghanistan; Bangladesh; China; India; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Korea; Nepal; Pakistan; Palestine; Singapore; Thailand; United Arab Emirates; Vietnam Asia, south-east BMJ theme issue 328:288 (L) overview: cardiovascular and infectious diseases: double whammy (B Basnyat, et al) 328:781 (E) overview: drug industry marketing (CM Gulhati) 328:778 (E) overview: postgraduate medical education (L Mendis, et al) 328:779 (E) overview: surgery (M Ahmed, et al) 328:782 (E) air pollution (S Kumar) 328:787 (N) (correction, 1104) burden of communicable diseases (AKM Zaidi, et al) 328:811 (C) burden of non-communicable diseases (A Ghaffar, et al) 328:807 (C), 328:1499 (L) community development and its impact on health (SMM Hossain, et al) 328:830 (ED) cricket: magic glue that unites South Asia? (S Shafqat, et al) (Personal view) 328:843 (R) cricket between India and Pakistan: analysis of results (K Abbasi, et al) 328:800 (P), 328:1500 (L) depression in Pakistan (I Mirza, et al) 328:794 (P) effect of maternal mental health on infant growth in low income countries (V Patel, et al) 328:820 (ED) gender in health disparity (FF Fikree, et al) 328:823 (ED) hope for? (ZA Bhutta, et al) 328:777 (E), 328:1497 (L) importance of health research (R Sadana, et al) 328:826 (C), 328:1497 (L) on internet (C Osdigwe) (Websites) 328:842 (R) maternal and child health, ready for change? (ZA Bhutta, et al) 328:816 (ED) technological divide (G Mudur) 328:788 (N) tobacco consumption patterns and distribution in India (S Subramanian, et al) 328:801 (PC), 328:1498 (L), 328:1499 (L) what is to be done? 328:837 (L), 328:838 (L), 328:839 (L) aspirin asthma and, implications for clinical practice (C Jenkins, et al) 328:434 (P), 328:1076 (L) breast cancers and, daily aspirin and risk (JH Tanne) 328:1336 (N) cardiovascular diseases polypill 328:289 (L), 328:405 (L) prevention insights from modelling incremental cost effectiveness 328:404 (L), 328:405 (L) resistance (GJ Hankey, et al) 328:477 (E) thrombosis in polycythaemia vera (POEM*) 328 (10 April 2004) Assefi N, see Adams KM 328:1548
assessment, doctors, review of instruments (R Evans, et al) 328:1240 (LP) assisted reproduction see in vitro fertilisation assisted suicide see suicide, assisted asthma aspirin-induced asthma prevalence (C Jenkins, et al) 328:434 (P), 328:1076 (L) Australia, prevalence in schoolchildren (BG Toelle, et al) 328:386 (P) children bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:147 new cases decline (R Dobson) 328:542 (N) pertussis vaccination in infancy and (A Maitra, et al) 328:925 (P) trends in prevalence of symptoms in British Isles, 19952002 (HR Anderson, et al) 328:1052 (P), 328:1380 (L) India, traditional remedy challenge (S Kumar) 328:1457 (N) specialist nurse intervention in deprived multiethnic area: ELECTRA trial (C Griffiths, et al) 328:144 (PC) AstraZeneca, advertising, digs in over criticisms (B Burton) 328:1035 (N) Atkins diet Horizon: The Atkins Diet (N Koralage) (TV) 328:234 (R) on internet (V Katikireddi) (Website of the week) 328:234 (R) Atkinson SW, Results of eVALuate study of hysterectomy techniques 328:642 (L) atopic dermatitis, sibling effect, infectious diseases, and (CS Benn, et al) 328:1223 (P) attendance benefits, evaluating health effects (H Thomson, et al) 328:282 (ED) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Patrick Cosgrove, suspended for undermining patients trust in treatment (O Dyer) 328:1516 (N) Audit Commission Information and Data Quality in the NHS (Z Kmietowicz) 328:786 (N) primary care trusts to improve if they want to survive (N Koralage) 328:974 (N) Austin JB, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Austin PC, see Mamdani M 328:1415 Australia see also Oceania asbestos-induced diseases fund (B Burton) 328:728 (N) asthma, prevalence in schoolchildren (BG Toelle, et al) 328:386 (P) back pain, changing beliefs (R Buchbinder, et al) 328:321 (P) cancers, what do palliative care patients want to be told? (P Kirk, et al) 328:1343 (P) drug industry approvals concessions after US pressure (B Burton) 328:425 (N) free trade agreement with US and (P Drahos, et al) 328:1271 (E) pricing scheme under pressure in free trade talks (B Burton) 328:247 (N) global health fund contribution provokes dismay (B Burton) 328:486 (N) refugees, accused of blocking doctors visit (C Zinn) 328:186 (N) scientific fraud, Bruce Hall allowed to relocate (C Zinn) 328:66 (N) tobacco, graphic images on cigarette packs (B Burton) 328:366 (N) authors see also publishing; writing electronic publishing perceptions: two cross sectional surveys (S Schroter, et al) 328:1350 (P) autism Autism and Creativity: Is there a Link between Autism in Men and Exceptional Ability (Fitzgerald) (Books) 328:1139 (R) children, apparent increase has stopped 328:226 (L) diagnosis 328:226 (L) George and Sam (Moore) (Books) 328:1571 (R) increase due to diagnostic changes (V Katikireddi) 328:364 (N) measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and authors reject interpretation (S Mayor) 328:602 (N) Evan Harris raises new allegations (A Ferriman) 328:726 (N) media scare (G Watts) (The Press) 328:773 (R) no connection found (S Gottlieb) 328:421 (N) pressure mounts for inquiry (C Dyer) 328:483 (N) Avery AJ, see Fernando B 328:1171 avian influenza Asia, deaths increase (J Parry) 328:245 (N) Canada, WHO confirmation (B Kermode-Scott) 328:913 (N) death toll mounts (J Parry) 328:243 (N) mortality is higher than in previous outbreak (J Parry) 328:368 (N) pandemic risks (WS Barclay) 328:238 (E) structure of 1918 flu virus uncovered (D Singh) 328:368 (N) Vietnam outbreak, WHO confirms (J Parry) 328:123 (N) WHO investigates human to human transmission (J Parry) 328:308 (N) aviation medicine, career advice (M Glanfield) BMJ Careers 328:s13 (10 January 2004) Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Study Team see Bingley PJ 328:322 see Maitra A 328:925 Avorn J, see Schneeweiss S 328:560 Awasthi S et al, Amoxicillin for non-severe pneumonia in young children 328:1567 (N) see Bhutta ZA 328:816 see Zaidi AKM 328:811 Awofeso N Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:47 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Five Ps in mix of public health advocacy 328:110 (L) Aylin P, see Bottle A 328:1568 Aylward M, Sickness certification system in the United Kingdom 328:461 (L) Ayres JG, et al, Health protection and sustainable development 328:1450 (E) Azim, Nayeem, (A Arasu) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s282 (26 June 2004)
Babb S, see Pechacek TF 328:980 babies see infant, newborn back pain, intervention to change beliefs (R Buchbinder, et al) 328:321 (P) back surgery, discitis with paravertebral abscess (PR Padala, et al) (Minerva) 328:1024 (R)
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bacteriuria, trimethoprim resistant bacteria in patients prescribed antibiotics (PT Donnan, et al) 328:1297 (IP) Badenoch D, et al, How electronic communication is changing health care 328:1564 (L) Badrinath P, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:583 (L) Bagchi S, et al, Powerful paintings: encouraging future doctors through art BMJ Careers 328:s107 (13 March 2004) Bahl R, et al, Outcome of subsequent pregnancy three years after previous operative delivery in the second stage of labour: cohort study 328:311 (P) Baiev K, The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire (Books) 328:354 (R) Baiev, Khassan, (I Vlad) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s158 (17 April 2004), s209 (22 May 2004) Bailey S, see Banks E 328:1291 Bain B, see Althahabi MM 328:1072 Bainbridge M, see Fernando B 328:1171 Baker, Henry de Chair, Obituary (PF Roberts) 328:1382 Baker M, see Shaw J 328:723 Bakhle YS, Missing evidence that animal research benefits humans 328:1017 (L) Bal AM, Hit for six 328:1500 (L) Balicer RD, et al, Tackling the next influenza pandemic 328:1391 (E) Ball C, et al, Critical care outreach teams effect on patient outcome 328:347 (L) Bamforth I, Endpiece. Your times up 328:990 Bamji A, Saving the past: where do we stop? (Personal view) 328:717 (R) bananas, ripeness. One hundred years ago 328:1196 Banerjee S see Scoote M BMJ Careers 328:s205 see Worrall A 328:867 Bangladesh see also Asia arsenicosis, clinicians roles in management (R Murshed, et al) 328:493 (P) bank holidays, Mondays (P Kirkbride) (Personal view) 328:1325 (R) Banks E, et al, Impact of use of hormone replacement therapy on false positive recall in the NHS breast screening programme: results from the million women study 328:1291 (P) Banks J, Two memorable patients. Two nil 328:285 Barber MD, Omega 3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease 328:406 (L) Barbour R, see Hussey S 328:88 Barchana M, see Paltiel O 328:919 Barclay WS, et al, Pandemic risks from bird flu 328:238 (E) Barden, Margaret Elizabeth, Obituary (AE Gerbie) 328:1205 Barham LM, Is the NHS getting better or worse? 328:106 (L) Barker M, see Black N 328:1478 Barley S, Endpiece, Deafness makes you depressed 328:1132 Barnes D, Follow up of hypertension by family practitioners 328:641 (L) Barnes N, see Griffiths C 328:144 Barnett J, see Little P 328:1054 Barnish G, et al, Newer drug combinations for malaria 328:1511 (E) Baron JH Endpiece Boston medical students 1827: 328:44 The brutalised poor of our manufacturing districts 328:994 Expelling patients 1778: 328:342 Old theories and old men 328:675 Paris and London consultants 1815: 328:506 A physicians tooth as an infallible amulet 328:930 Students at Guys and St Thomass, 1819: 328:25 When to discharge a patient 328:1342 Barone AA, see Miranda-Filho DdeB 328:615 Barraclough K Cotswold churches (Soundings) 328:591 (R) Endless evaluation (Soundings) 328:57 (R) Meetings (Soundings) 328:903 (R) Stayin alive with quantum physics (Soundings) 328:1385 (R) Barratt H, see Schroter S 328:673, 328:742, 328:1350 Barrero SAP, Editing embargo is bad news for US scientists too 328:898 (L) Barrett N, see Banks E 328:1291 Bartlett A see Smith G 328:427 see King M 328:429 Barton AC, Flaw and order BMJ Careers 328:s148 (10 April 2004) Barts and The London, resuscitation of disabled girl High Court case (C Dyer) 328:125 (N) Barwood, Philip Fairbrother, Obituary (G Barwood) 328:714 Basnyat B South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:839 (L) et al, Cardiovascular and infectious diseases in South Asia: the double whammy 328:781 (E) see Gertsch JH 328:797 Bass D, Flaw and order BMJ Careers 328:s148 (10 April 2004) Bassotti G, et al, Biofeedback for pelvic floor dysfunction in constipation 328:393 (C) BAT Industries fights order to hand over memorandum (JH Tanne) 328:1456 (N) secret smoking documents go on web (C Dyer) 328:1335 (N) Bates C, Flaw in WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 328:1320 (L) Bates I, see Barnish G 328:1511 Battegay M, see Young J 328:15 Batty GD, et al, Physical activity and coronary heart disease 328:1089 (E) Baum M, Making Amends misses the point 328:407 (L) Baxter AJ, see Ramesh P 328:708 Baxter NN, see Urbach DR 328:737 Bayram N, et al, Using an electrocautery strategy or recombinant follicle stimulating hormone to induce ovulation in polycystic ovary syndrome: randomised controlled trial 328:192 (P) Beales ILP, Ethics review in research 328:710 (L) Bearn J, see Reed LJ 328:228 Beaumont B, see Hurwitz BS 328:163 Beckaya A, Reluctance in child protection must be for several reasons 328:767 (L) bed occupancy see also patient admission NHS, Kaiser Permanente, and US Medicare programme 328:582 (L), 328:583 (L), 328:584 (L) beer, CAMRA shy? (JO Drife) (Soundings) 328:1445 (R) Begum S, see Griffiths C 328:144 Beh PSL, Death of the teaching autopsy 328:166 (L) behaviour modification
ABC of smoking cessation (T Coleman) 328:397 (C) specific guidelines (S Michie, et al) 328:343 (ED) Behranwala AA, Health in South Asia 328:1497 (L) Belarus see also Europe thyroid cancers, 12-fold increase in women since Chernobyl (R Dobson) 328:1394 (N) Bell C, Long term mortality after starvation during the Leningrad siege 328:346 (L) Bell JP, Timing of simvastatin treatment 328:168 (L) Belousova E, see Toelle BG 328:385 Belsky L, et al, Medical researchers ancillary clinical care responsibilities 328:1494 (ED) Benetton, WHO road safety posters (J Maskalyk) (ads) 328:902 (R) Benger JR, Response to radiation incidents and radionuclear threats 328:1074 (L) Benians, Richard Gore, Obituary (R Benians) 328:1570 Benn CS, et al, Cohort study of sibling effect, infectious diseases, and risk of atopic dermatitis during first 18 months of life 328:1223 (P) Bennell KL, see Haines TP 328:676 Bennewith O, et al, Variations in the hospital management of self harm in adults in England: observational study 328:1108 (P), 328:1440 (L) Bentham J, et al, The internetfriend or foe? 328:133 Benuri-Silbiger I, see Paul M 328:668 Beral V, see Banks E 328:1291 Brard A, see Maisonneuve H 328:229 bereavement see also death Excerpts from a Family Medical Dictionary (Brown) (Books) 328:1571 (R) sudden death in infants and children, investigation and family care (PJ Fleming, et al) 328:331 (C), 328:1262 (L) Berelowitz M, Management of anorexia nervosa revisited 328:1075 (L) Bernacki RE, Use of healthcare resources in the last six months of life 328:1202 (L) Bernasconi E, see Young J 328:15 Bertand D, see Maisonneuve H 328:229 Berwick DM Escape Fire: Designs for the Future of Health Care (Books) 328:1139 (R) Lessons from developing nations on improving health care 328:1124 (ED) (correction, 1301) BestTreatments, launch 328:724 lactam, sepsis in immunocompetent patients, comparison with lactam-aminoglycoside (M Paul, et al) 328:668 (P) (correction, 884) Bevan G, et al, Targets, inspections, and transparency 328:598 (E) Bhansali A, et al, Insulin given intradermally in faulty injection technique (Minerva) 328:1268 (R) Bharucha N, see Shafqat S 328:843 Bhopal R et al, Review of prevalence data in, and evaluation of methods for cross cultural adaption of, UK surveys on tobacco and alcohol in ethnic minority groups 328:76 (P) (correction, 563) see Ahmad N 328:1499 see Katikireddi V 328:770 BHS guidelines working party, see Williams B 328:634 Bhuiya A, see Hossain SMM 328:830 Bhutta ZA et al, Is there hope for South Asia? 328:777 (E), 328:1497 (L) et al, Maternal and child health: is South Asia ready for change? 328:816 (ED) Bianco E, et al, Tobacco should be excluded from free trade agreement 328:581 (L) Billings K, Learning to live in a medical household (Personal view) 328:235 (R) Binder C, see Hovind P 328:1105 Bingley PJ, et al, Undiagnosed coeliac disease at age seven: population based prospective birth control study 328:322 (P) biochemistry, career advice (A Park, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s153 (17 April 2004) biofeedback, pelvic floor dysfunction in constipation (G Bassotti, et al) 328:393 (C) biphosphonate, severe hypocalcaemia after being given (R Peter, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:335 (C), 328:1439 (L) Bird SM, Recipients of blood products at vCJD risk 328:118 (E) birth rate, diminishing. One hundred years ago 328:1469 birth weight see also pregnancy India, smokeless tobacco use and (PC Gupta, et al) 328:1538 (PC) Birtwhistle RV, et al, Randomised equivalence trial comparing three and six months of follow up of patients with hypertension by family practitioners 328:204 (PC), 328:641 (L) Bjordal JM, et al, Review of tennis elbow was biased 328:897 (L) Bjrkstn B, see Benn CS 328:1223 Black A, Reconfiguration of surgical, emergency, and trauma services in the United Kingdom 328:178 (E), 328:522 (L), 328:523 (L) Black N et al, Cross sectional survey of multicentre clinical databases in the United Kingdom 328:1478 (IP) see Raine R 328:1354 see Rowan K 328:924 see Schroter S 328:673 Black S, et al, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:582 (L) Black, Sue, (T MacMahon) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s88 (28 February 2004) Blackburn, Raymond, Obituary (L Bartlet) 328:52 blacks, antihypertensive drug responses (S Mayor) 328:602 (N) bladder calculi, multiple (A Thomas, et al) (Minerva) 328:176 (R) Blair M, et al, Child Public Health (Books) 328:1384 (R) Blair PS, see Fleming PJ 328:331 Blakely TA, see Hill SE 328:988 Blakemore C et al, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:49 (L) et al, Missing evidence that animal research benefits humans 328:1017 (L) Blakemore, Colin, resignation threat over honours debacle (R Dobson) 328:7 (N) Bland JM et al, Statistics Notes. The logrank test 328:1073 (ED) (correction, 1412) see Altman DG 328:1016 Bland M, see Poloniecki J 328:375 Blanken P, see van den Brink W 328:229 Bleijenberg G, see Emmen MJ 328:318 blinding, success of blinding reported in randomised placebo controlled trials (D Fergusson, et al) 328:432 (P), 328:1135 (L), 328:1136 (L)
blindness, smoking and (SP Kelly, et al) 328:537 (E) (correction, 997) Blofeld report, Reid refuses to accept all recommendations (M Gould) 328:423 (N) (correction, 563) blood donors, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, recipients of blood products at vCJD risk (SM Bird) 328:118 (E) blood pressure see also hypertension dietary advice for single high reading in primary care (P Little, et al) 328:1054 (PC) haemorrhagic stroke, and ischaemic stroke: Korean study (Y-M Song, et al) 328:324 (P) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:716 (R) misclassification effects (T Marshall) 328:933 (PC) stroke secondary prevention: benefit in normal blood pressure (KW Muir) 328:297 (E), 328:896 (L), 328:897 (L) blood transfusion effect of flow charts on use of blood transfusions in primary total hip and knee replacement (U Mller, et al) 328:934 (Q) Samuel Pepys (DF Scott) 328:334 transfusion with red cells filtered to remove leucocytes: patients undergoing major surgery (JA van Hilten, et al) 328:1281 (P) Bloom S, see Park A BMJ Careers 328:s153 BMJ academic medicine international campaign 328:45 (L), 328:46 (L), 328:47 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Christmas quiz answers 328:459 Dr Foster case notes (J Clark) 328:362 (E) editor to take up new post (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1276 (N) ELPS, authors perceptions (S Schroter, et al) 328:1350 (P) exchanging health lessons globally (T Richards) 328:239 (E) Iona Heath, ethics committee chairperson (A Ferriman) 328:246 (N) honesty box for research warts 328:1320 (L) peer review quality and training overview (S Schroter, et al) 328:658 (E) trial (S Schroter, et al) 328:673 (P) photography award for medical image (L Eaton) 328:306 (N) rapid responses (M Fazel) (Personal view) 328:413 (R), 328:644 (L), 328:645 (L) South Asia theme issue 328:288 (L) BMJ Publishing Group, books department sale (O Dyer) 328:854 (N) bmj.com, top tens in 2003: 328:303 (opposite) Body R, The recurrent attender with a difference 328:1554 Bogaty P, et al, Primary angioplasty or thrombolysis? a topical parable 328:1257 (ED) Boggild M, see Jacob A 328:1552 Bogle RG, see Ashrafian H 328:300 Bognolo G Doctors and Nurses (TV) 328:114 (R) Grand Rounds (Journals) 328:353 (R) Your life in their hands (TV) 328:716 (R) Boia L, Forever Young: A Cultural History of Longevity (Books) 328:1504 (R) Bonati M et al, Children need international formulary to guarantee rational use of drugs 328:227 (L), 328:525 (L) see Clavenna A 328:711 see Schiavetti B 328:108 bone metastases, reliability of symptoms to determine use of bone scans to identify bone metastases in lung cancer (M Hetzel, et al) 328:1051 (P) Boniface, Simon John, Obituary (J Hodges) 328:1322 Booth, Christopher C, A Physician Reflects (Books) 328:470 (R) Boreham J, see Doll R 328:1519 Borja J, et al, Amoxicillin for non-severe pneumonia in young children 328:1567 (N) Borman E, Health tourism 328:60 (E) Bossuyt PMM, see Bayram N 328:192 Bottle A, et al, Implementing guidance on hip fracture 328:1568 (L) Bowcock SJ, et al, Chemotherapy for cancer patients who present late 328:1430 (ED) bowel cancers see gastrointestinal cancers Bowen-Simpkins P, et al, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists mentoring scheme BMJ Careers 328:s56 (7 February 2004) Boyd J, see Murphy NF 328:1413 Boyd PA, et al, Autopsy after termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly: retrospective cohort study 328:137 (P) Boynton P More on treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:1261 (L) et al, How PR firms use research to sell products (The Press) 328:530 (R) see Greenhalgh T 328:1541 see Russell J 328:1174 Boynton PM Hands-on guide to questionnaire research. Administering, analysing, and reporting your questionnaire 328:1372 (ED) (correction, 329:323) et al, Hands-on guide to questionnaire research Reaching beyond the white middle classes 328:1433 (ED) Selecting, designing, and developing your questionnaire 328:1312 (ED) Bracken MB, see Pound P 328:514 Bradfield, William John Dickson ("Bill"), Obituary (M Gough) 328:409 (L) Bradford A, Hysterectomy and sexual wellbeing 328:107 (L) Bradshaw H, Labouring in water 328:767 (L) Brady A, see Rowan K 328:924 bradycardia, in acute haemorrhage (I Thomas, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:451 (C) Brailsford S, see Young T 328:162 Brand A, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Brand R, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Braspenning JCC, see Laurent MGH 328:927 Brazier J, see Wailoo A 328:536 Brazil, prisons, Carandiru (W Rashid) (Film) 328:1082 (R) Brborovic O, Printing error reveals effectiveness of public health promotion 328:874 breast cancers aromatase inhibitor cuts risk of recurrence (C White) 328:599 (N) aspirin and, daily aspirin and risk (JH Tanne) 328:1336 (N) breast augmentation and (POEM*) 328 (12 June 2004) Canada, treatment delay suit (D Spurgeon) 328:660 (N) doctorss communication of trust, care and respect (EB Wright, et al) 328:864 (P), 328:1317 (L), 328:1318 (L), 328:1319 (L) ductal carcinoma in situ: US variation (JH Tanne) 328:785 (N) genetics, charity makes gene available (S Mayor) 328:423 (N) hormone replacement therapy and
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another HRT trial is stopped early (C Dyer) 328:305 (N) benefits and harms: clinical decision therapy (C Minelli, et al) 328:371 (P) where are we now? (K McPherson) 328:357 (E) Norway and Sweden, incidence during introduction of nationwide screening (P-H Zahl, et al) 328:921 (P) oestrogen only arm of trial is stopped (JH Tanne) 328:602 (N) screening annual mammograms (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1515 (N) impact of use of hormone replacement therapy on false positive recall (E Banks, et al) 328:1291 (P) website presentation of possible benefits and harms (KJ Jrgensen, et al) 328:148 (IP), 328:769 (L) sentinel node biopsy (RM Kell, et al) 328:1330 (E) surgery in early stages should be followed by radiotherapy (S Gottlieb) 328:186 (N) breast feeding see also infant milk formulas electioneering nipple shot banned (C White) 328:1337 (N) volunteer counsellor support for mothers considering breast feeding (J Graffy, et al) 328:26 (PC), 328:349 (L) breathlessness elderly woman: Interactive case report case presentation (D Lowdon, et al) 328:698 (C) case progression (D Lowdon, et al) 328:758 (C) case outcome (D Lowdon, et al) 328:944 (C) Breay S, Hypocalcaemia after intravenous bisphosphonate 328:1439 (L) Breen J, Road safety advocacy 328:888 (ED), 328:1261 (L) Brennan, Mary Theresa (ne Rahill), Obituary (F OConnor) 328:1382 Brewer NJ, Quality of randomised controlled trials 328:286 (L) Bridgman S, see Garry R 328:129 Bridgwater FHG, see Metcalfe MS 328:507 Brierley, James Brunskill, Obituary (DI Graham) 328:1138 Briers P, see Banks E 328:1291 Briley DP, et al, Scan immediately for stroke using MRI when possible 328:1135 (L) British Hypertension Society guidelines for hypertension management 2004 (BHS-IV) overview (S Laurent) 328:593 (E) summary (B Williams, et al) 328:634 (ED) see Williams B 328:634 British Medical Association benefit levels must increase to allow healthy living (L Eaton) 328:366 (N) Rajendara Chaundhary, wins 815 000 in race case (C Dyer) 328:786 (N) Council election candidates 2004-2006: 328:404 (opposite) Genetically Modified Food and Health (Z Kmietowicz) 328:602 (N) pay award for doctors on old contract frustration (Z Kmietowicz) 328:663 (N) Smoking and Reproductive Life (Z Kmietowicz) 328:364 (N) Britten N, Patients expectations of consultations 328:416 (E) Britton J, see Coleman T 328:965 Brock, Samuel Henry, Obituary (H Barnes, et al) 328:960 Broder MS, et al, Surgical quality: review of Californian measures 328:152 (IP) Brody LC, see Kirke PN 328:1535 bronchiolitis, treatment data is severely limited (POEM*) 328 (5 June 2004) Bronner KK, see Wennberg JE 328:607 Brook, Charles Peter Beynon, Obituary (T Dening) 328:1020 Brook H, see Worrall A 328:867 Brook RH, see Broder MS 328:152 Broom DH, see Taft A 328:618 Brophy JM, see Bogaty P 328:1257 Brotherton JML, Internet is indeed useful source for patients with cancer 328:898 (L) Brown, Carole Susan, Obituary (T Luxton, et al) 328:409 (L) Brown H, Netlines 328:56 (R), 328:293 (R), 328:529 (R), 328:716 (R), 328:1081 (R) Brown J, see Garry R 328:129 Brown MJ, see Williams B 328:634 Brown R, Excerpts from a Family Medical Dictionary (Books) 328:1571 (R) Bruce D, et al, Revalidation for general practitioners: randomised comparison of two revalidation models 328:687 (LP), 328:1077 (L) Bruhat MA, see Canis MJ 328:642 Brunton G, see Thomas J 328:1010 Bryan J, GPs may offer dialysis to kidney patients under new framework 328:186 (N) Bryan S, see Sculpher M 328:382 Buchan A, see Munday P 328:1214 Buchan, Alexander Campbell, Obituary (AB Sutherland) 328:1020 Buchbinder R, et al, Population based intervention to change back pain beliefs: three year follow up population survey 328:321 (P) Bucher HC, see Young J 328:15 Buchthal, Fritz, Obituary (J Payan) 328:1322 Buck, Hubert Anthony, Obituary (D Davies) 328:1079 Buck L, see Magos A 328:1565 Buckland Y, Parents key to reducing overweight in children 328:169 (L) Budden M see Adams T 328:871 see Sanderson H 328:875 Budzinski LA, see Joffe S 328:1463 Bulgaria see also Europe health workers sentenced to death in Libya (K Krosnar) 328:1153 (N) Buljevac D, see Hintzen RQ 328:287 Bull D, see Banks E 328:1291 bullying see also violence managing your boss (R Persaud) BMJ Careers 328:s203 (22 May 2004) overseas doctors (R Shroff) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s259 (19 June 2004) Bulstrode C, Retraining: scary but worth it (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s117 (20 March 2004) Bundy C, Doctors communication of trust, care, and respect 328:1318 (L) bupropion, ABC of smoking cessation (E Roddy) 328:509 (C) Burgermeister J EU trials database is criticised for lack of openness 328:1094 (N) German prosecutors probe again into bribes by drug companies 328:1333 (N) Sweden bans privatisation of hospitals 328:484 (N) UN warns of dangers of drugs sold on internet 328:603 (N) Burgess A, Cellular Phones, Public Fears, and a Culture of Precaution (Books) 328:292 (R)
Burgess, Charles Terence Anthony, Obituary (P Burgess) 328:1442 Burke K Health tsars: spin or substance? 328:126 (N) Palliative care at home to get further funds if it saves money 328:544 (N) Poverty gap for cancer survival widens 328:599 (N) Trusts are ill prepared for 58 hour week for junior doctors 328:484 (N) UK government moves to tackle lottery of cancer drugs 328:1453 (N) Burke, Leslie, GMC treatment withdrawal guidance challenged (C Dyer) 328:541 (N) Burn KE, Neuroprimaritry BMJ Careers 328:s149 (10 April 2004) Burnell, Hubert Cedric, Obituary (JC Burnell) 328:53 Burnett R, see Maden A 328:1534 burns ABC of burns First aid and treatment for minor burns (J Hudspith, et al) 328:1487 (C) Initial management of a major burn: Ioverview (S Hettiaratchy, et al) 328:1555 (C) Introduction (S Hettiaratchy, et al) 328:1366 (C) Pathophysiology and types of burns (S Hettiaratchy, et al) 328:1427 (C) (correction, 329:148) children, from steam inhalation (SM Murphy, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:757 (C) Burns H, Health tsars 328:117 (E), 328:407 (L) Burns, Lizzie, encouraging future doctors through art (S Bagchi, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s107 (13 March 2004) Burns, William, Obituary (R Hinchcliffe) 328:1441 Burr M, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Burton B AstraZeneca digs in over advertising criticisms 328:1035 (N) Australia makes concessions on drug approvals after US pressure 328:425 (N) Australian drug pricing scheme under pressure in free trade talks 328:247 (N) Australias contribution to global health fund provokes dismay 328:486 (N) Cigarette packs to feature graphic images 328:366 (N) Fund for patients with asbestos induced diseases may run out 328:728 (N) New Zealand moves to ban direct advertising of drugs 328:68 (N) New Zealand widens access to no fault compensation for medical mishaps 328:729 (N) Tobacco campaigners worried by slow progress on convention 328:1220 (N) Burtt GJ, Prejudiced, poignant, pathetic, or publishable? BMJ Careers 328:s119 (20 March 2004) Bury B, Sustainability of medical imaging 328:1201 (L) Busari JO, et al, How to investigate and manage the child who is slow to speak 328:272 (C) Buscombe JR, Response to radiation incidents and radionuclear threats 328:1074 (L) Bussoli T, see Abbs S 328:172 Busuttil A, see Minns RA 328:766 Busza J, et al, Trafficking and health 328:1369 (ED) Butler, Thomas, infectious diseases expert imprisoned (JH Tanne) 328:662 (N) Buxton M, see Grant J 328:48 Byrne, David, interview (R Watson) 328:1096 (N) Byrne M, see Eaton WW 328:438, 328:1017 Byrne P, Capturing the Friedmans (Film) 328:901 (R) Byron A, A memorable patient. The price of presumption 328:21
Caan W Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:48 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Paediatricians as child protectors? BMJ Careers 328:s208 (22 May 2004) Random drug testing in schools fails screening criteria 328:641 (L) see Sobic EM 328:1365 caesarean section see also labour emergencies, decision to delivery interval (J Thomas, et al) 328:665 (P) NICE advises against on demand (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1031 (N), 328:1320 (L) nulliparous women after low concentration epidural infusions or opioid analgesia (EHC Liu, et al) 328:1410 (P) social class in English NHS and (Dr Fosters case notes) 328:1399 US, mother accused of murder after refusal (C Marwick) 328:663 (N) Caldwell B, see Murshed R 328:493 Callaghan CJ, see Goldstone AR 328:379 Callaghan N, How to become a lawyer BMJ Careers 328:s215 (29 May 2004) Callaghan W, see Boynton P 328:530 Callahan D, What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative (Books) 328:1140 (R) Calle EE, see Harris JE 328:72 Calvert M, et al, Timing of simvastatin treatment 328:167 (L) Camaroni I, see Purcell B 328:1339 Cameron, Alexander ("Alastair"), Obituary (DNL Ralphs) 328:1382 Campbell B, et al, Views of doctors on clinical correspondence: questionnaire survey and audit of content of letters 328:1060 (PC) Campbell C, "Letting Them Die": Why HIV/AIDS Prevention Programmes Fail (Books) 328:1081 (R) Campbell CMA, Volunteer counsellors for supporting breast feeding 328:349 (L) Campbell EB, et al, Coeliac disease and schizophrenia 328:1017 (L) Campbell JL see Campbell B 328:1060 see Dalal H 328:693 Campbell MJ Extending CONSORT to include cluster trials 328:654 (E) Interactive case report. Treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Commentary: Statistical aspects 328:506 (C) Campbell MK, et al, CONSORT statement: extension to cluster randomised trials 328:702 (ED) Campbell, Naomi, privacy: new model (C Dyer) (The Press) 328:1265 (R) Campbell R, Courage to change BMJ Careers 328:s208 (22 May 2004)
Campbell S, see Goodacre S 328:254 Campi R, see Schiavetti B 328:108 Canada see also North America Aborigines, clinic privatisation fears (D Spurgeon) 328:972 (N) AIDS, Quebec: doctor disclosure (D Spurgeon) 328:304 (N) avian flu, WHO confirmation (B Kermode-Scott) 328:913 (N) breast cancers, treatment delay suit (D Spurgeon) 328:660 (N) cancers, what do palliative care patients want to be told? (P Kirk, et al) 328:1343 (P) Clostridium difficile infections (D Spurgeon) 328:1457 (N) drug industry, generic drugs for developing countries plan threatened (D Spurgeon) 328:728 (N) SARS, public health initiatives welcomed (B Kermode-Scott) 328:785 (N) tobacco industry, healthcare cost suit (C Dyer) 328:1279 (N) Cancer Research UK, cancer gene freely available across Europe (S Mayor) 328:423 (N) cancers adolescence, prognosis fails to improve (Z Kmietowicz) 328:540 (N) after pre-eclampsia overview (A Taylor) 328:909 (E) Jerusalem perinatal cohort follow up (O Paltiel, et al) 328:919 (P) children follow up for cancer survivors needs clarification (O Dyer) 328:365 (N) needless deaths (V Katikireddi) 328:422 (N) drug therapy "arrogant doctors not to blame prescribing variability (B Rushforth) 328:1516 (N) patients who present late (SJ Bowcock, et al) 328:1430 (ED) UK government moves to tackle lottery (K Burke) 328:1453 (N) internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:1081 (R) patients experience of cancer (S Ziebland, et al) 328:564 (IP), 328:898 (L) mobile phones, unclear risk (C White) 328:124 (N) mortality, 12% fall 1972-2002 (Z Kmietowicz) 328:303 (N) (correction, 494) poverty and, survival gap widens (K Burke) 328:599 (N) research information exchange launched (S Pincock) 328:728 (N) satisfaction of uncertainty principle in cancer clinical trials (S Joffe, et al) 328:1463 (P) south-east Asia, burden of non-communicable diseases (A Ghaffar, et al) 328:807 (C), 328:1499 (L) symptoms, GPs need help in spotting (Z Kmietowicz) 328:659 (N) candesartan, rash and acute nephritic syndrome (A Morton, et al) (Drug points) 328:25 Canis MJ, et al, Results of eVALuate study of hysterectomy techniques 328:642 (L) Cannings, Angela Roy Meadow, GMC charges over evidence given in child death cases (O Dyer) 328:9 (N) parents convicted of killing to have their cases reviewed (C Dyer) 328:183 (N) suspected mothers might be dealt with outside criminal system (C Dyer) 328:425 (N) Capewell SJ see Goodacre S 328:254 see McAlister FA 328:1110 see Murphy NF 328:1413 Caplehorn J, Prescription of heroin to treatment resistant heroin addicts 328:228 (L) Capoore, Harbaksh Singh, Obituary (P Capoore, et al) 328:1570 capsaicin, chronic pain treatment, efficacy and safety (L Mason, et al) 328:991 (PC) Capstick B, The future of clinical negligence litigation? 328:457 (ED) carbonated drinks, obesity in children (J James, et al) 328:1237 (PC) (correction, 1236) cardiac rehabilitation, acute myocardial infarction (H Dalal, et al) 328:693 (C) cardiac troponins, raised (P Ammann, et al) 328:1028 (E) cardiology, training update (M Scoote, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s205 (22 May 2004) cardiothoracic imaging, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:293 (R) cardiothoracic surgery, education, UK training (Z Khalpey, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s3 (3 January 2004), s118 (20 March 2004) cardiovascular diseases see also coronary disease; myocardial infarction; stroke anxiety and depressive disorders in (SJC Davies, et al) 328:939 (C) aspirin and, prevention insights from modelling incremental cost effectiveness 328:404 (L), 328:405 (L) developing countries, threat (S Mayor) 328:1032 (N) long term mortality after starvation during siege of Leningrad (P Sparn, et al) 328:11 (P), 328:346 (L) omega 3 fatty acids and: fish oils as natural treatment (JN Din, et al) 328:30 (C), 328:406 (L), 328:407 (L) ramipril and, in type 2 diabetes (M Marre, et al) 328:495 (PC) (correction, 686) South-east Asia burden of non-communicable diseases (A Ghaffar, et al) 328:807 (C), 328:1499 (L) and infectious diseases: double whammy (B Basnyat, et al) 328:781 (E) career mobility A levels and intelligence as predictors in UK doctors 328:585 (L) leaving your job part 1 (A Houghton) BMJ Careers 328:s93 (6 March 2004), s208 (22 May 2004) part 2 (A Houghton) BMJ Careers 328:s106 (13 March 2004), s208 (22 May 2004) part 3 (A Houghton) BMJ Careers 328:s115 (20 March 2004) Carelli F Doctors are tending to be perceived as inherently bad 328:407 (L) Suspension of doctors 328:710 (L) carers disabled stroke survivors overview (GJ Hankey) 328:1085 (E) training: economic evaluation (A Patel, et al) 328:1102 (P) training randomised controlled trial (L Kalra, et al) 328:1099 (P) Carey KA, see Cooper CP 328:1179
JanuaryJune 2004
Carleton B, see Schneeweiss S 328:560 Carlisle D, UKs ethical recruitment policy needs to be strengthened 328:1218 (N) Carnall D, Is there a future for links pages? (Website) 328:1207 (R) Carpenter J, see Schroter S 328:673 Carrell JL, The Speckled Monster: A Historical Tale of Battling Smallpox (Books) 328:233 (R) Carrier J, see Sassi F 328:1213 cars, for medical men. One hundred years ago 328:91 Carter JM Doctors communication of trust, care, and respect 328:1318 (L) Saddam Husseins medical examination should not have been broadcast 328:51 Carter S, see Raine R 328:1354 Casals-Ariet, Jordi, Obituary (J Lenzer) 328:959 Casson RI, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204, 328:641 Castilla EE, see Amorim MR 328:84 Castle S, see Busza J 328:1369 cataract surgery, customising (M Woodcock, et al) 328:92 (C) Cavan D, see James J 328:1237 Central America see also Cuba; Jamaica cereals, we are not amueslied 328:1136 (L) cerebral palsy, management in primary care. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:743 cervical screening human papillomavirus testing, psychological impact in borderline or results (E Maissi, et al) 328:1293 (PC) UK policy (AE Raffle) 328:1272 Challacombe BJ, et al, Prejudiced, poignant, pathetic, or publishable? BMJ Careers 328:s119 (20 March 2004) Challand S, Wasting time with people (Personal view) 328:1573 (R) Chalmers I Well informed uncertainties about the effects of treatments 328:475 (E), 328:1018 (L) see Blakemore C 328:45 see Glasziou P 328:39, 328:121 Chalmers J see McAlister FA 328:1110 see Murphy NF 328:1413 Chamberlain ME, see Kariminia A 328:490 Chamberlain PF, see Boyd PA 328:137 Chambers M et al, Scottish general practitioners willingness to take part in a post-retirement retention scheme: questionnaire survey 328:329 (PC) see Griffiths C 328:144 Chambers R, Helping refugee doctors gain entry into the NHS BMJ Careers 328:s281 (26 June 2004) Chandra, Rajit Kumar, three journals raise doubts on validity of studies (C White) 328:67 (N) (correction, 257), 328:465 (L) Chandra RK, Validity of Canadian studies 328:465 (L) ChandraBose RB, see Griffiths SJ 328:110 Chandratre S, see Jacob A 328:1552 Chang JT, et al, Interventions for the prevention of falls in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials 328:680 (PC) Channer KS, see Smith D 328:1254 Chapman B Double act (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s8 (3 January 2004) From finance to medicine to the media (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s129 (27 March 2004) Private practice in the United Kingdom BMJ Careers 328:s15 (10 January 2004) Chapple A et al, Stigma, shame, and blame experienced by patients with lung cancer: qualitative study 328:1470 (PC) see Ziebland S 328:564 Charatan F Appeal court upholds Oregons assisted suicide law 328:1337 (N) Drug company raises US price of AIDS drugs five-fold 328:974 (N) Endpiece The difference 328:1544 The doctor within 328:1426 The end of the party 328:1416 Growing old 328:1039 Illness 328:1006 Life 328:672 Life according to Wilde 328:206 No health foods 328:271 The truth about exercise 328:1315 Worse for the fish 328:1371 Judge finds Governor Bushs law to be unconstitutional 328:1154 (N) Merchants of Immortality (Books) 328:715 (R) Protecting Americas Health (Books) 328:1080 (R) US doctors debate refusing treatment to malpractice lawyers 328:1518 (N) Widespread flu in the United States exposes shortage of vaccine 328:8 (N) Chard, Tim, Obituary (G Grudzinskas) 328:232 Charles AR, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:838 (L) Charles Bonnet syndrome, elderly and visual hallucinations (A Jacob, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:1552 (C) Charles, Laurence Justin, Obituary (PK Charles) 328:771 Charlett A, see Purcell B 328:1339 Charlton JS, Health risks of overseas travel 328:465 (L) Charlwood JD, Roll Back Malaria: a failing global health challenge 328:1378 Charman S, see Goldstone AR 328:379 Chatellier G, see Marre M 328:495 Chaudhry S Working to end female genital mutilation BMJ Careers 328:s125 (27 March 2004) see Schroter S 328:742 Chaudhury P, see Bagchi S BMJ Careers 328:s107 Chaundhary, Rajendara, wins a3815 000 from BMA in race case (C Dyer) 328:786 (N) Chavez-Troya O, see Espinosa-Brito A 328:166 Cheal C, see Jewels C BMJ Careers 328:s123 Chechnya Khassan Baiev (I Vlad) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s158 (17 April 2004), s209 (22 May 2004) The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire (Baiev) (Books) 328:354 (R) Cheetham, Christopher, paediatrician cleared (C Dyer) 328:1035 (N) Chelvarajah R, Brain surgery...not rocket science BMJ Careers 328:s95 (6 March 2004) Chen R, et al, Eating more vegetables might explain reduced asthma symptoms 328:1380 (L) Chen, Zhong Wei, Obituary (C Richmond) 328:1019
Chne G, see Yazdanpanah Y 328:249 Cheng JR, see Xu WH 328:1285 Cheong E, see Yeung J BMJ Careers 328:s163 Chernobyl fallout, thyroid cancers 12-fold increase in women (R Dobson) 328:1394 (N) Chesser A, A career in renal medicine BMJ Careers 328:s23 (17 January 2004) chest pain cardiac, diagnosis (AL Mahajan) 328:1001 economic evaluation of chest pain observation unit compared with routine care (S Goodacre, et al) 328:254 (P) Cheung YW, Drink plenty of fluids 328:958 (L) Chew R, Flung in at the deep end (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s27 (17 January 2004) Chiarioni G, see Bassotti G 328:393 Chikwe J, et al, No time to train the surgeons 328:418 (E), 328:1133 (L), 328:1134 (L) child abuse see also shaken baby syndrome Capturing the Friedmans (P Byrne) (Film) 328:901 (R) complaints against doctors have increased fivefold (Z Kmietowicz) 328:601 (N) court dismisses mothers appeals (C Dyer) 328:1219 (N) Michael Curtis, cleared over failure to spot signs of abuse (O Dyer) 328:186 (N) doctors reluctant to work on child protection committees (O Dyer) 328:307 (N), 328:767 (L) experts disagree (C Dyer) 328:1517 (N) fewer care cases to be reopened than originally thought (C Dyer) 328:482 (N) media survey of doctors response (C White) (The Press) 328:649 (R) parents as well as children need protection (Anonymous) (Personal view) 328:775 (R) Colin Paterson, accused of misrepresenting evidence (O Dyer) 328:187 (N) perimacular retinal folds from childhood head trauma (PE Lantz, et al) (Evidence based case report) 328:754 (C) rising complaints (N Koralage) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s159 (17 April 2004), s208 (22 May 2004) child abuse, sexual, GMC pornography website cases (C White) 328:973 (N) child development, slow to speak, investigation and management (JO Busari, et al) 328:272 (C) Chimpeni P, see Plowe CV 328:545, 328:1260 China see also Asia HIV, free testing and treatment (N Koralage) 328:975 (N) SARS breaks out again (J Parry) 328:1034 (N) journalist (J Parry) 328:65 (N) soya intake and endometrial cancer risk among Shanghai women (WH Xu, et al) 328:1285 (P) (correction, 329:85) Chinn D, see Wallace A 328:168 Chinthapalli K, The horse communicator (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s146 (10 April 2004) Chistolini F, see Bassotti G 328:393 chlamydia, screening, doctors demand (R Coombes) 328:1397 (N) Chondros P, see Hegarty K 328:621 Chong Y-S, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:45 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Choong YF, see Goyal S 328:1075 Chopra M, et al, Tobacco and obesity epidemics: not so different after all? 328:1558 (ED) Choudhari K, Northern Irelandpoetic sectarianism 328:1414 Chow KY, et al, Outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in a tertiary hospital in Singapore, linked to an index patient with atypical presentation: epidemiological study 328:195 (P) Chowdhury AMR, see Sadana R 328:826 Christensen H, et al, Delivering interventions for depression by using the internet: randomised controlled trial 328:265 (PC), 328:1200 (L) Christensen K, et al, Long term follow up study of survival associated with cleft lip and palate at birth 328:1405 (P) Christie B Pregnant women should have two scans, Scottish agency says 328:424 (N) Report shows sex differences in teenage health behaviour 328:1395 (N) Reports recommend shorter training for hospital doctors and longer training for GPs in Scotland 328:1456 (N) Scottish doctors will have to register financial links to drug companies 328:69 (N) Christmas, quiz answers 328:459 chronic disease care (EH Wagner) 328:177 (E) coordination needed between primary and secondary care (S Mayor) 328:1396 (N) management, rethinking (R Lewis, et al) 328:220 (ED) US, end of life care in highly respected hospitals (JE Wennberg, et al) 328:607 (P), 328:1201 (L), 328:1202 (L) chronic fatigue syndrome bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:399 GP perceptions and beliefs compared with irritable bowel syndrome (R Raine, et al) 328:1354 (PC) chronic myelogenous leukaemia, online discussion lists (JD Ramos, et al) (Infopoints) 328:1177 (IP) chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, guidelines aim to improve management (S Mayor) 328:1336 (N) Chryssafidou E, et al, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:839 (L) cigarettes see tobacco circumcision, excessive removal of foreskin (M Yadav) (Minerva) 328:592 (R) circumcision, female symbolic alternative proposed by doctor (F Turone) 328:247 (N) working to end (S Chaudhry) BMJ Careers 328:s125 (27 March 2004) Clark DWJ, see Harrison-Woolrych M 328:1416 Clark J Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:49 (L) Polishing the tarnished image of academic medicine 328:604 (N) World Bank conference debates how to reach the poor 328:486 (N) et al, Dr Foster case notes 328:362 (E) Clark, Malcolm Callum Walker, Obituary (D Clark, et al) 328:1570 Clark, Sally David Southall misconduct charge over murder claim cleared by GMC but faces new charges (O Dyer) 328:601 (N) summary (O Dyer) 328:1393 (N)
verdict (O Dyer) 328:1455 (N) Roy Meadow, GMC charges over evidence given in child death cases (O Dyer) 328:9 (N) media survey of doctors response (C White) (The Press) 328:649 (R) parents convicted of killing to have their cases reviewed (C Dyer) 328:183 (N) Clark V, see Thompson S 328:269 Clarke, Derek Herbert, Obituary (J Clarke) 328:526 (correction, 762) Clarke, Edward Granville Woodchurch, Obituary (C French) 328:1205 Clarke M Treatment of unilateral visual impairment on preschool vision screening 328:348 (L) see Soares HP 328:22 Clarke R, see Donnan PT 328:1297 Clavenna A et al, Increase in non-evidence based use of antidepressants in children is cause for concern 328:711 (L) see Schiavetti B 328:108 Clayton R, see Garry R 328:129 cleft lip, survival analysis of cleft lip and palate at birth (K Christensen, et al) 328:1405 (P) clinical attachments overseas doctors positive experience (H Alshafey) (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s265 (19 June 2004) supervision (EB Turya) (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s262 (19 June 2004) users guide (U Prabhu) (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s263 (19 June 2004) clinical ethics committees see ethics, medical clinical judgement, electronic learning and (DJ Klass) 328:1147 (E) clinical trials see also randomised controlled trials assessing ethics in systematic reviews (MA Weingarten, et al) 328:1013 (ED) cancers, satisfaction of uncertainty principle (S Joffe, et al) 328:1463 (P) delays in publication of cost utility analyses (D Greenberg, et al) 328:1536 (P) ethics, researchers ancillary responsibilities (L Belsky, et al) 328:1494 (ED) Europe, clinical trials directive (K Woods) 328:240 (E) European Union database criticised for lack of openness (J Burgermeister) 328:1094 (N) scientists urge repeal of rules (R Watson) 328:187 (N), 328:522 (L) GlaxoSmithKline US lawsuit over concealment (O Dyer) 328:1395 (N) web register (L Gibson) 328:1513 (N) integrating qualitative research with systematic reviews (J Thomas, et al) 328:1010 (ED) WHO online register (F Fleck) 328:854 cloning see also genetics, medical claim of human reproductive cloning provokes calls for international ban (S Mayor) 328:185 (N) human cells from cloned embryos in research and therapy (I Wilmut) 328:415 (E) justified in preventing genetic disease (D Singh) 328:484 (N) Korea, scientists clone 30 human embryos (T Radford) 328:421 (N) Panos Zavos, newspapers cannot ignore maverick claims (J Laurance) (The Press) 328:294 (R) Clostridium difficile infections, Canada (D Spurgeon) 328:1457 (N) Cluett ER, et al, Randomised controlled trial of labouring in water compared with standard of augmentation for management of dystonia in first stage of labour 328:314 (P), 328:767 (L), 328:768 (L) cluster randomised controlled trials extending CONSORT overview (MJ Campbell) 328:654 (E) extension (MK Campbell, et al) 328:702 (ED) Clyne, Jeffrey Robert, Obituary (JM Walker) 328:1205 Coakes RL, see Goyal S 328:1075 Coats T, see Griffiths C 328:144 cocaine, amphetamine combination. Q&A (EM Sobic, et al) 328:1365 cochlear implantation, prognosis (RT Ramsden) 328:419 (E) Cochrane A, Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services (Books) 328:529 (R) Cochrane Library drug industry sponsorship commercial funding limits proposed (J Lenzer) 328:366 (N) new policy tightens limits (J Lenzer) 328:976 (N) coeliac disease children, undiagnosed at seven (PJ Bingley, et al) 328:322 (P) myth buster. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:868 schizophrenia and: Denmark (WW Eaton, et al) 328:438 (P) (correction, 563), 328:1017 (L) Coffin, Frank, Obituary (D Winstock) 328:1502 cognition childhood ability and decline in mid-life (M Richards, et al) 328:552 (P) elderly, long term cognitive dysfunction after non-cardiac surgery (A Selwood, et al) 328:120 (E) radiation exposure in infancy and cognitive function in adulthood: Sweden (P Hall, et al) 328:19 (P), 328:581 (L), 328:582 (L) type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline in elderly women (G Logroscino, et al) 328:548 (P) cognitive behaviour therapy brain activity: v. antidepressants (S Mayor) 328:69 (N) (correction, 396) hypochondriasis and (S Gottlieb, et al) 328:725 (N) Cohn A, Marcus 328:758 Coiera E, Four rules for the reinvention of health care 328:1197 (ED) Coker R, Compulsory screening of immigrants for tuberculosis and HIV 328:298 (E), 328:897 (L) colchicine, acute gout 328:288 (L), 328:289 (L) Coleman T ABC of smoking cessation Cessation interventions in routine health care 328:631 (C) Special groups of smokers 328:575 (C) Use of simple advice and behavioural support 328:397 (C) et al, Nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy 328:965 (E) Collier J, Let Them Eat Prozac (Books) 328:411 (R) Colligan D, Alcohol evidence and policy 328:1203 (L) Collignon P, Drink plenty of fluids 328:958 (L)
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colorectal cancers fine needle aspiration (MS Metcalfe, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:507 (C) resection, intensive v. conventional follow up: costeffectiveness (V Reich, et al) 328:81 (P) screening, advertising campaign on major internet search engine (CP Cooper, et al) 328:1179 (IP) Colquitt PJ, Joy of rapid responses 328:645 (L) Colthart I, see Chambers M 328:329 Colvin HP, Polypill debate continues 328:289 (L) Commission for Health Improvement Childrens Voices (C Odigwe) 328:600 (N) methods for inspecting trusts are flawed, says Kings Fund (D Singh) 328:542 (N) Trusts mental health services are threadbare (R Dobson) 328:662 (N) Commission for Patient and Public Involvement, public voice (M Gould) 328:424 (N) (correction, 563) commissioning, Practice-led Commissioning (D Singh) 328:1396 (N) Committee on Safety of Medicines, atypical psychotics and stroke warning 328:1262 (L) committees, (G Dunea) (Soundings) 328:413 (R) communicable diseases atopic dermatitis, sibling effect, and (CS Benn, et al) 328:1223 (P) new diseases will continue to emerge (D Singh) 328:186 (N) serious. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:1045 South-east Asia burden (AKM Zaidi, et al) 328:811 (C) and cardiovascular diseases: double whammy (B Basnyat, et al) 328:781 (E) communication see also doctor-patient relations doctors, trust, care and respect in breast cancer (EB Wright, et al) 328:864 (P), 328:1317 (L), 328:1318 (L), 328:1319 (L) does your heart go on vacation? (E Rider) 328:890 door handle sign (J Williams) 328:1187 patient monologue and rate of completion in consultations (I Rabinowitz, et al) 328:501 (PC) (correction, 1236) psychology or cytology? (JS Dawson) 328:926 community health care mental disorders in people who kill strangers (J Shaw, et al) 328:734 (P) south-east Asia, development and its impact on health (SMM Hossain, et al) 328:830 (ED) compensation see under negligence complaints by patients child protection complaints against doctors have increased fivefold (Z Kmietowicz) 328:601 (N) emotional and financial cost of litigation (D Thornton) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s38 (24 January 2004), s148 (10 April 2004) resolution (A Kilpatrick) BMJ Careers 328:s33 (24 January 2004) computers see also handheld computers; information technology doctors experience with handheld computers (AS McAlearney, et al) 328:1162 (P), 328:1565 (L) prescribing safety features of general practice systems: evaluation (B Fernando, et al) 328:1171 (PC), 328:1565 (L), 328:1566 (L) south-east Asia, technological divide (G Mudur) 328:788 (N) conferences, young researcher competition (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings) 328:1505 (R) confidentiality see also ethics, medical HIV positive witness learns status in courtroom (C Dyer) 328:1334 (N) Saddam Hussein, medical examination should not have been broadcast 328:51 Naomi Campbell case: new model (C Dyer) (The Press) 328:1265 (R) conflict, resolution in workplace (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s169 (24 April 2004) conflict of interest, type of statement and reader perceptions of credibility (S Schroter, et al) 328:742 (P) congenital heart disease monitoring interventions (T Treasure) 328:594 (E) survival after surgery or therapeutic catheterisation in UK children (JL Gibbs, et al) 328:611 (P) (correction, 997) Conley M, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Connell C, see Young T 328:162 Connell DG, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:47 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Connor J, see Wells S 328:857 Conradi P, see Taylor D 328:404 CONSORT Group, see Campbell MK 328:702 Constable J, Updated quick guide to working in the United Kingdom BMJ Careers 328:s245 (19 June 2004) constipation, biofeedback for pelvic floor dysfunction (G Bassotti, et al) 328:393 (C) consultants see also doctors characteristics of distinction award holders in England and Wales (TW Lambert, et al) 328:1347 (P) contract, Auchendreich diary (C Douglas) (Soundings) 328:355 (R) letters, views on (B Campbell, et al) 328:1060 (PC) New Consultant Entry Scheme (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s39 (24 January 2004) several grades? (R Hayward) (Personal view) 328:651 (R) ward round preparations (F Mohammed) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s18 (10 January 2004) consultations see also referrals influenza epidemic. A memorable consultation (DDR Williams) 328:551 leaflets: effect in empowering patients (P Little, et al) 328:441 (PC) patients expectations (N Britten) 328:416 (E) patients monologue and rate of completion in (I Rabinowitz, et al) 328:501 (PC) (correction, 1236) three memorable consultations (S Potter) 328:998 Conteh, Aniru, Obituary (N Mellor) 328:1078 contraceptives, postcoital, US, counter status rejected (JH Tanne) 328:1219 (N) (correction, 329:148) Cooke GA, Prevention of coronary heart disease 328:405 (L) Coomarasamy A, see Chryssafidou E 328:839 Coombes C, see Palmieri C 328:1439 Coombes R All hospital bookings to be done electronically by end of 2005: 328:1157 (N) Doctors demand national screening for chlamydia 328:1397 (N) GPs worried about having to change to new untested software systems 328:1157 (N) The new tobacco? (Ads) 328:1572 (R)
One hospitality worker a week dies from passive smoking, study shows 328:1222 (N) Payments for operations will be standardised 328:367 (N) Ribbon development 328:589 (R) Coonar AS, No time to train surgeons 328:1134 (L) Cooper CP, et al, Advertising campaign on a major internet search engine to promote colorectal cancer screening 328:1179 (IP) Cooper E, Review of Hear the Silence 328:50 (L) Cooper NJ, see Minelli C 328:371 Copeland J, see Rogers H 328:463 Cornell J, et al, eds, Problem-Based Learning for Health Improvement: Practical Public Health for Every Professional (Books) 328:113 (R) coronary care units, pacemaker induced ventricular fibrillation (AA McLeod, et al) 328:1249 (C) coronary disease see also cardiovascular diseases; myocardial infarction clustering of risk factors and social class in childhood and adulthood (S Ebrahim, et al) 328:861 (correction, 1104) (P) Europe, statins, variations and increase: data from administrative databases (T Walley, et al) 328:385 (P) (correction, 329:323) hormone replacement therapy and, where are we now? (K McPherson) 328:357 (E) management has improved (S Mayor) 328:544 (N) physical activity and (GD Batty, et al) 328:1089 (E) statins, payment (M Raithatha, et al) 328:400 (ED) coronary syndrome, prolonged antithrombotics do not improve (POEM*) 328 (7 February 2004) coroners fatal accident inquiries: how to survive them (J McCulloch, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s216 (29 May 2004) new system requires two people to verify cause of death (C Dyer) 328:727 (N) Corrah T see Stevens W 328:280 Corrall RJM, see Smith JC 328:215 correspondence see letters corticosteroids see steroids cortisol, misinterpretation of serum cortisol in hyponatraemia (JC Smith, et al) 328:215 (C) Cosgrove, Patrick, suspended for undermining patients trust in treatment (O Dyer) 328:1516 (N) Cosgrove PVF, Diagnosis of autism 328:226 (L) cost effectiveness acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care (D Wonderling, et al) 328:747 (PC) laparoscopic hysterectomy v. standard hysterectomy (M Sculpher, et al) 328:134 (P) resection for colorectal cancer, intensive v. conventional follow up (V Reich, et al) 328:81 (P) cost utility analyses, clinical trials, delays in publication (D Greenberg, et al) 328:1536 (P) Costa LJ, see del Giglio A 328:24 Costello J, see Jenkins C 328:434, 328:1076 Cotton P, et al, What the educators are saying 328:1547 (LP) cough acute, in children (AD Hay, et al) (10-minute consultation) 328:1062 (PC) injection pain reduction (R Dobson) 328:424 (N) Coull AJ, et al, Population based study of early risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack or minor stroke implications for public education and organisation of services 328:326 (PC) Coull R, Everything you always wanted to know about whistleblowing but were afraid to ask BMJ Careers 328:s5 (3 January 2004) Coulter A, Doctors communication of trust, care, and respect 328:1318 (L) Council for the Regulation of Healthcare Professionals, watchdog can overturn GMC acquittals (C Dyer) 328:783 (N) counselling, volunteer counsellor support for mothers considering breast feeding (J Graffy, et al) 328:26 (PC), 328:349 (L) courses, making most of (AN Morritt, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s87 (28 February 2004) Cove-Smith, John Rodney, Obituary (J Cove-Smith) 328:1205 COX 2 inhibitors, gastrointestinal haemorrhage after: ecological study (M Mamdani, et al) 328:1415 (P) Cox AR, Colchicine in acute gout 328:288 (L) Cox D, see Mohr DC 328:731 Cox, Desiree, (G Yamey) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s37 (24 January 2004) Craft, Alan, postgraduate medical education and overseas doctors (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s257 (19 June 2004) Craft AW, et al, Munchausen syndrome by proxy and sudden infant death 328:1309 (ED) Craig A, Public involvement in health care 328:462 (L) Craig JC, et al, Treatment of acute pyelonephritis in children 328:179 (E), 328:957 (L) Craig N, see Thomson H 328:282 Craighead IB, Prescription of heroin to treatment resistant heroin addicts 328:228 (L) Crawley FP, New European clinical trials directive 328:522 (L) Crawley, Francis Exton, Obituary (E MacLeod, et al) 328:467 creativity, prevention is better than cure (I Loefler) (Soundings) 328:115 (R), 328:350 (L) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, treatment, trials protocol agreement (O Dyer) 328:603 (N) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, variant incidence, higher numbers than previously predicted could be incubating vCJD (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1279 (N) recipients of blood products at vCJD risk (SM Bird) 328:118 (E) cricket, India v. Pakistan: analysis of results (K Abbasi, et al) 328:800 (P), 328:1500 (L) critical care, mailing list: growth of online forum (AL DeWitt, et al) 328:1180 (IP) Croft MD, Long term mortality after starvation during the Leningrad siege 328:346 (L) Croft P, Constructing RSI (Books) 328:354 (R) Croft RP, see Smith WCS 328:1459 Crome P, Forever Young (Books) 328:1504 (R) Crosby D, Ward rounds aint what they used to be 328:402 Cross E, see Goodacre S 328:254 Cross P Keeping up the tradition (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s68 (14 February 2004) NHS Professionals: whats it all about? BMJ Careers 328:s239 (12 June 2004) Refugee medicine in the United Kingdom BMJ Careers 328:s283 (26 June 2004) see Dosani S BMJ Careers 328:s155, s177, s195, s207, s218, s228, s237, s253, s260 Crossley B, see Banks E 328:1291
cruise medicine, career advice (A Duby) BMJ Careers 328:s83 (28 February 2004) crying, persistent crying in babies. 10-minute consultation (AR Gatrad, et al) 328:330 (PC), 328:956 (L) cryotherapy, blisters after (R Shah, et al) (Minerva) 328:472 (R) Cuba see also Central America US conference ban (L Eaton) 328:914 (N) Cubie, Alex, Obituary (RML Weir) 328:351 Cunningham C, see Pearce N 328:1070 Cunningham D, see Gibbs JL 328:611 curriculum vitae growing (EB Turya) BMJ Careers 328:s226 (5 June 2004) personal statement syndrome (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings) 328:1083 (R) writing tips for overseas doctors (EB Turya) (Job hunting) BMJ Careers 328:s266 (19 June 2004) writing tips (S McErin) BMJ Careers 328:s225 (5 June 2004) Currie C, Clinical arithmetic 327:1418 (E) (correction, 328:257) Currie DG, Reconfiguration of surgical, emergency, and trauma services 328:522 (L) Curtis, Michael, cleared over failure to spot signs of abuse (O Dyer) 328:186 (N)
da Cunha F, A paediatric emergency 328:1419 Dahle UR Compulsory screening of immigrants for TB and HIV 328:897 (L) Public health programmes: you dont know what youve got till its gone 328:1568 (L) et al, Health risks of overseas travel 328:464 (L) Dai Q, see Xu WH 328:1285 Dalal H, et al, Recent developments in secondary prevention and cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction 328:693 (C) Dalby K, Adverse incident reporting and significant event auditing: AIR and SEA rescue BMJ Careers 328:s173 (1 May 2004) DAlessandro U, Extracts from Clinical Evidence Concise". Severe life threatening malaria in endemic areas 328:155 (C) Dally A, The Trouble with Doctors: Fashions, Motives and Mistakes (Books) 328:55 (R) Dalmeny K, Parents key to reducing overweight in children 328:169 (L) Dalton, Robert George, Obituary (J Ropner, et al) 328:290 Daly L, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Damera, Anupama, Obituary (A Evans, et al) 328:1442 Dandona L, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:47 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Daniels S, see Soares HP 328:22 Darby, Brian James, Obituary (H Halliday, et al) 328:352 Darnton-Hill I, see Chopra M 328:1558 Darrah, Alexander Coulter, Obituary (R Logan) 328:772 Dash P, New providers in UK health care 328:340 (C) data collection, staff dont see point (Z Kmietowicz) 328:786 (N) data protection central Hampshire electronic health record pilot project (T Adams, et al) 328:871 (IP), 328:1437 (L), 328:1438 (L) research, informed consent and (J Peto, et al) 328:1029 (E), 328:1437 (L) databases, multicentre clinical databases survey (N Black, et al) 328:1478 (IP) DAvanzo WC, Prevention of coronary heart disease 328:405 (L) Davey PG, see Donnan PT 328:1297 Davey Smith G see Ebrahim S 328:583 see Song Y-M 328:324 see Subramanian SV 328:801, 328:1499 Davidoff F, Improving peer review: whos responsible? 328:657 (E) Davies CW, A memorable patient. My first case 328:1477 Davies E A memorable patient A nannys stamina 328:345 Studying for a PhD (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s38 (24 January 2004) Davies H, A memorable patient. Aggie 328:559 Davies P Is the NHS getting better or worse? 328:107 (L) et al, Vaccinations against influenza and pneumococcus in children with diabetes: telephone questionnaire survey 328:203 (P) Davies R, see Young T 328:162 Davies, Rhys Glyn, Obituary (A Davies) 328:1442 Davies, Samuel Howard, Obituary (CA Ludlam) 328:1138 Davies SJC, et al, Treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders in patients with cardiovascular disease 328:939 (C) Davis, Albert, Obituary (C Davis) 328:467 Davis M, see Williams B 328:634 Davison CM, see Patnick J 328:464 Dawson C, see Griffiths C 328:144 Dawson JS, Is Dad mad, doctor? 328:926 De Geest S, see Young J 328:15 de Graaf L, see van Puijenbroek E 328:1353 de Leval MR, Facing up to surgical deaths 328:361 (E) de Lobinire, Henry, facial surgery centre (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1396 (N) de Paepe P, see Unger J-P 328:1497 de Roberto G, see Bassotti G 328:393 De Rosa M, see Clavenna A 328:711 de Sarasqueta AM, see Michel P 328:199 de Souza AC, see Chikwe J 328:418 de Valk HW, see Evers IM 328:915 de Vries CS, see Murray ML 328:524 de Wet C, see Reed LJ 328:228 de Winter P, see Sculpher M 328:382 deafness, makes you depressed. Endpiece (S Barley) 328:1132 Dearlove OR, Suspension of doctors 328:709 (L) death see also bereavement; palliative care my first case (CW Davies) 328:1477 perfect death (C Katona) 328:202 perspectives on death: exhibition (C White) 328:911 (N) (correction, 1412) death certificates completion (AN Morritt, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s217 (29 May 2004) two people to verify cause of death (C Dyer) 328:727 (N) decision making, clinical behaviour changes by making guidelines specific (S Michie, et al) 328:343 (ED) Deeming C, et al, Choice and equity: lessons from long term care 328:1389 (E) deep vein thrombosis, bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:938 deferiprone, thalassaemia major (J Savulescu) 328:358 (E)
JanuaryJune 2004
defibrillators, implantable cardiac defibrillator, heart failure benefits (JH Tanne) 328:664 (N) Dehue T, Prescription of heroin to treatment resistant heroin addicts 328:228 (L) del Giglio A, et al, Bad reporting does not mean bad methods for randomised trials: observational study of randomised controlled trials performed by Radiation Therapy Oncology Group. Commentary: The quality of randomised controlled trials may be better than assumed 328:24 (P), 328:286 (L) Del Mar CB see Doust J 328:474 see Guppy MPB 328:499, 328:958 Delamothe T et al, Open access publishing takes off 328:1 (E) see Jadad AR 328:1143 Delaney B, et al, Eradicating H pylori 328:1388 (E) Delaney JAC, see Entminan M 328:558 Delva MD, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204, 328:641 Demmink JH, see Bjordal JM 328:897 Dempsey, Mrs, et al, Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with breathlessness: case outcome. Commentary: Patients view 328:944 (C) Dening TR, Lithium and motor vehicle crashes 328:895 (L) Denmark see also Europe cleft lip, survival analysis (K Christensen, et al) 328:1405 (P) Department of Health Making Amends 328:407 (L) NHS Standards for Better Health (Z Kmietowicz) 328:363 (N) Securing Good Health for the Whole Population (M Gould) 328:10 (N) depression see also antidepressants abuse by partners of women attending general practice (K Hegarty, et al) 328:621 (PC) adolescence, treatment (P Ramchandani, et al) 328:3 (E), 328:524 (L), 328:525 (L), 328:711 (L) cardiovascular diseases and (SJC Davies, et al) 328:939 (C) homeless families (T Villanueva) 328:1396 (N) internet, interventions delivery (H Christensen, et al) 328:265 (PC), 328:1200 (L) nannys stamina. A memorable patient (E Davies) 328:345 Pakistan, risk factors (I Mirza, et al) 328:794 (P) Derbyshire SWG Abortion, Motherhood, and Mental Health (Books) 328:1022 (R) Cellular Phones, Public Fears, and a Culture of Precaution (Books) 328:292 (R) dermatitis, atopic, sibling effect, infectious diseases, and (CS Benn, et al) 328:1223 (P) Derry S, see Mason L 328:991, 328:995 Desapriya EBR Alcohol limit for drink driving should be much lower 328:895 (L) (correction, 1284) South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:838 (L) deSilva H, see Bhutta ZA 328:816 deSilva HJ, see Zaidi AKM 328:811 developing countries see also global health AIDS, partner reduction (D Wilson) 328:848 (E) cardiovascular diseases, threat (S Mayor) 328:1032 (N) drugs, World Trade Organization deal 328:349 (L) education, retired academics as teachers (S Pincock) 328:602 (N) health care improvement: lessons from (DM Berwick) 328:1124 (ED) (correction, 1301) healthcare challenges: post-immigration refugee medicine (KM Adams, et al) 328:1548 (C) HINARI, bridging global information divide (V Katikireddi) 328:1190 (ED) India, unqualified practitioners (S Kumar) 328:975 (N) infant development, effect of maternal mental health on infant growth (V Patel, et al) 328:820 (ED) maternal mortality, leading cause of death in girls (S Mayor) 328:1152 (N) practising just medicine in unjust world 328:47 (L), 328:49 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) research, author representation in countries with different human development indexes (J Keiser, et al) 328:1229 (P) road traffic accidents, research on prevention needed 328:895 (L) water supply, lags behind (F Fleck) 328:972 (N) Devendra D, et al, Type 1 diabetes: recent developments 328:750 (C) Dewhurst J The evidence base: rock of certainty or shifting sands? (Personal view) 328:963 (R), 328:1203 (L) Listen to grandmother 328:1436 DeWitt AL, et al, Critical care medicine mailing list: growth of an online forum 328:1180 (IP) Dhikav V, More on treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:1261 (L) Dhillon C, see Bowen-Simpkins P BMJ Careers 328:s56 Dhillon T, see Palmieri C 328:1439 diabetes see also type 1 diabetes; type 2 diabetes children influenza and pneumococcus vaccinations (P Davies, et al) 328:203 (P) may be undetected 328:1261 (L) internet diagnosis by mother (J Bentham, et al) 328:133 lipid lowering is crucial (POEM*) 328 (24 January 2003) mortality, young people admitted to hospital (SR Roberts, et al) 328:741 (P) patient experience interactive electronic medical record (JD Ralston, et al) 328:1159 (P) south-east Asia, burden of non-communicable diseases (A Ghaffar, et al) 328:807 (C), 328:1499 (L) Diacon A, et al, Pleural malignant mesothelioma after chest drain (Minerva) 328:116 (R) diagnosis cardiac chest pain (AL Mahajan) 328:1001 my lousy doctor (ME Gatt) 328:219 dialysis, GPs may offer to kidney patients under new framework (J Bryan) 328:186 (N) Diarra A, see Busza J 328:1369 diastolic heart failure, management in older adults. 10-minute consultation (A Ahmed) 328:1114 (PC), 328:1378 (L), 328:1379 (L) Dickey RA, see Stusser RJ 328:1209 Dickinson C, see Scoote M BMJ Careers 328:s205 Dickson, Niall, interview with (G Watts) 328:309 (N) diet blood pressure, dietary advice for single high reading in primary care (P Little, et al) 328:1054 (PC) Horizon: The Atkins Diet (N Koralage) (TV) 328:234 (R) on internet (V Katikireddi) (Website of the week) 328:234 (R)
US, WHOs attempts to improve diet rejected (O Dyer) 328:185 (N) dietary supplements, US, dirty dozen (JH Tanne) 328:975 (N) Dimoliatis I, Should reviewers of papers have their names published? (Personal view) 328:1267 (R) Din JN, et al, Science, medicine and the future. Omega 3 fatty acids and cardiovascular diseasefishing for a natural treatment 328:30 (C), 328:406 (L) directly observed treatment, tuberculosis, MsF criticises policy (G Mudur) 328:784 (N) disabled people London hospital to face High Court for allegedly refusing to resuscitate disabled girl (C Dyer) 328:125 (N) stroke survivors overview (GJ Hankey) 328:1085 (E) training: economic evaluation (A Patel, et al) 328:1102 (P) training randomised controlled trial (L Kalra, et al) 328:1099 (P) students who want to enter medicine (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s109 (13 March 2004) disaccharides, hepatic encephalopathy, systematic review (B AlsNielsen, et al) 328:1046 (P) disasters, dead bodies do not pose health risk (S Gottlieb) 328:1336 (N) discrete choice experiments NICE and (M Ryan) 328:360 (E) prostate cancer management (M Sculpher, et al) 328:382 (P) discussion lists, chronic myelogenous leukaemia (JD Ramos, et al) (Infopoints) 328:1177 (IP) dislocations, reduction immediately after accident. One hundred years ago 328:1113 dissociative identity disorder, May 33rd (A Panja) (TV) 328:1082 (R) distinction awards, characteristics of consultant holders in England and Wales (TW Lambert, et al) 328:1347 (P) diving, medical referee (A Arasu) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s186 (8 May 2004) Dix FP, see Simon DA 328:1358 Dixon J Payment by resultsnew financial flows in the NHS 328:969 (E) et al, Can the NHS learn from US managed care organisations? 328:223 (ED) see Florin D 328:159 see Lewis R 328:220 see Thomas I 328:451 Dixon M, see Light D 328:763 Dixon S, see Goodacre S 328:254 Dixon T, et al, Hospital admissions, age, and death: retrospective cohort study 328:1288 (P) Djulbegovic B Well informed uncertainties about the effects of treatment 328:1018 (L) see Soares HP 328:22 Dobson R Coughing can reduce pain of injection, study shows 328:424 (N) Half of UK patients taking drugs for epilepsy continue to have seizures 328:68 (N) Leading scientist threatens to resign over honours debacle 328:7 (N) Medical students with good science A levels less likely to drop out 328:1221 (N) Mental illness should be recognised as a disability 328:1337 (N) New cases of acute childhood asthma decline 328:542 (N) Photo diagnosis can cut waiting times for dermatology 328:367 (N) Staff may be disciplined over fiddling their waiting lists 328:1220 (N) Stroke prevention opportunities are being lost, study shows 328:975 (N) Survey highlights health risks of overseas travel 328:7 (N), 328:464 (L), 328:465 (L) Thyroid cancer has increased 12-fold in women since Chernobyl 328:1394 (N) Trusts mental health services are threadbare, says CHI 328:662 (N) Urgent action is needed to tackle smoking in armed forces 328:125 (N) doctor-patient relations see also communication; patient participation how (not) to be a good patient (DK Sokol) (Personal view) 328:471 (R) price of presumption. A memorable patient (A Byron) 328:21 pride comes... (H Tunstall-Pedoe) 328:460 times up. Endpiece (I Bamforth) 328:990 ward rounds aint what they used to be (D Crosby) 328:402 doctors see also consultants; general practitioners; junior doctors; overseas doctors; specialist registrars; staff associate specialists Improving Working Lives for Doctors conference (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s59 (7 February 2004) learning to live in medical household (K Billings) (Personal view) 328:235 (R) sexual preference disclosure (D Hughes) 328:1211 (E) smoking new study insights (M Stampfer) 328:1507 (E) original 1954 article (R Doll, et al) 328:1529 (P) tending to be perceived as inherently bad 328:407 (L) treating our own (P Helliwell) (Personal view) 328:1505 (R) doctors role Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare (Harrison, et al, eds) (Books) 328:54 (R) social aspect. One hundred years ago 328:18 The Trouble with Doctors: Fashions, Motives and Mistakes (Dally) (Books) 328:55 (R) Doecke CJ, see Jureidini JN 328:879 Doey, William David, Obituary (L Doey) 328:714 Doll R et al, Mortality in relation to smoking: 50 years observations on male British doctors 328:1519 (P) et al, The mortality of doctors in relation to their smoking habits a preliminary report (original 1954 article) 328:1529 (P) domestic violence see also violence general practice overview: intimate partner violence (LE Ferris) 328:595 (E) (correction, 997) depression and abuse by partners of women attending general practice (K Hegarty, et al) 328:621 (PC) treatment of whole family (A Taft, et al) 328:618 (PC) on internet (C Odigwe) (Website of the week) 328:649 (R)
Donaldson N, see Kalra L 328:1099 Doney ASF, see Ray S 328:896 Doniach, Deborah, Obituary (C Richmond) 328:351 Donker D, see Helmerhorst FM 328:261 Donnan PT, et al, Presence of bacteriuria caused by trimethoprim resistant bacteria in patients prescribed antibiotics: multilevel model with practice and individual patient data 328:1297 (IP) Donnez J, et al, Results of eVALuate study of hysterectomy techniques 328:643 (L) Donovan C, et al, Difficult Consultations with Adolescents (Books) 328:1443 (R) Donovan JL, see Harvey RF 328:1417 Doran M, et al, Lesson of the week. Toxicity after intermittent inhalation of nitrous oxide for analgesia 328:1364 (C) Doran T, et al, Is there a north-south divide in social class inequalities in health in Great Britain? Cross sectional study using data from the 2001 census 328:1043 (P) Dorling D Top up fees and medicine 328:712 (L) see Seyan K 328:1545 Dormandy T, Moments of Truth: Four Creators of Modern Medicine (Books) 328:1443 (R) Dorrian F, The Scottish refugee and asylum seekers doctors programme BMJ Careers 328:s280 (26 June 2004) Dorward M, see Little P 328:441, 328:444, 328:1054 Dosani S Caring for Lesbian and Gay People (Books) 328:469 (R) Sexual Orientation in Child and Adolescent Health Care (Books) 328:469 (R) The Nature of Panic (Art) 328:410 (R) et al How to pass the FRCA BMJ Careers 328:s218 (29 May 2004) How to pass the MRCGP BMJ Careers 328:s195 (15 May 2004) (correction 328:1486) How to pass the MRCOG BMJ Careers 328:s228 (5 June 2004) How to pass the MRCP BMJ Careers 328:s155 (17 April 2004) How to pass MRCPath BMJ Careers 328:s237 (12 June 2004) How to pass MRCPCH and DCH BMJ Careers 328:s177 (1 May 2004) How to pass the MRCPsych BMJ Careers 328:s207 (22 May 2004) How to pass the MRCS BMJ Careers 328:s165 (24 April 2004) How to pass PLAB BMJ Careers 328:s260 (19 June 2004) Making the decision to come to the United Kingdom (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s253 (19 June 2004) Doshi J, Medical trivia 328:679 Double DB Nature and Narrative (Books) 328:113 (R) Suspension of doctors 328:709 (L) Douglas C A day in the country (Soundings) 328:1573 (R) Dear diary (Soundings) 328:355 (R) Fast forward? (Soundings) 328:775 (R) Hello again (Soundings) 328:1267 (R) Douglas RM, see Murshed R 328:493 Dougliss C, Q&A. Face masks in operating theatres 328:1481 Doust J, et al, Why do doctors use treatments that do not work? 328:474 (E) (correction, 1066), 328:1015 (L), 328:1016 (L) Dove, John Roger, Obituary (M Collinson) 328:1079 Dowell J, see Hussey S 328:88 Down syndrome Netherlands, screening row (T Sheldon) 328:1456 (N) neural tube defects and, population and familial survey (MR Amorim, et al) 328:84 (P) Downey P, see Duncan R BMJ Careers 328:s193 downsizing, on internet (T Jackson) (Website of the week) 328:590 (R) Downward J, Science, medicine, and the future. RNA interference 328:1245 (C) Dowrick C, see Ring A 328:1057 Doyle J, see Waters E 328:585 Dr Fosters case notes overview (J Clark) 328:362 (E) Acute stroke units and early CT scans are linked to lower in-hospital mortality rates 328:369 Discharge destination for elderly: UK/US 328:605 Hip fracture guidance 328:1097, 328:1568 (L) Social class and elective caesareans in the English NHS 328:1399 Trends in admissions and deaths in English NHS hospitals 328:855 Drahos P, et al, The free trade agreement between Australia and the United States 328:1271 (E) Drever F, see Doran T 328:1043 Drew, Alfred John ("Jack"), Obituary (K Stewart) 328:1264 Drife JO Bodies (TV) 328:1266 (R) CAMRA shy? (Soundings) 328:1445 (R) Hank at The Shed (Soundings) 328:471 (R) Pedalling up the Amazon (Soundings) 328:1023 (R) Student selected caesareans (Soundings) 328:175 (R) Drion, Huibert, Obituary (T Sheldon) 328:1204 driving elderly, in-person licence renewal cuts deaths (JH Tanne) 328:1455 (N) speed cameras, media survey (N Marks) (The Press) 328:174 (R) drug abuse see also heroin dependence schools, random drug testing fails screening criteria 328:641 (L) supervised injecting centres (NMJ Wright, et al) 328:100 (ED) violent crime and: Swedish population study (M Grann, et al) 328:1233 (P) drug hypersensitivity syndrome, teicoplanin and (CM Perrett, et al) (Drug points) 328:1292 (P) drug industry advertising AstraZeneca digs in over criticisms (B Burton) 328:1035 (N) journal rejects article after marketing department objections (O Dyer) 328:244 (N) No Free Lunch (U Tayal) BMJ Careers 328:s199 (15 May 2004) only 6% of material is supported by evidence (A Tuffs) 328:485 (N) Pfizer guilty plea but gabapentin sales increase (J Lenzer) 328:1217 (N)
JanuaryJune 2004
Australia, pricing scheme under pressure in free trade talks (B Burton) 328:247 (N) Cochrane Library sponsorship commercial funding limits proposed (J Lenzer) 328:366 (N) new policy tightens limits (J Lenzer) 328:976 (N) developing countries: World Trade Organization deal 328:349 (L) Germany, bribes probes (J Burgermeister) 328:1333 (N) India, marketing (CM Gulhati) 328:778 (E) Merck Sharp & Dohme sues Spanish bulletin over fraud claim (L Gibson) 328:188 (N) Netherlands, lay media and prescriptions of terbinafine in primary care (GW Jong, et al) 328:931 (PC) New Zealand, moves to ban direct advertising (B Burton) 328:68 (N) pharmacogenomic strategies, criteria influencing clinical uptake (J Shah) (Recent developments) 328:1482 (C) research, rapid grasp of fundamentals (AJ Vickers) 328:1290 Scotland, doctors will have to register financial links (B Christie) 328:69 (N) US 11% spending increase in 2003 (R Moynihan) 328:727 (N) comparative drug study budget (C Marwick) 328:603 (N) junior doctors ignorance of tactics (D Spurgeon) 328:1032 (N) UN warning of internet drugs (J Burgermeister) 328:603 (N) Wyeth, guilty of paying to boost specific medicine use (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1515 (N) Drug points Guillain-Barr syndrome seen in users of isotretinoin (J Pritchard, et al) 328:1537 Nose bleeds associated with use of risperidone (M HarrisonWoolrych, et al) 328:1416 (P) Rash and acute nephritic syndrome due to candesartan (A Morton, et al) 328:25 Slipped capital femoral epiphyses associated with the withdrawal of a gonadotrophin releasing hormone (E van Puijenbroek, et al) 328:1353 (P) Teicoplanin induced drug hypersensitivity syndrome (CM Perrett, et al) 328:1292 (P) drug regulation stifling development of new drugs (Z Kmietowicz) 328:600 (N) synthesising licensing data to assess drug safety (K McPherson, et al) 328:518 drugs see also generic drugs; prescriptions, drug children need international formulary 328:227 (L), 328:525 (L) patients will able to report side effects (K Williams) 328:1095 (N) drugs, non-prescription, statins, raises concerns (L Gibson) 328:1221 (N) drugs, prescription, electronic (G Watts) 328:1156 (N) (correction, 329:85) DSouza C, see Sadana R 328:826 DuBois D, see Roberts H 328:512 Duby A, Cruise medicine BMJ Careers 328:s83 (28 February 2004) ductal carcinoma in situ, US, variation (JH Tanne) 328:785 (N) Dudley N, Suspension of doctors 328:709 (L) Duerden MG Secondary prevention for stroke and transient ischaemic attacks 328:896 (L) et al, Timing of simvastatin treatment 328:168 (L) Dumelow C, see Ziebland S 328:564 Dumville JC, see Torgerson DJ 328:710 Duncan R, et al, Foundation programmes in general practice BMJ Careers 328:s193 (15 May 2004) Duncan RDD, Prejudiced, poignant, pathetic, or publishable? BMJ Careers 328:s119 (20 March 2004) Dunea G Discontents (Soundings) 328:1209 (R) In committee (Soundings) 328:413 (R) On covering ones mouth (when yawning) (Soundings) 328:963 (R) Dunne, Michael, Obituary (M Houston) 328:112 Duong T, see Gibb DM 328:524 Dwivedi R, see Kuruvilla S 328:1193 Dyer C Bill clarifies gap in law over living wills 328:1516 (N) Bill will set up court of prosecution for those lacking mental capacity 328:484 (N) British Columbia can sue tobacco industry for healthcare costs 328:1279 (N) Court dismisses appeals of two mothers 328:1219 (N) Fewer care cases to be reopened than originally thought 328:482 (N) GMC faces challenge over withdrawing treatment 328:68 (N) Gulf war syndrome case collapses 328:367 (N) HIV positive witness learns of his status in courtroom 328:1334 (N) Hospital breached boys human rights by treating him against his mothers wishes 328:661 (N) Human Tissue Bill is modified because of research needs 328:1518 (N) Judge may report drug company executive to attorney general 328:243 (N) Living wills will have to specify treatments that patient is refusing 328:1035 (N) London hospital to face High Court for allegedly refusing to resuscitate disabled girl 328:125 (N) Mothers suspected of killing their babies might be dealt with outside criminal system 328:425 (N) New coroners system will require two people verify cause of death 328:727 (N) New council takes GMC to High Court for undue leniency 328:541 (N) New watchdog given power to overturn GMC acquittals 328:783 (N) A new model of patient privacy (The Press) 328:1265 (R) Paediatrician cleared of serious professional misconduct 328:1035 (N) Parents convicted of killing to have their cases reviewed 328:183 (N) Patient challenges GMC guidance on withdrawing treatment 328:541 (N) Payments announced for patients infected with hepatitis C 328:246 (N) Pressure mounts for inquiry into MMR furore 328:483 (N) Review finds child experts disagreed in 47 cases out of 5000: 328:1517 (N)
Secret smoking documents finally to go on the web 328:1335 (N) Shortage of sperm donors predicted when anonymity goes 328:244 (N) Surgeons wins a3815 000 from BMA in race case 328:786 (N) Suspended consultant is reinstated 328:187 (N) Thousands of families to sue over retained organs 328:184 (N) (correction, 384), 328:642 (L) Whistleblower vows to fight on 328:187 (N) Dyer O Another HRT trial is stopped early 328:305 (N) BMA settles in race discrimination cases 328:1154 (N) BMJ Publishing Group sells its books department 328:854 (N) Bush accused of blocking access to cheap AIDS drugs 328:783 (N) Doctor accused of misrepresenting evidence in child abuse cases 328:187 (N) Doctor charged with misconduct over murder claim 328:1393 (N) Doctors reluctant to work on child protection committees, survey shows 328:307 (N), 328:767 (L) Doctors suspended for removing wrong kidney 328:246 (N) Ethnic minority groups criticise US report on healthcare disparities 328:308 (N) Five cases of child murder to be reopened 328:1154 (N) Follow up for childhood cancer survivors needs clarification 328:365 (N) GlaxoSmithKline faces US lawsuit over concealment of trial results 328:1395 (N) GMC finds paediatrician guilty of abusing his position 328:1455 (N) GMC regrets failure to act on police warning about gynaecologist 328:1035 (N) Government figures show rapid increase in NHS staff 328:729 (N) Israeli army accused of obstructing medical access to civilians 328:1278 (N) Journal rejects article after objections from marketing department 328:244 (N) Meadow faces GMC over evidence given in child death cases 328:9 (N (correction, 209) NHS meets financial targets, but some trusts could do better 328:1094 (N) One million people die on worlds roads every year 328:851 (N) Pathologist cleared over failure to spot signs of abuse 328:186 (N) Psychiatrist suspended for undermining patients trust in treatment 328:1516 (N) Research groups fail to reach agreement on protocol for treatment trials for CJD 328:603 (N) Seven doctors accused of over-prescribing heroin 328:483 (N) Shipman found dead in prison cell 328:123 (N) Southall is cleared by GMC but faces new charges 328:601 (N) United States wins more time to lobby against WHO diet plan 328:245 (N) US government rejects WHOs attempts to improve diet 328:185 (N) US societies to defy ban on editing articles from embargoed countries 328:543 (N), 328:898 (L) US universities threaten to cancel subscriptions to Elsevier journals 328:543 (N) dyspareunia, 10-minute consultation (L Ryan, et al) 328:1357 (PC) dyspnoea, BNP improves outcomes (POEM*) 328 (29 May 2004) dystocia, water delivery v. standard of augmentation for management in first stage of labour (ER Cluett, et al) 328:314 (P), 328:767 (L), 328:768 (L) Dzenowagis J, see Kuruvilla S 328:1193 Dziewulski P, see Hettiaratchy S 328:1366, 328:1427 Dzinjalamala FK, see Plowe CV 328:545, 328:1260
Eapen K, see Perel P 328:895 Earnshaw JJ, et al, Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms in men 328:1122 (ED) ears, blocked ears and flying. Q&A 328:708 Easton G A chink of light in the academic gloom (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s79 (21 February 2004) Human Mutants (TV) 328:1383 (R) Let me throughIm a part time general practitioner BMJ Careers 328:s67 (14 February 2004) Working in the media 1: options for doctors BMJ Careers 328:s127 (27 March 2004) Working in the media 2: getting a foot in the door BMJ Careers 328:s135 (3 April 2004) Working in the media 3: getting your message across BMJ Careers 328:s144 (10 April 2004), s209 (22 May 2004) see MacDonald R BMJ Careers 328:s147 (10 April 2004) eating disorders see also anorexia nervosa; obesity psychotherapy, recommendation (Z Kmietowcz) 328:245 (N) Eaton L Benefit levels must increase to allow healthy living 328:366 (N) BMJ sponsors photography award for medical image 328:306 (N) Cat on a hot tiled wall 328:484 (N) College proposes better deal for acute medical patients 328:1091 (N) Documenting life at a renal centre 328:544 (N) The European working time directive: the final countdown BMJ Careers 328:s229 (5 June 2004) Robin Cook warns of threat to aid from war against terrorism 328:1154 (N) Smoking habits of ethnic groups lead to higher risk of heart disease 328:1397 (N) UK government announces plan to tackle alcohol 328:659 (N) US bans doctors from conference in Cuba 328:914 (N) Eaton WW, et al, Coeliac disease and schizophrenia: population based case control study with linkage of Danish national registers 328:438 (P) (correction, 563), 328:1017 (L) Ebrahim S et al, Clustering of risk factors and social class in childhood and adulthood in British womens heart and health study: cross sectional analysis 328:861 (correction, 1104) (P)
et al, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:583 (L) see Dixon T 328:1288 see Pound P 328:514 see Song Y-M 328:324 Eccles R, et al, Drink plenty of fluids 328:957 (L) echocardiography, portable (H Ashrafian, et al) 328:300 (E) eclampsia drills, clinical risk management (S Thompson, et al) 328:269 (Q) (correction, 762) economics, medical ABC of smoking cessation (S Parrott, et al) 328:947 (C) chest pain observation unit compared with routine care (S Goodacre, et al) 328:254 (P) cost utility analyses, delays in publication (D Greenberg, et al) 328:1536 (P) NHS payment by results policy (J Dixon) 328:969 (E) reimbursement restriction of nebulised respiratory therapy in adults (S Schneeweiss, et al) 328:560 (PC) eczema, children, trends in prevalence of symptoms in British Isles (HR Anderson, et al) 328:1052 (P), 328:1380 (L) Eddleston M, et al, Self poisoning with pesticides 328:42 (ED) Edhi, Abdul Sattar, interview (K Ahmad) 328:790 (N) Edington, Francis Cameron, Obituary (HC Barr) 328:1020 education, effect on poor in manufacturing districts. Endpiece (JH Baron) 328:994 education, medical see also examinations; schools, medical; teaching clinical fellow (T Wong, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s77 (21 February 2004), s148 (10 April 2004) general practice, to improve delivery systems for prevention in primary care (PA Margolis, et al) 328:388 (PC) postgraduate, PMETB, view from top (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s103 (13 March 2004) surgery, no time to train the surgeons (J Chikwe, et al) 328:418 (E), 328:1133 (L), 328:1134 (L) What the educators are saying 328:210 (LP) (correction, 762), 328:692 (LP), 328:1244 (LP), 328:1547 (LP) education, medical, continuing European/US standards (A Harding) 328:1279 (N) heart attack care (JH Tanne) 328:664 (N), 328:1077 (L) need for needs assessment (GR Norman, et al) 328:999 (LP) education, medical, postgraduate cardiothoracic surgery, UK training (Z Khalpey, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s3 (3 January 2004), BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) Modernising Medical Careers, doctors opinions (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s139 (3 April 2004) overseas doctors and (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s257 (19 June 2004) PMETB, interviews (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s223 (5 June 2004) retraining: scary but worth it (C Bulstrode) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s117 (20 March 2004) South Asia (L Mendis, et al) 328:779 (E) studying for PhD (E Davies) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s38 (24 January 2004) education, medical, undergraduate acute medicine initiative (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s29 (17 January 2004) death of teaching autopsy 328:165 (L), 328:166 (L), 328:167 (L), 328:406 (L) exam performance of students learning in community settings (P Worley, et al) 328:207 (LP) fee changes may deter poor students (S Mayor) 328:128 (N), 328:712 (L) obstetrics, gender gap in experience and performance (J Higham, et al) 328:142 (P) student selected caesareans (JO Drife) (Soundings) 328:175 (R) Edwards A, see Evans R 328:1240 Edwards JE, see Mason L 328:991, 328:995 Edwards R ABC of smoking cessation. The problem of tobacco smoking 328:217 (C) see Kelly SP 328:537 Edwards SG, see Prime KP 328:524 Edwards-Brown R, see LeFanu J 328:767 Egger M, see Yazdanpanah Y 328:249 Eggli S, see Mller U 328:934 eggs, penetrating ocular trauma from exploding microwaved egg (S Goyal, et al) 328:1075 (L) Ehrhard I, see Purcell B 328:1339 Ehrle LH, Ionising radiation in infancy and adult cognitive function 328:582 (L) Eifell R, see Campbell B 328:1060 Eikelboom JW, see Hankey GJ 328:477 Eisenbarth GS, see Devendra D 328:750 Ekbom A, see Hall P 328:19 Ekman P Emotions revealed: gripped by emotion BMJ Careers 328:s85 (28 February 2004) et al, Emotions revealed: recognising facial expressions BMJ Careers 328:s75 (21 February 2004) Ekstrand J, et al, eds, Football Medicine (Books) 328:1384 (R) Elbourne DR, see Campbell MK 328:702 elderly see also ageing; health services for the elderly; long-term care abuse, Commons report (Z Kmietowicz) 328:971 (N) breathless woman (D Lowdon, et al) (Interactive case report) 328:698 (C), 328:758 (C), 328:944 (C) caring for those who refuse help. A memorable patient (M Jones) 328:1546 choice and responsiveness in patient centred NHS (DR Rowland, et al) 328:4 (E), 328:350 (L) discharge destination: UK/US (Dr Fosters case notes) 328:605 driving, in-person licence renewal cuts deaths (JH Tanne) 328:1455 (N) falls prevention programme overview (L Gillespie) 328:653 (E) effectiveness in subacute hospital setting (TP Haines, et al) 328:676 (P) systematic review and meta-analysis (JT Chang, et al) 328:680 (PC) health foods. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:271 long term cognitive dysfunction after non-cardiac surgery (A Selwood, et al) 328:120 (E) prescribed wrong drug (JH Tanne) 328:424 (N) road traffic crashes and lithium use (M Etminan, et al) 328:558 (P), 328:895 (L) (correction, 1284), 328:896 (L) type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline in women (G Logroscino, et al) 328:548 (P) visual hallucinations: Charles Bonnet syndrome (A Jacob, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:1552 (C)
JanuaryJune 2004
Eldridge S see Graffy J 328:26 see Griffiths C 328:144 electrocardiography, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:56 (R) electrocautery, polycystic ovary syndrome, comparison with recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (N Bayram, et al) 328:192 (P) electroconvulsive therapy, acme of efficiency (A Gibson) 328:1050 electronic communication BMJ special issue overview: beyond gadgets (NM Lorenzi) 328:1146 (E) overview: clinical judgement and electronic learning (DJ Klass) 328:1147 (E) overview: evaluation of ehealth systems and services (DH Gustafson, et al) 328:1150 (E) overview: first generation of e-patients (T Fergusson, et al) 328:1148 (E), 328:1564 (L) overview: information technology national programme (M Humber) 328:1145 (E) overview: new tools (AR Jadad, et al) 328:1143 (E) (correction, 329:85) 328:1564 (L) clinicians perspective on electronic health records and patient care (SH Walsh) 328:1184 (C) concern over new untested software systems (R Coombes) 328:1157 (N) critical care medicine mailing list (AL DeWitt, et al) 328:1180 (IP) Cuba and internet health research (RJ Stusser) 328:1209 (R) diabetes mellitus, patient experience with interactive electronic medical record (JD Ralston, et al) 328:1159 (P) e-prescribing savings (JH Tanne) 328:1155 (N) EU roadmap for ehealth (R Watson) 328:1155 (N) four rules for reinvention of health care (E Coiera) 328:1197 (ED) handheld computers review (M Al-Ubaydli) 328:1181 (C), 328:1565 (L) health related virtual communities and electronic support groups (G Eysenbach, et al) 328:1166 (PC) HINARI: bridging global information divide (V Katikireddi) 328:1190 (ED) HINARI: Indian lessons (S Kuruvilla, et al) 328:1193 (ED) hospital bookings to be done electronically by 2005 (R Coombes) 328:1157 (N) Massachusetts General Hospital, learning from e-patients (J Lester, et al) 328:1188 (ED) NHS electronic highway launch (G Watts) 328:1156 (N) (correction, 329:85) online discussion lists on chronic myelogenous leukaemia (JD Ramos, et al) (Infopoints) 328:1177 (IP) paper prescriptions: last season (G Watts) 328:1156 (N) (correction, 329:85) payment for email consultations (S Gottlieb) 328:1155 (N) Ron LaPorte interview on telepreventive medicine (G Yamey) 328:1158 (N) safety features of general practice prescribing systems (B Fernando, et al) 328:1171 (PC), 328:1565 (L), 328:1566 (L) soft networks for bridging the gap between research and practice: illuminative evaluation of CHAIN (J Russell, et al) 328:1174 (IP), 328:1564 (L) webchat. How electronic communication is changing health care 328:1178 electronic journals see also journals US, universities review package deals (S Mayor) 328:68 (N) Electronic Long, Paper Short, authors perceptions of electronic publishing (S Schroter, et al) 328:1350 (P) electronic medical records see under medical records electronic publishing see also Public Library of Science; publishing authors perceptions: two cross sectional surveys (S Schroter, et al) 328:1350 (P) clinical judgement and learning (DJ Klass) 328:1147 (E) LOCKSS, preservation of scientific record (V Reich, et al) 328:61 (E) Elijovich F, Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1376 (L) Elkington A, see Scoote M BMJ Careers 328:s233 Elkington AR, see Khaw PT 328:36, 328:97, 328:156, 328:644 Elliott-Binns, Christopher Plunkett, Obituary (B Baillon) 328:772 Ellis G, NHS change management (or how many people it take to change a light bulb) 328:987 Ellis N, see Vickers AJ 328:744 Elmes, Peter Cardwell, Obituary (I Campbell, et al) 328:352 Elwyn G, see Evans R 328:1240 email see also internet US, communication with patients and payment (S Gottlieb) 328:1155 (N) Emanuel J, see Joffe S 328:1463 Emberton M, see Sculpher M 328:382 embryology, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:1081 (R) emergencies caesarean section, decision to delivery interval (J Thomas, et al) 328:665 (P) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:529 (R) messages to medical men. One hundred years ago 328:1165 paediatric emergency (F da Cunha) 328:1419 portable echocardiography (H Ashrafian, et al) 328:300 (E) emergency contraception see contraceptives, postcoital emergency medical services Adrian Noon (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s17 (10 January 2004) career advice (S Hearns, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s133 (3 April 2004) education, telemedicine (J Mardon) BMJ Careers 328:s45 (31 January 2004) Jamaica, career advice (C Hayes-Bradley) BMJ Careers 328:s183 (8 May 2004) reconfiguration of surgical, emergency, and trauma services in UK (A Black) 328:178 (E), 328:522 (L), 328:523 (L) recurrent attender with a difference (R Body) 328:1554 successful SHO (A Abhishek, et al) (A&E) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s138 (3 April 2004) team phone numbers should be standardised (V Katikireddi) 328:481 (E) (correction, 884) waiting times improved (S Mayor) 328:729 (N) Emmen MJ, et al, Effectiveness of opportunistic brief interventions for problem drinking in a general hospital setting: systematic review 328:318 (P) Empey D, Suspension of doctors 328:181 (E), 328:709 (L), 328:710 (L) Emson, Daksha, Obituary (D Emson) 328:291 end of life decisions
hospitals, physician visits, and hospice care in US highly respected hospitals (JE Wennberg, et al) 328:607 (P), 328:1201 (L), 328:1202 (L) (S Gada) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s178 (1 May 2004) Enderby, George Edward Hale, Obituary (D Enderby) 328:1263 endometrial cancers, soya food and, Chinese women in Shanghai (WH Xu, et al) 328:1285 (P) (correction, 329:85) endoscopy, capsule impacting area of stenosis (G Grammatopoulos, et al) (Minerva) 328:776 (R) Englesakis M, see Eysenbach G 328:1166 English B, Sports and exercise medicine BMJ Careers 328:s53 (7 February 2004), s148 (10 April 2004) English R, see Banks E 328:1291 enteral nutrition, acute pancreatitis, comparison with parenteral nutrition (PE Marik, et al) 328:1407 (P) environment, lesson on sustainable living (D Menon) 328:567 environmental chemicals, reproductive health and: evidence? (RM Sharpe, et al) 328:447 (C) epidemics, obesity v. tobacco (M Chopra, et al) 328:1558 (ED) epidemiology, representativeness of general practice list samples (AG Smith, et al) 328:932 (PC) epidural analgesia see analgesia, epidural epilepsy The Brainstorms Village: Epilepsy in our World (Schachter, et al, eds) (Books) 328:715 (R) children, NICE drugs guidance (S Mayor) 328:1093 (N) NICE guidance on drugs for adults (E Perucca) 328:1273 (E) patients taking drugs continue to have seizures (R Dobson) 328:68 (N) epistaxis see nose bleeds ER, nursing shortage and 328:51 (L) erectile dysfunction, treatment, qualitative study of sildenafil (JM Tomlinson, et al) 328:1037 (P) ergonomics, medicine and surgery (R Stone, et al) 328:1115 (C) Erslev, Allan J, Obituary (JH Tanne) 328:52 (correction, 209) Esmail A, The prejudices of good people 328:1448 (E) Eso DA, Handheld computers in clinical practice 328:1565 (L) Espinosa-Brito A, et al, Death of the teaching autopsy 328:166 (L) Esterman A, see Worley P 328:207 ethics, medical see also confidentiality; euthanasia; Hippocratic oath; human rights; informed consent; torture; treatment withdrawal assessing ethics of trials in systematic reviews (MA Weingarten, et al) 328:1013 (ED) bioethics needs to rethink its agenda (L Turner) (Personal view) 328:175 (R) evaluation of health effects of social interventions (H Thomson, et al) 328:282 (ED) health tourism (E Borman) 328:60 (E) Human Tissue Bill, research threat (P Furness, et al) 328:533 (E), 328:898 (L), 328:1203 (L) international recruitment policy (D Carlisle) 328:1218 (N) medical researchers ancillary clinical care responsibilities (L Belsky, et al) 328:1494 (ED) organ transplantation, thousands of families to sue over retained organs (C Dyer) 328:184 (N) (correction, 384), 328:642 (L) private prescriptions for statins (M Raithatha, et al) 328:400 (ED) research ethics committees development (A Slowther, et al) 328:950 (ED) internet applications (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings) 328:651 (R), 328:1018 (L) requirements in 11 European countries (H Hearnshaw) 328:140 (P), 328:710 (L) roulette: what can we learn? (P Glasziou, et al) 328:121 (E), 328:710 (L), 328:711 (L) thalassaemia major, murky story of deferiprone (J Savulescu) 328:358 (E) time to live or time to die? (Anonymous) (Personal view) 328:1445 (R) ethnic groups see also Aborigines; racial discrimination ABC of smoking cessation (T Coleman) 328:575 (C) affirmative action, lessons for health care (F Sassi, et al) 328:1213 (E) genetics, ethnicity and health (N Pearce, et al) 328:1070 (ED) medical schools class, ethnic, and sex differences in school pupils perceptions (T Greenhalgh, et al) 328:1541 (LP) standardised admission ratio for measuring widening participation (K Seyan, et al) 328:1545 (LP) smoking, higher risk of heart disease (L Eaton) 328:1397 (N) specialist nurse asthma intervention in deprived multiethnic area: ELECTRA trial (C Griffiths, et al) 328:144 (PC) tobacco and alcohol consumption (R Bhopal, et al) 328:76 (P) (correction, 563) US, inequalities report criticised (O Dyer) 328:308 (N) Etminan M et al, Use of lithium and the risk of injurious motor vehicle crash in elderly adults: case-control study nested within a cohort 328:558 (P), 328:895 (L) (correction, 1284), 328:896 (L) see Suissa S 328:896 eugenics, War Against the Weak (Lelliott) (Books) 328:411 (R) Europe see also Belarus; Bulgaria; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Lithuania; Netherlands; Northern Ireland; Norway; Russia; Scotland; Spain; Sweden hypertension, guidelines more flexible than US (JH Tanne) 328:1279 (N) influenza pandemic, stronger measures needed (R Watson) 328:854 (N) multidrug resistant tuberculosis soars (C Odigwe) 328:663 (N) research ethics committees requirements in 11 European countries (H Hearnshaw) 328:140 (P) Save European research campaign 328:286 (L), 328:522 (L) statins, variations and increase: data from administrative databases (T Walley, et al) 328:385 (P) (correction, 329:323) European Union clinical trials database criticised for lack of openness (J Burgermeister) 328:1094 (N) implementation (K Woods) 328:240 (E) scientists urge repeal of rules (R Watson) 328:187 (N), 328:522 (L) enlargement implications for health (M McKee, et al) 328:1025 (E) non-UK doctors views (I Vlad) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s99 (6 March 2004) patient floodgates, minister warns (K Krosnar) 328:912 (N) ten accession states (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s89 (28 February 2004)
Lithuania, disaster for new members? (K Krosnar) 328:310 (N) public health commissioner, David Byrne interview (R Watson) 328:1096 (N) recognition of qualifications loophole closed (B Watson) 328:425 (N) "roadmap for ehealth (R Watson) 328:1155 (N) working time directive final countdown (L Eaton) BMJ Careers 328:s229 (5 June 2004) hospital at night project (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s19 (10 January 2004) new on-call work category suggested (R Watson) 328:1278 (N) pressure mounts (T Sheldon) 328:911 (N) Eustace SJ, et al, Whole body magnetic resonance imaging 328:1387 (E) euthanasia see also ethics, medical; suicide, assisted France, cases referred to police (B Spurgeon) 328:1221 (N) Netherlands, reporting of cases falls (T Sheldon) 328:1336 (N) putting down pets and (R Anthony-Pillai) 328:574 evaluation ehealth systems and services (DH Gustafson, et al) 328:1150 (E) endless (K Barraclough) (Soundings) 328:57 (R) Evans A see Hughes C 328:464 see Kalra L 328:1099 see Patel A 328:1102 Evans DA, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:583 (L) Evans J, see Ziebland S 328:564 Evans PH, see Dalal H 328:693 Evans R, et al, Review of instruments for peer assessment of physicians 328:1240 (LP) Evans S, see Schroter S 328:673 Evans TW, see Ashrafian H 328:300 Evers IM, et al, Risk of complications of pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes: nationwide prospective study in the Netherlands 328:915 (P) Evidence based case report, Perimacular retinal folds from childhood head trauma (PE Lantz, et al) 328:754 (C) evidence-based medicine see also POEM* absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (P Alderson) 328:476 (E), 328:1016 (L) CHAIN evaluation: bridging the gap between research and practice (J Russell, et al) 328:1174 (IP), 328:1564 (L) drug advertising (A Tuffs) 328:485 (N) Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services (T Greenhalgh) (Books) 328:529 (R) innovation may be stifled (I Loefler) (Soundings) 328:842 (R) policy or policy based evidence? (MG Marmot) 328:906 (E), 328:1202 (L), 328:1203 (L) public health, making interventions more evidence based (B Kirkwood) 328:966 (E) whats the E for EBM? (SE Straus) 328:535 (E), 328:1077 (L) Ewald DP, Timing of simvastatin treatment 328:167 (L) Ewald H, see Eaton WW 328:438 Exadaktylos A, see Mller U 328:934 examinations see also education, medical FRCA (S Dosani, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s218 (29 May 2004) MRCGP (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s195 (15 May 2004) (correction, 1486) MRCOG (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s228 (5 June 2004) MRCP middle aged GP (M Houghton) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s156 (17 April 2004) (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s155 (17 April 2004) MRCPath (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s237 (12 June 2004) MRCPCH and DCH (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s177 (1 May 2004) MRCPsych (S Dosani, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s207 (22 May 2004) MRCS (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s165 (24 April 2004) PLAB (S Dosani, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s260 (19 June 2004) RCP practical assessment (C Douglas) (Soundings) 328:1573 (R) undergraduate performance in community settings (P Worley, et al) 328:207 (LP) exemestane, breast cancer recurrence and (C White) 328:599 (N) exercise coronary disease and (GD Batty, et al) 328:1089 (E) pedalling up the Amazon (JO Drife) (Soundings) 328:1023 (R) training meta-analysis of trials in patients with chronic heart failure (ExTraMATCH Collaborative) 328:189 (P), 328:711 (L) truth about. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:1315 Extracts from Clinical Evidence Concise", Severe life threatening malaria in endemic areas (A Omari, et al) 328:154 (C) ExTraMATCH Collaborative, Exercise training meta-analysis of trials in patients with chronic heart failure (ExTraMATCH) 328:189 (P), 328:711 (L) eyelids, cicatricial ectropion after facial laceration repair (JD Rossiter, et al) (Minerva) 328:1574 (R) eyes ABC of eyes Glaucoma-1: Diagnosis (PT Khaw, et al) 328:97 (C) (correction, 762) Glaucoma-2: Treatment (PT Khaw, et al) 328:156 (C) (correction, 762) Injury to the eye (PT Khaw, et al) 328:36 (C) (correction, 762), 328:643 (L), 328:644 (L) blow out fracture (B Parmar, et al) (Minerva) 328:532 (R) exploding microwaved egg (S Goyal, et al) 328:1075 (L) Eysenbach G Websites on screening for breast cancer 328:769 et al, Health related virtual communities and electronic support groups: systematic review of the effects of online peer to peer interactions 328:1166 (PC)
face de Lobinire Facial Surgery Research Centre (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1396 (N) emotions revealed (P Ekman) BMJ Careers 328:s85 (28 February 2004) recognising expressions (P Ekman, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s75 (21 February 2004) face masks, in operating theatres. Q&A (C Dougliss, et al) 328:1481 Fahey T
JanuaryJune 2004
Influence of socioeconomic deprivation on the primary care burden and treatment of patients with a diagnosis of heart failure in general practice in Scotland: population based study. Commentary: Valuable insights from morbidity coding in primary care 328:1113 (PC) see Harker N 328:276, 328:337, 328:503 see Hay AD 328:1062 see Love T 328:1201 Fairer JG, et al, Endpiece. Owning up 328:161 Fallowfield L, Doctors communication of trust, care, and respect 328:1317 (L) falls elderly: prevention programme overview (L Gillespie) 328:653 (E) effectiveness in subacute hospital setting (TP Haines, et al) 328:676 (P) systematic review and meta-analysis (JT Chang, et al) 328:680 (PC) familial hypercholesterolaemia, statin treatment and life assurance (HAW Neil, et al) 328:500 (PC) family planning, Sex on the Rates: Memoirs of a Family Planning Doctor (Wilson) (Books) 328:1504 (R) family relations AIDS, stable partnership and progression to AIDS or death in antiretroviral therapy patients: Swiss cohort study (J Young, et al) 328:15 (P) domestic violence: GP treatment of whole family (A Taft, et al) 328:618 (PC) Farrall AJ, see Wardlaw JM 328:655 Farrar K, et al, Computer aided prescribing 328:1565 (L) Farrell L I dont know much, but this I do know (Soundings) 328:1141 (R) Loves a funny thing (Soundings) 328:717 (R) The quest (Soundings) 328:295 (R) Saddam Husseins medical examination should not have been broadcast 328:51 fatal accident inquiries, how to survive them (J McCulloch, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s216 (29 May 2004) Fazel M, Why Im a reluctant rapid responder (Personal view) 328:413 (R), 328:644 (L), 328:645 (L) Fazel S, see Grann M 328:1233 Fear NT, see Smith AG 328:932 Feder GS, see Griffiths C 328:144 Feenan, Steven Dominic, Obituary (S Noble, et al) 328:587 Fehr T, see Ammann P 328:1028 Fehrenbach J, see Zendron L 328:629 female genital mutilation see circumcision, female femoral epiphyses, leuprorelin withdrawal and (E van Puijenbroek, et al) (Drug points) 328:1353 (P) Fenn P, et al, Making amends for negligence 328:417 (E) Fenton T, see Ramesh P 328:708 Fergus C, Hypocalcaemia after intravenous bisphosphonate 328:1439 (L) Ferguson T, et al, The first generation of e-patients 328:1148 (E), 328:1564 (L) Fergusson D, et al, Turning a blind eye: the success of blinding reported in a random sample of randomised, placebo controlled trials 328:432 (P), 328:1135 (L), 328:1136 (L) Fernando B, et al, Prescribing safety features of general practice computer systems: evaluation using simulated test cases 328:1171 (PC), 328:1565 (L), 328:1566 (L) Ferner RE, Prescribing safety features of general practice computer systems: evaluation using simulated test cases. Commentary: Computer aided prescribing leaves holes in the safety net 328:1172 (PC), 328:1565 (L), 328:1566 (L) Ferraro A, see Perel P 328:895 Ferrie JE, see Vahtera J 328:555 Ferriman A BMJ ethics committee appoints new chairperson 328:246 (N) Cancer centre wins building of the year award 328:1453 (N) FDA warns on antidepressant use 328:729 (N) MP raises new allegations against Andrew Wakefield 328:726 (N) Where doctors, actors, and athletes meet on equal footing 328:1034 (N) Ferris LE, Intimate partner violence 328:595 (E) (correction, 997) fetal medicine, recent developments (S Kumar, et al) 328:1002 (C) Field, Steve, overseas doctors and Modernising Medical Careers (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s256 (19 June 2004) Fielder AR, et al, Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1376 (L) Fikree FF, et al, Role of gender in health disparity: the South Asian context 328:823 (ED) fillers see also POEM* The acme of efficiency (A Gibson) 328:1050 Am I my fathers keeper? (J Young) 328:1375 Apple crumble or a selection from the sweet trolley? (A Panja) 328:268 Balancing benefits and harms in health care. webchat 328:1560 Birth of a baby girl and social stigma (A Salim) 328:1563 bmjlearning.com Childhood asthma (K Walsh) 328:147 Coeliac disease: myth buster (K Walsh) 328:868 Copying letters to patients (K Walsh) 328:733 Deep vein thrombosis (K Walsh) 328:938 Heart failure: an update on management (K Walsh) 328:198 Hepatitis C (K Walsh) 328:1296 Managing cerebral palsy in primary care (K Walsh) 328:743 Menorrhagia (G Yamey) 328:1199 Post-traumatic stress disorder 328:624 Promoting smoking cessation in general practice (K Walsh) 328:328 Serious communicable diseases (K Walsh) 328:1045 Tuberculosis: an update on management (K Walsh) 328:1356 Understanding statistics"Is there a significant difference? (K Walsh) 328:508 Diagnosing cardiac chest pain (AL Mahajan) 328:1001 Does your heart go on vacation? (E Rider) 328:890 The door handle sign (J Williams) 328:1187 Endpiece Boston medical students 1827 (JH Baron) 328:44 The brutalised poor of our manufacturing districts (JH Baron) 328:994 Clamming up (A Sarwal) 328:325 Deafness makes you depressed (S Barley) 328:1132 The difference (F Charatan) 328:1544 The doctor within (F Charatan) 328:1426
The end of the party (F Charatan) 328:1416 Growing old (F Charatan) 328:1039 Illness (F Charatan) 328:1006 Knowledge (A Panja) 328:446 Knowledge and comfort (S Nundy) 328:860 Life according to Wilde (F Charatan) 328:206 Life (F Charatan) 328:672 Many a true word spoken in jest (M Warner) 328:986 No health foods (F Charatan) 328:271 Old theories and old men (JH Baron) 328:675 On healing (N Goyal) 328:799 Only one good (Z Shah) 328:143 Owning up (JG Fairer, et al) 328:161 Paris and London consultants 1815 (JH Baron) 328:506 A physicians tooth as an infallible amulet (JH Baron) 328:930 Students at Guys and St Thomass, 1819 (JH Baron) 328:25 Time (N Hayes) 328:1250 The truth about exercise (F Charatan) 328:1315 When to discharge a patient (JH Baron) 328:1342 Worse for the fish (F Charatan) 328:1371 Your times up (I Bamforth) 328:990 The essence remains unchanged (HR Offman) 328:691 General practice 2035 (J Langfield) 328:511 Health initiatives in poor countries: what can we learn from them? 328:894 (ED) Hindu mythology and medicine (RR Varma) 328:819 How electronic communication is changing health care. Webchat 328:1178 The internetfriend or foe? (J Bentham) 328:133 Is Dad mad, doctor? (JS Dawson) 328:926 Jaw droppers (G Vaidya) 328:520 Listen to grandmother (J Dewhurst) 328:1436 Marcus (A Cohn) 328:758 Medical trivia (J Doshi) 328:679 Medscape conference coverage 13th Annual conference of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) 328:209 69th Annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians 328:503 A memorable consultation 328:551 A memorable call. A house call in Nepals Himalayas (P Gurung) 328:806 A memorable conversation. Did my wife elope with someone else? (W Misaki) 328:29 A memorable patient Aggie (H Davies) 328:559 Caring for those who refuse help (M Jones) 328:1546 Happiness is... 328:453, 328:712 (L) My first case (CW Davies) 328:1477 A nannys stamina (E Davies) 328:345 The price of presumption (A Byron) 328:21 Spiritual relief (S Hull) 328:815 Telling it how it is (P Keech) 328:918 My lousy doctor (ME Gatt) 328:219 My most useful surgery instrument (P Vincent) 328:630 NHS change management (or how many people it take to change a light bulb) (G Ellis) 328:987 Northern Irelandpoetic sectarianism (K Choudhari) 328:1414 An obstinate patient (S Kothari) 328:1473 One hundred years ago Automobiles for medical men 328:91 The diminishing birth-rate 328:1469 The doctor in his social aspect 328:18 Gardening for women 328:14 Hypnotism in Abyssinia 328:155 (correction, 384) Illegible prescriptions 328:1053 Messages to medical men 328:1165 Professional jealousy 328:887 Reduction of dislocations immediately after the accident 328:1113 The risks to life in London 328:1258 When is a banana ripe? 328:1196 Winter holidays 328:387 A paediatric emergency (F da Cunha) 328:1419 A perfect death (C Katona) 328:202 Pride comes... (H Tunstall-Pedoe) 328:460 Printing error reveals effectiveness of public health promotion (O Brborovic) 328:874 Q&A Blocked ears and flying 328:708 Cocaine and amphetamine combined (EM Sobic, et al) 328:1365 Effects of ginkgo extract (MM Althahabi, et al) 328:1072 Face masks in operating theatres (C Dougliss) 328:1481 A rapid grasp of the fundamentals (AJ Vickers) 328:1290 The recurrent attender with a difference (R Body) 328:1554 Three memorable consultations (S Potter) 328:998 Two memorable patients. Two nil (J Banks) 328:285 Ward rounds aint what they used to be (D Crosby) 328:402 When I use a word. Harmful reactions (J Aronson) 328:1173 Findlay, Mary Graham, Obituary (ID Findlay, et al) 328:1322 Fine B, see Jewels C BMJ Careers 328:s123 fine needle aspiration, hepatic colorectal metastases (MS Metcalfe, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:507 (C) Finegan Y, see Lester J 328:1188 finger schwannoma, in elderly woman (H Sharma, et al) (Minerva) 328:58 (R) Finland see also Europe research fraud case (J Palo) (Personal view) 328:1083 (R) sick leave and organisational downsizing (J Vahtera, et al) 328:555 (P) Finlayson B, see Dixon J 328:223 Finlayson ND, see Lowe GDO 328:229 Finn, Ronald, Obituary (DLJ Freed) 328:1501 first aid, burns: ABC of burns (J Hudspith, et al) 328:1487 (C) fish oils, cardiovascular diseases and omega 3 fatty acids (JN Din, et al) 328:30 (C), 328:406 (L), 328:407 (L) Fisher ES, see Wennberg JE 328:607 Fisher P, see Vickers AJ 328:744 fishes, materia medica. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:1371 Fison, Lorimer, Obituary (J Talbot) 328:1441 Fitzgerald M, Autism and Creativity:Is there a Link between Autism in Men and Exceptional Ability (Books) 328:1139 (R) Fitzmaurice D, see Murray E 328:437 Fitzpatrick M Are ribbon campaigns making us loopy? 328:588 (R) George and Sam (Books) 328:1571 (R) Flapan AD, see Din JN 328:30, 328:406 Fleck F Poor countries lag behind on water goals 328:972 (N)
Spending on neglected diseases has increased, says report 328:1220 (N) (correction, 329:85) Swapping Ilford for Baghdad 328:1280 (N) Top health officials adopt global plan to cut obesity 328:1278 (N) West Africa campaign boycotted by Nigerian states 328:485 (N) WHO admits its target on AIDS drugs may be unrealistic 328:1151 (N) WHO report says AIDS offers healthcare opportunity 328:10 (N) WHO resists food industry pressure on its diet plan 328:973 (N) WHO and science publishers team up on online register of trials 328:854 WHO warns of a polio epidemic in Africa 328:1513 (N) Fleming D, see Woodhead M 328:1270 Fleming PJ, et al, Investigating sudden unexpected deaths in infancy and childhood and caring for bereaved families: an integrated multiagency approach 328:331 (C), 328:1262 (L) Flepp M, see Young J 328:15 Fletcher J, et al, Data protection, informed consent, and research 328:1437 (L) Fletcher O, see Peto J 328:1029 Florin D, et al, Public involvement in health care 328:159 (ED), 328:462 (L) flow charts, effect on use of blood transfusions in primary total hip and knee replacement (U Mller, et al) 328:934 (Q) fluids, acute respiratory infections and, systematic review (MPB Guppy, et al) 328:499 (PC), 328:957 (L), 328:958 (L) Flynn S et al, Penny gets pregnant: the pitfalls of pregnancy and work BMJ Careers 328:s167 (24 April 2004) see Shaw J 328:734 Fogelholm R, Ionising radiation in infancy and adult cognitive function 328:581 (L) Foliaki S, see Pearce N 328:1070 folic acid cardiovascular diseases: polypill 328:404 (L), 328:405 (L) combination of drugs 328:289 (L) ischaemic stroke and, risk reduction (S Gottlieb) 328:247 (N) ultimate functional food component for disease prevention? (M Lucock) (Science, medicine, and the future) 328:211 (C), 328:768 (L), 328:769 (L) Folino-Gallo P, see Walley T 328:385 food industry advertising, junk food ban? (R Coombes) (Ads) 328:1572 (R) health claims for functional foods (MB Katan) 328:180 (E) pressure on WHO diet plan resisted (F Fleck) 328:973 (N) foot, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:56 (R) football, Football Medicine (Ekstrand, et al, eds) (Books) 328:1384 (R) Forbes K, If it doesnt work, stop it 328:1015 (L) forceps, use in delivery (RR Patel, et al) 328:1302 (C) Ford, Hubert Talbot ("Joe"), Obituary (J-C Gazet) 328:408 (L) Ford S, Alcohol evidence and policy 328:1202 (L) forensic medicine, Sue Black (T MacMahon) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s88 (28 February 2004) Fortson R, see Strang J 328:102 Foster G, see Griffiths C 328:144 Fountain, Frances Mary, Obituary (S Moore) 328:1205 Fountain J see Garry R 328:129 see Sculpher M 328:134 Fowler A, Courage to change BMJ Careers 328:s208 (22 May 2004) Fowler CS, see Cooper CP 328:1179 Fowlie D, see Mowat D 328:1262 Frame S, see Murphy NF 328:1413 France see also Europe euthanasia, cases referred to police (B Spurgeon) 328:1221 (N) GP access to specialists (B Spurgeon) 328:1278 (N) Paris and London consultants 1815. Endpiece (JH Baron) 328:506 working abroad (P Shannon) BMJ Careers 328:s65 (14 February 2004) Francis DP, see Piepoli MF 328:711 Frank M, see Cooper CP 328:1179 Frankel E, Polypill debate continues 328:289 (L) Frankel S see Dixon T 328:1288 see Ebrahim S 328:583 Franklin, Alan James, Obituary (N Speight) 328:112 Fraser WD, see Peter R 328:335, 328:1439 Frayling IM, Universal consent form might help 328:1203 (L) Fried BJ, see Margolis PA 328:388 Friedland JS, see Handforth J 328:1026 Friedlander Y, see Paltiel O 328:919 Friend, John Henry, Obituary (K Prowse) 328:1079 Frisch M, Health needs of women who have sex with women 328:464 (L) frostbite, toe treatment advice via web (D Hillebrandt, et al) (Minerva) 328:1210 (R) Frhbeck G, Death of the teaching autopsy 328:165 (L) Fry P, see Sculpher M 328:382 Frydman G, see Ferguson T 328:1148 Fuhrer R, see Richards M 328:552 Fulford B, et al, eds, Nature and Narrative:An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry (Books) 328:113 (R) Fuller C, see Murray E 328:437 functional food folic acid, ultimate functional food component for disease prevention? (M Lucock) (Science, medicine, and the future) 328:211 (C), 328:768 (L), 328:769 (L) health claims (MB Katan) 328:180 (E) Furness P Transplanting Human Tissue (Books) 328:469 (R) et al, The human tissue bill 328:533 (E), 328:898 (L), 328:1203 (L) Furrer H, see Young J 328:15
gabapentin, Pfizer guilty plea but sales increase (J Lenzer) 328:1217 (N) Gach JE, et al, Trichophyton mentagrophytes infection from pet rat (Minerva) 328:1142 (R) Gada S, et al, Dealing with end of life decisions (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s178 (1 May 2004)
JanuaryJune 2004
Gadsby R, Interactive case report. Treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Commentary: General practitioners are wary of treating sickness in pregnancy 328:505 (C) Galanti MR see Sparn P 328:11 see Vagero D 328:346 Galea I, et al, Stress and exacerbations in multiple sclerosis 328:287 (L) Gallagher JR, et al, ABC of eyes: Injury to the eye 328:644 (L) Gallen D, et al, A firm foundation for senior house officers 328:1390 (E) Gandhi N, see Gupta N BMJ Careers 328:s58 Gandy M, et al, eds, The Return of the White Plague: Global Poverty and the New Tuberculosis (Books) 328:1206 (R) ganglions, resolve spontaneously (POEM*) 328 (3 April 2004) 328:1262 (L) Ganse E van, see Walley T 328:385 Gao YT, see Xu WH 328:1285 Gardiner LD, see Adams KM 328:1548 Garner P, see Omari A 328:154 Garrard ON, Omega 3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease 328:406 (L) Garrow JS, Editors and their priorities about libel and fraud 328:230 (L) Garry R et al, The eVALuate study: two parallel randomised trials, one comparing laparoscopic with abdominal hysterectomy, the other comparing laparoscopic with vaginal hysterectomy 328:129 (P) (correction, 494), 328:642 (L), 328:643 (L) see Sculpher M 328:134 gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, helicobacter pylori infections and: Bristol helicobacter project (RF Harvey, et al) 328:1417 (PC) gastrointestinal cancers poverty gap widens (K Burke) 328:599 (N) survival rates vary across England (S Mayor) 328:974 (N) gastrointestinal haemorrhage, COX 2 inhibitors, ecological study (M Mamdani, et al) 328:1415 (P) Gatrad AR et al, 10-minute consultation. Persistent crying in babies 328:330 (PC), 328:956 (L) et al, Dicycloverine for persistent crying in babies 328:956 (L) Gatrad, Rashid, (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s68 (14 February 2004) Gatt ME, My lousy doctor 328:219 Gaw A, et al, New European clinical trials directive 328:522 (L) Gayle HD, see Shelton JD 328:891 Geddes J, see Taylor MJ 328:768 Geddes JF, et al, The evidence base for shaken baby syndrome 328:719 (E), 328:1316 (L), 328:1317 (L) Geelkerken RH, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Gelb CA, see Cooper CP 328:1179 General Medical Council child pornography website cases (C White) 328:973 (N) CRHP can overturn acquittals (C Dyer) 328:783 (N) Roy Meadow, charges over evidence given in child death cases (O Dyer) 328:9 (N) (correction, 209) Richard Neale, regrets failure to act on police warning (O Dyer) 328:1035 (N) overseas doctors (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s254 (19 June 2004) revalidation implications (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s255 (19 June 2004) punishment by process (A Spencer) (Personal view) 328:774 (R) treatment withdrawal guidance challenged (C Dyer) 328:68 (N), 328:541 (N) undue leniency? (C Dyer) 328:541 (N) general practice see also primary care trusts 2035 (J Langfield) 328:511 blood pressure dietary advice for single high reading (P Little, et al) 328:1054 (PC) misclassification effects (T Marshall) 328:933 (PC) career mobility: apple crumble or trolley selection? (A Panja) 328:268 disparities need to be tackled by primary care trusts (D Singh) 328:603 (N) domestic violence overview (LE Ferris) 328:595 (E) (correction, 997) depression and abuse by partners of women attending general practice (K Hegarty, et al) 328:621 (PC) treatment of whole family (A Taft, et al) 328:618 (PC) education to improve delivery systems for prevention in primary care (PA Margolis, et al) 328:388 (PC) essence remains unchanged (HR Offman) 328:691 foundation programmes (R Duncan) BMJ Careers 328:s193 (15 May 2004) going paperless (DE Morris) BMJ Careers 328:s97 (6 March 2004) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:529 (R) most useful instrument (P Vincent) 328:630 New Zealand, work abroad (C Smith) BMJ Careers 328:s185 (8 May 2004) Parkinsons disease, who should look after people? (R Kale, et al) 328:62 (E) part time GPs (G Easton) BMJ Careers 328:s67 (14 February 2004) Practice-led Commissioning (D Singh) 328:1396 (N) refugee training and funding 328:770 (L) representativeness of list samples in epidemiological studies (AG Smith, et al) 328:932 (PC) Scottish GPs willingness to take part in post-retirement retention scheme (M Chambers, et al) 328:329 (PC) sick notes, qualitative study of Scottish GP views (S Hussey, et al) 328:88 (PC), 328:461 (L) smoking cessation, promotion. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:328 somatic treatment, do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise GPs? (A Ring, et al) 328:1057 (PC), 328:1319 (L) general practitioners see also doctors cancers, need help in spotting symptoms (Z Kmietowicz) 328:659 (N) chronic fatigue syndrome, perceptions and beliefs compared with irritable bowel syndrome (R Raine, et al) 328:1354 (PC) hypertension, three and six months GP follow up (RV Birtwhistle, et al) 328:204 (PC), 328:641 (L) Italy, strike over threat to break up state health service (F Turone) 328:976 (N) letters, views on (B Campbell, et al) 328:1060 (PC) patient mortality investigation: and Shipman inquiry (MA Mohammed, et al) 328:1474(PC)
patients residency status check to stop health tourism (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1217 (N) revalidation, randomised comparison of two revalidation models (D Bruce, et al) 328:687 (LP), 328:1077 (L) workload and impact of nurse practitioners (MGH Laurant, et al) 328:927 (PC) generic drugs see also drugs Canada, developing countries plan threatened (D Spurgeon) 328:728 (N) genetic counselling, role of next of kin in accessing health records of deceased relatives (AM Lucassen, et al) 328:952 (ED) genetically modified food, Genetically Modified Food and Health (Z Kmietowicz) 328:602 (N) genetics, medical see also cloning career advice (A Murray) BMJ Careers 328:s175 (1 May 2004) chromosomes 13 and 19 (S Mayor) 328:853 (N) nicotine patch effectiveness in relation to genotype in women v. men (P Yudkin, et al) 328:989 race, ethnicity, and health (N Pearce, et al) 328:1070 (ED) RNA interference (J Downward) (Science, medicine, and the future) 328:1245 (C) Genuis SJ, et al, Partner reduction is crucial for balanced ABC approach to HIV prevention. Commentary: adolescent behaviour should be priority 328:894 (ED) Genuis SK, see Genuis SJ 328:894 George SL, see Joffe S 328:1463 Germany see also Europe drug industry, bribes probes (J Burgermeister) 328:1333 (N) health services charging system mixed results (A Tuffs) 328:366 (N) rush before new charge (A Tuffs) 328:8 (N) Gertsch JH, et al, Randomised, controlled trial of ginkgo biloba and acetazolamide for prevention of acute mountain sickness: the prevention of high altitude illness trial (PHAIT) 328:797 (P) Getliffe K, see Cluett ER 328:314, 328:768 Ghaffar A, et al, Burden of non-communicable diseases in South Asia 328:807 (C), 328:1499 (L) Ghilbert P, see Unger J-P 328:1497 giant cell arteritis, sudden onset blindness and painful tongue (S Aroori) (Minerva) 328:296 Gibb DM, et al, Decline in mortality, AIDS, and hospital admissions in perinatally HIV-1 infected children in the United Kingdom and Ireland 327:1019 (P) (correction, 328:686) 328:524 (L) Gibbons DC, Top up fees and medicine 328:712 (L) Gibbs JL, et al, Survival after surgery or therapeutic catheterisation for congenital heart disease in children in the United Kingdom: analysis of the central cardiac audit database for 2000-1: 328:611 (P) (correction, 997) Gibson A, The acme of efficiency 328:1050 Gibson L Drug company sues Spanish bulletin over fraud claim 328:188 (N) GlaxoSmithKline to publish clinical trials after US lawsuit 328:1513 (N) Move to sell statins over the counter raises concerns 328:1221 (N) Newer hypnotics no better for insomnia than short acting benzodiazepines 328:1093 (N) Spanish drug editor wins case brought by Merck, Sharp & Dohme 328:307 (N) Gidron Y, see Galea I 328:287 Gilfillan IS, The highs and lows of cardiothoracic surgery BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) Gilham C, see Peto J 328:1029 Gill, Geoff, (E Welch) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s189 (8 May 2004) Gill PS, Born in the USA"not BMJ Careers 328:s149 (10 April 2004) Gillen LM et al, Managing nocturia 328:1438 (L) see Marinkovic SP 328:1063 Gillespie L, Preventing falls in elderly people 328:653 (E) Gillespie, William Alexander, Obituary (D Speller, et al) 328:291 ginkgo biloba acute mountain sickness prevention and: with acetazolamide (JH Gertsch, et al) 328:797 (P) effects of. Q&A (MM Althahabi) 328:1072 Ginsburg, Jean, Obituary (C Richmond) 328:1321 (correction, 329:85) Glanfield M, Aviation medicine BMJ Careers 328:s13 (10 January 2004) Glantz SA Effect of public smoking ban in Helena, Montana 328:1380 (L) see Sargent RP 328:977 Glaser AN, Computer aided prescribing 328:1565 (L) Glashan, Robin Wattie, Obituary (MA Ferro, et al) 328:772 Glass KC, see Fergusson D 328:432, 328:1136 Glasziou P et al, Assessing the quality of research 328:39 (ED) et al, Ethics review roulette: what can we learn? 328:121 (E), 328:710 (L), 328:711 (L) glaucoma diagnosis: ABC of eyes (PT Khaw, et al) 328:97 (C) (correction, 762) treatment 2: ABC of eyes (PT Khaw, et al) 328:156 (C) (correction, 762) GlaxoSmithKline clinical trials to be published (L Gibson) 328:1513 (N) Italy, doctors face criminal allegations over bribes (F Turone) 328:1333 (N) judge may report executive to attorney general (C Dyer) 328:243 (N) paroxetine, staff told not to publicise ineffectiveness (D Spurgeon) 328:422 (N) US, lawsuit over concealment of trial results (O Dyer) 328:1395 (N) global health see also developing countries; World Health Organization Australian contribution provokes dismay (B Burton) 328:486 (N) developing countries lag behind on water goals (F Fleck) 328:972 (N) exchanging health lessons globally (T Richards) 328:239 (E) journals, fail to publish trials on major global diseases (D Spurgeon) 328:1337 (N) regular report will monitor issues (V Katikireddi) 328:728 (N) Roll Back Malaria, failing campaign (G Yamey) 328:1086 (E), 328:1378 (L)
spending increase on neglected diseases (F Fleck) 328:1220 (N) (correction, 329:85) global warming abrupt health impacts (JA Patz) 328:1269 (E) Climate Change and Human Health: Risks and Responses (McMichael, et al, eds) (Books) 328:1324 (R) The Day after Tomorrow (Hajat) (Film) 328:1323 (R) glucagons, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:293 (R) Gluud C, see Als-Nielsen B 328:1046 Gluud LL, see Als-Nielsen B 328:1046 Glynn RJ, see Schneeweiss S 328:560 Gotzsche PC, see Jorgensen KJ 328:148 Godfrey C, see Parrott S 328:947 Godlee F, see Schroter S 328:673 Godwin MS, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204, 328:641 Goel, Manesh, suspended for removing wrong kidney (O Dyer) 328:246 (N) Goland S, see Malnick S 328:769 Goldacre MJ et al, Hospital admission for acute pancreatitis in an English population, 1963-98: database study of incidence and mortality 328:1466 (P) see Lambert TW 328:1347 see Roberts SE 328:741 see Seagroatt V 328:1235 Goldberg HI, see Ralston JD 328:1159 Goldman MH, Dicycloverine for persistent crying in babies 328:956 (L) Goldstone AR, et al, Should surgeons take a break after an intraoperative death? Attitude survey and outcome evaluation 328:379 (P) Goodacre S, et al, Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a chest pain observation unit compared with routine care 328:254 (P) Goodall J, see Slowther A 328:950 Goodman J, et al, eds, Useful Bodies:Humans in the Service of Medical Science in the Twentieth Century (Books) 328:1207 (R) Goodman NW No time to train surgeons 328:1133 (L) The power of five 328:1380 (L) Goodyear-Smith F, see Arroll B 328:869 Goonaratna C, see Samarasinghe D 328:780 Gordon D, see Subramanian SV 328:801, 328:1499 Gordon, David Sydney, Obituary (PE Gordon) 328:960 Gothard J, The highs and lows of cardiothoracic surgery BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) Gottlieb S Cognitive behaviour therapy can reduce hypochondriasis 328:725 (N) Dead bodies do not pose health risk in natural disasters 328:1336 (N) Frequent ejaculation may be linked to decreased risk of prostate cancer 328:851 (N) Liposuction does not achieve metabolic benefits of weight loss 328:1457 (N) Metapneumovirus is a leading cause of respiratory tract infection in infants 328:246 (N) More evidence that folic acid reduces risk of ischaemic stroke 328:247 (N) New Yorks war on tobacco produces record fall in smoking 328:1222 (N) Obese men can regain sexual function by losing weight and exercising 328:1517 (N) Open surgery better than laparoscopic for repair of inguinal hernia 328:1033 (N) Patients with type 2 diabetes should take statins 328:1095 (N) People with sickle cell disease should be screened for pulmonary hypertension 328:543 (N) Reducing homocysteine levels does not prevent stroke recurrence 328:307 (N) Resectable pancreatic cancer needs surgery, then chemotherapy 328:661 (N) Safest and cheapest antiemetics should be used first for postoperative nausea 328:1396 (N) Study finds no connection between MMR vaccine and autism 328:421 (N) Surgery in early stage breast cancer should be followed by radiotherapy 328:186 (N) US doctors want to be paid for email communication with patients 328:1155 (N) US researchers produce 17 new embryonic stem cell lines 328:539 (N) Vasopressin for cardiac arrest increases chances of survival 328:128 (N) Gtzsche PC, see Jrgensen K 328:769 Gould M Englands health standards lag behind those of other Western countries 328:10 (N) Government moves to end stigma of mental illness 328:1456 (N) New body aims to give public a bigger voice in shaping health care 328:424 (N) Reid refuses to accept all recommendations of Blofeld report 328:423 (N) (correction, 563) Report accuses NHS of institutional racism 328:367 (N) Goulder F, et al, Herniation after blunt trauma (Minerva) 328:1446 (R) Goulding R, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Goulston, Roy Frank, Obituary (A Ruben, et al) 328:900 gout, colchicine 328:288 (L), 328:289 (L) Goyal N, Endpiece. On healing 328:799 Goyal S, et al, Penetrating ocular trauma from an exploding microwaved egg 328:1075 (L) Graae M, see Hovind P 328:1105 Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group, Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations 328:1490 (ED) Graffy J, et al, Randomised controlled trial of support from volunteer counsellors for mothers considering breast feeding 328:26 (PC), 328:349 (L) Grammatopoulos G, et al, Capsule impacting area of stenosis in small bowel after capsule endoscopy (Minerva) 328:776 (R) Granat P, American medicine meets the American dream 328:349 (L) Granath F, see Hall P 328:19 Grann M, et al, Substance misuse and violent crime: Swedish population study 328:1233 (P) Grant J, et al, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328.48 (L). 328.1376 (L), 328.1377 (L), 328.1378 (L)( L Grant P Physicians Guide to Terrorist Attack (Books) 328:1022 (R) Working in New Zealanda positive experience (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s187 (8 May 2004)
JanuaryJune 2004
Grant VJ, et al, Sex ratios in healthcare occupations: population based study 328:141 (P) Gray A see Fenn P 328:417 see Maissi E 328:1293 Gray D, see Dixon J 328:223 Gray JD, Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1377 (L) Greenberg D, et al, Delays in publication of cost utility analyses conducted alongside clinical trials: registry analysis 328:1536 (P) Greenhalgh R, see Wong T BMJ Careers 328:s77 Greenhalgh RM, National screening programme for aortic aneurysm 328:1087 (E) (correction, 1486) Greenhalgh T Effectiveness and Efficiency (Books) 328:529 (R) Judgment day (Soundings) 328:1505 (R) Land of the free (Soundings) 328:235 (R) The New Ethics (Soundings) 328:651 (R), 328:1018 (L) Personal statement syndrome (Soundings) 328:1083 (R) et al, Not a university type": focus group study of social class, ethnic, and sex differences in school pupils perceptions about medical school 328:1541 (LP) see Boynton PM 328:1312, 328:1433 see Russell J 328:1174 see Seyan K 328:1545 Greenwood B, Treating malaria in Africa 328:534 (E) Greer IA, Interactive case report. Treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Commentary: Obstetricians perspective-therapeutic trial and error? 328:504 (C) Gregson BA, see Mitchell P 328:1234 Grieve R, see Wonderling D 328:747 Griffin, Gilbert Vincent, Obituary (M Sibellas, et al) 328:587 Griffith, Iolo Wyn, Obituary (JP Griffith) 328:53 Griffiths B, Parents key to reducing overweight in children 328:169 (L) Griffiths C, et al, Specialist nurse intervention to reduce unscheduled asthma care in a deprived multiethnic area: the east London randomised controlled trial for high risk asthma (ELECTRA) 328:144 (PC) Griffiths KM, see Christensen H 328:265 Griffiths M Report writing (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s28 (17 January 2004) Resolving conflict in the workplace (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s169 (24 April 2004) see Maitra A 328:925 Griffiths S, see Yudkin P 328:989 Griffiths SJ, et al, Different versions of Glasgow coma scale in British hospitals 328:110 (L) Grodstein F, see Logroscino G 328:548 Grol RPTM, see Laurent MGH 328:927 Grosch EN, see Dougliss C 328:1481 Grotto I, see Balicer RD 328:1392 Groves T see Alderson P 328:473 see Schroter S 328:658 growth hormone, uses and abuses (RL Hintz) 328:907 (E) guidelines British Hypertension Society (S Laurent) 328:593 (E) chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (S Mayor) 328:1336 (N) clinical behaviour changes by making guidelines specific (S Michie, et al) 328:343 (ED) grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations (GRADE Working Group) 328:1490 (ED) spinal injuries, risk assessment after trauma (J Wardrope, et al) 328:721 (E) Guillain-Barr syndrome, isotretinoin users. Drug points (J Pritchard, et al) 328:1537 Gulf war syndrome see also war case collapses (C Dyer) 328:367 (N) Gulhati CM, Marketing of medicines in India 328:778 (E) Gulich M, see Dougliss C 328:1481 Guly HR, see Smith JE 328:1426 Gnalp B, see Turai I 328:568, 328:1075 Gunn J, see Hegarty K 328:621 Gunn SR, see DeWitt AL 328:1180 Gunnell D, see Bennewith O 328:1108, 328:1440 Guppy MPB, et al, Drink plenty of fluids": a systematic review of evidence for this recommendation in acute respiratory infections 328:499 (PC), 328:957 (L), 328:958 (L) Gupta I, see Bhutta ZA 328:816 Gupta PC et al, Smokeless tobacco use, birth weight, and gestational age: population based, prospective cohort study of 1217 women in Mumbai, India 328:1538 (PC) see Sinha DN 328:323 Gupta S, et al, Clearing your desk (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s58 (7 February 2004) Gurung P, A memorable call. A house call in Nepals Himalayas 328:806 Gustafson DH, et al, Evaluation of ehealth systems and services 328:1150 (E) Guthrie, William ("Bill"), Obituary (Guthrie Family) 328:714 gynaecology, gender gap in undergraduate experience and performance (J Higham, et al) 328:142 (P)
Haby MM, see Jureidini JN 328:879 Haegi, Marcel, Obituary (I Roberts) 328:899 haemorrhage, bradycardia in (I Thomas, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:451 (C) haemorrhagic stroke, blood pressure and ischaemic stroke: Korean study (Y-M Song, et al) 328:324 (P) Hafeez A, et al, Integrating health care for mothers and children in refugee camps and at district level 328:834 (ED) (correction, 1236) Hahn SJM, see Purcell B 328:1339 Haigh, Philip, Obituary (A Burroughs, et al) 328:1570 Haines TP, et al, Effectiveness of targeted falls prevention programme in subacute hospital setting: randomised controlled trial 328:676 (P) Hajat S, The Day after Tomorrow (Film) 328:1323 (R) Hajnal A, see Kovac C 328:662 Hall A, see Zimmern RL 328:954 Hall AJ, see Thomas SL 328:439 Hall, Anthony William Inglis, Obituary (P Hall) 328:527 Hall, Bruce, allowed to relocate (C Zinn) 328:66 (N) Hall DMB, see Craft AW 328:1309 Hall J, see Morritt AN BMJ Careers 328:s66, s87, s217
Hall P, et al, Effect of low doses of ionising radiation in infancy on cognitive function in adulthood: Swedish population based cohort study 328:19 (P), 328:581 (L), 328:582 (L) Hall SS, Merchants of Immortality: Chasing the Dream of Human Life Extension (Books) 328:715 (R) hallucinations, elderly: Charles Bonnet syndrome (A Jacob, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:1552 (C) Halpenny D, Postgraduate versus undergraduate entry schemes into medicine: the Irish proposals (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s49 (31 January 2004), s149 (10 April 2004) Halperin DT, see Shelton JD 328:891 Ham C, et al, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:584 (L) Hamer AJ, ABC of rheumatology. Pain in the hip and knee 328:1067 (C) Hamer, John, Obituary (D Chamberlain) 328:352 Hamilton, Allan, (K Chinthapalli) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s146 (10 April 2004) Hamilton, Guy Tancred, Obituary (WF Cavenagh) 328:409 (L) Hamilton WT, et al, BMJ papers could include honesty box for research warts 328:1320 (L) Hammond P, The Trouble with Doctors: Fashions, Motives and Mistakes (Books) 328:55 (R) Hammond T, see Neil HAW 328:500 Han KH, see Kim HC 328:983 Hancock, Percy Ellis Thompson, Obituary (T Hudson) 328:1322 Handforth J, et al, Prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection in infants 328:1026 (E) handheld computers see also computers doctors experience in clinical practice (AS McAlearney, et al) 328:1162 (P), 328:1565 (L) review (M Al-Ubaydli) 328:1181 (C), 328:1565 (L) Handoll HHG, Quality of randomised controlled trials 328:286 (L) hands posturing and incidence of occiput posterior position at birth (A Kariminia, et al) 328:490 (P) unilateral fungal infection (S Jain, et al) (Minerva) 328:844 (R) Hands-on guide to questionnaire research Administering, analysing, and reporting your questionnaire (PM Boynton) 328:1372 (correction, 329:323) Reaching beyond the white middle classes (PM Boynton, et al) 328:1433 (ED) Selecting, designing, and developing your questionnaire (PM Boynton, et al) 328:1312 (ED) Hankey GJ Informal care giving for disabled stroke survivors 328:1085 (E) et al, Aspirin resistance 328:477 (E) Hankins M, see Maissi E 328:1293 Hanna L, see Bhopal R 328:76 Hanney S, see Grant J 328:48 Hanson G, Websites on screening for breast cancer 328:769 happiness, confused fathers definition. A memorable patient (N Jefferies) 328:453, 328:712 (L) Harden A, see Thomas J 328:1010 Harden R, see Bruce D 328:687 Harding A, European and US groups draw up standards for CME 328:1279 (N) Harding B, et al, Shaken baby syndrome 328:720 (E) Hardwick, Linda Anne, Obituary (C Trotter) 328:409 (L) Hardy JN Sickness certification system in the United Kingdom 328:461 (L) Tsars are the limit 328:407 (L) Harker N et al, Interactive case report, Treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy presentation 328:276 (C) (correction, 762, 1104) case progression 328:337 (C) (correction, 762), 328:396 case outcome 328:503 (C) Harlap S, see Paltiel O 328:919 Harnden A, see Symmonds M 328:227 Harper P, see Young T 328:162 Harper PG, see Bowcock SJ 328:1430 Harrad R, et al, Treatment of unilateral visual impairment on preschool vision screening 328:348 (L) Harrington DP, see Joffe S 328:1463 Harris JE, et al, Cigarette tar yields in relation to mortality from lung cancer in the cancer prevention study II prospective cohort, 1982-8: 328:72 (P) Harris R, see Griffiths C 328:144 Harrison D, see Rowan K 328:924 Harrison J, et al, eds, Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare (Books) 328:54 (R) Harrison-Woolrych M, et al, Drug points. Nose bleeds associated with use of risperidone 328:1416 (P) Hart, Frank Dudley, Obituary (A StJ Dixon) 328:1501 Hart SL, see Mohr DC 328:731 Hartley, Gillian Anne, Obituary (S Charles) 328:1570 Harvey IM, see Harvey RF 328:1417 Harvey RF, et al, Randomised controlled trial of effects of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication on heartburn and gastro-oesophageal reflux: Bristol helicobacter project 328:1417 (PC) Hasan AS, see Khan SA 328:839 Hawe J, see Garry R 328:129, 328:643 Hawe P, et al, Complex interventions: how out of control can a randomised controlled trial be? 328:1561 (ED) Hawton K see Bennewith O 328:1108, 328:1440 see Ryan L 328:1357 Hay AD, et al, 10-minute consultation. Acute cough in children 328:1062 (PC) Hay AE, Volunteer counsellors for supporting breast feeding 328:349 (L) hay fever, children, trends in prevalence of symptoms in British Isles, 1995-2002 (HR Anderson, et al) 328:1052 (P), 328:1380 (L) Hay, John Duncan, Obituary (A Craft) 328:527 Hayes N, Endpiece. Time 328:1250 Hayes-Bradley C, Accident and emergency in Jamaica BMJ Careers 328:s183 (8 May 2004) Hayler T, see Fleming PJ 328:331 Haynes RB, et al, Optimal search strategies for retrieving scientifically strong studies of diagnosis from Medline: analytical survey 328:1040 (P) Hayward R, Whats wrong with having more than one consultant grade? (Personal view) 328:651 (R) headache acupuncture in primary care cost effectiveness (D Wonderling, et al) 328:747 (PC) trial (AJ Vickers, et al) 328:744 (PC) revised classification (R Peatfield) 328:119 (E)
healing, Mother Teresa. Endpiece (N Goyal) 328:799 health, illness as convent. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:1006 health care services, four rules for reinvention of health care (E Coiera) 328:1197 (ED) health inequalities see inequalities in health health policy, smoking, priorities: ABC of smoking cessation (K Jamrozik) 328:1007 (C) health promotion pariah class (D Spence) (Personal view) 328:1141 (R), 328:1380 (L) ribbon campaigns development (R Coombes) (The Press) 328:589 (R) making us loopy? (M Fitzpatrick) 328:588 (R) health protection, sustainable development (JG Ayres, et al) 328:1450 (E) health services Escape Fire: Designs for the Future of Health Care (Berwick) (Books) 328:1139 (R) India, rural unqualified practitioners (S Kumar) 328:975 (N) Italy, doctors strike (F Turone) 328:976 (N) health services for the elderly see also elderly choice and responsiveness in patient centred NHS (DR Rowland, et al) 328:4 (E), 328:350 (L) health staffing international recruitment policy (D Carlisle) 328:1218 (N) sex ratios: population based study (VJ Grant, et al) 328:141 (P) health status see also inequalities in health comparability of self rated health: anchoring vignettes survey (JA Salomon, et al) 328:258 (P) Englands standards lag behind other Western countries (M Gould) 328:10 (N) evaluating health effects of social interventions (H Thomson, et al) 328:282 (ED) health tourism ethical issues (E Borman) 328:60 (E) GP patients residency check (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1217 (N) health tsars comparison with Russian tsars (H Burns) 328:117 (E), 328:407 (L) survey of achievements: spin or substance? (K Burke) 328:126 (N) Hearing SD, Refeeding syndrome 328:908 (E) Hearns S, et al, The helicopter emergency medical service BMJ Careers 328:s133 (3 April 2004) Hearnshaw H, Comparison of requirements of research ethics committees in 11 European countries for a non-invasive interventional study 328:140 (P), 328:710 (L) heart arrest, vasopressin and, increases chances of survival (S Gottlieb) 328:128 (N) heart attack, continuing education and care (JH Tanne) 328:664 (N), 328:1077 (L) heart disease, congenital monitoring interventions (T Treasure) 328:594 (E) survival after surgery or therapeutic catheterisation in UK children (JL Gibbs, et al) 328:611 (P) (correction, 997) heart diseases, ethnic groups, higher risk from smoking (L Eaton) 328:1397 (N) heart failure exercise training meta-analysis of trials (ExTraMATCH Collaborative) 328:189 (P), 328:711 (L) general practice, socioeconomic deprivation: Scotland (FA McAlister, et al) 328:1110 (PC) implantable cardiac defibrillator benefits (JH Tanne) 328:664 (N) management in older adults. 10-minute consultation (A Ahmed) 328:1114 (PC), 328:1378 (L), 328:1379 (L) management update. BMJlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:198 heart murmurs, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:1081 (R) heart transplantation false alarm rates and: case for hospital mortality monitoring groups (J Poloniecki, et al) 328:375 (P) Hamilton Naki (E Pereira) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s98 (6 March 2004) heartburn, helicobacter pylori infections and: Bristol helicobacter project (RF Harvey, et al) 328:1417 (PC) heat wave, mortality 328:50 (L) Heath I, Ten Minutes for the Family (Books) 328:961 (R) Heath, Iona, BMJ ethics committee chairperson (A Ferriman) 328:246 (N) Heather BP, see Earnshaw JJ 328:1122 Hedges Team, see Haynes RB 328:1040 Hegarty K, et al, Association between depression and abuse by partners of women attending general practice: descriptive, cross sectional survey 328:621 (PC) Heintz APM, see Roovers J-P 328:108 helicobacter pylori infections eradication overview (B Delaney, et al) 328:1388 (E) effects on heartburn and gastro-oesophageal reflux: Bristol helicobacter project (RF Harvey, et al) 328:1417 (PC) gastric cancer risk and (POEM*) 328. (24 April 2004) helicopter emergency medical service, career advice (S Hearns, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s133 (3 April 2004) Helliwell P, Treating our own (Personal view) 328:1505 (R) Helliwell TR, Human tissue bill has impact on professional examinations 328:898 (L) Helmerhorst FM, et al, Perinatal outcome of singletons and twins after assisted conception: a systematic review of controlled studies 328:261 (P) Hemmelgarn B see Entminan M 328:558 see Suissa S 328:896 Hemminki E, see McPherson K 328:518 Henderson J, see Maitra A 328:925 Hendriks VM, see van den Brink W 328:229 Hendry, William Garden, Obituary (H Caplan) 328:170 Henein M, see Ashrafian H 328:300 Heng DMK, see Chow KY 328:195 Henry D, see Drahos P 328:1271 hepatic colorectal metastases, fine needle aspiration (MS Metcalfe, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:507 (C) hepatic encephalopathy, non-absorbable disaccharides, systematic review (B Als-Nielsen, et al) 328:1046 (P) hepatitis, severe cholestatic hepatitis induced by pyritinol (V Maria, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:572 (C) hepatitis C bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:1296 transmission, carriers must be found and treated to avert crisis (P Stephenson) 328:1031 (N) Hermens RPMG, see Laurent MGH 328:927 hernia, inguinal after blunt trauma (F Goulder) (Minerva) 328:1446 (R) surgery, open surgery v. laparoscopic (S Gottlieb) 328:1033 (N)
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treatment (AN Kingsnorth) 328:59 (E), 328:403 (L), 328:404 (L) heroin dependence see also drug abuse doctors accused of over-prescribing heroin (O Dyer) 328:483 (N) medical prescription to treatment resistant addicts 328:228 (L), 328:229 (L) herpes simplex, valcyclovir (POEM*) 328 (27 March 2004) herpes zoster, mechanical trauma and risk of (SL Thomas, et al) 328:439 (P) Herskind AM, see Christensen K 328:1405 Herxheimer A, Treating major depression in children and adolescents 328:525 (L) Hettiaratchy S et al, ABC of burns Initial management of a major burn: Ioverview 328:1555 (C) Introduction 328:1366 (C) Pathophysiology and types of burns 328:1427 (C) (correction, 329:148) Hetzel J, see Hetzel M 328:1051 Hetzel M, et al, Reliability of symptoms to determine use of bone scans to identify bone metastases in lung cancer: prospective study 328:1051 (P) Heuberger S, see Purcell B 328:1339 Hewspear, David, Obituary (J Lester) 328:1138 Hey K, see Yudkin P 328:989 Heyes, Janet, Obituary (J Gillies, et al) 328:647 Hick E, see Livesey A 328:1262 Hicks NR, see Boyd PA 328:137 Higham J, et al, Gender gap in undergraduate experience and performance in obstetrics and gynaecology: analysis of clinical experience logs 328:142 (P) Hill AB, see Doll R 328:1529 Hill KD, see Haines TP 328:676 Hill P, see Worrall A 328:867 Hill SE, et al, Mortality among never smokers living with smokers: two cohort studies, 1981-4 and 1996-9: 328:988 (P) Hillebrandt D, et al, Toe frostbite treatment advice via web (Minerva) 328:1210 (R) Hillis WS, see McCann GP 328:63 Hilsum L, Rwandan genocide survivors denied AIDS treatment 328:913 (N) Hilton E, see Banks E 328:1291 Hilton S, et al, Opening doors to medicine 328:1508 (E) Hilts PJ, Protecting Americas Health: The FDA, Business, and One Hundred Years of Regulation (Books) 328:1080 (R) HINARI, bridging global information divide (V Katikireddi) 328:1190 (ED) Hincks JR, see Walsh AM 328:1136 Hinduism, mythology and medicine (RR Varma) 328:819 Hinshelwood, Gill, (A Arasu) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s126 (27 March 2004) Hintz RL, Growth hormone: uses and abuses 328:907 (E) Hintzen RQ, et al, Stress and exacerbations in multiple sclerosis 328:287 (L) hip, pain: ABC of rheumatology (AJ Hamer) 328:1067 (C) hip fractures, guidance. Dr Fosters case notes 328:1097, 328:1568 (L) hip prosthesis flow charts on use of blood transfusions (U Mller, et al) 328:934 (Q) incentives to use prostheses (J Kmietowicz) 328:1091 (N) pyoderma gangrenosum after (JML White, et al) (Minerva) 328:1386 (R) Hippocratic oath see also ethics, medical The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire (Baiev) (Books) 328:354 (R) Hirschel B, see Young J 328:15 history of medicine, Moments of Truth: Four Creators of Modern Medicine (Dormandy) (Books) 328:1443 (R) HIV see also acquired immunodeficiency syndrome China, free testing and treatment (N Koralage) 328:975 (N) screening of immigrants (R Coker) 328:298 (E), 328:897 (L) testing, compulsory patient testing to protect doctor (T Sheldon) 328:304 (N) witness learns status in courtroom (C Dyer) 328:1334 (N) HIV infections, stable partnership and progression to AIDS or death in antiretroviral therapy patients: Swiss cohort study (J Young, et al) 328:15 (P) Hoare C see Adams T 328:871 see Sanderson H 328:875 Hobbs FDR, Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with breathlessness: case outcome. Commentary: An evolving picture 328:946 (C) Hoch D, see Lester J 328:1188 Hoddinott P, see Hussey S 328:88 Hodge L, see Jenkins C 328:434, 328:1076 Hodkinson, Robert, Obituary (A Hodkinson) 328:170 Hodson EM, see Craig JC 328:179 Hoffmann, Bernard Leo, Obituary (BV Lee) 328:900 Holck PS, see Gertsch JH 328:797 Holcombe C, see Wright EB 328:864, 328:1319 Holdcroft A, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:46 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Holdgate A, et al, Systematic review of the relative efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids in the treatment of acute renal colic 328:1401 (P) Holdstock D, et al, Response to radiation incidents and radionuclear threats 328:1074 (L) holidays, winter. One hundred years ago 328:387 Holmes KK, see Shelton JD 328:891 homeless persons, families report high levels of depression (T Villanueva) 328:1396 (N) homicide see murder homocysteine, stroke recurrence (S Gottlieb) 328:307 (N) homosexuality Caring for Lesbian and Gay People: A Clinical Guide (Dosani) (Books) 328:469 (R) disclosure of sexual preferences and lesbian, gay, and bisexual healthcare practitioners overview (D Hughes) 328:1211 (E) clinical examination of patients (DC Riordan) 328:1227 (P), 328:1567 (L) evolution and (I Loefler) (Soundings) 328:1325 (R) Sexual Orientation in Child and Adolescent Health Care (Perrin) (Books) 328:469 (R) treatment: Britain since 1950s oral history: experience of professionals (M King, et al) 328:429 (P) patients oral history (G Smith, et al) 328:427 (P), 328:955 (L), 328:956 (L), 328:1261 (L) Hood C, see Bevan G 328:598
Hop WCJ, see Hintzen RQ 328:287 Hope T see Mitchell P 328:1234 see Slowther A 328:950 Hopkins P, see DeWitt AL 328:1180 Hopkins SJ, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:48 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Hoptiar V, see Sparn P 328:11 hormone replacement therapy benefits and harms: clinical decision analysis (C Minelli, et al) 328:371 (P) breast cancers and, stopped early (C Dyer) 328:305 (N) does not prevent chronic disease after menopause (C White) 328:912 (N) false positive recall in NHS breast screening programme (E Banks, et al) 328:1291 (P) where are we now? (K McPherson) 328:357 (E) horses, Allan Hamilton (K Chinthapalli) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s146 (10 April 2004) Horsfield P, see Fernando B 328:1171 Hosker, Kathryn Jane, Obituary (J Thomas) 328:112 Hoskins R, see Thomson H 328:282 hospitals see also National Health Service at night project (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s19 (10 January 2004) heart attack, improve on door to needle time (S Mayor) 328:1516 (N) Lullaby (C Martin) (Art) 328:650 (R) mortality league tables, influence of place of death (V Seagroatt, et al) 328:1235 (P) preservation: where do we stop? (A Bamji) (Personal view) 328:717 (R) specificity of hospital volume-outcome associations for surgical procedures (DR Urbach, et al) 328:737 (P) star ratings and clinical outcomes: ecology (K Rowan, et al) 328:924 (P) Sweden, privatisation ban (J Burgermeister) 328:484 (N) working time directive, quarter of hospitals not ready (D Singh) 328:1034 (N) hospitals, acute, methods for estimating rates of adverse events and rates of preventable adverse events (P Michel, et al) 328:199 (P) hospitals, psychiatric, inappropriate admission of young people with mental disorder to adult psychiatric wards and paediatric wards (A Worrall, et al) 328:867 (P) Hossain S, Reduce door to needle, not door to balloon, times first 328:1567 (L) Hossain SMM et al, Community development and its impact on health: South Asian experience 328:830 (ED) see Bhutta ZA 328:816 Houghton A Leaving your job: part 1 BMJ Careers 328:s93 (6 March 2004), s208 (22 May 2004) Leaving your job: part 2 BMJ Careers 328:s106 (13 March 2004), s208 (22 May 2004) Leaving your job: part 3 BMJ Careers 328:s115 (20 March 2004) Houghton M, Why a middle aged general practitioner sat the MRCP (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s156 (17 April 2004) House A, see Bennewith O 328:1108, 328:1440 Hovind P, Predictors for the development of microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria in patients with type 1 diabetes: inception cohort study 328:1105 (P) Howard R, see Pritchard J 328:1537 Howell F, Irelands workplaces, going smoke free 328:847 (E) Hu Z, see Chen R 328:1380 Hudson C, Anecdotage may be associated with age 328:110 (L) Hudson, James Ralph, Obituary (T Ffytche) 328:714 Hudspith J, et al, ABC of burns. First aid and treatment for minor burns 328:1487 (C) Huerta M, see Balicer RD 328:1392 Hughes C Career changer (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s17 (10 January 2004) et al, Health needs of women who have sex with women 328:464 (L) Hughes D Disclosure of sexual preferences and lesbian, gay, and bisexual practitioners 328:1211 (E) see Farrar K 328:1565 Hughes, Elwyn Trefor, Obituary (WJC Roberts) 328:772 Hughes M, see Patel V 328:820 Hughes RAC, see Pritchard J 328:1537 Hull A, see McCulloch J BMJ Careers 328:s216 Hull S, A memorable patient. Spiritual relief 328:815 human development index, tropical medicine, representation of authors and editors (J Keiser, et al) 328:1229 (P) human experimentation, Useful Bodies: Humans in the Service of Medical Science in the Twentieth Century (Goodman, et al, eds) (Books) 328:1207 (R) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority see also in vitro fertilisation sets limit on number of embryos transferred (S Mayor) 328:65 (N) human genome, Nature Encyclopaedia of the Human Genome 328:172 (R) human growth hormone see growth hormone human papillomavirus testing, psychological impact in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results (E Maissi, et al) 328:1293 (PC) human rights see also ethics boy treated against mothers wishes (C Dyer) 328:661 (N) Helena Nygren-Krug interview (G Watts) 328:730 (N) human tissue Human Tissue Bill modified because of research needs (C Dyer) 328:1518 (N) new regulations are necessary (K Liddell, et al) 328:1510 (E) research scientists warning (S Pincock) 328:1034 (N) research threat (P Furness, et al) 328:533 (E), 328:898 (L), 328:1203 (L) Transplanting Human Tissue: Ethics, Policy, and Practice (Youngner, et al, eds) (Books) 328:469 (R) humanitarian aid Sudan Darfur province (P Moszynski) 328:424 (N) (correction, 762) "mass starvation in Darfur (P Moszynski) 328:1275 (N) terrorism and, Robin Cook warns of threat to aid (L Eaton) 328:1154 (N) Humber M, National programme for information technology 328:1145 (E) Humphries SE, see Neil HAW 328:500
Humphris G, see Ring A 328:1057 Hungary see also Europe Roma woman claims sterilisation without consent (C Kovac, et al) 328:662 (N) Hunt IM, see Shaw J 328:734 Hunt S, see Bhopal R 328:76 Hunter DJ, Use of hospitals, physician visits, and hospice care during last six months of life among cohorts loyal to highly respected hospitals in the United States. Commentary: Getting a grip on clinical variations in hospital services 328:610 (P) Huq MM, see Mendis L 328:779 Hurwitz BS, et al, Death of the teaching autopsy 328:165 (L) Hussein, Saddam failure of ethics (S Jabbour) (Personal view) 328:115 (R) medical examination should not have been broadcast 328:51 Hussey S, Sickness certification system in the United Kingdom: qualitative study of views of general practitioners in Scotland 328:88 (PC), 328:461 (L) Hutchinson, Ursula Margaret, Obituary (M Ions, et al) 328:171 Huxtable R, Assisted suicide 328:1088 (E), 328:1440 (L) Hyder AA Reconfiguration of surgical, emergency, and trauma services 328:523 (L) see Sadana R 328:826 hypercholesterolaemia, statin treatment and life assurance (HAW Neil, et al) 328:500 (PC) hyperparathyroidism, minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (FF Palazzo, et al) 328:849 (E) (correction, 1066) hypertension see also blood pressure guidelines, Europe more flexible than US (JH Tanne) 328:1279 (N) management guidelines 2004 (BHS-IV) overview (S Laurent) 328:593 (E) summary (B Williams, et al) 328:634 (ED) treatment, three v. six months GP follow up (RV Birtwhistle, et al) 328:204 (PC), 328:641 (L) US, lower cost drugs promoted (D Spurgeon) 328:539 (N) Hypertension Follow-up Study Group, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204 hypnotism, Abyssinia. One hundred years ago 328:155 (correction, 384), 328:155 hypocalcaemia, biphosphonate and (R Peter, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:335 (C), 328:1439 (L) hypochondriasis, cognitive behaviour therapy and (S Gottlieb, et al) 328:725 (N) hypoglycaemia, recurrence in diabetic patient after unexpected renal failure (MS Parmar) (Lesson of the week) 328:883 (C) (correction, 1170) hyponatraemia, misinterpretation of serum cortisol in (JC Smith, et al) 328:215 (C) hysterectomy see also abdominal hysterectomy cost effectiveness, laparoscopic v. standard (M Sculpher, et al) 328:134 (P) laparoscopic v. abdominal comparison with laparoscopic v. vaginal: eVALuate study (R Garry, et al) 328:129 (P) (correction, 494), 328:642 (L), 328:643 (L) sexual wellbeing 328:107 (L), 328:108 (L)
Iboro J, see Barnish G 328:1511 Igbokwe UO, Treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:955 (L), 328:1261 (L) imaging, sustainability (E Picano) 328:578 (ED), 328:1201 (L) immigrants HIV and tuberculosis screening (R Coker) 328:298 (E), 328:897 (L) post-immigration refugee medicine (KM Adams, et al) 328:1548 (C) immunisation, south-east Asia (AKM Zaidi, et al) 328:811 (C) implantable cardiac defibrillator, heart failure benefits (JH Tanne) 328:664 (N) in vitro fertilisation see also Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority human reproductive cloning claim provokes calls for international ban (S Mayor) 328:185 (N) infertile couples to be given three shots (C White) 328:482 (N) Israel, new method (J Siegel-Itzkovich) 328:306 (N) Italy couple with genetic disease forced to implant IVF embryos (F Turone) 328:1334 (N) new law (F Turone) 328:9 (N) Geeta Nargund, suspended consultant reinstated (C Dyer) 328:187 (N) sperm donor shortage predicted when anonymity goes (C Dyer) 328:244 (N) UK authority sets limit on number of embryos transferred (S Mayor) 328:65 (N) India see also Asia artificial feet (D Singhal, et al) 328:789 (N) (correction, 1301) asthma, traditional remedy challenge (S Kumar) 328:1457 (N) cricket v. Pakistan: analysis of results (K Abbasi, et al) 328:800 (P), 328:1500 (L) drug industry, marketing medicines (CM Gulhati) 328:778 (E) girl birth and social stigma (A Salim) 328:1563 HINARI, lessons (S Kuruvilla, et al) 328:1193 (ED) hospitals woo foreign patients (G Mudur) 328:1338 (N) Indian Medical Association wants off-label prescribing (G Mudur) 328:974 (N) jaw droppers (G Vaidya) 328:520 kidney transplantation, trade arrest exposes loopholes (G Mudur) 328:246 (N) pneumonia, amoxicillin treatment: three v. five day treatment (ISCAP Study Group) 328:791 (P) (correction, 1066), 328:1566 (L), 328:1567 (L) regulations undermine health care: WHO report (G Mudur) 328:124 (N) rural unqualified practitioners (S Kumar) 328:975 (N) tobacco birth weight, gestational age and smokeless tobacco use (PC Gupta, et al) 328:1538 (PC) patterns and distribution of consumption (S Subramanian, et al) 328:801 (PC), 328:1498 (L), 328:1499 (L) use as dentifrice among adolescents (DN Sinha, et al) 328:323 (P), 328:958 (L), 328:1320 (L) ineffectiveness BMJ theme issue overview: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (P Alderson) 328:476 (E), 328:1016 (L)
JanuaryJune 2004
overview: anorexia nervosa management revisited (J Russell) 328:479 (E), 328:1075 (L), 328:1076 (L) overview: aspirin resistance (GJ Hankey, et al) 328:477 (E) overview: well informed uncertainties about effects of treatments (I Chalmers) 328:475 (E), 328:1018 (L) overview: what doesnt work and how to show it (P Alderton, et al) 328:473 (E), 328:1015 (L), 328:1016 (L) overview: why do doctors use treatments that do not work? (J Doust, et al) 328:474 (E) (correction, 1066), 328:1015 (L), 328:1016 (L) inequalities in health see also health status coronary disease, clustering of risk factors and social class in childhood and adulthood (S Ebrahim, et al) 328:861 (correction, 1104) (P) ethnic groups, affirmative action (F Sassi, et al) 328:1213 (E) heart failure, primary care burden and treatment: Scotland (FA McAlister, et al) 328:1110 (PC) north-south divide in Great Britain: 2001 census (T Doran, et al) 328:1043 (P) poverty and benefit levels must increase to allow healthy living (L Eaton) 328:366 (N) cancers survival gap widens (K Burke) 328:599 (N) US, ethnic report criticised (O Dyer) 328:308 (N) infant development, South-east Asia, effect of maternal mental health on infant growth in low income countries (V Patel, et al) 328:820 (ED) infant milk formulas see also breast feeding continuing violations of marketing code (S Mayor) 328:1218 (N) infant mortality see also mortality New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, low priority for maternity services blamed (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1454 (N) infant, newborn, persistent crying. 10-minute consultation (AR Gatrad, et al) 328:330 (PC), 328:956 (L) infection control, South Africa, health service must strengthen measures (P Sidley) 328:366 (N) infertility see also reproduction smoking and (Z Kmietowicz) 328:364 (N) infertility, male see also viagra varicoceles pathogenesis and treatment (J Sandlow) 328:967 (E) (correction, 1486) influenza Europe, stronger measures needed to avoid pandemic (R Watson) 328:854 (N) Flu: A Medical Mystery R4 (V Katikireddi) (Radio) 328:353 (R) structure of 1918 flu virus uncovered (D Singh) 328:368 (N) influenza vaccine children with diabetes (P Davies, et al) 328:203 (P) tackling next pandemic (RD Balicer, et al) 328:1391 (E) US, shortage (F Charatan) 328:8 (N) information technology see also computers general practice: going paperless (DE Morris) BMJ Careers 328:s97 (6 March 2004) national programme (M Humber) 328:1145 (E) NHS national programme 328:1200 (L) informed consent boy treated against mothers wishes (C Dyer) 328:661 (N) central Hampshire electronic health record pilot project (T Adams, et al) 328:871 (IP), 328:1437 (L), 328:1438 (L) doctors sexual preference disclosure (D Hughes) 328:1211 (E) medical records, relatives access to records of deceased relatives (AM Lucassen, et al) 328:952 (ED) research, and data protection (J Peto, et al) 328:1029 (E), 328:1437 (L) inguinal hernias, treatment (AN Kingsnorth) 328:59 (E), 328:403 (L), 328:404 (L) Ingvar M, see Hall P 328:19 inhalers insulin (SA Amiel, et al) 328:1215 (E) reimbursement restriction of nebulised respiratory therapy in adults (S Schneeweiss, et al) 328:560 (PC) injections, coughing and pain reduction (R Dobson) 328:424 (N) insomnia Insomnia: Principles and Management (Szuba, et al, eds) (Books) 328:55 (R) newer hypnotics no better than short acting benzodiazepines (L Gibson) 328:1093 (N) insulin, inhaled (SA Amiel, et al) 328:1215 (E) insurance, health Netherlands, no-claim bonus? (T Sheldon) 328:660 (N) statin treatment in familial hypercholesterolaemia and (HAW Neil, et al) 328:500 (PC) US, non-medical staff key role in access for uninsured (D Spurgeon) 328:1220 (N) intensive care, colorectal cancers resection, intensive v. conventional follow up: cost-effectiveness (V Reich, et al) 328:81 (P) intensive care, neonatal, Marcus (A Cohn) 328:758 Interactive case report A 64 year old woman with knee pain contents 328:1486, 328:1554 case presentation (P Tugwell, et al) 328:1362 (C) case progression (P Tugwell, et al) 328:1425 (C) A 66 year old woman with breathlessness contents 328:836, 328:884 case presentation (D Lowdon, et al) 328:698 (C) case outcome (D Lowdon, et al) 328:944 Treatment of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy case outcome (N Harker, et al) 328:503 (C) case progression (N Harker, et al) 328:337 (C) (correction, 762), 328:396, 328:456 presentation (N Harker, et al) 328:276 (C) (correction, 762, 1104) internet see also email; Netlines breast cancer screening, website presentation of possible benefits and harms (KJ Jrgensen, et al) 328:148 (IP), 328:769 (L) colorectal cancer screening, advertising campaign on major search engine (CP Cooper, et al) 328:1179 (IP) Cuba, health research (RJ Stusser) 328:1209 (R) depression, delivering interventions (H Christensen, et al) 328:265 (PC), 328:1200 (L) drugs, UN warning of internet drugs (J Burgermeister) 328:603 (N) future for links pages? (D Carnall) (Website) 328:1207 (R) GMC child pornography cases (C White) 328:973 (N) mothers diagnosis of diabetes (J Bentham, et al) 328:133 patients experience of cancer: qualitative study (S Ziebland, et al) 328:564 (IP), 328:898 (L) research ethical approval (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings) 328:651 (R), 328:1018 (L) interviews
better methods to recruit junior doctors (NRC Kumar) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s235 (12 June 2004) SpR posts (P Saha) BMJ Careers 328:s236 (12 June 2004) intraoperative mortality, surgeons break after death: attitude survey and outcome evaluation (AR Goldstone, et al) 328:379 (P) Ions GK, Implementing guidance on hip fracture 328:1568 (L) Iran see also Asia earthquake, cold is main health threat (P Moszynski) 328:66 (N) Iraq see also Asia Khudair Abbas interview (F Fleck) 328:1280 (N) Battle Hospital: Medics at War C4 (B Kirkup) (TV) 328:530 (R) surgical trainees tale (J Krysa) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s178 (1 May 2004) Irby S, et al, Trigger thumbs (Minerva) 328:904 (R) Ireland see also Europe postgraduate v. undergraduate entry schemes (D Halpenny) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s49 (31 January 2004), s149 (10 April 2004) tobacco, smoke-free workplaces (F Howell) 328:847 (E) irritable bowel syndrome, GP perceptions and beliefs compared with chronic fatigue syndrome (R Raine, et al) 328:1354 (PC) Irvine DS, see Sharpe RM 328:447 Irwin M, Am I breaking the law again? 328:1440 (L) ISCAP Study Group, Three day versus five day treatment with amoxicillin for non-severe pneumonia in young children: a multicentre randomised controlled trial 328:791 (P) (correction, 1066), 328:1566 (L), 328:1567 (L) ischaemic stroke blood pressure and haemorrhagic stroke: Korean study (Y-M Song, et al) 328:324 (P) early risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack (AJ Coull, et al) 328:326 (PC) folic acid and, risk reduction (S Gottlieb) 328:247 (N) prevention, secondary prevention: benefit in normal blood pressure (KW Muir) 328:297 (E), 328:896 (L), 328:897 (L) Israel see also Asia army accused of obstructing medical access to civilians (O Dyer) 328:1278 (N) healing in valley of Jezreel (SP Joseph) (Personal view) 328:295 (R) in vitro fertilisation new method (J Siegel-Itzkovich) 328:306 (N) Italy see also Europe assisted reproduction: new law (F Turone) 328:9 (N) DIY paternity test (S Arie) 328:1275 (N) doctors face criminal allegations over bribes (F Turone) 328:1333 (N) genetics, law forces couple with genetic disease to implant all their IVF embryos (F Turone) 328:1334 (N) GPs, strike (F Turone) 328:976 (N) plastic surgery, reality show (S Arie) (TV) 328:590 (R)
Jabbour S, Fall of a dictator, failure of ethics (Personal view) 328:115 (R) Jackson A, see Banks E 328:1291 Jackson H, AIDS Africa: Continent in Crisis (Books) 328:1081 (R) Jackson M, Pain: The Science and Culture of Why We Hurt (Books) 328:961 (R) Jackson PR If it doesnt work, stop it 328:1015 (L) see Davies SJC 328:939 Jackson R, see Wells S 328:857 Jackson T Downsizing (Website of the week) 328:590 (R) Explicit ads seek to halt rise in sexual diseases (Ads) 328:412 (R) Jacob A, et al, Lesson of the week, Charles Bonnet syndromeelderly people and visual hallucinations 328:1552 (C) Jacob KS, see Patel V 328:820 Jadad AR, et al, What next for electronic communication and health care? 328:1143 (E) (correction, 329:85) 328:1564 (L) Jadoul P, see Donnez J 328:643 Jaffa T, see Worrall A 328:867 Jain A, Fighting obesity 328:1327 (E) Jain S, et al, Unilateral fungal infection of the hand (Minerva) 328:844 (R) Jalil M, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:839 (L) Jamaica see also Central America emergency services: career advice (C Hayes-Bradley) BMJ Careers 328:s183 (8 May 2004) James D, see Thomas J 328:665 James J, et al, Preventing childhood obesity by reducing consumption of carbonated drinks: cluster randomised controlled trial 328:1237 (PC) (correction, 1236) Jamison, David George, Obituary (R Carter) 328:53 Jamrozik K ABC of smoking cessation. Policy priorities for tobacco control 328:1007 (C) ABC of smoking cessation. Population strategies to prevent smoking 328:759 (C) Janssen, US drug company targets state health officials (R Moynihan) 328:306 (N) Janssen ACJW, see Hintzen RQ 328:287 Jarman B, see Bottle A 328:1568 Jarvis MJ, ABC of smoking cessation. Why people smoke 328:277 (C) Jawad M, see Eccles R 328:957 Jayasinghe S, Health in South Asia 328:1497 (L) Jee SH, see Kim HC 328:983 Jefferies N, A memorable patient. Happiness is... 328:453, 328:712 (L) Jeffs D, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Jenkins A, see Taylor D 328:404 Jenkins C, et al, Systematic review of prevalence of aspirin induced asthma and its implications for clinical practice 328:434 (P), 328:1076 (L) Jenkins R, see Mirza I 328:794 Jensen BR, see Hovind P 328:1105 Jewels C, et al, How to care for survivors of torture BMJ Careers 328:s123 (27 March 2004) Jiwa M, Older people and the patient centred NHS 328:350 (L) Jorgensen KJ, et al, Presentation on websites of possible benefits and harms from screening for breast cancer: cross sectional study 328:148 (IP), 328:769 (L) job satisfaction, NHS staff: high (C Odigwe) 328:662 (N) Joffe S, et al, Satisfaction of the uncertainty principle in cancer clinical trials: retrospective cohort analysis 328:1463 (P)
John BV, A memorable patient. Avoiding a stab in the dark 328:392 Johnson CA Paediatricians as child protectors? BMJ Careers 328:s208 (22 May 2004) Review of Hear the Silence 328:51 (L) Johnson EW, see Gertsch JH 328:797 Johnston C, see Slowther A 328:950 Johnston M, see Michie S 328:343 Johnstone E, see Yudkin P 328:989 Johnstone, Fred, Obituary (C Johnstone) 328:647 Jokhi PP, see McLeod AA 328:1249 Jolley D, see Buchbinder R 328:321 Jonas, Ernest George Gustav, Obituary (P Dovey) 328:291 Jones, Allan, removed from job for talking to press (J Lenzer) 328:1153 (N) Jones D, ed, Working with Dangerous People: The Psychotherapy of Violence (Books) 328:1324 (R) Jones J, et al, Doctors communication of trust, care, and respect 328:1318 (L) Jones LM, see Doran M 328:1364 Jones M, A memorable patient. Caring for those who refuse help 328:1546 Jones P, see Poloniecki J 328:375 Jones RW, see Bingley PJ 328:322 Jones, Thomas Gareth, Obituary (N Martin) 328:1079 Jong GW, et al, Marketing in the lay media and prescriptions of terbinafine in primary care: Dutch cohort study 328:931 (PC) Jrgensen K, et al, Websites on screening for breast cancer 328:769 Jorm AF, see Christensen H 328:265 Joseph SP, Healing in the valley of Jezreel (Personal view) 328:295 (R) journals see also electronic journals; publishing fail to publish trials on major global diseases (D Spurgeon) 328:1337 (N) general medical journal role (J Ana) (Personal view) 328:591 (R), 328:1498 (L) Grand Rounds (G Bognolo) (Journals) 328:353 (R) Transplantation and Dialysis, rejects article after marketing objections (O Dyer) 328:244 (N) tropical medicine, representation of authors and editors from countries with different human development indexes (J Keiser, et al) 328:1229 (P) whistleblowers, have editors got priorities right? 328:230 (L) Juel K, see Christensen K 328:1405 Julian L, see Mohr DC 328:731 Jungmann EA, see Prime KP 328:524 Jni P, see Mller U 328:934 junior doctors see also doctors hours fast forward? (C Douglas) (Soundings) 328:775 (R) hospitals not ready for working time directive (D Singh) 328:1034 (N) pressure mounts over European Working Time Directive (T Sheldon) 328:911 (N) trusts ill prepared for 58 hour week (K Burke) 328:484 (N) working time directive: final countdown (L Eaton) BMJ Careers 328:s229 (5 June 2004) interviews, better methods (NRC Kumar) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s235 (12 June 2004) "stop moaning": older consultant reminiscences (ZK Anwar, et al) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s138 (3 April 2004) swapping on-call shifts (K Shokrollahi) BMJ Careers 328:s137 (3 April 2004) Jureidini JN, et al, Efficacy and safety of antidepressants for children and adolescents 328:879 (C) (correction, 1170) jurisprudence see also legislation, medical; malpractice boy treated against mothers wishes (C Dyer) 328:661 (N) Leslie Burke, GMC treatment withdrawal guidance challenged (C Dyer) 328:541 (N) Rajendara Chaudhary, wins a3815 000 from BMA in race case (C Dyer) 328:786 (N) child abuse court dismisses mothers appeals (C Dyer) 328:1219 (N) parents convicted of killing to have their cases reviewed (C Dyer) 328:183 (N) suspected mothers might be dealt with outside criminal system (C Dyer) 328:425 (N) fewer care cases to be reopened than originally thought (C Dyer) 328:482 (N) GlaxoSmithKline executive may be reported to attorney general (C Dyer) 328:243 (N) Gulf war syndrome, case collapses (C Dyer) 328:367 (N) Roy Meadow five cases of child murder to be reopened (O Dyer) 328:1154 (N) GMC charges over evidence given in child death cases (O Dyer) 328:9 (N) (correction, 209) mental competency, bill will set up court of prosecution (C Dyer) 328:484 (N) organ transplantation, thousands of families to sue over retained organs (C Dyer) 328:184 (N) (correction, 384), 328:642 (L) resuscitation of disabled girl, Barts in High Court (C Dyer) 328:125 (N) Juurlink DN, see Mamdani M 328:1415
Kaaijk EM, see Bayram N 328:192 Kabat G, Effect of public smoking ban in Helena, Montana 328:1379 (L) Kabra SK, see Awasthi S 328:1567 Kahn RS, ABC of eyes: Injury to the eye 328:643 (L) Kaiser Permanente bed occupancy: comparison with NHS and Medicare 328:582 (L), 328:583 (L), 328:584 (L) making NHS more like (D Light, et al) 328:763 (ED) Kale R, et al, Who should look after people with Parkinsons disease? 328:62 (E) Kalman CJ, How would Britain cope? 328:571 (C) Kalra L et al, Training care givers of stroke patients: randomised controlled trial 328:1099 (P) see Patel A 328:1102 Kamming D, An anaesthetists nightmare in North America (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s188 (8 May 2004) Kamwendo DS, see Plowe CV 328:545, 328:1260 Kandela P, The strange world of private medicine (Personal view) 328:355 (R) Kang JH, see Logroscino G 328:548 Kanga DRJ, see OConnor JPB 328:45
JanuaryJune 2004
Kapil U, see Singh P 328:1498 Kaplan RM, Treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:956 (L) Kapur AK, ABC of eyes: Injury to the eye 328:644 (L) Kapur N, see Shaw J 328:734 Kariminia A, et al, Randomised controlled trial of effect of hands and knees posturing on incidence of occiput posterior position at birth 328:490 (P) Katan MB, Health claims for functional foods 328:180 (E) Kathane R, see Mehta R BMJ Careers 328:s273 Katikireddi V 100 000 children die needlessly from cancer every year 328:422 (N) Diets and obesity (Website of the week) 328:234 (R) Emergency team phone numbers should be standardised 328:481 (E) (correction, 884) Flu (Radio) 328:353 (R) HINARI: bridging the global information divide 328:1190 (ED) Horizon: Thalidomide: A Second Chance? (TV) 328:412 (R) Increase in autism is due to changes in diagnosis, study claims 328:364 (N) National reporting system for medical errors is launched 328:481 (N) (correction, 884) New regular report will monitor global health issues 328:728 (N) Pain: Passion, Compassion, Sensibility (Exhibition) 328:468 (R) et al, GPs need training and funding in caring for refugees and asylum seekers 328:770 (L) et al, Using physician assistants in the United Kingdom (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s69 (14 February 2004) Katona C, A perfect death 328:202 Kavalier F Quoting quotes BMJ Careers 328:s209 (22 May 2004) see Abbs S 328:172 Kavanagh J, see Thomas J 328:1010 Kawachi I, see Hill SE 328:988 Kaye S see Stevens W 328:280 Keatinge WR, Authors reply to letters on death in heat waves 328:50 (L) Keech P, A memorable patient. Telling it how it is 328:918 Keeley P, Pain (Books) 328:961 (R) Keen J, see Deeming C 328:1389 Keirse MJNC, see Helmerhorst FM 328:261 Keiser J, et al, Representation of authors and editors from countries with different human development indexes in the leading literature on tropical medicine: survey of current evidence 328:1229 (P) Kell MR, et al, Sentinel lymph node biopsy 328:1330 (E) Kell, Robert ("Robin") Anthony, Obituary (M Kell, et al) 328:960 Kelly B, A career in clinical radiology BMJ Careers 328:s63 (14 February 2004) Kelly J, see Little P 328:1054 Kelly M, see Subramanian SV 328:801, 328:1499 Kelly S, see Welch E BMJ Careers 328:s238 Kelly SP, et al, Smoking and blindness 328:537 (E) (correction, 997) keloids, scars and (TA Mustoe) 328:1329 (E) Kemm JR, Well informed uncertainties about the effects of treatment 328:1018 (L) Kenchington, Noel Scott, Obituary (HM White) 328:647 Kendrick T, see Little P 328:441 Kennedy, John Alan, Obituary (A Innes, et al) 328:53 Kennedy, John Thomas, Obituary (TM Paterson) 328:772 Keogh J, see Kariminia A 328:490 Kerin MJ, see Kell MR 328:1330 Kermode-Scott B Canadian doctors welcome public health initiatives in wake of SARS 328:785 (N) WHO confirms avian flu infections in Canada 328:913 (N) Kernick DP Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:46 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Is the NHS getting better or worse? 328:106 (L) Kerr D Of Struldbruggs, sugar, and gatekeepers: a tale of our times (Ward round) 327:1451 (correction, 328:257) see James J 328:1237 Kerr, James Wright, Obituary (B Stack) 328:1502 Kerr S, see Liaw S-T 328:1566 Kerrison S, et al, United Kingdom research governance strategy 328:50 (L) Kersley SE ABC of change A, B, C BMJ Careers 328:s47 (31 January 2004) D, E, F BMJ Careers 328:s87 (28 February 2004) G, H, I BMJ Careers 328:s143 (10 April 2004) J, K, L BMJ Careers 328:s198 (15 May 2004) Kessler D, see Hamilton WT 328:1320 Keswick Jencks, Maggie, Ninewells cancer centre wins building award (A Ferriman) 328:1453 (N) Keyes-Elstein L, see Margolis PA 328:388 Khalpey Z et al, Cardiothoracic training in the United Kingdom BMJ Careers 328:s3 (3 January 2004), BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) see Lim E BMJ Careers 328:s78 Khan AR, see Hossain SMM 328:830 Khan KS see Abbasi K 328:800 see Chryssafidou E 328:839 Khan SA Compulsory screening of immigrants for TB and HIV 328:897 (L) et al, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:839 (L) Khanal S, see Dougliss C 328:1481 Khaw PT et al, ABC of eyes: Injury to the eye 328:644 (L) et al, ABC of eyes Glaucoma-1: Diagnosis 328:97 (C) (correction, 762) Glaucoma-2: Treatment 328:156 (C (correction, 762) Injury to the eye 328:36 (C) (correction, 762), 328:643 (L), 328:644 (L) Khwaja H, Government to put extra a3100m into clinical research by 2008: 328:728 (N) kidney failure, chronic, hypoglycaemia recurrence in diabetic patient after (MS Parmar) (Lesson of the week) 328:883 (C) (correction, 1170) kidney stones, review (MS Parmar) 328:1420 (C) kidney transplantation India, trade arrest exposes loopholes (G Mudur) 328:246 (N) Russia, doctors charged with planning to kill patient (A Osborn) 328:1092 (N) Kievit J, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Kiln MR, E is for equivocal in EBM 328:1077 (L)
Kilpatrick A, Resolving complaints BMJ Careers 328:s33 (24 January 2004) Kim HC, et al, Normal serum aminotransferase concentration and risk of mortality from liver diseases: prospective cohort study 328:983 (P) King M see Smith G 328:427 et al, Sexuality of health practitioners is complex 328:1567 (L) et al, Treatments of homosexuality in Britain since the 1950an oral history: the experience of professionals 328:429 (P) Kings Fund The NHS Improvers (D Singh) 328:542 (N) Niall Dickson interview (G Watts) 328:309 (N) Practice-led Commissioning (D Singh) 328:1396 (N) Kingsnorth AN Treating inguinal hernias 328:59 (E), 328:403 (L), 328:404 (L) see OReilly DA 328:968 Kirk I, see Kirk P 328:1343 Kirk P, et al, What do patients receiving palliative care for cancer and their families want to be told? A Canadian and Australian qualitative study 328:1343 (P) Kirkbride P, I dont like Mondays (after bank holidays) (Personal view) 328:1325 (R) Kirkby M, see Ball C 328:347 Kirke PN, et al, Impact of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism on risk of neural tube defects: case-control study 328:1535 (P) Kirkpatrick M, see McAlister FA 328:1110 Kirkpatrick, Mary Rose, Obituary (J Clegg) 328:171 Kirkup B, Battle Hospital: Medics at War (TV) 328:530 (R) Kirkwood B, Making public health interventions more evidence based 328:966 (E) Kivimaki M, see Vahtera J 328:555 Klass DJ, Will e-learning improve clinical judgement? 328:1147 (E) Klein JH, see Young T 328:162 Klein R, The first wave of NHS foundation trusts 328:1332 (E) Klitzman R, et al, Mortal Secrets: Truth and Lies in the Age of AIDS (Books) 328:1080 (R) Kmietowicz Z Blair appoints Julian Le Grand as new advisor on health 328:1276 (N) BMA is frustrated by pay award for doctors on old contract 328:663 (N) British cancer death rates fell by 12% between 1972 and 2002: 328:303 (N) (correction, 494) Campaign to revitalise academic medicine calls for radical thinking 328:1454 (N) Companies offer surgeons incentives to use their prostheses 328:1091 (N) Complaints against doctors in child protection work have increased fivefold 328:601 (N) Data collection is poor because staff dont see the point 328:786 (N) Editor of the BMJ to take up new post 328:1276 (N) GM foods should be submitted to further studies, says BMA 328:602 (N) GPs need help in spotting cancer symptoms, report says 328:659 (N) GPs to check on patients residency status to stop health tourism 328:1217 (N) Higher numbers than previously predicted could be incubating vCJD 328:1279 (N) Low priority for maternity services blamed for deaths 328:1454 (N) New centre is set up to promote evidence based surgery in the United Kingdom 328:1396 (N) NICE advises against caesarean section on demand 328:1031 (N), 328:1320 (L) Palliative care services should have higher priority, says NICE 328:725 (N) Prognosis for teenagers and young people with cancer fails to improve 328:540 (N) Psychological therapies recommended for eating disorders 328:245 (N) Regulations are stifling development of new drugs 328:600 (N) Reid reduces targets for NHS 328:363 (N) Report clears Labour party of fault in purchase of vaccines 328:1034 (N) Smoking is causing impotence, miscarriages, and infertility 328:364 (N) Thousands of elderly people face abuse, says Commons report 328:971 (N) Women aged over 40 who are at increased risk of breast cancer should get annual mammograms 328:1515 (N) Women are being let down in efforts to stem HIV/AIDS 328:305 (N) Wyeth found guilty of paying to boost use of a specific medicine 328:1515 (N) Knapp M Timing of drug treatment is crucial 328:167 (L) see Kalra L 328:1099 see Patel A 328:1102 knee corticosteroid injections for osteoarthritis (B Arroll, et al) 328:869 (PC) posturing and incidence of occiput posterior position at birth (A Kariminia, et al) 328:490 (P) knee pain ABC of rheumatology (AJ Hamer) 328:1067 (C) elderly woman: Interactive case report case presentation (P Tugwell, et al) 328:1362 (C) case progression (P Tugwell, et al) 328:1425 (C) contents 328:1486, 328:1554 knee prosthesis, effect of flow charts on use of blood transfusions in primary total hip and knee replacement (U Mller, et al) 328:934 (Q) Knight, Francis Robert Stanley, Obituary (J Kilby) 328:1138 Knight, Ian Cunningham Sinclair, Obituary (DC McPhail) 328:467 Knights, Peter Davison, Obituary (BS Cole) 328:467 knowledge Endpiece (A Panja) 328:446 only one good. Endpiece (Z Shah) 328:143 Koivunen PH, Adenoidectomy versus chemoprophylaxis and placebo for recurrent acute otitis media in children aged under 2 years: randomised controlled trial 328:487 (P) Kolbe, Anne, interview with (M Sweet) 328:70 (N) Kologlu, Selahattin, Obituary (PE Harris) 328:291 Koning J, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Koopman-van Gemert AWMM, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Kopp A, see Mamdani M 328:1415 Koralage N
American Virgins: This World (TV) 328:292 (R) Audit Commission tells trusts to improve if they want to survive 328:974 (N) China to offer free HIV testing and treatment 328:975 (N) GPs reluctant to cover out of hours work, survey shows 328:247 (N) Horizon: The Atkins Diet (TV) 328:234 (R) Rising child abuse complaints and paediatrics (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s159 (17 April 2004), s208 (22 May 2004) Korea see also Asia blood pressure, ischaemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke: occupational cohort study (Y-M Song, et al) 328:324 (P) scientists clone 30 human embryos (T Radford) 328:421 (N) Kothari S, An obstinate patient 328:1473 Kovac C, et al, Roma woman goes to UN claiming sterilisation without consent 328:662 (N) Krach LE, see Stusser RJ 328:1209 Krause M, see Zendron L 328:629 Kriel RL, see Stusser RJ 328:1209 Kristjanson LJ, see Kirk P 328:1343 Kristo A, see Koivunen P 328:487 Krosnar K Could joining EU club spell disaster for the new members 328:310 (N) EU expansion will open patient floodgates, minister warns 328:912 (N) Six health workers sentenced to death in Libya 328:1153 (N) Krous HF, see Harding B 328:720 Krysa J, Mobilised to Iraq: a surgical trainees tale (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s178 (1 May 2004) Kublin JG, see Plowe CV 328:545, 328:1260 Kudva YC, The highs and lows of cardiothoracic surgery BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) Kumar A, see Soares HP 328:22 Kumar B, see Lockwood DNJ 328:1447 Kumar NRC, We need better interview methods to recruit junior doctors (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s235 (12 June 2004) Kumar S Every breath you take 328:787 (N) (correction, 1104) Much health care in rural India comes from unqualified practitioners 328:975 (N) Traditional Indian remedy for asthma challenged in court 328:1457 (N) et al, Recent developments in fetal medicine 328:1002 (C) Kuruvilla S, et al, Digital bridges need concrete foundations: lessons from the Health InterNetwork India 328:1193 (ED) Kutt E, see Banks E 328:1291
labour see also caesarean section; pregnancy fetal fibronectin (POEM*) 328 (26 June 2004) hands and knees posturing and incidence of occiput posterior position at birth (A Kariminia, et al) 328:490 (P) pregnancy outcome three years after previous operative delivery in second stage of labour (R Bahl, et al) 328:311 (P) water delivery v. standard of augmentation for management of dystocia in first stage of labour (ER Cluett, et al) 328:314 (P), 328:767 (L), 328:768 (L) Labour Party, vaccines purchase, cleared of fault (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1034 (N) Ladoyanni E, et al, Amenalotic lentigo maligna in woman (Minerva) 328:356 (R) Lagiou P, see Hall P 328:19 Lam M, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204, 328:641 Lambert TW, et al, Characteristics of consultants who hold distinction awards in England and Wales: database analysis with particular reference to sex and ethnicity 328:1347 (P) Lancet, MMR controversy, media survey (J Lyall) (The Press) 328:528 (R) Lane JA, see Harvey RF 328:1417 Lange JH, Editors and their priorities about libel and fraud 328:230 (L) Langfield J, General practice 2035: 328:511 Langley J, see Wells S 328:857 Langlois M, see Sandars JE 328:1564 Lannon CM, see Margolis PA 328:388 Lantz PE, et al, Evidence based case report. Perimacular retinal folds from childhood head trauma 328:754 (C) laparoscopic hysterectomy cost effectiveness, laparoscopic v. standard (M Sculpher, et al) 328:134 (P) laparoscopic v. abdominal comparison with laparoscopic v. vaginal: eVALuate study (R Garry, et al) 328:129 (P) (correction, 494), 328:642 (L), 328:643 (L) laparoscopy, inguinal hernia (S Gottlieb) 328:1033 (N) LaPorte, Ron, interview on telepreventive medicine (G Yamey) 328:1158 (N) Lapsley PM, Public involvement in health care 328:462 (L) Lau YS, see Yeung J BMJ Careers 328:s163 Laupacis A, see Mamdani M 328:1415 Laurance J, Why newspapers cannot ignore maverick claims (The Press) 328:294 (R) Laurant MGH, et al, Impact of nurse practitioners on workload of general practitioners: randomised controlled trial 328:927 (PC) Laurent S, Guidelines from the British Hypertension Society 328:593 (E) Lavelle J, see Banks E 328:1291 Law GR, see Smith AG 328:932 Law M, Screening without evidence of efficacy 328:301 (E), 328:521 (L) Law, Rhoda Rebecca, Obituary (A Law) 328:1264 Lawlor DA see Ebrahim S 328:861 see Song Y-M 328:324 Lay-Yee R, see Wells S 328:857 Le Grand, Julian, new health advisor (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1276 (N) Le Roux C, see Park A BMJ Careers 328:s153 Leach R, see Lobstein T 328:1261 Leacock, Sir Aubrey Gordon Jack", Obituary (DH Harrison) 328:352 Leaman AM, No time to train surgeons 328:1133 (L) learning disorders, health needs are neglected (C Shannon) 328:1517 (N) Leatherman and Sutherland, The Quest for Quality in the NHS 328:106 (L), 328:107 (L) Leckridge R, Is the NHS getting better or worse? 328:107 (L) Lee CE, see Chow KY 328:195 Lee DJ, Sex on the Rates (Books) 328:1504 (R)
JanuaryJune 2004
Lee E, Abortion, Motherhood, and Mental Health: Medicalizing Reproduction in the United States and Great Britain (Books) 328:1022 (R) Lee I-M, see Batty GD 328:1089 LeFanu J, et al, Patterns of presentation of the shaken baby syndrome 328:767 (L) left ventricular systolic dysfunction, exercise training metaanalysis of trials with chronic heart failure (ExTraMATCH Collaborative) 328:189 (P), 328:711 (L) leg ulcers, management (DA Simon, et al) 328:1358 (C) Legge D, see Taft A 328:618 legislation, medical see also jurisprudence how to become a lawyer (N Callaghan) BMJ Careers 328:s215 (29 May 2004) Legood R, see Maissi E 328:1293 Leibovici L see Paul M 328:668 see Weingarten MA 328:1013 Leigh B, The future of clinical negligence litigation? Commentary: whats the problem? 328:460 (ED) Leigh M, see Davies P 328:203 Leinster, Sam, (F Lynch) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s48 (31 January 2004) Lelliott J, War Against the Weak (Books) 328:411 (R) Lelliott P, see Worrall A 328:867 Leningrad, long term mortality after starvation during siege of Leningrad: prospective cohort study (P Sparn, et al) 328:11 (P), 328:346 (L) Lenzer J Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness 328:1458 (N) Cochrane proposes further limits on commercial funding 328:366 (N) New Cochrane policy tightens limits on industry funding 328:976 (N) Pfizer pleads guilty, but drug sales continue to soar 328:1217 (N) Whistleblower removed from job for talking to the press 328:1153 (N) leprosy steroid prophylaxis for prevention of nerve function impairment (WCS Smith, et al) 328:1459 (P) treatment (DNJ Lockwood, et al) 328:1447 (E) Lesson of the week Bradycardia in acute haemorrhage (I Thomas, et al) 328:451 (C) Burns caused by steam inhalation for respiratory tract infections in children (SM Murphy, et al) 328:757 (C) Charles Bonnet syndromeelderly people and visual hallucinations (A Jacob, et al) 328:1552 (C) Misinterpretation of serum cortisol in a patient with hyponatraemia (JC Smith, et al) 328:215 (C) Nalbuphine and slow release morphine (JE Smith, et al) 328:1426 (C) Pacemaker induced ventricular fibrillation in coronary care units (AA McLeod, et al) 328:1249 (C) Pitfalls in the diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma (L Zendron, et al) 328:629 (C) Recurrent hypoglycaemia in a diabetic patient as a result of unexpected renal failure (MS Parmar) 328:883 (C) (correction, 1170) Severe cholestatic hepatitis induced by pyritinol (V Maria, et al) 328:572 (C) Severe hypocalcaemia after being given intravenous biphosphonate (P Rajesh, et al) 328:335 (C), 328:1439 (L) Toxicity after intermittent inhalation of nitrous oxide for analgesia (M Doran, et al) 328:1364 (C) Useless and dangerousfine needle aspiration of hepatic colorectal metastases (MS Metcalfe, et al) 328:507 (C) Lester H, see Shiers D 328:1451 Lester J, et al, Learning from e-patients at Massachusetts General Hospital 328:1188 (ED) letters copying letters to patients. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:733 doctors views on clinical correspondence (B Campbell, et al) 328:1060 (PC) leukaemia, online discussion lists (JD Ramos, et al) (Infopoints) 328:1177 (IP) leuprorelin, slipped capital femoral epiphyses and withdrawal (E van Puijenbroek, et al) (Drug points) 328:1353 (P) Levin M, see Fielder AR 328:1376 Lewars M, Sustainability of medical imaging 328:1201 (L) Lewis DW, et al, Eye pads and smokers (Minerva) 328:964 (R) Lewis GH, see Maden A 328:1534 Lewis K, see Hilton S 328:1508 Lewis R et al, Rethinking management of chronic diseases 328:220 (ED) see Dixon J 328:223 Lewis, Thomas Loftus Townshend, Obituary (T Coltart, et al) 328:1570 Li D-K, et al, NSAIDs during pregnancy and risk of miscarriage 328:108 (L) Liabo K, see Roberts H 328:512 Liaw S-T, et al, Computer aided prescribing 328:1566 (L) Liberati A, An unfinished trip through uncertainties (Personal view) 328:531 (R) libraries, LOCKSS, preservation of scientific record (V Reich, et al) 328:61 (E) Libya see also Africa AIDS, health workers sentenced to death (K Krosnar) 328:1153 (N) Lichterman BL A Physician Reflects (Books) 328:470 (R) Useful Bodies (Books) 328:1207 (R) Liddell K, et al, The human tissue bill and the mental capacity bill 328:1510 (E) Liel Y, Screening without evidence of efficacy 328:521 (L) Lievre M, see Marre M 328:495 life, Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:672 life assurance, effect of statins treatment for familial hypercholesterolaemia (HAW Neil, et al) 328:500 (PC) life change ABC of change A, B, C (SE Kersley) BMJ Careers 328:s47 (31 January 2004) D, E, F (SE Kersley) BMJ Careers 328:s87 (28 February 2004) G, H, I (SE Kersley) BMJ Careers 328:s143 (10 April 2004) J, K, L (SE Kersley) BMJ Careers 328:s198 (15 May 2004) multiple sclerosis and: meta-analysis (DC Mohr, et al) 328:731 (P) multiple sclerosis exacerbations and 328:286 (L) life expectancy see also mortality
Forever Young: A Cultural History of Longevity (Boia) (Books) 328:1504 (R) Light D, et al, Making the NHS more like Kaiser Permanente 328:763 (ED) Lilford R, see Garry R 328:129 Lim D, see Morton A 328:25 Lim E et al, The problems facing academic surgeons (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s78 (21 February 2004), s149 (10 April 2004) see Khalpey Z BMJ Careers 328:s3 Lim MWK, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:48 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Lindon, Robert Lidstone, Obituary (P Lindon) 328:1264 Lindsay G, see Thomson H 328:282 Ling ML, see Chow KY 328:195 linkage of disease control programmes, Africa (DH Molyneux, et al) 328:1129 (ED) Linna A, see Vahtera J 328:555 liposuction, metabolic benefits of weight loss (S Gottlieb) 328:1457 (N) Lister, Jurek, Obituary (T Davies) 328:1322 literature searching, Medline, optimal search strategies for retrieving scientifically strong diagnostic studies (RB Haynes, et al) 328:1040 (P) lithium, motor vehicle crashes in elderly adults and (M Etminan, et al) 328:558 (P), 328:895 (L) (correction, 1284), 328:896 (L) Lithuania see also Europe EU membership (K Krosnar) 328:310 (N) Little P et al, Importance of patient pressure and perceived pressure and perceived medical need for investigations, referral, and prescribing in primary care: nested observational study 328:444 (PC) et al, Randomised controlled factorial trial of dietary advice for patients with a single high blood pressure reading in primary care 328:1054 (PC) et al, Randomised controlled trial of effect of leaflets to empower patients in consultations in primary care 328:441 (PC) Littlewood, Martin, Obituary (S Littlewood, et al) 328:1322 Liu D-K, see Li D-K 328:108 Liu E, see Devendra D 328:750 Liu EHC, et al, Rates of caesarean section and instrumental vaginal delivery in nulliparous women after low concentration epidural infusions or opioid analgesia: systematic review 328:1410 (P) liver cancers, fine needle aspiration (MS Metcalfe, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:507 (C) liver diseases, aminotransferase mortality risk (HC Kim, et al) 328:983 (P) liver transplantation, Your Life in their Hands BBC1 (G Bognolo) (TV) 328:716 (R) Livesey A, et al, Implementing guidelines on sudden infant death 328:1262 (L) living wills see advance directives Livingstone AE, see Griffiths C 328:144 Lloyd EL, The good sports Samaritan BMJ Careers 328:s148 (10 April 2004) Loader SM, If it doesnt work, stop it 328:1016 (L) Lobstein T, et al, Diabetes may be undetected in many children in the UK 328:1261 (L) Lock RJ, see Bingley PJ 328:322 Locker T see Goodacre S 328:254 see Wardrope J 328:722 Lockett J, see Duerden MG 328:168 LOCKSS, preservation of scientific record (V Reich, et al) 328:61 (E) Lockwood DNJ, et al, Treatment of leprosy 328:1447 (E) Loefler I Evidence based medicine (Soundings) 328:842 (R) Of evolution and homosexuality (Soundings) 328:1325 (R) Prevention is better than cure (Soundings) 328:115 (R), 328:350 (L) Weapons of mass destruction (Soundings) 328:531 (R), 328:770 (L) Loewenson R, et al, Access to antiretroviral treatment in Africa 328:241 (E) logrank test, (JM Bland, et al) (Statistics Notes) 328:1073 (ED) (correction, 1412) Logroscino G, et al, Prospective study of type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline in women aged 70-81 years 328:548 (P) long-term care see also elderly choice and equity: lessons (C Deeming, et al) 328:1389 (E) longevity, Forever Young: A Cultural History of Longevity (Boia) (Books) 328:1504 (R) Lord of the Rings, quest (L Farrell) (Soundings) 328:295 (R) Lorenzi NM, Beyond the gadgets 328:1146 (E) Loudon MF, Continuing medical education: does no evidence trump all? 328:1077 (L) Lough M, Review of instruments for peer assessment of physicians. Commentary: Soft assessmentan oxymoron? 328:1240 (LP) Loureiro A, see Maria V 328:572 Love T, et al, Use of healthcare resources in the last six months of life 328:1201 (L) Lovett JK, see Coull AJ 328:326 Lovitt CJ, Treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:955 (L) low back pain ABC of rheumatology (C Speed) 328:1119 (C) epidural injections: effective? (A Samanta, et al) 328:1509 (E) Lowdon D et al, Interactive case report, A 66 year old woman with breathlessness case outcome 328:944 (C) case presentation 328:698 (C) case progression 328:758 (C) Lowe GDO, et al, Britains failure to tackle research misconduct 328:229 (L) Lozano JM, Treatment of acute pyelonephritis in children 328:957 (L) Lucas P, see Roberts H 328:512 Lucassen AM, et al, Role of next of kin in accessing health records of deceased relatives 328:952 (ED) Lucire Y, Constructing RSI: Belief and Desire (Books) 328:354 (R) Lucock M, Science, medicine, and the future. Is folic acid the ultimate functional food component for disease prevention? 328:211 (C), 328:768 (L), 328:769 (L) Lundell M, see Hall P 328:19, 328:582 (L) Lundgren JD, et al, Clinical efficacy of antiretroviral combination therapy based on protease inhibitors or non-nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors: indirect com-
parison of controlled trials. Commentary: Indirect comparisons: a novel approach to assessing the effect of antiHIV drugs 328:253 (P) lung cancers mortality, cigarette tar yields and (JE Harris, et al) 328:72 (P) reliability of symptoms to determine use of bone scans to identify bone metastases (M Hetzel, et al) 328:1051 (P) stigma, shame, and blame experienced by patients (A Chapple, et al) 328:1470 (PC) Luotonen J, see Koivunen P 328:487 Luzzati R, see Rabinowitz I 328:501 Lyall J Alarm call over reality gameshow (TV) 328:173 (R) Editor in the eye of a storm (The Press) 328:528 (R) The rise and fall of the health glossies (The Press) 328:1444 (R) Lynch F, New school (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s48 (31 January 2004) Lyon, John Stuart, Obituary (J Ashworth) 328:352 Lyratzopoulos G et al, How to manage your research and audit work BMJ Careers 328:s196 (15 May 2004) see Kelly SP 328:537
Maboob S, Key points for overseas doctors to consider BMJ Careers 328:s250 (19 June 2004) McAlearney AS, et al, Doctors experience with handheld computers in clinical practice: qualitative study 328:1162 (P), 328:1565 (L) McAlister FA, et al, Influence of socioeconomic deprivation on the primary care burden and treatment of patients with a diagnosis of heart failure in general practice in Scotland: population based study 328:1110 (PC) MacAuley D Difficult Consultations with Adolescents (Books) 328:1443 (R) Patients, Power and Responsibility (Books) 328:54 (R) Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare (Books) 328:54 (R) What is the Real Cost of More Patient Choice? (Books) 328:54 (R) McAuley DJ, Different versions of Glasgow coma scale in British hospitals 328:109 (L) McBride SR, see Perrett CM 328:1292 McCabe C, see Wailoo A 328:536 McCahon D, see Murray E 328:437 McCann GP, et al, Surgery in asymptomatic aortic stenosis 328:63 (E) McCarney R see Vickers AJ 328:744 see Wonderling D 328:747 McCartney M, Screening must remain a free choice (Personal view) 328:1023 (R) McCaughey R, see McClure I 328:226 McCloy R, see Stone R 328:1115 McClure I Autism and Creativity (Books) 328:1139 (R) The Oath (Books) 328:354 (R) et al, Diagnosis of autism 328:226 (L) McCollum CN, see Simon DA 328:1358 McConnell, Richard Bonar, Obituary (T Bullamore) 328:111 McCormack J, see Ramesh P 328:708 McCoy D, see Loewenson R 328:241 McCulloch AC, Management of diastolic heart failure in older adults 328:1378 (L) McCulloch J, et al, Fatal accident inquiries and how to survive them BMJ Careers 328:s216 (29 May 2004) MacDonald R All change at the GMC (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s255 (19 June 2004) The GMC view on how it can help overseas doctors (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s254 (19 June 2004) The highs and lows of cardiothoracic surgery BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) The hospital at night (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s19 (10 January 2004) Information for students with disabilities who want to enter medicine (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s109 (13 March 2004) Mentoring for doctors BMJ Careers 328:s179 (1 May 2004) Modernising Medical Careers and overseas doctors (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s256 (19 June 2004) Modernising Medical Careerswhats all the fuss about (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s139 (3 April 2004) New initiative to improve undergraduate teaching in acute care (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s29 (17 January 2004) The New Consultant Entry Scheme (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s39 (24 January 2004) The PMETB interviews BMJ Careers 328:s223 (5 June 2004) Postgraduate medical education and training board and overseas doctors (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s257 (19 June 2004) The Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB): the view from the top BMJ Careers 328:s103 (13 March 2004) Prejudiced, poignant, pathetic, or publishable? BMJ Careers 328:s119 (20 March 2004) Update on improving working lives for doctors (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s59 (7 February 2004) The way forward for non-standard grade (trust) doctors (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s9 (3 January 2004), s118 (20 March 2004) What will happen in the United Kingdom when the 10 accession states join the European Union? (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s89 (28 February 2004) et al, Writing (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s147 (10 April 2004) MacDonald SE, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204 MacDonald TM, see Donnan PT 328:1297 McDonalds, Super Size Me (C Veltman) (Film) 328:1266 (R) McErin S, Writing a winning CV BMJ Careers 328:s225 (5 June 2004) MacEwan T, see Mowat D 328:1262 McGalliard, James Noel, Obituary (D Wong) 328:714 McGuire M, see Perel P 328:895 McGuire R, Blowing the whistlesafely BMJ Careers 328:s7 (3 January 2004) McIlroy, Malcolm, Obituary (A Craft) 328:527 McInnes GT, see Williams B 328:634 McIntosh, George Douglas, Obituary (AD McIntosh) 328:1205 MacIntyre K see McAlister FA 328:1110 see Murphy NF 328:1413 McIvor R, Ever been stalked? BMJ Careers 328:s113 (20 March 2004)
JanuaryJune 2004
Mackay J, see Goldstone AR 328:379 McKee M Ethics review in research 328:711 (L) Surgical quality: review of Californian measures. Commentary: Not everything that counts can be counted; not everything that can be counted counts 328:153 (IP) et al, The implications for health of European Union enlargement 328:1025 (E) Mackenzie G, Sickness certification system in the United Kingdom 328:461 (L) Mackey PV, Sickness certification system in the United Kingdom 328:461 (L) McKiney B, see Chambers M 328:329 MacLaren RE, see Weir RE 328:585 McLearie, Matthew, Obituary (R Raymakers) 328:1138 McLeod AA, et al, Lesson of the week. Pacemaker induced ventricular fibrillation in coronary care units 328:1249 (C) MacLeod J, see Calvert M 328:167 MacLeod, John William, Obituary (A MacLeod) 328:1382 Maclure M, see Schneeweiss S 328:560 McMahon G, Disrupting the student status quo BMJ Careers 328:s149 (10 April 2004) MacMahon T, Sexing up forensic medicine (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s88 (28 February 2004) McManus R, see Calvert M 328:167 McMichael AJ, et al, eds, Climate Change and Human Health: Risks and Responses (Books) 328:1324 (R) McMurdo M, see Lowdon D 328:698, 328:944 McMurray JJV see McAlister FA 328:1110 see Murphy NF 328:1413 McNally N, see Kerrison S 328:50 McNeill A, ABC of smoking cessation. Harm reduction 328:885 (C) McNicol MW, Public involvement in health care 328:462 (L) McPherson A, see Chapple A 328:1470 McPherson K Where are we now with hormone replacement therapy? 328:357 (E) et al, Synthesising licensing data to assess drug safety 328:518 McQuay HJ, see Mason L 328:991, 328:995 MacQueen R Alcohol evidence and policy 328:1202 (L) Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1377 (L) McShane, Charles Brian, Obituary (A Clarke, et al) 328:587 MacTaggart, Douglas Keith, Obituary (NR MacTaggart, et al) 328:1382 MacWalter RS, see Ray S 328:896 Maddern GJ, see Metcalfe MS 328:507 Maden A, et al, Offending in psychiatric patients after discharge from medium secure units: prospective national cohort study 328:1534 (P) Maduna PMH, see Mhlongo SWP 328:523 Mhlen J, see Zahl P-H 328:921 Mage G, see Canis MJ 328:642 Magidson, Oscar, Obituary (DM Krikler) 328:112 Maglione M, see Chang JT 328:680 magnetic resonance imaging, whole body (SJ Eustace, et al) 328:1387 (E) Magos A, et al, Handheld computers in clinical practice 328:1565 (L) Maguire H, see Jewels C BMJ Careers 328:s123 Mahabir, Deepak, Obituary (M Gulliford) 328:714 Mahaffey PJ, Advice on ganglions is flawed 328:1262 (L) Mahajan AL, Diagnosing cardiac chest pain 328:1001 Mahajan KC, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:837 (L) mailing lists, critical care, growth of online forum (AL DeWitt, et al) 328:1180 (IP) Maio HA, Evidence base: rock of certainty or shifting sands? 328:1203 (L) Maisonneuve H, et al, Britains failure to tackle research misconduct 328:229 (L) Maissi E, et al, Psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: cross sectional questionnaire study 328:1293 (PC) Maitra A, et al, Pertussis vaccination in infancy and asthma or allergy in later childhood: birth cohort study 328:925 (P) Makin C, see Farrar K 328:1565 malaria Africa treatment (B Greenwood) 328:534 (E) WHO urges more effective medicines (G Yamey) 328:1033 (N) health agencies end in-fighting (G Yamey) 328:1095 (N) newer drug combinations (G Barnish, et al) 328:1511 (E) Roll Back Malaria, failing global health campaign (G Yamey) 328:1086 (E), 328:1378 (L) severe life threatening malaria in endemic areas (A Omari, et al) (Extracts from Clinical Evidence Concise") 328:154 (C) WHO accused of malpractice (G Yamey) 328:183 (N) Malawi see also Africa malaria, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine sustained efficacy (CV Plowe, et al) 328:545 (P) (correction, 762), 328:1259 (L), 328:1260 (L) Rashid Gatrad (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s68 (14 February 2004) Mali see also Africa human trafficking and health (J Busza, et al) 328:1369 (ED) malignant mesothelioma, after chest drain (A Diacon, et al) (Minerva) 328:116 (R) Mallet ML, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:584 (L) Mallick N, see Lambert TW 328:1347 Malnick S, et al, Folic acid as ultimate in disease prevention 328:769 (L) malpractice see also jurisprudence Christopher Cheetham, paediatrician cleared (C Dyer) 328:1035 (N) Patrick Cosgrove, suspended for undermining patients trust in treatment (O Dyer) 328:1516 (N) Michael Curtis, cleared over failure to spot signs of abuse (O Dyer) 328:186 (N) doctors accused of over-prescribing heroin (O Dyer) 328:483 (N) Manesh Goel, suspended for removing wrong kidney (O Dyer) 328:246 (N) Geeta Nargund, suspended consultant reinstated (C Dyer) 328:187 (N) Richard Neale, GMC regrets failure to act on police warning (O Dyer) 328:1035 (N) NHS staff should inform patients of negligent acts 328:407 (L)
Colin Paterson, accused of misrepresenting child abuse evidence (O Dyer) 328:187 (N) John Roberts, suspended for removing wrong kidney (O Dyer) 328:246 (N) Harold Shipman coroners system requires two people to verify cause of death (C Dyer) 328:727 (N) found dead in prison cell (O Dyer) 328:123 (N) GP investigation about high patient mortality after Shipman inquiry (MA Mohammed, et al) 328:1474(PC) David Southall cleared by GMC but faces new charges (O Dyer) 328:601 (N) media survey of doctors response (C White) (The Press) 328:649 (R) misconduct charge over murder claim, verdict (O Dyer) 328:1455 (N) suspensions of doctors (D Empey) 328:181 (E), 328:709 (L), 328:710 (L) US, doctors debate refusing treatment to malpractice lawyers (F Charatan) 328:1518 (N) Malterud K, Health needs of women who have sex with women 328:463 (L) Mamdani H, see McClure I 328:226 Mamdani M, et al, Gastrointestinal bleeding after the introduction of COX 2 inhibitors: ecological study 328:1415 (P) mammography see also screening Sweden and Norway, breast cancer incidence during introduction of nationwide screening (P-H Zahl, et al) 328:921 (P) managed care programmes can NHS learn from US organisations? (J Dixon, et al) 328:223 (ED) chronic disease care (EH Wagner) 328:177 (E) Manandhar D, see Bhutta ZA 328:816 Manaszewicz R, Websites on screening for breast cancer 328:769 Manca A, see Sculpher M 328:134 Mann, Bertram, Obituary (J Naftalin) 328:1079 Mann JFE, see Marre M 328:495 Mansfield PR, see Jureidini JN 328:879 Mant D, see Neil HAW 328:500 Mardon J, Telemedicine education in accident and emergency BMJ Careers 328:s45 (31 January 2004) Margetts B, see Little P 328:444, 328:1054 Margolis PA, et al, Practice based education to improve delivery systems for prevention in primary care: randomised trial 328:388 (PC) Maria V, et al, Lesson of the week. Severe cholestatic hepatitis induced by pyritinol 328:572 (C) Marik PE, et al, Meta-analysis of parenteral nutrition versus enteral nutrition in patients with acute pancreatitis 328:1407 (P) Marinkovic SP et al, Managing nocturia 328:1063 (C), 328:1438 (L) see Gillen LM 328:1438 Marks GB, see Toelle BG 328:386 Marks N Crisis? What crisis? (The Press) 328:648 (R) Fast and furious (The Press) 328:174 (R) Marmor, Judd, Obituary (JH Tanne) 328:466 Marmot MG, Evidence based policy or policy based evidence? 328.906 (E), a31202 (L) 328:1203 (L) Marre M, et al, Effects of low dose ramipril on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and raised excretion of urinary albumin: randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial (the DIABHYCAR study) 328:495 (PC) (correction, 686) Marrett, Henry Rex, Obituary (RE Shaw, et al) 328:587 marriage, did my wife elope with someone else? A memorable conversation (W Misaki) (W Misaki) 328:29 Marrin ML, see Norman GR 328:999 Marriott J, see Fletcher J 328:1437 Marsh P, see Farrar K 328:1565 Marshall M, The Challenge for Primary Care (Books) 328:233 (R) Marshall T, When measurements are misleading: modelling the effects of blood pressure misclassification in the English population 328:933 (PC) Marshall TP Coronary heart disease prevention: insights from modelling incremental cost effectiveness 327:1264 (PC) (correction, 328:209 328:405 (L) If it doesnt work, stop it 328:1015 (L) Marteau TM, see Maissi E 328:1293 Martin C, Lullaby (Art) 328:650 (R) Martyn C, What Price Better Health? 328:1140 (R) Maruthachalam K, Applying for research posts (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s209 (22 May 2004) Marvin C, see Rich A BMJ Careers 328:s264 Marwick C Federal funding for comparative drug studies not in US budget 328:603 (N) Mother accused of murder after refusing caesarean section 328:663 (N) Marx, Gertie, Obituary (J Lenzer) 328:586 Maskalyk J, Benetton team designs WHOs road safety posters (ads) 328:902 (R) Mason L et al, Systematic review of topical capsaicin for the treatment of chronic pain 328:991 (PC) et al, Systematic review of topical rubefacients containing salicylates for the treatment of acute and chronic pain 328:995 (PC) Mason S see Garry R 328:129 see Sculpher M 328:134 mass media Naomi Campbell, privacy: new model (C Dyer) (The Press) 328:1265 (R) how PR firms use research to sell products (P Boynton, et al) (The Press) 328:530 (R) media hype? not as bad as seems (D Spurgeon) (The Press) 328:1140 (R) Michael Mosley (B Chapman) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s129 (27 March 2004) survey of interest in Sierra Leone crisis (N Marks) (The Press) 328:648 (R) working in the media 1: options for doctors (G Easton) BMJ Careers 328:s127 (27 March 2004) 2: getting foot in door (G Easton) BMJ Careers 328:s135 (3 April 2004) 3: getting message across (G Easton) BMJ Careers 328:s144 (10 April 2004), s209 (22 May 2004) Massachusetts General Hospital, learning from e-patients (J Lester, et al) 328:1188 (ED)
masturbation, outcome indicator? (L Farrell) (Soundings) 328:717 (R) maternal and child health developing countries, effect of maternal mental health on infant growth (V Patel, et al) 328:820 (ED) integrating care for mothers and children in refugee camps (A Hafeez, et al) 328:834 (ED) (correction, 1236) South Asia ready for change? (ZA Bhutta, et al) 328:816 (ED) maternal mortality see also mortality developing countries, leading cause of death in girls (S Mayor) 328:1152 (N) maternity leave, pitfalls and work (S Flynn, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s167 (24 April 2004) Matheson, John Mackenzie, Obituary (M Williams) 328:467 Matheson NJ, see Symmonds M 328:227 Matheson NW, Managing nocturia 328:1438 (L) Mattingly P, see Morris I 328:289 Mawdsley, Roger, Obituary (J Cunningham, et al) 328:1502 maxillofacial surgery, career advice (R Anderson, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s55 (7 February 2004) Mayne PD, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Mayor S Authors reject interpretation linking autism and MMR vaccine 328:602 (N) Bowel cancer survival rates vary across England 328:974 (N) Cardiovascular disease threatens developing countries 328:1032 (N) Changing practice 328:248 (N) Charity makes cancer gene freely available across Europe 328:423 (N) Claim of human reproductive cloning provokes calls for international ban 328:185 (N) Cognitive behaviour therapy affects brain activity differently from antidepressants 328:69 (N) (correction, 396) Coordination needed between primary and secondary care for chronic diseases 328:1396 (N) First stem cell bank in the world is opened in UK 328:1277 (N) Government task force needed to tackle obesity 328:363 (N) Hospitals improve on door to needle time 328:1516 (N) New guidelines aim to improve management of COPD 328:1336 (N) NHS improved emergency waiting times this winter 328:729 (N) NICE gives guidance on use of new antiepileptic drugs in children 328:1093 (N) Open access could reduce cost of scientific publishing 328:1094 (N) Pfizer will not apply for a licence for sildenafil for women 328:542 (N) Pregnancy and childbirth are leading causes of death in teenage girls in developing countries 328:1152 (N) Report warns of continuing violations of code on breast milk substitute marketing 328:1218 (N) Reports show management of CHD has improved 328:544 (N) Research bodies disappointed by decision to cancel primate research laboratory 328:306 (N) Researchers decode gene sequences for chromosomes 13 and 19: 328:853 (N) Responses of black patients and white patients to antihypertensive drugs are similar, study shows 328:602 (N) Saline has similar effect to albumin in critically ill patients 328:852 (N) Squeezing academic research into a commercial straitjacket 328:1036 (N) Three quarters of young adults risk skin cancer by seeking suntan 328:786 (N) UK authority sets limit on number of embryos transferred 328:65 (N) Universities review subscriptions to journal package deals as costs rise 328:68 (N) University fee changes may deter poor students from studying medicine 328:128 (N), 328:712 (L) Mazairac G, Road Trauma, a socially accepted horror movie (Personal view) 328:903 (R) Meadow, Roy five cases of child murder to be reopened (O Dyer) 328:1154 (N) GMC charges over evidence given in child death cases (O Dyer) 328:9 (N) (correction, 209) Meagher T, see Briley DP 328:1135 Meara J, et al, Ionising radiation in infancy and adult cognitive function 328:581 (L) measles, mumps and rubella vaccine autism and authors reject interpretation (S Mayor) 328:602 (N) Evan Harris raises new allegations (A Ferriman) 328:726 (N) Lancet media survey (J Lyall) (The Press) 328:528 (R) media scare (G Watts) (The Press) 328:773 (R) no connection found (S Gottlieb) 328:421 (N) pressure mounts for inquiry (C Dyer) 328:483 (N) Hear the Silence 328:50 (L), 328:51 (L) Mdecins Sans Frontires Afghanistan work suspended after staff killed (T Sheldon) 328:1398 (N) DOTS tuberculosis policy criticised (G Mudur) 328:784 (N) Morten Rostrop interview (T Sheldon) 328:426 (N) medical audit congenital heart disease, survival after surgery or therapeutic catheterisation in UK children (JL Gibbs, et al) 328:611 (P) (correction, 997) project management (G Lyratzopoulos, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s196 (15 May 2004) medical records central Hampshire electronic health record pilot project data protection and consent (T Adams, et al) 328:871 (IP), 328:1437 (L), 328:1438 (L) patient care evaluation and secondary analysis (H Sanderson, et al) 328:875 (IP) clinicians perspective and patient care (SH Walsh) 328:1184 (C) diabetes mellitus, patient experience with support programme based on a interactive electronic medical record (JD Ralston, et al) 328:1159 (P) role of next of kin in accessing health records of deceased relatives (AM Lucassen, et al) 328:952 (ED) Medical Research Council see also research Colin Blakemore, threatens to resign over honours debacle (R Dobson) 328:7 (N) Medline, optimal search strategies for retrieving scientifically strong diagnostic studies (RB Haynes, et al) 328:1040 (P) Medow MA, see McAlearney AS 328:1162
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meetings, GP ineffectiveness (K Barraclough) (Soundings) 328:903 (R) Meguid MM, Validity of Canadian studies 328:465 (L) Mehrotra, Tarun Kumar, Obituary (I Tiwari) 328:53 Mehta R, et al, Adapting to British culture (Advice) BMJ Careers 328:s273 (19 June 2004) melanoma sentinel node biopsy (RM Kell, et al) 328:1330 (E) unfinished trip through uncertainties (A Liberati) (Personal view) 328:531 (R) Melbourn A, see Kalra L 328:1099 Melbye M, see Benn CS 328:1223 Mellows H, see Bowen-Simpkins P BMJ Careers 328:s56 memory, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:56 (R) men, sexually transmitted infections: ABC of sexually transmitted infections (J Richens) 328:1251 (C) Mnard J, see Marre M 328:495 Mendelow AD, see Mitchell P 328:1234 Mendis L, et al, Postgraduate medical education in South Asia 328:779 (E) meningococcal infections, antibiotics, prevention effectiveness: systematic review (B Purcell, et al) 328:1339 (P) Menken M, see Kale R 328:63 Menkes DB, see Jureidini JN 328:879 Menon D, A lesson on sustainable living 328:567 Menon DK, see Liddell K 328:1510 menopause, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, dropped from Prozac product information (R Moynihan) 328:365 (N) menorrhagia bmjlearning.com (G Yamey) 328:1199 progesterone IUD (POEM*) 328 (19 June 2004) mens health, screening must remain a free choice (M McCartney) (Personal view) 328:1023 (R) mental competency bill will set up court of prosecution (C Dyer) 328:484 (N) Mental Capacity Bill clarifies legal gap (C Dyer) 328:1516 (N) Mental Incapacity Bill, new regulations are necessary (K Liddell, et al) 328:1510 (E) mental disorders government moves to end stigma (M Gould) 328:1456 (N) in people who kill strangers (J Shaw, et al) 328:734 (P) prisoners, offenders are being wrongly held (P Stephenson) 328:1095 (N) recognised as disability (R Dobson) 328:1337 (N) US, Bush plan to screen whole US population (J Lenzer) 328:1458 (N) young people, inappropriate admission to adult psychiatric wards and paediatric wards (A Worrall, et al) 328:867 (P) mental health Abortion, Motherhood, and Mental Health: Medicalizing Reproduction in the United States and Great Britain (Lee) (Books) 328:1022 (R) clamming up. Endpiece (A Sarwal) 328:325 South-east Asia, effect of maternal mental health on infant growth in low income countries (V Patel, et al) 328:820 (ED) mental health services, Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust (R Dobson) 328:662 (N) mentoring antisocial behaviour reduction in childhood (H Roberts, et al) 328:512 (ED) for doctors (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s179 (1 May 2004) RCOG scheme (P Bowen-Simpkins, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s56 (7 February 2004) Merck Sharp & Dohme Spanish drug editor wins case (O Dyer) 328:307 (N) sues Spanish bulletin over fraud claim (L Gibson) 328:188 (N) mesothelioma, radical surgery (T Treasure, et al) 328:237 (E) Messori A, et al, Prevention of coronary heart disease 328:405 (L) metapneumovirus, respiratory tract infection in infants (S Gottlieb) 328:246 (N) Metcalfe C, Exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure 328:711 (L) Metcalfe MS, et al, Lesson of the week. Useless and dangerous-fine needle aspiration of hepatic colorectal metastases 328:507 (C) methadone, heroin medical prescription to treatment resistant addicts 328:228 (L), 328:229 (L) Mewasingh LD, How electronic communication is changing health care 328:1564 (L) Mhlongo SWP, et al, Decline in mortality in children with HIV in the UK and Ireland 328:523 (L) Michel P, et al, Comparison of three methods for estimating rates of adverse events and rates of preventable adverse events in acute care hospitals 328:199 (P) Michie S, et al, Changing clinical behaviour by making guidelines specific 328:343 (ED) Mickan SM, see Guppy MPB 328:499, 328:958 microbicide, Africa, trials launch (S Pincock) 328:786 (N) Midmer D Practical problem solving techniques: part 1 BMJ Careers 328:s157 (17 April 2004) Practical problem solving techniques: part 2 BMJ Careers 328:s166 (24 April 2004) migrants, trafficking and health (J Busza, et al) 328:1369 (ED) Mills A, see Towse A 328:103 Mills JL, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Mills P, see Scoote M BMJ Careers 328:s205 Minelli C, et al, Benefits and harms associated with hormone replacement therapy: clinical decision analysis 328:371 (P) minimally invasive parathyroidectomy, hyperparathyroidsim treatment (FF Palazzo, et al) 328:849 (E) (correction, 1066) Minnis HJ, Ethics review in research 328:710 (L) Minns RA, et al, Patterns of presentation of the shaken baby syndrome 328:766 (L) Miranda-Filho DdeB, et al, Randomised controlled trial of tetanus treatment with antitetanus immunoglobulin by the intrathecal or intramuscular route 328:615 (P) Mirza I, et al, Risk factors, prevalence, and treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders in Pakistan: a systematic review 328:794 (P) Misaki W, A memorable conversation. Did my wife elope with someone else? 328:29 miscarriage, smoking and (Z Kmietowicz) 328:364 (N) Mishra US, Who should decide on caesarean sections? 328:1320 (L) Mishra V, see Peter R 328:335, 328:1439 mistakes adverse incident reporting and significant event auditing (K Dalby) BMJ Careers 328:s173 (1 May 2004) national reporting system launched (V Katikireddi) 328:481 (N) (correction, 884) owning up. Endpiece (JG Fairer, et al) 328:161
Mitchell AJ, Hospital management of self harm in adults in England 328:1440 (L) Mitchell D, The Return of the White Plague (Books) 328:1206 (R) Mitchell, Geoffrey, Obituary (S Ungar) 328:1264 Mitchell H, ABC of sexually transmitted infections. Vaginal dischargecauses, diagnosis, and treatment 328:1306 (C) Mitchell P et al, Regional differences in outcome from subarachnoid haemorrhage: comparative audit 328:1234 (P) see Kelly SP 328:537 see Venkatramani J 328:625 Moayyedi P, see Delaney B 328:1388 mobile phones cancer risk is unclear (C White) 328:124 (N) Cellular Phones, Public Fears, and a culture of precaution (Burgess) (Books) 328:292 (R) Modernising Medical Careers doctors opinions (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s139 (3 April 2004) general practice foundation programmes (R Duncan) BMJ Careers 328:s193 (15 May 2004) overseas doctors and (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s256 (19 June 2004) Mogey, George Alexander, Obituary (JL Duncan) 328:960 Mohammed A, et al, Vitiligo at site of minor trauma (Minerva) 328:1326 (R) Mohammed F, Preparing for a consultant ward round (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s18 (10 January 2004) Mohammed MA, et al, An investigation into general practitioners associated with high patient mortality flagged up through the Shipman inquiry: retrospective analysis of routine data 328:1474(PC) Mohan, Vik, (B Chapman) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s8 (3 January 2004) Moher D, see Altman DG 328:1135 Mohr DC, et al, Association between stressful life events and exacerbation in multiple sclerosis: a meta-analysis 328:731 (P) Mojica WA, see Chang JT 328:680 Molloy AM, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Molony, Pauline Edna (ne Buckeridge), Obituary (Anonymous) 328:112 Molyneux A, ABC of smoking cessation. Nicotine replacement therapy 328:454 (C) (correction, 686) Molyneux DH, et al, Linking disease control programmes in rural Africa: a pro-poor strategy to reach Abuja targets and millennium development goals 328:1129 (ED) Molyneux ME, see Plowe CV 328:545, 328:1260 Mondul AM, see Harris JE 328:72 Money, Theodore David Fountain, Obituary (F Rutter) 328:1020 monologues, patient monologue and rate of completion in consultations (I Rabinowitz, et al) 328:501 (PC) (correction, 1236) Monro JL, see Gibbs JL 328:611 Montaner D, see Ebrahim S 328:861 Montgomery A, see Harker N 328:276, 328:337, 328:503 Moore C, George and Sam (Books) 328:1571 (R) Moore DE, see Margolis PA 328:388 Moore M, see Little P 328:441, 328:444 Moore RA, see Mason L 328:991, 328:995 morale see under job satisfaction Morelli A, see Bassotti G 328:393 Morley R, Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS and Kaiser Permanente 328:584 (L) morphine, nalbuphine and slow release morphine (JE Smith, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:1426 (C) Morris AM, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:46 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Morris DE, General practice: going paperless BMJ Careers 328:s97 (6 March 2004) Morris F, see Goodacre S 328:254 Morris I, et al, Colchicine in acute gout 328:289 (L) Morris J, see Schroter S 328:742 Morris PJ, No time to train surgeons 328:1133 (L) Morrison, Hugh Hunter, Obituary (C Morrison) 328:171 Morrison LG, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:45 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Morritt AN Before I blew my first two pay cheques on a mountain bike (Five things I wish Id known...) BMJ Careers 328:s59 (7 February 2004) et al, Completing a death certificate (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s217 (29 May 2004) et al, Making the most of courses (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s87 (28 February 2004) et al, Writing TTOs (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s66 (14 February 2004) Mors O, see Eaton WW 328:438, 328:1017 mortality see also infant mortality; life expectancy; maternal mortality; postoperative mortality avian influenza, higher than in previous outbreak (J Parry) 328:368 (N) cancers, UK death rates fell by 12% 1972-2002 (Z Kmietowicz) 328:303 (N) cleft lip, survival analysis (K Christensen, et al) 328:1405 (P) diabetes, young people admitted to hospital (SR Roberts, et al) 328:741 (P) heart transplantation, false alarm rates and: case for hospital mortality monitoring groups (J Poloniecki, et al) 328:375 (P) hospital admission, age, sex and death (T Dixon, et al) 328:1288 (P) hospital league tables, influence of place of death (V Seagroatt, et al) 328:1235 (P) lung cancers, cigarette tar yields and (JE Harris, et al) 328:72 (P) organisational downsizing, sick leave and (J Vahtera, et al) 328:555 (P) patients, GP investigation after Shipman inquiry (MA Mohammed, et al) 328:1474(PC) smoking 50 years observations on male British doctors (R Doll, et al) 328:1519 (P) doctors: original 1954 article (R Doll, et al) 328:1529 (P) starvation during siege of Leningrad: prospective cohort study (P Sparn, et al) 328:11 (P), 328:346 (L) Mortensen PB, see Eaton WW 328:438, 328:1017 Morton A, et al, Drug points. Rash and acute nephritic syndrome due to candesartan 328:25 Morton SC, see Chang JT 328:680 Mosley, Michael, (B Chapman) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s129 (27 March 2004) Moss GE, Older people and the patient centred NHS 328:350 (L) Moss S, see Maissi E 328:1293
Moszynski P Cold is the main health threat after the Bam earthquake 328:66 (N) Crisis in western Sudan is delaying help for south of country 328:1456 (N) Darfur teetering on the verge of mass starvation 328:1275 (N) Girls in southern Sudan are more likely to die in childbirth than complete primary school 328:1514 (N) Officials warn of looming humanitarian crisis in Darfur province of Sudan 328:424 (N) (correction, 762) Pain control often neglected in war areas 328:1398 (N) motorcycles, rider conspicuity and crash related injury (S Wells, et al) 328:857 (P) Moulton B, Save European research campaign 328:286 (L), 328:522 (L) mountaineering, medicine (E Welch) BMJ Careers 328:s57 (7 February 2004) mouth, palatal surgical emphysema from blast (RS Williams, et al) (Minerva) 328:236 Mouton Y, see Yazdanpanah Y 328:249 Mowat D, et al, CSM warning on atypical psychotics and stroke may be detrimental for dementia 328:1262 (L) Moynihan R Controversial disease dropped from Prozac product information 328:365 (N) Drug company targets US state health officials 328:306 (N) Drug spending in North America rose by 11% in 2003: 328:727 (N) FDA advisory panel calls for suicide warnings over new depressants 328:303 (N) Mudur G The great technological divide 328:788 (N) Hospitals in India woo foreign patients 328:1338 (N) Inadequate regulations undermine Indias health care 328:124 (N) Indian Medical Association wants off-label prescribing 328:974 (N) Kidney trade arrest exposes loopholes in Indias transplant laws 328:246 (N) Medical charity criticises shortcomings of DOTS in management of tuberculosis 328:784 (N) Muir J, see Morton A 328:25 Muir KW, Secondary prevention for stroke and transient ischaemic attacks 328:297 (E), 328:896 (L), 328:897 (L) Muir P, see Grant VJ 328:141 Muirhead C, see Meara J 328:581 Mukadam RAG, see Plowe CV 328:545, 328:1260 Mukoyogo, Jacqui, (R Chew) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s27 (17 January 2004) Mller U, et al, Effect of a flow chart on use of blood transfusions in primary total hip and knee replacement: prospective before and after study 328:934 (Q) Mullin B, see Wells S 328:857 Mullin EJ, see Metcalfe MS 328:507 multiple sclerosis stressful life events and: meta-analysis (DC Mohr, et al) 328:731 (P) stressful life events and exacerbations 328:287 (L) Munaf M, see Yudkin P 328:989 Munchausen syndrome by proxy, sudden infant death and (AW Craft, et al) 328:1309 (ED) Munday P, et al, Vulval vestibulitis 328:1214 (E) Mungall MMB, see Gaw A 328:522 Munro, William Sim, Obituary (RTI Munro) 328:900 murder, mental disorders in people who kill strangers (J Shaw, et al) 328:734 (P) Murphy DJ My Foetus (TV) 328:1021 (R) see Bahl R 328:311 see Patel RR 328:1302 Murphy M, see Yudkin P 328:989 Murphy NF et al, Hospital discharge rates for suspected acute coronary syndromes between 1990-2000: population based analysis 328:1413 (P) see McAlister FA 328:1110 Murphy SM, et al, Lesson of the week. Burns caused by steam inhalation for respiratory tract infections in children 328:757 (C) Murray A, Clinical genetics BMJ Careers 328:s175 (1 May 2004) Murray CJL, see Salomon JA 328:258 Murray D, see Murphy SM 328:757 Murray E, et al, Training for patients in a randomised controlled trial of self management of warfarin treatment 328:437 (P) (correction, 563) Murray GD, see Lowe GDO 328:229 Murray JC, see Christensen K 328:1405 Murray LJ, see Harvey RF 328:1417 Murray ML, et al, Treating major depression in children and adolescents 328:524 (L) Murray R, Hit for six 328:1500 (L) Murray S, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Murshed R, et al, Clinicians roles in management of arsenicosis in Bangladesh: interview study 328:493 (P) Murthy N, see Kuruvilla S 328:1193 Musaad, Musaad Ali, Obituary (S Musaad) 328:587 music, Desiree Cox (G Yamey) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s37 (24 January 2004) Mustoe TA, Scars and keloids 328:1329 (E) mutation, Human Mutants C4 (G Easton) (TV) 328:1383 (R) Myers P, see Mohammed MA 328:1474 myocardial infarction see also cardiovascular diseases; coronary disease diagnosis of cardiac chest pain (AL Mahajan) 328:1001 hospital discharge rates 1990-2000 (NF Murphy, et al) 328:1413 (P) hospitals improve on door to needle time (S Mayor) 328:1516 (N) primary angioplasty should be first line treatment (D Smith) (For and against) 328:1254 (ED), 328:1567 (L) and public smoking ban: before and after study (RP Sargent, et al) 328:977 (P), 328:1379 (L), 328:1380 (L) secondary prevention and cardiac rehabilitation (H Dalal, et al) 328:693 (C)
Nadai J, see Greenberg D 328:1536 Naglie G, see Mamdani M 328:1415 Nair P, see Harvey RF 328:1417 Nair S, see Walji N BMJ Careers 328:s148 Nair VM, Health in South Asia 328:1497 (L)
JanuaryJune 2004
Naki, Hamilton, (E Pereira) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s98 (6 March 2004) nalbuphine, slow release morphine (JE Smith, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:1426 (C) Nam CM, see Kim HC 328:983 Nandy S, see Subramanian SV 328:801, 328:1499 Nantulya VM see Molyneux DH 328:1129 see Shelton JD 328:891 Napp V, see Garry R 328:129 Nargund, Geeta, suspended consultant reinstated (C Dyer) 328:187 (N) Nashef SAM, see Goldstone AR 328:379 National Audit Office The Management of Suspensions of Clinical Staff in NHS Hospital and Ambulance Trusts in England (D Empey) 328:181 (E), 328:709 (L), 328:710 (L) Tackling Cancer in England (Z Kmietowicz) 328:659 (N) National Health Service see also hospitals; private medicine; trusts bed occupancy: comparison with Kaiser Permanente and Medicare 328:582 (L), 328:583 (L), 328:584 (L) Bodies (JO Drife) (TV) 328:1266 (R) change management and light bulbs (G Ellis) 328:987 Doctors and Nurses BBC1 (G Bognolo) (TV) 328:114 (R) "electronic highway", smooth launch? (G Watts) 328:1156 (N) (correction, 329:85) emergency waiting times improved (S Mayor) 328:729 (N) funding financial targets met (O Dyer) 328:1094 (N) "payment by results policy (J Dixon) 328:969 (E) getting better or worse? 328:106 (L), 328:107 (L) information technology national programme 328:1200 (L) institutional racism prejudices of good people (A Esmail) 328:1448 (E) Reid refuses to accept all recommendations (M Gould) 328:423 (N) (correction, 563) report summary (M Gould) 328:367 (N) Kaiser Permanente (D Light, et al) 328:763 (ED) managed care programmes, learning from US organisations? (J Dixon, et al) 328:223 (ED) new providers in UK health care (P Dash) 328:340 (C) payments for operations will be standardised (R Coombes) 328:367 (N) Reid reduces targets (Z Kmietowicz) 328:363 (N) staff from happier NHS as patients (C Douglas) (Soundings) 328:1267 (R) staffing high job satisfaction (C Odigwe) 328:662 (N) rapid increase (O Dyer) 328:729 (N) what to do with a medical degree if you dont want to work in the NHS part 1: considering your options (A Poole) BMJ Careers 328:s213 (29 May 2004) part 2: making the decision (A Poole) BMJ Careers 328:s227 (5 June 2004) National Institute for Clinical Excellence antiepileptic drugs in children (S Mayor) 328:1093 (N) caesarean section, advises against on demand (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1031 (N), 328:1320 (L) discrete choice experiments in health care (M Ryan) 328:360 (E) Eating Disorders (Z Kmietowicz) 328:245 (N) efficiency and equity (A Wailoo, et al) 328:536 (E) guidance has failed to end postcode prescribing (C White) 328:1277 (N) guidance on newer drugs for epilepsy in adults (E Perucca) 328:1273 (E) Improving Supportive and Palliative Care for Adults with Cancer (Z Kmietowicz) 328:725 (N) infertile couples to be given three shots (C White) 328:482 (N) neuraminidase inhibitors in children guidelines are not supported by evidence 328:227 (L), 328:523 (L) Nature, Nature Encyclopaedia of the Human Genome 328:172 (R) nausea postoperative, safest and cheapest antiemetics should be used first (S Gottlieb) 328:1396 (N) treatment of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Interactive case report contents (N Harker, et al) 328:396 (C) presentation (N Harker, et al) 328:276 (C) (correction, 762, 1104), 328:456 (C) case outcome (N Harker, et al) 328:503 (C) progression (N Harker, et al) 328:337 (C) (correction, 762) naval medicine, cruise doctors: career advice (A Duby) BMJ Careers 328:s83 (28 February 2004) Nazareth I, see King M 328:1567 Neal S, see Thompson S 328:269 Neale, Richard, GMC regrets failure to act on police warning (O Dyer) 328:1035 (N) nebulisers see inhalers negligence future of clinical negligence litigation? (B Capstick) 328:457 (ED) making amends (P Fenn, et al) 328:417 (E) Nehrlich HH, Medicines weapons of mass destruction come in human form 328:770 (L) Neil HAW et al, Effect of statin treatment for familial hypercholesterolaemia on life assurance: results of consecutive surveys in 1990 and 2002: 328:500 (PC) see Roberts SE 328:741 Nelson E, see Eustace SJ 328:1387 Nelson M, Follow up of hypertension by family practitioners 328:641 (L) Nepal see also Asia house call in Himalayas. A memorable call (P Gurung) 328:806 Nesfield, John Clive Baird, Obituary (A Polmear) 328:291 Ness AR, see Bingley PJ 328:322 Netherlands see also Europe alternative medicine, crack down (T Sheldon) 328:485 (N) Down syndrome, screening row (T Sheldon) 328:1456 (N) drug industry, lay media and prescriptions of terbinafine in primary care (GW Jong, et al) 328:931 (PC) euthanasia, reporting of cases falls (T Sheldon) 328:1336 (N) heroin medical prescription to methadone resistant addicts 328:228 (L), 328:229 (L) insurance, no-claim bonus? (T Sheldon) 328:660 (N) pregnancy complications, in women with type 1 diabetes (IM Evers, et al) 328:915 (P) Netlines see also internet (H Brown) 328:56 (R), 328:293 (R), 328:529 (R), 328:716 (R), 328:1081 (R)
Neumann PJ, see Greenberg D 328:1536 neural tube defects Down syndrome and, population and familial survey (MR Amorim, et al) 328:84 (P) MTHFR C677T polymorphism and: case-control study (PN Kirke, et al) 328:1535 (P) neuraminidase inhibitors, children, NICE guidelines are not supported by evidence 328:227 (L), 328:523 (L) neuroimaging, stroke (JM Wardlow, et al) 328:655 (E), 328:1135 (L) neurology, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:716 (R) neuropsychiatry, career advice (N Agrawal) BMJ Careers 328:s35 (24 January 2004), s149 (10 April 2004) neurosciences, research bodies disappointed by decision to cancel primate research laboratory (S Mayor) 328:306 (N) neurosurgery, career advice (R Chelvarajah) BMJ Careers 328:s95 (6 March 2004) New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, low priority for maternity services blamed for deaths (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1454 (N) New Zealand see also Oceania drug industry, moves to ban direct advertising (B Burton) 328:68 (N) education, decline in teaching autopsy 328:165 (L), 328:166 (L), 328:167 (L), 328:406 (L) general practice, work abroad (C Smith) BMJ Careers 328:s185 (8 May 2004) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:529 (R) no fault compensation, access widened (B Burton) 328:729 (N) working abroad (P Grant) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s187 (8 May 2004) Newby DE, see Din JN 328:30, 328:406 Newman TA, see Galea I 328:287 newspapers, Naomi Campbell, privacy: new model (C Dyer) (The Press) 328:1265 (R) Newton A, see Hearns S BMJ Careers 328:s133 NHS Professionals, whats it all about? (P Cross) BMJ Careers 328:s239 (12 June 2004) Nicholl J, see Goodacre S 328:254 Nicholls PG, see Smith WCS 328:1459 Nicholson R, Another threat to research in the United Kingdom 328:1212 (E) nicotine see also tobacco effectiveness of patches in relation to genotype in women v. men (P Yudkin, et al) 328:989 nicotine replacement therapy ABC of smoking cessation (A Molyneux) 328:454 (C) (correction, 686) pregnancy and (T Coleman, et al) 328:965 (E) Nielsen GL, et al, Danish group reanalyses miscarriage in NSAID users 328:109 (L) Nieto-Cabrera R, see Espinosa-Brito A 328:166 Nigeria see also Africa polio vaccination campaign boycott (F Fleck) 328:485 (N) postponed (A Raufu) 328:1278 (N) traditional rulers call for halt (A Raufu) 328:306 (N) Ninewells Hospital, Gehry cancer centre wins building award (A Ferriman) 328:1453 (N) Nishtar S, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:837 (L) nitrous oxide, toxicity after intermittent inhalation for analgesia (M Doran, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:1364 (C) no fault compensation, New Zealand, access widened (B Burton) 328:729 (N) nocturia, management (SP Marinkovic, et al) 328:1063 (C), 328:1438 (L) Nolte E et al, Measuring the health of nations: analysis of mortality amenable to health care 327:1129 (P) (correction 328:494) see McKee M 328:1025 non-absorbable disaccharides, hepatic encephalopathy, systematic review (B Als-Nielsen, et al) 328:1046 (P) non-standard grade (trust) doctors, way forward (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s9 (3 January 2004), s118 (20 March 2004) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acute renal colic treatment: systematic review (A Holdgate, et al) 328:1401 (P) Noon, Adrian, (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s17 (10 January 2004) Noone A, see Donnan PT 328:1297 Norcross AJ, see Bingley PJ 328:322 Norman GR, et al, The need for needs assessment in continuing medical education 328:999 (LP) Norman J, New system for ethics approval is unacceptable 328:1018 (L) North America see also Canada; United States Northern Ireland see also Europe poetic sectarianism (K Choudhari) 328:1414 Norton R, see Wells S 328:857 Norway see also Europe breast cancers, incidence during introduction of nationwide screening (P-H Zahl, et al) 328:921 (P) nose bleeds, risperidone and (M Harrison-Woolrych, et al) (Drug points) 328:1416 (P) nuclear warfare, medical response to radiation incidents and radionuclear threats (I Turai, et al) 328:568 (C), 328:1074 (L), 328:1075 (L) Nundy S Endpiece. Knowledge and comfort 328:860 see Ahmed M 328:782 see Bhutta ZA 328:777 see Singhal D 328:789 nurse practitioners, impact on workload of GPs (MGH Laurant, et al) 328:927 (PC) nursing asthma, specialist nurse intervention to reduce unscheduled care in deprived multiethnic area: east London ELECTRA trial (C Griffiths, et al) 328:144 (PC) US, shortage and ER depiction 328:51 (L) Nssle K, see Hetzel M 328:1051 Nutt DJ, see Davies SJC 328:939 Nwokoro C, see Davies P 328:203 Nygren-Krug, Helena, interview with (G Watts) 328:730 (N)
Oakley A, see Thomas J 328:1010 Oakman, Nicholas Mark Alma, Obituary (S Harris) 328:900 berg E, et al, Treating inguinal hernias 328:403 (L) Obertelli, Andrea, Obituary (P Galli) 328:1442 obesity see also eating disorders children
carbonated drinks (J James, et al) 328:1237 (PC) (correction, 1236) parents are key 328:169 (L) select committee castigated (T Sanders) (The Press) 328:1503 (R) Commons committee slates inaction (T Villanueva) 328:1335 (N) effectiveness evidence (A Jain) 328:1327 (E) epidemic, comparison with tobacco (M Chopra, et al) 328:1558 (ED) liposuction, metabolic benefits of weight loss (S Gottlieb) 328:1457 (N) sexual function and exercise (S Gottlieb) 328:1517 (N) Super Size Me (C Veltman) (Film) 328:1266 (R) UK government task force (S Mayor) 328:363 (N) US, wins more time to lobby against WHO diet plan (O Dyer) 328:245 (N) WHO global plan (F Fleck) 328:1278 (N) OBrien A, see Kumar S 328:1002 OBrien, Anthony, (B Chapman) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s8 (3 January 2004) OBrien, Bernard ("Bernie") John, Obituary (M Buxton) 328:960 OBrien G, Treatment of unilateral visual impairment on preschool vision screening 328:348 (L) obstetrics clinical risk management: eclampsia drills (S Thompson, et al) 328:269 (Q) (correction, 762) forceps delivery (RR Patel, et al) 328:1302 (C) gender gap in undergraduate experience and performance (J Higham, et al) 328:142 (P) RCOG mentoring scheme (P Bowen-Simpkins, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s56 (7 February 2004) occupational exposure, asbestos, mesothelioma radical surgery (T Treasure, et al) 328:237 (E) occupational health see also work pregnancy and safety risks (J Smith) BMJ Careers 328:s168 (24 April 2004) occupational medicine, career advice for GPs (K Wlodarczyk, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s73 (21 February 2004) Oceania see also Australia; New Zealand OConnor AM, see Tugwell P 328:1362, 328:1425 OConnor JPB Objective assessment of technical skills in surgery 328:403 (C) et al, Academic medicine: time for reinvention 328:45 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Oddi S, Prejudiced, poignant, pathetic, or publishable? BMJ Careers 328:s119 (20 March 2004) Odigwe C Children say they are not involved enough in their treatment 328:600 (N) Despite all odds, NHS staff are happy with their jobs 328:662 (N) Domestic violence (Website of the week) 328:649 (R) Drug resistant tuberculosis soars in eastern Europe 328:663 (N) Researchers find no link between vaccination and type 1 diabetes 328:854 (N) Odouli R, see Li D-K 328:108 ODwyer ST, see Renehan AG 328:81 oestrogen, mental function in older women (JH Tanne) 328:1514 (N) Offman HR, The essence remains unchanged 328:691 Ogilvie D, see Thomson H 328:282 Oh DK, see Kim HC 328:983 OHerlihy A, see Worrall A 328:867 Olchanski NV, see Greenberg D 328:1536 OLeary VB, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Olekas, Juozas, interview with (K Krosnar) 328:310 (N) Oliver S, see Thomas J 328:1010 Olivieri, Nancy deferiprone and thalassaemia major (J Savulescu) 328:358 (E) vows to fight on (C Dyer) 328:187 (N) Omari A, et al, Extracts from Clinical Evidence Concise". Severe life threatening malaria in endemic areas 328:154 (C) omega 3 fatty acids, cardiovascular diseases and: fish oils as natural treatment (JN Din, et al) 328:30 (C), 328:406 (L), 328:407 (L) on call, swapping shifts guide (K Shokrollahi) BMJ Careers 328:s137 (3 April 2004) Ong, Guan Bee, Obituary (J Parry) 328:771 Onions H, see Mohammed MA 328:1474 Onopa J, see Gertsch JH 328:797 open access publishing see also publishing could reduce cost of scientific publishing (S Mayor) 328:1094 (N) PLOS Biology (N Turner) (Journals) 328:56 (R) takes off (T Delamothe, et al) 328:1 (E) ophthalmology, ABC of eyes, Glaucoma-1: Diagnosis (PT Khaw, et al) 328:97 (C) (correction, 762) OReilly DA, et al, Management of acute pancreatitis 328:968 (E) orf, contact with sheep (S Rajagopalan, et al) (Minerva) 328:1506 (R) organ transplantation see also transplantation thousands of families to sue over retained organs (C Dyer) 328:184 (N) (correction, 384), 328:642 (L) organisational downsizing, sick leave and mortality (J Vahtera, et al) 328:555 (P) Orioli IM, see Amorim MR 328:84 Orr DJA, see Murphy SM 328:757 Orrell M, see Selwood A 328:120 orthopaedics, retraining: scary but worth it (C Bulstrode) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s117 (20 March 2004) Osborn A Doctors charged with planning to kill a patient for his kidneys 328:1092 (N) Half of Russias doctors face sack in healthcare reforms 328:1092 (N) Human rights group accuses Russian government of hampering efforts to tackle HIV/AIDS 328:1154 (N) Osborne RH, see Haines TP 328:676 Osdigwe C, Websites on South Asian health (Websites) 328:842 (R) Osmond, Humphry, Obituary (JH Tanne) 328:713 osteoarthritis, corticosteroid injections for osteoarthritis of knee (B Arroll, et al) 328:869 (PC) otitis media, adenoidectomy v. chemoprophylaxis in children aged under 2 years (P Koivunen, et al) 328:487 (P) out of hours care, GPs reluctant to cover (N Koralage) 328:247 (N) Ovens L, No time to train surgeons 328:1134 (L) over-the-counter drugs see drugs, non-prescription overseas doctors see also doctors
JanuaryJune 2004
adapting to British culture (R Mehta, et al) (Advice) BMJ Careers 328:s273 (19 June 2004) are you ready to work in UK? (C Arakelian) (Job hunting) BMJ Careers 328:s269 (19 June 2004) clinical attachments guide (U Prabhu) (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s263 (19 June 2004) positive experience (H Alshafey) (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s265 (19 June 2004) supervision (EB Turya) (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s262 (19 June 2004) time for change (A Rich, et al) (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s264 (19 June 2004) Clinical Experience Scheme (P Trafford) BMJ Careers 328:s279 (26 June 2004) curriculum vitae writing tips (EB Turya) (Job hunting) BMJ Careers 328:s266 (19 June 2004) ethics of international recruitment policy (D Carlisle) 328:1218 (N) GMC revalidation (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s255 (19 June 2004) GMC view (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s254 (19 June 2004) how can deaneries help (G Wright) BMJ Careers 328:s258 (19 June 2004) human resources perspective on PLAB dilemma (J Adsett) BMJ Careers 328:s259 (19 June 2004) hurdle race (G Aparna) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s105 (13 March 2004) interview and travel expenses (T Syed) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s270 (19 June 2004) key points (S Maboob) BMJ Careers 328:s250 (19 June 2004) making decision to come to UK (S Dosani, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s253 (19 June 2004) misinformation, poverty and (S Alcock) BMJ Careers 328:s219 (29 May 2004), s274 (19 June 2004) Modernising Medical Careers and (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s256 (19 June 2004) opinions on problems (M Arafa) BMJ Careers 328:s243 (19 June 2004) PLAB: myth and reality (RI Ahmed) (Advice) BMJ Careers 328:s272 (19 June 2004) PLAB (S Dosani, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s260 (19 June 2004) postgraduate medical education and overseas doctors (R MacDonald) (Interview) BMJ Careers 328:s257 (19 June 2004) setting scene (P Trewby, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s244 (19 June 2004) updated quick guide to working in UK (J Constable) BMJ Careers 328:s245 (19 June 2004) Oworu O, Do you Trust these posts? BMJ Careers 328:s119 (20 March 2004) Oxford Vascular Study, see Coull AJ 328:326
pacemaker induced ventricular fibrillation, coronary care units (AA McLeod, et al) 328:1249 (C) Padala PR, et al, Discitis with a paravertebral abscess (Minerva) 328:1024 (R) paediatric haematology, career advice (I Roberts, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s43 (31 January 2004) paediatrics on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:529 (R) rising child abuse complaints (N Koralage) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s159 (17 April 2004), s208 (22 May 2004) Pai S, Munnabhai M.B.B.S (Film) 328:841 (R) pain see also analgesia acute and chronic, review of topical rubefacients containing salicylates (L Mason, et al) 328:995 (PC) chronic, topical capsaicin efficacy and safety (L Mason, et al) 328:991 (PC) hip and knee: ABC of rheumatology (AJ Hamer) 328:1067 (C) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:56 (R), 328:1081 (R) Pain:Passion,Compassion,Sensibility (V Katikireddi) (Exhibition) 328:468 (R) Pain: The Science and Culture of Why We Hurt (Jackson) (Books) 328:961 (R) Pais, Elizabeth, Obituary (WA Pais) 328:1322 Pakistan see also Asia Abdul Sattar Edhi interview (K Ahmad) 328:790 (N) cricket v. India: analysis of results (K Abbasi, et al) 328:800 (P), 328:1500 (L) depression, prevalence and treatment (I Mirza, et al) 328:794 (P) Palazzo FF, et al, Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy 328:849 (E) (correction, 1066) Palestine see also Asia health worker sentenced to death in Libya (K Krosnar) 328:1153 (N) palliative care see also death cancer, what do patients want to be told? (P Kirk, et al) 328:1343 (P) funding, home care to get further funds (K Burke) 328:544 (N) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:716 (R) services should have higher priority, says NICE (Z Kmietowicz) 328:725 (N) Palmer, David Leslie, Obituary (R Hart) 328:527 Palmieri C, et al, Hypocalcaemia after intravenous bisphosphonate 328:1439 (L) Palo J, Why did my colleagues turn to crime? (Personal view) 328:1083 (R) Paltiel O, et al, Cancer after pre-eclampsia: follow up of the Jerusalem perinatal study cohort 328:919 (P) Panahloo Z, Data on neuraminidase inhibitors were made available 328:523 (L) pancreatic cancers, surgery then chemotherapy (S Gottlieb) 328:661 (N) pancreatitis hospital admission: database study of incidence and mortality (MJ Goldacre, et al) 328:1466 (P) management of (DA OReilly, et al) 328:968 (E) parenteral v. enteral nutrition (PE Marik, et al) 328:1407 (P) Pandilwar C, see Gada S BMJ Careers 328:s178 Pandolfini C, see Bonati M 328:227 panic, The Nature of Panic (S Dosani) (Art) 328:410 (R) Panja A Apple crumble or a selection from the sweet trolley? 328:268 The death of the white coat (Personal view) 328:57 (R) Endpiece. Knowledge 328:446 May 33rd (TV) 328:1082 (R) Papini R, see Hettiaratchy S 328:1555
Paranjothy S, see Thomas J 328:665 parathyroidectomy, hyperparathyroidism treatment (FF Palazzo, et al) 328:849 (E) (correction, 1066) parent-child relations, key to reducing obesity in children 328:169 (L) parenteral nutrition, acute pancreatitis, comparison with enteral nutrition (PE Marik, et al) 328:1407 (P) Parfenova N, see Sparn P 328:11 Park A, et al, Clinical biochemistry BMJ Careers 328:s153 (17 April 2004) Parker G, see Wlodarczyk K BMJ Careers 328:s73 Parker M, see Lucassen AM 328:952 Parker MR, Critical care outreach teams effect on patient outcome 328:347 (L) Parker WH, Hysterectomy and sexual wellbeing 328:107 (L) Parkhurst JO AIDS Africa (Books) 328:1081 (R) "Letting Them Die" (Books) 328:1081 (R) Parkinsons disease, who should look after people? (R Kale, et al) 328:62 (E) Parmar B, et al, Blow out fracture (Minerva) 328:532 (R) Parmar MS Joy of rapid responses 328:644 (L) Kidney stones 328:1420 (C) Lesson of the week. Recurrent hypoglycaemia in a diabetic patient as a result of unexpected renal failure 328:883 (C) (correction, 1170) South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:838 (L) paroxetine, GlaxoSmithKline staff told not to publicise ineffectiveness (D Spurgeon) 328:422 (N) Parrott S, et al, ABC of smoking cessation. Economics of smoking cessation 328:947 (C) Parry J Chinese authorities on alert as SARS breaks out again 328:1034 (N) Death toll mounts in avian flu outbreak 328:243 (N) Mortality from avian flu is higher than in previous outbreak 328:368 (N) WHO confirms avian flu outbreak in Hanoi 328:123 (N) WHO confirms SARS in Chinese journalist 328:65 (N) WHO investigates possible human to human transmission of avian flu 328:308 (N) part time work, GPs (G Easton) BMJ Careers 328:s67 (14 February 2004) partnership, progression to AIDS or death in antiretroviral therapy patients: Swiss cohort study (J Young, et al) 328:15 (P) Parving H-H, see Hovind P 328:1105 Pasha O, see Fikree FF 328:823 Passa P, see Marre M 328:495 passive smoking see also smoking "never smokers living with smokers: two cohort studies (SE Hill, et al) 328:988 (P) public ban and myocardial infarction admissions, before and after study (RP Sargent, et al) 328:977 (P), 328:1379 (L), 328:1380 (L) UK, hospitality industry mortality (R Coombes) 328:1222 (N), 328:1568 (L) Patel A et al, Training care givers of stroke patients: economic evaluation 328:1102 (P) see Kalra L 328:1099 Patel D, see Mohammed MA 328:1474 Patel KJ, Passing PLAB 2 (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s261 (19 June 2004) Patel RR, et al, Forceps delivery in modern obstetric practice 328:1302 (C) Patel, Trupti Roy Meadow, GMC charges over evidence given in child death cases (O Dyer) 328:9 (N) suspected mothers might be dealt with outside criminal system (C Dyer) 328:425 (N) Patel V, et al, Effect of maternal mental health on infant growth in low income countries: new evidence from South Asia 328:820 (ED) Paterson, Colin, accused of misrepresenting child abuse evidence (O Dyer) 328:187 (N) patient admission see also bed occupancy age, death and: retrospective cohort study (T Dixon, et al) 328:1288 (P) electronic bookings by 2005 (R Coombes) 328:1157 (N) pancreatitis, database study of incidence and mortality (MJ Goldacre, et al) 328:1466 (P) trends in admissions and deaths in English NHS hospitals (Dr Fosters case notes) 328:855 patient care, using industrial processes (T Young, et al) 328:162 (ED) patient discharge acute coronary syndromes, hospital rates 1990-2000 (NF Murphy, et al) 328:1413 (P) when to. Endpiece (JH Baron) 328:1342 patient information effect of leaflets to empower patients in consultations in primary care (P Little, et al) 328:441 (PC) rise and fall of the health glossies (J Lyall) (The Press) 328:1444 (R) patient participation see also doctor-patient relations BestTreatments launch 328:724 Childrens Voices: CHI report (C Odigwe) 328:600 (N) Commission for Patient and Public Involvement (M Gould) 328:424 (N) elderly, responsiveness in patient centred NHS (DR Rowland, et al) 328:4 (E), 328:350 (L) "expert patient": dream or nightmare? (J Shaw, et al) 328:723 (E) importance of patient pressure and perceived pressure and perceived medical need for investigations, referral, and prescribing in primary care (P Little, et al) 328:444 (PC) partners: telling it how it is. A memorable patient (P Keech) 328:918 Patients, Power and Responsibility: The First Principles of Consumer-Driven Reform (Spiers) (Books) 328:54 (R) prostate cancer management: discrete choice experiment (M Sculpher, et al) 328:382 (P) public involvement in health care (D Florin, et al) 328:159 (ED), 328:462 (L) What is the Real Cost of More Patient Choice? (Appleby, et al) (Books) 328:54 (R) patient records see medical records patient satisfaction, palliative care, what do cancer patients want to be told? (P Kirk, et al) 328:1343 (P) patients doctor within. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:1426 expectations of consultations (N Britten) 328:416 (E)
expulsion from hospital. Endpiece 328:342 first generation of e-patients (T Fergusson, et al) 328:1148 (E), 328:1564 (L) internet and patients experience of cancer (S Ziebland, et al) 328:564 (IP), 328:898 (L) Massachusetts General Hospital, learning from e-patients (J Lester, et al) 328:1188 (ED) smoking, stigma, shame, and blame experienced by lung cancer patients (A Chapple, et al) 328:1470 (PC) Patnick J et al, Health needs of women who have sex with women 328:464 (L) see Banks E 328:1291 Paturot D, see Sparn P 328:11 Patz JA, Global warming 328:1269 (E) Paul M et al, lactam monotherapy versus lactam-aminoglycoside combination therapy for sepsis in immunocompetent patients: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials 328:668 (P) (correction, 884) see Weingarten MA 328:1013 "payment by results", NHS finance (J Dixon) 328:969 (E) Payne H, see Sculpher M 328:382 Payne M, see Black N 328:1478 Pearce N, et al, Genetics, race, ethnicity, and health 328:1070 (ED) Pearce, Roger, Obituary (R Palmer) 328:232 Peat JK, see Toelle BG 328:386 Peatfield R, A revised classification of headache disorders 328:119 (E) Peatfield T, see Blakemore C 328:1017 Pechacek TF, et al, Reduced incidence of admissions for myocardial infarction associated with public smoking ban: before and after study. Commentary: How acute and reversible are the cardiovascular risks of secondhand smoke? 328:980 (P), 328:1379 (L), 328:1380 (L) Peddi KK, et al, Phlegmasia caerulea dolens (Minerva) 328:1084 (R) Pedersen L, see Nielsen GL 328:109 Pedersen NL, see Hall P 328:19 Pednekar MS, see Sinha DN 328:323 peer review assessment of instruments (R Evans, et al) 328:1240 (LP) BMJ training (S Schroter, et al) 328:658 (E) doctors, review of instruments (R Evans, et al) 328:1240 (LP) health related virtual communities and electronic support groups (G Eysenbach, et al) 328:1166 (PC) improvement, whos responsible? (F Davidoff, et al) 328:657 (E) publication of reviewers names (I Dimoliatis) (Personal view) 328:1267 (R) training and quality of (S Schroter, et al) 328:673 (P) Peile E Interactive case report A 66 year old woman with breathlessness: case outcome. Commentary: Clinical reasoning 328:946 (C) Treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Commentary: n of 1 learning 328:505 (C) see Gallen D 328:1390 Pell J, see Murphy NF 328:1413 Pelletier D, see Mohr DC 328:731 pelvic floor dysfunction, biofeedback for constipation (G Bassotti, et al) 328:393 (C) Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust, mental health services are threadbare (R Dobson) 328:662 (N) Pentti J, see Vahtera J 328:555 Pepper JR, see Chikwe J 328:418 Pepys, Samuel, blood transfusion (DF Scott) 328:334 Pereira E, Transplant gardener (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s98 (6 March 2004) Perel P, et al, Research on preventing road traffic injuries in developing countries is needed 328:895 (L) Perez I see Kalra L 328:1099 see Patel A 328:1102 performance indicators falls prevention programme: effectiveness in subacute hospital setting (TP Haines, et al) 328:676 (P) inspections and transparency (G Bevan, et al) 328:598 (E) perinatal outcome, singletons and twins after assisted conception: systematic review of controlled studies (FM Helmerhorst, et al) 328:261 (P) Perquin DAM, see Helmerhorst FM 328:261 Perrett CM, et al, Drug points. Teicoplanin induced drug hypersensitivity syndrome 328:1292 (P) Perrin EC, Sexual Orientation in Child and Adolescent Health Care (Books) 328:469 (R) Perry, John Richard, Obituary (C Strachan) 328:1264 Persaud R, How to manage your boss BMJ Careers 328:s203 (22 May 2004) persistent vegetative state, US, judge finds Governor Bushs law to be unconstitutional (F Charatan) 328:1154 (N) Personal view Are we creating a health pariah class? (D Spence) 328:1141 (R), 328:1380 (L) Bioethics needs to rethink its agenda (L Turner) 328:175 (R) The death of the white coat (A Panja) 328:57 (R) Escape from normality (J Roberts) 328:962 (R) The evidence base: rock of certainty or shifting sands? (J Dewhurst) 328:963 (R), 328:1203 (L) Fall of a dictator, failure of ethics (S Jabbour) 328:115 (R) Healing in the valley of Jezreel (SP Joseph) 328:295 (R) How the internet could help Cuba more in health research (RJ Stusser) 328:1209 (R) How (not) to be a good patient (DK Sokol) 328:471 (R) I dont like Mondays (after bank holidays) (P Kirkbride) 328:1325 (R) If it was your brother (M Radhamanohar) 328:1385 (R) Is cricket the magic glue that unites South Asia? (S Shafqat, et al) 328:843 (R) Learning to live in a medical household (K Billings) 328:235 (R) Parents as well as children need protection (Anonymous) 328:775 (R) Punishment by process (A Spencer) 328:774 (R) Road Trauma, a socially accepted horror movie (G Mazairac) 328:903 (R) The role of a general medical journal (J Ana) 328:591 (R), 328:1498 (L) Saving the past: where do we stop? (A Bamji) 328:717 (R) Screening must remain a free choice (M McCartney) 328:1023 (R) Should reviewers of papers have their names published? (I Dimoliatis) 328:1267 (R)
JanuaryJune 2004
The strange world of private medicine (P Kandela) 328:355 (R) A time to live or a time to die? (Anonymous) 328:1445 (R) Treating our own (P Helliwell) 328:1505 (R) An unfinished trip through uncertainties (A Liberati) 328:531 (R) Wasting time with people (S Challand) 328:1573 (R) Whats wrong with having more than one consultant grade? (R Hayward) 328:651 (R) Why did my colleagues turn to crime? (J Palo) 328:1083 (R) Why Im a reluctant rapid responder (M Fazel) 328:413 (R), 328:644 (L), 328:645 (L) pertussis vaccination, infant vaccination and childhood asthma (A Maitra, et al) 328:925 (P) Perucca E, NICE guidance on newer drugs for epilepsy in adults 328:1273 (E) Pervaiz J, see Hafeez A 328:834 pesticides reproductive health and: evidence? (RM Sharpe, et al) 328:447 (C) self poisoning (M Eddleston, et al) 328:42 (ED) Peter R, et al, Lesson of the week. Severe hypocalcaemia after being given intravenous biphosphonate 328:335 (C), 328:1439 (L) Peterkin A, et al, Caring for Lesbian and Gay People:A Clinical Guide (Books) 328:469 (R) Peters TJ, see Bennewith O 328:1108, 328:1440 Petersen FC, see Dahle UR 328:464 Peto J Data protection, informed consent, and research 328:1029 (E), 328:1437 (L) see Treasure T 328:237 Peto R, see Doll R 328:1519 Petrovsky, Boris, Obituary (B Lichterman) 328:1381 pets, putting down and human euthanasia (R Anthony-Pillai) 328:574 Petticrew M, see Thomson H 328:282 Peyser PM, Treating inguinal hernias 328:403 (L) Pfisterer M, see Ammann P 328:1028 Pfizer, gabapentin: guilty plea but sales increase (J Lenzer) 328:1217 (N) phaeochromocytoma, diagnostic pitfalls (L Zendron, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:629 (C) pharmacogenomic strategies, criteria influencing clinical uptake (J Shah) (Recent developments) 328:1482 (C) pharmacology, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:293 (R) PhD, study tips (E Davies) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s38 (24 January 2004) Pheby DFH, Sharing electronic health records 328:1437 (L) Phillips AN, see Lundgren JD 328:253 Phillips D, see Fletcher J 328:1437 Phillips G see Donnan PT 328:1297 see Garry R 328:129 Phillips K, see Bruce D 328:687 Phillips MR, see Eddleston M 328:42 Phillips PA, Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1377 (L) photographs, skin diseases, photo diagnosis can cut waiting times (R Dobson) 328:367 (N) physician assistants, UK use (V Katikireddi) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s69 (14 February 2004) Picano E, Sustainability of medical imaging 328:578 (ED), 328:1201 (L) Pickering RM, see Cluett ER 328:314, 328:768 Pickering WG, Regularly imbibing Dickens may inspire healthfulness 328:712 (L) Piepoli M, et al, Exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure 328:711 (L) Pincock S First NHS trusts awarded foundation status 328:854 (N) Human Tissue Bill could jeopardise research, scientists warn 328:1034 (N) Initiative to exchange cancer research information is launched 328:728 (N) New HIV cases in England and Wales increase by 20% in past year 328:425 (N) Trials of two microbicides to be launched in Africa 328:786 (N) UK government endorses national exercise regimen 328:1094 (N) WMA calls for retired academics to teach in developing world 328:602 (N) Pisan M, see Mller U 328:934 placebos, success of blinding reported in randomised placebo controlled trials (D Fergusson, et al) 328:432 (P), 328:1135 (L), 328:1136 (L) plague, US, infectious diseases expert imprisoned (JH Tanne) 328:662 (N) Plant M, The alcohol harm reduction strategy for England 328:905 (E), 328:1202 (L), 328:1203 (L) Plavinskaja S, see Sparn P 328:11 Pleasant A, see Kuruvilla S 328:1193 Pless B, Road traffic injury prevention 328:846 (E) Plowe CV, et al, Sustained clinical efficacy of sulfadoxinepyrimethamine for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Malawi after 10 years as first line treatment: five year prospective study 328:545 (P) (correction, 762), 328:1259 (L), 328:1260 (L) Plunkett J, see Geddes JF 328:719, 328:1317 pneumonia amoxicillin treatment, three v. five day treatment (ISCAP Study Group) 328:791 (P) (correction, 1066), 328:1566 (L), 328:1567 (L) earlier mobilisation improves outcomes 328 (POEM*) (17 January 2003) pneumonia vaccine, children with diabetes (P Davies, et al) 328:203 (P) pneumothorax, stab in the dark. A memorable patient (BV John) 328:392 POEM* see also evidence-based medicine; fillers BNP improves outcomes in evaluation of dyspnoea 328 (29 May 2004) Breast augmentation is unlikely to affect cancer identification 328 (12 June 2004) Bupropion and telephone support helps smokers to quit 328 (21 February 2004) Data on treating bronchiolitis is severely limited 328 (5 June 2004) Discontinuing aspirin or warfarin is optional for cataract surgery 328 (3 January 2003) Donepezil is somewhat effective for Alzheimers, probably better than galantamine 328 (10 January 2003)
Earlier mobilisation improves pneumonia outcomes 328 (17 January 2003) Eradication of chronic H pylori reduces risk of gastric cancer 328 (24 April 2004) Fetal fibronectin does not affect outcomes of preterm labour (POEM*) 328 (26 June 2004) Fondaparinux is as effective and safe as unfractionated heparin for pulmonary embolism 328 (6 March 2004) Half of wrist ganglions resolve spontaneously 328 (3 April 2004) 328:1262 (L) Lipid lowering is crucial in diabetes 328 (24 January 2003) LMW heparin effective for pulmonary embolus 328 (8 May 2004) Low dose aspirin safely reduced thrombosis in polycythaemia vera 328 (10 April 2004) Lowering homocysteine did not prevent recurrent stroke 328 (22 May 2004) Many taking twice daily proton pump inhibitors can step down (POEM*) 328 (31 January 2004) Once daily valcyclovir slightly reduces the risk of transmitting HSV-2 to uninfected partners 328 (27 March 2004) One day treatment is as effective as seven to eradicate H pylori 328(13 March 2004) Progesterone IUD is effective for menorrhagia 328 (19 June 2004) Prolonged antithrombotics do not improve unstable coronary syndrome 328 (7 February 2004) Risk of suicide in bipolar disorder is least with lithium 328 (14 February 2004) Sildenafil is not effective in postmenopausal women with acquired genital sexual arousal disorder 328 (28 February 2004) Strontium reduces risk of symptomatic vertebral fracture 328 (15 May 2004) Symptomatic pulmonary embolisms predict recurrent venous thromboembolism 328 (17 April 2004) Tamsulosin is effective for renal colic 328 (20 March 2004) Use of a single course of steroids for preterm rupture of membranes 328 (1 May 2004) poisoning, self, pesticides (M Eddleston, et al) 328:42 (ED) Pokka T, see Koivunen P 328:487 polio vaccination Africa, WHO warning (F Fleck) 328:1513 (N) Nigeria campaign boycott (F Fleck) 328:485 (N) postponed (A Raufu) 328:1278 (N) traditional rulers call for halt (A Raufu) 328:306 (N) Pollock AM see Kerrison S 328:50 see Rowland DR 328:4 Pollock T, see Holdgate A 328:1401 Pollock, Thomas Millar, Obituary (S Pollock) 328:112 Poloniecki J, et al, Retrospective cohort study of false alarm rates associated with a series of heart operations: the case for hospital mortality monitoring groups 328:375 (P) polycystic ovary syndrome, electrocautery v. recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (N Bayram, et al) 328:192 (P) Poole A What to do with a medical degree if you dont want to work in the NHS part 1: considering your options BMJ Careers 328:s213 (29 May 2004) part 2: making the decision BMJ Careers 328:s227 (5 June 2004) Porter B, Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1376 (L) Poskitt KR, see Earnshaw JJ 328:1122 post-traumatic stress disorder, bmjlearning.com 328:624 Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, interviews (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s223 (5 June 2004) postmortems after termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly: retrospective cohort study (PA Boyd, et al) 328:137 (P) death of teaching autopsy 328:165 (L), 328:166 (L), 328:167 (L), 328:406 (L) Poston, Richard George Macmillan, Obituary (G Poston) 328:171 postoperative complications see also surgery, operative effects of transfusion with red cells filtered to remove leucocytes: patients undergoing major surgery (JA van Hilten, et al) 328:1281 (P) postoperative mortality see also mortality facing up to surgical deaths (MR de Leval) 328:361 (E) potassium, US intake (JH Tanne) 328:485 (N) Potokar J, see Davies SJC 328:939 Potter JF, see Williams B 328:634 Potter S, Three memorable consultations 328:998 Potts M, see Shelton JD 328:891 Poulter NR, see Williams B 328:634 Pound P, et al, Where is the evidence that animal research benefits humans? 328:514 (ED), 328:1017 (L) poverty see also socioeconomic factors asthma, specialist nurse intervention to reduce unscheduled care in deprived multiethnic area: east London ELECTRA trial (C Griffiths, et al) 328:144 (PC) cancer survival gap widens (K Burke) 328:599 (N) health inequalities and, benefit levels must increase to allow healthy living (L Eaton) 328:366 (N) Powell J NHS national programme for information technology 328:1200 (L) see Eysenbach G 328:1166 Prabhu SP, Ionising radiation in infancy and adult cognitive function 328:582 (L) Prabhu U A users guide to clinical attachments (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s263 (19 June 2004) Paediatricians as child protectors? BMJ Careers 328:s208 (22 May 2004) Prady S, see Lester J 328:1188 Prasad S, see Jacob A 328:1552 pre-eclampsia cancer risk and overview (A Taylor) 328:909 (E) follow up of Jerusalem perinatal study cohort (O Paltiel, et al) 328:919 (P) precursor of vasa praevia (A Woods, et al) (Minerva) 328:652 (R) pregnancy see also birth weight; labour ABC of smoking cessation (T Coleman) 328:575 (C) health and safety risks (J Smith) BMJ Careers 328:s168 (24 April 2004) nausea and vomiting treatment. Interactive case report contents (N Harker, et al) 328:396 (C)
presentation (N Harker, et al) 328:276 (C) (correction, 762, 1104), 328:456 (C) progression (N Harker, et al) 328:337 (C) (correction, 762) case outcome (N Harker, et al) 328:503 (C) nicotine replacement therapy and (T Coleman, et al) 328:965 (E) obstinate patient (S Kothari) 328:1473 pitfalls and work (S Flynn, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s167 (24 April 2004) resuscitation article omitted several points 328:168 (L) pregnancy complications, women with type 1 diabetes: Netherlands (IM Evers, et al) 328:915 (P) pregnancy outcome, pregnancy three years after previous operative delivery in second stage of labour (R Bahl, et al) 328:311 (P) premenstrual dysphoric disorder, dropped from Prozac product information (R Moynihan) 328:365 (N) prescriptions, drug see also drugs "arrogant doctors not to blame for variability (B Rushforth) 328:1516 (N) elderly (JH Tanne) 328:424 (N) illegible. One hundred years ago 328:1053 Indian Medical Association wants off-label prescribing (G Mudur) 328:974 (N) NICE guidance has failed to end postcode prescribing (C White) 328:1277 (N) paper will be last season (G Watts) 328:1156 (N) (correction, 329:85) patient pressure and and perceived medical need for investigations, referral, and prescribing in primary care (P Little, et al) 328:444 (PC) safety features of general practice computer systems: evaluation (B Fernando, et al) 328:1171 (PC), 328:1565 (L), 328:1566 (L) US, electronic prescribing savings (JH Tanne) 328:1155 (N) presentations, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:1081 (R) Prevention of High Altitude Illness Trial Research Group, see Gertsch JH 328:797 preventive medicine does your heart go on vacation? (E Rider) 328:890 general practice education to improve delivery systems (PA Margolis, et al) 328:388 (PC) health initiatives in poor countries 328:894 (ED) linkage of disease control programmes, Africa (DH Molyneux, et al) 328:1129 (ED) second Wanless report welcomed by public health experts (C Shannon) 328:542 (N) stroke opportunities being lost, study shows (R Dobson) 328:975 (N) Price-Forbes A, see Walji N BMJ Careers 328:s148 Prideaux D, see Worley P 328:207 primary care trusts see also general practice Audit Commission report (N Koralage) 328:974 (N) general practice disparities need to be tackled (D Singh) 328:603 (N) primary health care blood pressure, dietary advice for single high reading (P Little, et al) 328:1054 (PC) The Challenge for Primary Care (Starey) (Books) 328:233 (R) headache: acupuncture cost effectiveness (D Wonderling, et al) 328:747 (PC) trial (AJ Vickers, et al) 328:744 (PC) heart failure, influence of socioeconomic deprivation on primary care burden and treatment: Scotland (FA McAlister, et al) 328:1110 (PC) importance of patient pressure and perceived pressure and perceived medical need for investigations, referral, and prescribing in primary care (P Little, et al) 328:444 (PC) patient leaflets and patient empowerment in consultations (P Little, et al) 328:441 (PC) psychoses, early intervention for first episode (D Shiers, et al) 328:1451 (E) Ten Minutes for the Family: Systemic Interventions in Primary Care (Asen, et al, eds) (Books) 328:961 (R) Prime KP, et al, Decline in mortality in children with HIV in the UK and Ireland 328:524 (L) Prinjha S, see Ziebland S 328:564 Prior, Andrew William, Obituary (K Prior) 328:112 prisons Carandiru (W Rashid) (Film) 328:1082 (R) psychiatric patients being wrongly held (P Stephenson) 328:1095 (N) discharge from medium secure units (A Maden, et al) 328:1534 (P) Pritchard J, et al, Drug points. Guillain-Barr syndrome seen in users of isotretinoin 328:1537 private medicine see also National Health Service Canada, aboriginal clinic plans (D Spurgeon) 328:972 (N) private statins prescriptions (M Raithatha, et al) 328:400 (ED) statins, payment (M Raithatha, et al) 328:400 (ED) strange world (P Kandela) (Personal view) 328:355 (R) problem based learning, Problem-Based Learning for Health Improvement: Practical Public Health for Every Professional (Cornell, et al) (Books) 328:113 (R) problem solving techniques: part 1 (D Midmer) BMJ Careers 328:s157 (17 April 2004) techniques: part 2 (D Midmer) BMJ Careers 328:s166 (24 April 2004) Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board Nayeem Azim (A Arasu) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s282 (26 June 2004) how to pass (S Dosani, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s260 (19 June 2004) human resources perspective (J Adsett) BMJ Careers 328:s259 (19 June 2004) myth and reality (RI Ahmed) (Advice) BMJ Careers 328:s272 (19 June 2004) overseas doctors opinions (M Arafa) BMJ Careers 328:s243 (19 June 2004) passing PLAB 2 (KJ Patel, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s261 (19 June 2004) tips for job hunting after (MS Rahman) (Advice) BMJ Careers 328:s271 (19 June 2004) professions, jealousy. One hundred years ago 328:887 prognosis after cochlear implantation (RT Ramsden) 328:419 (E) melanoma: unfinished trip (A Liberati) (Personal view) 328:531 (R) project management, research and audit work management (G Lyratzopoulos, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s196 (15 May 2004) prostate cancers early localised may accelerate after 15 years (JH Tanne, et al) 328:1394 (N)
JanuaryJune 2004
management, patient preferences: discrete choice experiment (M Sculpher, et al) 328:382 (P) risk factors, ejaculation (S Gottlieb) 328:851 (N) protease inhibitors, antiretrovirals, protease inhibitors or nonnucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors (Y Yazdanpanah, et al) 328:249 (P) proton pump inhibitors, step down (POEM*) 328 (31 January 2004) Proudlove N, see Black S 328:582 Prout, Muriel Frances ("Mona"), Obituary (JM Chalmers) 328:1502 Prozac Let Them Eat Prozac (J Collier) (Books) 328:411 (R) premenstrual disease dropped from product information (R Moynihan) 328:365 (N) Psiachou-Leonard E, see Roberts I BMJ Careers 328:s43 psychiatry Cayman Islands (C Abbasian) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s187 (8 May 2004) Desiree Cox (G Yamey) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s37 (24 January 2004) Dr Mukti and Other Tales of Woe (P Sen) (Books) 328:650 (R) Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry (Fulford, et al, eds) (Books) 328:113 (R) Women in Psychiatry Special Interest Group (R Ramsay) BMJ Careers 328:s116 (20 March 2004) psychoses, early intervention for first episode psychosis (D Shiers, et al) 328:1451 (E) psychotherapy, eating disorders, recommendation (Z Kmietowcz) 328:245 (N) public health Child Public Health (M Blair, et al) (Books) 328:1384 (R) dont know what youve got till its gone 328:1568 (L) EU commissioner, David Byrne interview (R Watson) 328:1096 (N) making interventions more evidence based (B Kirkwood) 328:966 (E) printing error reveals effectiveness (O Brborovic) 328:874 Ron LaPorte interview on telepreventive medicine (G Yamey) 328:1158 (N) Your Life (A Tonks) (The Press) 328:293 (R) Public Library of Science see also electronic publishing open access publishing takes off (T Delamothe, et al) 328:1 (E) publishing see also authors; electronic publishing; journals; open access publishing; writing tropical medicine, representation of authors and editors from countries with different human development indexes (J Keiser, et al) 328:1229 (P) pulmonary embolism fondaparinux v. unfractionated heparin (POEM*) 328 (6 March 2004) LMW heparin (POEM*) 328 (8 May 2004) recurrent venous thromboembolism (POEM*) 328 (17 April 2004) pulmonary hypertension, screening, in sickle cell disease (S Gottlieb) 328:543 (N) Purcell B, et al, Effectiveness of antibiotics in preventing meningococcal disease after a case: systematic review 328:1339 (P) Purwar, Shri Ram, Obituary (R Purwar) 328:171 pyelonephritis, treatment, in children (JC Craig, et al) 328:179 (E), 328:957 (L) pyritinol, severe cholestatic hepatitis and (V Maria, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:572 (C)
Qazi S, see Awasthi S 328:1567 qualitative research, integrating with trials in systematic reviews (J Thomas, et al) 328:1010 (ED) quality, research assessment (P Glasziou, et al) 328:39 (ED) quality of health care effect of flow charts on use of blood transfusions in primary total hip and knee replacement (U Mller, et al) 328:934 (Q) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:293 (R) NHS, getting better or worse? 328:106 (L), 328:107 (L) US, surgical quality: review of Californian measures (MS Broder, et al) 328:152 (IP) quantum physics, stayin alive with (K Barraclough) (Soundings) 328:1385 (R) Quenon JL, see Michel P 328:199 questionnaires Hands-on guide to questionnaire research Administering, analysing, and reporting your questionnaire (PM Boynton) 328:1372 (ED) (correction, 329:323) Reaching beyond the white middle classes (PM Boynton, et al) 328:1433 (ED) Selecting, designing, and developing (PM Boynton, et al) 328:1312 (ED) Quickfall JA, see Katikireddi V 328:770 Quilliam, Peter, Obituary (P Quilliam, et al) 328:408 (L) Quin J Excerpts from a Family Medical Dictionary (Books) 328:1571 (R) Experiment (Books) 328:114 (R) Quinn T, see Thomson H 328:282 Quinney D, see Goodacre S 328:254 Qureshi AF, see Mendis L 328:779
Rabinowitz I, et al, Length of patients monologue, rate of completion, and relation to other components of the clinical encounter: observational intervention study in primary care 328:501 (PC) (correction, 1236) race, ethnicity and health (N Pearce, et al) 328:1070 (ED) racial discrimination see also ethnic groups Blofeld report, Reid refuses to accept all recommendations (M Gould) 328:423 (N) (correction, 563) BMA settles cases (O Dyer) 328:1154 (N) Rajendra Chaudhary wins a3815 000 from BMA (C Dyer) 328:786 (N) consultants, characteristics of distinction award holders in England and Wales (TW Lambert, et al) 328:1347 (P) NHS institutional racism report (M Gould) 328:367 (N) prejudices of good people (A Esmail) 328:1448 (E) Rackow, Francis Isidore, Obituary (M Hodkinson) 328:1264 Radford T, Korean scientists clone 30 human embryos 328:421 (N) Radhamanohar M, If it was your brother (Personal view) 328:1385 (R) radiation exposure
Chernobyl fallout, thyroid cancers increase in women (R Dobson) 328:1394 (N) cognitive function in adulthood and low doses in infancy: Sweden (P Hall, et al) 328:19 (P), 328:581 (L), 328:582 (L) medical response to radiation incidents and radionuclear threats (I Turai, et al) 328:568 (C), 328:1074 (L), 328:1075 (L) sustainability of medical imaging (E Picano) 328:578 (ED), 328:1201 (L) Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, see Soares HP 328:22 radiology, career advice (B Kelly) BMJ Careers 328:s63 (14 February 2004) radiotherapy, breast cancers, surgery in early stages should be followed by radiotherapy (S Gottlieb) 328:186 (N) Raffle AE, Cervical screening 328:1272 Raffle, Philip Andrew Banks, Obituary (WM Dixon, et al) 328:900 Rahman A, see Patel V 328:820 Rahman MS, From PLAB test to job: some practical considerations (Advice) BMJ Careers 328:s271 (19 June 2004) Raine R, et al, General practitioners perceptions of chronic fatigue syndrome and beliefs about its management, compared with irritable bowel syndrome: qualitative study 328:1354 (PC) Raithatha N, et al, Paying for statins 328:400 (ED) Raja A, see Ahmed M 328:782 Rajagopalan S, et al, Cutaneous orf caused by contact with sheep (Minerva) 328:1506 (R) Rajapaksa LC, see Basnyat B 328:781 Rajpara SM, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:837 (L) Ralston JD, et al, Patients experience with a diabetes support programme based on a interactive electronic medical record: qualitative study 328:1159 (P) Rambihar VS, Hit for six 328:1500 (L) Ramchandani P, Treatment of major depressive disorder in children and adolescence 328:3 (E), 328:524 (L), 328:525 (L), 328:711 (L) Ramesh P, et al, Q&A. Blocked ears and flying 328:708 ramipril cardiovascular and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetes (M Marre, et al) 328:495 (PC) (correction, 686) conundrum of HOPE study 328:167 (L) Ramos JD, Infopoints. International online discussion lists on chronic myelogenous leukaemia 328:1177 (IP) Ramsay R, Women in Psychiatry Special Interest Group BMJ Careers 328:s116 (20 March 2004) Ramsay-Baggs P, see Gallagher JR 328:644 Ramsden RT, Prognosis after cochlear implantation 328:419 (E) randomised controlled trials see also clinical trials bad reporting does not mean bad methods: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group study (HP Soares, et al) 328:22 (P), 328:286 (L) complex interventions: how out of control"? (P Hawe, et al) 328:1561 (ED) descriptive survey of UK trials 1980-2002: 328:49 (L) evaluation of health effects of social interventions (H Thomson, et al) 328:282 (ED) extending CONSORT overview (MJ Campbell) 328:654 (E) extension (MK Campbell, et al) 328:702 (ED) success of blinding reported in placebo controlled trials (D Fergusson, et al) 328:432 (P), 328:1135 (L), 328:1136 (L) Ranmuthugala G, see Murshed R 328:493 rashes, and acute nephritic syndrome due to candesartan (A Morton, et al) (Drug points) 328:25 Rashid W, Carandiru (Film) 328:1082 (R) Raski R, see Koivunen P 328:487 Rassam SMB, see Bowcock SJ 328:1430 Rassam SS, see Doran M 328:1364 Rathbone A, see Mohammed MA 328:1474 rats, trichophyton mentagrophytes infections from (JE Gach, et al) (Minerva) 328:1142 (R) RATS Group, see Pound P 328:514 Raufu A Nigeria postpones programme of polio immunisation 328:1278 (N) Traditional rulers in northern Nigeria call for halt to polio vaccination 328:306 (N) Ravichandran G, see Wardrope J 328:722 Rawdon S, Role of next of kin in accessing health records of deceased relatives. Commentary: needs of the living should come first 328:954 (ED) Rawle, Diane, Obituary (M Rawle) 328:171 Ray S, et al, Secondary prevention for stroke and transient ischaemic attacks 328:896 (L) Rayatt S, see Hudspith J 328:1487 Read C, Climate Change and Human Health (Books) 328:1324 (R) Recent advances, cataract surgery customisation (M Woodcock, et al) 328:92 (C) Recent developments, Criteria influencing the clinical uptake of pharmacogenomic strategies (J Shah) 328:1482 (C) recombinant follicle stimulating hormone, polycystic ovary syndrome, comparison with electrocautery (N Bayram, et al) 328:192 (P) Reddy KS, see Ghaffar A 328:807, 328:1499 Redpath A see McAlister FA 328:1110 see Murphy NF 328:1413 Reece RM, The evidence base for shaken baby syndrome 328:1316 (L) Reed LJ, et al, Prescription of heroin to treatment resistant heroin addicts 328:228 (L) Reene TS, see Palazzo FF 328:850 Rees RW see Thomas J 328:1010 see Vickers AJ 328:744 Reeves G, see Banks E 328:1291 Reeves, Graham, doctors suspended for removing wrong kidney (O Dyer) 328:246 (N) refeeding syndrome, underdiagnosed (SD Hearing) 328:908 (E) referrals see also consultations importance of patient pressure and perceived pressure and perceived medical need for investigations, referral, and prescribing in primary care (P Little, et al) 328:444 (PC) private medicine: strange world (P Kandela) (Personal view) 328:355 (R) refugees doctors Clinical Experience Scheme (P Trafford) BMJ Careers 328:s279 (26 June 2004) helping gain entry into NHS (R Chambers) BMJ Careers 328:s281 (26 June 2004) Scottish programme (F Dorrian) BMJ Careers 328:s280 (26 June 2004) GPs need training and funding 328:770 (L)
HIV and tuberculosis screening (R Coker) 328:298 (E), 328:897 (L) integrating health care for mothers and children (A Hafeez, et al) 328:834 (ED) (correction, 1236) new developments in refugee medicine (P Cross, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s283 (26 June 2004) post-immigration refugee medicine (KM Adams, et al) 328:1548 (C) trafficking and health (J Busza, et al) 328:1369 (ED) Reich V, et al, Preserving todays scientific record for tomorrow 328:61 (E) Reid R, see Bruce D 328:687 Reilly DT, No time to train surgeons 328:1133 (L) Reis S, see Rabinowitz I 328:501 relatives, role of next of kin in accessing health records of deceased relatives (AM Lucassen, et al) 328:952 (ED) religion and medicine Cotswold churches (K Barraclough) (Soundings) 328:591 (R) spiritual relief. A memorable patient (S Hull) 328:815 remuneration doctors BMA frustration at pay award for doctors on old contract (Z Kmietowicz) 328:663 (N) financial incentives (MA Rodwin) 328:1328 (E) renal centres, documenting life (L Eaton) 328:544 (N) renal colic, tamsulosin (POEM*) 328 (20 March 2004) renal medicine, career advice (A Chesser) BMJ Careers 328:s23 (17 January 2004) Renehan AG, et al, Cost effectiveness analysis for intensive versus conventional follow up after curative resection for colorectal cancer 328:81 (P) Renton, Peter, Obituary (S Rubin) 328:352 repetitive strain disorder, Constructing RSI: Belief and Desire (P Croft) (Books) 328:354 (R) reports, writing (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s28 (17 January 2004) reproduction see also infertility environmental chemicals and: evidence? (RM Sharpe, et al) 328:447 (C) research see also academic medicine; Medical Research Council applying for posts (K Maruthachalam) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s209 (22 May 2004) assessing ethics of trials in systematic reviews (MA Weingarten, et al) 328:1013 (ED) BMJ, honesty box for research warts 328:1320 (L) CHAIN evaluation: bridging gap between research and practice (J Russell, et al) 328:1174 (IP), 328:1564 (L) commercial straitjacket interview (S Mayor) 328:1036 (N) conflict of interest statement and reader perceptions of credibility (S Schroter, et al) 328:742 (P) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease groups fail to reach agreement on protocol (O Dyer) 328:603 (N) data protection, informed consent and (J Peto, et al) 328:1029 (E), 328:1437 (L) drug industry sponsorship: new Cochrane policy tightens limits (J Lenzer) 328:976 (N) Experiment: Conversations in Art and Science (Arends, et al, eds) (Books) 328:114 (R) funding, extra a3100m by 2008 (H Khwaja) 328:728 (N) how PR firms use research to sell products (P Boynton, et al) (The Press) 328:530 (R) Human Tissue Bill, scientists warning (S Pincock) 328:1034 (N) improvement 328:47 (L) integrating qualitative research with trials in systematic reviews (J Thomas, et al) 328:1010 (ED) neurosciences, bodies disappointed by decision to cancel primate research laboratory (S Mayor) 328:306 (N) project management (G Lyratzopoulos, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s196 (15 May 2004) public health, making interventions more evidence based (B Kirkwood) 328:966 (E) quality assessment (P Glasziou, et al) 328:39 (ED) researchers ancillary ethical responsibilities (L Belsky, et al) 328:1494 (ED) resuscitating clinical research in UK 328:48 (L), 328:49 (L), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) Save European research campaign 328:286 (L), 328:522 (L) south-east Asia, importance (R Sadana) 328:826 (ED), 328:1497 (L) threat in UK (R Nicholson) 328:1212 (E) UK governance strategy 328:49 (L), 328:50 (L) What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative (Callahan) (Books) 328:1140 (R) research fraud Australia, Bruce Hall allowed to relocate (C Zinn) 328:66 (N) Britain prefers talk to action 328:229 (L) Rajit Kumar Chandra, three journals raise doubts on validity of studies (C White) 328:67 (N) (correction, 257), 328:465 (L) Finland, financial misappropriation (J Palo) (Personal view) 328:1083 (R) journal editors, right priorities? 328:230 (L) respiratory diseases 13th annual conference of European Respiratory Society. Medscape conference coverage 328:209 south-east Asia, burden of non-communicable diseases (A Ghaffar, et al) 328:807 (C), 328:1499 (L) respiratory syncytial virus infections, prevention in infants (J Handforth, et al) 328:1026 (E) respiratory tract infections burns in children from steam inhalation (SM Murphy, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:757 (C) infants, metapneumovirus (S Gottlieb) 328:246 (N) resuscitation brother (M Radhamanohar) (Personal view) 328:1385 (R) disabled, London hospital to face High Court (C Dyer) 328:125 (N) pregnancy, article omitted several points 328:168 (L) saline v. albumin in critically ill (S Mayor) 328:852 (N) retina, perimacular retinal folds from childhood head trauma (PE Lantz, et al) (Evidence based case report) 328:754 (C) retinopathy, ocular and systemic causes in patients without diabetes mellitus (J Venkatramani, et al) 328:625 (C) retirement, Scotland, general practice, GPs willingness to take part in post-retirement retention scheme (M Chambers, et al) 328:329 (PC) revalidation general practitioners, randomised comparison of two revalidation models (D Bruce, et al) 328:687 (LP), 328:1077 (L) purpose needs to be clear (T van Zwanenberg) 328:684 (LP) Reveiz L, If it doesnt work, stop it 328:1015 (L) Revere D, see Ralston JD 328:1159 Reviewing Animal Trials Systematically (RATS) Group, see Pound P 328:514
JanuaryJune 2004
Revill S, see Goodacre S 328:254 Reynolds EH, The Brainstorms Village (Books) 328:715 (R) Reynolds S, et al, Interactive case report, Treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Commentary: Patients perspective 328:504 (C) rheumatology ABC of rheumatology Low back pain (C Speed) 328:1119 (C) Pain in the hip and knee (AJ Hamer) 328:1067 (C) Riaz R, see Hafeez A 328:834 Riaz U, Treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:955 (L) ribbon campaigns development (R Coombes) (The Press) 328:589 (R) making us loopy? (M Fitzpatrick) 328:588 (R) Rich A, et al, Clinical attachmentstime for a change (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s264 (19 June 2004) Richards, Brian, Obituary (L Mather, et al) 328:352 Richards M, et al, Cognitive ability in childhood and cognitive decline in mid-life: longitudinal birth cohort study 328:552 (P) Richards T, Exchanging health lessons globally 328:239 (E) Richardson, Barbora, Obituary (G Livingston) 328:527 Richardson HS, see Belsky L 328:1494 Richardus JH, see Smith WCS 328:1459 Richens J, ABC of sexually transmitted infections. Main presentations of sexually transmitted infections in men 328:1251 (C) Rickards A, see Gibbs JL 328:611 Rickenbach M, see Young J 328:15 Rickli H, see Ammann P 328:1028 Rickman N, see Fenn P 328:417 Rider E, Does your heart go on vacation? 328:890 Rigau D, see Borja J 328:1567 Rigby M, see Russell J 328:1174 Rigby MJ, Is the NHS getting better or worse? 328:106 (L) Riley DR, see Walji N BMJ Careers 328:s148 Riley T, see Hawe P 328:1561 Ring A, et al, Do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise general practitioners for somatic treatment? A qualitative study 328:1057 (PC), 328:1319 (L) Ringwald P, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for uncomplicated falciparum malaria 328:1259 (L) Riordan DC, Interaction strategies of lesbian, gay and bisexual healthcare practitioners in the clinical examination of patients: qualitative study 328:1227 (P), 328:1567 (L) Risdon RA, see Harding B 328:720 risk assessment, spinal injuries after trauma (J Wardrope, et al) 328:721 (E) risk factors anxiety, treatment in Pakistan (I Mirza, et al) 328:794 (P) breast cancers daily aspirin (JH Tanne) 328:1336 (N) HRT trial stopped early (C Dyer) 328:305 (N) cancers after pre-eclampsia overview (A Taylor) 328:909 (E) follow up of Jerusalem perinatal study cohort (O Paltiel, et al) 328:919 (P) coronary disease hormone replacement therapy (K McPherson) 328:357 (E) and social class in childhood and adulthood (S Ebrahim, et al) 328:861 (correction, 1104) (P) eclampsia drills (S Thompson, et al) 328:269 (Q) (correction, 762) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:293 (R) prostate cancers, ejaculation (S Gottlieb) 328:851 (N) schizophrenia, coeliac disease (WW Eaton, et al) 328:438 (P) (correction, 563), 328:1017 (L) stroke, early risk after transient ischaemic attack or minor stroke (AJ Coull, et al) 328:326 (PC) risperidone, nose bleeds associated with (Drug points) 328:1416 (P) Rizo C, see Eysenbach G 328:1166 RNA interference, (J Downward) (Science, medicine, and the future) 328:1245 (C) road traffic accidents alcohol limit for drink driving should be much lower 328:895 (L) (correction, 1284) Benetton safety posters for WHO (J Maskalyk) (ads) 328:902 (R) lithium use in elderly adults and (M Etminan, et al) 328:558 (P), 328:895 (L) (correction, 1284), 328:896 (L) motorcycle rider conspicuity and crash related injury (S Wells, et al) 328:857 (P) research on prevention in developing countries is needed 328:895 (L) Road Trauma: socially accepted horror movie (G Mazairac) (Personal view) 328:903 (R) safety advocacy (J Breen) 328:888 (ED), 328:1261 (L) war on roads: two years on (I Roberts, et al) 328:845 (E), 328:1260 (L) World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention overview (B Pless) 328:846 (E) summary (O Dyer) 328:851 (N) Roberts CM, Take a breakthe importance of sabbatical leave (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s28 (17 January 2004) Roberts, Griffith Wyn, Obituary (M Roberts) 328:1382 Roberts H Child Public Health (Books) 328:1384 (R) et al, Mentoring to reduce antisocial behaviour in childhood 328:512 (ED) Roberts I Saddam Husseins medical examination should not have been broadcast 328:51 et al, War on the roads: two years on 328:845 (E), 328:1260 (L) et al, Paediatric haematology BMJ Careers 328:s43 (31 January 2004) see Pound P 328:514 Roberts J Escape from normality (Personal view) 328:962 (R) see Wailoo A 328:536 Roberts, John, suspended for removing wrong kidney (O Dyer) 328:246 (N) Roberts, John Keeling, Obituary (CK Roberts) 328:772 Roberts S, see Yudkin P 328:989 Roberts SE et al, Mortality in young people admitted to hospital for diabetes: database study 328:741 (P) see Goldacre MJ 328:1466 Robertson, Sheila Anne (ne Martyn), Obituary (S Robertson) 328:1264 Robins JB, Labouring in water 328:768 (L) Robins LS, see Ralston JD 328:1159 Robinson E, see Grant VJ 328:141
Robinson K, Working in the United Arab Emirates BMJ Careers 328:s25 (17 January 2004) Rockall L, see Banks E 328:1291 Roddy E, ABC of smoking cessation. Bupropion and other nonnicotine pharmacotherapies 328:509 (C) Roderick P, Normal serum aminotransferase concentration and risk of mortality from liver diseases: prospective cohort study. Commentary: Liver function tests: defining whats normal 328:987 (P) Rodwin MA, Financial incentives for doctors 328:1328 (E) Roeder C, see Mller U 328:934 Rogers H, et al, NHS Modernisation Agencys way to improve health care 328:463 (L) Rollin, Sonia, Obituary (HR Rollin) 328:1442 Roman E, see Smith AG 328:932 Room S, Data protection, informed consent, and research 328:1437 (L) Roovers J-P, et al, Hysterectomy and sexual wellbeing 328:108 (L) Roscoe TJ, Do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise GPs for somatic treatment? 328:1319 (L) Rose G, Aid may make roads more dangerous than landmines 328:1260 (L) Rose S Death of the teaching autopsy 328:166 (L) Payment for coroners postmortem examinations 328:406 (L) Rosen AB, see Greenberg D 328:1536 Rosen R, see Dixon J 328:223 Rosen SD, see Ashrafian H 328:300 Rosenberg J, see berg E 328:403 Rosenfeld JA, The Speckled Monster (Books) 328:233 (R) Rosenthal D, see Reich V 328:61 Ross JR, et al, Systematic review of role of biphosphates on skeletal morbidity in metastatic cancer 327:469 (correction, 328:384) Rossi E, see Clavenna A 328:711 Rossing P, see Hovind P 328:1105 Rossiter A, see Flynn S BMJ Careers 328:s167 Rossiter JD, et al, Cicatricial ectropion of eyelid after repair of facial laceration (Minerva) 328:1574 (R) Rostrop, Morten, interview with (T Sheldon) 328:426 (N) Roth EA, see Chang JT 328:680 Rothwell PM, see Coull AJ 328:326 Roulston, Jim, Obituary (C Roulston) 328:647 Roumen RMH, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Rowan K, et al, Hospitals star ratings and clinical outcomes: ecological study 328:924 (P) Rowland DR, et al, Choice and responsiveness for older people in the patient centred NHS 328:4 (E), 328:350 (L) Roy M, ed, Physicians Guide to Terrorist Attack (Books) 328:1022 (R) Royal College of Anaesthetists, how to pass FRCA (S Dosani, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s218 (29 May 2004) Royal College of General Practitioners, how to pass MRCGP (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s195 (15 May 2004) (correction 328:1486) Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists how to pass MRCOG (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s228 (5 June 2004) mentoring scheme (P Bowen-Simpkins, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s56 (7 February 2004) Royal College of Paediatrics, how to pass MRCPCH and DCH (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s177 (1 May 2004) Royal College of Pathologists, how to pass MRCPath (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s237 (12 June 2004) Royal College of Physicians of London Acute Medicine: Making it Work for Patients (L Eaton) 328:1091 (N) Clinicians, Services and Commissioning in Chronic Disease Management in the NHS (S Mayor) 328:1396 (N) how to pass MRCP (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s155 (17 April 2004) Staffing Levels in Acute Medicine (D Singh) 328:1034 (N) Storing Up Problems (S Mayor) 328:363 (N) why middle aged GP sat MRCP (M Houghton) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s156 (17 April 2004) Royal College of Psychiatrists, How to pass MRCPsych (S Dosani, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s207 (22 May 2004) Royal College of Surgeons, how to pass MRCS (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 328:s165 (24 April 2004) Rozmovits L, see Ziebland S 328:564 Ruan ZX, see Xu WH 328:1285 Rubenstein LZ, see Chang JT 328:680 Rubin G, see Wallace A 328:168 Rudolph RI, Use of healthcare resources in the last six months of life 328:1201 (L) Ruggles R, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Rhland L, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204 Rushforth B "Arrogant doctors not to blame for variability in drug prescribing 328:1516 (N) Teaching medical students on the wards (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s78 (21 February 2004) Rushworth S, see Katikireddi V BMJ Careers 328:s69 Russell J Management of anorexia nervosa revisited 328:479 (E), 328:1075 (L), 328:1076 (L) et al, Soft networks for bridging the gap between research and practice: illuminative evaluation of CHAIN 328:1174 (IP), 328:1564 (L) Russia see also Europe AIDS, group accuses government of hampering efforts (A Osborn) 328:1154 (N) health services, half of doctors face sack (A Osborn) 328:1092 (N) long term mortality after starvation during siege of Leningrad: prospective cohort study (P Sparn, et al) 328:11 (P), 328:346 (L) organ transplantation, doctors charged with planning to kill patient for kidneys (A Osborn) 328:1092 (N) Rutter, Llewellyn Charles, Obituary (M Rutter) 328:527 Rwanda see also Africa AIDS, genocide survivors denied treatment (L Hilsum) 328:913 (N) Ryan L, et al, 10-minute consultation. Female dyspareunia 328:1357 (PC) Ryan M, Discrete choice experiments in health care 328:360 (E)
S S, see Gupta PC 328:1538 sabbaticals, importance (CM Roberts) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s28 (17 January 2004)
Sackett DL, Turning a blind eye 328:1136 (L) Sadana R, et al, Importance of health research in South Asia 328:826 (ED), 328:1497 (L) Sadler GP, see Palazzo FF 328:850 Saha P, Going from SAS to SpR BMJ Careers 328:s236 (12 June 2004) Sainsbury, Peter, Obituary (R Rathod) 328:1442 St Johns Ambulance Brigade, two nil. Two memorable patients (J Banks) 328:285 Sakula, Alex, Obituary (D Gibbs, et al) 328:409 (L) Salam MA, see Bhutta ZA 328:816 salicylates, topical rubefacients containing salicylates for pain treatment (L Mason, et al) 328:995 (PC) Salim A, Birth of a baby girl and social stigma 328:1563 saline, resuscitation, comparison with albumin in critically ill (S Mayor) 328:852 (N) Salmon P see Ring A 328:1057 see Wright EB 328:864, 328:1319 Salome CM, see Toelle BG 328:386 Salomon JA, et al, Comparability of self rated health: cross sectional multi-country survey using anchoring vignettes 328:258 (P) Samanta A, et al, Is epidural injection of steroids effective for low back pain? 328:1509 (E) Samanta J, see Samanta A 328:1509 Samarasinghe D, et al, Tobacco related harm in South Asia 328:780 (E) Samuel R, see Kuruvilla S 328:1193 Samuelsson S, see Purcell B 328:1339 Sandars JE, et al, How electronic communication is changing health care 328:1564 (L) Sandercock P, see Pound P 328:514 Sanders T, Select committee castigated for citing death of 3 year old girl in obesity report (The Press) 328:1503 (R) Sanderson H et al, Lessons from central Hampshire electronic health record pilot project: evaluation of the electronic health record for supporting patient care and secondary analysis 328:875 (IP) see Adams T 328:871 Sandhur H, see Murray E 328:437 Sandlow J, Pathogenesis and treatment of varicoceles 328:967 (E) (correction, 1486) Santarlasci B, see Messori A 328:405 Santesso NA, see Tugwell P 328:1362, 328:1425 Saper, Jerzy, Obituary (S Zieminska) 328:53 Sargent RP, et al, Reduced incidence of admissions for myocardial infarction associated with public smoking ban: before and after study 328:977 (P), 328:1379 (L), 328:1380 (L) SARS see severe acute respiratory syndrome Sarvesvaran, Rasaratnam ("Esha"), Obituary (C Mahendra) 328:171 Sarwal A, Endpiece. Clamming up 328:325 Sassi F, et al, Affirmative action: the lessons for health care 328:1213 (E) Saunders NJStG, see Cluett ER 328:314, 328:768 Saunders, Peter, Obituary (P Milton, et al) 328:647 Saunders SMF, Results of eVALuate study of hysterectomy techniques 328:642 (L) Savelyich BSP, see Fernando B 328:1171 Savulescu J, Thalassaemia major: the murky story of deferiprone 328:358 (E) Scales, John Tracey, Obituary (P Hampson) 328:714 scars, keloids and (TA Mustoe) 328:1329 (E) Scemama O, see Michel P 328:199 Schachter SC, The Brainstorms Village: Epilepsy in our World (Books) 328:715 (R) ScHARR, future for links pages? (D Carnall) (Website) 328:1207 (R) Schiavetti B, et al, NSAIDs during pregnancy and risk of miscarriage 328:108 (L) Schippers GM, see Emmen MJ 328:318 Schirrmeister H, see Hetzel M 328:1051 schizophrenia, coeliac disease and, Danish national registers (WW Eaton, et al) 328:438 (P) (correction, 563), 328:1017 (L) Schneeweiss S, et al, Clinical and economic consequences of a reimbursement restriction of nebulised respiratory therapy in adults: direct comparison of randomised and observational evaluations 328:560 (PC) Scholtz M, see Kuruvilla S 328:1193 schools, random drug testing fails screening criteria 328:641 (L) schools, medical see also education, medical Munnabhai M.B.B.S (S Pai) (Film) 328:841 (R) Sam Leinster (F Lynch) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s48 (31 January 2004) selection of students A levels and intelligence as predictors in UK doctors 328:585 (L) information for disabled students (R MacDonald) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s109 (13 March 2004) opening doors (S Hilton, et al) 328:1508 (E) postgraduate v. undergraduate entry schemes (D Halpenny) (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s49 (31 January 2004), s149 (10 April 2004) standardised admission ratio for measuring widening participation (K Seyan, et al) 328:1545 (LP) social class, ethnic, and sex differences in school pupils perceptions (T Greenhalgh, et al) 328:1541 (LP) Schroeder K, see Hay AD 328:1062 Schroter S et al, Authors perceptions of electronic publishing: two cross sectional surveys 328:1350 (P) et al, BMJ training for peer reviewers 328:658 (E) et al, Does the type of competing interest statement affect readers perceptions of the credibility of research? Randomised trial 328:742 (P) et al, Effects of training on quality of peer review: randomised controlled trial 328:673 (P) Schulz KF, see Altman DG 328:1135 Schwabe U, see Walley T 328:385 Schweikhart SB, see McAlearney AS 328:1162 science on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:56 (R) measurement. Endpiece 328:440 open access could reduce cost of publishing (S Mayor) 328:1094 (N) Science, medicine, and the future Is folic acid the ultimate functional food component for disease prevention? (M Lucock) 328:211 (C), 328:768 (L), 328:769 (L)
JanuaryJune 2004
Omega 3 fatty acids and cardiovascular diseasefishing for a natural treatment (JN Din, et al) 328:30 (C), 328:406 (L), 328:407 (L) RNA interference (J Downward) 328:1245 (C) Scoote M High quality research v curriculum vitae padding BMJ Careers 328:s149 (10 April 2004) et al, An update on training in cardiology BMJ Careers 328:s205 (22 May 2004) et al, How to prepare for your first specialist registrar interview BMJ Careers 328:s233 (12 June 2004) Scotland see also Europe doctors will have to register financial links to drug companies (B Christie) 328:69 (N) education, shorter training for hospital doctors and longer training for GPs recommendation (B Christie) 328:1456 (N) general practice, GPs willingness to take part in postretirement retention scheme (M Chambers, et al) 328:329 (PC) heart failure, influence of socioeconomic factors on primary care burden and treatment (FA McAlister, et al) 328:1110 (PC) refugee doctors programme (F Dorrian) BMJ Careers 328:s280 (26 June 2004) sickness certification system: qualitative study of GP views 328:88 (PC) Scott A, see Worrall A 328:867 Scott C, see Soares HP 328:22 Scott DF, Pepys and blood transfusion? 328:334 Scott F, see Maden A 328:1534 Scott JM, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Scott, Wendy, Obituary (C Beard) 328:1138 screening see also mammography abdominal aortic aneurysms in men (JJ Earnshaw, et al) 328:1122 (ED) alcohol drinking, opportunistic brief interventions in general hospitals (MJ Emmen, et al) 328:318 (P) aortic aneurysm, national screening programme (RM Greenhalgh) 328:1087 (E) breast cancers impact of use of hormone replacement therapy on false positive recall (E Banks, et al) 328:1291 (P) website presentation of possible benefits and harms (KJ Jrgensen, et al) 328:148 (IP), 328:769 (L) chlamydia, doctors demand (R Coombes) 328:1397 (N) colorectal cancers, advertising campaign on major internet search engine (CP Cooper, et al) 328:1179 (IP) drug abuse, random drug testing in schools 328:641 (L) mental disorders, US plan to screen whole population (J Lenzer) 328:1458 (N) must remain a free choice (M McCartney) (Personal view) 328:1023 (R) without evidence of efficacy (M Law) 328:301 (E), 328:521 (L) Sculpher M et al, Cost effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with standard hysterectomy: results from a randomised trial 328:134 (P) et al, Patients preferences for the management of nonmetastatic prostate cancer: discrete choice experiment 328:382 (P) Seagroatt V, et al, Hospital mortality league tables: influence of place of death 328:1235 (P) Seaton A, see Chen R 328:1380 Seguin R, see Birtwhistle RV 328:204 Sehmi KS Patterns and distribution of tobacco consumption in India 328:1498 (L) WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control has major flaw 328:958 (L), 328:1320 (L) self harm, variations in hospital management in adults in England (O Bennewith, et al) 328:1108 (P), 328:1440 (L) self management, warfarin, training for patients (E Murray, et al) 328:437 (P) (correction, 563) self poisoning, pesticides (M Eddleston, et al) 328:42 (ED) Self W, Dr Mukti and Other Tales of Woe (Books) 328:650 (R) Sellars N, Football Medicine (Books) 328:1384 (R) Selwood A, et al, Long term cognitive dysfunction in older people after non-cardiac surgery 328:120 (E) Sen A, Gram negative septicaemia and otorrhoea (Minerva) 328:718 (R) Sen P, Dr Mukti and Other Tales of Woe (Books) 328:650 (R) senior house officers education, firm foundation (D Gallen, et al) 328:1390 (E) emergency medicine (A Abhishek, et al) (A&E) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s138 (3 April 2004) mountain bike (AN Morritt) (Five things I wish Id known...) BMJ Careers 328:s59 (7 February 2004) Senior J, see Little P 328:441, 328:444 Senn SJ, Turning a blind eye 328:1135 (L) Sensky T, see Raine R 328:1354 sentinel node biopsy, established technique (RM Kell, et al) 328:1330 (E) sepsis, lactam monotherapy v. lactam-aminoglycoside in immunocompetent patients (M Paul, et al) 328:668 (P) (correction, 884) septicaemia, otorrhoea and (A Sen) (Minerva) 328:718 (R) Sethi, Karan, interview (D Singhal, et al) 328:789 (N) (correction, 1301) Sever PS, see Williams B 328:634 severe acute respiratory syndrome Canada, doctors welcome public health initiatives (B Kermode-Scott) 328:785 (N) China, breaks out again (J Parry) 328:1034 (N) Singapore, tertiary hospital outbreak linked to index patient with atypical presentation (KY Chow, et al) 328:195 (P) WHO confirms in Chinese journalist (J Parry) 328:65 (N) severe cholestatic hepatitis, induced by pyritinol (V Maria, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:572 (C) sex behaviour American Virgins:This World BBC2 (N Koralage) (TV) 328:292 (R) hysterectomy and wellbeing 328:107 (L), 328:108 (L) masturbation outcome indicator? (L Farrell) (Soundings) 328:717 (R) prostate cancers and ejaculation (S Gottlieb) 328:851 (N) vulval vestibulitis (P Munday, et al) 328:1214 (E) weight loss and (S Gottlieb) 328:1517 (N) sex characteristics medical schools class, ethnic, and sex differences in school pupils perceptions (T Greenhalgh, et al) 328:1541 (LP) standardised admission ratio for measuring widening participation (K Seyan, et al) 328:1545 (LP) obstetrics, gender gap in undergraduate experience and performance (J Higham, et al) 328:142 (P)
south-east Asia, gender in health disparity (FF Fikree, et al) 328:823 (ED) teenage health behaviour differences (B Christie) 328:1395 (N) sex ratios, healthcare occupations: population based study (VJ Grant, et al) 328:141 (P) sexual discrimination, consultants, characteristics of distinction award holders in England and Wales (TW Lambert, et al) 328:1347 (P) sexually transmitted diseases ABC of sexually transmitted infections Main presentations of sexually transmitted infections in men (J Richens) 328:1251 (C) Vaginal discharge-causes, diagnosis, and treatment (H Mitchell) 328:1306 (C) explicit ads seek to halt rise (T Jackson) (Ads) 328:412 (R) Seyan K et al, The standardised admission ratio for measuring widening participation in medical schools: analysis of UK medical school admissions by ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sex 328:1545 (LP) see Greenhalgh T 328:1541 Shafqat S, et al, Is cricket the magic glue that unites South Asia? (Personal view) 328:843 (R) Shah J, Recent developments. Criteria influencing the clinical uptake of pharmacogenomic strategies 328:1482 (C) Shah P, see Khaw PT 328:36, 328:97, 328:156, 328:644 Shah R, et al, Blisters after cryotherapy (Minerva) 328:472 (R) Shah S, see Woodcock M 328:92 Shah SU, see Hafeez A 328:834 Shah Z Endpiece. Measuring science 328:440 Endpiece. Only one good 328:143 shaken baby syndrome see also child abuse evidence base (JF Geddes, et al) 328:719 (E), 328:1316 (L), 328:1317 (L) pathological diagnosis (B Harding, et al) 328:720 (E) patterns of presentation 328:766 (L), 328:767 (L) perimacular retinal folds from childhood head trauma (PE Lantz, et al) (Evidence based case report) 328:754 (C) Shannon C Health needs of people with learning disabilities are neglected 328:1517 (N) Second Wanless report welcomed by public health experts 328:542 (N) Shannon P, Vive la difference! BMJ Careers 328:s65 (14 February 2004) Shannon SI, see Norman GR 328:999 Shapiro S, see Fergusson D 328:432, 328:1136 Sharland M, see Handforth J 328:1026 Sharma H et al, Combating hospital acquired infection (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s117 (20 March 2004) et al, Finger schwannoma in elderly woman (Minerva) 328:58 (R) Sharma M, see Magos A 328:1565 Sharma R Interhospital teleconsultation and referral (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s46 (31 January 2004) see Sharma H BMJ Careers 328:s46, s117 Sharma S, Objective assessment of technical skills in surgery 328:403 (L) Sharp N A bad smell (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s240 (12 June 2004) Dada, dada? (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s160 (17 April 2004) Davids new haircut (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s170 (24 April 2004) Diggers by the doctors residence (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s230 (5 June 2004) Errors of judgement (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s284 (26 June 2004) Garden invaders (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s50 (31 January 2004) Hidden agendas (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s200 (15 May 2004) Is this the end? (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s220 (29 May 2004) Job planning (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s130 (27 March 2004) The march (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s210 (22 May 2004) Martha goes to court (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s80 (21 February 2004) Martha returns to work (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s100 (6 March 2004) New Years resolutions (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s10 (3 January 2004) A prospective partner (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s30 (17 January 2004) Public speaking (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s60 (7 February 2004) Put patients first (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s190 (8 May 2004) The rat in the residence (Soap Opera) BMJ Careers 328:s90 (28 February 2004) Results (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s120 (20 March 2004) Retraining (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s110 (13 March 2004) The return of the three wise men (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s180 (1 May 2004) Super sperm (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s140 (3 April 2004) Superman (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s150 (10 April 2004) An unwanted phone call (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s40 (24 January 2004) Valentines Day (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s70 (14 February 2004) Wanted: workaholics (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 328:s20 (10 January 2004) Sharp SM, see Wennberg JE 328:607 Sharpe RM, et al, How strong is the evidence of a link between environmental chemicals and adverse effects on human reproductive health? 328:447 (C) Shaw E, see Earnshaw JJ 328:1122 Shaw J et al, Expert patient"dream or nightmare? 328:723 (E) et al, Mental illness in people who kill strangers: longitudinal study and national clinical survey 328:734 (P) Shaw JM, Children and parents needs better information on medicines 328:525 (L) Shaw M, see Dixon T 328:1288
Shaw R, see Ham C 328:584 Shaw S, see Boynton P 328:530 Shea A, see Karminia A 328:490 Sheard, Christopher Richard, Obituary (P Sheard) 328:1020 Shee CD, see Bowcock SJ 328:1430 Sheikh A see Fernando B 328:1171 see Gatrad AR 328:330, 328:956 Shekelle PG, see Chang JT 328:680 Sheldon T Bearing witness 328:426 (N) Charity suspends work in Afghanistan after five staff are killed 328:1398 (N) Dutch government demands reimbursement for charity workers ransom 328:1516 (N) Dutch might introduce no-claim bonus for health insurance 328:660 (N) Dutch minister questions integrity of health advisers 328:1456 (N) Dutch reporting of euthanasia cases fallsdespite legal reporting requirements 328:1336 (N) Netherlands to crack down on complementary medicine 328:485 (N) Patients can be made to have HIV test to protect doctor 328:304 (N) Pressure mounts over European Working Time Directive 328:911 (N) Sheldon TA, see Roberts H 328:512 Shelton JD, et al, Partner reduction is crucial for balanced ABC approach to HIV prevention 328:891 (ED) Shenderey KD, Treating major depression in children and adolescents 328:525 (L) Shepard RM, see Sargent RP 328:977 Sheppard MN, Payment for coroners postmortem examinations 328:406 (L) Sherriff A, see Maitra A 328:925 Shestov DB see Sparn P 328:11 see Vagero D 328:346 Shiell A, see Hawe P 328:1561 Shiers D, et al, Early intervention for first episode psychosis 328:1451 (E) Shin Y, see Song Y-M 328:324 Shipley B, see Richards M 328:552 Shipman, Harold found dead in prison cell (O Dyer) 328:123 (N) GP investigation about high patient mortality after Shipman inquiry (MA Mohammed, et al) 328:1474(PC) new coroners system requires two people to verify cause of death (C Dyer) 328:727 (N) Obituary (T Jackson, et al) 328:231 ships, most useful surgical instrument (P Vincent) 328:630 Shokrollahi K, Swapping on-call shifts: a guide for junior doctor BMJ Careers 328:s137 (3 April 2004) Shroff, Minoo S, Obituary (N Siddiqui) 328:840 Shroff R, Dealing with bullying and harassment (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s259 (19 June 2004) Shu XO, see Xu WH 328:1285 Sia ATH, see Liu EHC 328:1410 Sibbald B, see Laurent MGH 328:927 sick leave, organisational downsizing and mortality (J Vahtera, et al) 328:555 (P) sick notes, Scotland, qualitative study of GP views (S Hussey, et al) 328:88 (PC), 328:461 (L) sickle cell disease, pulmonary hypertension screening (S Gottlieb) 328:543 (N) Siddique H, see Smith JC 328:215 Sidebotham P, see Fleming PJ 328:331, 328:931 Sidley P South African doctors march in protest 328:365 (N) South African health service must strengthen infection control measures 328:366 (N) Siegel-Itzkovich J, Israeli team develops new method of in vitro fertilisation 328:306 (N) Sierra Leone see also Africa media coverage of crisis (N Marks) (The Press) 328:648 (R) Sietchiping-Nzepa F, see Bassotti G 328:393 significant event auditing, advice (K Dalby) BMJ Careers 328:s173 (1 May 2004) sildenafil see viagra Silvester K, see Rogers H 328:463 Simmonds M, see Banks E 328:1291 Simon DA, et al, Management of venous leg ulcers 328:1358 (C) Simon LP, see Broder MS 328:152 Simpson CR, see McAlister FA 328:1110 Simpson, Peter, interview with (S Mayor) 328:248 (N) simvastatin, morning v. evening administration 328:167 (L), 328:168 (L) Sinal SH, see Lantz PE 328:754 Singapore see also Asia SARS, tertiary hospital outbreak linked to index patient with atypical presentation (KY Chow, et al) 328:195 (P) Singer BH, see Keiser J 328:1229 Singh D CHIs methods for inspecting trusts are flawed, says Kings Fund 328:542 (N) GPs should have greater role in commissioning hospital services 328:1396 (N) Human cloning is justified in preventing genetic disease 328:484 (N) New infectious diseases will continue to emerge 328:186 (N) Primary care trusts need to tackle disparities in general practice 328:603 (N) Quarter of hospitals not ready to comply with working time directive 328:1034 (N) Scientists have uncovered the structure of 1918 flu virus 328:368 (N) Singh P, et al, Patterns and distribution of tobacco consumption in India 328:1498 (L) Singh S, Special issue on South Asia 328:288 (L) Singh VK, WHOs world health report 2003: 328:287 (L) Singhal D, et al, No mean feet 328:789 (N) (correction, 1301) Singhi M, see Ghaffar A 328:807, 328:1499 singletons, perinatal outcome twins after assisted conception: systematic review of controlled studies (FM Helmerhorst, et al) 328:261 (P) Sinha DN, et al, Use of tobacco products as dentifrice among adolescents in India: questionnaire study 328:323 (P), 328:958 (L) Sismanidis C, see Poloniecki J 328:375 Sissoko D, see Yazdanpanah Y 328:249 Sivagnanam G, Colchicine in acute gout 328:288 (L) Sivanandan I, et al, Aspirin induced asthma 328:1076 (L) Skapinakis P, see Maden A 328:1534
JanuaryJune 2004
skin cancers, risk for young adults from suntan (S Mayor) 328:786 (N) skin diseases, photo diagnosis can cut waiting times (R Dobson) 328:367 (N) Skinner JS Use of healthcare resources in the last six months of life 328:1202 (L) see Wennberg JE 328:607 Skriver MV, see Nielsen GL 328:109 Slade MG, The highs and lows of cardiothoracic surgery BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) Slee A, see Farrar K 328:1565 sleep deprivation, Shattered C4 (J Lyall) (TV) 328:173 (R) Slowther A, et al, Development of clinical ethics committees 328:950 (ED) Small R, see Hegarty K 328:621 Small, William Porteous, Obituary (M Eastwood) 328:1322 smallpox, The Speckled Monster: A Historical Tale of Battling Smallpox (Carrell) (Books) 328:233 (R) smallpox vaccination, US, number reacting is higher than expected (JH Tanne) 328:1220 (N) Smart, Sir George, Obituary (C Richmond; AR Musa) 328:170 Smellie, William Buchanan, Obituary (R Affleck, et al) 328:1138 Smets M, see Donnez J 328:643 Smillie, Gavin Douglas, Obituary (IS Smith) 328:53 Smith AD, Death on the roads could be the chance of life for some 328:1260 (L) Smith AG, et al, Representativeness of samples from general practice lists in epidemiological studies: case-control study 328:932 (PC) Smith C General practice on the other side of the world BMJ Careers 328:s185 (8 May 2004) see Vickers AJ 328:744 Smith D, et al, For and against. Primary angioplasty should be first line treatment for acute myocardial infarction 328:1254 (ED), 328:1567 (L) Smith, Donald ("Don") Robert, Obituary (J Perrins) 328:1382 Smith G et al, Treatments of homosexuality in Britain since the 1950san oral history: the experience of patients 328:427 (P), 328:955 (L), 328:956 (L) see King M 328:429 Smith GD, see Subramanian SV 328:801 Smith J Pregnant doctors: health and safety risks in the real world BMJ Careers 328:s168 (24 April 2004) see Schroter S 328:1350 Smith JC, et al, Lesson of the week. Misinterpretation of serum cortisol in a patient with hyponatraemia 328:215 (C) Smith JE, et al, Lesson of the week. Nalbuphine and slow release morphine 328:1426 (C) Smith O, see Kirke PN 328:1535 Smith R Labouring in water 328:768 (L) The mortality of doctors in relation to their smoking habits a preliminary report (reprint). Commentary: scientific articles have hardly changed in 50 years 328:1533 (P) Validity of Canadian studies 328:465 (L) When to retract? 327:1262 (correction, 328:384) see Delamothe T 328:1 see Schroter S 328:673, 328:742 Smith RD, see Raithatha N 328:400 Smith, Richard, BMJ editor to take up new post (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1276 (N) Smith RJ, see Woodcock M 328:92 Smith S, see Murphy SM 328:757 Smith WCS, et al, Steroid prophylaxis for prevention of nerve function impairment in leprosy: randomised placebo controlled trial (TRIPOD 1) 328:1459 (P) smoking see also passive smoking; tobacco doctors 50 years observations, on male British doctors (R Doll, et al) 328:1519 (P) new study insights (M Stampfer) 328:1507 (E) original 1954 article (R Doll, et al) 328:1529 (P) ethnic groups, higher risk of heart disease (L Eaton) 328:1397 (N) gamgee eye pads and (DW Lewis, et al) (Minerva) 328:964 (R) impotence, miscarriage, infertility and (Z Kmietowicz) 328:364 (N) India, use of tobacco products as dentifrice among adolescents (DN Sinha, et al) 328:323 (P), 328:958 (L), 328:1320 (L) lung cancer patients stigma (A Chapple, et al) 328:1470 (PC) "never smokers living with smokers: two cohort studies (SE Hill, et al) 328:988 (P) public, myocardial infarction admissions and (RP Sargent, et al) 328:977 (P), 328:1379 (L), 328:1380 (L) true word. Endpiece (M Warner) 328:986 smoking cessation ABC of smoking cessation Assessment of dependence and motivation to stop smoking (R West) 328:338 (C) Bupropion and other non-nicotine pharmacotherapies (E Roddy) 328:509 (C) Cessation interventions in routine health care (T Coleman) 328:631 (C) Economics of smoking cessation (S Parrott, et al) 328:947 (C) Harm reduction (A McNeill) 328:885 (C) Nicotine replacement therapy (A Molyneux) 328:454 (C) (correction, 686) Policy priorities for tobacco control (K Jamrozik) 328:1007 (C) Population strategies to prevent smoking (K Jamrozik) 328:759 (C) The problem of tobacco smoking (R Edwards) 328:217 (C) Setting up a cessation service (P Spice) 328:699 (C) Special groups of smokers (T Coleman) 328:575 (C) Tobacco control policy priorities (K Jamrozik) 328:1007 (C) Use of simple advice and behavioural support (T Coleman) 328:397 (C) Why people smoke (MJ Jarvis) 328:277 (C) army, urgent action needed (R Dobson) 328:125 (N) blindness and (SP Kelly, et al) 328:537 (E) (correction, 997) bupropion and telephone support (POEM*) 328 (21 February 2004) nicotine patches effectiveness in relation to genotype in women v. men (P Yudkin, et al) 328:989 nicotine replacement therapy and pregnancy (T Coleman, et al) 328:965 (E) population strategies: ABC of smoking cessation (K Jamrozik) 328:759 (C)
promotion in general practice. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:328 Snadden D, see Bruce D 328:687 Snaith, Philip, Obituary (A Sims) 328:527 Sorensen HT, see Nielsen GL 328:109 Soares HP, et al, Bad reporting does not mean bad methods for randomised trials: observational study of randomised controlled trials performed by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 328:22 (P), 328:286 (L) Soares-Weiser K, see Paul M 328:668 Sobic EM, et al, Q&A. Cocaine and amphetamine combined 328:1365 social class coronary heart disease, and risk factors in childhood and adulthood (S Ebrahim, et al) 328:861 (correction, 1104) (P) elective caesareans in English NHS (Dr Fosters case notes) 328:1399 medical schools class, ethnic, and sex differences in school pupils perceptions (T Greenhalgh, et al) 328:1541 (LP) standardised admission ratio for measuring widening participation (K Seyan, et al) 328:1545 (LP) north-south divide in inequalities in health in Great Britain: 2001 census (T Doran, et al) 328:1043 (P) questionnaires, reaching beyond the white middle classes: Hands-on guide to questionnaire research (PM Boynton, et al) 328:1433 (ED) social exclusion, mental disorders, government moves to end stigma (M Gould) 328:1456 (N) social security evaluating health effects (H Thomson, et al) 328:282 (ED) levels must increase to allow healthy living (L Eaton) 328:366 (N) socioeconomic factors see also poverty influence on primary care burden and treatment of heart failure: Scotland (FA McAlister, et al) 328:1110 (PC) sodium, US intake (JH Tanne) 328:485 (N) Sokhi, Gurmit Singh, Obituary (R Sokhi) 328:232 Sokol DK, How (not) to be a good patient (Personal view) 328:471 (R) Somal J, Do you Trust these posts? BMJ Careers 328:s118 (20 March 2004) somatic treatment, do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise GPs? (A Ring, et al) 328:1057 (PC), 328:1319 (L) Song YM, et al, Blood pressure, haemorrhagic stroke, and ischaemic stroke: the Korean national prospective occupational cohort study 328:324 (P) Soni V, see Althahabi MM 328:1072 Souchkevitch G, see Turai I 328:568, 328:1075 Sousa A, see Maria V 328:572 South Africa see also Africa AIDS, health service must strengthen infection control measures (P Sidley) 328:366 (N) doctors march in protest (P Sidley) 328:365 (N) South America, Down syndrome and neural tube defects, population and familial survey (MR Amorim, et al) 328:84 (P) South-east Asia see Asia, south-east Southall D, see Hafeez A 328:834 Southall, David cleared by GMC but faces new charges (O Dyer) 328:601 (N) media survey of doctors response (C White) (The Press) 328:649 (R) misconduct charge over murder claim summary (O Dyer) 328:1393 (N) verdict (O Dyer) 328:1455 (N) suspected mothers might be dealt with outside criminal system (C Dyer) 328:425 (N) Southgate, Lesley, PMETB interviews (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s223 (5 June 2004) Southward RD, Aspirin induced asthma 328:1076 (L) soya, endometrial cancers and, Chinese women in Shanghai (WH Xu, et al) 328:1285 (P) (correction, 329:85) Spain see also Europe drug editor wins case brought by Merck, Sharp & Dohme (O Dyer) 328:307 (N) Merck Sharp & Dohme sues over fraud claim (L Gibson) 328:188 (N) Sparn P, et al, Long term mortality after severe starvation during the siege of Leningrad: prospective cohort study 328:11 (P), 328:346 (L) Sparrow J, see Harrad R 328:348 specialist registrars see also doctors how to prepare for first interview (M Scoote, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s233 (12 June 2004) speech, slow to speak, investigation and management (JO Busari, et al) 328:272 (C) Speed C, ABC of rheumatology. Low back pain 328:1119 (C) Spence D Are we creating a health pariah class (Personal view) 328:1141 (R), 328:1380 (L) Management of anorexia nervosa revisited 328:1075 (L) Spencer A, Punishment by process (Personal view) 328:774 (R) sperm donors, shortage predicted when anonymity goes (C Dyer) 328:244 (N) Spice P, ABC of smoking cessation. Setting up a cessation service 328:699 (C) Spiers J, Patients, Power and Responsibility: The First Principles of Consumer-Driven Reform (Books) 328:54 (R) spinal injuries, risk assessment after trauma (J Wardrope, et al) 328:721 (E) Spirig R, see Young J 328:15 Sporle A, see Pearce N 328:1070 sports medicine career advice (B English) BMJ Careers 328:s53 (7 February 2004), s148 (10 April 2004) football doctor (E Welch, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s237 (12 June 2004) Spurgeon B Fourteen cases of euthanasia to be referred to French police 328:1221 (N) French patients will have to go through family doctors to access specialists 328:1278 (N) French researchers join mass protest over continuing cuts in funding for scientific research 328:662 (N) Spurgeon D Canadas plan to sell generic drugs to developing countries is threatened 328:728 (N) Canadian hospitals fight a rise in infections with Clostridium difficile 328:1457 (N) GlaxoSmithKline staff told not to publicise ineffectiveness of its drug 328:422 (N) Media hype? Its not as bad as it seems (The Press) 328:1140 (R)
Medical journals fail to publish trials on major global diseases 328:1337 (N) NIH promotes use of lower cost drugs for hypertension 328:539 (N) Non-medical staff play key role in healthcare access for uninsured patients 328:1220 (N) Plans for clinic raise fears of privatisation in Canada 328:972 (N) Quebec will make doctors disclose their HIV status 328:304 (N) Secret documents show tobacco industrys plans to stop smoking ban 328:914 (N) US junior doctors found to be ignorant of drug companies tactics 328:1032 (N) US screening programme shows high prevalence of aortic aneurysm 328:852 (N) Women sue over delays in treatment for breast cancer 328:660 (N) Squifflet J, see Donnez J 328:643 Srinivas HV, Treatment of unilateral visual impairment on preschool vision screening 328:348 (L) Srivastava RN, South Asian health: what is to be done? 328:838 (L) staff associate specialists see also doctors SpR posts (P Saha) BMJ Careers 328:s236 (12 June 2004) staff management, managing your boss (R Persaud) BMJ Careers 328:s203 (22 May 2004) Stafford E, Paying for statins. Patient commentary: paying to choose 328:402 (ED) stalking, advice (R McIvor) BMJ Careers 328:s113 (20 March 2004) Stampfer M, New insights from the British doctors study 328:1507 (E) Standring P, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Stanton CA, see Lantz PE 328:754 Stanton HJ, Flaw in WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 328:1320 (L) Stanton SL see Gillen LM 328:1438 see Marinkovic SP 328:1063 Starey N, The Challenge for Primary Care (Books) 328:233 (R) Starr, Philip ("Jimmy"), Obituary (R Starr) 328:232 starvation long term mortality after siege of Leningrad: prospective cohort study (P Sparn, et al) 328:11 (P), 328:346 (L) refeeding syndrome, underdiagnosed (SD Hearing) 328:908 (E) statins cardiovascular diseases: polypill 328:404 (L), 328:405 (L) combination of drugs 328:289 (L) Europe, variations and increase: data from administrative databases (T Walley, et al) 328:385 (P) (correction, 329:323) familial hypercholesterolaemia treatment, effect on life assurance (HAW Neil, et al) 328:500 (PC) over the counter status raises concerns (L Gibson) 328:1221 (N) payment (M Raithatha, et al) 328:400 (ED) type 2 diabetes (S Gottlieb) 328:1095 (N) statistics on internet (H Brown) (Netlines) 328:716 (R) significant difference. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:508 Statistics notes, The logrank test (JM Bland, et al) 328:1073 (ED) (correction, 1412) steam inhalation, burns in children (SM Murphy, et al) (Lesson of the week) 328:757 (C) Steer PJ, see Higham J 328:142 Steinherz R, Dicycloverine for persistent crying in babies 328:956 (L) Steinke DT, see Donnan PT 328:1297 stem cell transplantation first bank in the world is opened in UK (S Mayor) 328:1277 (N) human cells from cloned embryos in research and therapy (I Wilmut) 328:415 (E) US new lines (S Gottlieb) 328:539 (N) universities get round regulations (JH Tanne) 328:1094 (N) Stephen, William, Obituary (J Topp) 328:291 Stephens K, see Little P 328:441, 328:444 Stephens, Rosemary, Obituary (D Kind, et al) 328:587 Stephenson P Hepatitis C carriers must be found and treated to avert crisis 328:1031 (N) Mentally ill offenders are being wrongly held in prisons 328:1095 (N) Steriu A, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Stern A, see Eysenbach G 328:1166 steroids epidural injections: effective for low back pain? (A Samanta, et al) 328:1509 (E) injections for osteoarthritis of knee (B Arroll, et al) 328:869 (PC) leprosy, prophylaxis for prevention of nerve function impairment (WCS Smith, et al) 328:1459 (P) preterm rupture of membranes (POEM*) 328 (1 May 2004) Stevens A, see Mohammed MA 328:1474 Stevens, Richard Frederic, Obituary (P Crook, et al) 328:1079 Stevens W, et al, Antiretroviral therapy in Africa 328:280 (ED) Stewart S see McAlister FA 328:1110 see Murphy NF 328:1413 Stone, Mike, football doctor (E Welch, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s237 (12 June 2004) Stone PW, see Greenberg D 328:1536 Stone R, et al, Ergonomics in medicine and surgery 328:1115 (C) Strachan B, see Bahl R 328:311 Strachan DP, see Anderson HR 328:1052 Strand BH, see Zahl P-H 328:921 Strang, Christopher, Obituary (J Walton, et al) 328:232 Strang J, et al, Supervised injecting centres. Commentary: Supervised fixing rooms, supervised injectable maintenance clinics-understanding the difference 328:102 (ED) Straus SE, Whats the E for EBM? 328:535 (E), 328:1077 (L) Strauss JP, How electronic communication is changing health care 328:1564 (L) Streat S, see DeWitt AL 328:1180 stress multiple sclerosis and: meta-analysis (DC Mohr, et al) 328:731 (P) multiple sclerosis exacerbations and 328:287 (L) Stricker BHC, see Jong GW 328:931 stroke see also cardiovascular disease blood pressure and: Korean study (Y-M Song, et al) 328:324 (P)
JanuaryJune 2004
carers overview (GJ Hankey) 328:1085 (E) training: economic evaluation (A Patel, et al) 328:1102 (P) training randomised controlled trial (L Kalra, et al) 328:1099 (P) homocysteine level reduction does not prevent stroke recurrence (S Gottlieb) 328:307 (N) homocysteine (POEM*) 328 (22 May 2004) neuroimaging (JM Wardlow, et al) 328:655 (E), 328:1135 (L) prevention, secondary prevention: patients with normal blood pressure may benefit (KW Muir, et al) 328:297 (E), 328:896 (L), 328:897 (L) prevention opportunities being lost, study shows (R Dobson) 328:975 (N) Struthers AD, Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with breathlessness, case outcome. Commentary: Atypical features make echocardiography mandatory in suspected heart failure 328:945 (C) Stuart JM see Margolis PA 328:388 see Purcell B 328:1339 students, medical Guys and St Thomass 1819 (JH Baron) 328:25 selection, good science A levels less likely to drop out (R Dobson) 328:1221 (N) teaching on wards (B Rushforth) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s78 (21 February 2004) Stukel TA, see Wennberg JE 328:607 Sturge R, Late life crisis (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s147 (10 April 2004) Sturge RA, Medicine in Chechnya BMJ Careers 328:s209 (22 May 2004) Sturkenboom CJM, see Jong GW 328:931 Stusser RJ, et al, How the internet could help Cuba more in health research (Personal view) 328:1209 (R) subarachnoid haemorrhage, outcome: regional differences comparative audit (P Mitchell, et al) 328:1234 (P) Subbe CP, Critical care outreach teams effect on patient outcome 328:347 (L) Subramanian SV et al, Patterns and distribution of tobacco consumption in India 328:1499 (L) et al, Patterns and distribution of tobacco consumption in India: cross sectional multilevel evidence from the 1998-9 national family health survey 328:801 (PC), 328:1498 (L), 328:1499 (L) Sudan see also Africa crisis is delaying help (P Moszynski) 328:1456 (N) girls, childbirth mortality (P Moszynski) 328:1514 (N) humanitarian crisis in Darfur province (P Moszynski) 328:424 (N) (correction, 762) "mass starvation in Darfur 328:1275 (N) sudden infant death five cases of child murder to be reopened (O Dyer) 328:1154 (N) investigation and caring for bereaved families: integrated multiagency approach (PJ Fleming, et al) 328:331 (C), 328:1262 (L) Munchausen syndrome by proxy and (AW Craft, et al) 328:1309 (ED) parents convicted of killing to have their cases reviewed (C Dyer) 328:183 (N) suicide antidepressants, US FDA panel calls for warnings (R Moynihan) 328:303 (N) bipolar disorder and lithium (POEM*) 328 (14 February 2004) variations in hospital management of self harm in adults in England (O Bennewith, et al) 328:1108 (P), 328:1440 (L) suicide, assisted see also euthanasia legal compromise (R Huxtable) 328:1088 (E), 328:1440 (L) US, appeal court upholds Oregons law (F Charatan) 328:1337 (N) Suissa S et al, Lithium and motor vehicle crashes 328:896 (L) see Entminan M 328:558 sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, malaria, sustained efficacy in Malawi after 10 years as first line treatment (CV Plowe, et al) 328:545 (P) (correction, 762), 328:1259 (L), 328:1260 (L) Sullivan FM, see Donnan PT 328:1297 Sullivan R United Kingdom research governance strategy 328:49 (L) see Furness P 328:533 Summers S, Further nurses notes on ER 328:51 (L) Sun I, see Kim HC 328:983 Sung J, see Song Y-M 328:324 suntan, young adults risk skin cancer (S Mayor) 328:786 (N) surgery career advice (J Yeung, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s163 (24 April 2004) education, no time to train the surgeons (J Chikwe, et al) 328:418 (E), 328:1133 (L), 328:1134 (L) problems facing academic surgeons (E Lim, et al) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s78 (21 February 2004), s149 (10 April 2004) quality, review of Californian measures (MS Broder, et al) 328:152 (IP) reconfiguration of surgical, emergency, and trauma services in UK (A Black) 328:178 (E), 328:522 (L), 328:523 (L) self regulation: interview with Peter Simpson (S Mayor) 328:248 (N) South Asia (M Ahmed, et al) 328:782 (E) surgeons attitudes (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s18 (10 January 2004), s119 (20 March 2004) surgery, operative see also postoperative complications asymptomatic aortic stenosis (GP McCann, et al) 328:63 (E) elderly, long term cognitive dysfunction after non-cardiac surgery (A Selwood, et al) 328:120 (E) surgery, plastic Italy, reality show angers doctors (S Arie) (TV) 328:590 (R) new face of reality TV (L Turner) (TV) 328:1208 (R) Surindran S, Effect of public smoking ban in Helena, Montana 328:1379 (L) survival analysis cleft lip and palate at birth (K Christensen, et al) 328:1405 (P) congenital heart disease, after surgery or therapeutic catheterisation in UK children (JL Gibbs, et al) 328:611 (P) (correction, 997) gastrointestinal cancers, rates vary across England (S Mayor) 328:974 (N) sustainable development, health protection (JG Ayres, et al) 328:1450 (E) Sutch S, see Ham C 328:584 Sutcliffe K, see Thomas J 328:1010
Sutherland I, see Doll R 328:1519 Sutton AJ, see Minelli C 328:371 Suttorp MJ, see Chang JT 328:680 Swann S, see Soares HP 328:22 Sweden see also Europe breast cancers, incidence during introduction of nationwide screening (P-H Zahl, et al) 328:921 (P) privatisation of hospital ban (J Burgermeister) 328:484 (N) radiation exposure in infancy and cognitive function in adulthood (P Hall, et al) 328:19 (P), 328:581 (L), 328:582 (L) violence and substance abuse (M Grann, et al) 328:1233 (P) Sweet M, Tough at the top 328:70 (N) Swift S, see Treasure T 328:237 Swiss HIV Cohort Study Group, see Young J 328:15 Switzerland, AIDS, stable partnership and progression to AIDS or death in antiretroviral therapy patients: Swiss cohort study (J Young, et al) 328:15 (P) Syed T, Interview and travel expenses (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s270 (19 June 2004) Symmonds M, et al, Guidelines on neuraminidase inhibitors in children are not supported by evidence 328:227 (L), 328:523 (L) symptoms, do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise GPs for somatic treatment? (A Ring, et al) 328:1057 (PC), 328:1319 (L) systematic reviews integrating qualitative research with trials in systematic reviews (J Thomas, et al) 328:1010 (ED) relative efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids in treatment of acute renal colic (A Holdgate, et al) 328:1401 (P) Szuba MP, et al, et al, eds, Insomnia: Principles and Management (Books) 328:55 (R)
Tactics (transfusion associated complications study), see van Hilten JA 328:1281 Taft A, et al, General practitioner management of intimate partner abuse and the whole family: qualitative study 328:618 (PC) Tam P, see Wong K 328:1566 Tamir A, see Rabinowitz I 328:501 Tandon A, see Salomon JA 328:258 Tangcharoensathien V, see Towse A 328:103 Tanne JH Americans are told to reduce sodium and increase potassium intake 328:485 (N) Benefits of implantable cardiac defibrillators in heart failure are confirmed 328:664 (N) Daily aspirin reduces risk of breast cancer, study finds 328:1336 (N) Early localised prostate cancer may accelerate after 15 years 328:1394 (N) Electronic prescribing could save at least $29bn 328:1155 (N) European guidelines on hypertension more flexible than those in United States 328:1279 (N) FDA rejects over the counter status for emergency contraceptive 328:1219 (N) (correction, 329:148 FDA warns against commercial prenatal ultrasound videos 328:853 (N) Infectious diseases expert sentenced to prison and fined 328:662 (N) Number reacting to smallpox vaccination is higher than expected 328:1220 (N) Oestrogen doesnt protect mental function in older women 328:1514 (N) Oestrogen only arm of womens health initiative trial is stopped 328:602 (N) One in 12 older people are prescribed the wrong drug 328:424 (N) Renewing licence in person cuts deaths among elderly drivers 328:1455 (N) Requiring doctors to take part in continuing medical education doesnt improve heart attack care 328:664 (N), 328:1077 (L) Tobacco company fights order to hand over mystery memorandum 328:1456 (N) US consumer group names dirty dozen dietary supplements 328:975 (N) US healthcare lobbyists outspend other pressure groups 328:786 (N) US study shows wide variation in approach to ductal carcinoma in situ 328:785 (N) US universities get round regulations on stem cell research 328:1094 (N) West Nile virus infections are occurring early in North America 328:1397 (N) Tanner M, see Keiser J 328:1229 tar: tobacco see tobacco Tarnow L, see Hovind P 328:1105 Tate H, see Griffiths C 328:144 Taverna C, see Zendron L 328:629 Tayal U, No Free Lunch BMJ Careers 328:s199 (15 May 2004) Taylor A, Pre-eclampsia and the risk of cancer 328:909 (E) Taylor D, et al, Prevention of coronary heart disease 328:404 (L) Taylor J, see Graffy J 328:26 Taylor MJ, et al, Folic acid as ultimate in disease prevention 328:768 (L) Taylor R, see Bottle A 328:1568 Taylor, Ross, Obituary (TWJ Lennard) 328:646 Taylor TE, see Plowe CV 328:545, 328:1260 teaching see also education, medical Aggie. A memorable patient (H Davies) 328:559 medical trivia (J Doshi) 328:679 Teasdale S, see Fernando B 328:1171 teeth, infallible amulet. Endpiece (JH Baron) 328:930 teicoplanin, hypersensitivity syndrome (CM Perrett, et al) (Drug points) 328:1292 (P) telemedicine consultation and referral (R Sharma) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s46 (31 January 2004) education in accident and emergency (J Mardon) BMJ Careers 328:s45 (31 January 2004) Telenti A, see Young J 328:15 Telfer M, see Anderson R BMJ Careers 328:s55 10-minute consultation Acute cough in children (AD Hay, et al) 328:1062 (PC) Female dyspareunia (L Ryan, et al) 328:1357 (PC) Management of diastolic heart failure in older adults (A Ahmed) 328:1114 (PC), 328:1378 (L), 328:1379 (L) tennis elbow, review was biased 328:897 (L)
terbinafine, Netherlands, lay media and prescription in primary care (GW Jong, et al) 328:931 (PC) Terpenning MS, Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1377 (L) terrorism humanitarian aid and, Robin Cook warns of threat to aid (L Eaton) 328:1154 (N) I dont know much, but this I do know (L Farrell) (Soundings) 328:1141 (R) Physicians Guide to Terrorist Attack (Roy, ed) (Books) 328:1022 (R) smallpox vaccination, US, number reacting is higher than expected (JH Tanne) 328:1220 (N) tetanus, treatment, immunoglobulin by intrathecal or intramuscular route (DdeB Miranda-Filho, et al) 328:615 (P) Thailand see also Asia health reforms (A Towse, et al) 328:103 (ED) thalassaemia major, deferiprone, murky story (J Savulescu) 328:358 (E) thalidomide, Horizon: Thalidomide: A Second Chance? BBC2 (V Katikireddi) (TV) 328:412 (R) Thaventhiran J, see Scoote M BMJ Careers 328:s233 Thom SMcG, see Williams B 328:634 Thomas A, et al, Multiple bladder calculi (Minerva) 328:176 (R) Thomas, Anita, PMETB interviews (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 328:s223 (5 June 2004) Thomas B, Born in the USA"not BMJ Careers 328:s149 (10 April 2004) Thomas, Graham, Obituary (CJ Thomas) 328:467 Thomas I, et al, Lesson of the week. Bradycardia in acute haemorrhage 328:451 (C) Thomas J et al, Integrating qualitative research with trials in systematic reviews 328:1010 (ED) et al, National cross sectional survey to determine whether the decision to delivery interval is critical in emergency caesarean section 328:665 (P) Thomas P, see James J 328:1237 Thomas SL, et al, Case-control study of the effect of mechanical trauma on the risk of herpes zoster 328:439 (P) Thompson S, et al, Clinical risk management in obstetrics: eclampsia drills 328:269 (Q) (correction, 762) Thomson H, et al, Evaluating the health effects of social interventions 328:282 (ED) thoracic aneurysms, elderly woman (BJ Altemimi, et al) (Minerva) 328:414 (R) Thornton D, The emotional and financial cost of litigation (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s38 (24 January 2004), s148 (10 April 2004) Thornton H, Screening without evidence of efficacy 328:521 (L) Thornton J see Coleman T 328:965 see Kelly SP 328:537 thrombolysis myocardial infarction angioplasty should be first line treatment (D Smith, et al) (For and against) 328:1254 (ED), 328:1567 (L) v. angioplasty: topical parable (P Bogaty, et al) 328:1257 (ED) thrombosis, phlegmasia caerulea dolens (KK Peddi, et al) (Minerva) 328:1084 (R) Thun MJ, see Harris JE 328:72 thyroid cancers, Belarus, 12-fold increase in women since Chernobyl (R Dobson) 328:1394 (N) Tilney NL, Transplant: From Myth to Reality (Books) 328:470 (R) time factors, simvastatin, morning v. evening administration 328:167 (L), 328:168 (L) Timimi S, Diagnosis of autism 328:226 (L) Tiram E, see Paltiel O 328:919 to take outs, writing (AN Morritt) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s66 (14 February 2004) tobacco see also nicotine; smoking Australia, cigarette packs to feature graphic images (B Burton) 328:366 (N) cigarette tar yields and lung cancer mortality (JE Harris, et al) 328:72 (P) epidemic, comparison with obesity (M Chopra, et al) 328:1558 (ED) ethnic groups, cross cultural adaption methodology review (R Bhopal, et al) 328:76 (P) (correction, 563) exclusion from free trade agreement 328:581 (L) India, patterns and distribution of consumption (S Subramanian, et al) 328:801 (PC), 328:1498 (L), 328:1499 (L) Ireland, smoke-free workplaces (F Howell) 328:847 (E) South Asia (D Samarasinghe) 328:780 (E) US, New Yorks war produces record fall (S Gottlieb) 328:1222 (N) tobacco industry BAT Industries fights order to hand over memorandum (JH Tanne) 328:1456 (N) secret smoking documents go on web (C Dyer) 328:1335 (N) Canada, British Columbia can sue for healthcare cost (C Dyer) 328:1279 (N) US, secret documents show smoking ban plans (D Spurgeon) 328:914 (N) WHO framework convention major flaw 328:1320 (L) slow progress (B Burton) 328:1220 (N) Todd P, see Bentham J 328:133 Toelle BG, et al, Prevalence of asthma and allergy in schoolchildren in Belmont, Australia: three days cross sectional surveys over 20 years 328:386 (P) Tomlin A, see Badenoch D 328:1564 Tomlinson JM, et al, Impact of erectile dysfunction and its subsequent treatment with sildenafil: qualitative study 328:1037 (P) Tompkins CNE, see Wright NMJ 328:100 Tondi F, see Boyd PA 328:137 Tonkin AL, see Jureidini JN 328:879 Tonks A, Public health gets a makeover (The Press) 328:293 (R) Tookey PA, see Gibb DM 328:524 Torgerson DJ, et al, Ethics review in research 328:710 (L) Torp I, see Hovind P 328:1105 torture see also ethics, medical carer of victims (A Arasu) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s126 (27 March 2004) how to care for survivors (C Jewels, et al) BMJ Careers 328:s123 (27 March 2004) tourism see health tourism Towse A et al, Learning from Thailands health reforms 328:103 (ED) see Fenn P 328:417
JanuaryJune 2004
toys, most useful practice instrument (P Vincent) 328:630 Trafford P, The Clinical Experience Scheme for refugee and overseas doctors BMJ Careers 328:s279 (26 June 2004) training, peer review quality and (S Schroter, et al) 328:673 (P) Tramr MR, Systematic review of topical rubefacients containing salicylates for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Commentary: Its not just about rubbingtopical capsaicin and topical salicylates may be useful as adjuvants to conventional pain treatment 328:998 (PC) transexualism, escape from normality (J Roberts) (Personal view) 328:962 (R) transplantation see also organ transplantation Transplant: From Myth to Reality (Tilney) (Books) 328:470 (R) Transplantation and Dialysis, rejects article after objections from marketing department (O Dyer) 328:244 (N) travel medicine career advice (J Zuckerman) BMJ Careers 328:s277 (26 June 2004) survey highlights health risks of overseas travel (R Dobson) 328:7 (N), 328:464 (L), 328:465 (L) Treasure T Congenital heart disease 328:594 (E) et al, Radical surgery for mesothelioma 328:237 (E) treatment outcome see also ineffectiveness antibiotic resistance and (M Woodhead, et al) 328:1270 (E) hospital star ratings and: ecology (K Rowan, et al) 328:924 (P) specificity of hospital volume-outcome associations for surgical procedures (DR Urbach, et al) 328:737 (P) well informed uncertainties about effects of treatments (I Chalmers) 328:475 (E), 328:1018 (L) treatment refusal, advance directives, must specify treatments (C Dyer) 328:1035 (N) treatment withdrawal General Medical Council challenge (C Dyer) 328:68 (N) guidance challenged (C Dyer) 328:541 (N) Trevor-Roper, Patrick, Obituary (C Richmond) 328:1137 Trewby P, Overseas doctors in the UK: Setting the scene BMJ Careers 328:s244 (19 June 2004) Trichopoulos D, see Hall P 328:19 trigger thumbs, in girl (S Irby, et al) (Minerva) 328:904 (R) trimethoprim, bacteriuria in patients prescribed antibiotics (PT Donnan, et al) 328:1297 (IP) tropical medicine Geoff Gill (E Welch) (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s189 (8 May 2004) representation of authors and editors from countries with different human development indexes (J Keiser, et al) 328:1229 (P) Trust PM, Reconfiguration of surgical, emergency, and trauma services 328:522 (L) trusts see also National Health Service first wave of NHS foundation trusts (R Klein) 328:1332 (E) funding, financial targets overspent (O Dyer) 328:1094 (N) ill prepared for 58 hour week for junior doctors (K Burke) 328:484 (N) inspection methods are flawed, says Kings Fund (D Singh) 328:542 (N) tuberculosis management update. bmjlearning.com (K Walsh) 328:1356 MsF criticises DOTS policy (G Mudur) 328:784 (N) The Return of the White Plague: Global Poverty and the New Tuberculosis (Gandy) (Books) 328:1206 (R) screening of immigrants (R Coker) 328:298 (E), 328:897 (L) tuberculosis, multidrug resistant, soars in eastern Europe (C Odigwe) 328:663 (N) Tudor-Williams G, see Fielder AR 328:1376 Tuffs A German patients rush to doctors before new 10 charge starts 328:8 (N) Germanys new charging system has mixed results 328:366 (N) Only 6% of drug advertising material is supported by evidence 328:485 (N) Tugwell P Campaign to revitalise academic medicine kicks off 328:597 (E), 328:1376 (L), 328:1377 (L), 328:1378 (L) et al, Interactive case report. A 64 year old woman with knee pain case presentation 328:1362 (C) case progression 328:1425 (C) Tugwell, Peter, interview with: academic medicine (J Clark) 328:604 (N) Tunstall-Pedoe H, Pride comes... 328:460 Tupper J, Paediatricians as child protectors? BMJ Careers 328:s208 (22 May 2004) Turai I, et al, Medical response to radiation incidents and radionuclear threats 328:568 (C), 328:1074 (L), 328:1075 (L) Turnbull P, see Shaw J 328:734 Turner L Bioethics needs to rethink its agenda (Personal view) 328:175 (R) Cosmetic surgery: the new face of reality TV (TV) 328:1208 (R) Turner N, PLOS Biology (Journals) 328:56 (R) Turner TJ, Evidence base: rock of certainty or shifting sands? 328:1203 (L) Turone F Doctor proposes alternative to female genital mutilation 328:247 (N) Italian doctors face criminal allegations over bribes 328:1333 (N) Italian doctors strike over threat to break up state health service 328:976 (N) Italy to pass new law on assisted reproduction 328:9 (N) New law forces Italian couple with genetic disease to implant all their IVF embryos 328:1334 (N) Turya EB Growing your CV BMJ Careers 328:s226 (5 June 2004) How to supervise an overseas doctor on clinical attachment (Clinical attachment) BMJ Careers 328:s262 (19 June 2004) Writing CVs and handling job interviews (Job hunting) BMJ Careers 328:s266 (19 June 2004) twins, perinatal outcome, singletons and twins after assisted conception: systematic review of controlled studies (FM Helmerhorst, et al) 328:261 (P) Twisselmann B Death of the teaching autopsy 328:167 (L) Do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise GPs for somatic treatment? 328:1319 (L) Hit for six 328:1500 (L) Joy of rapid responses 328:645 (L) No time to train surgeons 328:1134 (L) Screening without evidence of efficacy 328:521 (L)
Summary of responses (Bite back) BMJ Careers 328:s274 (19 June 2004) Treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:956 (L), 328:1261 (L) type 1 diabetes see also diabetes microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria predictors: inception cohort study (P Hovind, et al) 328:1105 (P) pregnancy complications: Netherlands (IM Evers, et al) 328:915 (P) recent developments (D Devendra, et al) 328:750 (C) vaccination and (C Odigwe) 328:854 (N) type 2 diabetes see also diabetes cognitive decline in elderly women and (G Logroscino, et al) 328:548 (P) hypoglycaemia recurrence after unexpected renal failure (MS Parmar) 328:883 (C) (correction, 1170) intradermal insulin in faulty injection technique (A Bhansali, et al) (Minerva) 328:1268 (R) low dose ramipril on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in (M Marre, et al) 328:495 (PC) (correction, 686) statins (S Gottlieb) 328:1095 (N) typhoid, listen to grandmother (J Dewhurst) 328:1436
Uganda see also Africa wasting time with people (S Challand) (Personal view) 328:1573 (R) Uhaa I, see Hossain SMM 328:830 Uhari M, see Koivunen P 328:487 ultrasonography Scotland, pregnant women should have two scans (B Christie) 328:424 (N) US, commercial prenatal video warning (JH Tanne) 328:853 (N) uncertainty principle, cancer clinical trials (S Joffe, et al) 328:1463 (P) Underhill S, see Doran M 328:1364 Unger J-P, et al, Health in South Asia 328:1497 (L) United Arab Emirates see also Asia working abroad (K Robinson) BMJ Careers 328:s25 (17 January 2004) United Nations, warning of drugs sold on internet (J Burgermeister) 328:603 (N) United States see also North America Abortion, Motherhood, and Mental Health: Medicalizing Reproduction in the United States and Great Britain (Lee) (Books) 328:1022 (R) AIDS Bush accused of blocking access to cheap drugs (O Dyer) 328:783 (N) drugs price increase (F Charatan) 328:974 (N) patients can be made to have HIV test to protect doctor (T Sheldon) 328:304 (N) anaesthetists nightmare (D Kamming) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s188 (8 May 2004) aortic aneurysm, high prevalence (D Spurgeon) 328:852 (N) assisted suicide, appeal court upholds Oregons law (F Charatan) 328:1337 (N) breast cancers ductal carcinoma in situ variation (JH Tanne) 328:785 (N) oestrogen only arm of trial is stopped (JH Tanne) 328:602 (N) caesarean section, mother accused of murder after refusal (C Marwick) 328:663 (N) commercial prenatal ultrasound video warning (JH Tanne) 328:853 (N) consumer group names dirty dozen dietary supplements (JH Tanne) 328:975 (N) Cuba, conference ban (L Eaton) 328:914 (N) diet, WHOs attempts to improve diet rejected (O Dyer) 328:185 (N) drug industry 11% spending increase in 2003 (R Moynihan) 328:727 (N) company targets state health officials (R Moynihan) 328:306 (N) comparative drug study budget (C Marwick) 328:603 (N) GlaxoSmithKline to publish clinical trials after lawsuit (L Gibson) 328:1513 (N) junior doctors ignorance of tactics (D Spurgeon) 328:1032 (N) electronic journals, universities review package deals (S Mayor) 328:68 (N) email communication with patients and payment (S Gottlieb) 328:1155 (N) embargoes, societies to defy ban on editing articles from embargoed countries (O Dyer) 328:543 (N), 328:898 (L) emergency contraception, counter status rejected (JH Tanne) 328:1219 (N) (correction, 329:148) end of life care in highly respected hospitals (JE Wennberg, et al) 328:607 (P), 328:1201 (L), 328:1202 (L) ethnic groups affirmative action (F Sassi, et al) 328:1213 (E) criticise inequalities report (O Dyer) 328:308 (N) free trade agreement between Australia and (P Drahos, et al) 328:1271 (E) health services bed occupancy: NHS, Kaiser Permanente and Medicare 328:582 (L), 328:583 (L), 328:584 (L) US medicine meets US dream 328:349 (L) healthcare lobbyists outspend other pressure groups (JH Tanne) 328:786 (N) hypertension guidelines less flexible than Europe (JH Tanne) 328:1279 (N) lower cost drugs promoted (D Spurgeon) 328:539 (N) influenza, vaccine shortage (F Charatan) 328:8 (N) insurance, non-medical staff key role in access for uninsured (D Spurgeon) 328:1220 (N) malpractice, doctors debate refusing treatment to malpractice lawyers (F Charatan) 328:1518 (N) managed care programmes can NHS learn from US organisations? (J Dixon, et al) 328:223 (ED) (EH Wagner) 328:177 (E) mental disorders, Bush plan to screen whole population (J Lenzer) 328:1458 (N) obesity, wins more time to lobby against WHO diet plan (O Dyer) 328:245 (N) patient care record keeping: discontents (G Dunea) (Soundings) 328:1209 (R) persistent vegetative state
Florida judge finds law to be unconstitutional (F Charatan) 328:1154 (N) judge finds Governor Bushs law to be unconstitutional (F Charatan) 328:1154 (N) plague, infectious diseases expert imprisoned (JH Tanne) 328:662 (N) Protecting Americas Health:The FDA,Business,and One Hundred Years of Regulation (Hilts) (Books) 328:1080 (R) smallpox vaccination, number reacting is higher than expected (JH Tanne) 328:1220 (N) sodium and potassium intake (JH Tanne) 328:485 (N) staffing, ease of working there BMJ Careers 328:s149 (10 April 2004) stem cell transplantation new lines (S Gottlieb) 328:539 (N) universities get round regulations (JH Tanne) 328:1094 (N) suicide, FDA advisory panel calls for new depressant warnings (R Moynihan) 328:303 (N) surgical quality: review of Californian measures (MS Broder, et al) 328:152 (IP) tobacco industry fall in smoking in New York (S Gottlieb) 328:1222 (N) secret documents show smoking ban plans (D Spurgeon) 328:914 (N) universities, Elsevier journal subs cancellation (O Dyer) 328:543 (N) visa application difficulties (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings) 328:235 (R) West Nile virus infections, occurring early (JH Tanne) 328:1397 (N) whistleblowing, Allen Jones removed from job (J Lenzer) 328:1153 (N) Unsworth DJ, see Bingley PJ 328:322 Urbach DR, et al, Does it matter what a hospital is high volume for? Specificity of hospital volume-outcome associations for surgical procedures: analysis of administrative data 328:737 (P) Utzinger J, see Keiser J 328:1229
vaccination, type 1 diabetes and (C Odigwe) 328:854 (N) Vger D et al, Long term mortality after starvation during the Leningrad siege 328:346 (L) see Sparn P 328:11 vaginal discharge, causes, diagnosis, and treatment: ABC of sexually transmitted infections (H Mitchell) 328:1306 (C) vaginal hysterectomy cost effectiveness, laparoscopic v. standard (M Sculpher, et al) 328:134 (P) laparoscopic v. abdominal comparison with laparoscopic v. vaginal: eVALuate study (R Garry, et al) 328:129 (P) (correction, 494), 328:642 (L), 328:643 (L) Vahtera J, et al, Organisational downsizing, sickness absence, and mortality: 10-town prospective cohort study 328:555 (P) Vaidya G, Jaw droppers 328:520 Vallance E, see Lambert TW 328:1347 van Alem AP, et al, Use of automated external defibrillator by first responders in out of hospital cardiac arrest: prospective controlled trial 327:1312 (correction, 328:396) van Bockel JH, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 van Brakel WH, see Smith WCS 328:1459 van de Velde CJH, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 van de Watering LMG, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 van de Wauwer C, see Campbell B 328:1060 van den Brink W, et al, Prescription of heroin to treatment resistant heroin addicts 328:229 (L) van den Hout WB, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 van der Bom JG, see Roovers J-P 328:108 van der Vaart CH, see Roovers J-P 328:108 van der Veen F, see Bayram N 328:192 van Ganse E, see Walley T 328:385 Van Haselen R, see Vickers AJ 328:744 van Hilten JA, et al, Effects of transfusion with red cells filtered to remove leucocytes: randomised controlled trial in patients undergoing major surgery 328:1281 (P) van Leeuwen JS, Cure is better than prevention 328:350 (L) van Puijenbroek E, et al, Drug points. Slipped capital femoral epiphyses associated with the withdrawal of a gonadotrophin releasing hormone 328:1353 (P) van Wely M, see Bayram N 328:192 van Zwanenberg T, Revalidation: the purpose needs to be clear 328:684 (LP) Vandenbroucke J, see Glasziou P 328:39 Vanslembroek K, see Campbell B 328:1060 Varatharajan D, Special issue on South Asia 328:288 (L) varicoceles, pathogenesis and treatment (J Sandlow) 328:967 (E) (correction, 1486) Varma R, Resuscitation in pregnancy article omitted several points 328:168 (L) Varma RR, Hindu mythology and medicine 328:819 Varney J Health needs of women who have sex with women 328:463 (L) Treating homosexuality as a sickness 328:955 (L) Varughese G, see Morris I 328:289 Vasan RS, Diastolic heart failure 327:1181 (correction, 328:762) Vasenwala M, Joy of rapid responses 328:645 (L) vasopressin, cardiac arrest and, increases chances of survival (S Gottlieb) 328:128 (N) Vaz VL, see Miranda-Filho DdeB 328:615 Veltman C, Super Size Me (Film) 328:1266 (R) Venkatramani J, et al, Ocular and systemic causes of retinopathy in patients without diabetes mellitus 328:625 (C) venous leg ulcers, management (DA Simon, et al) 328:1358 (C) ventricular fibrillation, pacemaker-induced, coronary care units (AA McLeod, et al) 328:1249 (C) Veress K, see Turai I 328:568, 328:1075 Verhoef E, see van Puijenbroek E 328:1353 Vernazza P, see Young J 328:15 vertebral fractures, strontium reduces risk (POEM*) 328 (15 May 2004) Vettini A, see Bhopal R 328:76 viagra see also infertility, male erectile dysfunction treatment, qualitative study (JM Tomlinson, et al) 328:1037 (P) Pfizer will not apply for licence for women (S Mayor) 328:542 (N) postmenopausal women (POEM*) 328 (28 February 2004) Vickers AJ A rapid grasp of the fundamentals 328:1290
JanuaryJune 2004
et al, Acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care: large, pragmatic, randomised trial 328:744 (PC) see Wonderling D 328:747 Victorino R, see Maria V 328:572 Vieira AG, see Miranda-Filho DdeB 328:615 Viera-Yaniz J, see Espinosa-Brito A 328:166 Vietnam see also Asia avian flu, outbreak in Hanoi (J Parry) 328:123 (N) Vigushin D, see Palmieri C 328:1439 Villanueva T Commons committee slates inaction on obesity 328:1335 (N) Homeless families in England report high levels of depression 328:1396 (N) Vincent P, My most useful surgery instrument 328:630 violence see also bullying; domestic violence substance abuse and: Swedish population study (M Grann, et al) 328:1233 (P) Working with Dangerous People: The Psychotherapy of Violence (Jones, ed) (Books) 328:1324 (R) Virtanen M, see Vahtera J 328:555 Virtanen P, see Vahtera J 328:555 vision disorders, screening, unilateral visual impairment treatment detected at preschool vision screening 328:348 (L) Visser GHA, see Evers IM 328:915 Visvanathan, Thiagarajah, Obituary (H Markar) 328:1502 vitiligo, minor trauma site (A Mohammed, et al) (Minerva) 328:1326 (R) Vlad I European views about accession (News feature) BMJ Careers 328:s99 (6 March 2004) Moments of Truth (Books) 328:1443 (R) Surgeon under fire (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s158 (17 April 2004), s209 (22 May 2004) Vlassov VV, Quality of randomised controlled trials 328:286 (L) volunteer work, Zambia: late life crisis (R Sturge) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s147 (10 April 2004) Voth EA, et al, Prescription of heroin to treatment resistant heroin addicts 328:229 (L) vulval vestibulitis, (P Munday, et al) 328:1214 (E)
Waddy, Donald Campbell, Obituary (M Hemming) 328:1502 Wadsworth MEJ, see Richards M 328:552 Wagner EH, Chronic disease care 328:177 (E) Wailoo A, et al, Efficiency, equity, and NICE clinical guidelines 328:536 (E) waiting lists, NHS staff may be disciplined over fiddling lists (R Dobson) 328:1220 (N) Wakefield, Andrew MMR and autism Evan Harris raises new allegations (A Ferriman) 328:726 (N) Lancet media survey (J Lyall) (The Press) 328:528 (R) pressure mounts for inquiry (C Dyer) 328:483 (N) Walji N, et al, For the love of teaching BMJ Careers 328:s148 (10 April 2004) Walker R, Managing nocturia 328:1438 (L) Wall B, see Meara J 328:581 Wallace A, et al, Timing of simvastatin treatment 328:168 (L) Waller D, see Treasure T 328:237 Waller, Tom, Obituary (GV Stimson) 328:526 Walley T, et al, Variations and increase in use of statins across Europe: data from administrative databases 328:385 (P) (correction, 329:323) Wallis MG, see Banks E 328:1291 Walsh AM, et al, We are not amueslied 328:1136 (L) Walsh K bmjlearning.com Childhood asthma 328:147 Chronic fatigue syndrome 328:399 Coeliac disease: myth buster 328:868 Copying letters to patients 328:733 Deep vein thrombosis 328:938 Heart failure: an update on management 328:198 Hepatitis C 328:1296 Managing cerebral palsy in primary care 328:743 Promoting smoking cessation in general practice 328:328 Serious communicable diseases 328:1045 Tuberculosis: an update on management 328:1356 Understanding statistics"Is there a significant difference? 328:508 Walsh KM, Management of diastolic heart failure in older adults 328:1379 (L) Walsh SH, The clinicians perspective on electronic health records and how they can affect patient care 328:1184 (C) Walt G, et al, WHOs World Health Report 2003: 328:6 (E), 328:287 (L), 328:288 (L) Walton R, see Yudkin P 328:989 Wangford, Hank, at The Shed (JO Drife) (Soundings) 328:471 (R) Wanless report Englands standards lag behind other Western countries (M Gould) 328:10 (N) second report welcomed by public health experts (C Shannon) 328:542 (N) war see also army; Gulf war syndrome analgesia neglected (P Moszynski) 328:1398 (N) weapons of mass destruction (I Loefler) (Soundings) 328:531 (R), 328:770 (L) Wardlow JM, et al, Diagnosis of stroke on neuroimaging 328:655 (E), 328:1135 (L) Wardrope J, et al, Risk assessment for spinal injury after trauma 328:721 (E) wards rounds: medical trivia (J Doshi) 328:679 rounds: not what they used to be (D Crosby) 328:402 young people with mental disorders, inappropriate admission to adult psychiatric wards and paediatric wards (A Worrall, et al) 328:867 (P) warfarin, treatment, training for patients in self management (E Murray, et al) 328:437 (P) (correction, 563) Waring D, see Fergusson D 328:432, 328:1136 Warm D, see Little P 328:1054 Warner G, see Little P 328:441, 328:444 Warner M, Endpiece. Many a true word spoken in jest 328:986 water delivery, comparison with standard of augmentation for management of dystocia in first stage of labour (ER Cluett, et al) 328:314 (P), 328:767 (L), 328:768 (L) water supply, developing countries lag behind (F Fleck) 328:972 (N) Waters E, et al, Systematic reviews of public health in developing countries are in train 328:585 (L)
Waters, William Hotchkis Richmond, Obituary (DJ Brown) 328:409 (L) Waterston E, see Holdstock D 328:1074 Watson R EU wants every member to develop a roadmap for ehealth 328:1155 (N) A lawyer with the Hygeia touch 328:1096 (N) Loophole to be closed on recognition of qualifications 328:425 (N) New category of on-call work suggested 328:1278 (N) Scientists beg EU to repeal new rules for clinical trials 328:187 (N), 328:522 (L) Stronger measures needed to avoid flu pandemic in Europe, commission warns 328:854 (N) Wattiez A, see Canis MJ 328:642 Watts G Can the new electronic highway for the NHS have a smooth launch? 328:1156 (N) (correction, 329:85) Cohort study of sibling effect, infectious diseases, and risk of atopic dermatitis during first 18 months of life. Commentary: the defence of dirt 328:1226 (P) Doing as well as thinking 328:309 (N) The new MMR? (The Press) 328:773 (R) Paper prescriptions will soon be distinctly last season 328:1156 (N) Waking governments up to their obligations 328:730 (N) Weaver RG, see Lantz PE 328:754 Weeks JC, see Joffe S 328:1463 Weggelaar NM, see Busari JO 328:272 Wehrle, Paul Francis, Obituary (C Veltman) 328:1569 Wei HA, see Dougliss C 328:1481 Wei L, see Donnan PT 328:1297 Weinberg J, see Sassi F 328:1213 Weingarten MA, et al, Assessing ethics of trials in systematic reviews 328:1013 (ED) Weir RE, et al, School exam results matter in medical job applications 328:585 (L) Welch E In and out of Africa (Profile) BMJ Careers 328:s189 (8 May 2004) Medicine in the mountains BMJ Careers 328:s57 (7 February 2004) et al, Premier league doctor BMJ Careers 328:s237 (12 June 2004) Welch S, see Yudkin P 328:989 Wells S, et al, Motorcycle rider conspicuity and crash related injury: case control study 328:857 (P) Wenley, William Gilson, Obituary (NA Green, et al) 328:772 Wennberg JE, et al, Use of hospitals, physician visits, and hospice care during last six months of life among cohorts loyal to highly respected hospitals in the United States 328:607 (P), 328:1201 (L), 328:1202 (L) Wesselink RMJ, see van Hilten JA 328:1281 West Nile virus infections, US, occurring early (JH Tanne) 328:1397 (N) West PA, Low prices for HIV drugs are only one step forward 328:349 (L) West R, ABC of smoking cessation. Assessment of dependence and motivation to stop smoking 328:338 (C) Wharfield L, Joy of rapid responses 328:645 (L) What the educators are saying, 328.210 (LP) (correction, 762) 328:692 (L), 328:1244 (LP) Wheastone SE, see Challacombe BJ BMJ Careers 328:s119 Wheeler JG, see Thomas SL 328:439 Wheeler R, see Lucassen AM 328:952 Whewell, John, Obituary (DS Strachan) 328:1442 whistleblowing everything you always wanted to know (R Coull) BMJ Careers 328:s5 (3 January 2004) Nancy Olivieri deferiprone and thalassaemia major (J Savulescu) 328:358 (E) vows to fight on (C Dyer) 328:187 (N) research fraud, have editors got priorities right? 328:230 (L) update (R McGuire) BMJ Careers 328:s7 (3 January 2004) US, Janssen case (J Lenzer) 328:1153 (N) White C Aromatase inhibitor cuts risk of recurrence of breast cancer 328:599 (N) Death of no comment"? (The Press) 328:649 (R) Electioneering nipple shot banned 328:1337 (N) Exploring perspectives on death 328:911 (N) (correction, 1412) GMC sees rise in doctors charged with accessing child pornography websites 328:973 (N) HRT does not prevent chronic disease after menopause 328:912 (N) If it doesnt work, stop it 328:1016 (L) Infertile couples to be given three shots at IVF 328:482 (N) NICE guidance has failed to end postcode prescribing 328:1277 (N) Risk of cancer from mobile phones is unclear 328:124 (N) Three journals raise doubts on validity of Canadian studies 328:67 (N) (correction, 257), 328:465 (L) white coats, death of (A Panja) (Personal view) 328:57 (R) White JML, et al, Pyoderma gangrenosum after total hip replacement (Minerva) 328:1386 (R) White KL, Campaign to revitalise academic medicine 328:1378 (L) White N, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for uncomplicated falciparum malaria 328:1259 (L) Whitehead DEJ, see Weir RE 328:585 Whitehead E, see Campbell B 328:1060 Whitehead M, see Doran T 328:1043 Whitmore, John Ludlow, Obituary (M Whitmore) 328:1020 Whittaker M, see Garry R 328:129 whole body magnetic resonance imaging, value (SJ Eustace, et al) 328:1387 (E) Whyman MR, see Earnshaw JJ 328:1122 Whynes DK, see Renehan AG 328:81 Wiebe S, see Bhopal R 328:76 Wiese M, Different versions of Glasgow coma scale in British hospitals 328:110 (L) Wiffen PJ, see Mason L 328:991, 328:995 Wiggins M, see Griffiths C 328:144 Wilczynski NL, see Haynes RB 328:1040 Wilde, Oscar, life according to. Endpiece (F Charatan) 328:206 Wilkins, John Leonard, Obituary (J Powley, et al) 328:232 Wilkinson DG, Older people and the patient centred NHS 328:350 (L) Williams A, see Graffy J 328:26 Williams AJK, see Bingley PJ 328:322
Williams B, et al, British Hypertension Society guidelines for hypertension management 2004 (BHS-IV): summary 328:634 (ED) Williams C, see Harrad R 328:348 Williams DDR, A memorable consultation 328:551 Williams J, The door handle sign 328:1187 Williams K, Patients will able to report drugs side effects 328:1095 (N) Williams KN, see Cooper CP 328:1179 Williams, Professor Roger, apology 328:1432 Williams, Robert Hildebrand Hunt, Obituary (R Wilkinson) 328:647 Williams RS, et al, Blast injury causing surgical emphysema and linear lacerations of the soft palate (Minerva) 328:236 Williams S, see Ball C 328:346 Willis D, see Jones J 328:1318 Willis J, Polypill debate continues 328:289 (L) Willis TA, NHS national programme for information technology 328:1200 (L) Willocks, James, Obituary (LJ Willocks, et al) 328:1205 Wilmshurst P Editors and their priorities about libel and fraud 328:230 (L) Institutional corruption in medicine 325:1232 (correction, 328:1432) Wilmut I, Human cells from cloned embryos in research and therapy 328:415 (E) Wilson D, Partner reduction and prevention of HIV/AIDS 328:848 (E) Wilson L, Sex on the Rates: Memoirs of a Family Planning Doctor (Books) 328:1504 (R) Wilson M Planning work overseas (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s189 (8 May 2004) see Banks E 328:1291 Wilson P Presence of bacteriuria caused by trimethoprim resistant bacteria in patients prescribed antibiotics: multilevel model with practice and individual patient data. Commentary: Legal issues of data anonymisation in research 328:1300 (IP) see Hussey S 328:88 Wilson, Sydney Gordon Forbes, Obituary (CC Lutton) 328:647 Wilson, Willoughby, Obituary (R Clarke, et al) 328:1502 Wilton T, Mortal Secrets (Books) 328:1080 (R) Wise R, see Woodhead M 328:1270 Withington SG, see Smith WCS 328:1459 Wlodarczyk K, et al, Occupational health and general practitioners BMJ Careers 328:s73 (21 February 2004) Wohlfahrt J, see Benn CS 328:1223 Wollersheim H, see Emmen MJ 328:318 women AIDS, being let down in efforts to stem (Z Kmietowicz) 328:305 (N) breast cancer increased risk: annual mammograms (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1515 (N) coronary disease, clustering of risk factors and social class in childhood and adulthood (S Ebrahim, et al) 328:861 (correction, 1104) (P) gardening for. One hundred years ago 328:14 health needs of women who have sex with women 328:463 (L), 328:464 (L) India, tobacco, birth weight, gestational age and smokeless tobacco use (PC Gupta, et al) 328:1538 (PC) smoking, effectiveness of nicotine patches in relation to genotype in women v. men (P Yudkin, et al) 328:989 type 1 diabetes, pregnancy complications: Netherlands (IM Evers, et al) 328:915 (P) type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline in elderly women (G Logroscino, et al) 328:548 (P) Women in Psychiatry Special Interest Group (R Ramsay) BMJ Careers 328:s116 (20 March 2004) Wonderling D, et al, Cost effectiveness analysis of a randomised trial of acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care 328:747 (PC) Wong G Internet access is a socioeconomic issue 328:1200 (L) Revalidation: swallow hard 328:1077 (L) Wong ICK, see Murray ML 328:524 Wong K, et al, Computer aided prescribing 328:1566 (L) Wong T, et al, Clinical fellow in medical education BMJ Careers 328:s77 (21 February 2004), s148 (10 April 2004) Wood GW, see Boynton PM 328:1433 Woodcock M, et al, Recent advances in customising cataract surgery 328:92 (C) Woodhead M, et al, Antibiotics, resistance, and clinical outcomes 328:1270 (E) Woods A, et al, Pre-eclampsia and breech presentation as precursors of vasa praevia (Minerva) 328:652 (R) Woods D, Escape Fire (Books) 328:1139 (R) Woods K, Implementing the European clinical trials directive 328:240 (E) Woodward A, see Hill SE 328:988 work see also occupational health clearing your desk (S Gupta, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s58 (7 February 2004) overseas (M Wilson) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s189 (8 May 2004) Workman S, American medicine meets the American dream 328:349 (L) World Bank, conference debates how to reach poor (J Clark) 328:486 (N) world health see global health World Health Organization see also global health AIDS, drugs target may be unrealistic (F Fleck) 328:1151 (N) avian flu human to human transmission (J Parry) 328:308 (N) outbreak in Hanoi (J Parry) 328:123 (N) diet attempts to improve US diet rejected (O Dyer) 328:185 (N) food industry pressure on plan resisted (F Fleck) 328:973 (N) Health Policy Research in South Asia (G Mudur) 328:124 (N) malaria Africa urged to use more effective medicines (G Yamey) 328:1033 (N) researchers malpractice accusation (G Yamey) 328:183 (N) obesity global plan (F Fleck) 328:1278 (N) US wins more time to lobby against plan (O Dyer) 328:245 (N) online register of trials (F Fleck) 328:854 polio epidemic in Africa warning (F Fleck) 328:1513 (N) tobacco framework convention major flaw 328:1320 (L)
JanuaryJune 2004
slow progress (B Burton) 328:1220 (N) World Health Report 2003 overview (G Walt) 328:6 (E), 328:287 (L), 328:288 (L) AIDS offers healthcare opportunity (F Fleck) 328:10 (N) World report on road traffic injury prevention overview (B Pless) 328:846 (E) summary (O Dyer) 328:851 (N) Young Peoples Health in Context (B Christie) 328:1395 (N) World Health Survey Pilot Study Collaborating Group, see Salomon JA 328:258 World Medical Association, retired academics to teach in developing world (S Pincock) 328:602 (N) World Trade Organization, drugs deal 328:349 (L) Worley P, et al, Cohort study of examination performance of undergraduate medical students learning in community settings 328:207 (LP) Worrall A, et al, Inappropriate admission of young people with mental disorder to adult psychiatric wards and paediatric wards: cross sectional study of six months activity 328:867 (P) wounds and injuries, herpes zoster risk and (SL Thomas, et al) 328:439 (P) Wrennall L, Amoxicillin for non-severe pneumonia in young children 328:1566 (N) Wright D, see Tomlinson JM 328:1037 Wright EB, et al, Doctors communication of trust, care and respect in breast cancer: qualitative study 328:864 (P), 328:1317 (L), 328:1318 (L), 328:1319 (L) Wright G, How can the deaneries help overseas doctors? BMJ Careers 328:s258 (19 June 2004) Wright NMJ, et al, Supervised injecting centres 328:100 (ED) Wright PK, Biopsy specimens should be legally defined as donations 328:642 (L) writing see also authors; publishing (R MacDonald) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s147 (10 April 2004) reports (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 328:s28 (17 January 2004) Wyatt JC, see Gustafson DH 328:1150 Wyatt M, see Campbell B 328:1060 Wyeth, found guilty of paying to boost specific medicine use (Z Kmietowicz) 328:1515 (N)
Xu WH, et al, Soya food intake and risk of endometrial cancer among Chinese women in Shanghai: population based case-control study 328:1285 (P) (correction, 329:85) Xue X, see Paltiel O 328:919
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Youngner SJ, et al, eds, Transplanting Human Tissue: Ethics, Policy, and practice (Books) 328:469 (R) Yousuf AK, see Althahabi MM 328:1072 Yudkin P, et al, Effectiveness of nicotine patches in relation to genotype in women versus men: randomised controlled trial 328:989
Zahl P-H, et al, Incidence of breast cancer in Norway and Sweden during introduction of nationwide screening: prospective cohort study 328:921 (P) Zaidi AKM, et al, Burden of infectious diseases in South Asia 328:811 (C) Zaidi F, see Zaidi J 328:767 Zaidi FH, see Weir RE 328:585 Zaidi J, et al, Labouring in water 328:767 (L) Zaloga GP, see Marik PE 328:1407 Zambia see also Africa voluntary work: late life crisis (R Sturge) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 328:s147 (10 April 2004) Zambon M, see Barclay WS 328:238 Zamvar V, No time to train surgeons 328:1134 (L) Zavos, Panos, newspapers cannot ignore maverick claims (J Laurance) (The Press) 328:294 (R) Zendron L, Lesson of the week. Pitfalls in the diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma 328:629 (C) Zheng W, see Xu WH 328:1285 Ziebland S et al, How the internet affects patients experience of cancer: a qualitative study 328:564 (IP), 328:898 (L) see Chapple A 328:1470 Zimmern RL et al, Role of next of kin in accessing health records of deceased relatives. Commentary: the arguments could be extended 328:954 (ED) see Liddell K 328:1510 Zinn C Australia accused of blocking doctors visit to asylum seekers 328:186 (N) Immunologist accused of misconduct is allowed to relocate 328:66 (N) Zisapel N, Insomnia (Books) 328:55 (R) Zollman CE, see Vickers AJ 328:744 Zuberi , Sarwar Jehan, Obituary (NA Jafarey) 328:840 Zuckerman J, Travel medicine BMJ Careers 328:s277 (26 June 2004) Zwahlen M, see Yazdanpanah Y 328:249
Xiang YB, see Xu WH 328:1285 Ximenes RAdeA, see Miranda-Filho DdeB 328:615
JanuaryJune 2004