Acrylic Still Life Rubric Fall17
Acrylic Still Life Rubric Fall17
Acrylic Still Life Rubric Fall17
Project Student
Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Requirements Score
0-13 points 14-17 points 18-20 points
Student did not demonstrate a Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a
purposeful use of their space. purposeful use of their space. purposeful and intentional use
Less than 3 objects were used At least 3 objects were included of their space. 4 or more
in their composition and the in their composition and most objects were included in their
Composition & layout is not well thought out. of the layout is thought out. composition and the layout is
Design Little to no effort was put into Student made an effort to well thought out. There are no
creating an interesting and create an interesting and kissing edges or awkward cut-
engaging composition. engaging composition. offs. Student made obvious
decisions to ensure their
composition was interesting
and engaging.
0-20 points 21-25 points 26-30 points
Little to no sense of value, Painting demonstrates a basic Painting demonstrates an
space and depth is sense of space and depth while advanced sense of space and
Proportion demonstrated. Most shapes are utilizing value. Basic shapes are depth through the use of value.
not accurately rendered and accurately rendered. Most Complex and basic shapes are
and rendering very few objects are in objects are in proportion in accurately rendered. All objects
of form (value) proportion in relation to one relation to one another. A are in proportion in relation to
another. A very small range of range of values (at least 5) are one another. A broad range of
values (less than 5) are demonstrated. values (6 or more) is
rendered. demonstrated.
0-20 points 21-25 points 26-30 points
Painting demonstrates little to Painting demonstrates a basic Painting demonstrates
no understanding of color. application and understanding advanced application and
There are large amounts of of color. Very few understanding of color to
black. Very few objects are objects/shadows are rendered accurately represent observed
accurately depicted. Attention in black. Most objects are objects. All objects/shadows
Color choice to color choices are minimal. accurately represented. use inventive color instead of
Coverage of the painting is not Student accurately represented flat black. Student Clearly
complete or solid and a lot of color. Painting displays solid observed the object color and
color application seems coverage yet not all color intensified colors to draw
unintentional. application seems intentional. interest. Painting displays a
solid coverage of surface and all
color application is intentional.
0-5 points 6-8 points 9-10 points
Student paid little attention to Student demonstrated a high Student demonstrated a high
the finish and presentation of level of attention to the finish level of attention to the finish ___/10
the project. There are more and presentation of the project, and presentation of the project.
than 4 unintentional paint but there are some areas All marks and brushstrokes are
Craftsmanship marks and pencil is still visible where student left intentional and aid in the
throughout. Background shows unintentional or messy paint finished piece. No pencil marks
through and paint marks marks. Some pencil marks are can be seen and there are no
appear messy. Many rips, tears visible and a few rips, tears or rips, tears or smudges on the
and/or smudges are evident on smudges evident on the finished piece.
the finished piece. finished piece.
0-5 points 6-8 points 9-10 points
Student gave minimal effort in Student gave good effort in Student gave best effort in all
all aspects of the project, were most aspects of the project. aspects of the project, were ___/10
Effort often unprepared and did not They were prepared most of prepared, and worked diligently
utilize time or resources to the the time and made good use of making the best possible use of
best of their responsibility time, but not consistently. time and resources.
Total: _____________/100