Energy Audit and Management

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Energy Audit & Management

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Ankit Tandon
Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies


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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

Energy Audit and Management

Ankit Tandon, Lecturer EEE, Pacific College of Engineering, Udaipur
Jitendra Kasera, Lecturer EEE, Pacific College of Engineering, Udaipur
Mr.Manish Pokharna, Associate Professor & Head ME, Pacific College of Engineering, Udaipur
Abstract: Energy Management and audit save money and energy of enterprises and other high energy-using units according to
for industries unless the recommendations are implemented. relevant state regulations and standards of energy-saving.
Audit reports are designed to encourage implementation and Energy audit is conducted by energy utilization units or its
proper and efficient use of energy. Efficient management and competent authorities or entrusted specialist agencies. Energy
utilization of energy may become a good source of energy for
audit is a kind of scientific management method of energy. Its
consumers. The purpose of writing an energy report is to achieve
increased energy efficiency and energy cost savings for the main content is objectively inspecting on the energy
customer. This paper briefly describe about Energy Audit and efficiency, energy consumption level and the economic benefit
Management and their correlated terms. of the energy unit and proposing the energy-saving measures
Keywords: Energy Audit, Energy Management, Energy for energy-using units by means of statistical analysis,
conservation Act, ISO certification, Energy Assessment inspection testing, and diagnostic evaluation.
The targets of energy audit are investigating problem and
I. INTRODUCTION weaknesses in using energy, tapping the energy-saving
Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic potential, giving rectification measures, formulating energy
development of any country. In the case of the developing saving goals and plan through the inspecting, examining,
countries, the energy sector assumes a critical importance in diagnosing and evaluating of the enterprise energy
view of the ever increasing energy needs requiring huge management level, energy consumption situation, energy
consumption index, financial process, comprehensive
investments to meet them. The fundamental goal of energy
utilization of energy. The ultimate aim of energy audit is to
management is to produce goods and provide services with the
encourage enterprises to save energy, reduce production costs
least cost and least environmental effect. Definition of energy
and increase economic benefit.
management given by Cape Hart, Turner and Kennedy is "The
judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits Energy Conservation Act 2001 has been enacted by the
(minimize costs) and enhance competitive positions". Also it Parliament in October 2001.
can be said as "The strategy of adjusting and optimizing  This Act provides a legal frame work for an efficient
energy, using systems and procedures so as to reduce energy use of energy and its conservation.
requirements per unit of output while holding constant or  The Act extends to the whole of India except the state
reducing total costs of producing the output from these of Jammu and Kashmir.
systems".  As per provisions of the Act, the Bureau of Energy
Energy Audit is the key to a systematic approach for decision- Efficiency (BEE) came into force from March 2002
making in the area of energy management. It attempts to onwards.
balance the total energy inputs with its use, and serves to  The Act specifies a class of users of energy as
identify all the energy streams in a facility. It quantifies designated consumer for the purposes of the
energy usage according to its discrete functions. legislation.
Energy management in the form of implementing new energy It provides power to Central Government to:
efficiency technologies, new materials and new manufacturing  Direct any designated consumer to get energy audit
processes and the use of new technologies in equipment and conducted by an accredited / certified energy auditor.
materials for business and industry is also helping companies  Direct designated consumer has to appoint an energy
improve their productivity and increase their product or Manager, the in charge of activities for energy
service quality. Often, the energy savings is not the main conservation.
driving factor when companies decide to purchase new  Prescribe minimum qualifications for appointment of
equipment, use new processes, and use new high-tech energy managers.
materials. However, the combination of increased IV. AUDITING PROCEDJURE
productivity, increased quality, reduced environmental Energy audit consists with several tasks which can be carried
emissions, and reduced energy costs provides a powerful out depending on the type of the audit and the size and the
incentive for companies and organizations to implement these function of the audited facility:
new technologies.  Establish energy consumption in the organization
 Estimate the scope for saving
Energy audit is refers to the inspecting, examining and  Identify immediate (especially no-/low-cost)
analyzing on the physical and the financial activities processes improvements/ savings
 Set a 'reference point'
ISSN 2278 – 2540 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3, JUNE 2012 47
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

 Identify areas for more detailed study/measurement use, and consumption. Implementation of this standard is
 Preliminary energy audit uses existing, or easily intended to lead to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,
obtained data energy cost, and other related environmental impacts, through
systematic management of energy. This International Standard
is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations irrespective
V. BASIC COMPONENTS OF AN ENERGY AUDIT of geographical, cultural or social conditions. Successful
To obtain the best information for a successful energy cost implementation depends on commitment from all levels and
control program, the auditor must make some measurements functions of the organization, and especially from top
during the audit visit. The amount of equipment needed management.
depends on the type of energy-consuming equipment used at This International Standard specifies requirements of an
the facility. energy management system (EnMS) for an organization to
Tape Measures develop and implement an energy policy, establish objectives,
The most basic measuring device needed is the tape measure. targets, and action plans, which take into account legal
A 25-foot tape measure l" wide and a 100- foot tape measure requirements and information related to significant energy use.
are used to check the dimensions of walls, ceilings, windows, An EnMS enables an organization to achieve its policy
etc. commitments, take action as needed to improve its energy
Light meter performance and demonstrate the conformity of the system to
One simple and useful instrument is the light meter which is the requirements of this International Standard. Application of
used to measure illumination levels in facilities. A light meter this International Standard can be tailored to fit the
that reads in foot candles allows direct analysis of lighting requirements of an organization — including the complexity
systems and comparison with recommended light levels of the system, degree of documentation, and resources — and
specified by the Illuminating Engineering Society. applies to the activities under the control of the organization.
Thermometers This International Standard is based on the Plan-Do-Check-
Several thermometers are generally needed to measure Act continual improvement framework and incorporates
temperatures in offices and other worker areas, and to measure energy management into everyday organizational practices.
the temperature of operating equipment. Knowing process ISO 50001:2011, Energy management systems –
temperatures allows the auditor to determine process Requirements with guidance for use, is a voluntary
equipment efficiencies, and also to identify waste heat sources International Standard developed by ISO (International
for potential heat recovery programs. Organization for Standardization).
Voltmeter ISO 50001 gives organizations the requirements for energy
An inexpensive voltmeter is useful for determining operating management systems (EnMS).
voltages on electrical equipment and especially useful when ISO 50001 provides benefits for organizations large and small,
the nameplate has worn off of a piece of equipment or is in both public and private sectors, in manufacturing and
otherwise unreadable or missing. services, in all regions of the world.
Wattmeter/Power Factor Meter ISO 50001 will establish a framework for industrial plants;
A portable hand-held wattmeter and power factor meter is very commercial, institutional, and governmental facilities; and
handy for determining the power consumption and power entire organizations to manage energy. Targeting broad
factor of individual motors and other inductive devices. applicability across national economic sectors, it is estimated
Combustion Analyzer that the standard could influence up to 60 % of the world’s
Combustion analyzers are portable devices capable of energy use.
estimating the combustion efficiency of furnaces, boilers, or The standard is intended to accomplish the following:
other fossil fuel burning machines.  Assist organizations in making better use of their
Safety Equipment existing energy consuming assets.
The use of safety equipment is a vital precaution for any  Create transparency and facilitate communication on
energy auditor. A good pair of safety glasses is an absolute the management of energy resources.
necessity for almost any audit visit. Hearing protectors may  Promote energy management best practices and
also be required on audit visits to noisy plants or areas with reinforce good energy management behaviors.
high horsepower motors driving fans and pumps. Electrical  Assist facilities in evaluating and prioritizing the
insulated gloves should be used if electrical measurements will implementation of new energy-efficient technologies.
be taken, and asbestos gloves should be used for working  Provide a framework for promoting energy efficiency
around boilers and heaters. Breathing masks may also be throughout the supply chain.
needed when hazardous fumes are present from processes or  Facilitate energy management improvements for
materials used. greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.
VI. ENERGY MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION  Allow integration with other organizational
The purpose of this International Standard is to enable management systems such as environmental, and
organizations to establish the systems and processes necessary health and safety.
to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency,
ISSN 2278 – 2540 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3, JUNE 2012 48
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

ISO 50001 provides a framework of requirements enabling B) Energy Performance Assessment of Motors and
organizations to: Variable Speed Drives:-
 Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy The two parameters of importance in a motor are efficiency
 Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy and power factor. The efficiencies of induction motors remain
 Use data to better understand and make decisions almost constant between 50% to 100% loading. With motors
concerning energy use and consumption designed to perform this function efficiently; the opportunity
 Measure the results for savings with motors rests primarily in their selection and
 Review the effectiveness of the policy use. When a motor has a higher rating than that required by the
 Continually improve energy management. equipment, motor operates at part load. In this state, the
VII. ENERGY PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT efficiency of the motor is reduced.
Energy Performance Assessment of various equipment Replacement of under loaded motors with smaller motors will
connected used in electrical utility are now done. By this allow a fully loaded smaller motor to operate at a higher
assessment it will be find out that how can we save energy in efficiency. Information needed to Evaluate Energy Savings for
various equipment. Variable Speed Application is
A) Energy Performance Assessment Of Boilers:- i) Method of flow control to which adjustable speed is
Performance of the boiler, like efficiency and evaporation ratio compared:
reduces with time, due to poor combustion, heat transfer
 Output throttling (pump) or dampers (fan).
fouling and poor operation and maintenance. Deterioration of
 Recirculation (pump) or unrestrained flow (fan) .
fuel quality and water quality also leads to poor performance
of boiler. Efficiency testing helps us to find out how far the  Adjustable-speed coupling (eddy current coupling) .
boiler efficiency drifts away from the best efficiency. Any  Inlet guide vanes or inlet dampers (fan only).
observed abnormal deviations could therefore be investigated  Two-speed motor.
to pinpoint the problem area for necessary corrective action. ii) Pump or fan data:
IS 8753: Indian Standard for Boiler Efficiency Testing Most  Head vs flow curve for every different type of liquid
standards for computation of boiler efficiency, including IS (pump) or gas (fan) that is handled.
8753 and BS845 are designed for spot measurement of boiler  Pump efficiency curves.
efficiency. Invariably, all these standards do not include blow iii) Process information:
down as a loss in the efficiency determination process.  specific gravity (for pumps) or specific density of
Basically Boiler efficiency can be tested by the following products (for fans).
 System resistance head/flow curve.
1) The Direct Method: Where the energy gain of the working
fluid (water and steam) is compared with the energy content of  Equipment duty cycle, i.e. flow levels and time
the boiler fuel. duration.
2) The Indirect Method: Where the efficiency is the difference iv) Efficiency information on all relevant electrical system
between the losses and the energy input. apparatus:
The various factors affecting the boiler performance are listed  Motors, constant and variable speed.
below:  Variable speed drives.
 Periodical cleaning of boilers  Gears.
 Periodical soot blowing  Transformers.
 Proper water treatment programme and blow down C) Waste minimization and resource conservation:-
control Traditionally, waste is viewed as an unnecessary element
 Draft control arising from the activities of any industry. In reality, waste is a
 Excess air control misplaced resource, existing at a wrong place at a wrong time.
 Percentage loading of boiler Waste is also the inefficient use of utilities such as electricity,
 Steam generation pressure and temperature water, and fuel, which are often considered unavoidable
 Boiler insulation overheads. The costs of these wastes are generally
 Quality of fuel underestimated by managers. It is important to realize that the
All these factors individually/combined, contribute to the cost of waste is not only the cost of waste disposal, but also
performance of the boiler and reflected either in boiler other costs such as:
efficiency or evaporation ratio. Based on the results obtained  Disposal cost
from the testing further improvements have to be carried out  Inefficient energy use cost
for maximizing the performance. The test can be repeated after
 Purchase cost of wasted raw material
modification or rectification of the problems and compared
with standard norms. Energy auditor should carry out this test  Production cost for the waste material
as a routine manner once in six months and report to the  Management time spent on waste material
management for necessary action.  Lost revenue for what could have been a product
instead of waste
ISSN 2278 – 2540 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3, JUNE 2012 49
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

 Potential liabilities due to waste. Waste minimization [8] R. L. Secor, R. S. Curl, “Energy auditing and conservation
can be defined as "systematically reducing waste at methods, measurements, management and case studies”,
source". It means: Proceedings of Energy auditing and Conservation National
 Prevention and/or reduction of waste generated Conference, Ohio, 2009.
 Efficient use of raw materials and packaging
[9] Z. H. Wang, Energy management in industry enterprises,
 Efficient use of fuel, electricity and water
Lanzhou: Clarendon, Gansu science and technology, 2005.
 Improving the quality of waste generated to facilitate
recycling and/or reduce hazard
 Encouraging re-use, recycling and recovery.
Waste minimization is also known by other terms such as
waste reduction, pollution prevention, source reduction and
cleaner technology. It makes use of managerial and/or
technical interventions to make industrial operations inherently
pollution free.
It should be also clearly understood that waste
minimization, however attractive, is not a panacea for all
environmental problems and may have to be supported by
conventional treatment/disposal solutions.
Energy audit can help to excavate the maximal energy-saving
potential in production and management process, give
proposals on energy-saving management and energy-saving
technical renovation, promote the progress of management and
energy saving technology, and ensure the rapid and healthy
development yet developed far enough to be as effective as it
needs to be. It will be great once it advances a bit farther, but
for the time being, it is not effective enough beyond people
who want one in their home to reduce their electricity bills.
[1] Haberl J.S., and Claridge D.E., An Expert System for
Building Energy Consumption Analysis: Prototype Results,
ASHRAE Transactions, 2006

[2] Greely K., Harris J., and Hatcher A., Measured Saving and
Cost-Effectiveness of Conservation Retrofits in Commercial
Buildings, Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory Berkeley,
CA, 2007.

[3] Fels, J., Special Issue Devoted to Measuring Energy

Savings: The Scorekeeping Approach, Energy and Buildings.

[4] Thumann, A., and Mehta, P., Handbook of Energy

Engineering. The Fairmont Press Inc., Librun, GA 2002.

[5] Tuluca A., and Steven Winter Associates, Energy Efficient

Design and Construction for Commercial Buildings, Mc-Graw
Hills, 2010

[6] Moncef Krarti, Energy Audit of Building system- An

Engineering Approach.., CRC Press LLC 2000

[7] W. T. Snyder. W. Symonds, “The energy audit what it is

how to conduct it , how to use the results”, Proceedings of
Energy Use Management International Conference, Arizona,

ISSN 2278 – 2540 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3, JUNE 2012 50

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