UI GreenMetric Guideline 2023

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 2
1. What is UI GreenMetric World University Rankings? ................................................................................. 3
2. What are the objectives? ............................................................................................................................ 3
3. Who can participate? .................................................................................................................................. 3
4. What are the benefits? ............................................................................................................................... 3
5. How can universities participate? ............................................................................................................... 5
6. How was UI GreenMetric World University Ranking developed? .............................................................. 5
7. Who are the team? ..................................................................................................................................... 7
8. What is the methodology? .......................................................................................................................... 7
9. Who are our networks? .............................................................................................................................11
10. What are our plans? ...................................................................................................................................12
11. How to contact us? .....................................................................................................................................12
Questionnaire (Criteria and Indicators) .............................................................................................................13

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1. What is UI GreenMetric World University Rankings?
Universitas Indonesia (UI) initiated world university rankings in 2010, later known as UI GreenMetric World
University Rankings, to measure campus sustainability efforts. It was intended to create an online survey to
portray sustainability policies and programs for universities around the world.
We based the rankings broadly on the conceptual framework of Environment, Economy, and Equity. The ranking
indicators and categories are intended to be relevant to all. We have designed the indicators and weightings to
be as free of bias as possible. The work of collecting and submitting data is relatively straightforward and requires
reasonable staff time. Ninety-five universities from 35 countries participated in the 2010 version of UI
GreenMetric: 18 from America, 35 from Europe, 40 from Asia, and 2 from Australia. In 2022, 1050 universities
from 85 countries around the world participated. This shows that UI GreenMetric has been recognized as the first
world university ranking on sustainability.
Our theme this year is “Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities”. We would like to
focus on universities’ efforts to continue their sustainability programs and policies, innovation, impact and future
direction to become sustainable universities based on UI GreenMetric and SDGs.

2. What are the objectives?

Our ranking aims to:
• Contribute to academic discourses on sustainability in education and the greening of campus;
• Promote university-led social change about sustainability goals;
• Be a tool for self-assessment on campus sustainability for higher education institutions (HEIs) around the
• Inform governments, international and local environmental agencies, and society about sustainability
programs on campus.

3. Who can participate?

All universities in the world with a strong commitment to sustainability issues can participate in the annual UI
GreenMetric World University Rankings.

4. What are the benefits?

Universities that participate in UI GreenMetric rankings by submitting their data can expect to enjoy several
benefits such as internationalization and recognition, increasing awareness of sustainability issues, social change
and action, and networking. Registration is free of charge.
a. Internationalization and recognition
Participation in UI GreenMetric can help the university’s efforts in internationalization and recognition by getting
its sustainability efforts on the global map. Participation in UI GreenMetric can result in an increase of hits to your
university website, more mentions of the institution relative to the issues of sustainability on web pages, more
correspondence with institutions interested to collaborate with your university, and recognition from your alumni
and public as a university with strong concern with sustainability.
b. Increasing awareness of sustainability issues
Participation can help to increase awareness in the university and beyond about the importance of sustainability
issues. The world faces unprecedented global challenges such as population trends, global warming,
overexploitation of natural resources, oil-dependent energy, water, and food shortages, and other sustainability
issues. We realize that higher education has a crucial role to play in addressing these challenges. UI GreenMetric
leverages the crucial role that HEIs can play in raising awareness by doing an assessment and comparing efforts in
education for sustainable development, sustainability research, campus greening, and social outreach.
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c. Social change and action
UI GreenMetric is more than raising awareness; it is about encouraging concrete change. It is crucial that
understanding move forward to action to address emerging global challenges. Only by working together can we
tackle global challenges on sustainability.
d. Networking
All participants of UI GreenMetric are automatically members of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings
Network (UIGWURN) which was established in 2017. In this network, participants can share their best practices
in sustainability programs as well as networking with other participants worldwide by attending the annual UI
GreenMetric International Workshop and regional/national workshops hosted by approved host universities.
Participants can also arrange technical workshops on UI GreenMetric at their respective universities.
As a platform to turn sustainability issues into action, the network is managed by UI GreenMetric as the
secretariat. Programs and directions are proposed and decided by the steering committee comprising the UI
GreenMetric secretariat, regional, and national coordinators as in the table below:
Table 1 National coordinators of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network
No. National Coordinator
1 El Bosque University – Colombia
2 National University of Colombia – Colombia
3 University of Sao Paulo (USP) – Brazil
4 Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria – Chile
5 Escuela Superior Politecnica De Chimborazo (ESPOCH) – Ecuador
6 University of Sonora – Mexico
7 University of Sousse – Tunisia
8 Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University – Turkey
9 Istanbul University – Turkey
10 Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) – Jordan
11 Kazakh National Agrarian University – Kazakhstan
12 King Abdul Aziz University – Saudi Arabia
13 Mahidol University – Thailand
14 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) – Chinese
15 Pakistan Higher Education Commission – Pakistan
16 Weifang Institute of Technology – China
17 Universitas Diponegoro – Indonesia
18 University of Zanjan – Iran
19 Tarbiat Modares University – Iran
20 Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) – Lebanon
21 University of Sharjah – United Arab Emirates
22 Universiti Putra Malaysia – Malaysia
23 OMNES Education – France
24 Pantheon-Assas University Paris II – France
25 RUDN University – Russia
26 Riga Technical University – Latvia
27 University College Cork – Ireland
29 University of L’Aquila – Italy
30 University of Minho – Portugal

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31 University of Navarra – Spain
32 University of Oviedo – Spain
33 Adam Mickiewicz University – Poland
34 University of Szeged – Hungary
35 University of Pecs – Hungary
36 Bukhara State University – Uzbekistan
37 Al-Azhar University – Egypt
38 October 6 University – Egypt

Currently, the network is comprised of 1050 participating universities located in the dynamic and diverse Asia,
Europe, Africa, Australia, America, and Oceania, with more than 2 million faculty members, 17 million students, and
68 billion USD in total research funds for environment and sustainability. The number will continue to increase as
national coordinators actively encourage other universities in their countries to join UI GreenMetric.

5. How can universities participate?

To participate in the ranking is simple. The sustainability director or other persons in charge can visit
www.greenmetric.ui.ac.id to learn about the ranking and if interested they can e-mail the UI GreenMetric
secretariat ([email protected]) to get an invitation letter and access to the system. If you have already
participated in the rankings, you will be sent an invitation to participate. If you decide not to participate due to
particular reasons, it would be appreciated if you inform the secretariat. Of course, you can join the survey again
in the future. It is always useful if your university appoints a person in charge of a contact person. You are welcome
to contact the secretariat for any inquiries regarding the survey.

6. How was UI GreenMetric World University Ranking developed?

The decision to establish UI GreenMetric was influenced by several factors:
a. Idealism
Future challenges to civilization include population pressure, climate change, energy security, environmental
degradation, water, and food security, and sustainable development. Despite many scientific studies and public
discussions, governments around the world have yet to commit to a sustainable agenda. Concerned people at
Universitas Indonesia have come to the idea that universities have the privilege to help develop a consensus on key
areas for action. They include such concepts as the Triple Bottom Line, the 3 Es (Equity, Economy, Environment),
Green Building, and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
UI GreenMetric World University Rankings serves as a tool for universities to deal with sustainability challenges
our world is facing. Many universities use UI GreenMetric questionnaire as a tool to measure, monitor and
evaluate their sustainability strategic plan. Universities can work together to reduce negative environmental
impacts. UI GreenMetric is a nonprofit institution; therefore, many universities can participate in the rankings for
b. UI GreenMetric World University Rankings model
Although UI GreenMetric was not based on any existing ranking system, it was developed with the awareness of
several existing sustainability assessment systems and academic university rankings. Sustainability systems that
were referred to during the design phase of UI GreenMetric included the Holcim Sustainability Awards,
GREENSHIP (the rating system recently developed by the Green Building Council of Indonesia which was based on
the Leadership in the Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system used in the U.S. and elsewhere), the
Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) and the College Sustainability Report Card (also
known as the Green Report Card).

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Figure 1. UI GreenMetric and SDGs

UN Environment’s challenge in the 2030 Agenda is to develop and enhance integrated approaches to sustainable
development – approaches that will demonstrate how improving the health of the environment will bring social
and economic benefits. Aiming at reducing environmental risks and increasing the resilience of societies and the
environment, UN Environment action fosters the environmental dimension of sustainable development and leads
to socio-economic development (UNEP, n.d.). These 17 aspects of SDGs are captured in the UI GreenMetric
criteria and indicators.
During the early stages of the design of UI GreenMetric, assistance was sought on the issues from experts in both
ranking and sustainability. These included the holding of a conference on university rankings and video
conferences as well as expert meetings on sustainability and green building. The latest expert workshop on UI
GreenMetric, The 5th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, was held on 14 - 16
April 2019 at University College Cork. Due to the pandemic, the 6th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric
World University Rankings (IWGM 2020) was held virtually at the University of Zanjan, Iran in October 2020,
University Putra Malaysia in 2021, and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan in 2022.
In 2010, 23 indicators were used within the five categories to calculate the ranking scores. In 2011, 34 indicators
were used. Then in 2012, the indicator of “smoke-free and drug-free campus environment” was removed and 33
indicators were used to evaluate the green campus. In 2012, the indicators were also categorized into 6 categories
including the education criteria. One change being considered was the formation of a new category for
sustainability education and research. In 2015, the theme was the carbon footprint. We added two questions
related to this issue in the energy and climate change section. We also improved our methodology by adding a
few sub-indicators that were related to water and transportation in the 2015 ranking. A major change in
methodology was done in 2017 by considering new trends in sustainability issues. In 2018, the theme was
Universities, Impacts, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We added detailed answer options to the
following indicators: total area on campus covered in forest, planted vegetation, water absorption besides the
forest and planted vegetation, energy-efficient appliances usage, smart building implementation, the ratio of
renewable energy produce/production towards total energy usage per year, elements of green building
implementation, the greenhouse gas emission reduction program, all of waste and water criteria, the ratio of the
parking area to the total campus area, transportation initiatives to decrease private vehicles on campus, the
transportation program designed to limit or decrease the parking area on campus, shuttle services, Zero-Emission

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Vehicles (ZEV) and pedestrian policy on campus, and the existence of a university-run sustainability website. We
also added a new question on Education Criteria, i.e., existence of a published sustainability report. We changed
the question of the bicycle into Zero-Emission Vehicles by considering the green transportation related to
universities worldwide. In 2019, the theme was Sustainable University in a Changing World: Lessons, Challenges,
and Opportunities. We improved the questionnaire in the options for answers and more explanations about smart
building indicators. In 2020, the theme of the questionnaire is Universities’ Responsibility for Sustainable
Development Goals and World’s Complex Challenges. This year UI GreenMetric questionnaire tried to approach
the impacts that universities can provide in an effort in planning a green campus for the community. To measure
the social, cultural, and economic impacts and to respond to the pandemic, new questions are added to UI
GreenMetric World University Rankings Questionnaire in 2021. In 2022, there were indicator adjustments and
assessments related to the current pandemic condition. There was also a new indicator related to water pollution.
In 2023, several new indicators added related to the 3R waste program, student organization activities and
international collaboration.
In addition, evidence is vital to the evaluation process by our reviewers, so please ensure the evidence that you
provide is as complete as possible.
c. Realities and challenges
The goal of creating a world university sustainability ranking was done with an understanding that the diversity of
types of universities, their missions, and their contexts would pose problems for the methodology. We are fully
aware of the fact that universities differ in their levels of awareness and commitment to sustainability, their
budgets, the amount of green cover on their campus, and many other dimensions. These issues are complex, but
UI GreenMetric is committed to continually improving the ranking so that it will be both useful and fair to all. We
are open to suggestions from our members.

7. Who are the team?

From 2010 to 2020, UI GreenMetric World University Rankings was managed by a team under the Rector of
Universitas Indonesia. Since 2021, UI GreenMetric has to manage itself as we were encouraged to be financially
self-funded. Our team members consist of management team, expert members, and reviewers who come from
various academic backgrounds and experiences, such as Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Architecture,
Urban Design, Dentistry, Public Health, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies.

8. What is the methodology?

a. The criteria
The UI GreenMetric evaluates university's policy and perfomance on the basis of six categories; Setting and
Infrastructure (SI), Energy and Climate Change (EC), Waste (WS), Water (WR), Transportation (TR), and Education
and Research (ED). Each category has a weighting of points as shown in the following table.

Table 2 Categories used in the rankings and their weighting

No Category Percentage of Total Points (%)
1 Setting and Infrastructure (SI) 15
2 Energy and Climate Change (EC) 21
3 Waste (WS) 18
4 Water (WR) 10
5 Transportation (TR) 18
6 Education and Research (ED) 18

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Table 3 Indicators and categories suggested for use in the 2023 rankings

No CRITERIA Point Weighting

1 Setting and Infrastructure (SI) 15%
SI1 The ratio of open space area to the total area 200
SI2 Total area on campus covered in forest vegetation 100
SI3 Total area on campus covered in planted vegetation 200
SI4 Total area on campus for water absorption besides the forest and planted 100
SI5 The total open space area divided by the total campus population 200
SI6 Percentage of university budget for sustainability efforts 200
SI7 Percentage of operation and maintenance activities of building in one 100
year period
SI8 Campus facilities for disabled, special needs, and/or maternity care 100
SI9 Security and safety facilities 100
SI10 Health infrastructure facilities for students, academics, and administrative 100
staff’s wellbeing
SI11 Conservation: plant (flora), animal (fauna), or wildlife, genetic resources 100
for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long-term
conservation facilities
Total 1500
2 Energy and Climate Change (EC) 21%
EC1 Energy-efficient appliances usage 200
EC2 Smart building implementation 300
EC3 Number of renewable energy sources on campus 300
EC4 Total electricity usage divided by total campus' population (kWh per 300
EC5 The ratio of renewable energy production divided by total energy usage 200
per year
EC6 Elements of green building implementation as reflected in all construction 200
and renovation policies
EC7 Greenhouse gas emission reduction program 200
EC8 Total carbon footprint divided by total campus' population (metric tons 200
per person)
EC9 Number of the innovative program(s) in energy and climate change 100
EC10 Impactful university program(s) on climate change 100
Total 2100
3 Waste (WS) 18%
WS1 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycling) program for university's waste 300
WS2 Program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus 300
WS3 Organic waste treatment 300
WS4 Inorganic waste treatment 300
WS5 Toxic waste treatment 300
WS6 Sewage disposal 300
Total 1800
4 Water (WR) 10%

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WR1 Water conservation program & implementation 200*
WR2 Water recycling program implementation 200
WR3 Water-efficient appliances usage 200
WR4 Consumption of treated water 200
WR5 Water pollution control in the campus area 200
Total 1000
5 Transportation (TR) 18%
TR1 The total number of vehicles (cars and motorcycles) divided by the total 200
campus' population
TR2 Shuttle services 300
TR3 Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) policy on campus 200
TR4 The total number of Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) divided by the total 200
campus population
TR5 The ratio of the ground parking area to the total campus' area 200
TR6 Program to limit or decrease the parking area on campus for the last 3 200
years (from 2020 to 2022)
TR7 Number of initiatives to decrease private vehicles on campus 200
TR8 The pedestrian path on campus 300
Total 1800
6 Education and Research (ED) 18%
ED1 The ratio of sustainability courses to total courses/subjects 300
ED2 The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding 200
ED3 Number of scholarly publications on sustainability 200
ED4 Number of events related to sustainability 200
ED5 Number of activities organized by student organizations related to 200
sustainability per year
ED6 University-run sustainability website 200
ED7 Sustainability report 100
ED8 Number of cultural activities on campus 100
ED9 Number of university sustainability program(s) with international 100
ED10 Number of sustainability community services projects organized and/or 100
involving students
ED11 Number of sustainability-related startups 100
Total 1800
Note: Light green indicates new questions introduced in 2023

b. Revised indicators
To respond to the current condition, and to add metrics for social, cultural, and economic aspects of sustainability,
some indicators have been revised in this year’s questionnaire. In Table 3, some questions are colored in light
green as new questions introduced in 2023.
c. Scoring
Scoring for each item will be numeric so that our data can be processed statistically. Scores will be simple counts
of things or responses on a scale of some sort. Details of the scoring can be found in Appendix 1.
d. The weighting of criteria
Each of the criteria will be categorized in a general class of information and when the results are processed, the
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raw scores will be weighted to give a final calculation.
e. Refining and improving the research instrument
While we have put every effort into the design and implementation of the questionnaire, we realize that there are
bound to be shortcomings. Therefore, we will be reviewing the criteria and the weightings continuously to
accommodate input from participants and state-of-the-art developments in the field. We welcome your
comments and input.
f. Data submission
Data from the universities should be submitted through an online system between 15 May – 31 October 2023.
We welcome any e-mail or hardcopy of your university sustainability evaluation and report as well as evidence on
sustainability activities in your university.

g. Results
The preliminary results of the metrics are expected to be submitted on 31 October 2023, and the final complete
result will be released in early December 2023.

The basic ranking results (overall rankings 2022) and the detailed scores can be accessed via

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9. Who are our networks?
The idealism surrounding awareness of sustainability issues is now generating a network of like-minded
organizations. The network is organized and run by UI GreenMetric World University Rankings secretariat, a
steering committee consisting of national and/or regional coordinator representatives, in cooperation with
universities that host UI GreenMetric World University Rankings events. The national workshops were held since
2017 in many universities and countries, i.e. Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakhstan; El Bosque
University, Colombia; University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Diponegoro University, Indonesia; University of Bologna,
Italy; Aalborg University, Denmark; King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia; and Peoples’ Friendship University of
Russia, Russia.
In 2018 UI GreenMetric’s progress was also presented in different forums such as the 4 th International Workshop
on UI GreenMetric (IWGM), Indonesia; IREG Forum Belgium, ISCN Conference, Sweden; CRUI Working Group on
International Academic Rankings, Italy; International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) Conference,
Malaysia; and Global Symposium on Green Campus Development, China. In the same year, UI GreenMetric also
presented at the National Workshop in several universities as the hosts i.e. University of Zanjan and Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad, Iran; Atyrau State University, Kazakhstan; King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia;
Nottingham University, United Kingdom; the National University of Colombia and University del Rosario,
Colombia; University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Pakistan Higher Education Commission, Pakistan; Universiti Utara
Malaysia, Malaysia; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia; Riga Technical University, Latvia; Peoples’
Friendship University of Russia, Russia; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile; and OMNES Education,
In 2019 UI GreenMetric was invited by various organizations and communities: The 4th General Assembly Meeting
of Green University Union of Taiwan 2019, CRUE Meeting, World Environmental Education Congress, and Building
Universities’ Reputations (BUR) 2019 Conference. This year National and Regional Workshops were also held in
several universities as the hosts, i.e. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente and Universidad Icesi, Colombia;
University of Szeged dan University of Pecs, Hungary; Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia; Nazarbayev University,
Kazakhstan; Universidade Federal de Lavraz, Brazil; Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon; RUDN
University, Rusia; Escuela Superior Politecnica De Chimborazo (ESPOCH), Ecuador; University of Sousse, and
Tunisia; Cyprus International University, North Cyprus.
Early in 2020 two workshops have been conducted in France and Saudi Arabia. UI GreenMetric activities in 2020
continued amid the Covid-19 pandemic with more than 60 workshops and webinars successfully conducted
In 2020 UI GreenMetric held virtual workshops with university representatives from each country: Nottingham
University (United Kingdom), Mahidol University (Thailand), Universitas Riau (Indonesia), Fundación Universidad
del Norte Barranquilla (Colombia), University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), RUDN University (Russia),
University of Campinas (Brazil), Universidad de Sonora (Mexico) and University of Zanjan (Iran).
In 2021 the virtual workshops continued with new representatives and more countries hosting them, including
Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), University of Szeged (Hungary), Mahidol University (Thailand), University of
Zanjan (Iran), Tarbiat Modares University (Iran), Universitas Sebelas Maret (Indonesia), Universidad Hemisferios
(Ecuador), RUDN University (Russia), Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira (Colombia), Universidad Autonoma de
Nuevo Leon (Mexico), Inseec U (France).
As part of its thematic priorities, UI GreenMetric with University of Sao Paolo, Universitas Indonesia, El Bosque
University, University of Szeged, University of Sharjah, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, and the
University of Sousse ran UI GreenMetric Online Course on Sustainability 2021. This course is the first unique global
online course offered by top universities in four continents and seven countries to their students. It gives the
students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development in Brazil, Colombia,
Ecuador, Hungary, Indonesia, Tunisia, and The United Arab Emirates. The course is designed as an undergraduate-
level introduction to the most challenging question facing our generation: how can countries evolve in ways that
are socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable?. The course discusses the complex interplay between the

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economy, social life, and our planet's physical environment, as well as the consequences of human activities on
the planet's environment and the solutions.
In 2022 UI GreenMetric organized workshops with university representatives from each country like Universidad
EAFIT (Colombia), Mahidol University (Thailand), Universidad Tecnologica ECOTEC (Ecuador), RUDN University
(Russia), University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), and Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (Indonesia).
UI GreenMetric Online Course on Sustainability also continues its implementation in 2023. There are three online
courses on the topic of Global Practices of SDGs offered this year. In Indonesia 17 universities collaborate to
organize online courses for their students. The 17 universities are Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Telkom University, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas
Islam Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Lampung, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Palangka Raya, Universitas Pancasila, Universitas Pattimura, Universitas Sam
Ratulangi, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Universitas Sriwijaya, and Universitas Syiah Kuala. In addition, another
online course is also organized by National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan), University of
Pecs (Hungary), 6 October University (Egypt), Universitas Diponegoro (Indonesia), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
(Indonesia), Mahidol University (Thailand), Bulent Elcevit University (Turkey).

10. What are our plans?

UI GreenMetric always takes into consideration how to better achieve its own goals, how to learn from
constructive criticism about rankings and the advancement of ESD, and how to learn from the diverse experience
of participants with different goals and in different settings. We plan to continue developing the questionnaire
and give more services to the members of its network. We will also strengthen our networks through innovative

11. How to contact us?

Ms. Sabrina Hikmah Ramadianti
UI GreenMetric Secretariat
Integrated Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) Building, 4th Floor
Kampus UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (021) – 29120936
Website: http://www.greenmetric.ui.ac.id/

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Questionnaire (Criteria and Indicators)
There are six main categories in the questionnaire which consist of setting and infrastructure (SI), energy and climate
change (EC), waste (WS), water (WR), transportation (TR), and education and research (ED). These categories are
divided into several sections, with detailed explanations of the questions. In general, you can use the data to reflect
your university in the best possible way.
1. Setting and Infrastructure (SI)
The campus setting and infrastructure information will provide the basic information about the university’s
consideration of a green environment. This indicator also shows whether the campus deserves to be called a
Green Campus. The aim is to encourage the participating universities to provide more spaces for greenery
and safeguard the environment, as well as the development of sustainable energy.
1.1. Types of the higher education institution
Please select one of the following options:
[1] Comprehensive
[2] Specialized higher education institution
1.2. Climate
Please select one of the following options that clearly describes the climate in your region:
[1] Tropical wet
[2] Tropical wet and dry
[3] Semiarid
[4] Arid
[5] Mediterranean
[6] Humid subtropical
[7] Marine west coast/Oceanic Climate
[8] Humid continental
[9] Subarctic
1.3. Number of campus sites
Please state the number of separate locations in which your university runs academic purposes. For example,
if your university has one campus or more than one campus in different districts, towns, or cities that are
separated from one another, please state the total number of university locations.
Evidence is required
1.4. Campus setting
Please select one of the following options:
[1] Rural
[2] Suburban
[3] Urban
[4] City center
[5] High-rise building area
Evidence is required

1.5. Total campus area (m2)

Please state the total areas of your campus (in square meters). It is expected that the total area counted is only
those in which academic activities are conducted (including the administration buildings, student and staff
activities buildings, classes, dormitories, and canteens). Forest and fields and other areas can only be counted
if they are used for academic purposes (i.e., field lecture, practicum, educational training, etc.).
Evidence is required

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1.6. Total campus ground floor area of buildings (m2)
Please provide information on the area occupied by buildings, by providing the total area of the ground floor
parts of your university buildings on your campus.
1.7. Total campus buildings area (m2)
Please provide information on the area occupied by buildings, by providing the total floor area (all floors)
including ground floors and other floors of your university buildings on your campus.
Evidence is required

1.8. The ratio of open space area to total area (SI.1)

Please provide the percentage of ratio open space area to total area on campus.
Formula: (((1.5-1.6)/1.5) x 100%)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 1%
[2] > 1 - 80%
[3] > 80 - 90%
[4] > 90 - 95%
[5] > 95%
Evidence is required

1.9. Total area on campus covered in forest vegetation (SI.2)

Please provide the percentage of the area on campus covered in vegetation in the form of forest (an area
covered mainly with big trees and its biodiversity, natural and/or planted; a large amount of dense mass of
vertical growth and undergrowth for conservation purposes), owned by the university, to the total campus
area. In case your university is in arid zone, you can claim the area that you develop for forest according to
the requirements of the zone as area on campus covered in forest vegetation.
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 2% (provide the total area in square meters)
[2] > 2 - 9% (provide the total area in square meters)
[3] > 9 - 22% (provide the total area in square meters)
[4] > 22 - 35% (provide the total area in square meters)
[5] > 35% (provide the total area in square meters)
Evidence is required

1.10. Total area on campus covered in planted vegetation (SI.3)

Please provide the percentage of the area on campus covered in planted vegetation excluding forests to the
total campus area. Lawns, gardens, green roofs, internal planting, and vertical garden can be counted, for
vegetation purposes. Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 10% (provide the total area in square meters)
[2] > 10 - 20% (provide the total area in square meters)
[3] > 20 - 30% (provide the total area in square meters)
[4] > 30 - 40% (provide the total area in square meters)
[5] > 40% (provide the total area in square meters)
Evidence is required

1.11. Total area on campus for water absorption besides the forest and planted vegetation (SI.4)
Please provide the percentage of the total area of ground surfaces (i.e., soil, grass, concrete block, synthetic
field, etc.) dedicated for water absorption to the total campus area. A larger water absorption area is
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desirable. Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 2% (provide the total area in square meters)
[2] > 2 - 10% (provide the total area in square meters)
[3] > 10 - 20% (provide the total area in square meters)
[4] > 20 - 30% (provide the total area in square meters)
[5] > 30% (provide the total area in square meters)
Evidence is required

1.12. Total number of regular students

Please provide the total number of regular students (full-time and part-time) at your university. A regular
student is defined as a registered and active student in one semester (Effective Full-Time Students (EFTS)),
excluding short-term students (i.e., foreign exchange and short course students).
1.13. Total number of online students
The total number of students registered as online-only students (excluding regular students), at your
1.14. Total number of academic and administrative staff
Please state the total number of effective full-time academic staff (lecturers, professors, and researchers) and
administrative staff working in your university.
1.15. The total open space area divided by the total campus population (SI.5)
Please provide the open space area per person on your campus.
Formula: ((1.5-1.6)/(1.12+1.14))
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 10 m2/person
[2] > 10 – 20 m2/person
[3] > 20 – 40 m2/person
[4] > 40 – 70 m2/person
[5] > 70 m2/person
1.16. Total university budget (in US Dollars)
Please provide the average university budget per annum over the last 3 years in US Dollars.
1.17. University budget for sustainability efforts (in US Dollars)
Please provide the average university budget for infrastructure, facilities, personnel costs, research,
programs, and others related to the sustainability efforts per annum over the last 3 years in US Dollars.
Evidence is required

1.18. Percentage of university budget for sustainability efforts (SI.6)

Please provide the percentage calculation of the sustainability budget (infrastructure, facilities, personnel
cost, research, programs and others related to the sustainability efforts) to the total university budget. Please
select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 1%
[2] > 1 - 5%
[3] > 5 - 10%
[4] > 10 - 15%
[5] > 15%

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1.19. Percentage of operation and maintenance activities of building in one year period (SI.7)
Please provide the percentage of operation and maintenance activities of a building (i.e., administration
building, laboratory, classroom, etc.) that have been conducted in one year period (for example, from May 2022
- April 2023). The percentage is defined as (Total building area operated and maintained/ Total campus
buildings area) × 100%. Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 25%
[2] > 25 - 50%
[3] > 50 - 75%
[4] > 75 - 99%
[5] 100%
Evidence is required

*Please provide evidence of university new building construction (if any), new meeting/class protocol
arrangement, operation (i.e., management), and routine building maintenance activities.
1.20. Campus facilities for disabled, special needs, and/or maternity care (SI.8)
Please provide information on-campus facilities for disabled, special needs, and or maternity care (i.e., library,
classroom, toilet, lactation room, transportation, daycare). Please select one of the following options:
[1] None
[2] The policy is in place
[3] Facilities are in the planning stage
[4] Facilities are partially available and operated
[5] Facilities exist in all buildings and are fully operated
Evidence is required

1.21. Security and safety facilities (SI.9)

Please provide information on on-campus facilities’ support for security and safety for campus residents.
Please select one of the following options:
[1] Passive security system
[2] Security infrastructure (CCTV, emergency hotline/button) available and fully function
[3] Security infrastructure (CCTV, emergency hotline/button, personnel, fire extinguisher, hydrant) available
and fully function
[4] Security infrastructure is available and fully functions and security responding time for accidents, crime,
fire, and natural disasters is more than 10 minutes
[5] Security infrastructure is available and fully functions and security responding time for accidents, crime,
fire, and natural disasters is less than 10 minutes
Evidence is required

1.22. Health infrastructure facilities for students, academics, and administrative staff’s well-being (SI.10)
Please provide information on Infrastructure that support student, academics, and staff’s well-being on
campus, particularly for health services (physical and mental). Please select one of the following options:
[1] Health infrastructure (first aid) is not available.
[2] Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic, and personnel) are available
[3] Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic, and certified personnel) are available
[4] Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic, hospital, and certified personnel) are available
[5] Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic, hospital, and certified personnel) are available
and accessible to public
Evidence is required

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1.23. Conservation: plant (flora), animal (fauna), or wildlife, genetic resources for food and agriculture
secured in either medium or long-term conservation facilities (SI.11)
Please provide information on the campus program for the conservation of plant (flora), animal (fauna), or
wildlife, genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long-term conservation
facilities. Your university can provide information such as: program, type of species, number of species,
duration of conservation, targeted population and or conservated area, etc. can be used as a baseline.
Please select one of the following options:

[1] Conservation program in preparation

[2] Conservation program 1-25% implemented
[3] Conservation program 25-50% implemented
[4] Conservation program 50-75% implemented
[5] Conservation program fully implemented
Evidence is required
* If conservation is conducted in another location, your university can include them in the evidence
document and put that conservation area into the total campus area (question 1.5)
2. Energy and climate change (EC)
The university’s attention to the use of energy and climate change issues is the indicator with the highest
weighting in this ranking. In our questionnaire, we define several indicators for this area of concern, i.e.,
energy-efficient appliances usage, the implementation of smart buildings/automation buildings/intelligent
buildings, renewable energy usage policy, total electricity usage, energy conservation programs, elements of
green buildings, climate change adaptation and mitigation programs, greenhouse gas emission reductions
policy, and carbon footprint. Within these indicators, the universities are expected to increase their efforts in
energy efficiency in their buildings and to care more about nature and energy resources.
2.1. Energy efficient appliances usage (EC.1)
Please compare the number of energy-efficient appliances and the number of conventional ones used on
your campus and provide them in percentages. Examples of energy-efficient appliances are A/C with inverter
technology, LED light bulbs, Energy Star-certified computers, etc. Please select one of the following options:
[1] < 1%
[2] 1 - 25%
[3] > 25 - 50%
[4] > 50 - 75%
[5] > 75%
Evidence is required

2.2. Total campus smart building area (m2)

Please provide the information on the total area (including ground floors and other floors) of your university
smart buildings on your campus. A building that is classified as a smart building must have the general
requirements of smart building features: automation, safety (physical security, presence sensors, video
surveillance/CCTV), energy, water (sanitation), indoor environment (thermal comfort and air quality), and
lighting (Illumination, low power lighting). An example of detailed general requirements can be found in
Appendix 2 and the template of evidence. We expect that your smart buildings are supported with Building
Management System (BMS)/Building Information Modelling (BIM)/Building Automation System
(BAS)/Facility Management System (FMS) and are equipped with at least 5 (five) of the remaining identified
requirements, where possible, interfaced with the BMS/BIM/BAS/FMS. BMS/BIM/BAS/FMS, which is a hardware
and software system for data collection, management, control, and monitoring of the mechanical and/or
electrical systems of the building, for example, ventilation, hydraulic, lighting systems, electro-motor force,
security systems, fire prevention. All features should be established to generate a beneficial environmental
Page 17 of 51
impact over the building lifecycle. The efficiency introduced by the usage of smart appliances in the building(s)
should be elaborated on an annual sustainability report.
2.3. Smart building implementation (EC.2)
Please provide the stage of smart building implementation in your university (percentage of the total floor
areas of the smart building to the total all floor building areas (smart and non-smart building area)).
Formula: ((2.2/1.7) x 100%)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] < 1%
[2] 1 - 25%
[3] > 25 - 50%
[4] > 50 - 75%
[5] > 75%
Evidence is required

2.4. Number of renewable energy sources on campus (EC.3)

The availability of more sources of renewable energy is considered to indicate that a university has put more
effort into providing alternative energy. Please select the number of renewable energy sources used on your
[1] None
[2] 1 source
[3] 2 sources
[4] 3 sources
[5] > 3 sources
2.5. Renewable energy sources and their amount of the energy produced (in kilowatt-hour)
Please select one or more of the following alternative energy sources used on your campus and please provide
the amount of the energy produced in kilowatt-hours:
[1] None
[2] Biodiesel (provide amount in kilowatt-hour)
[3] Clean biomass (provide amount in kilowatt-hour)
[4] Solar power (provide amount in kilowatt-hour)
[5] Geothermal (provide amount in kilowatt-hour)
[6] Wind power (provide amount in kilowatt-hour)
[7] Hydropower (provide amount in kilowatt-hour)
[8] Combine Heat and Power (provide amount in kilowatt-hour)
Evidence is required

2.6. Electricity usage per year (in kilowatt-hour)

Please provide the total energy used in the last 12 months in your entire university area (in kilowatt hour or
kWh) for all purposes such as lighting, heating, cooling, running university laboratories, etc.
Evidence is required

2.7. Total electricity usage divided by total campus’ population (kWh per person) (EC.4)
Please provide the total electricity usage divided by the total campus’ population.
Formula: (2.6) / (1.12+1.14)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≥ 2424 kWh

Page 18 of 51
[2] > 1535 – 2424 kWh
[3] > 633 - 1535 kWh
[4] > 279 - 633 kWh
[5] < 279 kWh
2.8. The ratio of renewable energy production divided by total energy usage per year (EC.5)
Please provide the ratio of renewable energy production divided by the total energy usage per year. Please
select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 0.5%
[2] > 0.5 - 1%
[3] > 1 - 2%
[4] > 2 - 25%
[5] > 25%
Evidence is required

2.9. Elements of green building implementation as reflected in all construction and renovation policies
Please provide information on the elements of green building implementation as reflected in the construction
and renovation policies in your university (i.e., natural ventilation, full natural daylighting, the existence of a
building energy manager, the existence of a Green Building, etc.). Please select one that applies from the
following list:
[1] None. Please select this option if there is no green building implementation at your university.
[2] 1 element
[3] 2 elements
[4] 3 elements
[5] > 3 elements
Evidence is required

2.10. Greenhouse gas emission reduction program (EC.7)

Please select a condition that reflects the current condition of your university in providing formal programs
(from any scope) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Please select from the following options:
[1] None. Please select this option if the reduction program is needed, but nothing has been done.
[2] Program in preparation (i.e., feasibility study and promotion)
[3] Program(s) aims to reduce one out of three scopes emissions (Scope 1 or 2 or 3)
[4] Program(s) aims to reduce two out of three scopes emissions (Scope 1 and 2 or Scope 1
and 3 or Scope 2 and 3)
[5] Program(s) aims to reduce all three scopes emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3)
Evidence is required

Please use Table 4 to answer question 2.10 on GHG emissions in your university.

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Table 4 List of greenhouse gas emission sources (Woo & Choi, 2013)
Emission data Definition

Stationary combustion refers to the burning of fuels to produce electricity, steam, and
Stationary combustion
heat in a fixed location, such as boilers, burners, heaters, kilns, and engines.

Mobile combustion Burning of fuels by institution-owned transportation devices

Scope 1
Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from physical or chemical processes rather than
Process emissions
from fuel combustion

Hydrofluorocarbon releases during the use of refrigeration and air conditioning

Fugitive emissions
equipment and methane leakage from natural gas transport

Indirect GHG emissions result from the generation of the electricity purchased and
Scope 2 Purchased electricity
used by the institution
Indirect GHG emissions resulting from the incineration or landfill of your institution’s solid
Indirect GHG emissions resulting from the generation of water supply purchased and
Purchased waste
used by the institution
Scope 3 Indirect GHG emissions resulting from regular commuting from and to institutions by
Commuting students and employees (i.e., reducing regular commuting by using shared vehicles,
Indirect GHG emissions resulting from air travels paid by institutions (i.e., reducing
Air travel
the number of staff air travel opportunities)

2.11. Total carbon footprint (CO2 emission in the last 12 months, in metric tons)
Please provide the total carbon footprint of your university. Please exclude carbon footprint from flights and
secondary carbon sources, such as dishes and clothes. To calculate your university carbon footprint, please
refer to Appendix 3.
Evidence is required

2.12. Total carbon footprint divided by total campus’ population (metric tons per person) (EC.8)
Please provide the total carbon footprint divided by the total campus population.
Formula: (2.11)/(1.12+1.14)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≥ 2.05 metric tons
[2] > 1.11 - 2.05 metric tons
[3] > 0.42 - 1.11 metric tons
[4] > 0.10 - 0.42 metric tons
[5] < 0.10 metric tons
2.13. The number of innovative program(s) in Energy and Climate Change (EC.9)
Please provide the total number of innovative program(s) in energy and climate change, i.e. (Smart Indoor
Health and Comfort System, new energy approach, new climate change mitigation problem solutions, etc).
Please select one of the following options:
[1] None
[2] 1 program
[3] 2 programs
[4] 3 programs
[5] more than 3 programs
Evidence is required

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2.14. Impactful university program(s) on climate change (EC.10)
Please select program(s) on climate change risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and
early warning. Please select one of the following options:
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation
[3] Provide training, educational materials, and activities for surrounding communities
[4] Provide training, educational materials, and activities for surrounding communities and at the national
[5] Provide training, educational materials, and activities for surrounding communities, at national,
regional, and international levels
Evidence is required

3. Waste (WS)
Waste treatment and recycling activities are major factors in creating a sustainable environment. The
activities of university staff and students on campus will produce a lot of waste; therefore, some recycling and
waste treatments programs should be among the concern of the university, i.e., recycling program, organic
waste treatment, inorganic waste treatment, toxic waste recycling, sewage disposal, policies to reduce the
use of paper and plastic on campus.
3.1. 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) program for university’s waste (WS.1)
Please select a condition that reflects the current condition of your university’s efforts to encourage staff and
students to do 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) waste, from the following options:
[1] None. Please select this option if there is no program at your university.
[2] 3R program in preparation
[3] 3R program 1 – 50% implemented
[4] 3R program > 50 – 75% implemented
[5] 3R program > 75% implemented
Evidence is required

3.2. Program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus (WS.2)
Please select one from the following options which best reflects the current condition of your university in
establishing a formal policy to reduce the use of paper and plastic (i.e., double-sided printing policy program,
the use of tumblers, the use of reusable bags, print when necessary, etc.):
[1] None. Please select this option if there is no program at your university.
[2] 1 program
[3] 2 programs
[4] 3 programs
[5] More than 3 programs
Evidence is required

3.3. Total volume organic waste produced (tons)

Evidence is required

3.4. Total volume organic waste treated (tons)

Evidence is required

3.5. Organic waste treatment (WS.3)

The method of organic waste (i.e., garbage, discarded vegetable, food, and plant matter) treatment in your
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university. Please select an option that best describes your university’s overall treatment of the bulk of
organic waste:
[1] Open dumping
[2] Partial (1 - 25% treated)
[3] Partial (> 25 - 50% treated)
[4] Partial (> 50 - 75% treated)
[5] Extensive (> 75% treated)
Evidence is required

3.6. Total volume inorganic waste produced (tons)

Evidence is required

3.7. Total volume inorganic waste treated (tons)

Evidence is required

3.8. Inorganic waste treatment (WS.4)

Please describe the method of non-toxic inorganic waste (i.e., rubbish/garbage, trash, discarded paper,
plastic, metal, electronic, etc.) treatment in your university. Please select an option that best describes your
university’s overall treatment of the bulk of the inorganic waste:
[1] Burned in the open
[2] Partial (1 - 25% treated)
[3] Partial (> 25 - 50% treated)
[4] Partial (> 50 - 75% treated)
[5] Extensive (> 75% treated)
Evidence is required

3.9. Total volume toxic waste produced (tons)

Evidence is required

3.10. Total volume toxic waste treated (tons)

Evidence is required

3.11. Toxic waste treatment (WS.5)

Please select a condition that reflects the current condition of how your university handles toxic wastes. For
example, battery, fluorescent lamps, chemical waste, etc). The handling process includes whether toxic
wastes are dealt with separately, for example, by classifying and handling them over to a third party or
certified handling companies.
Please select one of the following options:
[1] Not managed
[2] Partial (1 - 25% treated)
[3] Partial (> 25 - 50% treated)
[4] Partial (> 50 - 75% treated)
[5] Extensive (> 75% treated) or campus produces a minimum amount of toxic waste
Evidence is required

3.12. Sewage disposal (WS.6)

Please describe the primary method of sewage treatment at your university. Please select an option that
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best describes how the bulk of the sewage is disposed of:
[1] Untreated into waterways
[2] Treated with preliminary treatment
[3] Treated with primary treatment
[4] Treated with secondary treatment
[5] Treated with tertiary treatment
Evidence is required
- Preliminary Treatment: consists of screening to remove large solids, grit removal to eliminate sand
and other heavy materials, and oil and grease removal
- Primary Treatment: includes sedimentation and coagulation-flocculation
- Secondary Treatment: attached growth systems or suspended growth systems
- Tertiary Treatment: offers reusability options such as disinfection, filtration, and advanced oxidation
to further purify the water for reuse in industrial processes or irrigation.

4. Water (WR)
Water usage on campus is another important indicator in the UI GreenMetric. The aims are to encourage
universities to decrease groundwater usage, increase water conservation programs, and protect habitats.
Water conservation programs, water recycling programs, water-efficient appliances usage, and treated water
usage are among the criteria.
4.1. Water conservation program and implementation (WR.1)
Please select a condition describing your current stage in a program that is systematic and formalized, and
supports water conservation (i.e., for lakes and lake management systems, rain harvesting systems, water
tanks, bio pore, recharge well, etc.) in your university, from the following options:
[1] None. Please select this option if the conservation program is needed, but nothing has been done.
[2] Program in preparation (i.e., feasibility study and promotion)
[3] 1 - 25% implemented at an early stage (i.e., measurement of potential surface runoff volume)
[4] > 25 - 50% water conserved
[5] > 50% water conserved
Evidence is required

4.2. Water recycling program implementation (WR.2)

Please select a condition that reflects the current condition of your university in establishing formal policies
for water recycling programs (i.e., the use of recycled water for toilet flushing, car washing, watering plants,
etc.). Please select an option that describes the current stage of your program:
[1] None. Please select this option if the water recycling program is needed, but nothing has been done.
[2] Program in preparation (i.e., feasibility study and promotion)
[3] 1 - 25% Implemented at an early stage (i.e., measurement of wastewater)
[4] > 25 - 50% water recycled
[5] > 50% water recycled
Evidence is required

4.3. Water-efficient appliances usage (WR.3)

Water-efficient appliance usage are replacing conventional appliances. This also includes the use of water-
efficient appliances (i.e., using censored/automated handwashing taps, highly efficient toilet flush, etc.).
Please select one of the following options:
[1] None. Water-efficient appliances are needed, but nothing has been done.
[2] Program in preparation (i.e., feasibility study and promotion)
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[3] 1 - 25% of water-efficient appliances installed
[4] > 25 - 50% of water-efficient appliances installed
[5] > 50% of water-efficient appliances installed
Evidence is required

4.4. Consumption of treated water (WR.4)

Please indicate the percentage of treated water consumed from water treatment system compared to all
water sources (i.e., rainwater tank source, groundwater, surface water, etc.) in your university. The water
source can be from the treated water installation inside and/or outside your university. Please select one of
the following options:
[1] None
[2] 1 - 25% treated water consumed
[3] > 25 - 50% treated water consumed
[4] > 50 - 75% treated water consumed
[5] > 75% treated water consumed
Evidence is required

4.5. Water pollution control in campus area (WR.5)

Please indicate the stage of your campus water pollution control to prevent polluted water from entering the
water system. For example, the mechanism to regularly check water quality (Physical, Chemical, and
biological parameters) on your campus. Please select one of the following options:
[1] Policy and programs for water pollution control are in the designing stage
[2] Policy and programs for water pollution control are in the construction stage
[3] Policy and programs for water pollution control are in the early implementation stage
[4] Policy and programs for water pollution control are fully implemented and monitored occasionally
[5] Policy and programs for water pollution control are fully implemented and monitored regularly
Evidence is required

5. Transportation (TR)
Transportation systems play an important role in carbon emission and pollutant levels in universities.
Transportation policies that limit the number of motor vehicles on campus and encourage the use of campus
buses, shared vehicles, and zero emission vehicles (i.e. bicycles, canoes, snowboards, electric cars, electric
motorcycles, etc.) will encourage a healthier environment. The pedestrian policy will encourage students and
staff to walk around campus and minimize the use of private vehicles. The use of environmentally friendly
public transportation will decrease the carbon footprint around campus.
5.1. Number of cars actively used and managed by the university
Please indicate the number of cars operated on campus owned and managed by the university (including
those outsourced to third parties). Please consider only cars with emissions (i.e. cars with combustion
5.2. Number of cars entering the university daily
Please indicate the average number of cars that enter your university daily based on a balanced sample,
taking into consideration terms and holiday periods. Please consider only cars with emissions (i.e., cars with
combustion engines).

5.3. Number of motorcycles entering the university daily

Please indicate the average number of motorcycles that enter your university daily based on a balanced
Page 24 of 51
sample, taking into consideration terms and holiday periods. Please consider only motorcycles/motorbikes
with emissions (i.e., motorcycles/motorbikes with combustion engines).
5.4 The total number of vehicles (cars and motorcycles with combustion engines) divided by the total
campus’ population (TR.1)
Please provide the total number of vehicles divided by the total campus’ population.
Formula: (5.1+5.2+5.3)/(1.12+1.14)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≥ 1
[2] > 0.5 - 1
[3] > 0.125 - 0.5
[4] > 0.045 - 0.125
[5] < 0.045
Evidence is required

5.5. Shuttle services (TR.2)

Please describe the condition of the availability of shuttles for journeys within the campus and whether the
ride is free or charged, operated by a university or by other parties. Please select an option from the following
options. If shuttle service is not provided due to positive reason(s) such as the campus area is small, another
zero-emission transportation service is available, please select “not applicable”.
[1] Shuttle service is possible, but not provided by the university;
[2] Shuttle service is provided (by the university or other parties) and regular, but not free;
[3] Shuttle service is provided (by the university or other parties) and the university contributes a part of the
[4] Shuttle service is provided by the university, regular, and free;
[5] Shuttle service is provided by the university, regular, and zero-emission vehicle. Or shuttle use is not
possible (not applicable).
Evidence is required

5.6. Number of shuttles operating in the university

Please indicate the number of campus shuttles operating in your university. The campus shuttle can be in the
form of buses, multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) cars, or minivans which are operated inside the campus.
5.7. The average number of passengers of each shuttle
Please indicate the average number of passengers of each shuttle on one trip. You can estimate from the
seat availability of the shuttle.
5.8. Total trips of each shuttle service each day
Please indicate the total number of trips for each shuttle service per day.
5.9. Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) policy on campus (TR.3)
Please describe the extent to which the use of Zero Emission Vehicles (i.e. bicycles, canoes, snowboards,
electric cars, electric motorcycles, etc.) is supported for transportation on your campus. Please select an
option from the following list that applies to your campus:
[1] Zero-Emission Vehicles are not available;
[2] Zero-Emission Vehicles use is not possible or practical;
[3] Zero-Emission Vehicles are available, but not provided by the university;
[4] Zero-Emission Vehicles are available, provided by the university, and charged;
[5] Zero-Emission Vehicles are available and provided by the university for free. *

Page 25 of 51
Evidence is required
*Regularly used by campus academic society
5.10. Average number of Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) on campus per day
Please indicate the average number of Zero Emission Vehicles (i.e., bicycles, canoes, snowboards, electric
cars, compressed bio-methane gas shuttle cars, etc.) on your campuses daily which include vehicles both
owned by the university and privately owned.
5.11. The total number of Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) divided by the total campus population (TR.4)
Please provide the total number of Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) divided by the total campus population.
Formula: (5.10)/(1.12+1.14)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 0.002
[2] > 0.002 - 0.004
[3] > 0.004 - 0.008
[4] > 0.008 - 0.02
[5] > 0.02
5.12. Total ground parking area (m2)
Please provide the information on the total parking area in your university. You can estimate or validate
this area by using the Google maps feature.
5.13. The ratio of the ground parking area to total campus area (TR.5)
Please select a ratio of the parking area to the total campus area of your university.
Formula: ((5.12/1.5) x 100%)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] > 11 %
[2] > 7 – 11 %
[3] > 4 – 7 %
[4] > 1 – 4 %
[5] < 1 %
Evidence is required

5.14. Program to limit or decrease the parking area on campus for the last 3 years (from 2020 to 2022
Please select a condition that reflects the current university program on transportation designed to limit or
decrease the parking area on your campuses. Please select an option that best describes your university from
the following options:
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation (i.e., feasibility study and promotion)
[3] The program resulted in less than 10% decrease in the parking area
[4] The program resulted in 10 - 30% decrease in the parking area
[5] The program resulted in more than 30% decrease in parking area or parking area reduction reaching its
Evidence is required

5.15. Number of initiatives to decrease private vehicles on campus (TR.7)

Page 26 of 51
Please select a condition that reflects your university’s current initiatives on the availability of transportation
to limit or decrease the number of private vehicles on your campuses (i.e., car-free days, car sharing, charging
high parking fees, metro/tram/bus services, bike-sharing, low fare subscriptions, limiting student’s car, etc.).
Please select an option that best describes your university from the following:
[1] No initiative
[2] 1 initiative
[3] 2 initiatives
[4] 3 initiatives
[5] > 3 initiatives or initiative is no longer required
Evidence is required

5.16. Pedestrian path on campus (TR.8)

Please describe the extent to which the use of the pedestrian path is supported. Your university can provide
information such as pedestrian way network map as evidence. Please select an option from the following list
that applies to your campus:
[1] None;
[2] Pedestrian paths are available;
[3] Pedestrian paths are available and designed for safety;
[4] Pedestrian paths are available, designed for safety and convenience;
[5] Pedestrian paths are available, designed for safety and convenience, and in some parts provided with
disabled-friendly features.
Evidence is required

- Safety: equipped with enough lighting, separator between road for vehicle and pedestrian path, and
some handrail.
- Convenience: Level difference with a mild slant for walking alongside the pavement, some area covered,
using soft (rubber, woods, etc.) material, availability of location information and directions
- Disabled-friendly: ramps and guiding blocks that have a suitable design for pedestrians having physical
5.17. The approximate daily travel distance of a vehicle inside your campus only (in Kilometers)
Please provide the approximate daily travel distance of a vehicle (i.e., bus, car, motorcycle) inside your campus
only in kilometers.

6. Education and Research (ED)

6.1. Number of courses/subjects related to sustainability offered
The number of courses/subjects of which the contents are related to sustainability offered at your university.
Some universities have already tracked how many courses/subjects are available for this. The definition of
the extent to which a course can be seen as related to sustainability (environmental, social, cultural,
economics) or both, can be defined according to your university’s situation. If a course/subject contributes
in more than a minor or passes the way to increase awareness, knowledge, or action related to sustainability,
then it counts. The number of courses/subjects can be counted by specifying related sustainability keywords
used in the subjects. For example, Environmental Chemistry is the subject of the Chemistry study program.
Evidence is required

6.2. Total number of courses/subjects offered

Page 27 of 51
It is the total number of courses/subjects offered at your university yearly. This information will be used to
calculate to what extent environment and sustainability education have been defined in your university
teaching and learning.
Evidence is required

6.3. The ratio of sustainability courses to total courses/subjects (ED.1)

Please select the ratio of sustainability courses to the total number of courses (subjects) in your university.
Formula: ((6.1/6.2) x 100%)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 1%
[2] > 1 - 5%
[3] > 5 - 10%
[4] > 10 - 20%
[5] > 20%
6.4. Total research funds dedicated to sustainability research (in US Dollars)
Please provide the average funding for research on sustainability per annum over the last 3 years.

Evidence is required

6.5. Total research funds (in US Dollars)

The average total research funds per annum over the last 3 years. This information will be used to calculate
the percentage of environment and sustainability research funding to the overall research funding.

Evidence is required

6.6. The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding (ED.2)
Please select a ratio of sustainability research funding to the total research funding in your university.
Formula: ((6.4/6.5) x 100%)
Please select one of the following options:
[1] ≤ 1%
[2] > 1 - 8%
[3] > 8 - 20%
[4] > 20 - 40%
[5] > 40%
6.7. Number of scholarly publications on sustainability (ED.3)
Please provide the average number of indexed publications (Google scholar) on environment and
sustainability published annually over the last 3 years, using keywords: green, environment, sustainability,
renewable energy, climate change. If your university have scopus affiliation ID please input the ID in profile
page. Please select one of the following options:
[1] 0
[2] 1 - 20
[3] 21 - 83
[4] 84 - 300
[5] > 300
Evidence is required

Page 28 of 51
6.8. Number of events related to sustainability (ED.4)
Please provide the number of events (i.e., conferences, workshops, awareness raising, practical training,
festival, etc.) related to the issues of environment and sustainability hosted or organized by your university
(average per annum over the last 3 years). Please select one of the following options:
[1] 0
[2] 1 - 4
[3] 5 - 17
[4] 18 - 47
[5] > 47
Evidence is required

6.9. Number of activities organized by student organizations related to sustainability per year (ED.5)
Please provide the total number of activities organized by student organizations in a faculty or university level
per year. For example, seminar, webinars, training, sport events, bazaar about recycle materials, community
outreach, etc. Please select one of the following options:
[1] 0
[2] 1 - 2
[3] 3 – 4
[4] 5 - 10
[5] > 10
Evidence is required

6.10. University-run sustainability website (ED.6)

If your university has a sustainability website, please provide the address of the web. Some detailed
information on a university website to educate students and staff as well as providing information about their
latest involvement on green campus, environment and sustainability programs, sustainability plan, target,
achievement will be very useful. Please select the following options:
[1] Not available;
[2] Website in progress or under construction;
[3] Website is available and accessible;
[4] Website is available, accessible, and updated occasionally;
[5] Website is available, accessible, and updated regularly.
6.11. Sustainability website address (URL) if available
Please provide your university sustainability link/website (URL).
6.12. Sustainability report (ED.7)
Please provide a sustainability report. Sustainability report content could be based on SDGS report or UI
Greenmetric questionnaire indicators. The report should at least describe vision, strategy, policy, programs
and implementation in your university. Specific information on target and achievement is preferable.
Please select the following options:
[1] Not available;
[2] Sustainability report is in preparation;
[3] Available but not publicly accessible;
[4] Sustainability report is accessible and published occasionally;
[5] Sustainability report is accessible and published annually.
Evidence is required

6.13. Sustainability report link address (URL) if available

Please provide your university sustainability report link (URL).
Page 29 of 51
6.14. Number of cultural activities on campus (ED.8)
The fact that ‘green’ facilities in campus are accessible for public, such as during cultural activities, indicates
wider impact of green campus’ existence to its surroundings. Please provide the total number of cultural
activities on campus (i.e., Cultural Festival, theater, music performance, exhibition, etc) including virtual
activities. Please select the following options:
[1] None
[2] 1 event per year
[3] 2 events per year
[4] 3 events per year
[5] More than 3 events per year
Evidence is required

6.15. Number of university sustainability program(s) with international collaborations (ED.9)

Please provide the total number of university sustainability program(s) with international collaboration. For
example, join research, online course, educational trip, double degree, student-staff exchange, etc. Please
select the following options:
[1] None
[2] 1 Program
[3] 2 Programs
[4] 3 Programs
[5] More than 3 programs
Evidence is required

6.16. Number of sustainability community services project organized by and/or involving students
Please provide the total number of sustainability community services projects organized by and/or
involving students. Please select the following options:
[1] None
[2] 1 project
[3] 2 projects
[4] 3 projects
[5] More than 3 projects
Evidence is required

6.17. Number of sustainability-related startups (ED.11)

Please provide the total number of sustainability-related startups initiated and managed by university. You
can count any level of startup (profit/non-profit, digital/non-digital, managed by university involving student
or not). Please select the following options:
[1] None
[2] 1 – 5 startups
[3] 6 – 10 startups
[4] 11 – 15 startups
[5] More than 15 startups
Evidence is required

Page 30 of 51
Data submission
1. Please submit the latest yearly (annual) data that you have according to your 12 months data gathering
schedule (i.e., for Questions 1.19, 2.6, 2.8) unless otherwise requested.

Evidence Guidelines
This is the six year we request evidence for the questionnaire. The use of the evidence is to support your data
submission when being reviewed by our assessors. For this purpose, please read carefully the following guidance:

1. Evidence is mandatory, except for some questions which can be uploaded. Lack of evidence may result
in a declined score.
2. All evidence should comply with the template provided in the website link:
3. Evidence could be provided as pictures, graphs, tables, data, etc.
4. Please provide a detailed description quantitatively to explain the shown pictures, graphs, tables, and
data above.
5. Description of the evidence should be written in English. Please provide translation for any language
other than English.
6. Please be aware and prepare that the maximum file size for the evidence is 2 MB (.doc/.docx/.pdf).

Page 31 of 51
[1] Buckman, A.H., Mayfield, M. and Beck, S. B. M. (2014) ‘What is a smart building?’, Smart and Sustainable
Built Environment, 3(2), pp. 92-109.
[2] Woo, J. and Choi, K. S. (2013) ‘Analysis of potential reductions of greenhouse gas emissions on the college
campus through the energy saving action programs’, Environmental Engineering Research, 18(3), pp. 191-
[3] Silveira, R. (2015) ‘Recycling – Upcycling, Repurpose or Downcycling’. Available at:
[4] RUS Energia. (2019) ‘UI GreenMetric 2018: Energy and Climate Change Guidelines for Compilation’.
Università Ca' Foscari.
[5] Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Berardi, U., AlWaer, H., Chang, S., Halawa, E., Ghaffarianhoseini, A. and Clements-
Croome, D. (2016) ‘What is an intelligent building? Analysis of recent interpretations from an international
perspective’, Architectural Science Review, 59(5), pp. 338-357.
[6] Ghaffarianhoseini, A., AlWaer, H., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Clements-Croome, D. Berardi, U., Raahemifar, K.
and Tookey, J. (2018), ‘Intelligent or smart cities and buildings: a critical exposition and a way forward’,
Intelligent Buildings International, 10(2), pp. 122-129.
[7] UNEP. Available at: https://www.unep.org/about-un-environment/evaluation-office/our-evaluation-

Related Papers and Publications on UI GreenMetric

[1] Sustainable Universities – From Declarations on Sustainability in Higher Education to National Law by
Thomas Skou Grindsted, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 2 (2011)
[2] Evaluating UI GreenMetric as a tool to Support Green Universities Development: Assessment of the Year
2011 Ranking by Dr. Nyoman Suwartha and Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 61,
Pages 46–53 (2013)
[3] Moving towards an ecologically sound society? Starting from green universities and environmental higher
education by Yutao Wang, Han Shi, Mingxing Sun, Donald Huisingh, Lars Hanssonn and Renqing Wang,
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 61, Pages 1-5 (2013)
[4] University contributions to environmental sustainability: challenges and opportunities from the Lithuanian
case by Renata Dagiliut and Genovaite Liobikien, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 108, Part A, Pages
891–899 (2014)
[5] Moving Toward Socially and Environmentally Responsible Management Education—A Case Study of
Mumbai by Ela Goyal and Mahendra Gupta, Journal Applied Environmental Education & Communication,
volume 13, Pages 146-161 (2014)
[6] Critical review of a global campus sustainability ranking: GreenMetric by Allan Lauder, Riri Fitri Sari,
Nyoman Suwartha, and Gunawan Tjahjono, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 108, Part A, Pages 852–
863 (2015)
[7] Environmental management and sustainability in higher education: The case of Spanish Universities by
Yolanda León-Fernández and Eugenio Domínguez-Vilches, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher
Education, Volume 16, Pages 440-455 (2015)
[8] Opening up the Pandora's box of sustainability league tables of universities: a Kafkaesque perspective by
David R. Jones, Studies in Higher Education, Volume 40, Pages 480-503 (2015)
[9] Getting an empirical hold of the sustainable university: a comparative analysis of evaluation frameworks
across 12 contemporary sustainability assessment tools by Daniel Fischer, Silke Jenssen and Valentin
Tappeser, Journal Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Volume 40, Pages 785‐ 800 (2015)
[10]The comprehensiveness of competing higher education sustainability assessments by Graham Bullock and
Nicholas Wilder, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Volume 17, Pages 282-304
[11]Green Campus initiative and its impacts on quality of life of stakeholders in Green and Non-Green Campus
universities by Ronnachai Tiyarattanachai and Nicholas M. Hollmann, SpringerPlus, Volume 5, no info
pages (2016)
[12] Promoting Campus Sustainability: A Conceptual Framework for The Assessment of Campus Sustainability
by Ah Choy Er and Rewathi Karudan, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Volume 11, No.2 (2016)
[13] Principles, Implementation and Results of the New Assessment and Accreditation System “Engineering
Education for Sustainable Industries” (QUESTE-SI) by Jurgis K. Staniškis and Eglė Katiliūtė, Springer Nature,
New Developments in Engineering Education for Sustainable Development pp 283-294 (2016)
[14] Environmental sustainability practices in South Asian university campuses: an exploratory study on
Bangladeshi universities by Asadul Hoque, Amelia Clarke, and Tunazzina Sultana, Springer Nature, Volume
19, Issue 6, pp 2163–2180 (2017)
[15] Promotion of Sustainable Development at Universities: The Adoption of Green Campus Strategies at the
University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil by João Marcelo Pereira Ribeiro, Samuel Borges Barbosa,
Jacir Leonir Casagrande, Simone Sehnem, Issa Ibrahim Berchin, Camilla Gomes da Silva, Ana Clara Medeiros
da Silveira, Gabriel Alfredo Alves Zimmer, Rafael Ávila Faraco, and José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de
Andrade Guerra, Springer Nature, Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher
Education pp 471-486 (2017)
[16] The Need to Go Beyond “Green University” Ideas to Involve the Community at Naresuan University,
Thailand by Gwyntorn Satean, Springer Nature, Sustainability Through Innovation in Product Life Cycle
Design pp 841-857 (2017)
[17] Study of waste management towards sustainable green campus in Universitas Gadjah Mada by Mega
Setyowati, Arif Kusumawanto and Agus Prasetya, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1022
[18] The integration of human thermal comfort in an outdoor campus landscape in a tropical climate by Ariya
Aruninta, Yoshihito Kurazumi, Kenta Fukagawa and Jin Ishii, International Journal of GEOMATE, Volume
14, Issue 44, pp.26-32 (2017)
[19] Predictors of behavior intention to develop a green university: A case of an undergraduate university in
Thailand by Weerawat Ounsaneha, Nahathai Chotklang, Orapin Laosee and Cheerawit Rattanapan,
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2018 Vol.15, Issue 49, pp. 162-16 (2017)
[20] Environmental sustainability of universities: critical analysis of a green ranking by Marco Ragazzi and
Francesca Ghidini, Elsevier, Energy Procedia, Volume 119, July 2017, Pages 111-120 (2017)
[21] Sustainability Curriculum in UK University Sustainability Reports by Katerina Kosta, Springer,
Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities. World Sustainability Series pp 79-97 (2018)
[22] Sustainable Campus in Brazilian Scenario: Case Study of the Federal University of Lavras by
Cristiane Criscibene Pantaleão and Tatiana Tucunduva Philippi Cortese, Springer, Towards Green Campus
Operations. World Sustainability Series pp 503-517 (2018)
[23] An Experience of Participatory Construction of Solid Waste Management and Environmental Education
Indicators on a University Campus by Antonio Carlos Merger, Daniela Cássia Sudan, and Evandro
Watanabe, Springer, Towards Green Campus Operations. World Sustainability Series pp 763-775 (2018)
[24] Education for Sustainable Development: an exploratory survey of a sample of Latin American higher
education institutions by Paula Marcela Hernandez, Valeria Vargas and Alberto Paucar-Cáceres, Springer,
Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities pp 137-154 (2018)
[25] The Positioning of Italian Universities in the International Rankings by Monica Cazzolle, Paola Perchinunno
and Vito Ricci, Springer, The Positioning of Italian Universities in the International Rankings pp 51-68
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Undergraduate Degrees at USP by Rosana Louro Ferreira Silva, Denise de La Corte Bacci,
Isabela Santos Silva, Diego de Moura Campos, Lillian da Silva Cardoso, Livia Ortiz Santiago and
Daisy Pinato, Towards Green Campus Operations pp 393-408 (2018)
[27] Towards a Definition of Environmental Sustainability Evaluation in Higher Education by David Alba-
Hidalgo, Javier Benayas del Álamo and José Gutiérrez-Pérez, High Educ Policy Volume 31 pp 447–470
[28] Management Practices Towards the Incorporation of Sustainability in African Universities by Solomon
Chukwuemeka Ugbaja, European Journal of Business and Management, Volume.10, No. 8 (2018)
[29] Universities as Models of Sustainable Energy-Consuming Communities? Review of Selected Literature by
Page 33 of 51
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[30] Assessing the Impacts of Higher Education Institutions on Sustainable Development—An Analysis of Tools
and Indicators by Florian Findler, Norma Schönherr, Rodrigo Lozano, and Barbara Stacherl, Sustainability,
11, 59 (2018)
[31] University Contributions to the Circular Economy: Professing the Hidden Curriculum: Professing the
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los Rios, Fiona Charnley, , Sustainability, Volume 10, Issue 8 (2018)
[32] Transportation Management Project for" GREEN PNRU by Pattra Suebsiri, Attayanan Jitrojanaruk and
Monton Janjamsai, Buncha Buranasing, The 9th International Science, Social Science, Engineering and
Energy Conference’s e-Proceeding, page 597-607 (2018)
[33] What does environmentally sustainable higher education institution mean? by Davis Freidenfelds, Silvija
Nora Kalnins, Julija Gusca, Energy Procedia, Volume 147, Pages 42-47 (2018)
[34] Environmental performance of universities: Proposal for implementing campus urban morphology as an
evaluation parameter in Green Metric by Paola Marrone, Federico Orsini, Francesco Asdrubali and Claudia
Guattari, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 42, Pages 226-239 (2018)
[35] Planning & Open-Air Demonstrating Smart City Sustainable Districts by Stefano Bracco, Federico Delfino,
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[36] Technical and economical feasibility analysis of photovoltaic power installation on a university campus in
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[37] Green initiative in Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand by Vacharapoom Benjaoran and
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[38] University of Turin performance in UI GreenMetric Energy and Climate Change by Marcello Baricco,
Andrea Tartaglino, Paolo Gambino, Egidio Dansero, Dario Cottafava and Gabriela Cavaglià, E3S Web of
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[39] Framework Development of Campus Sustainability Assessment. Case Study: Diponegoro University by
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Volume 73, 02004 (2018)
[40] Above Carbon Stoks Potential in Universitas Negeri Semarang by Moch. Samsul Arifin, E3S Web of
Conferences, Volume 73, 03016 (2018)
[41] The challenges of adopting BIM for setting and infrastructure management of University of Minho by
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[42] Industrial revolution 4.0: Universiti Malaysia Sabah perspective by D. Kamarudin D. Mudin, How Siew Eng,
Md Mizanur Rahman, Pungut Ibrahim, Marcus Jopony, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 03005 (2018)
[43] Setting and infrastructure at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University by Godfrey A.
Uzochukwu, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 02005 (2018)
[44] How the environmental planning of the Universidade Federal de Lavras impacts higher education by José
Roberto Soares Scolforo, Édila Vilela de Resende Von Pinho, Antonio Chalfun-Junior, Adriano Higino Freire,
Leandro Coelho Naves and Marcio Machado Ladeira, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 06004 (2018)
[45] Challenges of sustainability efforts of universities regarding the sustainable development goals: a case
study in the University of Zanjan, Iran, Seyed Mohsen Najafian and Esmail Karamidehkordi, E3S Web of
Conferences Volume 48, 04001 (2018)
[46] Managing university landscape and infrastructure towards green and sustainable campus by Muhammad
Anis, Adi Zakaria Afiff, Gandjar Kiswanto, Nyoman Suwartha and Riri Fitri Sari, E3S Web of Conferences
Volume 48, 02001 (2018)
[47] Expansion of renewable energy resources and energyconscious behaviour at the University of Szeged by
László Gyarmati, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 02001 (2018)
[48] Green@ Universiti Putra Malaysia: cultivating the green campus culture by hmad Zaharin Aris, Zakiah
Ponrahono, Mohd Yusoff Ishak, Nor Hazlina Zamaruddin, Nor Kamariah Noordin, Renuganth Varatharajoo,
and Aini Ideris, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 02004 (2018)
[49] Making an urban university 'green': uniting administration and students towards synergy by Aleksandr
Fedorov, Evgeny Zakablukovskiy and Anna Galushkina, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 02007 (2018)
Page 34 of 51
[50] How universities can work together with local communities to create a green, sustainable future by
Yuhlong Oliver Su, Ku-Fan Chen, Yung-Pin Tsai and Hui-I Su, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 06001
[51] The University of São Paulo on the 2017's GreenMetric Ranking by Patricia Faga Iglecias Lemos, Fernanda
da Rocha Brando, Paulo Almeida, Roberta Consentino Kronka Mülfarth, Tamara Maria Gomes Aprilanti,
Luis Otávio do Amaral Marques, Nayara Luciana Jorge and Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros, E3S Web of
Conferences Volume 48, 02003 (2018)
[52] The sustainability efforts of Ton Duc Thang University in the South of Vietnam by Ut V. Le, E3S Web of
Conferences Volume 48, 04008 (2018)
[53] Accelerating the transformation to a green university: University of Bahrain experience by Riyad Y.
Hamzah, Naser W. Alnaser and Waheeb E. Alnaser, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 06002 (2018)
[54] Evaluation of electricity consumption and carbon footprint of UI GreenMetric participating universities
using regression analysis by Alfan Presekal, Herdis Herdiansyah, Ruki Harwahyu, Nyoman Suwartha and
Riri Fitri Sari, E3S Web of Conferences Volume 48, 03007 (2018)
[55] Sustainability in Universities: DEA-GreenMetric by Rosa Puertas and Luisa Marti Sustainability, 11(14),
3766 (2019)
[56] Integration of UI Greenmetric performance measurement on ISO 14001 implementation in higher
education by R Nurcahyo, F S Handika, D S Gabriel and M Habiburrahman, IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 697 (2019)
[57] Benchmarks Analysis of the Higher Education Institutions Participants of the GreenMetric World
University Ranking by Nathália Hipólito Cardozo, Sérgio Ricardo da Silveira Barros, Osvaldo Luis Gonçalves
Quelhas, Euricerio Rodrigues Martins Filho and Wagner Salles, Springer, Universities and Sustainable
Communities: Meeting the Goals of the Agenda 2030, World Sustainability Series pp 667-683 (2019)
[58] UI GreenMetric and campus sustainability: a review of the role of African universities by Ernest Baba Ali
and Valery Pavlovich Anufriev, Volume 5 Issue 1 (2020)
[59] The Green University's Role in Developing Environmentally Friendly Infrastructure: Reference to The
University Of Wageningen, Ranked Number One In The World by Fadila Boutora, Abou-Hafs Habiba, and
Ala Eddine Louafi, Human & Social Sciences Journal Volume 07 Issue 1 pp 523 – 544 (2021)
[60] A Proposal For Sustainable Universities’ Governance-Strategy and Communication Studies by a
Comparative-Based Approach by Esra BAYHANTOPÇU and Pınar Gökçin ÖZUYAR, The Journal of Selcuk
University Social Science Institute, Issue 45 pp 396 – 412 (2021)
[61] Evaluation of Environmental Impacts in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) by Thiago Tepasse de Brum,
Ana Beatriz Gorini da Veiga and Janira Prichula, Congreso Latino-americano de Desenvolvimento
Sustentavel Pos-Pandemia : Como sera o mundo depois da crise, pp 202 – 207 (2021)
[62] Developing a Practical Framework of Sustainability Indicators Relevant to All Higher Education Institutions
to Enable Meaningful International Rankings by William Horan and Bernadette O’Regan, MDPI
Sustainability Journal Volume 13 Issue 2 (2021)
[63] The Analysis of University Sustainable Transportation Driving Factors by Rachmaning Tyas Yoga Putri and
Erida Pratiwik, EFFICIENT Indonesian Journal of Development Economics, Volume 4 Issue 2 pp 1263 -1277
[64] Between Past and Future: The Mission of University of L'Aquila and Its Action on Energy and Climate
Change by Gabriele Curci, Filippo de Monte, Annamaria Nardecchia and Anna Tozzi, Journal of
Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[65] The Methodological and Didactic Aspects of Comprehensive Greening of Educational Process Towards
Sustainable University by Yuriy Tunytsya, Ihor Soloviy and Vasyl Lavnyy, Journal of Sustainability
Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[66] Sustainability and Climate Action in The Higher Education System, by Golda Edwin and Nandhivarman
Muthu, Universities facing Climate Change and Sustainability pp 72 -82 (2021)
[67] Addressing plate waste and consumption practice at university canteens: realizing green university
through citizen-consumers by Natapol Thongplew, Nadtaya Duangput, Sasimaporn Khodkham,
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education Volume 22 Issue 7 pp 1691 -1706 (2021)
[68] Strategy to Actualize Green Campuses Through Sustainable Transportation by Amin Pujiati, Prasetyo Ari
Page 35 of 51
Bowo and Reza Nadya Isabella Putri, Economics Development Analysis Journal Volume 10 Issue 2 pp 143
– 152 (2021)
[69] Achievement of green campus indications based on assessment indicators on H-BAT program Universitas
Negeri Semarang by T Prihanto, K Fathoni and B Prasetiyo, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental
Science 700 (2021)
[70] Application of smart waste management in the Department of Civil Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic by
I G A I Mas Pertiwi, W Sri Kristinayanti, K Wiwin Andayani, I G M Oka Aryawan, A A Putri Indrayanti and K
Sudiarta, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 626 (2021)
[71] Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Production at University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran by Majid
Monemzadeh and Mahnaz Talebi-Dastenaei2, Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[72] University of Central Punjab (UCP), Lahore, Pakistan‘s Responsibility for SDG‘s and World Complex
Challenges Pertaining to its Innovation for Energy and Climate Change Management by Javaria Qais
Joiya and Qais Aslam, Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[73] Are Universities Better Off Without Rankings? by Jamil Salmi, The Promise of Higher Education pp 301 -
308 (2021)
[74] Arboretum untuk Green Campuss UIN Walisongo Semarang by Arifah Purnamaningrum, Mukhammad
Akmal surur, Muhammad A’tourrohman and Adi Suprapto, Envoist Journal (Environmental Sustainability
Journal) Volume 2 Issue 1 pp 25 - 34 (2021)
[75] Smart UTB: An IoT Platform for Smart Campus by Leonardo Castellanos Acuña, Ray Narváez, Carlos Salas,
Luz Alejandra Magre and María José González, WEA 2021: Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering pp
239 - 249 (2021)
[76] The Carbon Footprint Estimation based on Campus Activities in ITERA (Institut Teknologi Sumatera) by
Novi Kartika Sari, Rinda Gusvita and Deny Juanda Puradimaja, Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Volume
1 (2021)
[77] How Green is Kasetsart University? The Green Space Planning for Enhancing Ecosystem Services by
Vudipong Davivongs, Ornaim Tangkitngamwong and Prapassara Naka Phanumphai, Journal of
Arhitectural/Planning Research and Studies (JARS) Volume 18 No. 2 (2021)
[78] Strategies, Challenges And Solutions Towards The Implementation Of Green Campus In UiTM Perak by
Haryati Mohd Isa, Daljeet Singh Sedhu, Nor Suzila Lop, Kushairi Rashid, Othman Mohd Nor and Mohd
Iffahd, Planning Malaysia:Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners Volume 19 Issue 2 pp 60 – 71
[79] Humanizing the Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Education and Research at Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) by Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Wahid Omar, Shazwin Taib, Shamsul Sarip and
Santhana Krishnan, Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[80] Water Sustainability: Current and Future Challenges at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,
India by Santhyanarayanan Pachamuthu, Sandeep Sancheti, N. Sethuraman and V. Thimurugan, Journal of
Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[81] Fostering Sustainability @UniTs by Paolo Bevilacqua, Barbara Campisi, Patrizia De Luca, Gianluigi Gallenti
and Ilaria Garofolo, Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[82] Developing a green university framework using statistical techniques: Case study of the University of
Tehran by Gholamreza Heravi, Danial Aryanpour and Milad Rostami, Journal of Building Engineering
Volume 42 (2021)
[83] Building a Sustainable University Campus in Turkey: The Case of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University by
Mehmet Bulut, Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[84]Methods to Decrease Carbon Emission at the University of Szeged by László Gyarmati, Journal of
Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
[85] Isfahan University of Technology (IUT): Towards a Green Campus Energy, Climate and Sustainable
Development Initiatives at IUT by S. M Abtahi, Journal of Sustainability Perspectives Volume 1 (2021)
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[87] Navigating COVID-19 Pandemic and Building Resilience: A Case Study of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical
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[88] Sustainability Through Higher Education by Daniela Carolina Herrera Gutierrez, Karen Lorena Arias Devia,
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[89] UNNES Green Transportation as a Continuous Effort in Building a Conservation University by Fathur
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[92] ESPOCH´s Education, Management and Research Achievements in Sustainable Development by Byron
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[93] Sustainability Implementation of UI Green Metric World University Rankings Energy & Climate Change
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and Toussef Ali Shahani, Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences Volume 1 No.2 (2021)
[94] Evaluasi Penataan dan Infrastruktur Kampus Hijau pada Politeknik Negeri Pontianak Berdasarkan UI
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[96] The Role Of Visionary Leadership in Strengthening The University's Position in The UI Greenmetric World
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[98] Multicultural Education The Effect of Green Marketing on Students' Selection of Private Universities in
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[102] Toward Sustainable Campuses in Egypt. Case Study Mansoura University by Ahmed Eltantawy Abdallah,
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[103] Green University and academic performance : An empirical study on UI GreenMetric and World
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[106] M. Parveen, M. Abdullah, S. M. M. Rahman, M. A. H. Chowdhury, M. S. I. Khan, and P. A. Kamal,
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Appendix 1
Below are how we score your data. Please note that the final score will be based on our validators’ review. Details
of the scoring are described as follows:
No Category and Indicator Point Score Weighting
1 Setting and Infrastructure (SI) 15%
SI 1 The ratio of open space area to the total area 200
≤ 1% 0.05x200
> 1 - 80% 0.25×200
> 80 - 90% 0.50×200
> 90 - 95% 0.75×200
> 95% 1.00×200
SI 2 Total area on campus covered in forest vegetation 100
≤ 2% 0.05x100
> 2 - 9% 0.25×100
> 9 - 22% 0.50×100
> 22 - 35% 0.75×100
> 35% 1.00×100
SI 3 Total area on campus covered in planted vegetation 200
≤ 10% 0.05x200
> 10 - 20% 0.25×200
> 20 - 30% 0.50×200
> 30 - 40% 0.75×200
> 40% 1.00×200
SI 4 Total area on campus for water absorption besides the forest and 100
planted vegetation
≤ 2% 0.05x100
> 2 - 10% 0.25×100
> 10 - 20% 0.50×100
> 20 - 30% 0.75×100
> 30% 1.00×100
SI 5 The total open space area divided by total campus population 200
≤ 10 m2/person 0.05x200
> 10 – 20 m2/person 0.25×200
> 20 – 40 m2/person 0.50×200
> 40 – 70 m2/person 0.75×200
> 70 m2/person 1.00×200
SI 6 Percentage of university budget for sustainability efforts 200
≤ 1% 0.05x200
> 1 - 5% 0.25×200
> 5 - 10% 0.50×200
> 10 - 15% 0.75×200
> 15% 1.00×200
SI7 Percentage of operation and maintenance activities of building in 100
one year period
≤ 25% 0.05x100
> 25 - 50% 0.25×100
> 50 - 75% 0.50×100
> 75 - 99% 0.75×100
100% 1.00×100
SI8 Campus facilities for disabled, special needs and or maternity 100
None 0
Policy is in place 0.25×100

Page 42 of 51
Facilities are in planning stage 0.50×100
Facilities are partially available and operated 0.75×100
Facilities exist in all buildings and are fully operated 1.00×100
SI9 Security and safety facilities 100
Passive security system 0
Security infrastructure (CCTV, emergency hotline/button) available 0.25×100
and fully function
Security infrastructure (CCTV, emergency hotline/button, 0.50×100
personnel, fire extinguisher, hydrant) available and fully function
Security infrastructure available and fully function and security 0.75×100
responding time for accident, crime, fire and natural disaster more
than 10 minutes
Security infrastructure available and fully function and security 1.00×100
responding time for accident, crime, fire and natural disaster less
than 10 minutes
SI10 Health infrastructure facilities for students, academic and 100
administrative staff’s wellbeing
Health infrastructure (first aid) is not available 0
Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic and 0.25×100
personnel) are available
Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic and 0.50×100
certified personnel) are available
Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic, hospital 0.75×100
and certified personnel) are available
Health infrastructure (first aid, emergency room, clinic, hospital 1.00×100
and certified personnel) are available and accessible for public
SI11 Conservation: plant (flora), animal (fauna) or wildlife, genetic 100
resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or
long-term conservation facilities
Conservation program in preparation 0.05x100
Conservation program 1-25% implemented 0.25×100
Conservation program 25-50% implemented 0.50×100
Conservation program 50-75% implemented 0.75×100
Conservation program fully implemented 1.00×100
Total 1500
2 Energy and Climate Change (EC) 21%
EC 1 Energy efficient appliances usage 200
< 1% 0.05x200
1 - 25% 0.25×200
> 25 - 50% 0.50×200
> 50 - 75% 0.75×200
> 75% 1.00×200
EC 2 Smart building implementation 300
< 1% 0.05x300
1 - 25% 0.25×300
> 25 - 50% 0.50×300
> 50 - 75% 0.75×300
> 75% 1.00×300
EC 3 Number of renewable energy sources in campus 300
None 0
1 source 0.25×300
2 sources 0.50×300
3 sources 0.75×300
> 3 sources 1.00×300

Page 43 of 51
EC 4 The total electricity usage divided by total campus population 300
(kWh per person)
≥ 2424 kWh 0.05x300
> 1535 - 2424 kWh 0.25×300
> 633 - 1535 kWh 0.50×300
> 279 - 633 kWh 0.75×300
< 279 kWh 1.00×300
EC 5 The ratio of renewable energy production divided by total energy 200
usage per year
≤ 0.5% 0.05x200
> 0.5 - 1% 0.25×200
> 1 - 2% 0.50×200
> 2 - 25% 0.75×200
> 25% 1.00×200
EC 6 Elements of green building implementation as reflected in all 200
construction and renovation policies
None 0
1 element 0.25×200
2 elements 0.50×200
3 elements 0.75×200
> 3 elements 1.00×200
EC 7 Greenhouse gas emission reduction program 200
None 0
Program in preparation 0.25×200
Program(s) aims to reduce one out of three scopes emissions 0.50×200
Program(s) aims to reduce two out of three scopes emissions 0.75×200
Program(s) aims to reduce all three scopes emissions 1.00×200
EC 8 The total carbon footprint divided by total campus population 200
≥ 2.05 metric ton 0.05x200
> 1.11 - 2.05 metric ton 0.25×200
> 0.42 - 1.11 metric ton 0.50×200
> 0.10 - 0.42 metric ton 0.75×200
< 0.10 metric ton 1.00×200
EC 9 Number of innovative program(s) in Energy and Climate Change 100
None 0
1 program 0.25×100
2 programs 0.50×100
3 programs 0.75×100
More than 3 programs 1.00×100
EC 10 Impactful university program(s) on climate change 100
None 0
Program in preparation 0.25×100
Provide training, educational materials and activities for 0.50×100
surrounding communities
Provide training, educational materials and activities for 0.75×100
surrounding communities and at national level
Provide training, educational materials and activities for 1.00×100
surrounding communities, at national, regional, and international
Total 2100

3 Waste (WS) 18%

WS 1 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) program for university’s waste 300
None 0
3R program in preparation 0.25×300
Page 44 of 51
3R program 1 – 50% implemented 0.50×300
3R program > 50 – 75% implemented 0.75×300
3R program > 75% implemented 1.00×300
WS 2 Program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus 300
None 0
1 program 0.25×300
2 programs 0.50×300
3 programs 0.75×300
More than 3 programs 1.00×300
WS 3 Organic waste treatment 300
Open dumping 0
Partial (1 - 25% treated) 0.25×300
Partial (> 25 - 50% treated) 0.50×300
Partial (> 50 - 75% treated) 0.75×300
Extensive (> 75% treated) 1.00×300
WS 4 Inorganic waste treatment 300
Burned in open 0
Partial (1 - 25% treated) 0.25×300
Partial (> 25 - 50% treated) 0.50×300
Partial (> 50 - 75% treated) 0.75×300
Extensive (> 75% treated) 1.00×300
WS 5 Toxic waste treatment 300
Not managed 0
Partial (1 - 25% treated) 0.25×300
Partial (> 25 - 50% treated) 0.50×300
Partial (> 50 - 75% treated) 0.75×300
Extensive (> 75% treated) or campus produces a minimum amount 1.00×300
of toxic waste
WS 6 Sewage disposal 300
Untreated into waterways 0
Treated with preliminary treatment 0.25×300
Treated with primary treatment 0.50×300
Treated with secondary treatment 0.75×300
Treated with tertiary treatment 1.00×300
Total 1800
4 Water (WR) 10%
WR 1 Water conservation program and implementation 200
None 0
Program in preparation 0.25×200
1 - 25% implemented at early stage (i.e., measurement of potential 0.50×200
surface runoff volume)
> 25 - 50% water conserved 0.75×200
> 50% water conserved 1.00×200
WR 2 Water recycling program implementation 200
None 0
Program in preparation 0.25×200
1 - 25% implemented at early stage 0.50×200
> 25 - 50% water recycled 0.75×200
> 50% water recycled 1.00×200
WR 3 Water efficient appliance usage 200
None 0
Program in preparation 0.25×200
1 - 25% of water efficient appliances installed 0.50×200
> 25 - 50% of water efficient appliances installed 0.75×200

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> 50% of water efficient appliances installed 1.00×200
WR 4 Treated water consumed 200
None 0
1 - 25% treated water consumed 0.25×200
> 25 - 50% treated water consumed 0.50×200
> 50 - 75% treated water consumed 0.75×200
> 75% treated water consumed 1.00×200
WR 5 Water pollution control in campus area 200
Policy and preparation 0.05x200
Design and construction 0.25×200
Guideline standard available and initial implementation 0.50×200
Full implementation and monitored occasionally 0.75×200
Full implementation and monitored regularly 1.00×200
Total 1000
5 Transportation (TR) 18%
TR 1 The total number of vehicles (cars and motorcycles) divided by 200
total campus population
≥1 0
> 0.5 - 1 0.25×200
> 0.125 - 0.5 0.50×200
> 0.045 - 0.125 0.75×200
< 0.045 1.00×200
TR 2 Shuttle services 300
Shuttle service is possible but not provided by university 0
Shuttle service is provided (by university or other parties) and 0.25×300
regular but not free
Shuttle service is provided (by university or other parties) and the 0.50×300
university contributes part of the cost
Shuttle service is provided by university, regular, and free 0.75×300
Shuttle service is provided by university, regular, and zero 1.00×300
emission vehicle. Or shuttle use is not possible (not applicable)
TR 3 Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) policy on campus 200
Zero Emission Vehicles are not available 0
Zero Emission Vehicles use is not possible or practical 0.25×200
Zero Emission Vehicles are available, but not provided by 0.50×200
Zero Emission Vehicles are available, provided by university and
charged 0.75×200
Zero Emission Vehicles are available, and provided by university
free 1.00×200
TR 4 The total number of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) divided by total 200
campus population
≤ 0.002 0.05x200
> 0.002 to ≤ 0.004 0.25×200
> 0.004 to ≤ 0.008 0.50×200
> 0.008 to ≤ 0.02 0.75×200
> 0.02 1.00×200
TR 5 The ratio of the ground parking area to total campus area 200
> 11% 0
> 7 - 11 % 0.25×200
>4-7% 0.50×200
>1–4% 0.75×200
< 1% 1.00×200
TR 6 Transportation program designed to limit or decrease the parking 200
area on campus for the last 3 years (from 2020 to 2022)
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None 0
Program in preparation (i.e., feasibility study and promotion) 0.25×200
Program resulting in less than 10% decrease in parking area 0.50×200
Program resulting in 10 - 30% decrease in parking area 0.75×200
Program resulting in more than 30% decrease in parking area or 1.00x200
parking area reduction reaching its limit
TR 7 Number of transportation initiatives to decrease private vehicles 200
on campus
No initiative 0
1 initiative 0.25×200
2 initiatives 0.50×200
3 initiatives 0.75×200
> 3 initiatives, or initiative is no longer required 1.00×200
TR 8 Pedestrian path on campus 300
None 0
Pedestrian paths are available 0.25×300
Pedestrian paths are available, and designed for safety 0.50×300
Pedestrian paths are available, designed for safety and 0.75×300
Pedestrian paths are available, designed for safety, convenience, 1.00×300
and in some parts provided with disabled-friendly features
Total 1800
6 Education and Research (ED) 18%
ED 1 The ratio of sustainability courses to total courses/subjects 300
≤ 1% 0.05x300
> 1 - 5% 0.25×300
> 5 - 10% 0.50×300
> 10 - 20% 0.75×300
> 20% 1.00×300
ED 2 The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research 200
≤ 1% 0.05x200
> 1 - 8% 0.25×200
> 8 - 20% 0.50×200
> 20 - 40% 0.75×200
> 40% 1.00×200
ED 3 Number of scholarly publications on sustainability 200
0 0
1 – 20 0.25×200
21 – 83 0.50×200
84 - 300 0.75×200
> 300 1.00×200
ED 4 Number of events related to sustainability 200
0 0
1–4 0.25×200
5 – 17 0.50×200
18 - 47 0.75×200
> 47 1.00×200
ED 5 Number of activities organized by student organizations related 200
to sustainability per year
0 0
1–2 0.25×200
3–4 0.50×200
5 - 10 0.75×200
> 10 1.00×200
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ED 6 University-run sustainability website 200
Not available 0
Website in progress or under construction 0.25×200
Website is available and accessible 0.50×200
Website is available, accessible, and updated occasionally 0.75×200
Website is available, accessible, and updated regularly 1.00x200
ED 7 Sustainability report 100
Not available 0
Sustainability report is in preparation 0.25×100
Available but not publicly accessible 0.50×100
Sustainability report is accessible and published occasionally 0.75×100
Sustainability report is accessible and published annually 1.00x100
ED 8 Number of cultural activities on campus 100
None 0
1 event per year 0.25×100
2 events per year 0.50×100
3 events per year 0.75×100
More than 3 events per year 1.00x100
ED 9 Number of university sustainability program(s) with international 100
None 0
1 Program 0.25×100
2 Programs 0.50×100
3 Programs 0.75×100
More than 3 programs 1.00x100
ED 10 Number of sustainability community services project organized 100
and/or involving students
None 0
1 project 0.25×100
2 projects 0.50×100
3 projects 0.75×100
More than 3 projects 1.00x100
ED 11 Number of sustainability-related startups 100
None 0
1 – 5 startups 0.25×100
6 – 10 startups 0.50×100
11 – 15 startups 0.75×100
More than 15 startups 1.00x100
Total 1800

TOTAL 10000
Note : Light green indicates new questions introduced in 2023

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Appendix 2
List and Description of Smart Building Requirements
Field Requirement Description

B Automation B1 BMS Presence of Building Management System (BMS)/Building

Information Modelling (BIM)/Building Automation System
(BAS)/Facility Management System (FMS)
(recommended requirement)
B2 APP Interactive support for users via APP or online service

S Safety S1 Intruder Alarm Intruder alarm system (recommended: interfaced with BMS)
S2 Fire-fighting Fire-fighting system (recommended: interfaced with BMS)

S3 Video surveillance Video surveillance system (recommended: interfaced with BMS)

S4 Anti-flooding Anti-flooding system (recommended: interfaced with BMS)

E Energy E1 Monitoring Automatic acquisition and logging system of energy consumption

(recommended: interfaced with BMS)
E2 Management Automatic management system for energy supplies and production
(recommended: interfaced with BMS)
A Water A1 Monitoring Automatic acquisition and logging system of water consumption
(recommended: interfaced with BMS)
A2 Recovery Rainwater recovery system for covering the flushing and irrigation

I Indoor I1 Thermal comfort Monitoring (recommended: interfaced with BMS) of environmental

environment parameters related to thermo-hygrometric comfort (i.e. air
temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, etc.)
I2 Air quality Monitoring (recommended: interfaced with BMS)of pollutants (i.e. VOC,
PM, CO₂ ...)
I3 Real-time Programming and management in real time according to the occupancy
profile of the premises (recommended: interfaced with BMS)
I4 Passive system Passive cooling and/or exploitation/limitation systems for free supplies

L Lighting L1 LEDs High-efficiency luminaires (LEDs)

L2 Sensors Automatic lighting control (recommended: presence/illuminance

sensors interfaced with BMS)
L3 Shielding Shielding adjustment and solar control

L4 Natural light Passive systems for natural light exploitation

Please state the Building Management System (BMS)/Building Information Modelling (BIM)/Building Automation
System (BAS)/Facility Management System (FMS) used in your university

Adapted from ‘UI GreenMetric 2018: Energy and Climate Change Guidelines for Compilation’, by RUS Energia,

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Appendix 3
Calculation of Carbon Footprint Per Year
The Carbon footprint calculation can be conducted based on the stage of calculation as stated in
www.carbonfootprint.com, which is the sum of electricity usage per year and transportation per year.
a. Electricity usage per year (EC 2.7)
The CO₂ emission from electricity
= (electricity usage per year in kWh/1000) x 0.84
= (1633286 kWh/1000) x 0.84
= 1371.96 metric tons
Electricity usage per year= 1633286 kWh
0.84 is the coefficient to convert kWh to metric tons (source: www.carbonfootprint.com)
b. Transportation per year (Shuttle) (TR 5.6)
= (Number of the shuttle bus in your university x total trips for shuttle bus service each day x approximate
travel distance of a vehicle each day inside campus only (in kilometers) x 240/100) x 0.01
= ((15 x 150 x 5 x 240)/100)) x 0.01
= 270 metric tons
240 is the number of working days per year
0.01 is the coefficient (source: www.carbonfootprint.com) to calculate the emission in metric tons per 100
km for bus
c. Transportation per year (Car) (TR 5.2)
= (Number of cars entering your university x 2 x approximate travel distance of a vehicle each day inside
campus only (in kilometers) x 240/100) x 0.02
= ((2000 x 2 x 5 x 240)/100)) x 0.02
= 960 metric tons
240 is the number of working days per year
0.02 is the coefficient (source: www.carbonfootprint.com) to calculate the emission in metric tons per 100
km car
d. Transportation per year (Motorcycle) (TR 5.3)
= (Number of motorcycle entering your university x 2 x approximate travel distance of a vehicle each day
inside campus only (in kilometers) x 240/100) x 0.01
= ((4000 x 2 x 5 x 240)/100)) x 0.01
= 960 metric tons
240 is the number of working days per year
0.01 is the coefficient (source: www.carbonfootprint.com) to calculate the emission in metric tons per 100
km for motorcycle
e. Total emission per year
= total emission from electricity usage + transportation (bus, car, motorcycle)
= 1371.96 + (270 + 960 + 960)
= 3561.96 metric tons

2000 and 4000 is an example of the number of cars and motorcycles, respectively. 5 is an example of the
approximate travel distance. Please provide based on your own data

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UI GreenMetric Secretariat:
Integrated Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC)
Building 4th Fl, University of Indonesia
Kampus Baru UI Depok 16424, Indonesia Email:
[email protected]
Tel: (021) - 29120936
Website: http://www.greenmetric.ui.ac.id/
© 2023

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