Head Volleyball Coach Resigns: The Long Road Home
Head Volleyball Coach Resigns: The Long Road Home
Head Volleyball Coach Resigns: The Long Road Home
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY tions. Tonight you’ll get SEPT. 22). To suspect
(DEC. 6). Your cosmic the chance to show the that you’re the underdog
gift is one of determined team that you play fair. isn’t exactly an uplifting
and exclusive focus GEMINI (MAY 21- feeling, although you
on the things that are JUNE 21). With most can take heart in the fact
going to make your life things you tackle today, that everyone loves an
better. You’ll be freeing the result will be better underdog. Go forward in
yourself of an anchor of if you delay the payoff full faith that you have a
sorts over the next three for as long as possible. chance at victory.
months. In March, family It will work in everything LIBRA (SEPT. 23-
works together and all from relaying information OCT. 23). Humans love to
are lifted. In 2018 you’ll to governing your own assign reasons for things
take pleasure in the sale willpower. that happen, to bridge the
of something that helps CANCER (JUNE gaps of logic and close
people. Leo and Pisces 22-JULY 22). There’s so every case. The trouble is
adore you. Your lucky much you could say on that what follows is often
numbers are: 6, 10, 23, matters, but since you’re praise or blame. And
40 and 11. all too aware of the short sometimes there really is
ARIES (MARCH attention spans that no definitive “responsible
21-APRIL 19). If you most people have, you’ll party.”
can manage to delay the aim your words toward a SCORPIO (OCT. 24-
usual knee-jerk verdicts particular destination and NOV. 21). No one ever
that humans love to form leave out anything that influenced the world by
in the first 10 seconds of doesn’t fit the bill. being the same as every-
another’s presentation, LEO (JULY 23-AUG. one in it. But if you don’t
you’ll set off a series of 22). You’ll come across seem at least somewhat
sweet events, all made those who’ve yet to dis- like the others, they’ll
possible by your act of cover their own depths. mistrust you. Group ac-
listening. Maybe they are afraid or ceptance will be required.
TAURUS (APRIL haven’t had any reason Start with what you all
20-MAY 20). Make sure to dig deep. Or may- have in common.
you’re on the same track be they’ve lacked role SAGITTARIUS (NOV.
with the other person; models. Regardless, the 22-DEC. 21). It’s as if you
that way, you’ll avoid relationship can only go were designed for ad-
the problems that come as deep as the shallow- venture. When the others
with making assump- est person. are afraid to go first, your
VIRGO (AUG. 23- trailblazing nature takes
over. March forward and
the others will follow.
22-JAN. 19). It’s fun to be
in unfamiliar places when
you have a guide. But to-
day there probably won’t
be a clear model, and
you’ll have to make due
by observing the people
around you who seem to
know what they’re doing.
20-FEB. 18). Like a nice
neighborhood that wants
to preserve the peace,
your life could use a few
speed bumps — con-
structs you’ve put in place
specifically to slow your-
self down, thus preventing
HINTS BY home documents, an emergency. found in an employ- sturdy doormats PISCES (FEB.
along with credit Heloise Hint: ee handbook. Also, in front of each 19-MARCH 20). The
HELOISE cards. Store one When you start a look around to see entrance to prevent
Heloise Hint: scenario is fresh, and
copy in a safety new job, you need what people are mud, moisture and you’re still deciding who
Maintaining house- deposit box, keep to dress appropri- wearing to get an germs from being
hold data and you want to be. Consider
one at home and ately for the office. idea of what’s OK. tracked in. This re- what each role requires.
records. While you have another to Be aware that many Heloise Hint: To ally helps!
might have this data For instance, winners
carry with you when companies have keep flooring clean take chances. Heroes
online, also make you travel. This will dress codes or lists and looking good Send your hints or
several photocopies take risks to help others.
be useful for quick of appropriate at- throughout the win- questions to HELO-
of all your important [email protected].
VIP’s make others feel
reference in case of tire, which may be ter season. Place important.