The Graffiti: I.D.K., My B.F.F. Jill?

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The Graffiti

Residence Hall Association February 8th, 2010 Volume 1, Issue 7

In this issue:

Fred the Turtle 1

There once was a turtle named Fred
Internet Slang 1

New Events Guy! 1 Who wore a twisty cap on his head

Winter Break— 2 He ran at a crawl

Not so “Cool”
To go get the ball
Un-Florida 2
But his teammate kicked him instead
Poem about Bobs 2
Picture by Katie Rowan, Gault | Limerick by Henry Guzman, RHA Events Coordinator

Hall Bonding 3
Did you know?
Verona, the Italian city where Shakespeare's play lovers Romeo and Juliet
Got Red Bull? 4
lived, receives about 1,000 letters every year sent to Juliet on Valentine's Day.
Two Cents from 4
Two E-Board
Members Meet (or re-meet) I.D.K., my B.F.F. Jill?
CROSSWORD! 4 Henry! Is Internet slang confusing? Here’s a quick list of com-
Submit your stuff! 4 mon phrases with explanations for all those tech-
Hello, My challenged people out there.
• Did you or your name is
friends pull an all- H e n r y LOL (Laugh Out Loud) – 1)You’re funny, but I’m too
lazy to think of a comeback. 2) I said something I
nighter? Guzman I am
thought was funny, but you might not even recognize
the new RHA it as a joke.
• Did you have fun
Events coor-
doing something
on or off campus?
dinator. I am ROFL (Rolling On the Floor Laughing) – I got tired of
replacing the typing “LOL.”
• Have advice for new RA Josh
people struggling Peters. I hope to put on a lot of really FTW (For The Win) – You just said something awe-
w i t h fun events this year that encourage some, and I felt the strange need to make a sports
homesickness, more people to participate. Two big reference.
prin ting pag e events that I would like to focus on
quotas, or FML (**** My Life) – I want attention.
are the Executive Ball and Spring Fling.
managing meals?
I would hope to put on events that :) – I’m tired of talking to you and don’t want to drag
• WRITE for the you the members of the res-halls this conversation on with any more effort.
Graffiti, SUBMIT want and will enjoy. I am open to any
pictures, or ideas and if you want to make a sug- :( - See above
DRAW a cartoon! gestion to me or ask a question, I
Hall points are would be glad to hear it. My email is >:( - Seriously… get off of Facebook.
awarded for each.
[email protected]
By Cody Kinzer, Area Rep/Lindley
Dragging On and On.
So does anyone else think that an entire month is weeks on the couch. Ya, I’m talking to all of you.
WAY to long to be on break? ‘Cause I definitely do. Back me up when I say that Winter Break
Go ahead call me a freak, but hear me out. Winter needs to be cut short. I don’t know if I can take a
Break is too long. month at home with nothing to do. You can only
For all of you who don’t understand, just watch reruns of Ghost Hunters for so long and after
think – one month living 10 miles out of town with the fourth time you’ve beat Harry Potter and the Half
no car, nothing to do and two siblings who fight con- Blood Prince on Wii, you’re pretty much done…
stantly. Anyone else have that problem? I bet you did. What about you? What did you do over break? Do
You know who you are. All you kids who were ready you even remember?
to come back to the eventful UI after about two -Ferrol Paulsen, Snow Hall

I was so excited to go home for winter break. I’m
from Florida, so I was looking at some beach time,
Mickey Mouse, and some straight up tanning. The first
two weeks of my break was just that. Mickey Mouse
and I had lunch, I got about two shades darker and
the beach sand was gloriously soft. When the third
week came about the worst thing that could ever
happened happened. Florida decided to get cold.
Using this “koopin” is worth some SUPER SECRET HALL POINTS.
Mother nature wanted everyone back home to ex-
perience what I go through here at Moscow. Yet,
Moscow was like 10 degrees warmer than my home!
What the #@%*! Oh, how miserable I was. No smile
Life in the Res Halls came across my face for a solid 168 hours. I even
came back to my room and the city of Moscow to
find myself walking around in shorts all day. What a
The sky is blue, shame. Oh mother nature, why are you going all
Bobs food is goo. crazy on me?
Joeriel Castillo, Whitman Hall
The grass is green,
Bobs food is the worst I have ever seen.
My dorm room is brown,
Bobs food makes me frown.
By Members of AgSci Hall

Don’t like Bobs? Do you have suggestions for


Email Robb @ [email protected], or

submit a food request under the food/housing
tab at!
If you have been to McClure Hall, working to track down Bigfoot. McClure hall.
you have probably seen the fliers
for the University of Idaho Bigfoot Professor Tim Frazier, who started The Bigfoot Society has two intra-
Society, the ones with the image of the club, received E-mails claiming mural teams for volleyball and bas-
Bigfoot in the center. they wanted to help him find Big- ketball; both teams are known as
foot and that they had tools and the “Bad Latitudes West”. The
equipment to aid him in their club is in the process of getting a
search for Bigfoot. If one does Bigfoot suit to use as a mascot, so
believe in Bigfoot and he or she is don’t be surprised if you see
looking to the University of Idaho someone dressed like Bigfoot wan-
Bigfoot Society to help in the dering around in the near future.
quest to find it, they’re out of luck.
Although the Bigfoot Society is for
The Bigfoot Society is the club for the geography program, students
the University of Idaho geography of all majors are welcome to join.
program. The club was formed last You can find the Bigfoot Society
November and still relatively new. on Google Groups under the
It is named the Bigfoot Society name “University of Idaho Bigfoot
The University of Idaho Bigfoot because, well, it sounds a lot Research Society”, you can also
Society has nothing to with the cooler then University of Idaho find the Bigfoot Society on Face-
giant primate which supposedly Geography Club. This semester, book. The Bigfoot Society execu-
lives in the wilderness of the Pa- the Bigfoot Society plans on host- tives include President Kenneth
cific Northwest. That’s something I ing guest speakers, a rafting trip in Peters, Vice-President Stephen
should definitely point out since a May, and the Bigfoot Society bake Gillis, Treasurer Jonathan VanSant,
lot of people who saw those fliers sale. Goodies will be available on and Secretary Jeremy Jenkins.
thought it was a group of people February 12th at the entrance to By Taylor Lundeen, Oleson

Hall Bonding
As winter break comes to a close people on campus to go down ties in the
students are seen wandering the your hall, sorority, fraternity, etc future. Get
campus for classes, some happy, and just knock on people’s door to to know
some sad, but most happy to see meet them. You would be sur- your RA’s
friendly faces. One of the best prised by some of the people you Hall E-board
experiences a person can have on meet and maybe you will become (Pre side nt ,
campus is the social networking good friends in the future. Trust Vice President, secretary, etc)
that colleges have. me when I say that meeting new They are always looking for fun
people can help take away boring and new ideas on what they can
There are a ton of people around, days and weekends when you have do to make your hall an active fun
and many who are always looking nothing to do. place to be. So get out be cheerful
to meet new people. I just met and have fun because a new se-
plenty of people in my hall this Also start hanging out more in mester is here and that means
past week just by simply saying your hall lounge. Many lounges plenty of more opportunities to
“hello”. I recommend if you are remain empty and by livening them make more friends and have an
one of those people who are look- up a hall can bond closer and start awesome time.
ing for friends and to meet more to earn more points towards par- By Tyler Woods, Syringa
Residence Hall
Got Red Bull?
Questions? What I love most about my think they taste disgusting, but they really
Tel: 208.885.5948 or: bed is that it’s the perfect temperature. I do work wonders on my concentration
[email protected]– Matthew sleep well cold, so my bed is pressed up during my afternoon classes. But today, I
[email protected]– Robb against a partially open window. I have was sitting in “Shakespeare” taking a sip
[email protected]– Hannah my fluffy quilt and blanket, and in the of the horse-pee colored substance
[email protected]– Henry morning, I fear leaping out of bed and when I apparently shuddered and vocal-
[email protected]– Tasha leaving the perfection that is my sleep- ized disgust. The girl next to me just
[email protected]– Jamie nest for fear that it may never be as per- giggled. I turned to her and said “yeah, it
[email protected] Kerie Jo fect again. But eventually, I do slide off of is pretty stupid, isn't it?”
my mattress to face the day. I’ll try tomorrow without
We’re on the Web! Visit: Lately, I’ve been drinking a one…. Maybe use this “koopin” instead. sugar-free Red Bull almost everyday. I Good luck to you all! HS

Conferences are fun! Springing into Winter

Welcome back everybody! My name is Usually the winter months in Moscow, it felt just like Spring in January. So all of
Tasha Thompson and I'm the National Idaho are some of the most depressing you people who haven't quite experi-
Communications Coordinator. My job months of the year because the lack of enced a real Moscow winter yet are
is to talk to the other schools in the sunlight. For some reason the climate quite neglected. I hope you all got to
region and nation and figure out how seems to have changed this year. For the enjoy the warmer weather while it lasted
we can make our RHA better for you longest time, there was absolutely no and had a great start to your semester.
all, and how to help them out with snow out, where there was at least a Welcome Back!
theirs. We have conferences to talk foot or more on the ground last year. -Matthew Baughman, RHA President
about these things, three per year, two The other day, I was outside and realized
of which are this semester. One is in
less than a month! It's called "No Frills,"
this year it's at the University of Utah Happy Valentine’s (Or Single Awareness) Day!
and it's all the boring business-y stuff. At For either crowd you can:
the end of school, though, there's one
you all should be looking forward to, watch movies, eat chocolate, go for a walk,
called NACURH. It's a huge conference, or just be with people you care for.
and people come from all over the Treat it as a day for a new adventure.
nation. This year it's in San Diego, and I
take delegates to it, so get involved and
be looking for applications! Going to a
conference is a great experience and
Can You Find the Movie Titles?
lots of fun. Have a good semester eve- By: Kristie Lucas, Chrisman
-Tasha Thompson, RHA NCC L N O P F S R A W R A T S Y
O O R S V B T S D W D N B H Rain Man
Submit your V M R G T H E D V S U D I O Top Gun
stuff to
E G U D U E O A A G B V D E Titanic
[email protected]
or on under L O D C O N K L P Y L P R U Star Wars
the Graffiti tab. CHECK THE Y S Y V S F E O W M V C O P Superbad
BOX! If you are sending photos, B O Q Y P A T G H L C S T A Lord of the Rings
please don’t embed them into O P S S N R X H A V A T A R Rudy
Word– send them as a separate
N D C B A G Z P E H L L I P Gladiator
E G H L M O H E D R H S D Z Lovely Bones
Next articles due: February 16th. S Y E W N T I T A N I C A S Fargo
Theme: Valentine’s Day or The
best present you’ve ever re- U I O M I P H J L K W N L P Avatar
ceived… or of course anything L P K B A F Q H I L D A G O Hildago
YOU want to write about!

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