Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property: CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property: CSI Analysis Reference Manual
Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property: CSI Analysis Reference Manual
where k2 and k3 are the elastic spring constants, yield2 and yield3 are the yield
forces, ratio2 and ratio3 are the ratios of post-yield stiffnesses to elastic stiff-
nesses (k2 and k3), and z2 and z3 are internal hysteretic variables. These vari-
ables have a range of z2 2 + z3 2 £ 1, with the yield surface represented by
z2 2 + z3 2 = 1. The initial values of z2 and z3 are zero, and they evolve accord-
ing to the differential equations:
ì k2 & ü
ì z&2 ü é1 - a2 z2 2 -a3 z2 z3 ù ïï yield2 u2 ïï
í ý=ê úí ý
î z&3 þ êë-a2 z2 z3 1 - a3 z3 2 úû ï k3 & ï
ïî yield3 u3 ïþ
ì1 if d& u2 z2 > 0
a2 = í
î 0 otherwise
ì1 if d& u3 z3 > 0
a3 = í
î 0 otherwise
These equations are equivalent to those of Park, Wen and Ang (1986) with
A = 1 and b = g = 0.5.
• If only one shear degree of freedom is nonlinear, the above equations reduce to
the uniaxial plasticity behavior of the Plastic1 property with exp = 2 for that de-
gree of freedom.
A linear spring relationship applies to the axial deformation, the three moment de-
formations, and to any shear deformation without nonlinear properties. All linear
degrees of freedom use the corresponding effective stiffness, which may be zero.
3 2
Figure 64
Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property for Biaxial Shear Behavior
This element can be used for gap-friction contact problems
This element can also be used to model gap and friction behavior between contact-
ing surfaces by setting the radii to zero, indicating a flat surface.
The friction model is based on the hysteretic behavior proposed by Wen (1976),
and Park, Wen and Ang (1986), and recommended for base-isolation analysis by
Nagarajaiah, Reinhorn and Constantinou (1991). The pendulum behavior is as rec-
ommended by Zayas and Low (1990).
The friction forces and pendulum forces are directly proportional to the compres-
sive axial force in the element. The element cannot carry axial tension.
Axial Behavior
The axial force, f u1 , is always nonlinear, and is given by:
ì k1 d u1 if d u1 < 0
f u1 = P = í
î0 otherwise
In order to generate nonlinear shear force in the element, the stiffness k1 must be
positive, and hence force P must be negative (compressive).
You may additionally specify a damping coefficient, c1, for the axial degree of
freedom, in which case the axial force becomes:
Force f u1 is the total axial force exerted by the element on the connected joints.
However, only the stiffness force P is assumed to act on the bearing surface, caus-
ing shear resistance. The damping force is external.
The purpose of the damping coefficient is to reduce the numerical chatter (oscilla-
tion) that can be present in some analyses. You can estimate the damping coeffi-
cient needed to achieve a certain ratio, r, of critical damping (e.g., r = 0.05) from the
2 k1 m
where m is the tributary mass for the isolator, which could be estimated from the
self-weight axial force divided by the acceleration due to gravity. It is up to you to
verify the applicability of this approach for your particular application. See the
SAP2000 Software Verification Manual for a discussion on the use of this damping
Shear Behavior
For each shear deformation degree of freedom you may independently specify ei-
ther linear or nonlinear behavior:
• If both shear degrees of freedom are nonlinear, the friction and pendulum ef-
fects for each shear deformation act in parallel:
f u2 = f u2 f + f u2 p
f u3 = f u3 f + f u3 p
The frictional force-deformation relationships are given by:
f u2 f = - P m 2 z2
f u3 f = - P m 3 z3
where m 2 and m 3 are friction coefficients, and z2 and z3 are internal hysteretic
variables. The friction coefficients are velocity-dependent according to:
where slow2 and slow3 are the friction coefficients at zero velocity, fast2 and
fast3 are the friction coefficients at fast velocities, v is the resultant velocity of
v = d& u2 2 + d& u3 2
and rate2 and rate3 are the inverses of characteristic sliding velocities. For a
Teflon-steel interface the coefficient of friction normally increases with sliding
velocity (Nagarajaiah, Reinhorn, and Constantinou, 1991).
ì k2 ü
d& u2 ï
ì z&2 ü é1 - a2 z2 2 -a3 z2 z3 ù ïï P m 2 ï
í ý=ê úí ý
î z&3 þ êë-a2 z2 z3 1 - a3 z3 2 úû ï k3 &
d u3 ï
ïî P m 3 ïþ
where k2 and k3 are the elastic shear stiffnesses of the slider in the absence of
sliding, and
ì1 if d& u2 z2 > 0
a2 = í
î0 otherwise
ì1 if d& z > 0
u3 3
a3 = í
î0 otherwise
These equations are equivalent to those of Park, Wen and Ang (1986) with
A = 1 and b = g = 0.5.
This friction model permits some sliding at all non-zero levels of shear force;
the amount of sliding becomes much larger as the shear force approaches the
“yield” value of P m. Sliding at lower values of shear force can be minimized by
using larger values of the elastic shear stiffnesses.
A zero radius indicates a flat surface, and the corresponding shear force is zero.
Normally the radii in the two shear directions will be equal (spherical surface),
or one radius will be zero (cylindrical surface). However, it is permitted to
specify unequal non-zero radii.
• If only one shear degree of freedom is nonlinear, the above frictional equations
reduce to:
f f = -Pm z
m = fast - ( fast - slow ) e - rate d
The above pendulum equation is unchanged for the nonlinear degree of free-
Linear Behavior
A linear spring relationship applies to the three moment deformations, and to any
shear deformation without nonlinear properties. All linear degrees of freedom use
the corresponding effective stiffness, which may be zero. The axial degree of free-
dom is always nonlinear for nonlinear analyses.
Axial Behavior
Independent stiffnesses and gap openings may be specified for tension and com-
pression. The axial force, f u1 , is always nonlinear, and is given by:
where k1c is the compressive stiffness, k1t is the tensile stiffness, openc is the gap
opening in compression, and opent is the gap opening in tension. Each of the four
values may be zero or positive.
You may additionally specify a damping coefficient, c1, for the axial degree of
freedom, in which case the axial force becomes:
f u1 = P + c1 d& u1
The damping force exists whether the isolator is in tension, compression, or is gap-
Force f u1 is the total axial force exerted by the element on the connected joints.
However, only the stiffness force P is assumed to act on the bearing surface, caus-
ing shear resistance. The damping force is external. See Topic “Friction-Pendulum
Isolator Property” (page 264) for a discussion on the use of this damping.
Shear Behavior
For each shear deformation degree of freedom you may independently specify ei-
ther linear or nonlinear behavior. The behavior in the two shear directions is uncou-
pled, although they both depend on the same axial force P.
For each nonlinear shear degree of freedom u2 or u3, you independently specify the
following parameters:
• Stiffness k, representing the elastic behavior before sliding begins. This value
is the same for positive or negative P.
• Friction coefficients slowc and fastc for friction under compression at different
velocities, and coefficients slowt and fastt for friction under tension at differ-
ent velocities.
• Rate parameters ratec and ratet for friction under compression and tension, re-
spectively. These are the inverses of characteristic sliding velocities. For a Tef-
lon-steel interface the coefficient of friction normally increases with sliding ve-
locity (Nagarajaiah, Reinhorn, and Constantinou, 1991).
• Radius radius, which is the same for tension and compression.
Looking at one shear direction, and considering either tension or compression us-
ing the appropriate friction parameters, the shear force f is given by:
f = ff + fp
f f = -Pm z
m = fast - ( fast - slow ) e - rate d
f p = -P
where d is the shear deformation and z is an internal hysteretic variable. In the
above, the indicators for shear degree of freedom u2 or u3, as well as for tension or
compression, have been dropped.
Linear Behavior
A linear spring relationship applies to the three moment deformations, and to any
shear deformation without nonlinear properties. All linear degrees of freedom use
the corresponding effective stiffness, which may be zero. The axial degree of free-
dom is always nonlinear for nonlinear analyses.
Nonlinear deformation loads are used as starting load vectors for Ritz-vector analy-
sis. Their purpose is to generate Modes that can adequately represent nonlinear be-
havior when performing nonlinear modal time-history analyses. A separate nonlin-
ear deformation load should be used for each nonlinear internal deformation of
each Link/Support element.
When requesting a Ritz-vector analysis, you may specify that the program use
built-in nonlinear deformation loads, or you may define your own Load Patterns for
this purpose. In the latter case you may need up to six of these Load Patterns per
Link/Support element in the model.
The built-in nonlinear deformation loads for a single two-joint Link element are
shown in Figure 65 (page 272). Each set of forces and/or mo ments is
self-equilibrating. This tends to localize the effect of the load, usually resulting in a
better set of Ritz-vectors. For a single-joint element, only the forces and/or mo-
ments acting on joint j are needed.
L = Element Length
1 dj3
j j j
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
L–dj2 1
i i i
1 L–dj3
j j j
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
i i i
Figure 65
Built-in Nonlinear Deformation Loads for a Two-joint Link Element