Fly Ash Fly Ash: Utility Bonanza From Dust
Fly Ash Fly Ash: Utility Bonanza From Dust
Fly Ash Fly Ash: Utility Bonanza From Dust
Nearly 73% of India's total installed power generation capacity is thermal, 90% of it coal-based
Shri Nilaya Mitash, I.A.S.,
Managing Director 15 March 2007
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing
Corporation Ltd.,
Cauvery Bhavan
Fly ash produced during the burning of powdered coal in thermal power plants is a hazardous waste.
However, its physical and chemical properties make it an ideal raw material for producing high quality and
cost-effective bricks, interlocking pavers, kerbstones and mosaic tiles.
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Ltd. has done pioneering work in using fly ash products in
the projects implemented by it. Fly ash-based building components like blocks, bricks, door and window
frames are extensively used in the construction of houses in Raichur, Bellary, Uttara Kannada and Shimoga
Districts. Raichur Nirmiti Kendra received an award from HUDCO for use of industrial waste as building
The effort of ENVIS Centre, Karnataka, to popularize the use of fly ash products is laudable.
(Nilaya Mitash)
How dumping of fly ash leads to pollution of air, land and water
Surface run-off
Infiltration Leaching
2 India would require 1000 sq Km / 1 Sq m per person for disposal of coal ash by 2015.
when the lagoons are full, four
basic options are available:
constructing new lagoons
using conventional
construction material,
hauling of fly ash from the
existing lagoons to another
disposal site,
raising the existing dyke using
conventional constructional
material, and
raising the dyke using fly ash
excavated from the lagoon
Raichur Thermal Power Station, Raichur (’ash dyke’).
® The construction of ash ponds requires vast tracts of The option of raising the existing dyke is very cost
land. This depletes land available for agriculture effective because any fly ash used for constructing dyke
over a period of time. would, in addition to saving the earth filling cost, enhance
® When one ash pond fills up, another has to be built, disposal capacity of the lagoon.
at great cost and further loss of agricultural land An important aspect of design of ash dykes is the internal
® Huge quantities of water are required to convert ash drainage system. The seepage discharge from internal
into slurry. surfaces must be controlled with filters that permit water
to escape freely and also to hold particles in place and the
During rains, numerous salts and metallic content in the piezometric surface on the downstream of the dyke. The
slurry can leach down to the groundwater and internal drainage system consists of construction of rock
contaminate it. toe, 0.5m thick sand blanket and sand chimney. After
completion of the final section including earth cover the
Disposal problem turfing is developed from sod on the downstream slope.
The Raichur Thermal Power Station (RTPS), one of Fly Ash Mission:
Karnataka's major power plants, is situated at The Government of India, through the Department of
Shakthinagar near Devasugur village in Raichur District. Science and Technology, has initiated the Fly Ash
Owned by Karnataka Power Corporation Limited Mission, under TIFAC. The mission propagates various
(KPCL), RTPS consists of seven units, each capable of developments in the area of fly ash utilization carried out
generating 210 MW of power. Its total power generation by the R & D institutes in India. Besides, the political will
at optimum capacity is 1470 MW per day. RTPS is the to encourage the use of fly ash has risen perceptibly.
power-generating hub of Karnataka and meets 75 per cent
of the state's power demand. The Fly Ash Mission was commissioned in 1994 with the
Department of Science & Technology (DST) as the nodal
India has about 70 thermal power plants and 70 per cent of agency and Technology Information and Assessment
them burn coal to generate power. Various Indian Council (TIFAC) as the implementing agency, in view of
collieries supply the coal, which is known to have a very the overall concern for the environment and the need for
high ash content of almost 40 to 45 per cent. the safe disposal and effective utilization of fly ash.
India's thermal power plants produce an estimated 100 Technology Project in Mission Mode (TPMM)
million tonnes of fly ash per annum. Of this, RTPS alone
generates about 1.5 million tonnes at 4,000 tonnes daily. The Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF), Ministry
Out of this, 80 per cent is fly ash and 20 per cent bottom of Power, thermal power stations, R&D institutions and
ash. This ash needs to be disposed of every day. industry together have launched a Technology Project in
Mission Mode (TPMM). Their focus is on the
Primarily, the fly ash is disposed of using either dry or wet demonstration of coal ash related technologies for
disposal scheme. In dry disposal, the fly ash is transported infusing confidence and thus ensuring large-scale
by truck, chute or conveyor at the site and disposed of by adoption. The industry, R&D institutions and academia
constructing a dry embankment (dyke). In wet disposal, have obtained encouraging results from several projects
the fly ash is transported as slurry through pipe and they have taken up. Some of these projects have been
disposed of in impoundment called "ash pond". Most of completed, multiplier effects have started and other
the power plants in India use wet disposal system, and projects are heading towards meaningful completion. A
Approximate 100 million tonnes of fly ash is generated in India’s thermal power plant per annum 3
construction material like blended cement, fly ash
bricks, mosaic tiles and hollow blocks. It also has
other, high volume applications and can be used for
paving roads, building embankments, and mine fills.
o ne small step in addressing this issue. Special thanks to the Indo-Norwegian Environment Programme
(INEP) for setting up the Centre for Ash Utilization Technologies and Environment Conservation
(CASHUTEC) at the Raichur Thermal Power Station and thereby combating the fly ash hazard.
The establishment of CASHUTEC at the Raichur power station is one of the several projects that INEP has
initiated in Karnataka. Through its projects, it aims to address air, water and soil pollution and promote
sustainable solutions. All INEP projects are pilot in nature and contribute to sustainable management of natural
6 Orissa Government has banned the use of soil for brick manufacturing upto 70 km of a thermal power station
Te chno e conomic analys is and comparative s tudy of
fly as h products manufacture d at CASHUTEC
Fly as h Product Characte ris tics CASHUTEC Conve ntial
Finish Excellent Satisfactory
Brick (9 x 4.25 x 3) inches Compressive strength 65 - 100 kg/cm2 50 kg/cm2
Water absorption 10 - 12% 15 - 20%
Finish Excellent Satisfactory
Block (16 x 8 x 8) inches Compressive strength 50 kg/cm2 35 kg/cm2
Water absorption 10 - 12% 13 - 15%
Finish Excellent Good
Interlocking paver Compressive strength 170 - 280 kg/cm2 150 - 200 kg/cm2
Water absorption 10 - 12% 0.15
Finish Excellent Good
Kerbstone Compressive strength 215 kg/cm2 150 kg/cm2
Water absorption 8 - 10%
Finish Excellent Good
Transverse Strength 15 kg/cm2 30 kg/cm2
Mosaic tile
Water absorption 3 - 4% 0.1
Abrasion resistance 1.75 mm 3.5 mm
Fly ash products manufactured at CASHUTEC, Raichur in water tanks for 15 days. The tiles are then
polished and stacked for supply.
Evaluation results of fly ash mosaic tiles How do these bricks get strength, if they are not
Fly ash baked?
Properties mosaic IS 1237/CPWD specs Fal-G bricks are made of a mixture of fly ash-lime-
tiles gypsum or fly ash-cement-gypsum. In either
Wet transverse 4.5 Not less than 3.0 N/sq. mm combination, Fal-G is a hydraulic cement, which
strength (N/sq. mm) when full size tiles are tested means it sets and hardens in the presence of
Water obsorption(%) 3.3 Not to exceed 10% when full moisture, on the lines of ordinary portland cement,
size tiles are tested gaining strength progressively over ageing. Nearly
Abrasion resistance 1.75 Not to exceed 3.5 mm for 200 tonnes of coal is used to sinter one million clay
(mm) general purpose. Not to exceed bricks, a process that generates over 350 tonnes of
2.0 mm for heavy duty tiles. carbon dioxide (CO2). The production process of
World Bank has offered to buy 800,000 tonnes of CO2 reductions from utilisation of Fly ash. 7
Fal-G bricks eliminates harmful emissions of this
scale. This would also be the amount of carbon
credit earned
Which is the nodal agency for all fly ash related Is it possible to procure products manufactured at
queries? CASHUTEC?
CASHUTEC at Shaktinagar, Raichur is the nodal Yes, it is possible to order and procure products from
agency for all queries related to fly ash utilization. This CASHUTEC, or through the GRASIM Industries
includes technical know-how, queries about dealer network.
technology, machinery, manufacture and usage.
What makes fly ash useful? Source:
Fly ash is most commonly used as a pozzolan in PCC
applications. Pozzolans are siliceous or siliceous and [1]Using fly ash Extracting value from waste
aluminous material, which in a finely divided form and Published by INEP.
in the presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide at [2] Extract from paper 'Technology: Fly ash Disposal
ordinary temperatures to produce cementitious and Utilization: The Indian Scenario' by Rajiv
compounds. Sinha, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT
What are Carbon credits? Kanpur
Carbon credits are certificates awarded to countries that [3] Excerpt from Kiln Economics, Down to Earth July
are successful in reducing the emissions that cause 15, 2005
global warming. For trading purposes, one credit is [4]
considered equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide [5]
emission reduced. Such a credit can be sold in the
international market at a prevailing market rate. The ENVIS Team:
trading can take place in open market. Developed
countries that have exceeded the levels can either cut Chakravarthi Mohan K.A.S., Co-ordinator, ENVIS
down emissions, or borrow or buy carbon credits from Centre,
developing countries. However there are two exchanges Vijay Bhat, Programme Manager, Indo Norwegian
for Carbon credit viz Chicago Climate Exchange and Environment Programme,
the European Climate Exchange. K.N. Koushik, IT Assistant.