Project 8th Sem

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Partial replacement of sand and cement to concrete by Marble dust

In our advance concrete technology we try to make concrete more reliable
and get higher strength by using waste material which is Marble dust
By using this waste product in concrete , the natural
resources may be used more efficiently.
(like sand and CAO).
MDP will improve the physical and mechanical prope
-rties of conventional concrete.
Fig : 1 :- Marble Dust
If the uses of waste product increases it decrease the
environmental deposits .
In the marble industries 20% of the MDP has been
wasted while in cutting of marble which reaches as
high Millions of Tons. (In year 2009-10 , 3172 Million Of Ton MDP wasted)
 The cost of material is increasing so if we use the waste material in the
production of concrete , decrease the price in concrete production.
 In this project the cement and sand is replaced by MDP by 5% , 10% , 15%
and 20%.
 It works as a admixture which helps to increase the compressive strength
of concrete.
 If we supposed that Marble Dust having some binding properties so we
have to just verify it by comparison of both content of Cement and Marble
Dust .
Component % of Component Avg. % of
CaO 68.6 CaO 63

MgO 22.13 MgO 2

Al2 O3 2.785 Al2O3 6

SiO2 3.89 SiO2 20

Fe2O3 0.603 Fe2O3 3

Cr2O3 0.24 SO3 1.5

ZnO 0.20 Na2O + K2O 1

Table: :- TiO
Content Of Marble Dust. 0.549 Table: :- Content Of Cement.
I. Materials And their Properties.
 Concrete prepared of grade M20 mix design for all conventional or
modified concrete.
 Materials such as cement , fine aggregate , coarse aggregate and Marble
Dust Powder are free from impurities and weighed with an accuracy of
5% ,10% , 15% and 20% of weight of cement and sand respectively
The Portland Slag Cement (PSC) is used for Materials Specific
Name Gravity
this analysis.
Cement 3.25
The specific gravity of the materials
Sand 2.7
mentioning in the table which is obtained
C.A 2.7
from the experimental data.
Marble 2.86
Table:1:- Specific Gravity Of
Test Conducted
Some test is adopted for this project to get the properties of materials
and some
specific data of materials.
 The details of the test is given below,
I. Specific Gravity :-

II. Consistency Test Of cement :-

III. Initial & Final Setting Time Of Cement:

IV. Grain Size Distribution :-

V. Moisture Content Test :- of F.A and C.A

VI. Water Absorption Test :- Of F.A,C.A

VII. Slump Test :-

VIII.Vee-Bee Consistency Test :-

IX. Compressive Strength :-

X. Split Tensile Strength :-

II. Experimental Data
 The test done for the Cement is mention below In the table,
Sr no. Test Name Result IS code

1. Finess Of Cement

2. Consistency Of Cement

3. Initial setting Time

4. Final setting Time

 The Experiment done for the Marble Dust Powder,

Sr. No. Test Name Result
1. Specific Gravity of MD
2. Finess Modulus OF MD

 The experiment done for the fine aggregate ,

III. Mix Design.
 The mix design calculation is adopted as per IS-10262:2009 .
 The Data taken for the mix design is mention below,
 Grade Designation – M20
 Cement Used- Portland slag cement (PSC) Confirming IS -455:1989 .
 Specific Gravity-
 Cement – 3.25
 C.A – 2.7
 F.A – 2.7
 Marble Powder –
 Water Cement ratio- 0.5 And 0.55 (from Table-5 IS 456:2000).
 Coarse aggregate of size 20 mm down is used.
 Water Absorption :-
 Fine aggregate – 0.5 %
 Coarse Aggregate – 0.5 %
 Sieve Analysis :-
 Fine Aggregate – confirming to zone - II from IS 383
 Coarse Aggregate - confirming IS 383
 Moisture Content :-
Fine Aggregate – 2.5 %
Coarse Aggregate – 1 %
 Workability –
 Slump –
 Exposure condition – Moderate
 Marble Dust Powder with replacement 0% , 5% , 10% , 15 % and 20 %
by weight of cement
and sand .
Materials quantity.

 The mould size is taken for this test is 100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm .
 The cylinder size is taken for split tensile test is 300 mm x 150 mm.
 The quantity of materials required for one cube after replacing the
Marble Dust for all
0% , 5% , 10% , 15% and 20% by weight of cement and sand.
 Mix proportion of the mix designation is given below as per 1 m3
SR. Mix % Replacement W/C Cemen Fine Coarse Water Marble
No. Designation Marble Dust ratio t Aggregat Aggrega Dust
e te

1 AGS0 1 383.16 714.93 1149.25 176.42 0.00

2 AGS5 2 383.16 679.18 1149.25 177.03 37.22
3 AGS10 3 0.5 383.16 643.44 1149.25 177.65 74.43
4 AGS15 4 383.16 607.69 1149.25 178.26 111.64
5 AGS20 5 383.16 571.95 1149.25 178.87 148.86
6 BHS0 6 348.33 745.78 1149.27 175.89 0.00
7 BHS5 7 348.33 708.48 1149.27 176.53 38.82
8 BHS10 8 0.55 348.33 671.20 1149.27 177.17 77.64
9 BHS15 9 348.33 633.91 1149.27 177.81 116.46
10 BHS20 10 348.33 596.62 1149.27 178.45 155.28
11 AGC0 11 383.16 714.93 1149.25 176.42 0.00
12 AGC5 12 364.01 714.93 1149.25 176.42 19.16
13 AGC10 13 0.5 344.85 714.93 1149.25 176.42 38.32
14 AGC15 14 325.69 714.93 1149.25 176.42 57.48
15 AGC20 15 306.53 714.93 1149.25 176.42 76.64
16 BHC0 16 348.13 745.78 1149.27 175.89 0.00
17 BHC5 17 330.92 745.78 1149.27 176.89 17.42
18 BHC10 18 0.55 313.5 745.78 1149.27 176.89 34.84
19 BHC15 19 296.08 745.78 1149.27 176.89 52.25
20 BHC20 20 278.67 745.78 1149.27 176.89 69.67
Casting And Curing Of concrete.
 After mixing the concrete for the their same mix designation the
moulding of cube is shown by steps,
 The mould is filled up with concrete in 3 layers.
 Every layer is compacted 25 times by tamping rod having Diameter 25 mm .
 After the top layer has been compacted, a trowel should be used to finish off
the surface level with the top of the mould Wait for 24hours for final setting time.
 After 24 hours put the mould under water for curing process.

Fig: :- Moulded Cubes and Finishing Off from Fig: :- Concrete Cubes & Cylinder During
trowel. Curing
Test , Results And Data
 Two types of test has been done to get conclusion and result for
modified concrete,
 Compressive strength - For Cubes .
 Split Tensile strength – For Cylinder.
 The compressive strength of the cubes has been tasted for 7 days and
28 days for all concrete cubes.
The Split Tensile test of cylinder has been tasted for 28 days.
 The result of compressive strength test of sand replacement with
marble dust of 7 days and 28 days is found as

Mix W/C 7th Day strength 28th Day strength Density (kg/m3)
Designation (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
AGS0 0.5 24.11 40.43 2461
AGS5 0.5 27.98 44.40 2452
AGS10 0.5 31.98 46.11 2430
AGS15 0.5 28.75 42.88 2425
AGS20 0.5 26.37 39.39 2415
BHS0 0.55 24.07 39.32 2446
BHS5 0.55 26.08 42.75 2437
BHS10 0.55 26.91 45.53 2428
BHS15 0.55 25.25 41.52 2415
BHS20 0.55 21.82
Table: :- 7 &28 44.11 data For
days Compressive Strength 2400
both 0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Sand Replacement)
 The compressive Strength of concrete Cement replacement with
marble dust of 28 days is found as,
Mix Designation W/C 28th Day strength (N/mm2)

AGC0 0.5 40.43

AGC5 0.5 40.16
AGC10 0.5 35.54
AGC15 0.5 31.81

AGC20 0.5 29.49

BHC0 0.55 39.32
BHC5 0.55 38.50
BHC10 0.55 35.32
BHC15 0.55 31.99
BHC20 0.55 28.66

Table: :-28 days Compressive Strength data For both

0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Cement Replacement)
 The split tensile strength of cylinder for 28 days of fine aggregate
replacement is found as,

Mix Designation W/C 28 DAY Split tensile strength

AGS0 0.5 2.752
AGS5 0.5 2.876
AGS10 0.5 3.012
AGS15 0.5 2.923
AGS20 0.5 2.782
BHS0 0.55 2.641
BHS5 0.55 2.782
BHS10 0.55 2.924
BHS15 0.55 2.882
BHS20 0.55 2.693
Table: :-28 days Split Tensile Strength data For both Table: :- Failure of Split Tensile At
0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Sand Replacement) optimum Strength

 Here we can see clearly how the cylinder got failed on their optimum
 Before comment on any results we should compare the results and then
after we can tell about any properties of concrete.

 So here we compared some data which clarify the optimum strength of

I. 7 days Compressive Strength for W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (sand replacement)
II. 28 days Copmressive Strength for W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (sand replacement)
III. 28 days Copmressive Strength fo W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (Cement replacement)
IV. 28 days Split Tensile Strength for W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (sand Replacement)
I. 7 days Compressive Strength for W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (sand replacement).
SL NO % Compressive Compressive 7 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH
replaceme strength at 0.5 strength at 0.55 COMPARED FOR W/C 0.5 AND 0.55
35 W/C

nt of FA w/c ratio w/c ratio
With MD 30
1 0 24.11 24.07 27.98
26.91 26.37
2 5 27.98 26.08 25 25.25
3 10 31.98 26.91 21.82
4 15 28.75 25.25 0 5 10 15 20 25
5 20 26.37 21.82
Table: :-28 days Compressive Strength data For both Graph: :-7 days Compressive Strength data For both
0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Sand Replacement) 0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Sand Replacement)

 Comments :-
 For 0.50 w/c ratio compressive strength increase till 10% and then decrease.
 For 0.55 w/c ratio compressive strength gradually increase till 10% and then decrease.
I. 28 days Compressive Strength for W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (sand replacement).
SL NO % Compressive Compressive 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH
replaceme strength at 0.5 strength at 0.55 COMPARED FOR46.11
W/C 0.5 AND 0.55

45 45.53 W/C
nt of FA w/c ratio w/c ratio 44.4 0.50
43 42.75 42.88

DAYS (Mpa)
With MD 41.52
1 0 40.43 39.32 39 39.32 39.39
2 5 44.40 42.75 37
3 10 46.11 45.53 35
4 15 42.88 41.52 33
0 5 10 15 20 25
5 20 39.39 34.11
Table: :-28 days Compressive Strength data For both Graph: :-28 days Compressive Strength data For both
0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Sand Replacement) 0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Sand Replacement)

 Comment :-
 For 0.50 w/c ratio compressive strength increase till 10% and then decrease.
 For 0.55 w/c ratio compressive strength gradually increase till 10% and then rapidly
I. 28 days Compressive Strength for W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (Cement replacement)
SL % Compressive Compressive 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH
NO replaceme strength at 0.5 strength at 0.55 45

40.43 40.16 W/C
nt of w/c ratio w/c ratio 39.32
40 38.5 0.50
With MD 35
1 0 40.43 39.32
30 28.66
2 5 40.16 38.50
3 10 35.54 35.32
4 15 31.81 31.99 0 %5 REPLACEMENT
20 25

Table: :-2820 29.49 Strength data
days Compressive 28.66
For both Graph: :- 28 days Compressive Strength Graph For both
0.5 & 0.55 w/c (Cement Replacement) 0.5 & 0.55 w/c

 Comments :-
 Compressive strength of concrete decreases as % replacement of cement with marble dust
I. 28 days Split Tensile Strength for W/C ratio 0.5 vs 0.55. (sand Replacement)

SL % Compressive Compressive
N replacemen strength at 0.5 strength at 0.55 COMPARED FOR W/C 0.5 AND 0.55


O t of FA With w/c ratio w/c ratio W/C 0.50
MD 3 W/C 0.55

1 0 2.752 2.641
2 5 2.876 2.782
3 10 3.012 2.924

4 15 2.923 2.882 2.6

0 5 10 15 20 25

Table: :-28 days split Tensile Strength data For both Graph: :- 28 days split Tensile Strength Graph For both
0.5 & 0.55 w/c 0.5 & 0.55 w/c

 Comments :-
 For 0.50 w/c ratio split tensile strength increase till 10% and then decrease.
 For 0.55 w/c ratio split tensile strength gradually increase till 10% and then gradually
decrease to 15% and then rapidly decrease.
 Now after reading and observing these all data we seen that the ,
I. Compressive Strength and Split Tensile strength Low with the w/c ratio Increases after 0.5.
II. Compressive strength and split tensile strength decreases with % replacement of cement with marble
dust increases.
Hence, we followed only Sand replacement with marble dust.
 Now , comparing only sand replacement data for observe the behavior of Split Tensile
Strength Vs Compressive Strength for 0.5 w/c ratio of 28 days.
SL NO W/C Split tensile Compressive
RATIO strength at 28 strength at 28
day (MPa) day (MPa)

1 0.50 2.752 40.43 3 y = 0.419x0.5127
SPLIT TENSILE 2.9 R² = 0.8224
2 2.876 44.40 2.8
3 3.012 46.11 38 40 42 44 46 48

5 :-28 days Compressive

Table: 2.782& split Tensile
Strength Graph: :-28 days Compressive & split Tensile
data For both 0.5 & 0.55 w/c Strength
Graph For both 0.5 & 0.55 w/c
 Comment :-
 Here , the Split Tensile Strength increases with increase in compressive strength.

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