Proposal Project
Proposal Project
Proposal Project
The title of our project is a “Smart Food Waste Trap”. In the first chapter we write
about smart identification system Food Waste Trap work, what equipment is use and smart
operating Food Waste Trap. We also review some problem, project objective and scope of the
project. In the chapter two we discussed the types of systems may be more appropriate, but
the final choice depends on the constraints and objective the project. Doing a literature
review is the basic system for information technology project. In the chapter three we put our
flow chart and gantt chart. Then we explain the block diagram of our project. In addition, we
also strive to project circuit is used in the project as power supply circuit, timer circuit, sensor
circuit, relay and limit switch circuit. We also describe the methodology of the project cost.
Then we write our project circuit operation. In chapter four we write the conclusion of this
project. Finally, we can also learn more about the operation of the circuit.
Tajuk projek kami adalah "Penapis Sisa Makanan". Di dalam bab yang pertama kami menulis
tentang sistem pengenalan Penapis Sisa Makanan, apa peralatan yang digunakan dan pintar
operasi Perangkap Sisa Makanan. Kami juga mengkaji beberapa masalah, objektif projek dan
skop projek. Dalam bab dua kami membincangkan jenis sistem mungkin yang lebih sesuai,
tetapi pilihan terakhir bergantung kepada kekangan dan objektif projek. Melakukan kajian
literatur adalah sistem asas untuk projek teknologi maklumat. Dalam bab tiga kita meletakkan
carta aliran dan carta gantt. Kemudian, kami menerangkan gambarajah blok projek kami.
Selain itu, kami juga berusaha untuk projek litar yang digunakan dalam projek ini kerana litar
bekalan kuasa, litar pemasa, litar sensor, geganti dan suis had litar. Kami juga menerangkan
metodologi kos projek. Kemudian kami menulis operasi litar projek kami. Dalam bab empat
kita menulis kesimpulan untuk projek ini. Akhir sekali, kita juga boleh mengetahui lebih
lanjut mengenai operasi litar.
1.0 Introduction
Nowadays food related business such as restaurant are expended. Discharging kitchen waste
inappropriately into the drain not only cause to clogged drains, but so cause water pollution
and unpleasant foul. This project was conducted to develop waste trap that can block kitchen
waste. The focus of this project are to identify material that can trap that can trap kitchen
waste. This project was made to avoid clogged drains caused by food waste being dumped
directly into the drain without filtering.
This Smart Food Waste Trap work using the motor to rotate the grinder. The relay
circuit is using to control the motor while the motor is use for move the refuse food waste
into containers provided. Additionally, using a timer circuit for 10 seconds to move the food
waste in another container. After the waste of the food had declined, the sensor must be
detect if the waste food in the container is full.
1.1 Problem Statement
Before implementing this project, we have review a number of statement of the problem.
There are:
i. The increase in food waste into drains near cause foul smell.
ii. Plumber requires energy and take a long time to repair the sink clogged.
iii. Affect the restaurant business since cleanliness is not maintained.
1.2 Objective
We are able to complete this project and able to achieve the objective:
i. Design the machine which can trap food waste discharged into the drains.
ii. To create an automatic grinding and filter machine.
iii. The restaurant with the machine is able to keep the drain well and cleanliness.
2.0 Introduction
In this chapter, the types of information systems to be developed and the technique will be
discussed. There are many different types of systems may be more appropriate, but the final
choice depends on the constraints and objectives of this project. Conducted a literature review
is the basic for the system to information technology project.
Figure 2.0
2.1 The introduction of food waste grinders
Food waste disposers of space anticorrosive grinding, stainless steel grinding hammers ,
stainless steel grinding disks and other components. It uses high rotational speed permanent
magnet motor driven grinding chamber , rotating food waste under the action of centrifugal
force with effect in a very short period (about 10 seconds or so ) , will grind the food waste
into small particles in the water discharge pipe ,
It will be effective in a variety of kitchen food waste, such as pieces of bone cattle,
chicken bones, fish bones, egg shells, ground into a paste of crushed liquid
discharged through the pipe with water naturally, to achieve a clean environment,
eliminating odor and other effects. Can reduce kitchen odors and reduce pest
nuisance, and to promote family health
Food waste grinders are very easy to operate. You only need to complete the
following steps :
Figure 2.2
Dc motor are electric motor that use direct current (DC). DC Motor has two terminals only.
The motor will spin when two terminals are provided in accordance with requirements such
as voltage 12V. Directions cycles depends on the polarity of supply.
To control the DC Motor using H-Bridge driver used. H-Bridge driver L293 or L298.
For examples L298 is to use higher motor current. With these drivers, there are two input
enabling control the direction of motor rotation either clockwise or clockwise opponents.
Also enable input that allows control of motor speed to provide the PWM pin.
2.3 Relay
The working of a relay can be better understood by explaining the following diagram given
The diagram shows an inner section diagram of a relay. An iron core is surrounded by
a control coil. As shown, the power source is given to the electromagnet through a control
switch and through contacts to the load. When current starts flowing through the control coil,
the electromagnet starts energizing and thus intensifies the magnetic field. Thus the upper
contact arm starts to be attracted to the lower fixed arm and thus closes the contacts causing a
short circuit for the power to the load. On the other hand, if the relay was already de-
energized when the contacts were closed, then the contact move oppositely and make an open
As soon as the coil current is off, the movable armature will be returned by a force back to its
initial position. This force will be almost equal to half the strength of the magnetic force. This
force is mainly provided by two factors. They are the spring and also gravity.
Project Title
Search project
Send Suggestion
Paper Project
Presentation project
3.2 Flow chart for test circuit
Testing on UV
3.3 Flowchart of Test Project Circuit Implementation
Buy Component
Connect to Protoboard
Function Troubleshooting
Draw circuit at Livewire and
convert to PCB wizard
3.4 Gantt Chart
WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Registration of
student with
Project selection,
planning and
Initial proposal
Launch the
project and
prepared a report
Schematic circuit
design and PCB
layout design
Making printed
circuit board
Procedure to
construct project
Final proposal,
logbook & PCB
Explanation of circuit
In this project, the supply circuit, we using 12V DC 50 Hz power line to control our
circuit operation. Firstly we using the limit switch and relay for detect the object, when object
have reach to the limit switch, relay will be form normally close and supply will be given to
the motor DC for work as blender. The motor will blend the object until become the small
and to the next process. We using two DC motor for this part. Next when the object is full
from the former, limit switch will detect the object and relay from normally open go to the
normally close to connect with supply, So the motor will turn ON and then the object will be
push to the next former for 5 seconds forward motor. After 5 second, motor will reverse to
back normal and ready for the next process.
In the next circuit operation, after the object push by the motor, object fall into the
former until the former full and detecting by limit switch. Relay will be normally close to
connect the supply. After supply give into the circuit, buzzer make a sound with LED green
and red for signals output. Green for full object normally close in the former when red lamp
for empty normally open former in relay operation.
3.0 Conclusion
After this project are complete we hope it can help be useful to the user. We choose this
project because it can help the restaurant with the machine is able to keep the drain well and
cleanliness. In addition, student can also learn more about the operation of the circuit.