Master Unit 11

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Unit Title: Gymnastics

Teacher Name: Mr. Victor Celaya

Date: 02/12/18- 03/02/18

Grade/Class: 8th grade

Space Needed: Gymnasium or dance room with open floor space

California State Model Content Standards to be Addressed

1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.4, 3.6, 4.2, 4.6, 5.7

California Teacher Performance Expectations Addressed

TPE 3f, TPE 12d, TPE 13c

Equipment Needed:

Floor pad mats, polyspots, cones, trampolines, crash pads, rubber balance beam, low balance beam,
high balance beam, and large platforms/obstacles

Provisions for Students with a Disability:

My student who has ASD (autism spectrum disorder) would be placed toward the front of the class for
all demonstrations to have access to extra individual attention while practicing techniques throughout
this unit. This student would also be allowed extra time on balance beam to overcome any additional
anxiety brought on by the situation. The student would be paired with another student who has
demonstrated leadership qualities in the past in order to have a personal mentor through the rolling

Unit Objectives:


Students will competently demonstrate rolls in various directions from a neutral seated position and
while simulating falling. Students will demonstrate adept control of their posture and balance while
applying specific footwork and foot placement required to cross a balance beam. Students will
demonstrate proficiency in performing mounting and dismounting footwork.
How assessed:

Students will be observed during practice and be assessed using a checklist with the various skills of the
unit on it and given a rating from 1 to 5 with 1 being poor form and 5 being excellent form. Students will
be given task cards and required to perform tasks in front of peers equipped with form checklists.


Students will investigate ways in which gymnastics can be used to prevent injury and promote physical
fitness. Students will identify gymnastic techniques by name when viewing demonstrations of
technique. Students will compare and contrast gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics. Students
demonstrate mastery of the gross muscular anatomy associated with this unit.

How assessed:

Students will be quizzed by responding to task cards with potential injuries on them with potential ways
to apply specific gymnastic moves to avoid or lesson each injury. Students will also be given quizzes on
gymnastics terminology and techniques for safety.


Students will address stigmas associated with gymnastics and determine methods to shift the societal
view of gymnastics. Students will explore their reservations about performing certain gymnastic views
and reflect on factors that helped them to overcome or approach overcoming their barriers to perform.

How assessed:

Students will record a video blog (vlog) about any fears and reservations they have going into the
gymnastics unit. Students will then reflect on how those fears and reservations have changed by the end
of the unit through recording a follow up vlog. Students will use their journals to notate successes
throughout the unit and reflect on the type of stigma typically associated with gymnastics.

Scope and Sequence of Content /or Developmental Analysis

Scope and sequence (List skills, the order in which they will be taught (inter-task development) and the
manner in which each will be developed from simple to complex (intra-task development)

The gymnastics unit progresses the student through basic gymnastics moves and gymnastics by building
upon material covered in previous lessons. Students gain context on gymnastics by learning about its
history and origin before moving into the anatomy and musculature involved in gymnastics, defining
center of gravity and applying it to moving across a balance beam, expanding their bodily control and
spatial awareness by performing cartwheels, roundoffs, and various rolls, learning to avoid injury by
applying gymnastics to simulated falls, pushing their limits by performing gymnastic footwork in
conjunction with a trampoline, and demonstrating adept understanding of rhythm through developing
rhythmic gymnastic routines and performing them for peers. Gymnastics provides an opportunity for
students to engage in activities that are the culmination of the learned principles and movements from
all preceding units. Gymnastics can be intimidating to approach and thus has been placed toward the
end of the school year so that students will have developed enough confidence and coordination to
approach the complicated and somewhat risky moves covered in this unit. Gymnastics is also justified in
the state standards and thus is an invaluable part of this curriculum.

Gymnastics Sequence

1. Introduction to Gymnastics

a. Definition, history, and cultural relevance

b. Rules for moving safely in gymnastics

c. Challenge by choice definition

2. Posture in gymnastics

a. Differences to other forms of posture

b. Muscles used

c. Posture exercises

3. Walking across balance beam

a. Footwork for balance beam walk

b. Mounting footwork

c. Dismounting footwork

d. Walking across a straight line on floor

e. Walking across low balance beam

I. Low dismount and sticking landing

f. Walking across high balance beam

I. High dismount and sticking landing

4. Rolling movements

a. Protecting spine and joints

b. Cartwheels

c. Roundoffs

d. Egg (lateral) rolls

e. Backward rolls

f. Applying rolls to falling to prevent injury

5. Trampoline Gymnastics

a. Footwork to jump on trampoline

b. Applying dismount position to stick landings

6. Rhythmic gymnastics

a. Definition of rhythmic gymnastics

b. Applying props to gymnastics

I. Balls

II. Ribbons

c. Assembling a routine

d. Gymnastic performance

7. Gymnastic applications to other sports

Unit Block Plan

Name of Unit: Gymnastics

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

02/12/18 02/13/18 02/14/18 02/15/18 02/16/18

• Introduction • Walking posture • Dismounting from • Challenge by

history and class review a modified choice: low
rules for • Walking for balance beam balance beam
Holiday gymnastics balance (feet in • Core muscle and/or high
• Review of posture line, toe to heels) circuit training balance beam
and muscles that • Walking across work
support posture modified balance • Dismount from
• Practice with beams Standards: 1.5, 2.1, 3.4, standard balance
moving in good 5.7 beams
Standards: 1.5, 2.1, 2.3,
3.4, 5.7 Standards: 1.5, 2.1, 2.3,
Standards: 4.6, 5.7 3.4, 4.6, 5.7

02/19/18 02/20/18 02/21/18 02/22/18 02/23/18

• Cartwheel task • Round off form • Lecture on • Applying forward

card activity: and function protecting neck and backward
Holiday Students follow • Differences and spine from rolls to injury
task cards to set between injury in rolls
up a cartwheel cartwheels and • Performing egg prevention in
station and try out roundoffs rolls for review sports
the form for • Form and function • Falling simulations
cartwheels of forward rolls • Class discussion
• Form and function on practicality of
of backward rolls rolling to prevent
Standards: 1.5, 3.4, 5.7 injury
Standards: 1.5, 3.4, 4.6, Standards: 1.5, 3.4, 3.6,
5.7 Standards: 1.5, 2.3, 2.4, 4.2, 5.7
3.4, 5.7

02/26/18 02/27/18 02/28/18 03/01/18 03/02/18

• Applying • Definition and • Student group • Student group • Student routine

dismount demonstration of worktime on worktime on performances
footwork to rhythmic project project • Peer evaluation of
trampoline to gymnastics • Music selection • Worksheet check performances
jump for distance • Application of check • Group rehearsal • Final projects
• “sticking the ribbons and • Group rehearsal submitted
landing” practice objects to Discussion on the role of
• Challenge by manipulate in Standards: 1.5, 1.6, 3.4, gymnastics in sport and
choice on height gymnastics Standards: 1.5, 1.6, 3.4, 4.6, 5.7 daily physical activity
of jump and • Review of 4.6, 5.7
distance covered identifying
• Jumping over an rhythms
Standards: 1.5, 1.6, 3.4,
obstacle • Group project
assigned: Design a
1 minute rhythmic
Standards: 1.5, 2.1, 2.3, gymnastics
2.4, 3.4, 5.7 routine involving
2 or more props
and using 3 or
more moves
covered, record all
moves and counts
on a worksheet

Standards: 1.5, 1.6, 3.4,


SCHOOL: Emerson Middle School

DATE: 02/14/18

TEACHER: Mr. Victor Celaya


1.5, 2.1, 2.3, 3.4, 5.7


ELA Writing 2d- Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.


TPE 3f, TPE 13c

UNIT / THEME: Gymnastics ACTIVITY: Training Posture for


TIME / PERIOD: Period 3- 9:55- 10:45

TEACHING STYLE: Command Style GRADE: 8th grade LESSON #2 OF 9

EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES: 8 large, thick floor pads, speaker unit for music, 10 cones, wall space, mini balance beam, white board;
gymnasium with open floor space NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 55

Lesson Learning Objectives

For each domain, do not write what the students will be doing…write
specifically what the students will be learning.

1. CA PE Standards (Psychomotor):
Psychomotor Domain Objectives
1.5- Demonstrate fundamental gymnastic/tumbling skills.

2.1- Describe and demonstrate how movement skills learned in one physical
activity can be transferred and used to help learn another physical activity.

3.4- Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity a minimum of four days

each week.

Students will learn the correct engagement of core and postural muscles to
prevent injury in gymnastics.

Students will learn common balance postures.

Students will learn correct footwork for landing in gymnastics

2. CA PE Standards (Cognitive):
Cognitive Domain Objectives:

2.3- Explain how growth in height and weight affects performance and influences
the selection of developmentally appropriate physical activities.

Students will be able to explain how correct posturing in gymnastics can prevent

Students will be familiar with the vocabulary of gymnastics in relation to balance

and posture

3. CA PE Standards (Affective):
Affective Domain Objectives:

5.7- Model support toward individuals of all ability levels and encourage others to
be supportive and inclusive of all individuals.

Students will form a greater understanding of their own perceptions and biases in
regards to gymnastics
Time Sequence of Skill Development / Practice Beginning with the first transition, What key words will you
Estimate EACH SECTION should have a use to help students learn
defined management strategy. This and understand the
can be described and/or illustrated. content?
(In this section, you MUST DESCRIBE specifically how you will TEACH and
MANAGE your stated objectives and Arrange the class for each of the
following lesson components.

You cannot simply state what you will be doing during the lesson. You must
describe how you will be teaching and managing each of the following areas:

Lesson Components
(Lesson does not necessarily have to follow this order specifically):
Transition to Learning Area Transition to Learning
• Transition to Learning Area
o Students will be grouped in rows of 5 o I will arrange cones and
note cards to direct o Students will be
students where to go taught “Hey,
Hey, listen up,
9:55- listen up!” Call-
9:58 and-response to
get student

Warm up

Warm up o Count downs

from 10 will be
o I will be at the front of key to ensuring
the class called out what students remain
to do and demonstrating engaged
• Warm up: Provide a list of activities and a description for each
o My assistant teachers
o Abdomen crunches
will ensure correct form
o 30 second plank
and engagement
o Rocking on a bent back


• Transition
9:59- o Students will sit in a comfortable position

o Terms like
o I will use call- and- alignment,
response cues to call the posture, and base
class back to attention
• Introduction o My assistant teachers
of support will
o I will gauge my classes familiarity with gymnastics by asking emphasize my
will be walking around points
about their prior knowledge in the topic to ensure no students get
o On my white board, I will have a definition of gymnastics, a off task
diagram of postural muscles of the back and core, and key
things to focus on during the lesson like: Taut core, string
pulling your head toward the ceiling, and shoulders down as if
holding heavy suitcases
o I will present information about how living with proper
posture, good body alignment, and consistent balance training
can prevent unnecessary injury in sports and daily activity
o I will break down the agenda of the day

• Transition Transition
o Rows of students will rotate so that front row goes to back and
10:06 o My assistant teachers
all move forward
will help me to get
students into the correct

10:06- • Activity- Posture, Balance, & 4 corners
o Students will be learning about the postural muscles and how to o I will be demonstrating
correctly engage them through the following drills: the various postural
▪ Balloon in chest inflation techniques and walking
▪ Standing against a wall at various levels- Students will around with my assistant Activity
be broken into groups of 2 to share the limited wall teachers
o I will be using
space o I will use an assistant
yoga vocabulary
teacher to help
o Students will be learning balance concepts and base of support demonstrate how base of to explain the
by practicing the following: support determines the balance poses
▪ Mountain pose level of balance
▪ Tree pose o I will demonstrate the
▪ Wide base of support stance balance poses as my
▪ Narrow base of support stance students attempt them
• Transitions within activity o Each pose will be held
o Students will be grouped in 4 corners or the room and make a for at least 15 seconds
straight line o I will have an assistant
• Activity 1 cont. teacher in each corner of
o Students will be applying their postural training and balance the room direct the
through walking, jogging, and across the room in 4 corners students on when to
o Students will elements of dismount: Knees bent, arms up, core cross
tightened inward, hold for 3 seconds

• Transitions within activity

o Students will create 2 lines in front of mini balance beams
• Activity II- Balance Beam Preparation
o Using mini balance beams, students will apply all above
material to walking across balance beam and jumping off

Activity II
o There will be 2 lines
running simultaneously
o I will be observing and
assessing student posture
and providing corrective
• Transition
o Students will return to their original rows of 5
10:31- • Cool down
10:41 o Students will sit and apply new postural knowledge to sit
upright and take deep breaths
Cool down
o I will sit at the front of
the class and
• Closure Activity II
demonstrate what I want
o I will ask students to reflect on our activities and we will discuss
my students to do o Reminding
the benefits of posture and balance
students to
tighten their core
Closure and grow taller
o At this point I will be as they work
using more of an inquiry
style of teaching and ask
questions to attempt to
prompt discussion

Cool down
o I will tell
students the
rhythm I want

10:42- o “How did
10:45 standing like that
make you feel?”
“In what ways
could practicing
what we did
Evaluation / Assessment Procedures today help you in
the future?”

time= 50 These assessment procedures must tie directly to the lesson objectives for all
min three previously described learning objectives. In other words, how will you
assess the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domain?)

You must describe an assessment tool that will be used for each domain

1. Psychomotor Assessment Method

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):

o I will use a skills checklist that checks off qualities of posture and
balance to assess this learning domain.

2. Cognitive Assessment Method:

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):

o The following quiz will be administered:

▪ What is posture?
▪ Define the term base of support.
▪ What is balance and why is it important?

3. Affective Assessment Method:

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):

o Students will complete a journal entry to the following prompts:

▪ What do you believe the health benefits of posture and balance
▪ How do posture and balance affect you in your every day life?

• (Include a method and strategy to modify the activity to include

students with disabilities)

o The student with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) would be

strategically placed in the front of the class to have maximum exposure
to visual demonstrations of techniques and be within direct eye sight so
that their micro-emotions could be read and they could receive
personal attention when necessary.

• Include a strategy to address the learning needs of an ESL student.

o I could use another student or one of my assistants that happens to be

fluent in the ESL students home language as a translator
o Visual demonstrations could assist ESL students in understand the
psychomotor requirements of the lesson

Alternate Activity
Describe what you will do in the event of inclement weather.

Do not simply say you will move your class into to the gym. Consider the
reality that you will likely be sharing the gym with 2-4 other classes. You need
to describe an alternate activity and a place where you will teach this activity.

o Much of this activity could be taught in a classroom setting provided

we can clear at least 1 wall for use
o If a wall is not available then the balance postures can be focused on
and we could watch videos related to posture and balance
Unit: Gymnastics Name:
Psychomotor Assessment
Scored: 4-point grading scale: Student demonstrated posture in line with what has been taught:
0= does not initiate
1= initiates or partially completes task with poor form Student demonstrates competent balance in walking:
2= partially completes task with proper form
3= completes task with proper form Student successfully demonstrates walking in a straight line:

Other Notes:

Unit: Gymnastics Name:

Cognitive Assessment

1. What is posture

2. Define the term base of support.

3. What is balance and why is it important?

Unit: Gymnastics Name:

Affective Assessment
Journal Entry
Prompt: What do you believe the health benefits of posture and balance are? How do posture and balance
affect you in every day life?

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