Jump Rope Integrated Lesson Plan Monica

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EDUC 240 Student Name Monica Huttelmayer

Spring 2012 Date December 3, 2012

EDUC 240 Physical Education Lesson Plan Score Rubric Due date: December 3, 2012 Turn in: Score Rubric, Cover Page and Lesson Plan GRADING CRITERIA Complete Draft Hard Copy and Copy on Portable Drive Bring to class on_________________ 5 Cover Page (description and rationale
5 Target grade level, location, duration, and skill

Points Possible

Points Earned

Standards and Objective -NASPE Standard -Indiana Physical Education Academic Standard -Measurable and Observable Objective

Equipment / material needs

Preparation tasks clearly explained in steps

Introductory and Fitness Activity

Lesson Activity - Written in steps - Developmentally Appropriate - Minimizes Waiting Time - Describes distribution of equipment - At least two feedback statements you might use to

Closing Activity

Assessment Activity Copy of Skill rubric attached

Success for All - How to increase difficulty? - How to decrease difficulty?

Safety Concerns

Total Possible Points 50

EDUC 240

Spring 2012

EDUC 240 Lesson Plan Your name and date: Monica Huttelmayer December 3, 2012

A. Title of Activity: Jump Rope B. Target grade level: Third C. Location: Gym D. Duration of activity: 30 min E. Locomotor Skill: Jump F. NASPE Standard 6: Values physical activity for health enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression, and/ or social interaction. G. Music Standard 3.1.4: Sing rounds and songs with ostinatos. H. P.E Objective: The student will be able to participate in a group of students jumping rope and take turns during a 30 minute lesson. I. Music Objective: The student will be able to define and give two examples of the word ostinato by the end of a 30 minute lesson.

J. Equipment / material needs: Jump ropes (1 jump rope for each group of 3 students) K. Preparation: Students need to know some level of basic jump rope technique. L. Activity: Introductory and Fitness Activity (10 minutes) 1) Quick stretch to the count of four -bend over and touch your toes -stretch and raise your hands high into the sky -grab one leg and lift it up so that the knee bends -lift the other leg and do the same -lean over to your left with arm above head -lean over to your right with arm above head 2) Quick discussion -ask students if theyve ever jumped rope in groups of three before or have seen people jump rope in groups of three before. -ask if the students know any jump rope songs

EDUC 240 -sing a song example Cinderella, Dressed in yellow, Went upstairs to kiss her fellow, She made a mistake And kissed a snake How many doctors did it take? -discuss that these songs are called ostinatos

Spring 2012

- Lesson Activity (15 minutes) 1) Have students get into groups of three and one person grab the group one jump rope. 2) Have students begin jumping rope with two people holding and turning the rope while one person jumps. (do until everyone has at least jumped once.) 3) Teacher walks around making sure everyone is participating and helping with songs if needed. 4) Feedback: That song was a good choice. That song isnt exactly what we want for this exercise, try (fill in example) - Closing activity (5 minutes) 1) Clean up 2) Discussion (Talk about how the songs are ostinatos again and discuss what theyre favorite songs were to sing) M. P.E Assessment: Informal. Teacher check to make sure each child is participating. N. Music Assessment. Informal. Discussion at end to make sure the students understand the terminology and ask which songs they liked the best. O. Accommodations / Success for all - How to increase or modify difficulty? 1) Add another jump rope (double Dutch) or two people jumping at once - How to decrease difficulty? 2) Make the rope stationary like a bar and have kid jump over it. P. Safety concerns (if any) and how you would address each concern The student could trip and fall, which can be addressed by providing soft flooring.

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