1.MAF603-Rubric Individual Project ODL June 2020

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Rating Poor Moderate Good Excellent

Criteria/ Mark 1 2 3 4
1. Introduction and Conclusion. Substantially incomplete, Somewhat inadequate and Good explaination, Well explanation,
unclear or inaccurate not details explanation on complete, accurate and complete, accurate, clear
Introduction: Present introduction and conclusion introduction and clear details of introduction and excellent details of
introduction on topic and issues conclusion  and conclusion introduction and
discussion as laid out in the conclusion
question. Conclusion: a
reflection of the entire issues in
the questions

2. Content Not able to provide critical Somewhat able to analyse Good critical analysis, Display excellent critical
analysis of the issues, the issues, relevance to relevance to to topic and analysis, relevance to
Critical analysis of the issues, discussions not relevance topic but inadequate sufficient coverage  topic and sufficient
discussions relevance to topic and to topic and insufficient explanation   coverage 
coverage coverage

3. Content No originality of thought Less originality of thought Good originality of thought Excellent originality of
due 100% “copy and but able to blend own ideas using own ideas and other thoughts using own
Originality of thought, logical and paste”, illogical and no and other information to information to support ideas and other
reasonableness reasonableness provide a logical and logical thinking and sound information to support
discussion. reasonableness argument reasonableness argument logical thinking and
sound reasonableness
4. Content Not using any digital Have some creativity with Presents information in Very creative
presentation tools. Very graphics included but creative and logical presentation with
Display creativity using digital bored, dull and no audience has difficulty to sequence which audience attractive graphics,
presentation tools or digital creativity. Unable to attract follow the presentation can follow with some animations and sound.
education tools the audience graphic assistance Able to attract the
5. Initiative and effort, submission Not display a good project The project is satisfactorily The project is properly The project is well
because poor team work, prepared by all team prepared by all team prepared due to
Student’s initiative and effort initiative and effort. Delay in members and have some members, good initiative concerted effort and
towards the success of project and submission and request initiative and effort. and effort to complete the initiative by team
to meet the deadline further extension. Submission on time project. Submission on member to complete the
time project. Submission
prior to deadline.

On the front page the report should display the title of the project, student’s name, matric number and class

Mark 1 (Introduction & Conclusion) = _______ / 4m x 4m = ________

Mark 2 (Content of the Report) = _______ / 12m x 12m = ________

Mark 3 (Initiative & Submission) = _______ / 4m x 4m = ________

Final Marks (1+2+3) = ________ / 20m x 10% = ________ (Upload in RES)

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