Lesson Plan Template: My Learning Outcomes For The Sound "K" Lesson Are
Lesson Plan Template: My Learning Outcomes For The Sound "K" Lesson Are
Lesson Plan Template: My Learning Outcomes For The Sound "K" Lesson Are
1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
MST is using the learning areas activities such as; Math area, Science area, English area, Rolle
play area and creativity area to do activities and swap. I will use the learning areas which I
found it useful to prepare the class and to develop their earning.
2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
I used that learning areas by dividing the students into 4 areas so they can do the activity ans
swap the areas when they finish by lining up which was useful to enhance their knowledge and it
was prepared.
Grade Level: KG2-7 Subject: Literacy. Learning Outcome (MOE code and words):
My learning outcomes for the sound “K”
Tittle: Sound “K”. lesson are:
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?) I must check the internet connection and the
computer for the song and the online game.
1- Computer.
2- Colourful beads.
Key vocabulary:
3- Glue – Marker.
1- King – Kite – Key.
4- Paper with the key picture.
5- Copper sheets.
6- Letter “K” in A3 paper.
7- String.
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement):
- I will do the morning circle time for 5 minutes by asking questions such as; Today is what?
\what is the date of today? \who is absent? \who is the helper hand for today? The students
will answer together and the child who is the helper hand will count the students and change
the weather, day and date and put the absent student’s pictures on the board.
I will put a song about sound “K” and I will review with them by showing them flash cards in
Time: 5 min
- I will ask them to sit in the group after I explain the activities and divide them according to
their levels.
Independent Experience (Low level 1 Math Area)
- They will have a paper that have 10 kites and they have to put the colourful beads in the
string according to the number of the kite.
- They will have a picture of the key and they have to stick the copper sheets inside the key
15 min and trace on the word “Key”.
- The students will have a picture of letter “K” (A3 size), and they will weave the letter by
using the string to inter it in the small holes that are on the letter. Then, they will trace on
letter “K” by the marker.
- I will bring the children to the carpet again and review with them by showing them pictures
5 min
and words that have letter “K” on the board and they have to come and match the picture
with the word and say the sound.
The students already take sound “K” before two days which helped me to review
with them without difficulties. Aman, Rhasied Ahmed and Alreem, were the most
active students who were participating and answering the questions more than the
other. Besides, the students, in general, like to do the hands-on activities, and they
were engaged with the song also. They were repeating the song and the words that
were on the song such as; Kangaroo, Kite, Key, and king. I notice that most of the
students such as, Aman, Rashied and Alreem can pick the words immediately which
is great to learn quickly. MST liked the activities a lot especially the kite and the beads
activity. I asked them to write their names when they finish and I hanged their works
on the wall so they can see their works when they want. According to Reggio Emilia
approach:” By making learning visible, the student's thinking and feeling can be
studied while the documentation serves to helps with evaluation of the educators'
work and refinement of the curriculum” (Hurst, n.d.) . So, using the documentation
strategy can enhance the student’s knowledge by watching their works and it feels
their parents proud when they see their children’s works on the wall.
Even better if:
Some students who were doing the high-level activity (Weaving letter “K”), face
some difficulties to inter the string into the dotes and I helped them. I think it will be
better if I made the dotes less and put numbers so they can count, follow and weave
effortlessly. Moreover, medium level students who did the beads and the kite
activity face some difficulties in entering the beads in the string of the kite because
the string was thick. It will be better if I bring the thin string so they can enter the
beads easily.