Task 1

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TP Task 1 – Promoting Scientific Thinking

This task is linked to ECE3703; using higher level questions (Bloom’s Taxonomy) to
develop students’ thinking. Teaching students the skills of scientific thinking is not
only for science class, but can be applied to any area of learning.
Explain how Using questioning strategy shows the teacher how much did
questioning relates to the students understand the lesson and that relates to Bloom’s
Bloom’s taxonomy
taxonomy which shows the teacher the levels of learning and
and student learning.
the type of questioning for each level.

Level 1. Knowledge

 When was this picture taken?

 Where was this picture taken?

Question cues: List, define, tell, label

Level 2. Comprehension

 What is happening in this picture?

 Why are these boys dressed like this?

Question cues: Describe, name, identify, discuss

Level 3. Application

 How would you describe the photograph to others?

 What caption would you write for this photograph (say, in a

Question cues: Modify, solve, change, explain

Level 4. Analysis

 Why are these boys here and not in school?

 What do you know about their lives based on this photo?

Question cues: Analyze, separate, compare, contrast

Level 5. Synthesis
 What might these boys say about their work in an interview
 What might they say about their future?

Question cues: Create, construct, plan, role-play

Level 6. Evaluation

 What is the significance of this photo for the time period

 Compare this photo with one of three boys from today of the
same age. How are their lives similar? How are they different?

Question cues: Give opinion, criticize, discriminate, summarize

("Questioning with Bloom's Taxonomy",

Reference Questioning with Bloom's Taxonomy. (2018). Retrieved from

Question(s) asked by Was

the teacher thinking
Engagement Activity time How did the students’
(& subject & LO) given? If respond?
yes, how
English: Speaking: “How many circle Yes (2 0 Pointing on the things that
K2.2.2.3: Use shapes do we have in seconds) have the circle shape in the
descriptive words to the classroom? Can classroom.
describe place and you point on them?”
K2. Share “Where we can see Yes (20
Answering by saying: “in
experiences and the starfish?” seconds)
the sea”.
interest with peers and
teacher. “Does the snail have
Yes (20 Answering by saying: “No,
rectangle shape? Do
seconds) because it is circle not like
Math: you think am I right?
Understand the shapes “Can we see the
Yes (20
and identify their jellyfish in the desert?
names. Why?” Answering by saying: “No,
2- Identify the shapes because it lives in the sea.
and connect them with
things around them.

On reflection:
(i) Which question(s) did the students engage with the most? Why do you
think that was?
(ii) Which engagement activity were the students most engaged with? Why
do you think that was?
MST read the story called: Shapes in the sea shore which is all about shapes. She asked

them “WH” questioning, closed and open questions. The most question made the students

engaged was “Can we see the jellyfish in the desert? Why? and they all said no and said

the right place which is in the sea. Most of them were excited to talk about the sea and they

shared with the teacher that they like to go to the sea and play. In addition, the most interest

activity was the craft and they were exited to design and color the shapes by using the

glitters and the colors.

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