Engleza 1 - Medical Vocabulary Hospital
Engleza 1 - Medical Vocabulary Hospital
Engleza 1 - Medical Vocabulary Hospital
pain = ache
painful = achy
ache – beareable,lasting (suportabil) -> toothache
pain – membre, back
Suffix: -algia -> arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia
painkillers = analgesics
joint = articulation
Prefix : arthro-
Carefully ≠ carelessly
Listen to stomach = auscultation of the stomach
Palpation = palpare
Percution = tapping
Length -> to lengthen
Nostril = nara
DOB = date of birth
Blocked nose = stuffy nose = congested nose = obstructed nose -> decongestant
Otolaryngology = ORL - otorhinolaryngology
Steroid – adj. steroidal ≠ nonsteroidal
Oral examination
Written examination
Reset examination = restanta
To sit for an examination
Sight = vision
Bald = chel
To faint = a lesina
Swab = tampon
Blood – bleed -> bleeding = bloodloss = hemorrhage
Epistaxis – bleeding of the nose
Waist = talie
To atrophy = to waste away = a se atrofia
Tick = capusa
Tic = tic nervos
Eye -> prefix: ophtalmo-
Femur = thigh bone (pl. femora, adj. femoral)
To borne = a cara, purta
Sneezing = stranut
To cough = a tusi
Couch = tussis -> antitussives
Dry cough – tuse seaca
Whooping cough= pertussis = tuse productive
Pathogen = germ = microbe
To enhance = to augment = to improve
Infectious = contagious = transmissible ≠ noninfectious
Cannula (pl. cannulae) = branula
To heal = to cure a disease
To treat – tratat, nu neaparat vindecat (AIDS, cancer)
Curable/healable disease
Wound (mai severa) = injury = lesion
To groan with pain = a urla de durere
Pitt = groapa
Scar = cicatrix (pl. cicatrices)
To soar = a creste (pt temp)
To sore = a durea
Bedsore = escara
Alopecia = baldness
Candida = thrush
Dyspepsia = indigestion
Hemorrhoids = piles
Herpes zoster = shingles
(o)edema = swelling = inflammation
Rubella = German measles = rubeola
Urticaria = heatspot = nettle rash
Arteriosclerosis = hardening of the arteries
Cerebral palsy = spastic
Eructation = belching
Halitosis = bad breath
Infectious mononucleosis = glandular fever
Poliomyelitis = polio
Rubeola = rujeola = measles
Varicella = chickenpox
Variolla = smallpox
Bursitis = housemaid’s knee = bursita
Cerebral infarction/bleeding = stroke = CVA cardio-vascular accident
Flatulence = wind = gas
Herpes simplex = cold sore
Myocardial infarction = heart attack
Pyrosis = heartburn
Tendonitis = tendinita
Verruca (pl. verrucae) = warts = negi
Sequela (pl. sequelae) = sechele
To diagnose = to make a diagnosis (diagnostician, diagnosis – pl. diagnoses)
Symptom – subjective, felt by the pacient
Sign – objective, observed by the doctor
Strain of virus = tulpina virala
Mumps = oreion
To defecate -> fecal – adj for faeces
Sewage = reziduuri
Contaminated by
Dental Fillings
Similar to = alike
Substitute for = replace
To trigger = to start = to cause
To strink = to narrow
Muscle strain = intindere musculara
Stable ≠ unstable
To exhibit = to show
Unearthed = dezgropat
to prevent = to avoid
prevention = prophylaxis
sweating = perspiration
to sweat = to perspire
excessive sweating = diaphoresis
skin = integument
pallor = paleness
to ascertain = to establish
fainting = collapse = syncope
fear -> suffix: - fobia
nausea = greata
antiemetics = antivomitive
antipiretics = antifebrile
to moisten
puls = heartbeat
tight ≠ loose
to oxygenate ≠ to deoxygenate
heart -> prefix: cardio-
narrowing = stenosis
arteries -> prefix: arterio-
exercion = effort
overexercion = suprasolicitare
digestion ≠ indigestion
indigestion = dyspepsia
myocardial infarction = heart attack
to clot = to coagulate
coagulation = clotting
clammy = umed + rece (hands)
previous = before, anterior
orthostatic position
cardiac arrest = cardiac stop
to commence = to start, to begin
disorder = disease
phase = stage, level
to breathe in = to inspire = to inhale
to breathe out = to expire = to exhale
epilepsy = fits
sleepy = drawsy
drowsiness = sleepiness
steroidal ≠ nonsteroidal (medication)
range = variety
dosage = quantity
severe allergic reaction = anaphylactic reaction
dyspnea = difficulty in breathing
vomiting = emesis
wheezing = suierat
acut ≠ cronic
allergy -> allergist
mellitus diabetes = diabet zaharat
insipidus diabetes = diabet insipid
to respond = to answer, to give signs
deep -> to deepen ≠ superficial
paralysis -> sufix: -plegia
Monoplegia -> un membru paralizat
Paraplegia -> membre inferioare paralizate
Hemiplegia -> jum. dr/stg paralizata
Tetraplegia -> de la gat in jos
Panplegia -> paralizie totala
Lung -> adj. pulmonary
Gut = intestine (adj. intestinal)
Blunt = tocit
Choking = a se ineca