Intraoperative Nursing Care Plan
Intraoperative Nursing Care Plan
Intraoperative Nursing Care Plan
Objective: Risk for infection related Short-term goal: Independent: Independent: Short-term goal:
A midline vertical to traumatized tissue After 12 hours of nursing a. Monitor vital signs. a. To monitor signs and After 12hours of nursing
incision was made. intervention patient will not b. Verify sterility of all symptoms of intervention, goal was
The procedure will manifest signs and symptoms manufacturers’ items. infection. met. The patient did not
last for more than an of infection. c. Adhere to facility b. Prepackaged items manifest any signs and
hour. infection control, may appear to be symptoms of infection.
VS taken as follows: Long-term goal: sterilization, and sterile; however, each
BP: 110/70 mmHg After 1 week of nursing aseptic policies and item must be Long-term goal:
PR: 69 bpm interventions, the patient will procedures. scrutinized for After 1 week of nursing
RR: 18 cpm be able to recover from surgery d. Verify that preoperative manufacturer’s interventions, the goal
T: 36.6 ° C without any complications and skin, and bowel statement of sterility, was met. The patient was
infections. cleansing procedures breaks in packaging, able to recover from
have been done as environmental effect surgery without any
needed depending on on package, and complications and
specific surgical delivery techniques. infections.
procedure. Package sterilization
e. Prepare operative site and expiration dates,
according to specific lot/serial numbers
procedures. must be documented
f. Examine skin for on implant items for
breaks or irritation, further follow-up if
signs of infection. necessary
g. Identify breaks in c. Established
aseptic technique and mechanisms designed
resolve immediately on to prevent infection .
occurrence d. Cleansing reduces
h. Apply sterile dressing. bacterial counts on the
Dependent: e. Minimizes bacterial
a. Administer counts at operative
antibiotics as site.
a. May be given
for suspected
infection or
Body’s defense
against infection.