Farm Power & Engine System

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Mechanized agriculture is the process of using agricultural machinery to mechanize

the work of agriculture, greatly increasing farm worker productivity. The effective
mechanization contributes to increase production in two major ways: firstly the timeliness of
operation and secondly the good quality of work. The requirement of power for certain
operations like seedbed preparation, cultivation and harvesting becomes so great that the
existing human and animal power in the country appears to be inadequate. As a result, the
operations are either partially done or sometimes completely neglected, resulting in low yield
due to poor growth or untimely harvesting or both.

It is quite true that the Indian farmers have the lowest earnings per capita because of
the low yield per hectare they get from their holdings. One of the few important means of
increasing farm production per hectare is to mechanize it. Mechanization in India may have
to be done at various levels. Broadly, it can be done in three different ways:
I. By introducing the improved agricultural implements on small size holdings to be
operated by bullocks.
II. By using the small tractors, tractor-drawn machines and power tillers on medium
holdings to supplement existing sources.
III. By using the large size tractors and machines on the remaining holdings to supplement
animal power source.
But many people are of the opinion that Indian agriculture cannot be fully
mechanized. Only the improved animal-drawn implements should be introduced. It is felt that
1. There is a surplus of agricultural labour in India.
2. There are enough draft animals available in the country to do the farm work
3. The size of farm holdings of the majority of the Indian farmers is too small to justify
the use of a tractor on their farms.
4. The investing capacity, of the farmers is too poor to buy a tractor and tractor-drawn
5. The technical know-how of the people in the country is low.
6. In the absence of suitable farm road system, the tractor and tractor-drawn machines
cannot be effectively utilized under the present conditions.
7. It will not be possible to increase the yield by using mechanical power.

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8. Mechanization will not result in lowering the cost of production.
9. It will not be possible to mechanize every bit of farm operation.
10. A large labour force will get displaced from agriculture.

History indicates that the development in farm mechanization is very closely related
to the shortage of human labour and industrial development in the country. Farmers of India
like their counterparts in other countries are interested to improve their income, life style and
general well being. They see mechanization as a means for achieving their objectives. In spite
of the limitations with which they exist, their performance has been note worthy. There is a
positive correlation between application of improved technologies and the land productivity.

Impact of mechanization on productivity

Farm Power Availability (kW/ha)
Yield (t/ha)


Direct correlation of higher productivity with higher Mechanization level

The technical know-how of the people in the country is quite satisfactory. It always
develops with the opportunities and experience. The repair, maintenance and overhaul
facilities for tractors and other machines are expanding, even in the small towns, with the
expansion of rural electrification in the country.
Drudgery and physical exertion are typical of much Indian agriculture today. It scares
away men of intelligence and ability from agriculture. All people would favour minimizing
this to a considerable extent. The development of improved riding type animal drawn
machines can improve the present condition, but they cannot be a substitute for the tractor-
drawn machines. By using mechanical power, man will be able to control larger areas and as
such his family members will get more free time.

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More power is essential in carrying out operations effectively at the right time and for
changing the attitudes and uplifting the social status and dignity of those who work in
agriculture. There are three ways in which progress can be made towards increased power, all
of which must be worked on simultaneously in combination with integrated and matched
1. By improving bullock harness and hitches;
2. By developing and introducing small tractors;
3. By increasing the number of large horsepower tractors.
These machines will be helpful in providing power efficiently for good seedbed
preparation, which is quite essential for maximizing the germination of the seed and seedling
growth. In addition to this, the mechanization of the following fields of agriculture- is equally
I. Shaping and levelling of farm fields for getting even distribution and depth of
irrigation water;
II. Development of planting and fertilizing machines to place the seed more precisely in
rows and to place the fertilizer correctly with respect to seed or plant;
III. Spraying and dusting machinery to apply chemicals for weed and pest control;
IV. After production operations such as harvesting, threshing, winnowing and drying.
State of Mechanization: Agricultural system all over the world has undergone changes in
terms of cropping system, type of power sources used and application of inputs to achieve
high level of productivities. Even in India, mechanization of agriculture has advanced
considerably. In certain region, the level of mechanization has gone far ahead of the average
level in the country. Human and animal power sources are no longer the predominant sources
on Indian farms. The annual addition of tractor population is more than one hundred thousand
tractors. Similarly about the hundred thousand pump sets are being installed on Indian farms
annually. On the basis of annually critical review of the mechanization position, one observes
that the shortage of labour and high labour wages are the factors which strongly propel
mechanization. Consequently, the more labour intensive operations, such as pumping of
irrigation water, land preparation and threshing are the first operations, which are
mechanized. Large amount labour or draft power, which can be replaced through machines,
provides a strong incentive to mechanize. The farm operations, which can be categorised as:
I. Highly power intensive operations,
II. Intermediate power and control intensive operations,
III. Highly control intensive operations.

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Operation Highly Power Intensive Intermediate Highly Control
Level Intensive
Water Pumping √ - -
Tillage √ - -
Direct Seeding - √ -
Transplanting - - √
Weeding - - √
Plant protection - √ -
Harvesting - √ -
Threshing √ - -
Milling √ - -
Transport √ - -


The steps towards development of an appropriate agricultural technique in India are not
working with the motto of saving labour but of improving and increasing agricultural
production. Most people believe that India is burdened with surplus labour and that there are
far too many draft animals for the cultivation of available farmland. Above all, there is an
unfounded fear that farm mechanisation will precipitate widespread rural unemployment as
agriculture contributes over two-thirds of all jobs in India. The fact is however, that India's
increased food requirements must be met through increased productivity of the land from
higher yields and more multiple cropping which would require additional labour for carrying
out different farm operations.
From the energy application point of view, the Indian agriculture is in the transition
from stage 1 (human power) and stage 2 (animal power) to stage 3 and 4 (power tiller or four
wheel tractor). However, animal power will co-exist with mechanical power in the country.
Animal drawn machines must be provided with tiding arrangements so that walking behind
the machine can be avoided.
The following can help in increasing the agricultural production in the country:
I. Agriculture must continue to productively employ as many or more labourers per
cultivated hectare in the foreseeable future.
II. The small & scattered land holdings and the poor economic conditions of the average
farmer restrict the use of units designed for large-scale mechanisation. The power
tillers and related equipment, therefore, find a greater scope to be used on such farms.
Power tillers attached with rotavator are better suited for puddling operations in rice
growing regions.
III. The power availability on the farm should be increased by 2.5 times more to achieve

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objectives under intensive agriculture in low intensive energy use areas.
IV. Cropping intensity should be increased to 200 to 250 per cent level from the present
level of 100 to I80 per cent.
V. Due to the fragmentation of lands, the number of holdings has gone up and therefore,
appropriate size of farm machines have to the introduced for the tillage, planting
transplanting and harvesting of crops. Custom hiring of machines will have large
scope in future.
VI. An economical multi-crop thresher may be developed to suit farmers’ need. High
capacity threshers capable of threshing wheat and paddy crop at 15 to 20 per cent
moisture content need immediate attention.
VII. Custom hiring of farm equipment should be encouraged as it has resulted to the
increased power availability on the farms and in turn increased land productivity.
VIII. Post harvest technology deserves special attention on Indian farms.

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A farm power for various agricultural operations can be broadly classified as:
(1) Tractive work such as seed bed preparation, cultivation, harvesting and
transportation, and
(2) Stationary work like silage cutting, feed grinding, threshing, winnowing and lifting
of irrigation water.
These operations are done by different sources of power, namely human, animal, oil
engine, tractor, power tiller, electricity and renewable energy (biogas, solar and wind).
Human beings are the main source of power for operating small tools and implements.
They are also employed for doing stationary work like threshing, winnowing, chaff cutting
and lifting irrigation Water. It is generally believed that there is surplus human power
available for agricultural operations in India. According to 2001 census figures, the total
Indian rural population is about 74 crores. Of the total rural population only 30 per cent is
available for doing farm work. Hence the total number of persons available would be about
74 x 0.30 = 22.2 crores. This figure includes both the landless labourers as well as the owners
of farms in the country. On the average a man develops nearly 0.I horsepower (hp.).
Therefore, the total power available through human source may be about 2.2 crore hp. But
there is a steady decline in the number of landless labourers available for doing farm work in
rural areas.

Population and Agricultural Workers (In Millions)

Year Total Average Rural Cultivators Agricultural Other Total
Population Annual Population Labourers Workers
1991 846.3 2.14 628.7 110.7 74.6 128.8 314.1
(74.3) (35.2) (23.8) (41.0) (100.0)

2001 1027.0 1.93 741.7 127.6 107.5 167.4 402.5

(72.22) (31.7) (26.7) (41.6) (100.0)

Managing Labour Peaks: In crop production system, labour peaks develop due to high labour
demands in operations, which cannot be or have not been mechanized so far. For example,

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the operations like transplanting of paddy, weeding and inter-culture operations or harvesting
of crops demand large number of human labour on each of the farms in the region. Such
peaks have got to be managed if one desires to have high return from his enterprise. In
general, the peaks are managed as follows:
i) Increasing the working hours.
ii) Extending the time period of operations.
iii) Adjusting the cropping pattern.
iv) Mechanizing the operations, wherever possible.
v) Decreasing the intensity of some operations.
Advantages: Easily available and used for all types of work.
Disadvantages: Costliest power compared to all other farms of power, very low efficiency,
requires full maintenance when not in use and affected by weather condition and seasons
The most important source of power on the farm all over the world and particularly in
India is animal. It is estimated that nearly 80 per cent of the total draft power used in
agriculture throughout the world is still provided by animals, although the number of
agricultural tractors has become double after every ten years since 1930. India with its 22.68
crore cattle possesses the largest number of cattle in the world. Among them the bullocks and
buffaloes happen to he the principal sources of animal power on Indian farms. However,
camels, horses, donkeys, mules and elephants are also used for the farm work. The average
force a bullock can exert is nearly equal to one tenth of its body weight. But for a very short
period, it can exert many more times the average force. Generally a medium size bullock can
develop between 0.50 to 0.75 hp. Thus the variation in power developed by animals is
considerable. Actually small size bullocks are not able to develop even 0.50 hp and most of
them are not fit for heavy work. Animals Can he a very cheap source of farm power if raised
by the farmer himself. It becomes the most costly source if the animal has to be bought from
outside. Considering the overall situation of the draft animals available in the country, it is
estimated that the total work animals may be about 7.56 crores in number, that is 33 per cent
of the total horse power output from the animals would be about 7.56 x 0.50 = 3.78 crore hp.
Advantages: Easily available, Used for all types of work, Low initial investment, Supplies
manure to the field and fuels to farmers and Live on farm produce.
Disadvantages: Not very efficient, Seasons and weather affect the efficiency, Cannot work at
a stretch, Require full maintenance when there is no farm work, Creates unhealthy and dirty
atmosphere near the residence and Very slow in doing work.

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The third important source of farm power is mechanical power that is available
through tractors and oil engines. The oil engine is a highly efficient device for converting fuel
into useful work. The efficiency of diesel engine varies between 32 and 38 per cent, whereas
that of the carburettor engine is in the range of 25 and 32 per cent. In recent years, diesel
engines and tractors have gained considerable popularity in agricultural operations. Small
pumping sets within 3 to 10 hp range are very much in demand. Likewise, oil engines of low
to medium speed developing about 14 to 20 hp are successfully used for flourmills, oil
ghanis, cotton gins, etc. Diesel engines of the larger size are used on tractors. It is estimated
that about one million tractors of about 25 bhp range are in use for agricultural operations in
India. Similarly, the total number of oil engines for stationary work may be taken as about 60
lakhs of 5 hp each. Thus the total power available from mechanical source would work out to
be 55 million hp (Oil engines = 0.60 x 5 = 3.0 crore hp, tractors = 0.1 × 25 = 2.50 crore hp.
Advantages: Efficiency is high; not affected by weather; can run at a stretch; requires less
space and cheaper form of power
Disadvantages: Initial capital investment is high; fuel is costly and repairs and maintenance
needs technical knowledge.
Now-a-days electricity has become a very important source of power on farms in various
states of the country. It is steadily becoming more and more available with the increase of
various river valley projects and thermal stations. On an average about 1/10th of the total
electrical power generated in India, is consumed for the farm work. The largest use of electric
power in the rural areas is for irrigation and domestic water supply. Besides this, the use of
electric power in dairy industry, cold storage, fruit processing and cattle feed grinding has
tremendously increased.
Advantages: Very cheap form of power; high efficiency; can work at a stretch; maintenance
and operating cost is very low and not affected by weather conditions.
Disadvantages: Initial capital investment is high; require good amount of technical
knowledge and it causes great danger, if handled without care.
The availability of wind power for farm work is quite limited. Where the wind velocity is
more than 32 kmph, wind mills can be used for lifting water. Even today in India the wind
power has not been fully harnessed. The most important reason is its uncertainty.

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Experimental results show that a wind mill having 3.6 diameter wheel mounted on 12.0 m
tower is able to produce from 0.1 to 0.9 hp with the wind velocity varying from 6.4 to 37
km/h. Thus the average capacity of a wind mill would be about 0.50 hp. There are about 2540
mills installed in India. Hence the total output may be about 1250 hp only, but it is one of the
cheapest sources of farm power available in the country.
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy, Govt. of India have been making efforts to
popularise the wind mill for power generation and water lifting in rural areas. But this source
could not become attractive due to the following limitations of the system :
• Initial investment is high,
• Repair facilities are not available in rural areas,
• Even the matching pump sets and electric generators are not readily available in the
• It not suitable for all situations in the country. For the present, the wind mills have
limited scope of the use in the country.

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Comparison of Tractor and Animal Power:
S. No. Basis Tractor /Power Tiller Animal Power
1. Availability Only large size tractors above 25 They are available in plenty.
hp size are available. Tillers up to
12 hp size are available
2. Overload Limited overload capacity Very high overload capacity for short
capacity time.
3. Acceptability Not very common because of high The most important source of power
initial investment at present.
4. Tractive work This the best source of power for They are quite suitable for all kind of
any traction job. With cage wheels farm work.
it can be use for puddling also.
5. Stationary All kinds of stationary works can Bullocks have limited use
work be performed. for such works.
6. Transport It is a quick means of medium Bullocks are also used for
work distance transport. short and medium distance transport
7. Initial Though cost per horsepower is Cost per horsepower is high but
investment low but overall investment per overall investment is less.
unit area is very high.
8. Cost of Reasonable Very high.
9. Rate of It is about I0 per cent year. In fact the value increases
depreciation in the beginning and then
10. Cost of Cheaper per horsepower hour. It is costlier than tractor.
11. Limitations The technical know how of the Constant care is required to keep the
people in general is low and as animal in good
such farmers get discouraged to health. To some extent
buy a tractor. This may no longer medical facilities are now
be valid available and as such it is
in next 20 years. Tractor gives low not very difficult to cure
field efficiency in small fields. a sick animal in rural
12. Idleness It does not consume any fuel or Even during Idle period, it needs care,
lubricant while not in use. feed and fodder. But, on the other
hand, it provides manure for the
13. Output Very high and suitable for timely Low output.

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A heat engine is a machine, which converts heat energy into mechanical energy. The
combustion of fuel such as coal, petrol, diesel generates heat. This heat is supplied to a
working substance at high temperature. By the expansion of this substance in suitable
machines, heat energy is converted into useful work. Heat engines can be further divided into
two types:
(i) External combustion and
(ii) Internal combustion.
In a steam engine the combustion of fuel takes place outside the engine and the steam
thus formed is used to run the engine. Thus, it is known as external combustion engine. In the
case of internal combustion engine, the combustion of fuel takes place inside the engine
cylinder itself.
The IC engine can be further classified as: (i) stationary or mobile, (ii) horizontal or verti-
cal and (iii) low, medium or high speed. The two distinct types of IC engines used for either
mobile or stationary operations are: (i) diesel and (ii) carburettor.
Heat Engine

External Combustion Internal Combustion

Steam Engine
Reciprocating Wankel Rotary Gas

CI Engine SI Engine

Two Stroke Four Stroke Two Stroke Four Stroke

Chart 1. Types of Heat Engines

Spark Ignition (Carburettor Type) IC Engine
In this engine liquid fuel is atomised, vaporized and mixed with air in correct proportion
before being taken to the engine cylinder through the intake manifolds. The ignition of the
mixture is caused by an electric spark and is known as spark ignition.
Compression Ignition (Diesel Type) IC Engine
In this only the liquid fuel is injected in the cylinder under high pressure.
The cross section of IC engine is shown in Fig. 1. A brief description of these parts is given
The cylinder of an IC engine constitutes the basic and supporting portion of the engine power
unit. Its major function is to provide space in which the piston can operate to draw in the fuel
mixture or air (depending upon spark ignition or compression ignition), compress it, allow it
to expand and thus generate power. The cylinder is usually made of high-grade cast iron. In
some cases, to give greater strength and wear resistance with less weight, chromium, nickel
and molybdenum are added to the cast iron.
The piston of an engine is the first part to begin movement and to transmit power to the
crankshaft as a result of the pressure and energy generated by the combustion of the fuel. The
piston is closed at one end and open on the other end to permit direct attachment of the
connecting rod and its free action.

Fig. 1 Cross-section of a diesel engine

The materials used for pistons are grey cast iron, cast steel and aluminium alloy. However,
the modern trend is to use only aluminium alloy pistons in the tractor engine.
Piston Rings:
These are made of cast iron on account of their ability to retain bearing qualities and elasticity
indefinitely. The primary function of the piston rings is to retain compression and at the same
time reduce the cylinder wall and piston wall contact area to a minimum, thus reducing
friction losses and excessive wear. The other important functions of piston rings are the
control of the lubricating oil, cylinder lubrication, and transmission of heat away from the
piston and from the cylinder walls. Piston rings are classed as compression rings and oil rings
depending on their function and location on the piston.
Compression rings are usually plain one-piece rings and are always placed in the grooves
nearest the piston head. Oil rings are grooved or slotted and are located either in the lowest
groove above the piston pin or in a groove near the piston skirt. Their function is to control
the distribution of the lubricating oil to the cylinder and piston surface in order to prevent
unnecessary or excessive oil consumption ion.

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Figure 2. Components of the diesel engine

Piston Pin:
The connecting rod is connected to the piston through the piston pin. It is made of case
hardened alloy steel with precision finish. There are three different methods to connect the
piston to the connecting rod.
Connecting Rod:
This is the connection between the piston and crankshaft. The end connecting the piston is
known as small end and the other end is known as big end. The big end has two halves of a
bearing bolted together. The connecting rod is made of drop forged steel and the section is of
the I-beam type.
This is connected to the piston through the connecting rod and converts the linear motion of
the piston into the rotational motion of the flywheel. The journals of the crankshaft are
supported on main bearings, housed in the crankcase. Counter-weights and the flywheel
bolted to the crankshaft help in the smooth running of the engine.
Engine Bearings:
The crankshaft and camshaft are supported on anti-friction bearings. These bearings must be
capable of with standing high speed, heavy load and high temperatures. Normally, cadmium,
silver or copper lead is coated on a steel back to give the above characteristics. For single
cylinder vertical/horizontal engines, the present trend is to use ball bearings in place of main
bearings of the thin shell type.

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To allow the air to enter into the cylinder or the exhaust, gases to escape from the cylinder,
valves are provided, known as inlet and exhaust valves respectively. The valves are mounted
either on the cylinder head or on the cylinder block.

The valves are operated by the action of the camshaft, which has separate cams for the inlet,
and exhaust valves. The cam lifts the valve against the pressure of the spring and as soon as it
changes position the spring closes the valve. The cam gets drive through either the gear or
sprocket and chain system from the crankshaft. It rotates at half the speed of the camshaft.
This is usually made of cast iron and its primary function is to maintain uniform engine speed
by carrying the crankshaft through the intervals when it is not receiving power from a piston.
The size of the flywheel varies with the number of cylinders and the type and size of the
engine. It also helps in balancing rotating masses.

Materials used for engine parts:

S. No. Name of the Parts Materials of Construction
1. Cylinder head Cast iron, Cast Aluminium
2. Cylinder liner Cast steel, Cast iron
3. Engine block Cast iron, Cast aluminum, Welded steel
4. Piston Cast iron, Aluminium alloy
5. Piston pin Forged steel, Casehardened steel.
6. Connecting rod Forged steel. Aluminium alloy.
7. Piston rings Cast iron, Pressed steel alloy.
8. Connecting rod bearings Bronze, White metal.
9. Main bearings White metal, Steel backed Babbitt base.
10. Crankshaft Forged steel, Cast steel
11. Camshaft Forged steel, Cast iron, cast steel,
12. Timing gears Cast iron, Fiber, Steel forging.
13. Push rods Forged steel.
14. Engine valves Forged steel, Steel, alloy.
15. Valve springs Carbon spring steel.
16. Manifolds Cast iron, Cast aluminium.
17. Crankcase Cast iron, Welded steel
18. Flywheel Cast iron.
19. Studs and bolts Carbon steel.
20. Gaskets Cork, Copper, Asbestos.


In four-stroke cycle engines there are four strokes completing two revolutions of the
crankshaft. These are respectively, the suction, compression, power and exhaust strokes. In
Fig. 3, the piston is shown descending on its suction stroke. Only pure air is drawn into the
cylinder during this stroke through the inlet valve, whereas, the exhaust valve is closed. These
valves can be operated by the cam, push rod and rocker arm. The next stroke is the
compression stroke in which the piston moves up with both the valves remaining closed. The

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air, which has been drawn into the cylinder during the suction stroke, is progressively com-
pressed as the piston ascends. The compression ratio usually varies from 14:1 to 22:1. The
pressure at the end of the compression stroke ranges from 30 to 45 kg/cm2. As the air is
progressively compressed in the cylinder, its temperature increases, until when near the end of
the compression stroke, it becomes sufficiently high (650-80O oC) to instantly ignite any fuel
that is injected into the cylinder. When the piston is near the top of its compression stroke, a
liquid hydrocarbon fuel, such as diesel oil, is sprayed into the combustion chamber under
high pressure (140-160 kg/cm2), higher than that existing in the cylinder itself. This fuel
then ignites, being burnt with the oxygen of the highly compressed air.
During the fuel injection period, the piston reaches the end of its compression stroke and
commences to return on its third consecutive stroke, viz., power stroke. During this stroke
the hot products of combustion consisting chiefly of carbon dioxide, together with the
nitrogen left from the compressed air expand, thus forcing the piston downward. This is only
the working stroke of the cylinder.
During the power stroke the pressure falls from its maximum combustion value (47-55
kg/cm2), which is usually higher than the greater value of the compression pressure (45
kg/cm2), to about 3.5-5 kg/cm2 near the end of the stroke. The exhaust valve then opens,
usually a little earlier than when the piston reaches its lowest point of travel. The exhaust
gases are swept out on the following upward stroke of the piston. The exhaust valve remains
open throughout the whole stroke and closes at the top of the stroke.
The reciprocating motion of the piston is converted into the rotary motion of the crankshaft
by means of a connecting rod and crankshaft. The crankshaft rotates in the main bearings,
which are set in the crankcase. The flywheel is fitted on the crankshaft in order to smoothen
out the uneven torque that is generated in the reciprocating engine.

Fig. 3. Principle of four-stroke engine


The cycle of the four-stroke of the piston (the suction, compression, power and exhaust
strokes) is completed only in two strokes in the case of a two-stroke engine. The air is drawn
into the crankcase due to the suction created by the upward stroke of the piston. On the down
stroke of the piston it is compressed in the crankcase, The compression pressure is usually
very low, being just sufficient to enable the air to flow into the cylinder through the transfer
port when the piston reaches near the bottom of its down stroke.
The air thus flows into the cylinder, where the piston compresses it as it ascends, till the
piston is nearly at the top of its stroke. The compression pressure is increased sufficiently

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high to raise the temperature of the air above the self-ignition point of the fuel used. The fuel
is injected into the cylinder head just before the completion of the compression stroke and
only for a short period. The burnt gases expand during the next downward stroke of the
piston. These gases escape into the exhaust pipe to the atmosphere through the piston
uncovering the exhaust port.
Modern Two-Stroke Cycle Diesel Engine
The crankcase method of air compression is unsatisfactory, as the exhaust gases do not escape
the cylinder during port opening. Also there is a loss of air through the exhaust ports during
the cylinder charging process. To overcome these disadvantages blowers are used to pre-
compress the air. This pre-compressed air enters the cylinder through the port. An exhaust
valve is also provided which opens mechanically just before the opening of the inlet ports
(Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Principle of two-stroke cycle diesel engine


In this gasoline is mixed with air, broken up into a mist and partially vaporized in a
carburettor (Fig. 5). The mixture is then sucked into the cylinder. There it is compressed by
the upward movement of the piston and is ignited by an electric spark. When the mixture is
burned, the resulting heat causes the gases to expand. The expanding gases exert a pressure
on the piston (power stroke). The exhaust gases escape in the next upward movement of the
piston. The strokes are similar to those discussed under four-stroke diesel engines. The
various temperatures and pressures are shown in Fig. 6. The compression ratio varies from
4:1 to 8:1 and the air-fuel mixture from 10:1 to 20:1.

Fig. 5. Principle of operation of four-stroke petrol engine

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The two-cycle carburettor type engine makes use of an airtight crankcase for partially
compressing the air-fuel mixture (Fig. 6). As the piston travels down, the mixture previously
drawn into the crankcase is partially compressed. As the piston nears the bottom of the stroke,
it uncovers the exhaust and intake ports. The exhaust flows out, reducing the pressure in the
cylinder. When the pressure in the combustion chamber is lower than the pressure in the
crankcase through the port openings to the combustion chamber, the incoming mixture is
deflected upward by a baffle on the piston. As the piston moves up, it compresses the mixture
above and draws into the crankcase below a new air-fuel mixture.

Fig. 6 Principle of operation of two stroke petrol enine

The, two-stroke cycle engine can be easily identified by the air-fuel mixture valve attached
to the crankcase and the exhaust Port located at the bottom of the cylinder.
The CI engine has the following advantages over the SI engine.
1. Reliability of the CI engine is much higher than that of the SI engine. This is because in
case of the failure of the battery, ignition or carburettor system, the SI engine cannot
operate, whereas the CI engine, with a separate fuel injector for each cylinder, has less
risk of failure.
2. The distribution of fuel to each cylinder is uniform as each of them has a separate
injector, whereas in the SI engine the distribution of fuel mixture is not uniform, owing to
the design of the single carburettor and the intake manifold.
3. Since the servicing period of the fuel injection system of CI engine is longer, its
maintenance cost is less than that of the SI engine.
4. The expansion ratio of the CI engine is higher than that of the SI engine; therefore, the
heat loss to the cylinder walls is less in the CI engine than that of the SI engine.
Consequently, the cooling system of the CI engine can be of smaller dimensions.
5. The torque characteristics of the CI engine are more uniform which results in better top
gear performance.
6. The CI engine can be switched over from part load to full load soon after starting from
cold, whereas the SI engine requires warming up.
7. The fuel (diesel) for the CI engine is cheaper than the fuel (petrol) for SI engine.
8. The fire risk in the CI engine is minimised due to the absence of the ignition system.
9. On part load, the specific fuel consumption of the CI engine is low.

AG ENGG. 243 Lecture 3

1) The two-stroke cycle engine gives one working stroke for each revolution of the
crankshaft. Hence theoretically the power developed for the same engine speed and
cylinder volume is twice that of the four-stroke cycle engine, which gives only one
working stroke for every two revolutions of the crankshaft. However, in practice,
because of poor scavenging, only 50-60% extra power is developed.
2) Due to one working stroke for each revolution of the crankshaft, the turning moment on
the crankshaft is more uniform. Therefore, a two-stroke engine requires a lighter
3) The two-stroke engine is simpler in construction. The design of its ports is much
simpler and their maintenance easier than that of the valve mechanism.
4) The power required to overcome frictional resistance of the suction and exhaust strokes
is saved, resulting in some economy of fuel.
5) Owing to the absence of the cam, camshaft, rockers, etc. of the valve mechanism, the
mechanical efficiency is higher.
6) The two-stroke engine gives fewer oscillations.
7) For the same power, a two-stroke engine is more compact and requires less space than a
four-stroke cycle engine. This makes it more suitable for use in small machines and
8) A two-stroke engine is lighter in weight for the same power and speed especially when
the crankcase compression is used.
9) Due to its simpler design, it requires fewer spare parts.
10) A two-stroke cycle engine can be easily reversed if it is of the valve less type.
1. The scavenging being not very efficient in a two-stroke engine, the dilution of the
charges takes place which results in poor thermal efficiency.
2. The two-stroke spark ignition engines do not have a separate lubrication system and
normally, lubricating oil is mixed with the fuel. This is not as efrective as the
lubrication of a four-stroke engine. Therefore, the parts of the two-stroke engine are
subjected to greater wear and tear.
3. In a spark ignition two-stroke engine, some of the fuel passes directly to the exhaust.
Hence, the fuel consumption per horsepower is comparatively higher.
4. With heavy loads a two-stroke engine gets heated up due to the excessive heat pro-
duced. At the same time the running of the engine is riot very smooth at light loads.
5. It consumes more lubricating oil because of the greater amount of heat generated.
6. Since the ports remain open during the upward stroke, the actual compression starts
only after both the inlet and exhaust ports have been closed. Hence, the compression
ratio of this engine is lower than that of a four-stroke engine of the same dimensions.
As the efficiency of an engine is directly proportional to its compression ratio, the
efficiency of a two-stroke cycle engine is lower than that of a four-stroke cycle engine
of the same size.

AG ENGG. 243 Lecture 3

Basic Terminology used for a Engine
The diameter of the cylinder is known as bore and the displacement of the piston, i.e. its travel from
top dead centre (TDC) to bottom dead centre (BDC) is called stroke (Fig. 1). In old engines, the stroke
was always greater than the bore but the recent trend is towards a shorter piston stroke. This is
because in the short piston stroke, the less of power due to friction is minimized. Also, the inertia and
centrifugal load on the bearings are reduced. In the square engine, which is the latest in technology,
the bore and strokes are equal.

Fig. 1. Bore and stroke of a heat engine

This is the volume that the piston displaces during its movement from BDC to TDC (Fig. 2).
Suppose D is the bore dia. and L is the stroke length. The piston displacement is given as
(π/4) D L.
Example: For a four-cylinder engine with a 10 cm bore dia. and 8 cm stroke length, the piston
displacement (v) will be = (π/4) x 102 x 8 x 4= 2512cm3

Fig. 2 Piston displacement and clearance volume

The compression ratio (CR) of an engine is a measure of how much the air/air-fuel mixture is
compressed in the cylinder. It is the volume of air when the piston is at BDC divided by its
volume of air when the piston is at TDC. The volume above the piston is called clearance
The CR of an engine is an important factor in its performance. By increasing only the
compression ratio, the engine power increases, the other factors remaining unchanged.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 4

Power is the rate at which work is done. The rate at which the engine can do work is measured in
horse power (HP). One HP is equivalent to 4500 kg m per min. The various methods of defining
horsepower are described below.
Indicated Horse Power
The amount of power that can be measured on the flywheel is always less than the power
generated in the engine on account of expansion of the combusted fuel. The power that is actually
developed in the cylinder is called indicated horse power and is given by:

P - means effective pressure in kg/cm2
L - stroke length in m
A - area of cylinder in cm2
N - power stroke per min (for a four stroke engine N = rpm/2 and for a two-stroke engine N =
Brake Horse Power
It is the horsepower available on the crankshaft and is measured by a suitable dynamometer.
SAE Horse Power (Taxable Horse Power)
The SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) horse power rating is used to compare engines on a
uniform basis, usually for tax purposes. The formula is

D2 N
HP =
D - diameter of cylinder in inches
N- number of cylinders
Belt Horse Power
It is the power of the engine. measured at the end of a suitable belt, receiving drive from the PTO
shaft of the tractor.
Power Take Off Horse Power
It is the power delivered by a tractor through its PTO shaft. In general the belt and PTO horse power
of a tractor will approximately be the same and is measured by either a hydraulic or an electrical
Drawbar Horse Power
It is the power of a tractor measured at the end of the drawbar. It is that power which is available to
pull loads.

AG. ENGG 243 Lecture 4 2

Maximum Horse power and Net Horse power
The maximum HP is measured at the engine flywheel without any of the power consuming
accessories being attached. This is not a practical rating as it does not represent "usable" HP.
Net HP is measured at the engine flywheel in the same manner as the maximum HP. The difference
in the two is because the engine is equipped with accessories. Net HP is the basis for rating the HP
of industrial and farm tractors.
Effect of Environment on Horse power.
HP is affected by barometric pressure and atmospheric temperature. Therefore, whatever actual
horsepower is observed on the dynamometer is called the observed HP, whereas the corrected HP is
the observed HP corrected to standard atmospheric conditions.
The standard operating conditions are:
1. Mean barometric pressure of 736 mm of mercury corresponding to an altitude of 300 m above
mean sea level.
2. Water vapour pressure of 27.4 mm of mercury corresponding to a relative humidity of 65 per
cent at 35°C.
3. Intake air temperature of 35°C.
For decreases in the atmospheric pressure, a deduction from the rated output of the engine shall
be made at the rate of 1.4 per cent per 100 m of altitude above 300 m. This de-rating is valid up to
an altitude of 2500 m.
Also, for any increase of the intake air temperature above 35 °C, a further deduction shall be
made at the rate of 0.25 per cent per 0C.
The mean effective pressure (MEP) is the average pressure during the power stroke, minus the
average pressure during the other three strokes (Fig. 3). In fact, the MEP is the pressure that
actually forces the piston down during the power stroke.

A- starting of suction stroke; B -start of compression; C-start of injection; D-start of

combustion; E-peak firing pressure; F-start of exhaust; G-ignition delay

Fig. 3 Typical diesel engine pressure indicator diagram:

AG. ENGG 243 Lecture 4 3

The amount of air entering the cylinder due to the vacuum created by the downward motion of the
piston is always less than the actual displacement of the piston because of the constriction of the air
intake system. Therefore, the actual air taken into the cylinder divided by the swept volume is known
as volumetric efficiency.
Like power, torque is another important measure of engine performance. Any force applied on some
point to cause a turning effect is called torque (T), mathematically represented by force (F) multiplied
by the distance of force from the centre of shaft (r), i.e.
In an engine, the piston applies a torque to the crankshaft through the connecting rod and crank when
it is moving down on the power stroke. The amount of torque depends on the pressure exerted by the
piston and the length of the crank arm. The greater the push on the piston, the greater the torque.
Torque should not be confused with power. Torque is the twisting effort that the engine
applies through the crankshaft, whereas power is the rate at which the engine does work. The unit of
torque is kg m.
An engine is capable of running faster than the speed at which it reaches maximum HP and HP
decreases after reaching its maximum point. The reason for this is that an engine is designed to
operate most efficiently up to a certain speed, depending upon its design.

Fig. 4 Torque compared with BHP

The HP curve continues to rise as the engine speed increases until maximum power is attained.
This is also true with the torque curve, but the torque curve will reach its maximum point much
earlier. An engine develops more torque at intermediate speeds than at the maximum speed. This
is because the volumetric efficiency is higher at intermediate speeds. Thus, there is a greater
amount of air to burn during the power stroke. This results in higher combustion pressure and
therefore, a greater torque is applied to the crankshaft. At higher speeds the volumetric efficiency
and combustion pressure are both lower and thus, the torque is also lower.

AG. ENGG 243 Lecture 4 4

In farm tractor engines, the rated operating speed may be as much as 800-1000 rpm higher than
the peak torque rpm. As the rated operating speed is higher than the peak torque speed, it
becomes possible for the engine to take advantage of the "torque reserve" when the engine is
loaded with an unexpected increase in the torque due to overloads. The operating speed in such a
state has a tendency to drop immediately. As the speed decreases towards the peak torque, the
speed torque increases and enables the engine to overcome the overload, thus maintaining its
power. If the overload is so great as to reduce the engine speed too below the peak torque speed,
the engine will lose its capacity to carry the overload. The engine speed will in such a case
continue to drop unless the load is reduced.
Dynamometers are used to measure the horse power. Dynamometers are classified as brake,
drawbar or torsion according to the manner in which the work is applied. Also, they may be
classed as absorption or transmission, depending on the nature of energy.

AG. ENGG 243 Lecture 4 5

IC Engine System
Intake and Exhaust System
The intake and exhaust system deals with the inflow of fresh air and the outflow of used gases in
the engine.
This system allows fresh air to enter the engine. Its main parts are: (i) air cleaner, (ii)
supercharger (auxiliary unit), (iii) intake manifold, (iv) intake port and (v) intake valve.
The operating efficiency, good performance and durability of an engine depend mainly upon its
cleaner. It is a device, which cleans and filters the air before entering the combustion chamber of
an engine.
An IC engine uses large quantities of air for combustion, the ratio being 14-15 lb of air for every
lb of fuel bursts. The volume of the air used is about 10,000 gal/gal of fuel. Unfiltered air may
contain millions of particles of abrasive dust and other matter, which could cause rapid wear.
There are many types of air cleaners but the types commonly used in tractors are:
(i) Oil wetted mesh type,
(ii) Dry air type and
(iii) Wet type or oil bath air cleaners.
It consists of a copper mesh or nylon wire wetted with oil to catch the dust particles from the air
which are made to pass through it. This type, however, gets clogged with dust quickly, thus,
seriously affecting the air flow through it and rendering it inefficient in removing the fine
particles of dust from the air.
This type of air cleaners contains three main parts, viz. pre-cleaner, main housing and cleaning
element. These are sealed into one unit. The main housing contains the cleaning element, usually
of multi-wire netting, but some are made of nylon hair or paper. The air from the atmosphere
enters from the pre-cleaner, passes through the cleaning element and goes to the inlet manifold.
The paper filter element is cleaned after 50-100 hours of service.
Dry air cleaners are mounted (i) vertically in front of the tractor radiator and (ii) horizontally on
the overhead engine.
AG ENGG 243 Lecture 5
The following are the advantages of the dry air cleaner:
1. Easy to service.
2. Good performance in gradient and in rough fields.
3. More efficient at high speeds.
4. Straw and chaff cause less restriction to air passage.
Its main disadvantages are:
1. It is costlier to maintain than an oil bath because the filter elements require replacements
very often.
2. Sometimes, dust particles enter the cylinder
OIL BATH AIR CLEANERS The main difference between a dry and oil bath cleaner is that in
the latter type, oil is used for cleaning air. Water bath
cleaners were also in use in earlier times. But now the oil
bath cleaner have come into more common use. This type
of cleaner operates on the principle of having the air with
dust enter the intake stack, pass down the inlet passage
over the oil surface, where some of the oil is picked up,
atomized and carried up into a separating screen. As the
air passes through a screen (filter) most of the remaining
dirt is attached to the oil wetted surfaces and drains back
into the sump. The air outlet is on the side through which
the clean air enters the cylinders. In the bottom a
removable cup is fitted for convenient cleaning and
servicing. Oil bath air cleaners are always mounted
vertically to the engine, thus the oil remains in the cup at the bottom of the cleaner. It is often
mounted either in front of the radiator or by the side of the engine.
Tractor engine:
Tractors always work in dusty conditions. In order to prolong the engine life, pre-cleaners are
fitted in the upper portion of the main cleaner. When the engine is running, the air is drawn
through the pre-cleaner to the inlet tube of the main cleaner. Here large dust particles are
removed from the air stream, thus reducing much of the load on the main cleaner.
The pre-cleaner functions on the centrifugal principle. By means of vanes and baffles it gives a

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 5

rotary motion to the air, thus causing the heavier dust particles to be thrown out due to
centrifugal force and the pre-cleaned air passing to the cleaner.
A supercharger is a device for increasing the air pressure into the engine so that more fuel can be
burnt and the engine output increased. The pressure inside the manifold of a supercharger engine
will be greater than the atmosphere pressure. Supercharged air is provided either by positive
displacement rotary blowers or by centrifugal blowers. These may belt driven by engine it self or
from a separate power source such as electric motor or from exhaust gas turbine
The inlet manifold is required to deliver into the cylinders either a mixture of fuel and air from
the carburetor or only air from air-cleaners. The inlet manifolds are made in one or two pieces
either from cast iron or aluminium alloy. They are also bolted from separate castings into a
single unit. The manifold flanges are connected to the cylinder block or cylinder head by means
of asbestos-copper gaskets, studs and nuts.
The exhaust system collects exhaust gases from the engine and expels them out. The system
consists of: (i) exhaust valve, (ii) exhaust port (iii) exhaust manifold, (iv)
turbo charger (auxiliary unit) and (v) muffler.
The exhaust manifold collects exhaust gases from the exhaust ports of
various cylinders and conducts them from each end to a central exhaust
passage. It is usually made of cast iron. The exhaust manifolds are designed to avoid the
overlapping of exhaust strokes as much as possible, thus keeping the back pressure to a
minimum. This is often done by dividing the exhaust manifold into two or more branches so that
no two cylinder will exhaust into the same branch at the same time.

This is an exhaust driven turbine, which drives a centrifugal compressor wheel. The compressor
passage is usually located between the air cleaner and engine intake manifold, while the turbine
is located between the exhaust manifold and muffler.
The muffler reduces the noise of the exhaust gases by reducing the pressure of the used gases by
AG ENGG 243 Lecture 5
slow expansion and cooling. On the other hand, the muffler must not cause any appreciable
restriction to the flow of oil that could raise the backpressure excessively. The muffler contains a
number of chambers through which the gas flows. The gas is allowed to expand from the first
passage into a much larger second one and then to a still larger third one and so on, to the final
and largest passage which is connected to the tail (outlet) pipe of muffler.
The following steps are required for the proper care of the inlet and exhaust system.
1. The inlet and exhaust manifolds should be checked for air leaks and the nuts and connections
tightened at regular intervals.
2. A clogged muffler exhaust pipe or tail pipe will cause a backpressure on the pistons and a loss
of power. Therefore, it must be cleaned every time during service. Sometimes, the engine
overheats due to excessive carbon deposit.
Engine Valve Timing
Arrangement of valves:
The valve arrangements are generally classified as L-head, I-head, T-head and F-head according to
the arrangements of the valves. In the L-head design, both the inlet and exhaust valves are on one
side of the engine. Sometimes it is called the side valve engine and is operated by a single
camshaft, whereas the T-head engine requires two camshafts, with valves arranged in block. The
I-head engine is also known as overhead valve engine


The valves of an internal combustion engine are meant lo admit air or air-fuel mixture
into the cylinder and finally to let the exhaust gases go out. Poppet type valves are used for this
purpose. Most engines are provided with one inlet and one exhaust valve for each cylinder.
These valves are usually of equal size, though sometimes the inlet valves are made larger in
size than exhaust valves. The arrangement of the valves on the engine may be either over-head
type or L-head type. In the over-head arrangement, the valve stem is surrounded by a removable
guide and spring holds the valve against seat. The rocker arm assembly, which is operated by a
camshaft through a push rod, forces the valves open at the desired time. Due to constant use,
AG ENGG 243 Lecture 5
both inlet and exhaust valves and their seats are subjected to mechanical wear. To overcome
this, a separate valve seat of high wear resisting material is inserted. It can be replaced by a new
piece after it has worn out. To take care of similar mechanical wear, the valve face is generally
made of heat resisting alloys.

Parts of a valve system Poppet type valve system

Clearance between the rocker arm and valve stem is provided to enable to the valves to seat
properly. This clearance is also known as tappet clearance, and should be adjusted with feeler
gauge according to the manufacture's specifications. The valve tappet clearance is adjusted
when both the valves are in the shut position. A typical value of valve tappet clearance is
given as 0.38 mm (0.015 in).


A typical valve-timing diagram of a vertical engine designed to operate at 800 r.p.m. is
shown in Figure. Few observations made are listed below:
1. Inlet valve begins to open shortly after the piston has reached the top dead centre.
It continues to remain open t i l l the piston has passed 30 degrees over the bottom
(lower) dead centre. Total time through which the valve remains open.

200 × 60 1
= sec onds
360 × 800 24

2. Both inlet and exhaust valves remain closed during the compression stroke and
most of the time in the power stroke. In terms of crank angle, both, the valves remain
closed for about 285 degrees.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 5

3. On the power stroke the exhaust valve begins to open between 30 and 45 degrees
before bottom dead centre and it continues to open till the piston has passed over the
top dead centre. Thus the exhaust valve remains open about 225 degrees or about

225 × 60 1
= sec onds
360 × 800 21

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 5

Fuel is a substance consumed by the engine to produce energy. The common fuels for internal combustion
engines are:
1. Petrol
2. Power kerosene
3. High speed diesel oil
4. Light diesel oil.

The important properties of these fuels are given below:

S.No Name of fuel oil A. P. I. Specific Calorific value

degree Gravity kcal/kg B.T.U./lb
(i) Light diesel oil (L.D.O.) 22 0.920 10300 18600
(ii) High speed diesel oil (HSD) 31 0.820 10550 19000
(iii) Power kerosene 40 0.827 10850 19500
(iv) Petrol 63 0.730 11100 20000

The quality of the fuel mainly depends upon the following properties:
1. Volatility of the fuel
2. Calorific value of the fuel
3. Ignition quality of the fuel
Volatility: Volatility of fuel has considerable effect on the performance of the engine by affecting the
(i) Ease of starting the engine.
(ii) Degree of crankcase oil dilution,
(iii) Formation of vapour lock in the fuel system,
(iv) Accelerating characteristics of the engine,
(v) Distribution of fuel in multi-cylinder engine.
In I. C. engine, all the liquid fuel must be converted into vapour fuel before burning. High speed diesel oil
is most difficult to vapourise. Vapourising temperature of high speed diesel oil is higher than that of the
petrol, hence the petrol vapourises quicker than diesel oil in the engine cylinder. This helps in easy starting
of petrol engines.
Calorific value: The heat liberated by combustion of a fuel is known as calorific value or heat value of the
fuel. It is expressed in kcal /kg of the fuel. The heat value of a fuel is an important measure of its worth,
since this is the heat which enables the engine to do the work.
Ignition quality: Ignition quality refers to ease of burning the oil in the combustion chamber. Octane
number and cetane number are the measures of ignition quality of the fuel.
(a) Octane number: It is a measure of knock characteristics of a fuel. The percentage of iso-octane (C8 H18)
in the reference fuel consisting of a mixture of iso-octane and normal heptane (C7H16), when it produces the
same knocking effect as the fuel under test, is called octane number of the fuel. Iso-octane has excellent
antiknock qualities and is given a rating of 100. Normal heptane would knock excessively and hence it is
assigned a value of zero.
(b) Cetane number: The percentage of cetane in a mixture of cetane (C16 H34) and alphamethyl
naphthelene (C11 H16) that produces the same knocking effect as the fuel under test is called cetane number
of the fuel. Diesel fuels are rated according to cetane number which is the indication of ignition quality of
the fuel. The higher the cetane number the better the ignition quality of the diesel fuel. The commercial
diesel fuels have got cetane rating varying from 30 to 60.
Detonation (Knocking): Detonation or engine knocking refers to violent noises, heard in an engine, giving
a pinging sound during the process of combustion. It occurs during the process of combustion of the

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 6 1

mixture within the cylinder after the ignition has taken place. It is an undesirable combustion and results in
sudden rise in pressure, a loss of power and overheating of the engine. It is caused by improper combustion
chamber, high compression pressure, early ignition timing, improper fuel and inadequate cooling
Pre-ignition: Burning of air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber before the piston has reached the top
dead centre is called pre-ignition. Pre-ignition occurs when the charge is fired too far ahead of the top dead
centre of the piston due to excessive spark advance or excessive heat in the cylinder.


The fuel supply system of spark ignition engine consists of:
(i) Fuel tank
(ii) Fuel filter
(iii) Sediment bowl
(iv) Fuel lift pump
(v) Carburettor
(vi) Fuel pipes
(vii) Inlet manifold

In some spark ignition engine, the fuel tank is placed above the level of the carburettor. The fuel flows from
the fuel tank to the carburettor under the action of gravity. There are one or two filters between the fuel
tank and the carburettor. A transparent sediment bowl is also provided to hold the dust and dirt of the fuel.
If the tank is below the level of the carburettor, a lift pump is provided in between the tank and the
carburettor for forcing fuel from the tank to the carburettor of the engine. The fuel comes from the fuel
tank to the sediment bowl and then to the lift pump. From there the fuel goes to the carburettor through
suitable pipe. From the carburettor, the fuel goes to the engine cylinder, through the inlet manifold of the

Fuel system of spark ignition engine.

The process of preparing an air-fuel mixture away from the cylinders of an engine is called carburetion and
the device in which this process take place is called carburettor.

Principle of carburettor: The basic principle of all carburettor design that when air flows over the end of
a narrow tube or jet containing liquid, some liquid is drawn into the air stream. The quantity of liquid
drawn into the air stream increases as the speed of air flow over the jet increases and also the quantity is
greater if the jet is made larger.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 6 2

Carburettor with pump feed to fuel reservoir Diaphragm type fuel pump

In practice, the fuel level in the jet is maintained by a float chamber. The fuel levels in the jet and in the
float chamber are always the same. As the fuel is consumed, the level in the float chamber goes down. The
float in the float chamber also goes down and the needle valve comes off its seat allowing more fuel into
the chamber from the fuel tank. When the fuel level rises to its correct level, the float presses the needle
valve back to its seat and cuts off the fuel flow. The velocity of the air flowing over the jet is increased by a
constriction in the induction pipe known as venturi. A throttle butterfly valve provides an adjustable
obstruction in the induction pipe. It is used to control the flow of air-fuel mixture to the engine. As the
butterfly valve is turned into the accelerate position, the airflow over the jet increases and more fuel is
drawn out into the air stream, keeping the mixture strength constant.
A second butterfly valve called choke is used to provide a richer mixture for the engine to start in cold
condition. The choke controls the volume of air entering into the venturi. A second jet is fitted near the
throttle butterfly, which is used when the engine is idling.
Fuel is delivered to the float chamber through fuel pipe either by gravity or by a pump. The float chamber
is connected with the mixing chamber (venturi) via fuel nozzle equipped with fuel jet.
Function of Carburettor: The main functions of the carburettor are:
(i) To mix the air and fuel thoroughly
(ii) To atomise the fuel
(iii) To regulate the air-fuel ratio at different speeds and loads and
(iv) To supply correct amount of mixture at different speeds and loads.


During engine operation, the fuel is supplied by gravity from fuel tank to the primary filter where coarse
impurities are removed. From the primary filter, the fuel is drawn by fuel transfer pump and is delivered to
fuel injection pump through second fuel filter. The fuel injection pump supplies fuel under high pressure to
the injectors through high pressure pipes. The injectors atomise the fuel and inject it into the combustion
chamber of the engine. The fuel injection pump is fed with fuel in abundance. The excess fuel is by-passed
to the intake side of the fuel transfer pump through a relief valve.
The main components of the fuel system in diesel engine are: (1) fuel filter (2) fuel lift pump (3) fuel
injection pump (4) atomisers and (5) high pressure pipe.

Cylinder ← Injector

→ Fuel

lift → Filter → Fuel
pump pump

Flow diagram of fuel in diesel tractor

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 6 3

Two conditions are essential for efficient operation of fuel system: (i) The fuel oil should be clean, free
from water, suspended dirt, sand or other foreign matter, (ii) The fuel injection pump should create proper
pressure, so that diesel fuel may be perfectly atomised by injectors and be injected in proper time and in
proper quantity in the engine cylinder. Fuel should be filtered before filling the tank also. If these
precautions are followed, ninety per cent of diesel engine troubles are eliminated.

Layout of fuel supply in diesel engine

It is a pump, which transfers fuel from the fuel line to the fuel injection pump. It is mounted on the body of
fuel injection pump. It delivers adequate amount of fuel to the injection pump. The pump consists of: (I)
body (2) piston (3) inlet valve and (4) pressure valve. The valves are tightly pressed against their seats by
springs. The piston is free to slide in the bore. The fuel contained in the space below the piston is forced to
flow through secondary fuel filter to the injection pump. At the same time downward movement of the
piston creates a depression in the space above the piston which, causes the fuel to be drawn in the transfer
pump from the fuel tank through the inlet valve and the primary filter.


It is a pump, which delivers metered quantity of fuel to each cylinder at appropriate time under high
pressure. Tractor engines may use two types of fuel injection pump:
(i) Multi-element pump and (ii) Distributor (Rotary) type pump.
Fuel Injector: It is the component, which delivers finely atomised fuel under high pressure to the
combustion chamber of the engine. Modern tractor engines use fuel injectors, which have multiple holes.
Main parts of injector are: nozzle body and needle valve. The nozzle body and needle valve are fabricated
from alloy steel. The needle valve is pressed against a conical seat in the nozzle body by a spring. The
injection pressure is adjusted by adjusting the screw.
Diesel fuel is injected in diesel engine through injectors with the help of fuel injection pump. The system
using injectors, fuel injection pump, fuel filter, and fuel lines is called fuel injection system. The main
functions of fuel injection system are:
(i) To measure the correct amount of fuel required by engine speed and load,
(ii) To maintain correct timing for beginning and end of injection,
(iii) To inject the fuel into the combustion space against high compression pressure.
(iv) To atomise the fuel for quick ignition.
Process of fuel injection in diesel engine is of two types: (i) Air injection (ii) Solid injection.
Air injection: In this process, the engine uses compressed air to force the fuel into the cylinder. It is a
bulky system and hence it is not considered very suitable for vehicles and tractors. It is mostly used on
heavy-duty stationary engines.
Solid injection: A high-pressure pump is used for forcing the fuel into the combustion chamber.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 6 4

A combustion chamber is a space inside the engine, where the combustion of fuel takes place. In diesel
engine, the fuel is atomised, vapourised and burnt inside combustion chamber, whereas in spark ignition
engine, atomisation of fuel takes place in the carburettor and vaporisation occurs in carburettor as well as
the inlet manifold. Combustion chamber is classified as:
(a) Direct injection chamber
(b) Indirect injection chamber
It is a turbo-compressor driven by the exhaust gases of the engine to supply air under pressure to the
cylinders of the engine.
Turbocharger is useful because the power output of a diesel engine can be increased by supplying
compressed air to the engine cylinders. If more air is delivered to the cylinders the fuel charge can also be
increased and will release more energy.
The turbocharger consists of a centrifugal compressor with impellers and a gas turbine unit. The
compressor impeller and the turbine wheel are rigidly fixed on a common shaft. Compressor impeller
draws air from the atmosphere and delivers it to the intake manifold and from there it goes to the engine
cylinders thus improving the volumetric efficiency of the engine.
It is a device to remove dirt from fuel oil. Solid particles and dust in diesel fuel are very harmful for giving
a fine degree of filtration. Fuel injection equipment in diesel engines is extremely sensitive to dirt and solid
particles present in fuel. A filter is used to remove the dirt and solid particles from the fuel to ensure trouble
free fuel supply. It consists of a hollow cylindrical element contained in a shell, an annular space being left
between the shell and the element. The filtering element consists of metal gauge in conjunction with
various media such as packed fibres, woven cloth, felt, paper etc. These filters are replaced at certain
intervals, specified by the manufacturer.
Usually there are two filters in diesel engine: (1) Primary filter and (2) Secondary filter.
The primary filter removes water and coarse particle of dirt from the fuel. The secondary filter removes
fine sediments from the fuel.

Fuel filter for diesel engine

There are four different systems of igniting fuel: (a) Ignition by electric spark i.e. spark ignition (b) Ignition
by heat of compression i.e. compression ignition (c) Ignition by hot tube or hot bulb and (d) Ignition by
open flame. Only the first two are important methods for modern engines.
The purpose of spark ignition is to deliver a perfectly timed surge of electricity across an open spark plug
gap in each cylinder at the exact moment so that the charge may start burning with maximum efficiency.
There are two methods in spark ignition: (a) Battery ignition and (b) Magneto ignition.

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Principle of working: Battery ignition system includes two circuits: (i) Low voltage (primary circuit) and
(ii) high voltage (secondary circuit). The low-voltage circuit consists of: (i) battery (ii) ignition switch (iii)
a series register (iv) primary winding and (v) contact breaker. All are connected in series. The high voltage
circuit consists of: (i) secondary winding (ii) distributor rotor (iii) high voltage wiring and (iv) spark plugs.

When the ignition switch is closed, current flows from the battery through the primary winding of the
ignition coil, provided contact breaker points arc closed. They produce magnetic field around the winding.
When the piston is at the end of compression stroke, the contact breaker point opens. Thus the flow of
current in primary winding causes the magnetic field to collapse. As the field collapses, its lines of force
cut the wire turnings of the secondary winding. This increases the voltage across the secondary winding
terminals to a value of 20 to 24 thousand volts. The high-voltage surge is delivered to the centre terminal of
the distributor cap where it is picked up by the rotor and directed to the proper spark plug. A spark jumps
the plug gap and ignites the compressed air-fuel mixture.

Battery Ignition System

Ignition circuit: Ignition circuit gets electric current from the battery. When the distributor points are
closed, low voltage current flows through the primary winding of the ignition coil to the distributor
terminal and through the breaker points to the ground. A strong magnetic field is built up during this period
of operation. When the distributor points are opened, the magnetic field in the coil starts collapsing. Thus a
current is induced in the primary winding of the coil, which tends to prevent break down of the magnetic
field A very high voltage is produced in the secondary winding due to sudden collapsing of the magnetic
field. This high voltage makes the spark to jump across the gap of the spark plug.
Storage battery is a device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy. There are several types of
battery, but lead-acid battery is most common for I. C. engines, used for tractors and automobiles.
A battery consists of: (i) Plates (ii) Separators (iii) Electrolyte (iv) Container and (v) Terminal wire.
Governor is a mechanical device designed to control the speed of an engine within specified limit used on
tractor or stationary engines for:
(i) Maintaining a nearly constant speed of engine under different load conditions
(ii) Protecting the engine and the attached equipments against high speeds, when the load is reduced
or removed.
Tractor engines are always fitted with governor. There is an important difference in principle between the
controls of a tractor engine and that of a motor car. In case of motor car, the fuel supply is under direct
control of the accelerator pedal, but in tractor engine, the fuel supply is controlled by the governor. The
operator changes the engine speed by moving the governor control lever.
A governor is essential on a tractor engine for the reason that load on the tractor engine is subjected to
rapid variation in the field and the operator cannot control the rapid change of the engine speed without any
automatic device. For example, if the load on the tractor is reduced, the engine would tend to race
suddenly. If the load is increased, the engine would tend to slow down abruptly. Under these
circumstances, it becomes difficult for the operator to regulate always the throttle lever to meet the
temporary changes in the engine load. A governor automatically regulates the engine speed on varying load
condition and thus the operator is relieved of the duty of constant regulating the throttle lever to suit
different load conditions.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 6 6

A system, which controls the engine temperature, is known as a cooling system.
The cooling system is provided in the IC engine for the following reasons:
• The temperature of the burning gases in the engine cylinder reaches up to 1500 to 2000°C, which
is above the melting point of the material of the cylinder body and head of the engine. (Platinum, a
metal which has one of the highest melting points, melts at 1750 °C, iron at 1530°C and
aluminium at 657°C.) Therefore, if the heat is not dissipated, it would result in the failure of the
cylinder material.
• Due to very high temperatures, the film of the lubricating oil will get oxidized, thus producing
carbon deposits on the surface. This will result in piston seizure.
• Due to overheating, large temperature differences may lead to a distortion of the engine
components due to the thermal stresses set up. This makes it necessary for, the temperature
variation to be kept to a minimum.
• Higher temperatures also lower the volumetric efficiency of the engine.


The two main requirements of an efficient cooling system are:
1. It must be capable of removing only about 30% of the heat generated in the combustion chamber. Too
much removal of heat lowers the thermal efficiency of the engine.
2. It should remove heat at a fast rate when the engine is hot. During the starting of the engine, the
cooling should be very slow so that the different working parts reach their operating temperatures in a short
There are two types of cooling systems:
(i) Air cooling system and
(ii) Water-cooling system.


In this type of cooling system, the heat, which is conducted to the outer parts of the engine, is radiated and
conducted away by the stream of air, which is obtained from the atmosphere. In order to have efficient
cooling by means of air, providing fins around the cylinder and cylinder head increases the contact area.
The fins are metallic ridges, which are formed during the casting of the cylinder and cylinder head
The amount of heat carried off by the air-cooling depends upon the following factors:
(i) The total area of the fin surfaces,
(ii) The velocity and amount of the cooling air and
(iii) The temperature of the fins and of the cooling air.
Air-cooling is mostly tractors of less horsepower, motorcycles, scooters, small cars and small aircraft
engines where the forward motion of the machine gives good velocity to cool the engine. Air-cooling is
also provided in some small industrial engines. In this system, individual cylinders are generally employed
to provide ample cooling area by providing fins. A blower is used to provide air.
Advantages of Air Cooled Engines
Air cooled engines have the following advantages:
1. Its design of air-cooled engine is simple.
2. It is lighter in weight than water-cooled engines due to the absence of water jackets, radiator,
circulating pump and the weight of the cooling water.
3. It is cheaper to manufacture.
4. It needs less care and maintenance.
5. This system of cooling is particularly advantageous where there are extreme climatic
conditions in the arctic or where there is scarcity of water as in deserts.
6. No risk of damage from frost, such as cracking of cylinder jackets or radiator water tubes.


It serves two purposes in the working of an engine:

AG ENGG 243 lecture 7 1

a) It takes away the excessive heat generated in the engine and saves it from over heating.
b) It keeps the engine at working temperature for efficient and economical working.
This cooling system has four types of systems:
(i) Direct or non-return system,
(ii) Thermo-Syphone system,
(iii) Hopper system and
(iv) Pump/forced circulation system.
Though the present tractor has a forced circulation system, it is still worthwhile to get acquainted with the
other three systems.
Non-Return Water Cooling System
This is suitable for large installations and where plenty of water is available. The water from a storage tank
is directly supplied to the engine cylinder. The hot water is not cooled for reuse but simply discharges. The
low H.P. engine, coupled with the irrigation pump is an example.
Thermo-Syphone Water Cooling System
This system works on the principle that hot water being lighter rises up and the cold water being heavier
goes down. In this system the radiator is placed at a higher level than the engine for the easy flow of water
towards the engine. Heat is conducted to the water jackets from where it is taken away due to convection
by the circulating water. As the water jacket becomes hot, it rises to the top of the radiator. Cold water from
the radiator takes the place of the rising hot water and in this way a circulation of water is set up m the
system. This helps in keeping the engine at working temperature.
Disadvantages of Thermo-Syphone System
1 Rate of circulation is too slow.
2. Circulation commences only when there is a marked difference in temperature.
3. Circulation stops as the level of water falls below the top of the delivery pipe of the radiator. For these
reasons this system has become obsolete and is no more in use.
Hopper Water Cooling System
This also works on the same principle as the thermo-syphone system. In this there is a hopper on a jacket
containing water, which surrounds the engine cylinder. In this system, as soon as water starts boiling, it is
replaced by cold water. An engine fitted with this system cannot run for several hours without it being
refilled with water.
Force Circulation Water Cooling System
This system is similar in construction to the thermo-syphone system except that it makes use of a
centrifugal pump to circulate the water throughout the water jackets and radiator

The water flows from the lower portion of the radiator to the water jacket of the engine through the
centrifugal pump. After the circulation water comes back to the radiator, it loses its heat by the process of
radiation. This system is employed in cars, trucks, tractors, etc.

AG ENGG 243 lecture 7 2

Parts of Liquid Cooling System
The main parts in the water-cooling system are: (i) water pump, (ii) fan, (iii) radiator and pressure cap, (iv)
fan belt (v) water jacket, (vi) thermostat valve, (vii) temperature gauge and (viii) hose pipes.
Water Pump
This is a centrifugal type pump. It is centrally mounted at the front of the cylinder block and is usually
driven by means of a belt. This type of pump consists of the following parts: (i) body or casing, (ii)
impeller (rotor), (iii) shaft, (iv) bearings, or bush, (v) water pump seal and (vi) pulley.
The bottom of the radiator is connected to the suction side of the pump. The power is transmitted to the
pump spindle from a pulley mounted at the end of the crankshaft.
Seals of various designs are incorporated in the pump to prevent loss of coolant from the system.
The fan is generally mounted on the water pump pulley, although on some engines it is attached directly to
the crankshaft. It serves two purposes in the cooling system of a engine.
(a) It draws atmospheric air through the radiator and thus increases the efficiency of the radiator in
cooling hot water.
(b) It throws fresh air over the outer surface of the engine, which takes away the heat conducted by
the engine parts and thus increases the efficiency of the entire cooling system.
The purpose of the radiator is to cool down the water received from the engine. The radiator consists of
three main parts: (i) upper tank, (ii) lower tank and (iii) tubes.
Hot water from the upper tank, which comes from the engine, flows downwards through the tubes. The
heat contained in the hot water is conducted to the copper fins provided around the tubes.
An overflow pipe, connected to the upper1 tank, permits excess water or steam to escape. There are three
types of radiators: (i) gilled tube radiator, (ii) tubular radiator (Fig. b)
and (iii) honey comb or cellular radiator (Fig. c)

Type of radiators

Gilled tube radiator:

This is perhaps the oldest type of radiator, although it is still in use. In this, water flows inside the tubes.
Each tube has a large number of annular rings or fins pressed firmly over its outside surface.
Tubular radiator: The only difference between a gilled tubes radiator and a tubular one is that in this case
there are no separate fins for individual tubes. The radiator vertical tubes pass through thin fine copper
sheets which run horizontally.
Honey comb or cellular radiator: The cellular radiator consists of a large number of individual air cells
which are surrounded by water. In this, the clogging of any passage affects only a small parts of the cooling
surface. However, in the tubular radiator, if one tube becomes clogged, the cooling effect of the entire tube
is lost.
Thermostat Valve
It is a kind of check valve which opens and closes with the effect of temperature. It is fitted in the water
outlet of the engine. During the warm-up period, the thermostat is closed and the water pump circulates the
water only throughout the cylinder block and cylinder head. When the normal operating temperature is

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reached, the thermostat valve opens and allows hot water to flow towards the radiator (Fig. 8.5a).
Standard thermostats are designed to start opening at 70 to 75°C and they fully open at 82°C. High
temperature thermostats, with permanent anti-freeze solutions (Prestine, Zerex, etc.), start opening at 80 to
90°C and fully open at 92°C.

Types of thermostat
There are three types of thermostats: (i) bellow type, (ii) bimetallic type and (iii) pellet type.
Bellow type valve: Flexible bellows are filled with alcohol or ether. When the bellows is heated, the liquid
vaporises, creating enough pressure to expand the bellows. When the unit is cooled, the gas condenses. The
pressure reduces and the bellows collapse to close the valve.
Bimetallic type valve: This consists of a bimetallic strip. The unequal expansion of two metallic strips
causes the valve to open and allows the water to flow in the radiator.
Pellet type valve: A copper impregnated wax pellet expands when heated and contracts when cooled. The
pellet is connected to the valve through a piston, such that on expansion of the
pellet, it opens the valve. A coil spring closes the valve when the pellet contracts.
In the case of the ordinary water-cooling system where the cooling water is subjected to atmospheric
pressure, the water boils at 212°F. But when water is boiled in a closed radiator under high pressure, the
boiling temperature of water increases. The higher water temperature gives more efficient engine
performance and affords additional protection under high altitude and tropical conditions for long hard
driving periods. Therefore, a pressure-type radiator cap is used with the forced circulation cooling system
(Fig. 8.6a). The cap is fitted on the radiator neck with an air tight seal. The pressure-release valve is set to
open at a pressure between 4 and 13 psi. With this increase in pressure, the boiling temperature of water
increases to 243°F (at 4 psi boiling tap 225°F and 13 psi boiling temperature 243°F). Any increase in
pressure is released by the pressure release valve to the atmosphere. On cooling, the vapours will
condense and a partial vacuum will be created which will result in the collapse of the hoses and tubes. To
overcome this problem the pressure release valve is associated with a vacuum valve which opens the
radiator to the atmosphere.
In order to prevent the water in the cooling system from freezing, some chemical solutions which are
known as anti-freeze solutions are mixed with water. In cold areas, if the engine is kept without this
solution for some time, the water may freeze and expand leading to fractures in the cylinder block, cylinder
head, pipes and/or radiators.
The boiling point of the anti-freeze solution should be as high as that of water. An ideal mixture should
easily dissolve in water, be reasonably cheap and should not deposit any foreign matter in the jacket pipes
and radiator.

No single anti-freeze solution satisfies all these requirements. The materials commonly used are wood

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alcohol, denatured alcohol, glycerine, ethylene, glycol, propylene glycol, mixtures of alcohol and glycerine
and various mixtures of other chemicals.


For smooth and trouble-free service, the cooling system should be cleaned at periodic intervals to prevent
the accumulation of excessive rust and scale. The commercial cleaning compounds available must be
carefully used in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions.
A general cleaning procedure is outlined below. If a considerable amount of scale and rust has
accumulated, it may not be possible that cleaning alone will remove it. In that case, the radiator and engine
water jackets must be flushed out with special air pressure guns.
Cooling System Cleaning Procedure
It involves the following steps.
1. Drain the system by opening the drain cocks. Prepare a solution of washing soda and water, with a ratio
of 1 kg soda to 10 litres of water. Fill up this solution in the radiator and engine block and run the
engine on idle load for 8 to 10 hours. Drain this solution and flush the system with clean water.
2. In case the scale formulation is bard and cannot be completely removed with washing soda, another
cleaning agent can be prepared with 40 parts of water, 5 parts of commercial hydrochloric acid and 1
part of formaldehyde. This solution is allowed to remain in the system for 2 to 3 hours at normal load.
Afterwards this could be drained and the system flushed with clean water.
3. Pressure flushing: In this the air pressure is used to both agitate and circulate the water through the
cooling system.
(a) Straight flushing: Connect the lead-away hose to the water outlet connection on the engine. Insert the
flushing gun in the hose attached to the water pump inlet connection. Turn on the water until the
water passages are filled and the release the air in short blasts, allowing the water to fill the engine after
such blasts.
(b) Reverse flushing: Before making connections for reverse flushing the thermostat should be removed
from the cooling system. The procedure for this is outlined below:
(i) Radiator: Disconnect the top hose of the radiator from the engine and attach a lead-away hose to the
radiator. Disconnect the bottom of the radiator from water pump and attach the flushing gun. Connect
water and air hoses to the gun. Turn on the water and fill the radiator to the top. Release the air in short
blasts and allows the water to fill the radiator between each blast. Continue the operation until the water
from the lead-away hose is clear, (ii) Engine: Connect the lead-away hose to the inlet of the water pump
and the flushing gun to the water outlet of the pump on the cylinder head. Follow the same procedure.

I. C. engine is made of many moving parts. Due to continuous movement of two metallic surfaces over
each other, there is wearing moving parts, generation of heat and loss of power in the engine lubrication of
moving parts is essential to prevent all these harmful effects.
Lubrication produces the following effects: (a) Reducing friction effect (b) Cooling effect (c) Sealing effect
and (d) Cleaning effect.
(a) Reducing frictional effect: The primary purpose of the lubrication is to reduce friction and wear
between two rubbing surfaces. Two rubbing surfaces always produce friction. The continuous friction
produce heat which causes wearing of parts and loss of power. In order to avoid friction, the contact of two
sliding surfaces must be reduced as far a possible. This can be done by proper lubrication only. Lubrication
forms an oil film between two moving surfaces. Lubrication also reduces noise produced by the movement
of two metal surfaces over each other.
(b) Cooling effect: The heat, generated by piston, cylinder, and bearings is removed by lubrication to a
great extent. Lubrication creates cooling effect on the engine parts.
(c) Sealing effect: The lubricant enters into the gap between the cylinder liner, piston and piston rings.
Thus, it prevents leakage of gases from the engine cylinder.
(d) Cleaning effect: Lubrication keeps the engine clean by removing dirt or carbon from inside of the
engine along with the oil.
Lubrication theory: There are two theories in existence regarding the application of lubricants on a
surface: (i) Fluid film theory and (ii) Boundary layer theory.

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(i) Fluid film theory: According to this theory, the lubricant is, supposed to act like mass of globules,
rolling in between two surfaces. It produces a rolling effect, which reduces friction.
(ii) Boundary layer theory: According to this theory, the lubricant is soaked in rubbing surfaces and forms
oily surface over it. Thus the sliding surfaces are kept apart from each other, thereby reducing friction.
Lubricants are obtained from animal fat, vegetables and minerals Lubricants made of animal fat, does not
stand much heat. It becomes waxy and gummy which is not very suitable for machines.
Vegetable lubricants are obtained from seeds, fruits and plants. Cottonseed oil, olive oil, linseed oil and
castor oil are used as lubricant in small Simple machines.
Mineral lubricants are most popular for engines and machines. It is obtained from crude petroleum found in
nature. Petroleum lubricants are less expensive and suitable for internal combustion engines. A good
lubricant should have the following qualities:
1. It should have sufficient viscosity to keep the rubbing surfaces apart
2. It should remain stable under changing temperatures.
3. It should keep lubricated pans clean.
4. It should not corrode metallic surfaces.
The lubricating system of an engine is an arrangement of mechanism and devices which maintains supply
of lubricating oil to the rubbing surface of an engine at correct pressure and temperature.
The parts which require lubrication are: (i) cylinder walls and piston (ii) piston pin (iii) crankshaft and
connecting rod bearings (iv) camshaft bearings (v) valves and valve operating mechanism (vi) cooling fan
(vii) water pump and (viii) ignition mechanism.
There are three common systems of lubrication used on stationary engines, tractor engines and
(i) Splash system (ii) Forced feed system and (iii) Combination of splash and forced feed system.
In this system, there is an oil trough, provided below the connecting rod. Oil is maintained at a uniform
level in the oil trough. This is obtained by maintaining a continuous flow of oil from the oil sump or
reservoir into a splash pan, which has a depression or a trough like arrangement under each connecting rod.
This pan receives its oil supply from the oil sump either by means of a gear pump or by gravity. A dipper is
provided at the lower end of the connecting rod. This dipper dips into to oil trough and splashes oil out of
the pan. The splashing action of oil maintains a fog or mist of oil that drenches the inner parts of the engine
such as bearings, cylinder walls, pistons, piston pins, timing gears etc.

Splash lubrication system

This system is usually used on single cylinder engine with closes crankcase. For effective functioning of
the engine, proper level of oil maintained in the oil pan.
Lubrication depends largely upon the size of oil holes and clearances. This system is very effective if the
oil is clean and undiluted. Its disadvantages are that lubrication is not very uniform and when the rings are
worn, the oil passes the piston into combustion chamber, causing carbon deposition, blue smoke and
spoiling the plugs. There is every possibility that oil may become very thin through crankcase dilution. The

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worn metal, dust and carbon may be collected in the oil chamber and be carried to different parts of the
engine, causing wear and tear.
In this system, the oil is pumped directly lo the crankshaft, connecting rod, piston pin, timing gears and
camshaft of the engine through suitable paths of oil. Usually the oil first enters the main gallery, which may
be a pipe or a channel in the crankcase casting. From this pipe, it goes to each of the main bearings through
holes. From main bearings, it goes to big end bearings of connecting rod through drilled holes in the
crankshaft. From there, it goes to lubricate the walls, pistons and rings. There is separate oil gallery to
lubricate timing gears. Lubricating oil pump is a positive displacement pump, usually gear type or vane'
type. The oil also goes to valve stem and rocker arm shaft under pressure through an oil gallery.

Forced feed lubrication system

The excess oil comes back from the cylinder head to the crankcase. The pump discharges oil into oil pipes,
oil galleries or ducts, leading different parts of the engine. This system is commonly used on high speed
multi-cylinder engine in tractors, trucks and automobiles.

COMBINATION OF SPLASH AND FORCED FEED SYSTEM In this system, the engine component,
which are subjected to very heavy load are lubricated under forced pressure, such as main bearing
connecting rod bearing and camshaft bearing. The rest of the parts like cylinder liners, cams, tappets etc are
lubricated by splashed oil.
Oil pump: Oil pump is usually a gear type pump, used to force oil into
the oil pipe. The pump is driven by the camshaft of t engine. The lower
end of the pump extends down into the crankcase which is covered with
a screen to check foreign particles. A portion of the oil forced to the oil
filter and the remaining oil goes to lubricate various par of the engine.
An oil pressure gauge fitted in the line, indicates the oil pressure in the
lubricating system. About 3 kg/sq cm (45 psi) pressure is developed in
the lubrication system of a tractor engine, [f the oil pressure gauge
indicates no pressure in the line, there is some defect in the system
which must be checked immediately. Lubricating oil pump is a positive
displacement pump.
OIL FILTER: Lubricating oil in an engine becomes contaminated with various materials such as dirt,
metal particles and carbon. Oil filler removes the dirty elements of the oil in an effective way. It is a type of

AG ENGG 243 lecture 7 7

strainer using cloth, paper, felt, wire screen or similar elements.
Some oil filter can be cleaned by washing, but in general old filters
are replaced by new filters at specified interval of time prescribed
by manufacturers. Wearing of parts, oil consumption and operating
cost of an engine can be considerably reduced by proper
maintenance of oil filters. Oil filters are of two types: (i) Full-flow
filter and (ii) By-pass filler.
(i) Full flow filter: In this filter the entire quantity of oil is forced
to circulate through it before it enters the engine. A spring loaded
valve is usually fitted in the filter as a protection device against oil
starvation in case of filter getting clogged. Filter element consists
of felt, cloth, paper and plastic. All these elements are replaceable
and should be changed after the recommended period.
(ii) By pass filter: In this type of filter, the supply lines are from
the pump and are connected to permit only a part of the oil.
Through the filter the balance oil reaches directly to the engine
parts. Over a period of operation, all the oil in the crankcase passes
through the filter.
Oil pressure gauge: Oil pressure gauge is used to indicate the oil pressure in the oil lines. It serves to warn
the operator of any irregularity in the system.
Crankcase breather: The engine crankcase is always fitted with some kind of breather, connecting the
space above the oil level with the outside atmosphere. The purpose of the breather is to prevent building up
pressure in the crankcase.
Relief valve: Relief valve is provided to control the quantity of oil circulation and to maintain correct
pressure in the lubricating system.
There are a few common troubles in lubrication system such as: (1) Excessive oil consumption (2) Low oil
pressure and (3) Excessive oil pressure-
Excessive oil consumption: When there is excessive oil consumption in the engine, the reasons arc : (a)
more oil goes to combustion chamber and gets burnt (b) some leakage occurs in some part of - the line and
(c) loss of oil in form of vapour through ventilating system. Oil can enter the combustion chamber through
rings and cylinder walls, worn piston rings and worn bearings.
Low oil pressure: Low oil pressure can result due to: (i) weak relief valve spring (ii) worn oil pump (iii)
cracked oil line (iv) obstruction in the oil lines (v) very thin oil and (vi) worn out bearings.
Care should be taken to remove these defects as far as possible to increase the oil pressure in the lubricating
system. Sometimes defective oil pressure indicator shows low oil pressure. This should be checked.
Excessive oil pressure: Excessive oil pressure may result due to : (i) stuck relief valve (ii) strong valve
spring (iii) clogged oil line and (iv) very heavy oil.
These defects should be removed to reduce the excessive oil pressure in the lubricating system. Sometimes
defective oil pressure indicator records high oil pressure. Care should be taken to check this defect.
The following are few suggestions for good lubrication system:
• A good design of oil circulation system should be chosen.
• Correct grade of lubricant ensures long and trouble free service.
• Oil should be maintained at desired level in the oil chamber.
• Oil should be cleaned regularly and after specified period of use, old filters should be replaced by
new filters.
• Connections, pipings, valves and pressure gauge should be checked regularly.
• Oil should be changed regularly after specified interval of time. Before putting the new oil, the
crankcase should be cleaned and flushed well with a flushing oil.
• Precautions should be taken to keep the oil free from dust and water.

AG ENGG 243 lecture 7 8

Transmission is a speed reducing mechanism, equipped with several gears (Fig. 1). It may be
called a sequence of gears and shafts, through which the engine power is transmitted to the
tractor wheels. The system consists of various devices that cause forward and backward
movement of tractor to suit different field condition. The complete path of power from the
engine to the wheels is called power train.

Fig 1 Power Transmission system of Tractor

Function of power transmission system:

(i) to transmit power from the engine to the rear wheels of the tractor, (ii) to make reduced
speed available, to rear wheels of the tractor, (ii) to alter the ratio of wheel speed and engine
speed in order to suit the field conditions and (iv) to transmit power through right angle drive,
because the crankshaft and rear axle are normally at right angles to each other.
The power transmission system consists of:
(a) Clutch (b) Transmission gears (c) Differential
(d) Final drive (e) Rear axle (f) Rear wheels.
Combination of all these components is responsible for transmission of power.
Clutch is a device, used to connect and disconnect the tractor engine from the transmission
gears and drive wheels. Clutch transmits power by means of friction between driving
members and driven members.
Necessity of clutch in a tractor:
Clutch in a tractor is essential for the following reasons: (i) Engine needs cranking by any
suitable device. For easy cranking, the engine is disconnected from the rest of the
transmission unit by a suitable clutch. After starting the engine, the clutch is engaged to
transmit power from the engine to the gearbox.
(ii) In order to change the gears, the gearbox must be kept free from the engine power,
otherwise the gear teeth will be damaged and engagement of gear will not be perfect. This
work is done by a clutch.
(iii) When the belt pulley of the tractor works in the field it needs to be stopped without
stopping the engine. This is done by a clutch.
Essential features of a good clutch:
(i) It should have good ability of taking load without dragging and chattering.
(ii) It should have higher capacity to transmit maximum power without slipping.
(iii) Friction surface should be highly resistant to heat effect.
(iv) The control by hand lever or pedal lever should be easy.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 8 1

(1) Friction clutch (2) Dog clutch (3) Fluid coupling.
FRICTION CLUTCH: Friction clutch produces
gripping action, by utilising the frictional force
between two surfaces. These surfaces are pressed
together to transmit power. While starting the
engine, the clutch pedal is depressed. After the start
of the engine, the clutch pedal is slowly released to
increase the pressure box for onward transmission
to the rear wheels. This pressure is obtained by a set
of heavy springs, fitted together in housing.
Engagement and disengagement of this type of
clutch is very smooth due lo larger surface area of Fig. 2 Single plate clutch
friction members.
Dog clutch: It is a simple clutch having square jaws, which are used to drive a shaft in either
direction. It is mostly used in power tillers.
Fluid coupling: Fluid coupling consists of a driving member
and a driven member. An impeller with radial- vanes
constitutes the driving member and runner with radial vanes
constitutes the driven member. The entire unit is housed in a
suitable casing. A coupler is mounted on the engine crankshaft
and is 3/4th filled with suitable oil. A spring loaded sealing
ring is provided to make the driven shaft oil tight. At the
rotation of the crankshaft, the oil is thrown out by centrifugal
force from the centre to the outer edge of the impeller,
increasing the velocity and the energy of the oil. It then enters
Fig 3 Fluid coupling
the runner vanes at the outer portion and flows towards the
centre, causing rotation to the runner unit. As long as impeller and runner rotate at different
speeds, the oil continues to circulate uniformly but when the impeller and runner start
running at same speed, the circulation of oil stops. The coupling does not increase the applied
torque but only transmits the torque in a uniform manner.
The main features of fluid coupling are: (i) Absorption of shock and vibration (ii) Smooth
starting and (ii) Easy operation.


A tractor engine runs at high speed, but the rear wheel of the tractor requires power at low
speed and high torque. That's why it becomes essential to reduce the engine speed and
increase the torque available at the rear wheels of the tractor because
Where T is torque in kg-m and N is rev/min.
If the engine hp is constant, it is obvious that for higher torque at wheels, low speed is
required and vice versa. So the gearbox is fitted between engine and rear wheel for variable
torque and speed. This is done by suitable design of gear and shafts (Fig. 4). Speed varies
according lo the field requirements and so a number of gear ratios are provided to suit the
varying conditions. Gears are usually made of alloy steel. As the tractor has to transmit
heavy torque all the time,-best quality lubricants free from sediments, grit, alkali and
moisture, is used for lubrication purpose. SAE 90 oil is generally recommended for gearbox.
Common gears used on tractors are of two types:

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 8 2

Fig 4 Transmission gears

(i) Selective sliding type (ii) Constant mesh type.

(i) Selective sliding type: The gear box consists of: (i) gear housing (ii) gear shifting lever
(iii) main shaft or input shaft (iv) output shaft and (v) lay shaft or countershaft.
A number of gears are mounted on these shafts (Fig. 5). The main shaft is directly connected
to the clutch and carries gears. The gears are liable to slide. The gears are shifted with the
help of shifting lever and shifting fork.

Fig 5 Sliding type gearbox for 4 speeds

The gears are shifted along the shaft, to which they are splined to engage with another gear as
and when desired to connect the power train. The gears are of different diameters having
different number of teeth. Speed is reduced in proportion to the number of teeth provided on
the gears.
(ii) Constant mesh type: These gears are always in mesh. Usually the gears arc helical in
shape. The transmission is put into operation by engagement of shifting couplings, which
slide along the splines on the countershaft and the output shaft of the gear box.
Differential: Differential unit is a special arrangement of gears to permit one of the rear
wheels of the tractor to rotate slower or faster than the other. While turning the tractor on a
curved path, the inner wheel has to travel lesser the tractor to move faster than the other at the
turning point. The output shaft coming from the gear box is provided with a bevel pinion at
the end of the shaft (Fig. 6). The bevel pinion is in mesh with a large bevel wheel known as
crown wheel. The main functions of crown wheel assembly are:
(i) to transmit power through right angle drive to suit the tractor wheels.
(ii) to reduce the speed of rotation.
The differential unit consists of: (i) differential casing (ii) differential pinion (iii) crown
wheel (iv) half shaft and (v) bevel gear.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 8 3

The differential casing is rigidly attached with the
crown wheel and moves like one unit. Two pinions
are provided inside the differential casing, such that
they are carried round by the crown wheel but they
are free to rotate also on their own shaft or stud.
There are two or more bevel gears in mesh with
differential pinion. One bevel pinion is at the end of
each half shaft, which goes to the tractor rear wheel.
Thus instead of crown wheel being keyed directly
to a solid shaft between the tractor wheels, the drive
is taken back from the indirect route through
differential casing, differential pinion and half shaft Fig. 6 Differential unit
of the tractor. When the tractor is moving in a
straight line, the differential pinion do not rotate on the stub shaft but are solid with the
differential casing. They drive the two bevel gears at the same speed and in the same
direction as the casing and the crown wheel.
Each differential pinion can move in two planes simultaneously. When it is carried round by
the casing, it drives the half-shaft in the same direction but when it is rotated on its own shaft,
it drives them in opposite direction i. e. rotation of differential pinion adds motion to one
shaft and subtracts motion from the other shaft.
Differential lock: Differential lock is a device to join both half axles of the tractor so that
even if one wheel is under less resistance, the tractor comes out from the mud etc as both
wheels move with the same speed and apply equal traction.
Final drive: Final drive is a gear reduction unit in the power trains between the differential
and the drive wheels. Final drive transmits the power finally to the rear axle and the wheels.
The tractor rear wheels are not directly attached to the half shafts but the drive is taken
through a pair of spur gears. Each half shaft terminates in a small gear, which meshes with a
large gear called bull gear. The bull gear is mounted on the shaft, carrying the tractor rear
wheel. The device for final speed reduction, suitable for tractor rear wheels is known as final
drive mechanism.
The system, governing the angular movement of front wheels of a tractor is called steering
system. This system steering wheel minimizes the efforts of the operator in turning the front
wheel with the application of leverages. The different components of the system are: (i)
steering wheel (ii) steering shaft (iii) steering gear (iv) pitman arm (drop arm) (v) drag link
(vi) steering arm (vii) tie rod and (viii) king pin.
When the operator turns the steering wheel, the motion is
transmitted through the steering shaft to the angular
motion of the pitman arm, through a set of gears. The
angular movement of the pitman arm is further
transmitted to the steering arm through the drag link and
tie rods. Steering arms are keyed to the respective king
pins which are integral part of the stub axle on which
wheels are mounted. The movement of the steering arm
affects the angular movement of the front wheel (Fig. 7).
In another design, instead of one pitman arm and drag
link, two pitman arms and drag links are used and the use
of tie rod is avoided to connect both steering arms.
Fig. 7 Steering system

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 8 4

Brake is used to stop or slow down the motion of a tractor. It is mounted on the driving axle
and operated by two independent pedals. Each pedal can be operated independently to assist
the turning of tractor during the fieldwork or locked together by means of a lock.
Principle of operation: Brake works on the principle of friction. When a moving clement is
brought into contact with a stationary element, the motion of the moving element is affected.
This is due to frictional force, which acts in opposite direction of the motion and converts the
kinetic energy into heat energy.
Classification of brake: Brake can be classified as: (1) Mechanical brake (a) Internal
expanding shoe type (b) External contracting shoe type and (c) Disc type and (2) Hydraulic
(a) Internal expanding shoe type: Two brake shoes made of frictional material fitted on the
inside of the brake drum are held away from the drum by means of springs. One end of each
shoe is fulcrumed whereas the other is free to move by the action of a cam, which in turn
applies force on the shoes. The movement of the cam is caused by the brake pedal through
the linkage. The drum is mounted on the rear axle whereas the shoe assembly is stationary
and mounted on the back plate.
(b) External contracting shoe type: This type of brake
system is normally available on crawler tractors. The drum
mounted on the drive axle is directly surrounded by the
brake band. When the pedal is depressed, the band tightens
the drum (Fig. 8).
(c) Disc brake: Two actuating discs have holes drilled in
each disc in which steel balls are placed. When the brake
pedal is depressed, the links help to move the two discs in
opposite directions. This brings the steel balls to shallow
part of the holes drilled in the disc. As a result, the two Fig. 8 External contracting brake shoe
discs are expanded and braking discs are pressed in
between the discs and the stationary housing. The braking discs are directly mounted on the
differential shaft which ultimately transfers the travelling effect to the differential shaft.
Hydraulic brake: Hydraulic brake system is based
on the principle of Pascal's law. The brake fluid
which is usually a mixture of glycerine and alcohol is
filled in the master cylinder (Fig. 9). When the pedal
is depressed, the piston of the master cylinder is
forced into the cylinder and the entire system turns to
a pressure system. Immediately, the piston of the
wheel cylinder slides outward which moves the brake
shoes to stop the rotating drum. When the pedal is
released, the return spring of the master cylinder Fig. 9 Hydraulic Brakes
moves the piston back to its original position, causing
a sudden pressure drop in the line. The retracting springs of the brake shoe bring them back to
their original position. Thus the piston of the wheel cylinder returns back.
It is a mechanism in a tractor to raise, hold or lower the mounted or semi-mounted
equipments by hydraulic means.
Working principle: The working principle of hydraulic system is based on Pascal's law.
This law states that the pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally in all
directions. Small force acting on small area can produce higher force on a surface of larger

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 8 5

A simple hydraulic system consists of a pump which
pumps oil to a hydraulic ram. This pump may be driven
from tractors transmission system or it may be mounted on
its engine. This system consists of a cylinder with a close
fitting piston like an engine cylinder. As the oil is pumped
into the closed end of the cylinder, the piston is forced
along with it. The movement of the piston is transmitted to
the lower links by means of a cross shaft and lift rods. A
control valve controls the flow of oil and directs it back to Fig 10 Pascal Law
the reservoir. It allows the oil in the cylinder to flow out
again when the links are to be lowered. It also traps the oil in the cylinder when the links are
to be held at any height.
The basic components are: (i) Hydraulic pump (ii) Hydraulic cylinder and piston (iii)
Hydraulic tank (iv) Control valve (v) Safety valve (vi) Hose pipe and fittings and (vii) Lifting
Operation: The hydraulic pump draws up oil from the oil reservoir and sends it to the control
valve under high pressure. From the control valve, the oil goes to the hydraulic cylinder to
operate the piston, which in turn, raises the lifting arms. The lifting arms are attached with
implements. The hydraulic pump is operated by suitable gears, connected with engine.
There are two types of arrangements for storing hydraulic oil in the system : (i) There is a
common oil reservoir for hydraulic system and the transmission system in some tractors, (ii)
There is a special tank for hydraulic oil. It is separate from' the transmission chamber.
Implements are needed to be hitched properly for efficient and safe operation of the tractor.
Implements can be; (i) Trailed (ii) Semi mounted and (iii) Mounted. Implements can be
hitched in two ways: (a) Drawbar hitch and (b) Three point linkage.
Drawbar hitch: Drawbar is a device by which the pulling power of the tractor is transmitted
to the trailing implements. It consists of a crossbar with suitable holes, attached to the lower
hitch links. It is fitted at the rear part of the tractor.
Three point linkage: It is a combination of three links, one is upper link and two are lower
links, the links articulated to the tractor and the implements at their ends in order to connect
the implement to the tractor.
Advantage of three point linkage ; (1) Easy control of working implements (2) Quick
setting of implements (3) Automatic hydraulic control of implements such as position
control, draft control etc. (4) Good balancing of attached implements.
It is a part of tractor transmission system. It consists of a shaft, a shield and a cover. The shaft
is externally splined to transmit torsional power to another machine. A rigid guard fitted on a
tractor covers the power take-off shaft as a safety device. This guard is called power take-off
shield. Agricultural machines are coupled with this shaft at the rear part of the tractor. As per
ASAE standard PTO speed is 540 ± 10 rpm when operating under load. In order to operate
1000 rpm PTO drive machine, a new standard has been developed.
All tractors are provided with a belt pulley. The function of the pulley is to transmit power
from the tractor to stationary machines by means of a belt. It is used to operate thresher,
centrifugal pumps, silage cutter and several other machines. The pulley is located either on
the left, right or rear side of the tractor. The pulley drive is engaged or disengaged from the
engine by means of a clutch. The pulley is generally made of cast iron.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 8 6


Tractor is a self-propelled power unit having wheels or tracks for operating agricultural implements
and machines including trailers. Tractor engine is used as a prime mover for active tools and
stationary farm machinery through power take-off shaft (PTO) or belt pulley.
Tractors can be classified into three classes on the basis of structural-design:
(i) Wheel tractor: Tractors, having three of four pneumatic wheels are called wheel tractors. Four-
wheel tractors are most popular everywhere.
(ii) Crawler tractor: This is also called track type tractor or chain type tractor. In such tractors,
there is endless chain or track in place of pneumatic wheels.
(iii) Walking tractor (Power tiller): Power tiller is a walking type tractor. This tractor is usually
fitted with two wheels only. The direction of travel and its controls for field operation is
performed by the operator, walking behind the tractor.
On the basis of purpose, wheeled tractor is classified into three groups:
(a) General purpose tractor: It is used for major farm operations; such as ploughing, harrowing,
sowing, harvesting and transporting work. Such tractors have (i) low ground clearance (ii) increased
engine power (iii) good adhesion and (iv) wide tyres.
(b) Row crop tractor: It is used for crop cultivation. Such tractor is provided with replaceable
driving wheels of different tread widths. It has high ground clearance to save damage of crops. Wide
wheel track can be adjusted to suit inter row distance.
(c) Special purpose tractor: It is used for definite jobs like cotton fields, marshy land, hillsides,
garden etc. Special designs are there for special purpose tractor.
A tractor is made of following main components:
(1) I. C. engine, (2) Clutch (3) Transmission gears (4) Differential unit (5) Final drive (6) Rear wheels
(7) Front wheels (8) Steering mechanism (9) Hydraulic control and hitch system (10) Brakes (11)
Power take-off unit (12) Tractor pulley and (13) Control panel.
Every tractor is fitted with an I. C. engine, the engine may be carburettor type or diesel type but
nowadays almost all the tractors are diesel tractors.
Selection of tractor depends upon following factors:
(1) Land holding: Under a single cropping pattern, it is normally recommended to consider 1 hp for
every 1 hectares of land, In other words, one tractor of 20-25 hp is suitable for 20 hectares farm.
(2) Cropping pattern: Generally less than 1.0 hectare/hp have been recommended where adequate
irrigation facilities are available and more than one crop is taken. So a 30-35 hp tractor is suitable for
25 hectares farm.
(3) Soil condition: A tractor with less wheel base, higher ground clearance and low overall weight
may work successfully in lighter soil but it will not be able to give sufficient depth in black cotton
(4) Climatic condition: For very hot zone and desert area, air cooled engines are preferred over
water-cooled engines. Similarly for higher altitude, air cooled engines are preferred because water is
liable to be frozen at higher altitude.
(5) Repairing facilities: It should be ensured that the tractor to be purchased has a dealer at near by
place with all the technical skills for repair and maintenance of machine.
(6) Running cost: Tractors with less specific fuel consumption should be preferred over others so that
running cost may be less.
(7) Initial cost and resale value: While keeping the resale value in mind, the initial cost should not

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 9 1

be very high; otherwise higher amount of interest will have to be paid.
(8) Test report: Test report of tractors released from farm machinery testing stations should be
consulted for guidance.

1. Front wheel
2. Fuel tank cap
3. Accelerator pedal
4. Brake pedal
5. Steering wheel
6. Hydraulic control lever
7. Turn signal lamp
8. Lift arm
9. Rear tire
10. Instrument panel
11. Clutch pedal
12. Step
13. Seat
14. Rear axle housing
15. Side clearance
16. Engine hood
17. Fan cover
18. Muffler
19. Fuel tank
20. Throttle lever
21. Main speed change lever
22. Fender

Fig. 1 Components of tractor


The control board of a tractor generally consists of:
(1) Main switch (2) Throttle lever (3) Decompression lever (4) Hour meter (5) Light switch (6) Horn
button (7) Battery charging indicator (8) Oil pressure indicator and (9) Water temperature gauge.
TYRES: The tyres are available in many sizes with the ply ratings as 4, 6 or 8. The ply rating of tyres
indicates the comparative strength of tyres. The higher the rating, the stronger are the tyres. The tyres
size 12—38 means, that the sectional diameter of tyres is 12" and it is mounted on a rim of 38"
diameter. The inflation pressure in the rear wheels of the tractor varies between 0.8 to 1.5 kg/cm2. The
inflation pressure of the front wheel varies from 1.5to2.5kg/ cm2. Useful life of the pneumatic tyres
under normal operating condition may be about 6000 working hours for drawbar work.
FRONT AXLE: Front axle is the unit on which front wheel is mounted. This wheel is an idler wheel
by which tractor is steered in various directions. The axle is a rigid tubular or I-section steel
construction pivoted at the centre. There are various adjustments of front wheel.
Hitching system of Tractor Drawn Implements
Tractor drawn implements possess higher working capacity and are operated at higher speeds.
These implements need more technical knowledge for operations and maintenance work. Tractor
drawn implements may be a) Trailed type b) Semi-mounted type and c) Mounted type.
a) Trailed type implement: It is one that is pulled and guided from single hitch point but its weight
is not supported by the tractor.
b) Semi-mounted type implement: This type of implement is one which is attached to the tractor
along a hinge axis and not at a single hitch point. It is controlled directly by tractor steering unit but its
weight is partly supported by the tractor.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 9 2

c) Mounted type implement: A mounted implement is one which is attached to the tractor, such
that it can be controlled directly by the tractor steering unit. The implement is carried fully by the
tractor when out of work.
Wheelbase: Wheel base is the horizontal distance between the front and rear wheels of a tractor,
measured at the ground contact.
Ground clearance: It is the height of the lowest point of die tractor from the ground surface, the
tractor being loaded to its maximum permissible weight.
Track: Track is the distance between the two wheels of the tractor on the same axle, measured at the
point of ground contact.
Turning space: It is the diameter of the smallest circle, described by the outermost point of the
tractor, while moving at a speed, not exceeding 2 km/hr with the steering wheels in full lock.
Cage wheel: It is a wheel or an attachment to a wheel with spaced cross bars for improving the
traction of the tractor in a wet field. It is generally used in paddy fields.

It is a prime mover in which the direction of travel and its control for field operation is performed by
the operator walking behind it. It is also known as hand tractor or walking type tractor. The concept
of power tiller came in the world in the year 1920. Japan is the first country to use power tiller on
large scale. In Japan, the first successful model of power tiller was designed in the year 1947.
Production of power tiller rapidly increased during the year 1950 to 1965. Power tiller was first
introduced in India in the year 1963.
Power tiller is a walking type tractor. The operator walks behind the power tiller, holding the two
handles of power tiller in his own hands. Power tiller may be called a single axle walking type tractor,
though a riding seat is provided in certain designs. Average size of holding in India is about 2.5

Power tiller
hectares. There are 89% of total land holdings of less than six hectares. Under such conditions, power
tiller may be useful as a power unit.
Components of power tiller: A power tiller consists of the following main parts:
(1) Engine (2) Transmission gears (3) Clutch (4) Brakes (5) Rotary unit.
All the power tillers are fitted with an I. C. engine. At present, most of the power tillers are fitted with
diesel engine. The makes like Kubota, Mitsubishi, and Sarachi have used diesel engine in India.
Operation: The main clutch is a lever on the handle. The lever can be shifted to on or off position
while operating in the field. When the lever is shifted to on position, the power from the engine is
transmitted through the main clutch to the various parts of the power tiller. When the lever is shifted
to off position the power from the engine is cut-off from the rest of the transmission.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 9 3

Power transmission in power tiller: For operation of power tiller, the power is obtained from the IC
Engine, fitted on the power tiller. The engine power goes to the main clutch with the help of belt or
chain. From main clutch, the power is divided in two routes, one goes to transmission gears, steering
clutch and then to the wheel. The other component goes to the tilling clutch and then to the tilling
The flow diagram for transmission of power is given below:

Transmission gear Steering clutch Wheels

Engine Main clutch
Tilling clutch Tilling attachment

V-belt is usually used to transmit power from the engine to the main clutch, because V-belt has very
high efficiency and it works as a shock absorber also.
Main clutch: Power goes from the engine to the main clutch. Clutch may be: (i) Friction clutch or (ii)
V-belt tension clutch.
Friction clutch is generally used for bigger power tiller. Usually it is a dry type multiple disc clutch.
V-belt tension clutch is used for small power tillers. The main functions of clutch in a power tiller are:
(i) to transmit engine power to transmission gears and
(ii) to make power transmission gradual and smooth.
Transmission gears: Transmission box consists of gears, shafts and bearings. The speed change
device may be; (a) gear type or (b) belt type.
Brakes: All power tillers have some braking arrangement for stopping the movement. Most of the
power tillers use inner side expansion type brake.
Wheels: Usually 2 to 4 ply pneumatic tyres are used in power tillers. The pressure of the tyre ranges
from 1.1 to 1.4 kg/cm2.
Rotary unit: Power tiller has a rotary unit for field operation.
Rotary unit is of two types: (a) Centre drive type and (b) Side drive type.
Centre drive type has got transmission at the centre and the side drive type has transmission at one
side. Centre drive type has the following characteristics: (a) Tilling width can be widened (b) Rotary
unit is light in weight (c) Fixing of attachment is easy (d) The tine shaft can be detached easily (e)
Mounting and dismounting of rotary unit is very easy (f) It may leave some portion of the field
untilled (g) It has one point support on the ground.
In side drive type ;-(i) Deeper tilling is possible (ii) The arrangement is useful for hard soil (iii) It has
two points support on the ground.
Rotary tines: Rotary tines are used in rotary unit for soil cutting and pulverisation purpose. Rotary
tines are of three types:
(i) Straight tines (ii) Curved tines and (iii) Sliding tines.
In case of straight tines : (a) Power consumption is less (b) Fine pulverisation of soil is possible (c)
Poor soil turning (d) Grass entangles in the tines very easily (e) It is suitable for hard soil.
In case of curved tines: (a) Good soil turning is possible (b) It is suitable for avoiding grasses (c)
Pulverisation of soil is coarse and (d) Power consumption is high.
Sliding tines have the characteristics of sliding on their positions according to the requirement.
Steering cutch lever: Steering clutch is provided on the grip of the right and left handles. When (he
left side is gripped, power is cut-off on left side of the wheel and the power tiller turns to the left.
Similarly when the right side is gripped, the power tiller turns to the right.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 9 4

Farm power, machinery and equipment are major cost items in agriculture. Larger
machines, new technology, higher prices for parts and new machinery, and higher energy
prices have caused machinery and power costs to rise in recent years. However, good
managers can control machinery and power costs per hectare. Making smart decisions
about how to acquire machinery, when to trade, and how much capacity to invest in can
reduce machinery costs by as much as Rs 10000 per hectare. All of these decisions
require accurate estimates of the costs of owning and operating farm machinery.
Machinery Costs
Farm machinery costs can be divided into two categories: (i) annual ownership costs i.e.
Fixed cost, which occur regardless of machine use, and (ii) operating costs, which vary
directly with the amount of machine use. The true value of some of these costs is not
known until the machine is sold or worn out. But the costs can be estimated by making a
few assumptions about machine life, annual use, and fuel and labour prices.
1. Ownership costs (also called fixed costs) include depreciation, interest
(opportunity cost), taxes, insurance, and housing facilities.
Depreciation is a cost resulting from wear, obsolescence, and age of a machine. The
degree of mechanical wear may cause the value of a particular machine to be
somewhat above or below the average value for similar machines when it is traded or
sold. The introduction of new technology or a major design change may make an older
machine suddenly obsolete, causing a sharp decline in its remaining value. But age
and accumulated hours of use usually are the most important factors in determining
the remaining value of a machine. Before an estimate of annual depreciation can be
calculated, an economic life for the machine and a salvage value at the end of the
economic life must be specified. The economic life of a machine is the number of
years for which costs are to be estimated. It often is less than the machine’s service
life because most farmers trade a machine for a different one before it is completely
worn out. A good rule of thumb is to use an economic life (Age) of 10 to 12 years for
most new farm machines and a 15-year life for tractors, unless it is known that the
machine will be traded sooner. Salvage value (SV) is 10 % purchase price (PP) of the
Depriciation =
If the operator borrows money to buy a machine, the lender will determine the interest
rate to charge. But if the farmer uses his or her own capital, the rate will depend on the
opportunity cost for that capital elsewhere in the farm business. If only part of the
money is borrowed, an average of the two rates should be used. For the example we
will assume an average interest rate (i) of 8-10 percent.
PP + SV i
Interest = x
2 100
Taxes and Insurance
This cost usually is much smaller than depreciation and interest, but they need to be
considered. A cost estimate equal to 1.0 percent of the purchase price often is used.
Providing shelter, tools, and maintenance equipment for machinery will result in fewer
repairs in the field and less deterioration of mechanical parts and appearance from
weathering. That should produce greater reliability in the field and a higher trade-in

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 10

value. An estimated charge of 1.0 percent of the purchase price is suggested for
housing costs.
Total Ownership Cost (Fixed Cost)
The estimated costs of depreciation, interest, taxes, insurance, and housing are added
together to find the total ownership cost.
If the tractor/Machinery is used 500 hours per year, the total ownership cost per hour
is: Ownership cost/use hours per year
2. Operating costs (also called variable costs) include repairs and maintenance,
fuel, lubrication, and operator labour.
Repairs and Maintenance
Repair costs occur because of routine maintenance, wear and tear, and accidents.
Repair costs for a particular type of machine vary widely from one geographic region
to another because of soil type, rocks, terrain, climate, and other conditions. Within a
local area, repair costs vary from farm to farm because of different management
policies and operator skill. The best data for estimating repair costs are the operator’s
own records of past repair expenses. Good records indicate whether a machine has had
above or below average repair costs and when major overhauls may be needed. They
also will provide information about the operator’s maintenance program and
mechanical ability. Without such data, repair costs must be estimated 5-8 percent of
purchase price of tractor/power tiller per year.
Fuel costs can be estimated by using average fuel consumption for field operations in
liters per hour. Those figures can be multiplied by the fuel cost per litre to calculate
the average fuel cost per hour/hectare.
Surveys indicate that total lubrication costs on most farms average about 15 percent of
fuel costs. Therefore, once the fuel cost per hour has been estimated, it can be
multiplied by 0.15 to estimate total lubrication costs.
Because different size machines require different quantities of labour to accomplish
such tasks as planting or harvesting, it is important to consider labour costs in
machinery analysis. Labour cost also is an important consideration in comparing
ownership to custom hiring. Actual hours of labour usually exceed field machine time
by 10 to 20 percent, because of travel time and the time required to lubricate and
service machines. Consequently, labour costs can be estimated by multiplying the
labour wage rate times 1.1 or 1.2. Using a labour value of Rs 50 per hour for our
tractor. Different wage rates can be used for operations requiring different levels of
operator skill.
Total Operating Cost
Repair, fuel, lubrication, and labor costs are added to calculate total operating cost.
Total Cost
After all costs have been estimated, the total ownership cost per hour can be added to the
operating cost per hour to calculate total cost per hour to own and operate the machine.
Implement Costs
Costs for implements or attachments that depend on tractor power are estimated in the
same way as for the example tractor, except that there are no fuel, lubrication, or labor
costs involved.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 10

Composition of Costs
An example problem will be used to illustrate the calculations. The example uses a 15
horse power diesel power tiller with a list price of Rs 150,000. An economic life of 10
years is assumed, and the tiller is expected to be used 500 hours per year.
• Salvage value (SV): 10%
• Interest rate : 10 %
• Insurance & taxes: 1% of PP
• Housing: 1 % of PP
• Fuel consumption: 1lit/hour
• Fuel Cost = Rs 50 per lit
• Lubrication cost: Rs150 per lit
• Lubrication consumption : 5% of fuel
• Repair and Maintenance : 5-8 %
• Labour : Rs 50 per hour

Solution: The total cost can be calculated as:

1. Fixed Cost:

a. PP − SV 150000 − 15000
Depriciation = =
Age 10
= Rs13500 per year

b. Interest = PP + SV x i 150000 + 15000 10

= x
2 100 2 100
= Rs 8250 per year
c. Insurance & Taxes = 1% of PP = 0.01 x 150000
= Rs 1500 per year
d. Housing = 1 % of PP = 0.01x 150000
= Rs 1500 per year

Total fixed cost= Rs 24750 per year

Total fixed cost per hour = Rs 49.5
2. Operating Cost

a. Repair & Maintenance = 5% of PP = 0.05x 150000

= Rs 7500 per year
Per hour cost = 7500/500 = Rs15.0
b. Fuel = 1x 50 = Rs 50 per hour
c. Lubrication = 1x 0.05 x 150 = Rs 7.5 per hour
d. Labour cost = Rs 50 per hour
Total operating cost= Rs 122.50
Total cost = 49.5 + 122.5 = 172.0

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 10

How much hours the machinery is to be used annually, which has to be calculated as

, / , /

= = Rs 89.18 hours/year

• Economics of farm Equipment

Annual use of Power tiller: > 600 hours

Profit to Entrepreneur/farmer
Annual Expenditure : 172 X 600 = 1,03,200
Annual Income : 400 X 600 = 2,40,000

Net annual income, Rs = 1,36,800

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 10

Tillage and its Implements
It is a mechanical manipulation of soil to provide favourable condition for crop production. Soil tillage
consists of breaking the compact surface of earth to a certain depth and to loosen the soil mass, so as to enable
the roots of the crops to penetrate and spread into the soil.

Objectives of Tillage
To obtain deep seed bed, suitable for different type of crops.
To add more humus and fertility to soil by covering the vegetation.
To destroy and prevent weeds.
To aerate the soil for proper growth of crops.
To increase water-absorbing capacity of the soil.
To destroy the insects, pests and their breeding places and
To reduce the soil erosion.

Classification of Tillage
Primary tillage
It constitutes the initial major soil working operation. It is normally designed to reduce soil strength,
cover plant materials and rearrange aggregates. The operations performed to open up any cultivable land with a
view to prepare a seed bed for growing crops is known as primary tillage. Animal drawn implements mostly
include indigenous plough and mould-board plough. Tractor drawn implements include mould-board plough,
disc plough, subsoil plough, chisel plough and other similar implements.
Secondary tillage
Tillage operations following primary tillage those are performed to create proper soil tilth for seeding
and planting are secondary tillage. These are lighter and finer operations, performed on the soil after primary
tillage operations. Secondary tillage consists of conditioning the soil to meet the different tillage objectives of
the farm. The implements include different types of harrow, cultivators, levellers, clod crushers etc.
Types of Tillage
Minimum Tillage - It is the minimum soil manipulation necessary to meet tillage requirements for crop
Strip Tillage - It is a tillage system in which only isolated bands of soil are tilled.
Rotary Tillage -It is the tillage operations employing rotary action to cut, break and mix the soil.
Mulch Tillage -It is the preparations of soil in such a way that plant residues or other mulching materials are
specially left on or near the surface.
Combined Tillage -Operations simultaneously utilizing two or more different types of tillage tools or
implements to simplify, control or reduce the number of operations over a field are called combined tillage.
Difference between tools/Implements/Machines
Tool - It is an individual working element such as disc or shovel.
Implement - It is equipment generally having no driven moving parts, such as harrow or having only simple
mechanism such as plough.
Machine -It is a combination of rigid or resistant bodies having definite motions and capable of performing
useful work.
Implements for Primary Tillage
Plough - Ploughing is the primary tillage operations, which are performed to cut, break and invert the soil
partially or completely. Ploughing essentially means opening the upper crust of the soil, breaking the clods and
making the soil suitable for sowing seeds.
Country or Indigenous plough:
It penetrates into the soil and breaks it open. The functional components include share, body, shoe,
handle and beam (Fig.1). It can be used for dry land, garden land and wetland ploughing operations.
Share - It is the working part of the plough attached to the shoe with which it penetrates into the soil and breaks
it open.
Shoe - It supports and stabilizes the plough at the required depth.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 11 1

Body - It is main part of the plough to which the shoe, beam and handle are generally attached. In country
plough body and shoe are integral part.
Beam - It is generally a long wooden piece, which
connects the main body of the plough to the yoke.
Handle - A wooden piece vertically attached to the
body to enable the operator to control the plough.
Operational adjustments
a. Lowering or raising the beam with respect to
the plough body, resulting in a change in the
angle of the share with the horizontal plane to
increase or decrease the depth of operation.
b. Changing the length of the beam (body to yoke
on the beam) to increase or decrease the depth of
c. The size of the plough is represented by the Fig.1. Country plough
width of the body.
Mould board plough:
Function: 1) cutting the furrow slice 2) lifting the soil 3) turning the furrow slice and 4) pulverising the soil.
M.B. plough consists of (Fig.2 ) Share, Mould board, Land side, Frog and Tail piece.
Share - It penetrates into the soil and makes a horizontal
cut below the soil surface. It is a sharp, well polished and
pointed component. The shares are made of chilled cast
iron or steel. The steel mainly contains about 0.70 to
0.80% carbon and about 0.50 to 0.80% manganese besides
other minor elements.
Mouldboard - The mouldboard is that part of the plough
which receives the furrow slice from the share. If lifts,
turns and breaks the furrow slice. To suit different soil
conditions and crop requirements, mouldboard has been
designed in different shapes. The mouldboard is of
following types: a) General purpose b) Stubble c) Sod or Fig.2. Components of Mould Board plough
Breaker and d) Slat.
i) General purpose - It is a mouldboard having medium curvature lying between stubble and sod. The sloping
of the surface is gradual. It turns the well defined furrow slice and pulverises the soil thoroughly. It has a fairly
long mouldboard with a gradual twist, the surface being slightly convex.
ii) Stubble type -It is short but broader mouldboard with a relatively abrupt curvature which lifts breaks and
turns the furrow slice used in stubble soils. Its curvature is not gradual but it is abrupt along the top edge. This
causes the furrow slice to be thrown off quickly,
pulverising it much better than other types of
mouldboard. This is best suited to work in stubble soil
that is under cultivation for years together. Stubble soil
is that soil in which stubble of the plants from the
previous crop is still left on the land at the time of
iii) Sod or Breaker type - It is a long mouldboard with
gentle curvature which lifts and inverts the unbroken
furrow slice. It is used in tough soil of grasses. It turns
over thickly covered soil. This is very useful where
complete inversion of soil is required by the farmer. Fig.3. Types of mould board

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 11 2

iv) Slat type - It is a mouldboard whose surface is made of slats placed along the length of the mouldboard, so that
there are gaps between the slats. This type of mouldboard is often used, where the soil is sticky, because the solid
mouldboard does not scour well in sticky soils.
C) Land side - It is the flat plate which bears against and transmits lateral thrust of the plough bottom to the
furrow wall. It helps to resist the side pressure exerted by the furrow slice on the mouldboard. It also helps in
stabilizing the plough while it is in operations.
D) Frog -Frog is that part of the plough bottom to which the other components of the plough bottom are
attached. It is an irregular piece of metal. It may be made of cast iron for cast iron ploughs or it may be welded
steel for steel ploughs.
E) Tail piece - It is an important extension of mouldboard which helps in turning a furrow slice.

Plough accessories
There are a few accessories necessary for plough such as (i) Jointer (ii) Coulter (iii) Gauge wheel (iv)
Land wheel and (v) Furrow wheel.
Jointer - It is a small irregular piece of metal having a shape similar to an ordinary plough bottom. It looks like
a miniature plough. Its purpose is to turn over a small ribbon like furrow slice directly in front of the main
plough bottom. This small furrow slice is cut from the left and upper side of the main furrow slice and is
inverted so that all trashes on the top of the soil are completely turned down and buried under the right hand
corner of the furrow.
Coulter- It is a device used to cut the furrow slice vertically from the land ahead of the plough bottom. It cuts
the furrow slice from the land and leaves a clear wall. It also cuts trashes which are covered under the soil by the
plough. The coulter may be (a) Rolling type disc coulter or (b) Sliding type knife coulter.
Gauge wheel- It is an auxiliary wheel of an implement to maintain uniform depth of working. Gauge wheel
helps to maintain uniformity in respect of depth of ploughing in different soil conditions. It is usually placed in
hanging position.
Land wheel - It is the wheel of the plough, which runs on the ploughed land.
Front furrow wheel - It is the front wheel of the plough, which runs in the furrow.
Rear furrow wheel - It is the rear wheel of the plough, which runs in the furrow.
Adjustment of mouldboard plough
Vertical suction (Vertical clearance)
It is the maximum clearance under the land side and the horizontal surface when the plough is resting
on a horizontal surface in the working position. It is the vertical distance from the ground, measured at the
joining point of share and land side. (Fig.4). It helps the plough to penetrate into the soil to a proper depth. This
clearance varies according to the size of the plough.

Fig.4. Vertical and horizontal suction

Horizontal suction (Horizontal clearance)

It is the maximum clearance between the land side and a horizontal plant touching point of share at its
gunnel side and heal of land side (Fig. 4). This suction helps the plough to cut the proper width of furrow slice.
This clearance varies according to the size of the plough. It is also known as side clearance.
Throat clearance
It is the perpendicular distance between point of share and lower position of the beam of the plough.
Plough size
The size of the mouldboard plough is expressed by width of cut of the soil.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 11 3

Disc Plough: It is a plough, which cuts, turns and in some cases breaks furrow slices by means of separately
mounted large steel discs. A disc plough is designed with a view of reduce friction by making a rolling plough
bottom instead of sliding plough bottom. A disc plough works well in the conditions where mould board plough
does not work satisfactorily.
dvantages of disc plough
♦ A disc plough can be forced to penetrate into the soil which is too hard and dry for working with a mould
board plough.
♦ It works well in sticky soil in which a mould board plough does not scour.
♦ It is more useful for deep ploughing.
♦ It can be used safely in stony and stumpy soil without much danger of breakage.
♦ A disc plough works well even after a considerable part of the disc is worn off in abrasive soil.
♦ It works in loose soil also (such as peat) without much clogging.
Disadvantages of disc plough
♦ It is not suitable for covering surface trash and weeds as effectively as mouldboard plough does.
♦ Comparatively, the disc plough leaves the soil in rough and more cloddy condition than that of mouldboard
♦ Disc plough is much heavier than mouldboard plough for equal capacities because penetration of this
plough is affected largely by its weight rather than suction. There is one significant difference between
mouldboard plough and disc plough i.e. mouldboard plough is forced into the ground by the suction of the
plough, while the disc plough is forced into the ground by its own weight.
Types of Disc Plough
Disc ploughs are of two types (i) Standard disc plough and (ii) Vertical disc plough.
(i) Standard disc plough
It consists of steel disc of 60 to 90 cm diameter, set at a certain angle to the direction of travel. Each
disc revolves on a stub axle in a thrust bearing, carried at the lower end of a strong stand which is bolted to the
plough beam. The angle of the disc to the vertical and to the furrow wall is adjustable. In action, the disc cuts the
soil, breaks it and pushes it sideways. There is little inversion of furrow slice as well as little burying of weeds
and trashes. The disc plough may be mounted type or trailed type. In mounted disc plough, the side thrust is
taken by the wheels of the tractor. Disc is made of heat treated steel of 5 mm to 10 mm thickness. The amount of
concavity varies with the diameter of the disc. The approximate values being 8 cm for 60 cm diameter disc and
16 cm for 95 cm diameter. A few important terms connected with disc plough is explained below

Fig.5. Standard disc plough

Disc - It is a circular, concave revolving steel plate used for cutting and inverting the soil.
Disc angle - It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is inclined to the direction of travel.
Usually the disc angle of good plough varies between 42° to 45°.
Tilt angle - It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is inclined to a vertical line. The tilt
angle varies from 15° to 25° for a good plough.
Scraper - It is a device to remove soil that tend to stick to the working surface of a disc.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 11 4

Fig.6. Angles of disc plough

Concavity - It is the depth measured at the centre of the disc by placing its concave side on a flat surface.
(ii) Vertical Disc Plough
It is the plough which combines the principle of regular disc plough and disc harrow and is used for shallow
working in the soil.
Draft of disc plough
The disc plough is lighter in draft than the mouldboard plough, turning same volume of soil in similar
conditions. In very hard soil, some extra weight is added to the wheel which increases the draft.

Rotary tiller
The rotary cultivator is widely considered to be the most important tool as it provides fine degree of
pulverization enabling the necessary rapid and intimate mixing of soil besides reduction in traction demanded by
the tractor driving wheels due to the ability of the soil working blades to provide some forward thrust to the
cultivating outfit. Rotary tiller is directly mounted to the tractor with the help of three point linkage. The power
is transmitted from the tractor PTO (Power Take Off) shaft to a bevel gear box mounted on the top of the unit,
through telescopic shaft and universal joint. From the bevel gear box the drive is further transmitted to a power
shaft, chain and sprocket transmission system to the rotor. The tynes are fixed to the rotor and the rotor with
tynes revolves in the same direction as the tractor wheels. The number of tynes varies from 28 - 54. A levelling
board is attached to the rear side of the unit for levelling the tilled soil. A depth control lever with depth wheel
provided on either side of the unit ensures proper depth control. The following types of blades are used with the
i. 'L' type blade - Works well in trashy conditions, they are more effective in cutting weeds and they
do not pulverize the soil much.
ii. Twisted blade - Suitable for deep tillage in relatively clean ground, but clogging and wrapping of
trashes on the tynes and shafts.
iii. Straight blade - Employed on mulchers designed mainly for secondary tillage.

Chisel plough
Chisel ploughs are used to break through and shatter compacted or otherwise impermeable soil layers.
Deep tillage shatters compacted sub soil layers and aids in better infiltration and storage of rainwater in the crop
root zone. The improved soil structure also results in better development of root system and the yield of crops
and their drought tolerance is also improved. The functional component of the unit include reversible share, tyne
(chisel), beam, cross shaft and top link connection.
Sub-Soil plough
The function of the sub-soiler is to penetrate deeper than the conventional cultivation machinery and
break up the layers of the soil, which have become compacted due to the movement of heavy machinery or as a
result of continuous ploughing at a constant depth. These compacted areas prevent the natural drainage of the
soil and also inhibit the passage of air and nutrients through the soil structure. The sub-soiler consists of heavier
tyne than the chisel plough to break through impervious layer shattering the sub-soil to a depth of 45 to 75 cm
and requires 60 to 100 hp to operate it. The advantages are same as that of chisel plough.
Ploughing System
Normal Ploughing: It is the ploughing up to a depth of about 15 cm.
Contour Ploughing: It is the method of ploughing in which the soil broken and turned along the contours.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 11 5

Ploughing of Land
The ploughing of land separates the top layer of soil into furrow slices. The furrows are turned
sideways and inverted to a varying degree, depending upon the type of plough being used. It is a primary tillage
operation, which is performed to shatter soil uniformly with partial or complete soil inversion. There are a few
important terms frequently used in connection with ploughing of land.

Fig.7. Plough furrow

(i) Furrow -It is a trench formed by an implement in the soil during the field operation (Fig.7 a).
(ii) Furrow slice - The mass of soil cut, lifted and thrown to one side is called furrow slice.
(iii) Furrow wall - It is an undisturbed soil surface by the side of a furrow.
(iv) Crown - The top portion of the turned furrow slice is called crown.
(v) Back furrow - A raised ridge left at the centre of the strip of land when ploughing is started from centre to
side is called back furrow. When the ploughing is started in the middle of a field, furrow is collected across the
field and while returning trip another furrow slice is lapped over the first furrow. This is the raised ridge which
is named as back furrow (Fig.7b ).
(vi) Dead furrow - An open trench left in between two adjacent strips of land after finishing the ploughing is
called dead furrow (Fig.7c).
(vii) Head land - While ploughing with a tractor to turn, a strip of un ploughed land is left at each end of the
field for the tractor to turn, that is called head land. At the end of each trop, the plough is lifted until the tractor
and the plough have turned and are in position to start the return trip. The head land is about 6 metres for two or
three bottom tractor plough and one metre more for each additional furrow.
Methods of ploughing
In order to provide furrows at all times on the right hand side of the plough two method of working are
used a) Gathering b) Casting.

Fig 8 a. Gathering b. Casting

a) Gathering - Whenever a plough works round a strip of ploughed land, it is said to be gathering.
b) Casting - Whenever a plough works round a strip of unploughed land, it is said to be casting.
Ploughing of a field by casting or gathering alone is normally uneconomical. The following are a few
important methods used in tractor ploughing.
i) Continuous ploughing method and ii) Round and round ploughing

Terminology of plough
Centre of power
It is the true point of hitch of a tractor.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 11 6

Centre of resistance
It is the point at which the resultant of all the horizontal and vertical forces act. The centre lies at a
distance equal to 3/4th size of the plough from the share wing.
Line of pull
It is an imaginary straight line passing from the centre of resistance through the clevis to the centre of
pull (power).
It is the total force required to pull an implement.
It is the horizontal component of the pull, parallel to the line of motion.
D = P cos θ where D is draft (kgf) and P = pull in (kgf)
θ = angle between line of pull and horizontal.
Draft (kgf ) XSpeed (m / s)
HP =
Draft depends upon 1) sharpness of cutting edge 2) working speed 3) working width 4) working depth
5) type of implement 6) soil condition and 7) attachments.

Side draft
It is the horizontal component of the pull perpendicular to the direction of motion. This is developed if
the centre of resistance is not directly behind the centre of pull.
Unit draft
It is the draft per unit cross sectional area of the furrow.
Theoretical field capacity
It is the rate of field coverage of the implement, based on 100 per cent of time at the rated speed and
covering 100 per cent of its rated width.
TFC , ha / h =
Effective field capacity
It is the actual area covered by the implement based on its total time consumed and its width.

C = effective field capacity, hectare per h.
S = speed of travel in km per hour.
W = theoretical width of cut of the machine in metre, and
E = field efficiency in percent.
Field efficiency
It is the ratio of effective field capacity and theoretical field capacity expressed in percent.

Soil Inversion

Soil pulverization
It is the quality of work in terms of soil aggregates and clod size. This is measured by cone

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 11 7


Tillage operations following primary tillage which are performed to create proper soil
tilth for seeding and planting are secondary tillage. These are lighter and finer operations,
performed on the soil after primary tillage operations. Secondary tillage consists of
conditioning the soil to meet the different tillage objectives of the farm. These operations
consume less power per unit area compared to primary tillage operations. Secondary tillage
implements may be tractor drawn or bullock drawn implements.
1. Harrow
Harrow is a secondary tillage implement that cuts the soil to a shallow depth for
smoothening and pulverizing the soil as well as to cut the weeds and to mix the materials
with the soil. There are several types of harrow used in India such as disc harrow, spike tooth
harrow, spring tooth harrow, acme harrow, patela, triangular harrow, bade harrow, guntaka
and reciprocating power harrow.
1.1. Disc harrow
It is a harrow, which performs the harrowing operation by means of a set, or a
number of sets of rotating slat discs, each set being mounted on a common shaft. Disc harrow
is found very suitable for hard ground, full of stalks and grasses. It cuts the lumps of soil,
clods and roots. Disc are mounted on one, two or more axles which may be set at a variable
angle to the line of motion. As the harrow is pulled ahead, the discs rotate on the ground.
Depending upon the disc arrangements, disc harrows are divided into two classes a) Single
action and b) Double action.
Single action disc harrow
It is a harrow with two gangs placed end to end, which throw the soil in opposite
directions. The discs are arranged in such a way that right side gang throws the soil towards
right, and left side gang throws the soil towards left (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Types of disc harrow

Double action disc harrow
A disc harrow consisting of two or more gangs, in which a set of one or two gangs
follow behind the set of the other one or two, arranged in such a way that the front and back
gangs throw the soil in opposite directions. (Fig.1). Thus the entire field is worked twice in
each trip. It may be of two types a) Tandem and b) Off-set.
a) Tandem disc harrow - It is a disc harrow comprising of four gangs in which each gang
can be angled in opposite direction (Fig.2).

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 12 1

b) Off-set disc harrow- It is a disc harrow with two gangs in tandem, capable of being off-
set to either side of the centre line of pull. Two gangs are fitted one behind the other. the soil
is thrown in both directions because discs of both gangs face in opposite directions. (Fig.3).

Fig.2. Tandem disc harrow Fig.3. Offset disc harrow

A disc harrow mainly consists of disc, gang, gang bolt, gang central lever, spool or
arbor bolt or spacer, bearings, transport wheels, scraper and weight box.
i. Disc: It is a circular concave revolving steel plate used for cutting a inverting the soil.
Disc is made of high glass heat-treated hardened steel. Tractor drawn disc harrows have
concave discs of size varying from 35-70 cm diameter. Concavity of the disc affects
penetration and pulverization of soil. Usually two types of disc are used in disc harrows, plain
disc and cut away disc.
ii. Gang: Each set of discs that are mounted on a common shaft is called the gang.
iii. Gang bolt or arbor bolt: It is a long heavy of square headed bolt from the other end,
a set of discs are mounted on the gang bolt. The spacing between the discs on the gang bolt
ranges from 15 to 25 cm for light duty and 25 to 30 cm for heavy-duty harrows.
iv. Gang control lever: A lever, which operates the gang mechanisms of the disc
harrow, is called the gang control lever.
v. Spool or spacer: The flanked tube, mounted on the gang bolt between every two
discs to prevent the lateral movement of the disc on the shaft is called the “spool’ or `spacer’.
vi. Bearing: Bearing is essential to counter act the end thrust of the gang due to soil
thrust. The harrow bearings are subjected to heavy radial and thrust roods chilled cast iron
bearings are used to heavy radial and thrust loads and they are also used due to their
vii. Transport wheel: In trailing type disc harrow, the transport wheels are provided for
transport work on roads and for preventing the edges of the discs from damage. Mounted
type disc harrows do not require wheels for transport work.
viii. Scraper: It prevents disc from clogging. It removes the soil that may stick to the
concave side of the disc.
ix. Weight box: A box like frame is provided on the main frame of the harrow for
putting additional weight on the implement. Additional weight helps in increasing the
penetration of the disc in the soil.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 12 2

A sharp edged disc has more effective penetration compared to blunt edged disc. It is
observed that penetration is better in low speed than in high speed. The following are a few
adjustments for obtaining higher penetration
i. By increasing the disc angle
ii. By adding additional weight in harrow
iii. By lowering the hitch point
iv. By using the sharp edged discs of small diameter and losses concavity
v. By regulating the optimum speed.
1.2. Spike tooth harrow
It is a harrow with peg shaped teeth of diamond cross section to a rectangular frame.
It is used to break the clod, stir the soil, uproot the weeds, level the ground, break the soil and
cover the seeds. Its principle is to smoothen and level the soil directly after ploughing. Spike
tooth harrows may be of rigid type and flexible type. Tractor drawn harrows are usually
flexible type. It has got the advantage of being turned up for transporting purpose (Fig.4.)
This harrow mainly consists of teeth, tooth bar frame, clamps, guard, braces, levers and
1.3 Spring tooth harrow
It is a harrow with tough flexible teeth, suitable to work in hard and stony soils.
Spring tooth harrow is fitted with springs having loops of elliptical shape. It gives a spring
action in working condition. It is used in the soil when obstruction like stone, roots and weeds
are hidden below the ground surface. This type pulverizes the soil and helps in killing weeds.
The levers are provided for setting the teeth for varying the depth of harrowing (Fig.5). For
light harrowing, the adjustment is done in slanting position. Draft hooks on each corner of
every section for hitching purpose.

Fig.4. Spike tooth harrow Fig.5. Spring tooth harrow

1.4. Acme harrow

It is a special type of harrow having curved knives. It is also called as knife harrow.
The front part of the knife breaks the soil and crushes the clods (Fig.6). This harrow obtains a
good pulverization. It is good for mulching also.
1.5. Patela
It is a wooden plank used for smoothening the soil and crushing the weeds. It is also
used for breaking clods, packing and levelling the ploughed soil and to remove the weeds. It
is made of a wooden plank with a number of curved steel hooks bolted to a steel angle

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 12 3

section, which are fixed or hinged to the rear side of the plank (Fig.7). The cutting edge levels
and packs the soil and the curved hooks uproot and collect the weeds.

Fig.6. Acme harrow Fig. 7. Patela

1.6. Triangular harrow

It is a spike tooth harrow with triangular frame (Fig.8). The frame is made of wood
and pointed spikes are fitted in the frame. The teeth of the spikes are fixed and not adjustable.
1.7. Blade harrow (Bakhar)
It is an implement, which consists of one or more blades attached to the beam or
frame, used for shallow working of the soil (Fig.9) with minimum soil inversion. It is used to
prepare seedbeds mostly in clayey soils. It works like a sweep, which moves into top surface
of the soil without inverting the soil.

Fig. 8. Tri angular harrow Fig.9. Blade harrow

1.8. Guntaka
It is an important type of blade harrow. It is an implement, which consists of one or
more blades attached to a frame or beam. It is used for shallow working of the soil with
minimum soil inversion. It is mainly used to prepare the seed bed mostly in clay soils. The
function of Bakhar the same as that of the guntaka.
1.9. Reciprocating power harrow
It is a harrow fitted with rigid tynes driven by the power take off in a reciprocating,
transverse or rotary motion as the machine moves forward. The power tiller harrow is a rear
mounted reciprocatory comb type (fig.10). It has two horizontal oscillating arms having
staggered pegs in two rows at 200 mm spacing. Two sets of slider crank mechanisms provide
power from power tiller PTO through universal joint and bevel gear reduction box to the
arms. An eccentric embedded flywheel actuates the pitman. The two arms move in opposite
directions and hence the implement is dynamically balanced. The amplitude of vibration is

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 12 4

200 mm and the frequency of operation is 400 cycles per minute. A transport wheel provided
in the rear of the unit ensures depth control. The unit is attached to the power tiller through
the hitch point provided in front portion of the unit. The oscillating pegs breaks the clod,
pulverizes the soil to a fine tilth.

Fig.10. Reciprocating Harrow

2. Bund former
It is used for making bunds or ridges by collecting the soil. Bunds are required to
hold water in the soil, thereby one can conserve moisture and prevent run-off. The size of the
bund former is determined by measuring the maximum horizontal distance between the two
rear ends of the farming boards. Bund former consists of forming board, beam and handle

Fig. 11. Bund former

3. Ridger
It is an implement importantly used to form ridges required for sowing row crop seeds
and plants in well-tilled soil. The ridger is also used for forming field or channels, earthing
up and similar other operations. Ridger is also known as ridging plough and double mould
board plough. The ridger generally has ’V’ shaped or wedge shaped share fitted to the frog.
The nose or tip of share penetrates into the soil and breaks the earth. The mould boards lift,
invert and also cast aside the soil, forming deep channels and ridges of the required size. A
ridger consists of beam, clevis, frog, handle, mould boards, share and sliding share.
4. Puddler
Puddler is an implement for churning the soil with water. It is used to prepare paddy
fields with standing water after initial ploughing with country plough. It breaks up the clods
and churns the soil. The main purpose of puddling is to reduce leaching of water or decrease

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 12 5

percolation of water, to kill the weeds by decomposition and to facilitate transplantation of
paddy seedlings by making the soil softer. Puddling is done in standing water of 5-10 cm
depth. A common puddler has puddling units each having four straight blades or paddles or
fan type blades or squirrel type blade mounted on an axle. The axle with the puddling units is
fully mounted on two bearings fitted on a frame made of metal or wood. The weight of the
puddler is 30-40 kg. A puddler consists of a frame, puddling unit, axle, metal cross beam and
5. Leveller
Land levelling is expected to bring permanent improvement in the value of land.
Levelling work is carried out to modify the existing contours of land so as to achieve certain
objectives desired for efficient agricultural production system. These objectives include
(i) efficient application of irrigation water,
(ii) improved surface drainage,
(iii) minimum soil erosion
(iv) increased conservation of rain water specially on dry lands and
(v) provision of an adequate field size and even topography for efficient mechanisation.
It is an implement for inter cultivation with laterally adjustable tines or discs to work
between crop rows. The cultivator stirs the soil, and breaks the clods. The tines fitted on the
frame of the cultivator comb the soil deeply in the field. A cultivator performs functions
intermediate between those of plough and the harrow. Destruction of weeds is the primary
function of a cultivator. The following are a few important functions performed by a
1. Interculture the fields.
2. Destroy the weeds in the field.
3. Aerate the soil for proper growth of crops.
4. Conserve moisture by preparing mulch on the surface.
5. To sow seeds when it is provided with sowing attachments.
6. To prevent surface evaporation and encourage rapid infiltration of rain water
into the soil.
The cultivator can be 1) Disc cultivator, 2) Rotary cultivator, 3) Tine cultivator.
Disc cultivator : It is a cultivator fitted with discs.
Rotary cultivator : It is a cultivator with tines or blades mounted on a power driven
horizontal shaft.
Tine cultivator : It is a cultivator fitted with tines having shovels.
Tractor Drawn Cultivator
Trailed type cultivator
It consists of a main frame which carries a number of cross members to which tines
are fitted. At the forward end of the cultivator, there is a hitch arrangement for hitching
purpose. A pair of wheels are provided in the cultivator. The height of the hitch is adjusted so
that main frame remains horizontal over a range of depth setting. The tines in each row are
spaced widely to allow free passage of the soil and trash around them. The tines in
subsequent rows are staggered so that the implement can cover the entire width nicely.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 12 6

Mounted Cultivator
Tractors fitted with hydraulic lift operate the mounted type cultivators. A rectangular
frame of angle iron is mounted on three point hydraulic linkage of the tractor. The cross
members carry the tines in two staggered lines. Depending upon the type of soil and crop,
shovels are chosen for use on the cultivators. Usually tractor drawn cultivators are of two
types, depending upon the flexibility and rigidity of tines (i) Cultivator with spring loaded
tines (ii) Cultivator with rigid tynes.
Cultivator with spring loaded tines
A tine hinged to the frame and loaded with a spring so that it swings back when an
obstacle is encountered, is called spring loaded line. Each of the tine of this type of cultivator
is provided with two heavy coil springs (Fig. 12), pre-tensioned to ensure minimum
movement except when an obstacle is encountered. The springs operate, when the points
strike roots or large stones by allowing the tines to ride over the obstruction, thus preventing
damage. On passing over the obstruction, the tines are automatically reset and work continues
without interruption. The tines are made of high carbon steel and are held in proper alignment
on the main frame members. This type of cultivator is particularly recommended for soils
which are embedded with stones or stumps.

Fig. 12. Tractor drawn cultivator

Cultivator with rigid tines
Rigid tines of the cultivators are those tines which do not deflect during the work in
the field. The tynes are bolted between angle braces, fastened to the main bars by sturdy
clamps and bolts . Spacing of the tines is changed simply by slackening the bolts and sliding
the braces to the desired position. Since rigid tines are mounted on the front and rear tool
bars, the spacing between the tynes can be easily adjusted without getting the tines choked
with stubbles of the previous crop or weed growth. A pair of gauge wheel is used for
controlling the depth of operation.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 12 7


Seeding or sowing is an art of placing seeds in the soil to have good germination in the field. A perfect
seeding gives
a. Correct amount of seed per unit area.
b. Correct depth at which seed is placed in the soil.
c. Correct spacing between row-to-row and plant-to-plant.
Sowing methods
(i) Broadcasting
Broadcasting is the process of random scattering of seed on the surface of seedbeds. It can be done
manually or mechanically both. When broadcasting is done manually, uniformity of seed depends upon skill of
the man. Soon after broadcasting the seeds are covered by planking or some other devices. Usually higher seed
rate is obtained in this system. Mechanical broadcasters are used for large-scale work. This machine scatters the
seeds on the surface of the seedbed at controlled rates.
(ii) Dibbling
Dibbling is the process of placing and seeds in holes made in seedbed and covering them. In this
method, seeds are placed in holes make at definite depth at fixed spacing. The equipment used for dibbling is
called dibbler. It is a conical instrument used to make proper holes in the field. Small hand dibblers are made
with several conical projections made in a frame. This is very time consuming process, so it is not suitable for
small seeds. Mostly vegetables are sown in this way.
(iii) Drilling
Drilling consists of dropping the seeds in furrow lines in a continuous flow and covering them with
soil. Seed metering may be done either manually or mechanically. The number of rows planted may be one or
more. This method is very helpful in achieving proper depth, proper spacing and proper amount of seed to be
sown in the field. Drilling can be done by (1) Sowing behind the plough (2) Bullock drawn seed drills (3)
Tractor drawn seed drills.
(iv) Seed dropping behind the plough
It is very common method used in villages. It is used for seed like maize, gram, peas, wheat and barley.
A man drops seeds in the furrow behind the plough. Sowing behind the plough can be done by a device known
as malobansa. It consists of a bamboo tube provided with a funnel shaped mouth. One man drops the seeds
through the funnel and other man handles the plough and the bullocks. This is a slow and laborious method.
(v) Transplanting
Transplanting consists of preparing seedlings in nursery and then planting these seedlings in the
prepared field. It is commonly done for paddy, vegetable and flowers. It is very time consuming operation.
Equipment for placing plants in the soil is called transplanter.
(vi) Hill dropping
In this method, seeds are dropped at fixed spacing and not in a continuous stream. Thus the spacing
between plant to plant in a row is constant. In case of drills, the seeds are dropped in continuous stream and the
spacing between plant to plant in a row is not constant.
(vii) Check row planting
It is a method of planting, in which row-to-row and plant-to-plant distance is uniform. In this method,
seeds are planted precisely along straight parallel furrows. The rows are always in two perpendicular directions.
A machine used for check row planting is called check row planter.

Seed drill is a machine for placing the seeds in a continuous flow in furrows at uniform rate and at
controlled depth with or without the arrangement of covering them with soil.
Function of seed drill: Seed drill performs the following functions
i) To carry the seeds.
ii) To open furrow to an uniform depth
iii) To meter the seeds
iv) To place the seed in furrows in an acceptable pattern
v) To cover the seeds and compact the soil around the seed.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 13 1

Seed cum fertilizer drill
Seed drills, fitted with fertilizer dropping attachment, distribute the fertilizer uniformly on the ground.
It is called seed cum fertilizer drill. Such a drill has a large seed box which is dividend lengthwise into two
compartments, one for seed and another for fertilizers. Seed drill may be classified as (i) Bullock drawn (ii)
Tractor drawn.
A seed drill with mechanical seed metering device mainly consists of : (i) Frame (ii) Seed box (iii)
Seed metering mechanism (iv) Furrow openers (iv) Covering device (vi) Transport wheels.
Frame: The frame is usually made of angle iron with suitable braces and brackets. The frame is strong enough
to withstand all types of loads in working condition.
Seed box :It may be made of mild steel sheet or galvanized iron with a suitable cover. A small agitator is
sometimes provided to prevent clogging of seeds.
Covering device: It is a device to refill a furrow after the seed has been placed in it. Covering the seeds are
usually done by patta, chains, drags, packers, rollers or press wheels, designed in various sizes and shapes.
Transport wheel: There are two wheels fitted on the main axle. Some seed drills have got pneumatic wheels
also. The wheels have suitable attachments to transmit power to operate seed dropping mechanism.
The mechanism of a seed drill or fertilizer distributor which delivers seeds or fertilizers from the
hopper at selected rates is called seed metering mechanism. Seed metering mechanism may be of several types:
(a) Fluted feed type (b) Internal double run type (c) Cup feed type (d) Cell feed mechanism (e) Brush feed
mechanism (f) Auger feed mechanism (g) Picker wheel mechanism (h) Star wheel mechanism.
(a) Fluted feed type- It is a seed metering device with adjustable fluted roller to collect and deliver the seeds
into the seed tube. Fluted feed type mechanism consists of a fluted wheel, feed roller, feed cut-off and adjustable
gate for different sizes of grains. (Fig.1). The feed roller and the feed cut-off device are mounted a shaft, running
through the feed cups. The roller carries grooves throughout its periphery. It rotates with the axle over which it
is mounted throws the grains out on the adjustable gate from where it falls into the seed tube. The fluted rollers
which are mounted at the bottom of the seed box, receive seeds into longitudinal grooves and pass on to the seed
tube through the holes provided for this purpose. By shifting the fluted wheel side ways, the length of the
grooves exposed to the seed can be increased or decreased and hence the amount of seed is controlled.
(b) Internal double run type- It is a seed metering device in which the feed wheel is provided with fine and
coarse ribbed flanges. It consists of discs, mounted on a spindle and housed in a casing fitted below the seed box
(Fig. 2). It has double faced wheel. Internal double-run type roller one face has a larger opening for larger seeds
and the other face has smaller opening for smaller seeds. A gate is provided in the bottom-of the box to cover
the opening not in use. The rate of seeding is varied by adjusting the speed of the spindle which carries the discs.
(c) Cup feed mechanism- It is a mechanism consisting of cups or spoons on the periphery of a vertical rotating
disc which picks up the seeds from the hopper and delivers them into the seed tubes. It consists of a seed hopper
which has two parts. The upper one is called grain box and the lower one is called feed box. The seed delivery
mechanism consists of a spindle, carrying a number of discs with a ring of cups attached to the periphery of each
disc (Fig. 3). The spindle with its frame and attachment is called seed barrel. When the spindle rotates, one disc
with its set of cups rotates and picks up few seeds and drops them into small hoppers. The cups have two faces,
one for larger seeds and the rate at which the seed barrel revolves. This type of mechanism is common on
British seed drills.

Fig.1. Fluted roller type Fig.2. Internal double run Fig.3. Cup feed mechanism

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 13 2

(d) Cell feed mechanism - It is a mechanism in which seeds are collected and delivered by a series of equally
spaced cells on the periphery of a circular plate or wheel.
(e) Brush feed mechanism - It is a mechanism in which a rotating brush regulates the flow of seed from the
hopper. A number of bullock drawn planters in the country have Brush feed mechanism.
(f) Auger feed mechanism - It is a distributing mechanism, consisting of an auger which causes a substance to
flow evenly in the field, through an aperture at the base or on the side of the hopper. Many of the fertilizer drills
on the country have got Auger feed mechanism.
(g) Picker wheel mechanism - It is a mechanism in which a vertical plate is provided with radially projected
arms, which drop the large seeds like potato in furrows with the help of suitable jaws.
(h) Star wheel mechanism - It is a feed mechanism which consists of a toothed wheel, rotating in a horizontal
plane and conveying the fertilizer through a feed gate below the Star wheel.
The furrow openers are provided in a seed drill for opening a furrow. The seed tube conducts the seed
from the feed mechanism into the boot from where they fall into the furrows.
Different type of furrow openers are: (1) Shovel type (2) Shoe type (3) Disc Type (single disc, double disc).
(1) Shovel Type- Shovel type furrow opener are widely used in seed drills. There are three of shovels in use.
They are: (a) reversible shovel (b) single point shovel and (c) spear point shovel.
Shovel type openers are best suited for stony or root infested fields. These shovels are bolted to the flat
iron shanks at the point where boots are fitted which carry the end of the seed tubes. In order to prevent shock
loads due to obstructions, springs are provided. It is easy in construction, cheaper and easily repairable. It is very
common with usual seed drill.
(2) Shoe Type- It works well in trashy soils where the seed beds are not smoothly prepared. They are made
from two flat pieces of steel welded together to from a cutting edge. It is specially suited for black cotton soil.
Shoe is made of carbon steel having minimum carbon content of 0.5 per cent with a minimum thickness of 4
(3) Disc Type- They are two types: (a) Single disc type and (b) Double disc type.
Single disc type- It is furrow opener consisting of one concave disc. Disc type furrow openers are found
suitable where plant debris or trash mulches are used. Double disc type- In double disc type furrow opener there
are two flat discs, set at an angle to each other. It is suitable for trashy lands. Seed drills attached with tractors
having high speeds, usually use this type of furrow opener.
The furrow opener consists of: (1) tine (2) shovel (3) seed tube (4) boot for seed and fertilizer.
Shovel - It is made of carbon steel having carbon content of 0.5 per cent and a minimum thickness of 4.0 mm.
Seed tube - It is a tube which carries the seeds from the metering device to the boot. Seed tubes are provided at
the lowest lines through suitable boots and furrow openers. The minimum diameter of seed tube is 25 mm.
Boot - It is a part of the sowing machine which conveys the seeds or fertilizers from the delivery tube to the
furrow. It is bolted or welded to the tine.

Planter is normally used for those seeds which are larger in size and can not be used by usual seed drills. A
planter consists of: (i) hopper (ii) feed metering device (iii) knock out arrangement (iv) cut-off mechanism (v)
furrow opener and (vi) other accessories. A planter has seed hopper for each row.
Seed metering device in a planter: There are a number of seed metering devices in a planter but the most
common device consist of a rotating plate at the bottom of seed hoppers. In some planters, vertical rotors as
well as inclined rotors are also used. The most common is the horizontal seed plate used in planters. The
horizontal seed plates have got suitable notches or holes called cell. Depending upon the type of notches on the
plates, it is of three types. (i) Edge drop (ii) Flat drop (iii) Hill drop. The edge drop carries the seed on edge in
the cell of the plate. The flat drop carries the seed on a flat in the cell of the plate. In hill drop, the cells round
the edge of the plate are large enough to admit several seeds at a time. Planter is usually used for those seeds
which are required to be sown at equal intervals between plant to plant.
Manual Rice Planter
It is used for transplanting of paddy seedlings. The unit consists of skid frame, movable tray and seed picking
fingers. Mat type seedlings are placed on the inclined trays. When the fingers are pushed downward they pick

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 13 3

up the seedlings and place them in the ground. Seedlings are left on the ground during return stroke. The plant
to plant spacing can be controlled by the opener. It may be 5-6 rows with comb type finger. Its working
capacity may be 0.2 – 0.25 ha/8 hrs.
Rice Transplanter
The rice transplanter consists of (i) Air cooled gasoline engine (ii) Main clutch (iii) Running clutch (iv) Planting
clutch (v) Seeding table (vi) Float (vii) Starwheel (viii) Accelerator lever (ix) Ground wheel (x) Handle (xi)
Four bar linkage mechanism
Seedlings: Growing of seedlings for this transplanter is most technical and difficult work. Seedlings are grown
in special seedling trays. It is called mat seedling. Mat seedlings are grown by some standard procedure in
controlled environment in a nursery.
Operation: The seedlings are raised in special trays as mat seedlings. The mat seedlings are placed on the
seeding table of the transplanter in slanting position. When the engine is started, the running clutch and planting
clutch are operated. Four bar linkage mechanism is there to catch 3 or 4 seedlings at a time and to separate them
from the mat and fix in the puddled soil. A float is there to support the machine on the water while working in
the field. There are two ground wheels made of iron for facilitating the movement of the transplanter. There is
a marker also which demarcates the transplanting width while in operation.
Power from the engine goes to the main clutch from where it is divided into two routes, one goes to
planting clutch and the other goes to running clutch. Unless planting clutch is operated, the four bar linkage
mechanism does not work. The engine is of about 1.2 to 1.8 HP only. The machine maintains row to row
spacing of 28 cm to 30 cm and plant spacing of 14 cm to 16 cm only. The planting capacity of the machine is
about 0.05 to 0.1 hectare per hour.
Calibration of seed drill:
The procedure of testing the seed drill for correct seed rate is called calibration of seed drill. It is
necessary to calibrate the seed drill before putting it in actual use to find the desired seed rate. It is done to get
the pre determined seed rate of the machine. The following steps are followed for calibration of seed drill.
i. Determine the nominal width (W) of seed drill
W = M x S,
M = Number of furrow openers, and
S = Spacing between the openers, m
ii. Find the length of the strip (L) having nominal width (W) necessary to cover 1/25 ha (1/25 x10000
L = 400/W, meter
iii. Determine the number of revolutions (N) of the ground wheel of the seed drill required to cover the
length of the strip (L)
L = ΠxDxN = 400/W
N = 400/Π x D x W revolutions per minute
iv. Jack the seed drill so that the ground wheels turn freely. Make a mark on the drive wheel and a
corresponding mark at a convenient place on the body of the drill to help in counting the revolutions of
the ground wheel
v. Fill the selected seed in the seed hopper. Place a container under each boot for collecting the seeds
dropped from the hopper
vi. Set the seed rate control adjustment for maximum position and mark this position on the control for
vii. Engage the clutch and rotate the ground wheel for N = 400/Π x D x N, revolutions per minute
viii. Weigh the quantity of seed collected in the container and record the observation.
ix. Calculate the seed rate in kg/ha
x. If the calculated seed rate is higher or lower than the desired rate of selected crop, repeat the process
by adjusting the seed rate control adjustment till the desired seed rate is obtained.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 13 4

Weeds can compete with productive crops or pasture, or convert productive land into
unusable scrub. Weeds are also often poisonous, distasteful, produce burrs, thorns or
other damaging body parts or otherwise interfere with the use and management of
desirable plants by contaminating harvests or excluding livestock. They provide
competition for space, nutrients, water and light.
Dry land weeder
Dry land weeders with long handles are suitable for weeding in row crops in rain
fed and garden lands. The long handle eliminates the back strain and provides comfort to
the operator for continuous operation in standing posture. This is a long handled tool and
consists of 25 mm dia. 1200 mm long conduit pipe over which 520 mm long handle is
fitted (Fig.1). To the bottom of the vertical pipe frame, two arms made of 250 x 25 x 3
mm of MS plates are fitted. At the extreme end of the arm 120 mm dia star wheel is

Peg tooth type Star wheel type

Fig 1. Dry land weeder
The cutting blade is fitted to the bottom portion of the arm, and 200 mm to the back of
the star wheel. The star wheel facilitates easy movement of the tool. The cutting blade
cuts the weeds. The operating width of the blade is 120 mm. The star type is suitable for
operation in loamy and sandy soil. In the peg type the star wheel is replaced by pegs
facilitating easier operation in clay soil. The coverage of the weeder is 0.05 ha/day.
2. Cono weeder for paddy
It is useful for uprooting and burying weeds in between standing rows of rice crop
in wetlands. It disturbs the topsoil and increases the aeration. The unit consists of a long
handle made of mild steel tube. Two truncated rollers one behind other are fitted at the
bottom of the long handle (Fig.2). The conical rollers have serrated projections on the
periphery. A float provided in the front portion prevents the unit from sinking into, the

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 14 1

puddled soil. The cono weeder can also be used for trampling the green manure crop in
addition to weeding operation. They are more efficient than manual pulling of weeds.

Fig.2 Cono weeder

3. Engine operated weeder
A 3-hp petrol start kerosene run engine operates the weeder. The engine power is
transmitted to ground wheels through V belt-pulley and sprocket - chain mechanism. At
the back of the machine a replaceable sweep blade is fixed (Fig.3). Sweep blades of
different width can be fitted to the machine depending on the row to row spacing of the
crop. A tail wheel is provided at the rear to maintain the operating depth. The sweep
blade can be raised or lowered so as to have the desired operating depth. The cost of the
unit is Rs. 50,000/- and the field capacity is 0.75 ha per day. The salient features of the
unit are:

Fig.3 Engine operated weeder

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 14 2

• Useful for weeding between rows of crops like tapioca, cotton, sugarcane,
maize, tomato and pulses whose rows spacing is more than 45 cm
• Can also be used for weeding and intercultural operations in orchards, coconut
and areca nut plantations.
4. Sweep
It is an intercultural implement for removing shallow rooted weeds in between
rows. The sweep consists of V shaped shovels with bevel edged wings. The shovels are
held by the tynes fixed to a frame by means of counter sunk bolts and nuts. When the
sweep is used for secondary tillage, five or six tynes may be clamped with the shovels in
line having no gap in between them (Fig.4). By just skimming under the soil at a shallow
depth of 2 to 3 cm, the sweep breaks the capillary in the soil pores and provides soil
mulch. When the sweep is used for intercultural operations, the space between the
shovels is adjusted to suit the row spacing of the crop and with different sizes of blades.
The coverage is 1.75 to 2.5 ha/day. The salient features of the unit are:
∗ Suitable for all row crops and soils; provides soil mulch and conserves soil
∗ Suitable for inter cultural operations.

Fig.4. Sweep
5. Junior hoe
It is an interculture equipment used primarily for weeding in between the rows of
standing crops. It consists of reversible shovels with curved tynes attached to framework
with hinge arrangement. A handle and beam are fixed to the framework for guiding and
attaching the unit to the yoke. The spacing between the shovel can be adjusted according
to the row spacing of the crop. The coverage is 1.5 ha per day.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 14 3

Sprayer is a machine to apply fluids in the form of droplets. Sprayer is used for the
following purpose.
∗ Application of herbicides to remove weeds.
∗ Application of fungicides to minimize fungus diseases.
∗ Application of insecticides to control insect pests.
∗ Application of micro nutrients on the plants.
The main function of sprayer are
∗ To break the liquid droplets of effective size.
∗ To distribute them uniformly over the plants.
∗ To regulate the amount of liquid to avoid excessive application.


Components of a sprayer are as follows
(1) Nozzle body (2) Swirl plate (3) Filter
(4) Over-flow pipe (5) Relief valve (6) Pressure regulator
(7) Cut-off valve (8) Spray boom (9) Drop legs
(10) Nozzle boss (11) Nozzle disc (12) Nozzle cap
(13) Nozzle tip (14) Spray lance (15) Spray gun.

Fig.1. Sprayer components

Nozzle body - It is the main component on which other component of a nozzle fit (Fig. 1a).
Swirl plate - It is the part of a cone nozzle which imparts rotation to the liquid passing
through it (Fig. 1b).
Spray gun - It is a lance from which spray is readily adjustable during the operation.
Spray boom - It is a spray lance with spray nozzles fitted to a head, mounted at right angles
to the lance (Fig. 1d).
Filter - It is a component to remove suspended matter larger than a predetermined size from
Over-flow pipe - It is a conduit through which excess fluid from a pump is by-passed by the
action of a relief valve or pressure regulator.
Relief valve - It is an automatic device to control the pressure of fluid or gas within range a
predetermined value.
Pressure regulator - It is an automatic device to control the pressure of fluid or gas within a
range of settings.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 15
Cut-off valve - It is a mechanism between the pump and the nozzle to control the flow of
liquid from the sprayer. This is operated by hand.
Nozzle disc - It is component containing the final orifice of a nozzle usually a cone nozzle.
Nozzle boss - It is a lug on spray boom or spray lance to which a nozzle body or cap is
Nozzle tip - It is component containing the final orifice of a nozzle usually a fan nozzle.
Spray lance - A hand-held pipe through which the liquid reaches the nozzle mounted at the
free end.
(1) High volume spray (more than 400 litres spray/ha)
(2) Low volume spray (5 to 400 litres, per hectare)
(3) Ultra low volume (ULV) spray (less than 5 litres spray/ha).
High volume spray
The dilute liquids are applied by hydraulic machines. It consumers more time and
Low volume spray
It uses air steam from a fan as a pesticide carrier with small quantities of liquid. There
is saving of material spraying.
Ultra low volume sprayer
The sprayer has a motor powered by 6 to 12 volt battery and is attached with a
spinning disc, having grooves or teeth and rotates at a very high revolution per minute (4000-
9000). The spinning disc receives the concentrated chemical from a plastic container having a
capacity of 1 litre (approx). Average droplet size varies between 35-100 micron. It is used for
application of weedicide and for spraying small trees and crops.
The three common types of nozzle
(a) Hollow cone nozzle (b) Solid cone nozzle (c) Fan type nozzle.
(a) Hollow cone nozzle
This liquid is fed into a whirl chamber through a tangential entry or through a fixed
spiral passage to give a rotating motion. The liquid comes out in the form of a harrow conical
sheet which then breaks up into small drops.
(b) Solid cone nozzle
This nozzle covers the entire area at small range. The construction is similar to hollow
cone nozzle with the addition of an internal jet which strikes the rotating liquid just within the
orifice of discharge. The breaking of drop is mainly due to impact.
(c) Fan nozzle
It is a nozzle which forms narrow elliptical spray pattern. In this type the liquid is
forced to come out as a flat fan shaped sheet which is then broken into droplets. This nozzles
is mostly used for low pressure spraying.
Hand atomizer
This sprayer has a container of 0.5 to 3.5 litres capacity. The container has in side a built in
pump. While in other cases, the air pump is mounted externally. In both the cases, the air
pump outlet pipe is suspended in the container. The outer end of the pipe terminates in a
nozzle with 0.6 – 1.6 mm diameter orifice. The container is filled to approximately three-

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 15
fourth of its capacity and air is compressed on the remaining space by means of the pump.
Before use, the plunger type pump is worked to develop an air pressure of 0.15 – 0.35
kg/cm2. The spray comes out from the nozzle usually via. a suitable trigger control valve.
The application rate ranges from 18 to 45 litres per acre.
Hand compression sprayer: These sprayers are similar to the hand atomizer but are adopted
for spraying large quantities of liquids. They are more easily operated than the knapsack
sprayer. The typical hand compression sprayer comprises a tank for holding spray material
and compressed air, vertical air pump with a handle, filling port, spray lance with nozzle and
release and shut-off devices. Besides, it has a metal or plastic skirt which protects the bottom
of the tank of the sprayer against wear and makes the sprayer stable when placed on the
ground. It also serves as a base for the back- rest. In addition, it has adjustable straps. These
should be made of cotton belt, leather on plastic. As the spraying proceeds, the pumping is
required to maintain the normal pressure of 2.0 – 3.5 kg/cm2.
Knapsack hand compression sprayer
It has a flat or bean-shaped tank designed to fit comfortably on the back of the
operator. The capacity of the tank is 10-20 litres. It is generally, made of galvanized, iron,
brass or stainless steel. Recently, plastic material has also been used for the construction of
the spray tank. It is more expensive than the bucket pump, but is similar to its in principle.
In some cases, it is provided with a built-in double barrel spray pump of piston or diaphragm
type with a lever for operating. In other cases, the tank is provided with a single pump and
pressure having a plunger pump and mechanical agitator. Higher outputs are provided by the
plunger type pumps, than by the diaphragm pumps. However, the later type of pumps
requires comparatively less energy for operation and also less maintenance.
The pressure developed in these sprayers depends on the pump and varies from 3 to
12 kg/cm2 which is more than that developed in a hand compression sprayer. However, a
pressure of 3-4 kg/cm2 can be maintained in most cases without much effort. The sprayer can
be used for spraying row crops, vegetables and nursery stocks and shrubs and trees 2-2.5m
high. The coverage is 0.5-1.0 ha/day.
Rocker sprayer
This sprayer consists of pump assembly, platform with frame and fork, operating
lever, pressure chamber, suction hose with strainer, delivery hose, extension rod with spray
nozzles, etc. The rocking movement of the handle helps in building pressure in the pressure
chamber. There is no built in tank and separate spray tank is necessary. The sprayer builds up
a high pressure of 14-18 kg/cm2. In some it may be as much as 36 kg/cm2. It can therefore
be used for spraying the field crops. The sprayer is popular in some of the coconut and
arecanut areas. Long hose connections up to 30 m are made to one or two outlets.
Foot or pedal sprayer
The foot or pedal sprayers, as they are commonly called, consist of plunger assembly, stand,
suction hose, delivery hose, extension rod with a spray nozzle etc . One end of the suction
hose is fitted with strainer and the other with a flexible coupling. Similarly, the delivery hose
has one end fitted with a sheet off pistol and the other with a flexible coupling. Foot instead
of hand operates it, but the principle is the same as in case of the rocker sprayer. The pump is
fitted on iron stand and a pedal attached to the plunger rod operates the sprayer by its upward
and downward movement. This sprayer also does not have a built-in tank. Constant

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 15
pedalling is required for continuous spray. It develops a pressure of 17-21 kg/cm2. It is easy
to operate and can be used for spraying tall crops as well as fruit trees.
Motorized knapsack sprayer:
Knapsack motorized sprayer are the versatile and simple power operated machines.
The spray liquid is flown out by means of an air current generated in the machine. They
deliver 6.8 to 42.5 m3 (240 to 1500 ft3) of air per minute at a velocity of 200-420 km (125-
260 miles) per hour at the nozzle. The tank, which has a capacity of 10-12 lit, is mostly made
of high density polyethylene (Fig.2). Another small tank of 10-15 lit capacity is provided for
the fuel. They are light, weighing 12-20 kg including accessories. Generally, they are
powered by 1.2 – 3.0 hp petrol engines and the frame is provided with shock-proof cushion
which comfortably fix on the back of the operator to eliminate vibrations of the engine. The
delivery hoses are very small.
Some manufacturers also provide diffuser and deflector accessories with the delivery hose for
adjusting the swath according to requirements. It is advisable not to load the tank to its full
capacity. About half a litre space should be left to provide for air cushion. A part of the air
generated by the blower is directed into the tank to form air cushion over the liquid within the
tank. Liquid from the tank passed through a tube to the nozzle on the spray lance by gravity,
partly helped by the air pressure exerted over the liquid within the tank. The machine, when
fitted with a rotary pump and high tree lance can spray trees about 8 m high. The discharge
rate can be adjusted differently and varies in different makes taking 0.4 to 3.0 minutes to
discharge one litre. Effective width is 7-8 m horizontally and 5-6 m vertically. A power
sprayer essentially consists of : (i) Prime mover (ii) Tank (iii) Agitator (iv) Air-chamber (v)
Pressure gauge (vi) Pressure regulator (vii) Strainer (vii) Boom (ix) Nozzles.

Fig.2. Motorized Knapsack sprayer

(i) Prime mover - Prime mover is needed to supply power to the power sprayer. It is
usually combustion engine. The power generally varies from 1 to 5 HP.
(ii) Tank - Steel tank is widely used to prevent corrosion. Plastic tanks are also getting
popular due to freedom from corrosion and ease of moulding into smooth shapes. A covered
opening, fitted with a removable strainer is provided for easy filling, inspection and cleaning.
A drain plug is there at the bottom of the tank for draining the liquid.
(iii) Agitator - Agitator are needed to agitate the liquid of the tank. Propeller or paddle type
mechanical agitators are provided for agitating the liquid. Horizontal shaft may be used with

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 15
flat blades rotating at about 100 to 120 rev/min. paddle tip seeds in excess of 2.5 m/sec may
cause foaming.
(iv) Air chamber - An air chamber is provided on the discharge line of the pump to level
out the pulsations of the pump thereby providing a constant nozzle pressure.
(v) Pressure gauge - The pressure gauge is provided on the discharge line to guide the
operator regarding spray pressure. The spray pressure should be under specified limit.
(vi) Pressure regulator - It is meant for adjusting the pressure of the sprayer according to the
requirement of the crops in the field.
(vii) Strainer - A strainer is included in the suction line between the tank and the pump to
remove dust, dirt and other foreign materials.
(viii) Boom - Field sprayer to be driven by a tractor has a long boom in a horizontal place on
which nozzles are fixed at specified spacing. The boom can be adjusted vertically to suit the
height of plants in different fields.
(ix) Nozzle - It is used to break the liquid into the desired spray and deliver it to plants. A
nozzle consists of: (a) body (b) screw cap (c) disc (d) washer (e) vortex plate (f) strainer.
Usually the flow rate for a particular nozzle is proportional to the square root the
pressure and the discharge rate is proportional to the orifice area. Nozzles have smaller
angles. Operating pressure below 1.5 kg/cm2 is undesirable because the nozzle does not work
Hand Rotary Duster
This consists basically of a blower completely with a gearbox and a hopper. It is operated
by rotating the crank. The cranking motion is transmitted through the gearbox to the blower.
A drive is taken from the dust agitator located in the hopper. The rotary duster may be hand
carried type or shoulder mounted or hand carried type. The feeder is controlled by a feed
control lever, which operate a slide to control the aperture at the bottom of the hopper.
Motorized knapsack duster
Knapsack dusters are common in India. The capacity of the hopper is about 9 kg. The
discharge of the dust can be controlled by rotating the plated hose on the blower elbow,
which carries the discharge hose. In the spraying cum dusting unit, the conversion of sprayers
to duster is very simple and effected by replacing the liquid feed tubes by appropriate dust
feeds. Agitation is provided by directing a part of air from the discharge. The dust tank may
be the same as for the spray unit except that all the liquid feeds are removed. In some cases,
there is a separate unit for replacing the spray lance. Part required for conversion of a sprayer
into duster can be purchased at nominal cost from the suppliers of knapsack sprayers cum
Battery operated sprayer
The battery operated sprayer developed consists of a 10 lit capacity plastic tank and a
6 Volt rechargeable battery both fixed in a frame which is carried on the back of the operator.
A plastic spinning disc along with a micro motor is fitted at the end of an aluminium handle.
Chemical is taken from the tank to the spinning disc through a plastic hose. A cut off valve is
provided in the hose line to stop of flow of spray fluid when desired. The salient features of
the unit are light in weight, less water requirement & low cost.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 15

It is the operation of cutting, picking, plucking and digging or a combination of these operations
for removing the crop from under the ground or above the ground or removing the useful part or fruits from
Harvesting action can be done by four ways:
1) Slicing action with a sharp tool.
2) Tearing action with a rough serrated edge
3) High velocity single element impact with sharp or dull edge.
4) Two elements scissors type action.
Manual harvesting involves slicing and tearing action. Harvesting can be done by: (i) Manually
operated tool (ii) Animal drawn machine (iii) Mechanically operated machine.
There are a few related terms in connection with harvesting, which are as below:
Mower: It is a machine to cut herbage crops and leave them in swath.
Reaper: It is a machine to cut grain crops.
Reaper binder: It is a reaper, which cuts the crops and ties them into neat and uniform sheaves.
Swath: It is the material as left by the harvesting machine.
Sickle: It is a curved steel blade having a handgrip and used for harvesting by manually.
Windrow: It is a row of material formed by combining two or more swaths.
Windrower: It is a machine to cut crops and deliver them in a uniform manner in a row.
Sickle is a simple harvesting tool. It is used for harvesting crops and
cutting other vegetations. It essentially consists of a metallic blade and a
wooden handle. Sickles are classified into two classes: (i) Plain and (ii)
Serrated. Blade is the main metallic part of the sickle. It is desirable to make the
blade made of carbon steel. The blade is made in a curved shape. The teeth of
serrated sickle are made sharp for efficient working in the field. The handle of
the sickle is made of well-seasoned wood. The forged end of the blade for
fixing the handle is called tang. The plain or serrated edge in the inner side of
the blade is called cutting edge. Protective metallic bush fitted at the junction of
the blade and the handle to keep the tang tight in the handle is called ferrule.
Harvesting by sickle is a very slow and labour consuming device.
Mower is a machine to cut herbage crops and leave them in swath.
There are different types of mower used in different ways such as: (i) Cylinder mower (ii)
Reciprocating mower (iii) Horizontal rotary mower (iv) Gang mower and (v) Flail mower.
Cylinder mower: It has rotating helical blades arranged in horizontal cylindrical form. With the rotation of
blades, forage or grasses are cut continuously.
Reciprocating mower: It is a mower with a knife having sections that reciprocate against stationary
fingers. It is most common type of mower used everywhere.
Horizontal rotary mower: It is a mower with high speed knife rotating in the horizontal plane. Due to
rotation of knife, the grasses and forage are cut in uniform way.
Gang mower: It is an assembly of two or more ground driven cylinder mowers.
Flail mower: It is a mower with high speed swinging knives, operating either in a horizontal plane or
around a horizontal cylinder.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 16 1

Conventional Type of Mower
The conventional mower mainly consists of : (i) Frame (ii) Power transmitting unit (iii) Cutting
bar (iv) Shoes (v) Ledger plate (vi) Wearing plate (vii) Knife (viii) Grass board and (ix) Pitman.
The frame provides space for gears, clutch and bearings. The lever for lifting the cutting bar is
attached to the frame. A flywheel is used to store energy to provide steady speed to the cutting mechanism.
Power transmitting unit
The power-transmitting unit consists of axle, gears, crank wheel, crankshaft and pitman. Tractor
drawn semi-mounted or mounted type mowers are operated by P.T.O. shaft. In this case, the cutting
mechanism is driven independently of the forward speed of the mower. A shaft is connected with the
P.T.O. shaft which drives a pulley with the help of an universal joint. This V pulley rotates another smaller
pulley on the crankshaft of the machine and reciprocating motion is transmitted to the cutter bar.
Cutter bar
It is an assembly comprising of fingers, knife guides, on wearing plates and shoes. It is used for
cutting grasses and forage. It is made of high grade steel. It works like a knife. The knife is a metal bar, on
which triangular sections are mounted. The knife section makes reciprocating motion and cuts the plants.
There are knife guards, provided on the cutter bar. The knife stops at the centre of the guard on each stroke.
There are ledger plates provided with the knife guard, on which the knife moves. Knife clips hold the
sections down against the ledger plates. Knife clips are placed with wearing plates spaced 20 to 30 cm

Cutter bar
Shoe - A shoe on each end of the cutter bar is always provided to regulate the height of cut above the
ground. The inner shoe is larger in section and is placed at the inner end of the cutter bar. The outer shoe is
placed at the outer end and is smaller in section.
Ledger plate - It is a hardened metal inserted in a guard (finger) over which knife sections move to give
a scissor like cutting action.
Wearing plate -It is a hardened steel plate attached to the finger bar to form a bearing surface for the back
of the knife.
Knife - It is the reciprocating part of the cutter bar, comprising of knife head, knife back and knife sections.
Knife section - It is a flat steel plate (triangular shape) with two cutting edges.
Knife head - It is the portion of the knife which is connected to the pitman.
Knife back - It is the strip of steel to which knife sections are riveted and the knife head is attached.
Grass board - Grass board is provided at the cutter end of the mower which causes the cut plants to fall
towards the cut material. Shoes are provided for easy and smooth sliding of the cutter bar.
Pitman -Pitman is a type of connecting rod which is pinned to the crankshaft with the help of a pin. It
transmits reciprocating motion to a knife head. Wooden pitman is commonly used for the mowers.

AG ENGG 243 Lecture 16 2

Breaking of knives - Breaking of knives is a common troubles in operation of a mower. It is caused due to
play in bearings and worn knife head holders. Non-alignment is an important cause for breaking the knife
because when the mower is out of alignment, it works on a certain angle which is always harmful.
Alignment of mower
Under working condition of the mower, the standing crops exert pressure on the cutter bar tending
to push it backward. In correct operating position, the crankpin, knife head and the outer end of the knife
should be in a straight line. This line should be at right angle to the direction of travel of the mower. For
achieving this object, the cutter bar is set at about 88° to the direction of motion i.e. inward lead of 2° is
given to it in order to overcome the back pushing action of the crops. When the cutter bar is properly
aligned, the knife and the pitman run in a straight line. This gives better cutting in the field. Generally 2cm
lead per meter length of cutter bar is recommended.
Registration of mower
A mower knife is said to be in proper registration when the knife section stops in the centre of its
guard on every stroke i.e. the centre of the knife section is at the centre of the guard, when it is in operating
condition. Adjustment is commonly made by moving the entire cutter bar in or out with respect to the
pitman. If mower is not well registered, there is unbalanced load, uneven harvesting and excessive clogging
of crops on the knife.

Registration of mower

Vertical conveyer reaper (Self operated/Tractor mounted): It is mostly used for harvesting paddy and
wheat. The reaper is front mounted at the tractor, which can be lowered and raised by the hydraulic control.
It is powered by the PTO of the tractor. Crop is guided by the star wheel to the cutter bar and held in
vertical position by the springs. The crop is conveyed to the side by the conveyer belt. Its capacity may be
0.4-0.6 ha/h.

Self operated VCR

Vertical conveyer reaper (Power tiller operated): It can be used for harvesting wheat and paddy. The
reaper is front mounted on the power tiller. Power is transmitted from the engine fly wheel to the reaper
either through V belt or by providing gear box and propeller shafts. Crop is guided by the star wheels to the
cutter bar and held in vertical position by the springs. The crop is conveyed to the side by the conveyor belt
Cutter bar length may be 100-160 cm. The capacity may be 0.25-0.35 ha/h.
AG ENGG 243 Lecture 16 3
Reaper binder: It cuts and binds the crop simultaneously. It cuts the crop at the height of about 10 cm
from the ground level. The harvesting capacity is 0.25-0.35 ha/h.
Groundnut digger shaker: It is used for digging of groundnut crop. It is a tractor mounted PTO operated
machine, suited for harvesting of both erect and spreading varieties of groundnut crop, grown in all types of
soil. It consists of digging blade and a spike tooth conveyor.
Potato digger elevator: It is used for digging and windrowing the potatoes. The equipment is a PTO
operated single row machine. The machine consists of cutting blade and elevator roller chain of iron bars.
The potatoes are dug by the blade and lifted to a conveyor which is under periodic shaking. The potatoes
are delivered at the rear of machine and collected manually. It is a tractor rear mounted PTO driven
machine. Its capacity may be 0.15-0.2 ha/h. It can be operated by a 20-25 hp tractor. The groundnut vines
are loosened by the blade and whole crop is lifted and Shaken by conveyor chain to remove all the soils.
Thereafter the vines free of soil are dropped and windrowed behind the machine. The vines are collected

Thresher is a machine to separate grains from the harvested crop and provide clean grain without much loss
and damage. During threshing, grain loss in terms of broken grain, un-threshed grain, blown grain, spilled
grain etc. should be minimum. Bureau of Indian Standards has specified that the total grain loss should not
be more than 5 per cent, in which broken grain should be less than 2 per cent. Clean un-bruised grain fetch
good price in the market as well as it has long storage life.
Traditional threshing methods
Trampling of paddy under feet, beating shelves of rice or wheat crop on hard slant surface, beating crop
with a flail, treading a layer of 15 to 20 cm thick harvested crop by a team of animals are traditional
methods followed by farmers depending upon capacity, lot size and situation. Tractor in many places is
now used in place of animals for treading. Introduction of animal drawn olpad thresher reduced the
drudgery of the operator and gave comparatively higher output per unit time. In all above methods the
threshed materials are subjected to winnowing either in natural wind flow or blast from winnowing fan for
separation of grain from straw. Threshing wheat by traditional method involves drudgery and takes more
time to obtain required quality of bhusa. Due to these, mechanical threshers are widely accepted by the
Different parts of a thresher and their functions
A mechanical thresher consists of the following parts i. Feeding device (chute/tray/trough/hopper
/conveyor) ii. Threshing cylinder (hammers/spikes/rasp-bars/wire-loops/syndicator) iii. Concave (woven-
wire mesh/punched sheet/welded square bars) iv. Blower/aspirator v. Sieve-shaker/straw-walker.
Working principle of a thresher
During operation, the crop material is slightly pushed into the threshing cylinder through the feeding chute,
which gets into the working slit created between the circumference of the revolving drum having attached
spikes and the upper casing. The speed of the spikes is greater than the plant mass due to which they strike
the latter which results in part of the grain being separated from straw. Simultaneously, the drum pulls the
mass through the gap between the spikes and the upper casing with a varying speed. The angle iron ribs on
the other hand, restrain the speed of the travelling of stalks clamped by the spikes. Due to this the spikes
move in the working slit with a varying speed in relation to the shifting mass of material, which is
simultaneously shifted, with a varying speed with respect to the upper casing. As a result, the material layer
is struck several times by the spikes against the ribs, causing threshing of the major amount of grains and
breaking stalks into pieces.
As the material layer shifts towards the progressively converging slit of lower concave, its size reduces.
The vibration amplitudes, therefore, decrease where as the speed of the layer increases. This causes mutual
rubbing of the ear stalks, as well as rubbing of the ears against the edges of the concave bars and causes
breaking of stalks depending on the concave clearance. Since the system is closed, the thicker stalk, which
AG ENGG 243 Lecture 16 4
cannot be sieved through the concave, again joins the fresh stalk and the same process is repeated until the
stalk size is reduced to the extent that it can pass through the concave apertures. Thus fine bruised straw is
produced. The effective threshing process means that the loss of un-threshed kernels ejected with the straw
through the concave and the loss of grain damage should be low and the amount of the material passed
through the concave should be high.

Power thresher
Various adjustments are required before starting threshing operation. The machine is to be installed on
clean level ground and is to be set according to crop and crop conditions. The adjustments necessary to get
best performance from the machine are (i) concave clearance, (ii) sieve clearance, (iii) sieve slope, (iv)
stroke length and (v) blower suction opening. Besides these, cylinder concave grate, top sieve hole size
and cylinder speeds for threshing different crops are important for a multi-crop thresher.
Different type of thresher and their suitability for crops
The type of thresher is generally designed according to the type of threshing cylinder fitted with the
machine. The major type of threshers commercially available is as follows:
i. Drummy type
It consists of beaters mounted on a shaft which rotates inside a closed casing and concave.
ii. Hammer mill type
It is similar to dummy type but it is provided with aspirator type blower and sieve shaker
assembly for cleaning grains.
iii. Spike-tooth type
Spikes are mounted on the periphery of a cylinder that rotates inside a closed casing and concave. It is
provided with cleaning sieves and aspirator type blower.
iv. Raspbar type
Corrugated bars are mounted axially on the periphery of the cylinder. It is fitted with an
upper casing and an open type concave at the bottom of the cylinder. The cleaning system is provided with
blower fan and straw walker.
v. Wire-loop type
Wire-loops are fitted on the periphery of a closed type cylinder and woven wire mesh type concave is
provided at the bottom.
vi. Axial flow type
It consists of spike tooth cylinder, woven-wire mesh concave and upper casing provided with helical
vii. Syndicator type
The cylinder consists of a flywheel with corrugation on its periphery and sides, which rotates inside a
closed easing and concave. The rims of the flywheel are fitted with chopping blades.
AG ENGG 243 Lecture 16 5
Factors affecting thresher performance
The factors which affect the quality and efficiency of threshing are broadly classified in three groups:
i. Crop factors: Variety of crop, Moisture in crop material.
ii. Machine factors: Feeding chute angle, Cylinder type, Cylinder diameter, Spike shape, size, number
Concave size, shape and clearance
iii. Operational factors: Cylinder speed, Feed rate, method of feeding, Machine adjustments.
It is a machine designed for harvesting, threshing, separating, cleaning and collecting grains while
moving through standing crops. Bagging arrangement may be provided with a pick up attachment. The
main functions of a combine are:
(i) Cutting the standing crops (ii) Feeding the cut crops to threshing unit (iii) Threshing the crops
(iv) Cleaning the grains from straw (v) collecting the grains in a container.
The whole machine is composed of the following components:
(1) Header (2) Reel (3) Cutter bar (4) Elevator canvas (5) Feeder canvas (6) Feeding drum (7) Threshing
drum (8) Concave unit (9) Fan (10) Chauffer sieve (11) Grain sieve (12) Grain auger (13) Tailing auger
(14) Tail board (15) Straw spreader (16) Return conveyor (17) Shaker (18) Grain elevator (19) Grain
Header is used to cut and gather the grain and deliver it to the threshing cylinder. The straw is pushed back
on the platform by the reel. Small combines use scoop type headers, while large combines use T type
headers with auger tables.
Harvesting is done by a cutting unit, which uses a cutter bar similar to that of a mower. The knife has got
serrated edge to prevent the straw from slipping while in operation. There is suitable cutting platform
which is provided with a reel and a canvas. The reel is made of wooden slats which help in feeding the
crops to the cutting platform. The reel gets power through suitable gears and shafts. The reel revolves in
front of the cutter bar, while working in the field. The reel pushes the standing crops towards the cutting
unit. The reels are adjustable up and down as in or out. The cutter bar of the combine operates like a cutter
bar of a mower. It cuts the standing crops and pushes them towards the conveyor. The conveyor feeds the
crop to the cylinder and concave unit. The grain is swept underneath the augers and conveyed behind them.
The threshing takes place between the cylinder and concave unit of the combine. The basic components of
the threshing unit of the combine are similar to a power thresher. As soon as the crops are threshed, the
threshed materials move to a straw rake. These rakes keep on oscillating and separating the grains. The
cleaning unit consists of a number of sieves and a fan. The cleaning takes place on these sieves with the
help of the fan. The un-threshed grains pass through tailing augur and go for re-threshing. The clean grains
pass through grain elevator and finally go to packing unit. Grains are collected in a hopper provided at
suitable place. The fan is adjusted such that the chaff etc is blown off to the rear side of the machine. The
size of the combine is indicated by the width of cut, it covers in the field.
A combine may be (i) Self propelled type and (ii) P T O driven type.


AG ENGG 243 Lecture 16 6

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