Pressure Meter
Pressure Meter
Pressure Meter
IS Code 1892: Code of practice for Sub surface investigation, [P 18-20]
Principles of Foundation Engineering by B M Das, [P 122- 124]
ASTM D 4719: Standard Test methods for Pre-bored Pressure meter testing in soils
7.1 Introduction:
A pressure meter test is an in- situ stress-strain test performed on the wall of a
borehole using a cylindrical probe that is expanded radially.
Knowledge of the type of soil in which each pressure meter test is to be made is
necessary for assessment of
(1) The method of boring or probe placement or both.
(2) The interpretation of the test data.
(3) The reasonableness of the test results.
The major difference between categories of pressure meter lies in the method of
installation of the instrument into the ground. Three main types of pressure meters
The Menard (1956) type PMT essentially consists of probe with three cells, the top
and bottom ones are guard cells whereas the middle one is the measuring cell. The
test is conducted in a pre-bored hole.
It should have a diameter that is between 1.03 to 1.2 times the nominal diameters
of the probe. The probe that is most commonly used has a diameter of 58mm and
length of 420mm. The probe cells can be expanded either by liquid or gas. The
guard cells are expanded to reduce the end condition effect on the measuring cell.
The measuring cell has a volume (V0) of 535cm3.
The following dimensions are for the probe diameter and the diameter of the bore
hole as per ASTM recommendation:-
Probe Walls-The flexible walls of the probe may consist of a single rubber
membrane (single cell design) or of an inner rubber membrane fitted with an
outer flexible sheath or cover (triple cell design) which will take up the shape
of the borehole as pressure is applied. In a coarse-grained material like
gravel, a steel sheath made of thin overlapping metal strips is often used.
The accuracy of the test will be impaired when the probe cannot take up the
shape of the borehole accurately.
Lines-Lines connecting the probe with the readout device consist of plastic
tubing in the hydraulic apparatus. To reduce measuring errors, coaxial tubing
is used, whereby the inner tubing is prevented from expanding by a gas
pressure at its perimeter. By applying the correct gas pressure, expansion of
the inner tubing is reduced to a minimum. Single tubing can also be used. In
both cases, requirement for volume losses given should apply. Electric lines
need special protection against groundwater.
Slotted Tube-A steel tube that has a series of longitudinal slots (usually six)
cut through it to allow for lateral expansion, sometimes is used as a
protective housing when the probe is driven, vibro-driven, or pushed into
deposits that cannot be prevented from caving by drilling mud alone. The
PBP test is performed within the slotted tube.
7.3 Calibration:
The instrument shall be calibrated before each use to compensate for pressure
losses (Pc) and volume losses (Vc).
Pressure Losses (Pc) -Pressure losses occur due to the rigidity of the probe walls.
The pressure readings obtained during the test on the readout device include the
pressure required to expand the probe walls. This membrane resistance must be
deducted to obtain the actual pressure applied to the soil. Calibrations for
membrane resistance shall be performed by inflating the probe, completely exposed
to the atmosphere, with the probe placed at the level of the pressure gauge.
Plot results using a pressure versus volume plot. The obtained curve is the
pressure calibration curve. The pressure correction (P) is the pressure loss
obtained from the calibration for the volume reading (Vc).
The pressure correction (Pc) must be deducted from the pressure readings
obtained during the test. The maximum value of P should be less than 50 %
of the limit pressure as defined.
The zero volume calibration is obtained by first fitting a straight line extension of
the curve to zero pressure, as shown in above fig. The resulting intercept Vi can be
used to estimate the deflated volume of the probe measuring cell (Vo)
( )
Di = inside diameter of the heavy duty steel casing or pipe
The volume loss (Vc) of the instrument for a particular pressure is obtained by using
the factor a corresponding to the slope of the volume versus pressure calibration
plot as follows:
This volume loss correction must be deducted from the measured volumes during
the test. This correction is relatively small in soils and can be neglected if the
correction is less than 0.1 % of the nominal volume of the measuring portion of the
un-inflated probe per 100 kPa (1 tsf) of pressure. In very hard soils or rock, the
correction is significant and must be applied. In no case should this correction
exceed 0.5 % of the nominal volume of the measuring portion of the deflated probe
per 100 kPa (1 tsf) of pressure.
Corrections for temperature changes and head losses due to circulating liquid are
usually small and may be disregarded in routine tests for soils. For tests at depths
greater than 50 m (150 ft), special procedures are required to account for head
The amount of hydrostatic pressure ( ) exerted on the probe by the column of
liquid in the testing equipment must be determined as follows
H= depth of probe below the control unit, m
= unit weight of test liquid in instrument, KN/m
The test depth (H) is the distance from the center of the pressure gauge to the
center of the probe. The obtained pressure is exerted on the probe but is not
registered by the pressure gauges. This pressure must accordingly be added to the
pressure readings obtained on the readout device.
For triple cell pressure meters, the pressure of the guard cells (PG) must be set
below the actual pressure generated in the probe to provide effective end restraint.
This is obtained by subtracting this pressure from the test pressures as follows:
PG = guard cells pressure, kPa
= pressure difference between guard cells and measuring cell, kPa (usually twice
the limit pressure of the membrane).
7.4 Spacing and Testing Sequence:
In soft, loose, and sensitive soils, the hole should be predrilled ahead of the
testing depth only far enough so that the cuttings settling at the bottom of
the hole will not interfere with the test.
In stiff soils and weathered rocks where degradation due to exposure is not
significant, the hole can be predrilled to several test depths.
When the probe is driven into the soil, testing can take place continuously,
while observing the minimum spacing requirements. No withdrawal is
required between tests.
7.5 Procedure:
Advance the hole to the test level and clean any debris or cuttings.
Before the probe is positioned in the hole for testing, make an accurate
determination of the 0 volume reading (V0). The volume V0is the volume of
the measuring portion of the un-inflated probes at atmospheric pressure.
Accomplish this by de-airing all circuits and adjusting all gages of the
instrument to 0 while the probe is at atmospheric pressure. Close the volume
circuit, preventing any further change in the volume of the measuring circuit.
Lower the probe to test depth in this condition. Determine the test depth as
the depth of the midpoint of the probe.
When using Procedure A, place the probe in test position and apply the
pressure on the control unit in about equal increments, until the expansion of
the probe during one load increment exceeds about th of V0(typically 200
cm3 for a 800-cm3 probe). Generally, 25, 50, 100, or 200-kPa pressures are
selected for testing soils. Too small steps will result in an excessively long
test, too large steps may yield results with inadequate accuracy. The
pressure steps should be determined in such a way that about 7 to 10 load
increments are obtained.
For both procedures, take readings after 30 s and 1 minafter the pressure or
volume increments have been applied.
Volume readings are recorded to an accuracy of 0.2% of V0and pressure
readings to an accuracy of 5% of the limit pressure.
Once the test has reached the maximum test step as determined in earlier
steps. Terminate the test by deflating the probe to its original volume and
removing the probe from the hole.
One or several load-unload cycles may also be performed in this test within
the elastic expansion range. These cycles, if a probe with guard cells is used,
requires the accurate control of gas pressure in the guard cells to obtain a
representative reading on decreased volumes. The performance of unload-
reload cycle(s) is encouraged but not required. Pre bored pressure meter
design rules were established historically based on testing without unload-
reload loops.
7.5.1 Symbol identification:
= Poisson ratio
= pre-consolidation pressure
m = creep modulus
7.5.2 Observation table:-
Test Depth Thickness Minm Pi Short term parameters Creep Parameters Predicted
No. (cm) of soil layer soil (kg/cm2) , (kg/cm2)
(ºF) EP To C 1+ m 30 1
(kg/cm2) (kg/cm2) (kg/cm2) (kg/cm2) mins year
7.6 Calculations:
The pressure transmitted to the soil by the probe from the pressure readings
is calculated as follows:
P=Pressure exerted by the probe on the soil, kPa
Calculate the corrected volume reading of the probe from the volume
readings as follows:
V= corrected increase in volume of the measuring portion of the probe, cm
= volume reading on readout device, cm
= volume correction made at the test pressure readings corresponding
to , cm3
For Procedure A, plot the volume increase readings (V0) between the 30 s
and 60 s reading on a separate graph. Generally, a part of the same graph is
For Procedure B, plot the pressure decrease reading between the 30s and
60s reading on a separate graph. The test curve shows an almost straight
line section within the range of either low volume increase readings (V60) for
Procedure A or low pressure decrease for Procedure B. In this range, a
constant soil deformation modulus can be measured. Past the so-called creep
pressure, plastic deformations become prevalent.
Ep= pressure meter modulus, kPa, an arbitrary modulus of deformation as
related to the pressure- meter based on data reduction included herein.
∆V = corrected volume increase in the center part of the straight line portion
of the pressure-volume curve, corresponding to ∆P pressure increase.
For tests where the probe diameter (radius) is measured, the pressure meter
modulus can be determined by converting the measurements into volume
changes of the probe, in which case the formula given in this test method will
apply. The pressure meter modulus may also be calculated from diameter
measurements directly as follows:
Rp= radius of probe in un-inflated condition, mm.
Points from the plastic range of the test generally fall in an approximate
straight line. The extension of this line to twice the original probe volume will
give the limit pressure (P) on the plot.
In the figure,
Zone I represents the reloading portion during which the soil around the
borehole is pushed back into the initial state (i.e., the state it was in before
drilling). The pressure Po represents the in situ total horizontal stress.
Zone II represents a pseudo-elastic zone in which the cell volume versus cell
pressure is practically linear. The pressure Pf represents the creep, or yield,
pressure. The zone marked III is the plastic zone. The pressure Pl represents
the limit pressure.
Limit pressure, Pl:- The pressure at which the probe volume reaches twice
the original soil cavity volume. This value is obtained by extrapolation and
not by direct measurement.
Pressure meter modulus, Ep:- The modulus calculated from the slope of the
pseudo-elastic portion of the corrected pressure-volume curve experiencing little
to no creep. The pressure meter modulus, Ep, of the soil is determined with the
use of the theory of expansion of an infinitely thick cylinder. Thus,
Poisson’s ratio
In order to overcome the difficulty of preparing the borehole to the proper size,
self-boring pressure meters (SBPMTs) have also been developed.
Correlations between various soil parameters and the results obtained from the
pressure meter tests have been developed by various investigators. Kulhawy and
Mayne (1990) proposed that, for clays,
On the basis of the cavity expansion theory, Baguelin et al. (1978) proposed that
Typical values of NP vary between 5 and 12, with an average of about 8.5.
Ohya et al.(1982) correlated Ep with field standard penetration numbers (N60) for
sand and clay as follows:-
Clay: ( )
Sand: ( )