LP g5 Sip Weeks 1-6
LP g5 Sip Weeks 1-6
LP g5 Sip Weeks 1-6
Lesson Plan
Strand: Foreign Language Subject: English Class: Grade 5A
Total Number of Period: 3 Period: 1-3 Topic: Unit 1: The Quest Week: 1
2. Presentation: Unlock new words that the students will encounter in the lesson.
3. Lesson Proper: Read the selection on page 8-9 of the student’s book (The Quest). Ask
volunteer student to read the story. Explain the selection thoroughly then ask questions
regarding what they have read. Let the students answer the exercise on page 10-11.
Day 2
1. Motivation: Review about the past lesson. Recall about the names of persons in the
2. Presentation: Show pictures about the sea and let interested students share
something about their journey in the sea.
3. Lesson Proper: Volunteer student will read the story on page 8-9 of the textbook.
Guide the student’s pronunciation and intonation. Explain about adjectives and
abstract nouns. Write examples and sentences on the board to show what are
adjectives and abstract nouns.
Day 3
1. Motivation: Puzzle game: Vocabulary
2. Presentation: Unlock the vocabulary words (rough, clear, good, clever, expensive)
3. Lesson Proper: Refer to pages 8-9 of the student’s book and let the students read the
selection. Volunteer students may read in front of the class. Ask questions about the
selection. Take note of the words ‘slowly and quietly’. Explain the role of these words
in the sentence. Give more examples of sentences using various adjectives and abstract
nouns. Give homework on Workbook pages 4-6.
4. Student’s Tasks (ชิ้นงาน / ภาระงาน / หลักฐานร่ องรอย แสดงความรู ้): oral reading, listening,
writing and answering questions, constructing sentences
5. Evaluation (การประเมินผล) : Day 1: Answer workbook; Day 2: Workbook; Day 3:Student
homework on workbook.
6. Learning Materials / Resources ( สื่ อการสอน/แหล่งการเรี ยนรู ้ )
1. Way Ahead textbook (pages 8-9) and workbook (pages 2-4)
2. Pictures
3. Real objects
7. Teacher’s Remarks ( บันทึกหลังสอน )
7.1 Outcome ( ผลการเรี ยนการสอน ) :
7.2 Problems encountered ( ปัญหา / อุปสรรค ) :
7.3 Solution ( แนวทางแก้ไข ) :
(Signature over printed name)
Subject Teacher
Date: 23-27/5/2016
8. Comment (หัวหน้ากลุ่มสาระ):_______________________________________
ACC 050
Lesson Plan
Strand: Foreign Language Subject: English Class: Grade 5A
Total Number of Period: 3 Period: 1-3 Topic: Unit 1: The Quest Week: 2
2. Presentation: Unlock new words that the students will encounter in the lesson.
3. Lesson Proper: Read the selection on page 12-15 of the student’s book (Way Ahead).
Explain the selection thoroughly then ask questions regarding what they have read. Let the
students answer the exercise on page 12-15.
Day 2
1. Motivation: Review about the past lesson. Recall about the names of persons in the
2. Presentation: Definition of terms and grammar lecture.
3. Lesson Proper: Explain about adjectives and abstract nouns. Write examples and
sentences on the board to show what present simple are and present continuous.
Day 3
4. Motivation: Writing a story about Jenny and Toby.
5. Presentation: Unlock the vocabulary words.
6. Lesson Proper: Refer to pages 12-15 of the student’s book and let the students read the
selection. Volunteer students may read in front of the class. Ask questions about the
selection. Take note of the words ‘slowly and quietly’. Explain the role of these words
in the sentence. Give more examples of sentences using various exercises on the
board. Give writing homework on textbook page 14.
4. Student’s Tasks (ชิ้นงาน / ภาระงาน / หลักฐานร่ องรอย แสดงความรู ้): oral reading, listening,
writing and answering questions, constructing sentences
5. Evaluation (การประเมินผล) : Day 1: Answer workbook; Day 2: Workbook; Day 3:Student
homework on workbook.
6. Learning Materials / Resources ( สื่ อการสอน/แหล่งการเรี ยนรู ้ )
1. Way Ahead textbook (pages 12-15) and workbook (pages 5-6)
2. Pictures
3. Real objects
7. Teacher’s Remarks ( บันทึกหลังสอน )
7.1 Outcome ( ผลการเรี ยนการสอน ) :
7.2 Problems encountered ( ปัญหา / อุปสรรค ) :
7.3 Solution ( แนวทางแก้ไข ) :
( Signature over printed name )
Subject Teacher
ACC 050
Lesson Plan
Strand: Foreign Language Subject: English Class: Grade 5A
Total Number of Period: 3 Period: 1-3 Topic: Unit 2: The Water Cycle Week: 3
Attributes ( คุณลักษณะอันพึงประสงค์ ) :
Avidity of learning
Public Mindedness
3. Learning Process (กระบวนการเรี ยนรู ้)
1. Motivation: The teacher will let students to sequence orally the water cycle.
2. Presentation: Unlock new words that the students will encounter in the lesson.
3. Lesson Proper: Read the selection on page 16-17 of the student’s book (Way Ahead).
Explain the selection thoroughly then ask questions regarding what they have read. Let the
students answer the exercise on page 18-19.
Day 2
1. Motivation: Review about the past lesson. Recall about the passage.
2. Presentation: Definition of terms and grammar lecture.
3. Lesson Proper: Explain about phrases. Write examples and sentences on the board to
show what past simple are and past continuous.
Day 3
7. Motivation: Sequencing process of water cycle that is indicated on page 17.
8. Presentation: Unlock the vocabulary words.
9. Lesson Proper: Refer to pages 16-19 of the student’s book and let the students read the
selection. Volunteer students may read in front of the class. Ask questions about the
selection. Take note of the words ‘slowly and quietly’. Explain the role of these words
in the sentence. Give more examples of sentences using various exercises on the
board. Give writing homework on textbook pages 8-9
4. Student’s Tasks (ชิ้นงาน / ภาระงาน / หลักฐานร่ องรอย แสดงความรู ้): oral reading, listening,
writing and answering questions, constructing sentences
5. Evaluation (การประเมินผล) : Day 1: Answer workbook; Day 2: Workbook; Day 3:Student
homework on workbook.
ACC 050
Lesson Plan
Strand: Foreign Language Subject: English Class: Grade 5A
Total Number of Period: 3 Period: 1-3 Topic: Unit 2: The Water Cycle Week: 4
Attributes ( คุณลักษณะอันพึงประสงค์ ) :
Avidity of learning
Public Mindedness
Day 2
4. Motivation: Review about the past lesson. Recall about the passage.
5. Presentation: Definition of terms and grammar lecture.
6. Lesson Proper: Explain about phrases. Write examples and sentences on the board to
show what past simple are and past continuous.
Day 3
10. Motivation: Read poem "Water's for" on page 23, fiction type poetry.
11. Presentation: Unlock the vocabulary words.
12. Lesson Proper: Refer to pages 16-19 of the student’s book and let the students read the
selection. Volunteer students may read in front of the class. Ask questions about the
selection. Take note of the words ‘slowly and quietly’. Explain the role of these words
in the sentence. Give more examples of sentences using various exercises on the
board. Give writing homework on textbook page 22.
4. Student’s Tasks (ชิ้นงาน / ภาระงาน / หลักฐานร่ องรอย แสดงความรู ้): oral reading, listening,
writing and answering questions, constructing sentences
5. Evaluation (การประเมินผล) : Day 1: Answer workbook; Day 2: Workbook; Day 3:Student
homework on workbook.
6. Learning Materials / Resources ( สื่ อการสอน/แหล่งการเรี ยนรู ้ )
1. Way Ahead textbook (pages 20-23) and workbook (pages10-11)
2. Pictures
3. Real objects
7. Teacher’s Remarks ( บันทึกหลังสอน )
7.1 Outcome ( ผลการเรี ยนการสอน ) :
7.2 Problems encountered ( ปัญหา / อุปสรรค ) :
7.3 Solution ( แนวทางแก้ไข ) :
( Signature over printed name )
Subject Teacher
8. Comment (หัวหน้ากลุ่มสาระ) :
ACC 050
Lesson Plan
Strand: Foreign Language Subject: English Class: Grade 5A
Total Number of Period: 3 Period: 1-3 Topic: Unit 3: The Cliff Hanger Week: 5
Day 2
7. Motivation: Review about the past lesson. Recall about the passage.
8. Presentation: Definition of terms and grammar lecture.
9. Lesson Proper: Explain about root words. Write examples and sentences on the board
to show how to use apostrophes as omission and possession.
Day 3
13. Motivation: Read the story "Cliffhanger" on page 24-25, an adventure story.
14. Presentation: Unlock the vocabulary words.
15. Lesson Proper: Refer to pages 24-27 of the student’s book and let the students read the
selection. Volunteer students may read in front of the class. Ask questions about the
selection. Take note of the words ‘slowly and quietly’. Explain the role of these words
in the sentence. Give more examples of sentences using various exercises on the
board. Give writing homework on workbook pages 12-14.
4. Student’s Tasks (ชิ้นงาน / ภาระงาน / หลักฐานร่ องรอย แสดงความรู ้): oral reading, listening,
writing and answering questions, constructing sentences
5. Evaluation (การประเมินผล) : Day 1: Answer workbook; Day 2: Workbook; Day 3:Student
homework on workbook.
6. Learning Materials / Resources ( สื่ อการสอน/แหล่งการเรี ยนรู ้ )
1. Way Ahead textbook (pages 24-27) and workbook (pages12-14)
2. Pictures
3. Real objects
7. Teacher’s Remarks ( บันทึกหลังสอน )
7.1 Outcome ( ผลการเรี ยนการสอน ) :
7.2 Problems encountered ( ปัญหา / อุปสรรค ) :
7.3 Solution ( แนวทางแก้ไข ) :
( Signature over printed name )
Subject Teacher
Date: 20-24/6/2016
ACC 050
Lesson Plan
Strand: Foreign Language Subject: English Class: Grade 5A
Total Number of Period: 3 Period: 1-3 Topic: Unit 3: The Cliff Hanger Week: 6
Day 2
10. Motivation: Review about the past lesson. Recall about the passage.
11. Presentation: Definition of terms and grammar lecture.
12. Lesson Proper: Explain about adding -ent and –ence on words. Write examples and
sentences on the board to show how to use them in present perfect and past simple
Day 3
16. Motivation: Read a real-life adventure story on page 31(Way Ahead).
17. Presentation: Unlock the vocabulary words.
18. Lesson Proper: Refer to pages 28-31 of the student’s book and let the students read the
selection. Volunteer students may read in front of the class. Ask questions about the
selection. Take note of the words ‘slowly and quietly’. Explain the role of these words
in the sentence. Give more examples of sentences using various exercises on the
board. Give writing homework on workbook pages 15-16.
4. Student’s Tasks (ชิ้นงาน / ภาระงาน / หลักฐานร่ องรอย แสดงความรู ้): oral reading, listening,
writing and answering questions, constructing sentences
5. Evaluation (การประเมินผล) : Day 1: Answer workbook; Day 2: Workbook; Day 3:Student
homework on workbook.
6. Learning Materials / Resources ( สื่ อการสอน/แหล่งการเรี ยนรู ้ )
1. Way Ahead textbook (pages 28-31) and workbook (pages15-16)
2. Pictures
3. Real objects
7. Teacher’s Remarks ( บันทึกหลังสอน )
7.1 Outcome ( ผลการเรี ยนการสอน ) :
7.2 Problems encountered ( ปัญหา / อุปสรรค ) :
7.3 Solution ( แนวทางแก้ไข ) :
( Signature over printed name )
Subject Teacher
Date: 27/6-1/7/2016
8. Comment (หัวหน้ากลุ่มสาระ) :