A Case Study ON Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery: College of Our Lady of MT - Carmel
A Case Study ON Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery: College of Our Lady of MT - Carmel
A Case Study ON Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery: College of Our Lady of MT - Carmel
In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the
Subject NCM 103
Submitted by:
Rachel Gomez group 8
Submitted to:
Mam Zenaida Torrente RN.MAN
goes into labor without use of drugs or techniques to induce labor, and delivers
There are three stages of normal human birth these are First stage,
second stage and third stage. The first stage of labor starts classically when the
effaced cervix is 3 cm dilated. The second stage begins when the cervix is fully
dilated, and ends when the baby is finally delivered. In the third stage, the
uterus expels the placenta (afterbirth). Maternal blood loss is limited by the
compression of the spiral arteries of the uterus as they pass though the lattice-
like uterine muscles of the upper segment. Normal blood loss is less than 600
mL. The placenta is usually delivered within 15 minutes of the baby being born.
after childbirth. This is a time for maternal changes that are retrogressive
function for ensuring that she is physically well enough to incorporate her new
child into the family. This period is popularly termed the fourth trimester of
The physical care a woman receives during the post-partal period can
influence her health for the rest of her life. The emotional support she receives
can influence the emotional health of her child and the family and so can be
The labor and birth process is always accompanied by pain. Several options
for pain control are available, ranging from intramuscular or intravenous doses of
blocks, such as a pudendal block or local infiltration of the perineal area can also
Nursing health history is the first part and one of the most
diagnosis, subsequent plans for individualized care and for the nursing
Patient P was born on JULY 30, 1992. She was born to parents from
rate during the postpartal period. After 10 days, it recedes under the pubic bone
breastfeeding speeds uterine involution. This may also cause cramps while
Involution of the uterus involves two main process. First, the area where
the placenta was implanted is sealed off to prevent bleeding. Second, the organ is
genital area— or vulva—which runs from the pubic area downward to the
rectum. Two folds of fatty, fleshy tissue surround the entrance to the
vagina and the urinary opening: the labia majora, or outer folds, and the
labia minora, or inner folds, located under the labia majora. The clitoris,
is a relatively short organ (less than one inch long), shielded by a hood of
flesh. When stimulated sexually, the clitoris can become erect like a man's
1. Perform a complete assessment of The pain was assessed and patient
pain responded by participating
2. Explain to patient the recovery The patient knew that she is encouraged
period and full healing of sutures to ambulate and healing of sutures is
complete at about 3-4 months
3. Take VS The VS were taken
4. Emphasize compliance to medications Patient said she’ll follow the doctor’s
and doctor’s orders and teachings health teachings
5. Apply therapeutic touch when pain Light hand massage was done and
occurs patient responded well to it
6. Offer diversionary activities like Patient conversed with the student-
conversation nurse
Post Intervention Status: The patient was able to be relieved of the pain; fully
PIS: partially met, patient has only learned from the teachings of the nurse and
doctors and has not yet held her baby.
• Inhibits • Allergy to • Assess
• Drozid bacteria penicillins and patient’s
500mg l cell cephalosporin previous
TID wall s sensitivity
7 days synthesi reaction to
s. penicillin or
• Antibiot other
ic cephalospor
• Assess
patient for
any sign of
The Normal values of hemoglobin for female is 12 -14 g/100ml, for hematocrit it
should be at the range of 36% - 47% with the average of 40%. Neutrophils should be
within the range of 54% - 57% and for lymphocytes it should be 25% - 40%.
All pregnant women are tested for the Rh factor during the early weeks of
pregnancy. A mother and fetus may have incompatible blood types, the most
Rh-negative and the father's blood is Rh-positive and the fetus' blood is Rh-
positive. The mother may produce antibodies against the Rh-positive fetus which
may lead to anemia in the fetus. Incompatibility problems are monitored and
• Cefalexin
• Mefenamic Acid
• Methylergonometrine maleate
Instruct patient about the way of taking her medicines. Explain the
proper measurement and time of intake. E.g. 500 mg of Cefalexin should
be taken for 1 week three times a day. 500mg/cap of mefenamic acid
should be taken for one week every six hours and methergin three times a
day or four times a day for three to 1 week.
Advice client not to engage in any house chores that might jeopardize her
Advice client to eat proper diet. Encourage her to eat more vegetables and
frequent intake of liquids. Advise her to eat food which are rich in protein,
iron and vitamin C. Protein helps to repair body tissues, iron provides
formation of Red blood cells and ascorbic acid for helping absorption of
fulfilling the duties and the study; to beloved parents who have always
been supportive all throughout the start of the duty until the end, the toils
and efforts; to dear comrades and colleagues who have been extending
all out help during the rough scenarios, specially to Mam torrente ,To our
ever lenient but strict clinical instructor, for simplifying what used to be
our immaturity.