JT Print Services and Supplies JT Print Services and Supplies
JT Print Services and Supplies JT Print Services and Supplies
JT Print Services and Supplies JT Print Services and Supplies
The work immersion started from November 27, 2017 – The work immersion started from November 27, 2017 –
December 15, 2017 at JT Prints and Services, San Jose, December 15, 2017 at JT Prints and Services, San Jose,
Antique. Antique.
Given this 15th day of December 2017 at JT PRINTS and Given this 15th day of December 2017 at JT PRINTS and
SERVICES, San Jose, Antique. SERVICES, San Jose, Antique.
Certificate of Completion
This certificate is awarded to
Miracle B. Javier
For completing the required 80 hours “Industry Immersion”
under the Department of Education SHS Curriculum which
involved Hands-on Training and Experiences on Work
Simulation. The trainee acquired knowledge and skills
relevant to his/her chosen Track/Strand.