Spectra RMS Molded Case Circuit Breakers: GEH-702 Users Manual
Spectra RMS Molded Case Circuit Breakers: GEH-702 Users Manual
Spectra RMS Molded Case Circuit Breakers: GEH-702 Users Manual
Industrial Solutions
Circuit Breakers TM
with microEntelliGuard Trip Units
GEH-702 Users Manual
SK PC 36 12 L4 R 6
Code Description Function
SK SK1200 Frame Designation
HC 35kA at 480Vac Interruption Rating
LC/TC1 65kA at 480Vac Standard UL Rating
PC/SC1 100kA at 480 Vac
HH 35kA at 480Vac
LL/TT1 65kA at 480Vac 100% Continuous UL Rating
PP/SS1 100kA at 480 Vac
3, 4 or 6 3 Poles, 480Vac or 600Vac Poles, Max UL Voltage
08 800 Amps
10 1000 Amps SK Frame Max Amps
12 1200 Amps
L3 LSI L = Long Time
S = Short Time Standard Protection
L4 LSIG Functions
I = Instantaneous
L5 LSIA G = Ground Fault
A = Ground Fault Alarm
L7 LSI-CP CP = Control Power
X None
K Neutral Protection
ZSI (ST/GF) + RELT Advanced Protection
ZSI (ST/GF) + Neutral Protection Functions
N ZSI (ST/GF) + RELT + Neutral Protection
V RELT + Neutral Protection
S ZSI (ST/GF/INST) + Neutral Protection
W ZSI (ST/GF/INST) + RELT + Neutral Protection
X Metering (Basic)
Metering (Basic) + Modbus Advanced Features &
Metering (Adv) + Modbus + Waveform Capture Communication
8 Metering (Adv) + Modbus + Waveform Capture + Protective Relays
1. SKT and SKS catalog codes are optimized for selectivity and will carry a
480Vac maximum voltage rating.
GEH-702 Users Manual
Warnings - Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, or
other conditions that could cause personal injury are present in this equipment or may be associated
with its use.
Warning notices are also used for situations in which inattention or lack of equipment knowledge could cause
either personal injury or damage to equipment.
Cautions - Caution notices are used for situations in which equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.
Notes - Notes call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the
This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made
to ensure accuracy, the information contained herein does not cover all details or variations in hardware and
software, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, and
maintenance. Features may be described herein that are not present in all hardware and software systems.
GE Industrial Solutions assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes
subsequently made.
GE Industrial Solutions makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory, with respect to, and
assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained
herein. No warrantees of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
GEH-702 Users Manual
Table of Contents
Spectra RMS Circuit Breakers with Neutral Protection Pickup (Optional) …………………… 20
microEntelliGuard™ Trip Unit ……………………………… 1 Protective Relays (Optional) …………………………………… 20
Output Relays (Optional) ………………………………………… 21
Section 1
Waveform Capture (Optional) ………………………………… 21
Read This First ………………………………………………………… 5 Frequency (Standard) ……………………………………………… 21
Trip Unit Functions…………………………………………………… 5 Potential Transformer Primary Voltage
Standard Protection Functions …………………………………… 5 (Optional) ……………………………………………………………….. 21
Advanced Protection Functions …………………………………… 5 Potential Transformer Connection (Optional) …… 21
Advanced Features And Communications ……………….. 6 Power Direction (Optional) …………………………………….. 22
Rating Plugs ……………………………………………………………… 6 Phase Rotation (Standard) ……………………………………... 22
Thermal Memory (Standard) …………………………………… 22
Equipment Interfaces ……………………………………………… 8 Auxiliary Switch (Standard) ……………………………………… 22
Neutral Current Transformers ……………………………………… 8 Modbus (Optional) ……………………………………………………. 22
Terminal Blocks ………………………………………………………………… 8 Date And Time (Standard)…………………………………………22
Distribution Cable Junction Boxes ……………………………… 9 Metering Mode ……………………………………………………………. 23
Power Supplies ………………………………………………………………… 9 Operating Mode ………………………………………………………. 23
Voltage Conditioners …………………………………………………… 10 Current (On All Trip Units) ………………………………………. 23
Voltage Modules …………………………………………………………… 11 Voltage (Advanced Metering Only)………………………… 23
Distribution And Extension Cables …………………………… 11 Real Power (Advanced Metering Only) ………………… 23
Auxiliary Switches ………………………………………………………… 11 Reactive Power (Advanced Metering Only) ………… 23
Communications …………………………………………………………… 12 Apparent Power (Advanced Metering Only) ……… 23
Reduced Energy Let-Through …………………………………… 12 Peak Power Demand (Advanced Metering Only) . 23
Zone Selective Interlock ……………………………………………… 12 Energy (Advanced Metering Only) ………………………… 24
Section 2 Frequency (Advanced Metering Only) ………………… 24
microEntelliGuard™ Trip Unit ……………………………… 14 Power Factor (Advanced Metering Only)……………… 24
Settings Mode ……………………………………………………………….. 24
Overview ………………………………………………………………………… 14
Setting Status ……………………………………………………………. 24
HMI …………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Pickup Status ……………………………………………………………. 24
Liquid Crystal Display and Power Requirements ….. 14
Error Status ………………………………………………………………. 24
Led Status Indicator ……………………………………………………… 15
Version ………………………………………………………………………. 24
Trip Unit Operating Modes ………………………………………… 15
Comm Settings …………………………………………………………. 24
Setup Mode……………………………………………………………………… 15
Events Mode …………………………………………………………………. 24
Language (Standard) ………………………………………………… 16
Long Time Pickup (Standard)…………………………………… 16 Appendix A. Display Screen Flow ………………………….. 25
Long Time Delay (Standard) ………………………………….... 16 Appendix B. Modbus Register Map ……………………….. 28
Short Time Pickup (Standard) ………………………………… 17
Appendix C. Breaker Harness Pin-Outs ……………….. 45
Short Time Delay (Standard) ……………………………………. 17
Instantaneous Pickup (Standard) …………………………… 18 Appendix D. Metering …………………………………………….. 47
Reduced Energy Let-Through (RELT) Appendix E. Troubleshooting. ……………………………….. 48
Instantaneous Pickup (Optional)………………………… 18
Ground Fault Pickup (Trip Or Alarm) (Optional)…… 18 Appendix F. Replacing MicroVersaTrip with
Ground Fault Delay (Trip Or Alarm) (Optional) ……. 19 microEntelliGuard™ ………………………………………………. 49
Zone Selective Interlock (ZSI) (Optional) ………………. 19 Appendix G. Additional Information …………………….. 50
GEH-702 Users Manual
Figure 1. Typical Neutral CT Connection ……………………… 9 Table 1. Catalog Number Nomenclature ……………………… 1
Figure 2. Typical Power Supply Connection Table 2. Rating Plug Catalog Numbers…………………………… 7
Using a Terminal Block ……………………………………………… 10 Table 3. Harness Type Definition………………………………………. 8
Figure 3. Typical RELT Wiring Diagram …………………………. 12 Table 4. Neutral CT’s …………………………………………………………… 8
Figure 4. Typical microEntelliGuard System ……………….. 13 Table 5. Terminal Block Descriptions ……………………………… 8
Figure 5. LED Location ……………………………………………………… 14 Table 6. Junction Box Descriptions ………………………………… 9
Figure 6. Keypad Definition ……………………………………………. 14 Table 7. Power Supply Plate Catalog Numbers ……………. 9
Figure 7. Typical LCD Screen …………………………………………. 14 Table 8. Voltage Conditioner Plate Assemblies ………….. 10
Figure 8. Long Time Pickup……………………………………………… 16 Table 9. Voltage Module Catalog Numbers………………….. 11
Figure 9. Long Time Delay ………………………………………………. 16 Table 10. Distribution Cable Harness Options …………….. 11
Figure 10. Short Time Pickup ………………………………………… 17 Table 11. Extension Cable Harness Options ……………….. 11
Figure 11. Short Time Delay with Slope Off…………………. 17
Table 12. Voltage Exchange Harness Options …………….. 11
Figure 12. Short Time Delay Set to Maximum ……………. 17
Table 13. Auxiliary Switch Options ………………………………... 11
Figure 13. Instantaneous Pickup …………………………………... 18
Table 14. LED Status Flash Sequence ………………………….. 15
Figure 14. Ground Fault Pickup ……………………………………… 18
Table 15. Nominal Time Delays………………………………………… 16
Figure 15. Ground Fault Delay ………………………………………. 19
Table 16. Available Instantaneous Pickup…………………….. 18
Figure 16. System With Voltage Swap Cable ……………. 22
Table 17. ZSI Settings ……………………………………………………….. 20
Figure 17. Signal Definitions 20-Pin Harness
Table 18. Output Relay Group Assignments ………………… 21
(Breaker Pigtail) ……………………………………………………………… 45
Table 19. Waveform Capture Setup……………………………….. 21
Figure 18. Signal Definitions 12-Pin Harness
(Breaker Pigtail) ……………………………………………………………… 46 Table 20. Setup Mode Programming …………………………….. 25
Figure 19. DB15 Connector …………………………………………… 46 Table 21. Wye Configuration Metering………………………….. 27
Figure 20. MicroVersaTrip vs. microEntelliGuard Table 22. Delta Configuration Metering ………………………. 27
Conversion ……………………………………………………………………… 49 Table 23. Status Screen Definitions ………………………………. 28
Figure 21. MicroVersaTrip Commnet Wiring ………………. 49 Table 24. Event Mode Screen Definitions ……………………. 28
Figure 22. microEntelliGuard Modbus
Table 25. Discrete Input , Function Code 2 …………………. 29
Connection …………………………………………………………………… 50
Table 26. Communication Parameters:
Modbus Function 3 (Read Only)………………………………… 30
Table 27. Communication Parameters:
Modbus Function 3 (Read/Write Parameters) ………. 31
Table 28. Communication Parameters:
Modbus Function 4 ……………………………………………………… 40
Table 29. Communication Parameters:
Modbus Function 5 ……………………………………………………… 44
Table 30. Metering Accuracy …………………………………………. 47
GEH-702 Users Manual
Read This First This section describes the standard and advanced
Proper circuit protection depends on setting up and protective functions and the advanced features
installing the circuit breaker correctly. Do not attempt and communication capabilities offered on the
to energize the circuit breaker before thoroughly microEntelliGuardTM Trip Unit.
understanding all of the trip unit setup parameters
and ensuring that they are set correctly and that
associated equipment and interfaces are also installed Standard Protection Functions
and connected correctly. Adjustable Long Time (pickup and time delay) is standard.
Three different sets of curve shapes are available with
Spectra breakers with microEntelliGuardTM Trip Units slopes that mimic traditional MicroVersaTrip® long time
use rating plugs to set the breaker current rating. curves (I2t), recursive thermal curves (thermal-mag circuit
Ensure that an appropriately sized rating plug is breaker) and fuse emulation (I4t).
installed into the trip unit prior to programming the
trip unit . Failure to install a rating plug can result in Adjustable Short Time (pickup and time delay) is
unwanted trips. Installing a rating plug that is not standard. An option to turn the short time function off
intended for the frame rating can result in unwanted is also included. Multiple slope functions are available
trips, and could result in improper protection. with I2t IN or OUT.
When setting up the trip unit for the first time, use Adjustable Instantaneous (pickup) is standard.
external 24Vdc control power (via external control Adjustable Ground Fault (pickup and time delay) is
power, test kit , or portable batter pack) to ensure that optional. This feature causes the breaker to TRIP when
all protection parameters are programmed correctly. responding to a ground fault.
GEH-702 Users Manual
Advanced Features and Communications Breakers/trip units optioned with any of the above
Basic Metering is standard. The metering option features have a 20-pin harness/connector and require
displays current for all three phases. accessories that accommodate the 20-pin connector
(see section on equipment interfaces).
Advanced Metering is optional. This feature displays
current , voltage, real power, reactive power, apparent
power, peak power demand, energy, frequency, and Rating Plugs
power factor for all three phases. Proper operation The microEntelliGuardTM Trip Unit uses a rating plug to
of the advanced metering function requires multiple establish or change the current rating of the breaker.
system accessories including power supplies, voltage Each breaker frame/sensor combination has multiple
conditioners, junction boxes, and interconnect cables. rating plugs available that are interchangeable
within the trip unit . Rating plugs available for
Modbus Communications is optional. The microEntelliGuardTM Trip Units are shown in Table 2.
communications option allows the breaker/trip unit to These rating plugs are compatible with EntelliGuard trip
communicate all breaker data to an outside network. units. Note that the same rating plug catalog number
can be used across multiple breaker sensor ratings.
Waveform Capture is optional. This option stores eight For example, GTP0150U0104 is a 150 amp-rating plug
cycles worth of data into digital memory that can be that can be used in the Spectra microEntelliGuardTM G
output via the trip unit’s DB-15 connector, or over the frame with 150 amp or 400 amp sensors.
Modbus interface.
GEH-702 Users Manual
GTP0060U0101 60 X
GTP0080U0101 80 X
GTP01OOU0103 100 X
GTP0125U0103 125 X
GTP0150U0104 150 X X
GTP0200U0204 200 X
GTP0225U0306 225 X X
GTP0250U0407 250 X X
GTP0300U0408 300 X X X
GTP0350U0408 350 X X X
GTP0400U0410 400 X X X
GTP0450U0612 450 X X X X
GTP0500U0613 500 X X X X
GTP0600U0616 600 X X X X
GTP0700U0816 700 X X X
GTP0750U0820 750 X X X
GTP0800U0820 800 X X X
GTP0900U1020 900 X X
GTP1OOOU1025 1000 X X
GTP11OOU1225 1100 X
GTP1200U1232 1200 X
GEH-702 Users Manual
Equipment Interfaces
Equipment interfaces for Spectra microEntelliGuard™ CAUTION: Neutral-current sensors are required for
breakers require special attention be paid to the three-phase/four-wire and single-phase/three-wire
wiring harness arrangement on the circuit breaker systems. When the trip unit is connected to a three
which depends on the features and functions that are phase/three-wire system, the neutral-current sensor
selected for the microEntelliGuard™ Trip Unit . The three terminals are left open. Do not short any neutral-
wiring harness arrangements are NO harness, 12-Pin current sensor terminals in a three-phase/three-
harness, and 20-Pin harness. Table 3 identifies the wire system, as this could result in damage to or
harness arrangement based on the last four digits of malfunction of the electrical system.
the circuit breaker catalog number.
GEH-702 Users Manual
Power Supplies
An outside source of 24Vdc control power is required
for communications and waveform capture. Control
power is also required for programming the trip unit
under no-load or low-load conditions (less than 20%
of sensor rating). Control power connections to the
breaker can be made through the terminal block or the
distribution cable junction box. Five different power
supply plate assemblies are available. The power
supplies are rated 24 watts (+24 Vdc at 1.0 amps)
and have the capacity to power 20 Spectra breakers/
trip units over a length of 40 feet (total distance from
power supply to last breaker). The power supply plate
assemblies include the power supply, fuse protection
and a control power transformer for ac source voltages
over 240 VAC. All of these components are mounted on
a base plate. Table 7 lists the available power supply
Figure 1. Typical Neutral CT Connection Using a Terminal Block plate assemblies. Figure 2 shows a typical power
supply connection using a terminal block.
Distribution Cable Junction Boxes Table 7. Power Supply Plate Catalog Numbers
Two different distribution cable junction boxes are Cat. No. AC Source Rating
available for Spectra microEntelliGuardTM breakers. SPSAl20 120 Vac, one-phase input & one neutral input1
Breakers with a 12-Pin harness use catalog number SPSA208 208 Vac, two-phase inputs
SDCJBB. Breakers with a 20-Pin harness use catalog
SPSA240 240 Vac, two-phase inputs
number SDCJBBC. The junction box serves as the
interconnection point between various shared input SPSA480 480 Vac, two-phase inputs2
and output signals, and also acts as the interface SPSA600 600 Vac, two-phase inputs2
between multiple breakers within a system. 1. Fuse protection on one leg only.
2. Contain a control power transformer to step the voltage down.
Table 6. Junction Box Descriptions
Description SDCJBB SDCJBBC The power supply used in the power supply plate
Breaker Harness (qty. 1) 12-Pin 20-Pin assemblies is available as a stand-alone component
Output Harness (qty. 2) 12-Pin 12-Pin (catalog number SPSAA) and requires an 85-240 Vac,
Aux Switch (red/white) X X 60 Hz input.
Neutral CT (black/white) X X
Communications X X
ZSI input +/- X
ZSI output +/- X
RELT input X
Prog Contact output +/- X
Prog Contact output +/- X
GEH-702 Users Manual
Voltage Conditioners
System voltage inputs are required in order for some Table 8 lists the available voltage conditioner plate
advanced metering and protective relay functions to assemblies. The voltage conditioner used in the
operate correctly (any calculation involving voltage voltage conditioner plate assemblies is available as a
such as power or undervoltage). Seven different stand-alone component (catalog number SPSAA).
voltage conditioner plate assemblies are available.
The voltage conditioner used in the assembly has
the capacity to provide voltage-sensing signals to 20 Table 8. Voltage Conditioner Plate Assemblies
Spectra breaker/trip units over a length of 40 feet (total Catalog
Source Voltage Rating Comments
distance from voltage conditioner to last breaker). The Number
voltage conditioner requires +24 Vdc control power (see SVCA120Y 120 Vac conn. to N potential)
section on Power Supplies). The voltage conditioner SVCA208Y 208 Vac conn. to potential)
plate assemblies include the voltage conditioner, fuse SVCA240D 240 Vac Delta conn. to potential)
protection and three 1-VA high-accuracy potential SVCA277Y 277 Vac conn. to N potential)
transformers. SVCA480Y 480 Vac conn. to potential)
SVCA480D 480 Vac Delta conn. to potential)
SVCA600D 600 Vac Delta conn. to potential)
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
The Spectra microEntelliGuardTM breaker is available
with Modbus communications, which allows connection Figure 3. Typical RELT Wiring Diagram
to an external Modbus network and monitoring
platform. Connection to the network requires the
appropriate terminal board or junction box. Proper
operation of the circuit breaker’s protective functions is
not dependent on the communications network. Caution: Setting the RELT instantaneous pickup value
greater than the standard instantaneous pickup
Spectra microEntelliGuardTM breakers are compatible value will result in higher breaker let-through energy
with EnerVista Viewpoint power system software in the event of a fault . The factory default setting for
allowing for remote monitoring and control of the RELT instantaneous is 1.5 x sensor rating which is the
breaker. Viewpoint Monitoring automatically detects minimum setting value.
Spectra microEntelliGuardTM breakers, generates
custom tailored monitoring screens, monitors power
quantities in real time (current, voltage, VARs, etc.), and
identifies the status of protected assets. Zone Selective Interlock
Zone Selective Interlocking, or ZSI, is an advanced
protective function that allows one ZSI enabled trip
Reduced Energy Let-Through unit to communicate with another ZSI enabled trip
Reduced energy let-through, or RELT, is an advanced unit . The microEntelliGuardTM trip unit is available
protective function that allows the trip unit to have with ZSI signaling on the short time, ground fault,
an alternate instantaneous pickup value. This and instantaneous functions. In the event of an
feature is intended to allow the user to set a lower overcurrent pickup condition, the downstream ZSI trip
instantaneous pickup level and reduce the amount of unit signals the upstream ZSI trip unit to temporarily
breaker let-through energy in the event of a fault . Trip change the affected pickup settings to values that
units optioned with the RELT function require either a allow the downstream trip unit/breaker to respond to
terminal board or junction box in order to wire the RELT the overcurrent condition (and the upstream breaker to
input and output signals. The RELT switch is enabled remain closed and continue to service other loads).
via a 24V (AC or DC) signal across the input contacts or
via the Modbus communications network. This signal Trip units optioned with the ZSI function require either
can be derived from the power supply plate assembly a terminal board or junction box in order to wire the
or it can be from a separate source. Trip units optioned ZSI input and output signals and +24Vdc control power.
with the RELT function have dedicated input and output A ZSI module (catalog number TIM1) is available that
contacts. The output contacts change state when the allows multiple ZSI enabled trip units to communicate
RELT function is enabled. The output contacts are rated with one another for optimal system selectivity.
1 amp, 60 Vac/Vdc. A RELT kit (catalog number GTURSK)
is available that provides an illuminated 3-position
selector switch allowing the user to select between
NORMAL, TEST, and ON positions. A typical wiring
diagram for the RELT connections is shown in Figure 3.
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
Digital Test Kit – the EntelliGuard test kit (catalog number auxiliary switch) and communications settings. The
GTUTK20) connects to the microEntelliGuardTM DB-15 EVENTS mode displays information regarding over-
connector and provides 24 Vdc power to illuminate the LCD. current events.
GEH-702 Users Manual
Language (Standard) current curve. Three different long time curve shapes
This setpoint is used to establish the language that is are available:
displayed in the LCD. The available language choices MVT > proportional to current squared; same as
are English, French, Spanish, German, and Chinese. The Spectra MicroVersaTrip® TCC
default language is English.
C > similar to thermal magnetic circuit breaker TCC
F > proportional to current to the fourth power;
Long Time Pickup (Standard) similar to fuse TCC
This setpoint is used in establishing the breaker’s nominal
ampere rating and is a function of the rating plug installed The nominal time delays for each setting are listed below.
in the trip unit. The breaker’s nominal ampere rating “C”,
is calculated by multiplying the long time pickup value Table 15. Nominal Time Delays
times the rating plug value “X”. The available range of Delay (sec) Delay (sec) Delay (sec)
Band Band Band
@ 600% @ 600% @ 300%
long time pick up values is 0.5 to 1.0 in increments of 0.05.
MVT1 3 C1 0.3 F1 0.2
MVT2 6 C2 0.5 F2 0.4
Example: MVT3 12 C3 0.8 F3 0.8
Rating Plug = 800 amps MVT4 25 C4 1.2 F4 2
LT Pickup Setting = 0.50
C5 2 F5 4
LT Pickup Value = Nominal Ampere Rating “C” =
C6 3 F6 10
800 amps x 0.50 = 400 amps
C7 5 F7 20
C8 7
C9 12
C10 18
Note: The MVT4, and C10 settings are not available on Spectra G Frame.
GEH-702 Users Manual
Breaker Nominal Ampere Rating “C” = 400 amps
ST Pickup Setting = 9.0
ST Pickup Rating = 400 amps x 9.0 = 3,600 amps
GEH-702 Users Manual
Instantaneous Pickup (Standard) Ground Fault Pickup (Trip or Alarm) (Optional) This
This set point is used to establish the ampere value set point is used to establish the ampere value that
that immediately causes the breaker to trip. The causes the breaker to trip/alarm under a ground fault
instantaneous trip value is calculated by multiplying condition. Trip units can be optioned to have either
the setting value times the breaker sensor value. The ground fault TRIP or ground fault ALARM. When
available range of instantaneous pickup values are optioned with ground fault TRIP, the breaker will trip
shown below. Maximum settings are dependent on when a ground fault is sensed and exceeds the setup
breaker frame and sensor rating: parameters. When optioned with ground fault ALARM,
the breaker will not trip when a ground fault is sensed
Table 16. Available Instantaneous Pickup and exceeds the setup parameters. Instead, a set of
Breaker Interrupt Sensor / MIN Max output contacts will change state allowing signaling
Tier CT INSTPU INSTPU to an external control device (output contacts require
Spectra G H, L, P All 2.0 10.0 the proper terminal board or junction box accessory).
Spectra K H, L, P All 2.0 10.0 The ground fault trip/alarm value is calculated by
T, S 800 2.0 25.5 multiplying the setting value times the circuit breaker’s
1000 2.0 20.5 sensor value “S”. The available range of ground fault
1200 2.0 17.0 trip/alarm values is 0.40 to 1.0 in increments of 0.01.
Reference Appendix A: Table 27 for Instantaneous Pickup increments
Example: Example:
Breaker Sensor “S” = 1200 amps
Breaker Sensor “S” = 800 amps
GF Pickup Setting = 8.0
INST Pickup Setting = 9.0 GF Trip Value = 1200 amps x 8.0 = 9,600 amps
INST Trip Value = 800 amps x 9.0 = 7,200 amps
Ground Fault Delay (Trip or Alarm) (Optional) The ZSI ST delay setting is used to establish the ST delay
This set point is used to allow momentary ground fault of the trip unit when another ZSI trip unit signals it. This
currents without nuisance tripping the breaker. It is also setting is used to allow momentary inrush currents
used to establish the shape of the ground fault time without nuisance tripping the breaker. Twelve time
current curve. Fifteen time delay bands and four curve delay bands and four curve slopes are available. The
slopes are available (slope equal to zero represents ZSI ST delay is a function of both the time delay band
zero slope or I2t OUT). The ground fault time delay is a and the slope.
function of both the time delay band and the slope.
The ZSI Ground Fault pickup setting is used to establish
the GF pickup of the trip unit when another ZSI trip unit
signals it . The ZSI GF pickup is calculated by multiplying
the ZSI GF pickup value times the breaker’s sensor
value “S”. The available range of ZSI GF pickup values is
0.4 to 1.0 in increments of 0.05.
GEH-702 Users Manual
Table 17. ZSI Settings Under Voltage Relay Pickup – this relay measures the
ZSI (ST/GF) enabled ZSI (ST/GF/INST) enabled true RMS phase voltage in all phases and initiates a trip
OFF OFF or alarm if any phase voltage drops below the set point
GF only GF only and delay values. The available range of under voltage
GF, ST GF, ST set point values is 50% to 90% of the nominal voltage
ST only ST only
in increments of 1%.
Under Voltage Relay Delay – this setting enables a time
delay from the point of pickup to the initiation of a trip
Neutral Protection Pickup (Optional) signal. The available range of time delay settings is 1
This set point is used to provide overcurrent protection to 15 seconds in increments of 1 second. Choosing OFF
on the system neutral. Overcurrent protection on disables the relay.
the system neutral is directly proportional to the
parameters previously established for both the Long Over Voltage Relay Pickup – this relay measures the
Time and Short Time pickup settings. The available true RMS phase voltage in all phases and initiates a trip
settings for this parameter are OFF, 50%, 100% and 150%. or alarm if any phase voltage exceeds the set point and
delay values. The available range of over voltage set
This optional set point requires a neutral CT connection point values is 110% to 150% of the nominal voltage in
and the appropriate equipment interfaces. increments of 1%.
GEH-702 Users Manual
The range of available settings for Load Alarm OFF is Waveform Capture (Optional)
0.50 to 0.95 in increments of 0.05. This value multiplied When a fault has taken place, it is important to visualize
by the ampere rating “C” establishes the current that the event. The Waveform Capture option included in the
the Load Alarm relay returns to its original state. The advanced trip unit can track and visualize any fault
Load Alarm OFF setting must always be less than the event. The device tracks eight cycles, four before and
Load Alarm ON setting. four after the event, with resolution of
48 samples per cycle at 60Hz, and stores the results in
memory. It registers events in all three phases and the
Input/Output Relays (Optional) neutral. After the event, the waveform is stored in
Breakers that are optioned with a 20-Pin harness are COMTrade format and can be accessed by using the
enabled with an Input Relay function. If the Reduced waveform client module of the EnerVista software.
Energy Let-Through (RELT) function is also optioned,
then the input relay is dedicated to a RELT input signal The available setup options for this feature are as follows:
and there will be no setup screen. If the RELT function
is not optioned, then the input relay can be used as a Table 19. Waveform Capture Setup
shunting device to trip the breaker. A 24Vac/Vdc signal Setup Options Disable Manual Over Current Prot . Relay
is required. The available settings are TRIP or OFF. Option 1 X
Option 2 X
Option 3 X
Breakers that are optioned with a 20-Pin harness are
Option 4 X
enabled with two programmable output relays. These Option 5 X X
relays are used as a signaling means for functions such Option 6 X X
as ground fault alarm, reduced energy let-through, Option 7 X X
zone selective interlocking, protective relays, load Option 8 X X X
alarm, health status, or an overcurrent trip condition.
For trip units optioned with reduced energy let-through
(RELT), RELAY 2 is dedicated to the RELT output function. Each recording event overwrites the previously stored
In the setup mode, there are six groups assigned to data. A Modbus command is required to trigger
RELAY 1 and RELAY 2. The table below describes the Manual waveform capture. An outside source of 24Vdc
function associated with each group. control power is required for communications and
waveform capture.
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
Spectra microEntelliGuardTM breakers include a settings Spectra microEntelliGuardTM breakers include an event
mode. This mode allows convenient review of the queue. This queue allows review of the last 10 trips that
breaker settings without moving through all of the have happened on the system. The first event, called
setup screens. Event 1, is the most recent event . The tenth event is the
oldest event in the memory. Each event will display the
trip type, phase, count, and level of fault that caused
Setting Status the trip. The event log can be cleared of all trip events
The setting status screen displays the pickup and delay by simultaneously pressing the up and down buttons.
settings for short time, long time, and instantaneous
protections in a tabular format. It is normal to see dashes
where a particular setting does not apply. An example of a
non-applicable setting is instantaneous delay.
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
Function Title (as implemented) Min. Value Max. Value Default Setting Setting Choices
INPUT 1 (if not RELT optioned) TRIP OFF OFF
Fixed to GROUP 6 if RELT is optioned, else
available options are GROUP 1 to 5.
GROUP 1: GF Alarm
OFF [GROUP 6 if GROUP 2: Over Current Trip
Inputs and Outputs RELT Enabled] GROUP 3: Protective Relay Trip
GROUP 4: Load Alarm
GROUP 5: Health Status
OFF [GROUP 6 if Available options are GROUP 1 to 6 if RELT
RELT Enabled] is optioned, else GROUP 1 to 5
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1 - 0.40
2 - 0.41
3 - 0.42
236 GF Alarm Pickup ------ 1 Read/Write
59 - 0.98
60 - 0.99
61 - 1.00
0- Off
1- Band1
2- B and2
3- Band3
4- Band4
5- Band5
6- Band6
7- Band7
237 GF Alarm Delay 5 Read/Write
8- Band8
9- Band9
10 - Band10
11 - Band11
12 - Band12
13 - Band13
14 - Band14
15 - Band 15
238 GF Alarm K Value 0 Read/Write
0- Alarm
243 Current Unbalance Action 1- Trip 0 Read/Write
2- Both
0- Alarm
244 Voltage Unbalance Action 1- Trip 0 Read/Write
2- Both
GEH-702 Users Manual
1 - 110
2 - 111
3 - 112
258 Over Voltage Pickup 1 Read/Write
---- [Increments by 1]
40 - 149
41 - 150
0- Off
1- 1
2- 2
3- 3
4- 4
5- 5
6- 6
7- 7
259 Over Voltage Delay 0 Read/Write
8- 8
9- 9
10 - 10
11 - 11
12 - 12
13 - 13
14 - 14
15 - 15
1 - 50
2 - 51
260 Under Voltage Pickup ---- [Increments by 1] 1 Read/Write
40 - 89
41 - 90
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1 - 10
2 - 20
3 - 30
4 - 40
5 - 50
6 - 60
7 - 70
267 Power Reversal Pickup 8 - 80 1 Read/Write
9 - 90
10 - 100
11 - 110
12 - 120
---- [10x read value]
67 - 670
68 - 680
0- None
1- Group 1
2- Group 2
271 Relay1 (Output1) Function 3- Group 3 0 Read/Write
4- Group 4
5- Group 5
6- Group 6
0- None
1- Group 1
2- Group 2
272 Relay2 (Output2) Function 0 Read/Write
3- Group 3
4- Group 4
5- Group 5
0- None
275 Input 1 1- Trip 0 Read/Write
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GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
GEH-702 Users Manual
Appendix D. Metering
GEH-702 Users Manual
Appendix E. Troubleshooting
Unit does not communicate with Incorrect baud rate. Check that the baud rate assigned to the trip unit,
the Master. agrees with the baud rate at the host .
Incorrect address. Check that the address assigned to the trip unit ,
agrees with the address at the host
Current readings are incorrect. Incorrect rating plug value. Check the rating plug label.
The potential transformer (PT) primary Read the PT primary rating from the PT name
voltage was defined incorrectly. plate and set trip unit PT to this value.
Voltage readings are incorrect.
The PT connection was defined incorrectly. Set the trip unit phase to phase PH-PH or phase
to neutral PH-N according to the system.
Rating plug is less than 37% of sensor rating. Replace the rating plug with appropriate value.
(unit can be tested with no rating plug installed,
Instantaneous trip it will default to 37% of sensor).
GEH-702 Users Manual
There are occasions when a field update or repair will The new Spectra RMS Molded Case Circuit breaker with
require replacement of a Spectra RMS Molded Case microEntelliGuardTM will be a direct replacement for the
circuit breaker with a MicroVersaTrip® Trip Unit with a old circuit breaker. A standard replacement procedure
Spectra RMS Molded Case circuit breaker with a can be used following all safety procedures.
microEntelliGuardTM Trip Unit. There are two cases
to consider when performing this replacement . The
replacement procedures are described in this appendix. Warning - High voltage and high currents are present
when working with circuit breaker replacement . Be
For either case the first step is to identify the appropriate sure all power is removed before replacing the existing
Molded Case circuit breaker with microEntelliGuardTM circuit breaker. Before reapplying the power, be sure to
Trip Unit to use in the replacement . The figure provides check the integrity of all connections.
a conversion map from a MicroVersaTrip® (MVT) to a
microEntelliGuardTM (MET). This figure only helps identify
an equivalent breaker. Should additional features be The second case to consider is replacement of a
desired during the replacement contact a GE sales MicroVersaTrip® breaker that is connected to a
representative or distributor for assistance. communications port. When replacing a MicroVersaTrip®
breaker that uses the communication port, minor wiring
updates are required. The block diagram in Figure 21
shows the typical MicroVersaTrip® connection.
GEH-702 Users Manual
The microEntelliGuardTM Trip Unit communicates the chain. If there is only one breaker or device using
directly with the Modbus. To update the wiring for use the Modbus concentrator, the concentrator can be
with microEntelliGuardTM Trip Unit, Belden 9841 cable removed from the system.
should be used. The COMM+ (Com TX) signal from the
distribution junction box should be connected to the Once the circuit breaker is replaced in the system, some
Modbus+ connection of the Modbus. The COMM- (Com reprogramming may be necessary. Users Manual
RX) signal from the distribution junction box should GEH-6508 contains a register map for the Spectra
be connected to the Modbus-. The shield from the MicroVersaTrip®. This document will provide the register
distribution junction box should be connected to the numbers that were available for various functions using
Modbus shield. Figure 22 shows the modified wiring. the MicroVersaTrip®. The equivalent registers for the
The Modbus standard requires that communication microEntelliGuardTM are provided in Appendix B of this
wiring be connected using a daisy chain method with document.
termination resistors applied to the last slave unit in
Refer to these other user’s manuals for more details·: DEH-006 Distribution Cable Junction Box
GEH-700 Spectra G Breaker w/ GEH-705 MET Distribution Cable Extension (20-Pin)
microEntelliGuard Trip Unit GEH-6256 Distribution Cable Extension (12-Pin)
GEH-701 Spectra K Breaker w/ GEH-6255 Distribution Cable Harness (12-Pin)
microEntelliGuard Trip Unit GEH-706 MET Distribution Cable Terminal Blocks
DEH-41318 Universal Rating Plug (11 point & 22 point)
GEH-6250 Voltage Module GEH-6257 Distribution Cable Terminal Block (11 point)
GEH-6251 Power Supply Plate GEH-707 MET Sealable Cover kits
GEH-6252 Voltage Conditioner Plate DEH-4568 GTU digital test kit (GTUTK20)
GEH-6253 Power Supply Assembly GEH-5551 Shunt Trip and UVR instructions
GEH-6254 Voltage Conditioner Assembly GEH-5593 Aux switch and bell alarm
GEH-703 MET Batter Pack Adapter GEK-64467 TIM-1 Zone Selective Interlock Module
GEH-704 MET Advanced Distribution Cable
Junction Box
GEH-702 Users Manual
These instructions do not cover all details or variations in equipment nor do they
provide for every possible contingency that may be met in connection with installation,
operation, or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular
problems arise that are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the
matter should be referred to the GE Company.
GE Energy
41 Woodford Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062
© 2012 General Electric Company
imagination at work
GEH-702 Rev. 5 (03/12)