Compare and Contrast Structure Words
Compare and Contrast Structure Words
Compare and Contrast Structure Words
duck iguana
Web-footed aquatic bird spending most of its time on water; Giant lizard found in tropical regions of the Americas and the
the domestic duck is raised for its meat and for the Pacific islands and having a spiny dorsal crest; it lives mainly
production of foie gras. in trees.
Wild terrestrial bird with a bald head and horned comb Aquatic and land reptile found in hot regions; it has an
originally from Africa and domesticated in Europe for its elongated head, strong jaws, short legs and a powerful tail.
Short-legged aquatic reptile found in North America and
Generally grain-eating bird prized for its meat and its keen China; its head is shorter and wider than that of the crocodile.
sense of direction (carrier pigeon).
Medium-sized aquatic reptile found in Central and South
Web-footed bird of the Northern hemisphere better adapted America; it is less aggressive than the crocodile and the
to land than water; certain species are raised mainly for the alligator.
production of foie gras.
common toad
Domestic bird (male of the hen) with a large serrated comb
and a long-plumed tail. Tailless nocturnal insectivorous amphibian usually found on
land and not very adept at jumping; its body is covered with
small outgrowths.
Bird found in fields and meadows and much prized as game;
certain species are domesticated. Amphibian with a flat tail found mainly in freshwater and
usually feeding on insects.
Domestic fowl (female of the rooster) with a small serrated
comb raised in captivity for its eggs and meat. Nocturnal amphibian, mainly insectivorous, with a tail; there
are land and aquatic species.
Newly hatched bird covered in down. Small tailless, usually insectivorous amphibian found mostly
in trees near water; its digits are fitted with suction cups.
adhesive disk
Adhesive disk surrounded by a ring; it is located at the
Medium-sized nonvenomous snake found in hot regions of terminal end of the limbs and used for anchoring.
the Americas; it lives mainly in trees or in the water and kills
its prey by strangulation. INSECTS
burying beetle
furniture beetle
tsetse fly
Insect with two wings and long antennae; the female stings
humans and animals to feed off their blood.