SMA 1216 Course Outline
SMA 1216 Course Outline
SMA 1216 Course Outline
Course Description
This course aims at providing the student with the basic concepts of Func-
tions of Several Variables, Matrices and Ordinary Differential Equations
which are motivated by Radiography and Engineering Sciences applications
while emphasising the informed use of modern numerical analysis methods.
The objective of this course, therefore is to present mathematical theories
that Engineering Scientists have successfully used so far in a manner that
highlights the historical and intellectual connections between the applica-
tions in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering.
Course Content
1. Functions of Several Variables
• Applications of Matrices
Course Assessment
The course will be structured in the form of two hour lectures which shall
be conducted twice a week. Students are expected to attend and participate
actively in these lectures. Two in-class tests will constitute the major assess-
ment from which a continuous assessment (CA) mark will be obtained. This
CA mark together with the mark obtained in the Final Examination, on a
25% : 75% ratio respectively, will lead to the calculation of the student’s
final grade in the course.
Recommended Reading
The following textbooks are recommended for studying in this course, how-
ever any other textbook with content relevant to the course is appropriate
for personal enrichment.