The document discusses the major languages spoken around the world, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Russian. It notes that English is spoken widely in England, the United States, Canada, and Australia, while Spanish is spoken in Spain and most of Central and South America excluding Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken. The document also identifies English and Spanish as two of the most popular languages in the world currently.
The document discusses the major languages spoken around the world, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Russian. It notes that English is spoken widely in England, the United States, Canada, and Australia, while Spanish is spoken in Spain and most of Central and South America excluding Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken. The document also identifies English and Spanish as two of the most popular languages in the world currently.
Original Description:
Reading Comprehension about the most important languages spoken around the world.
The document discusses the major languages spoken around the world, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Russian. It notes that English is spoken widely in England, the United States, Canada, and Australia, while Spanish is spoken in Spain and most of Central and South America excluding Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken. The document also identifies English and Spanish as two of the most popular languages in the world currently.
The document discusses the major languages spoken around the world, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Russian. It notes that English is spoken widely in England, the United States, Canada, and Australia, while Spanish is spoken in Spain and most of Central and South America excluding Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken. The document also identifies English and Spanish as two of the most popular languages in the world currently.
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Languages of the world
The Teacher: 9. What are
-Today, let's talk the most popular about certain countries of the world and about the languages today? languages which the people of these countries 10. What other languages besides English do you speak. First of all, in what countries of the world is study? English spoken? 11. Is French a beautiful or an ugly language? A Student: 12. Are some languages more difficult than others to -English is spoken in England, in the United States, in learn or are all foreign languages equally difficult? Canada, and in Australia. 13. Which foreign languages are the easiest to learn? -Where is Spanish spoken? 14. Which foreign languages are the most difficu1t -Spanish is spoken in Spain, and in all the principal to learn? countries of South America except Brazil. 15. Do you consider English an easy or a difficult for- - What language is spoken in Brazil? -Portuguese is eign language? spoken in Brazil. - What language is spoken in France, in Germany, in Review Russia? 1. What language is spoken in Canada? -In France, the people speak French; in Germany they 2. Is only English spoken in New York City or is it speak German; in Russia, Russian. possible to hear many other languages in the streets - These are all important languages. Of course, there of New York City? are also Italian, Japanese, and Chinese. English is per- 3. What language is spoken in Mexico - English, haps the most popular language in the world today Spanish or Portuguese? and people in schools everywhere study English at 4. Is the Portuguese language more similar to Eng- present. Spanish is almost equally spoken everywhere lish or to Spanish? throughout Central and South America. French is a 5. Is the Italian language more similar to English or beautiful and popular language. Languages change, of to Spanish? course, and their importance varies with the im- 6. For a person who speaks Spanish, is it easy or portance of the nations which they represent. When a difficult to learn Italian? nation becomes more important and more powerful, 7. What do we mean when we speak of the its language grows in importance. When a nation "Romance Languages"? becomes less important politically, its language natu- 8. Is Russian a Romance Language or does Russian rally decreases in importance. belong to a different family of languages? 9. Do you imagine that it is easy or difficult to learn 1. In what countries of the world is English Russian? spoken? 10. Do many or few people speak Chinese today? 2. In what countries of the world is Spanish 11. Does Chinese belong to the same family of spoken? languages as Russian, or does it belong to a different 3. In what European countries is Spanish spoken? family? 4. Is Spanish spoken only in South America, or is 12. Do you consider the study of languages in Spanish also spoken in Central America? general an interesting study or an uninteresting 5. What language is spoken in Argentina? In Puerto study? Rico? 6. What language is spoken in Brazil? 7. In what European country is Portuguese, spoken? 8. What language is spoken in France?