Devoir Anglais Tle The Triumph of English
Devoir Anglais Tle The Triumph of English
Devoir Anglais Tle The Triumph of English
There was a predictable wave of outrage across the country but the
Pèporiyakou / Natitingou Thème : Sois meilleur university’s rector, Giovanni Azzoni, simply replied: “We strongly
BP. 770 Natitingou – BENIN dans ce que tu fais believe our classes should be international classes, and the only way to
Tél : 94 68 78 68 / 97 35 52 37 have international classes is to use the English language. Universities
are in a more competitive world. If you want to stay with the other
DEVOIR DU TROISIEME TRIMESTRE global universities, you have no other choice.”
Epreuve : ANGLAIS Classe : Tle A Durée : 03H 5. Many other European universities have taken the same decision and the
22/03/2023 phenomenon is spreading to Asia. There is a huge shift under way and
it has become extremely rare to meet a scientific researcher or
I- SITUATION D’EVALUATION international businessperson who cannot speak fluent English. How
CD n°2 : Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à un message écrit. else would Peruvians communicate with Chinese?
CD n°3 : Produire un texte de type et de fonction variés. 6. But wait a minute. Peruvians speak Spanish, the world’s second
biggest-language, and Chinese have the largest number of native
II. EPREUVE speakers of any language. Why don’t they just learn each other’s
A. REACTION A TEXTE ECRIT 7. Because neither language is much used for talking to anybody else in
the other continents. Since few people have the time to learn more than
Contexte : La langue anglaise, de nos jours, est devenue celle la plus one or two foreign languages, we need a single lingua franca that
parlée dans le monde entier. Nul ne peut donc s’en passer. everybody can use with everybody else.
8. The choice has fallen on English not because it is more beautiful or
Support : Le texte ci-dessous more expensive, but just because it is already more widespread than
any of the other potential candidates.
Text: The triumph of English as the world’s language. By Gwynne Dyer, Special to the BDN (posted May 21, 2012, at 3 : 43 p.m.)
1. The second president of the United States, John Adams, predicted in
1780 that “English will be the most respectable language in the world Critères d’évaluation : Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as
and the most universally read and spoken in the next century, if not compris en :
before the end of this one”. It is destined “in the next and succeeding - Répondant par "right" ou "wrong" à certaines affirmations sur le
centuries to be more generally the language of the world than Latin was texte ;
in the last or French is in the present age”. - Répondant à certaines questions posées sur le texte ;
2. It was a bold prediction, for at that time there were only about 13 - Cherchant les synonymes de certains mots dans le texte en te basant sur
million English speakers in the world, almost all of them living in des paragraphes indiqués ;
Britain or on the eastern seaboard of North America. So how is Adams’ - Posant des questions avec certains mots ou certains groupes de mots
prediction doing now? soulignés dans des phrases ;
3. Well, it took a little longer than he thought, but last week one of the - Donnant les noms des pays correspondant à certaines nationalités ;
most respected universities in Italy, the Polytecnico di Milano, - Reformulant certains passages de façon autonome ;
announced that from 2014 all of its courses would be taught in English. - Traduisant le dernier paragraphe du texte en français.
Item 5: Join the clauses in each sentence with the word in brackets.
Consignes : Make the necessary changes
Item 1: Write "right" or "wrong"for the following statements on 1. He was able to speak English fluently; he had learnt very hard. (by)
the text 2. My friend is studying computer science in America; he learnt English
1. President John Adams had low expectations for English language. first. (who)
2. English was already the most universally read and spoken language in 3. If you want to stay with the other global universities, you have no other
President John Adams’ lifetime. choice. (Unless)
3. In 1780, French was generally the language of the world. 4. He failed the test due to poor knowledge of English. (because of)
4. President John Adams’ predication has become a reality.
5. The politecnico di Milano used to teach all its courses in English before
2014. Item 6 : Rephrase these sentences using the given prompts.
1. “English will be the most respectable language in the world in the next
Item 2: Answer these questions on the text. century”, President John Adams predicted.
1. How many people spoke English in 1780? - President John Adams has predicted …………………
2. What was Geovanni Azzanni ? 2. People confirm that English is the language of the world.
3. Which language in the world has the biggest number of native - English……………………
speakers? 3. All courses at universities would be taught in English.
4. Why has the choice of a lingua franca fallen on English? - University teachers would ………………..
4. English is well-spoken and it is widespread too.
Item 3: Find the synonyms of these words in the text. - Not only………………….
1. Today (paragraph 1) 5. As I worked hard, I started to speak English better.
2. Globally (Paragraph 1) - The ……………..the…………………………
3. Foretelling (Paragraph 2)
4. Nearly (Paragraph 2) Item 7 : Translate the last paragraph of the text into French.
5. preference (Paragraph 4)
Item 4: Ask questions based on the underlined words or group of Contexte : Certaines personnes éprouvent de sérieuses difficultés à
words. s’exprimer dans la langue anglaise. Elles ne cessent de faire des efforts
1. President John Adams predicted in 1780 that English will be the most mais n’y arrivent pas. Pourtant il existe aujourd’hui plusieurs méthodes et
respectable language in the world. des ressources pour vite parler l’anglais.
2. President John Adams predicted in 1780 that English will be the most
respectable language in the world. Critères d’évaluation : Tu montreras ta compétence à rédiger un discours
3. President John Adams predicted in 1780 that English will be the most en anglais en :
respectable language in the world. - Respectant le contexte et la logique interne du texte ;
4. At that time, there were 13 million English speakers in the world. - Respectant les différentes étapes de rédaction d’une lettre informelle ;
- Utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées ;
- Construisant des phrases significatives et grammaticalement correctes ;
- Respectant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées.
Consigne : Your school mates don’t like English because they think this
language is difficult. Seen the importance of English in the world today, the
principal of your school has organized a meeting with all the school
students to sensitize them about the importance of English and how they
can learn this language easily. You are chosen to deliver a speech on this
occasion and for this purpose. Write your speech.
Do not exceed 30 lines please.