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By Invitation:
Phil Rosenzweig
But many executives, despite their good intentions, look in the wrong places
for the insights that will deliver an edge. Too often they reach for books
and articles that promise a reliable path to high performance. Over the past
decade, some of the most popular business books have claimed to reveal
the blueprint for lasting success, the way to go from good to great, or how
to craft a fail-safe strategy or to make the competition irrelevant.
Article at a glance
notion that business success follows
In the quest to achieve superior performance,
predictably from implementing
executives often rely on advice in business books, a few key steps. In promoting this
articles, and business school case studies idea, authors obscure a more basic
that claim to reveal a blueprint for gaining lasting
truth—namely, that in the business
competitive advantage.
world success is the result of
The research underpinning this advice, however, is
decisions made under conditions of
often deeply flawed and, worse, obscures the
basic truth that success in the business world is uncertainty and shaped in part
based on decisions made under uncertainty and by factors outside our control. In
in the face of factors executives cannot control. the real world, given the flux of
This article, an adaptation of material from the competitive dynamics, even seem-
author’s book, The Halo Effect: . . . and the Eight ingly good choices do not always
Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers,
lead to favorable outcomes.
explores some of the misconceptions and delusions
found in the business world, particularly those
concerning the ability of executives to achieve Rather than succumb to the
durable superior performance. These include the hyperbole and false promises found
idea that variables such as leadership and corporate
culture have a causal relationship to financial
in so much management writing,
performance. business strategists would do far
The article also explores ways for executives to
better to improve their powers of
improve their powers of critical thinking, an critical thinking. Wise executives
important but overlooked tool for crafting effective should be able to think clearly
corporate strategy.
about the quality of research claims
and to detect some of the egregious
Related articles errors that pervade the business
on mckinseyquarterly.com
world. Indeed, the capacity for
“Distortions and deceptions in strategic decisions,”
2006 Number 1 critical thinking is an important
asset for any business strategist—
“Just-in-time strategy for a turbulent world,”
2002 special edition: Risk and resilience one that allows the executive to cut
through the clutter and to discard
“Hidden flaws in strategy,”
2003 Number 2 the delusions, embracing instead
a more realistic understanding of
business success and failure.
How does the halo effect manifest itself in the business world? Imagine
a company that is doing well, with rising sales, high profits, and a sharply
increasing stock price. The tendency is to infer that the company has
a sound strategy, a visionary leader, motivated employees, an excellent cus-
tomer orientation, a vibrant culture, and so on. But when that same
company suffers a decline—if sales fall and profits shrink—many people are
quick to conclude that the company’s strategy went wrong, its people
became complacent, it neglected its customers, its culture became stodgy,
and more. In fact, these things may not have changed much, if at all.
Rather, company performance, good or bad, creates an overall impression—
a halo—that shapes how we perceive its strategy, leaders, employees,
culture, and other elements.
As an example, when Cisco Systems was growing rapidly, in the late 1990s,
it was widely praised by journalists and researchers for its brilliant strategy,
masterful management of acquisitions, and superb customer focus. When
the tech bubble burst, many of the same observers were quick to make the
opposite attributions: Cisco, the journalists and researchers claimed,
now had a flawed strategy, haphazard acquisition management, and poor
customer relations. On closer examination, Cisco really had not changed
much—a decline in its performance led people to see the company differ-
ently. Indeed, Cisco staged a remarkable turnaround and today is still
one of the leading tech companies. The same thing happened at ABB , the
Swiss-Swedish engineering giant. In the 1990s, when its performance
was strong, ABB was lauded for its elegant matrix design, risk-taking culture,
and charismatic chief executive, Percy Barnevik. Later, when the com-
pany’s performance fell, ABB was roundly criticized for having a dysfunc-
tional organization, a chaotic culture, and an arrogant CEO. But again,
the company had not really changed much.
Wise managers know to be wary of the halo effect. They look for indepen-
dent evidence rather than merely accepting the idea that a successful
company has a visionary leader and a superb customer orientation or that a
struggling company must have a poor strategy and weak execution. They
ask themselves, “If I didn’t know how the company was performing, what
80 The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 1
Following a given formula can’t ensure high performance, and for a simple
reason: in a competitive market economy, performance is fundamentally
relative, not absolute. Success and failure depend not only on a company’s
actions but also on those of its rivals. A company can improve its opera-
tions in many ways—better quality, lower cost, faster throughput time,
superior asset management, and more—but if rivals improve at a faster
rate, its performance may suffer.
Consider General Motors. In 2005 GM’s debt was reduced to junk bond
status—hardly a vote of confidence from financial markets. Yet compared
with the automobiles GM produced in the 1980s, its cars today boast
better quality, additional features, superior comfort, and improved safety.
Owing to myriad factors, including the increased prominence of Japanese
and South Korean automakers, GM’s share of the US market keeps slipping,
The halo effect, and other managerial delusions 81
C reative Destruction: Why Companies That Are Built to Last Underperform the Market—and How to
Successfully Transform Them, New York: Currency/Doubleday, 2001.
82 The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 1
imitation and competition. Rivals copy the leader’s winning ways, new
companies enter the market, best practices are diffused, and employees
move from one company to another. Of course, it is always possible to
pick out a handful of enduring success stories after the fact. Then if
we study those companies by relying on data that are suffused with the
halo effect, we may think we have discovered the keys to success.
In fact, we have only managed to show how successful companies were
described—an entirely different matter.
Robert E. Rubin and Jacob Weisberg, In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington,
reprint edition, New York: Random House, 2004.
84 The McKinsey Quarterly 2007 Number 1
Our business world is full of research and analysis that are comforting
to managers: that success can be yours by following a formula, that specific
actions will lead to predictable outcomes, and that greatness can be
achieved no matter what rivals do. The truth is very different: the busi-
ness world is not a place of clear causal relationships, where a given
set of actions leads to predictable results, but one that is more tenuous
and uncertain.