The Halo Effect Revised
The Halo Effect Revised
The Halo Effect Revised
PHIL ROSENZWEIG is a professor at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne,
Switzerland. He currently directs and teaches executive development courses for leading companies. Dr.
Rosenzweig is a graduate of the Wharton School, the University of California, Santa Barbara and UCLA. In
addition to spending six years on the faculty of the Harvard Business School, Dr. Rosenzweig worked as
marketing manager for Hewlett-Packard’s leasing unit for six years.
The Web site for this book is at
The Halo Effect - Page 1
Success in business is actually far more elusive than most business books, gurus and best-selling professors would have us believe.
Every year hundreds of new books are published which basically are variations on the same theme:
• This is the secret of high performing companies which not too many people know.
• Study what makes these companies great, and then go and do likewise by applying these ideas to your company.
• If you do this, you’ll gain a competitive advantage because your competitors won’t know these things.
The problem is even though many of these authors mean well and have worked hard to synthesize the reasons for one company’s
success, they are offering a “quick fix” route to high performance which simply does not exist in the real world. Being successful is
never just a matter of taking what works for someone else and plugging in your own products and people. Instead, you have to do your
own thinking and take a much more clear-eyed and thoughtful approach.
If you plan on achieving superior and lasting business performance, you won’t get there by following a specific set of steps which
apparently worked for someone else. Instead, you need to focus on understanding and acknowledging the fundamental uncertainty
of business performance and then progressively working to improve your probabilities of success. That will take more work than you’d
like, but at least you’ll be focused on the elements that actually drive your company’s performance rather than the common business
delusions which absorb the time and attention of others.
1. The nine delusions of business thinking – why the experts get things wrong so frequently . . . . . . . . . Pages 2 - 6
Business success is never genuinely plug-and play – take what worked for another company and go and
do likewise. Anyone who believes that has had their thinking shaped by one or more of the nine most
common delusions in the business world:
2 Correlation and Causality It’s possible to definitely say one thing causes another
3 Single Explanations There is just one factor which generates superior performance
4 Connecting the Winning Dots Success lies in whatever successful companies have in common
5 Rigorous Research If you gather enough data, reasons for success can be isolated
7 Lasting Success If you keep doing the right things, you will be a long-term success
8 The Wrong End of the Stick Success comes from pursuing a tightly focused strategy
9 Organizational Physics Business performance can be forecast with the accuracy of science
These combined result of these delusions are two pieces of business fiction:
• That following a few key steps will lead to genuine business greatness.
• Any company’s success is the result of its own actions irrespective of external factors.
The reality is success is more often than not shaped by external factors well beyond the company’s control.
In a competitive business environment, there is no formula which guarantees a company’s success. This
may be disappointing at first glance but it actually is good because it means managers will always be
needed to make the complex decisions. If success could be reduced to a formula, there would be no need
for human input which would mean less opportunities for good people to shine. In short, what business
executives bring to an enterprise matters and they make an important contribution.
2. A better way to approach business management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 7 - 8
Replace looking for plug-and-play formulas to follow with a greater respect for probabilities and the impact
of external market forces. Be willing to make the difficult and complex judgement calls which often end up
being pivotal to your company’s future fortunes. To make those calls as best you can, there are three
general steps you can try to follow:
1 2 3
Recognize the uncertainties Approach problems as Separate inputs
and complexity of business interlocking possibilities from outcomes
If you can gather appropriate marketplace information, evaluate it thoroughly and make the choices which
provide your firm with the greatest possible chance of success, all the time acknowledging the
fundamental uncertainties involved, you’ve done all you can to make an effective decision. This will prove
to be far more fruitful than trying to follow a given formula or set of steps others have used.
The Halo Effect - Page 2
The nine delusions of business thinking The nine delusions of business thinking
Correlation There is always a direct one-to-one Single There is one specific and particular
and correlation between doing well on some Explanation factor which leads to superior
2 Causality factor and enterprise success. It’s easy 3 performance. Everyone who improves
to establish these direct linkages. in this area will perform better.
The key question in business is always: “What leads to high Humans just naturally look for a single explanation of business
performance?” Very smart people – including consultants, performance. We automatically assume there is just one factor
business school professors, authors and many others – have which, if properly isolated and understood, can be used to
been trying to answer this question forever. It’s basically the “holy generate success for any company in any industry. This all
grail” of Wall Street. sounds so alluring we convince ourselves there must be a grand
The problem is in business, it’s difficult to say what are the underlying secret which would be pure gold if we could just
causes of high performance and what are the attributes. To take understand it and get very good at it.
a simple example: The problem is for anything good which happens to a company,
there are always a number of alternative sound and viable
Highly motivated When a company does explanations. So many things contribute to a company’s
employees treat well, it can afford to pay performance that it’s hard to know definitively how much of the
customers so well their above-average wages so overall performance is generated by one specific input and how
companies prosper its people are motivated much has been generated by an entirely different input. Even if
an attempt is made to control many of the external factors, there
are still a large number of things which can go on inside a firm
Does having satisfied employees lead to high performance? which will affect the end result.
This sounds logical, but it may well be when a company is highly
To take some examples:
successful, it pays its employees so well they cannot help but
become more highly motivated. The challenge in business is to n One study concluded a change in the CEO of a company will
untangle the direction of the causality. And just to keep things affect the firm’s performance by around 15-percent.
interesting, this causality may also vary from one industry to n Another separate study found 25-percent of a firm’s
another as well as from one company to another within the same performance is dictated by whether or not it is market
industry. Also just because two factors might show a high degree oriented, regardless of any other marketplace conditions.
of correlation, that doesn’t necessarily mean one of these factors
n A third study found whether or not a firm is socially responsible
caused the other.
– in terms of pursuing the interests of all stakeholders and not
Separating correlation and causality are real challenges in just seeking to maximize profits exclusively – can explain
analyzing companies. Often it’s difficult to tell which is the about 40-percent of any changes in a company’s financial
dependant variable and which is the independent variable. We performance over time.
can refine our thinking by gathering data at different points of
Armed with these three studies (each of which was based on
time so the impact of one variable on a subsequent outcome can
sound analysis methodologies), we might conclude that together
be more clearly seen but it’s vary rare for a business to only
these three factors account for 80-percent of a firm’s
change one variable at a time. In practice, it’s likely a large
performance. That sounds good until we pause to wonder
number of different inputs are being changed all the time,
whether these are separate effects and therefore additive, or
meaning the resultant changes may in fact be derived by some
whether there are some cross links involved. Could it be that
completely unexpected change elsewhere in the business.
those firms which are socially responsible are also more likely to
“Science is a method for trying to answer questions which can be be market oriented? Or could it be that whenever a new CEO
put in the form: If I do this, what will happen? How should we comes on board, you would expect to see market orientation
answer a scientific question? The technique of it, fundamentally, being high on the agenda? Or do these effects overlap to such a
is: Try it and see. Then you put together a large amount of degree a shortfall in one area can be compensated by an above
information from such experiences.” average performance in another?
– Richard Feynman, physicist Whenever a study tries to isolate a single explanation for firm
performance, there are so many other factors which could also
“Inferring causality from correlation trips up many studies about be used to explain the same results that it is impossible to know
business. The challenge is to untangle the direction of causality. what’s really going on with any degree of certainty. Of course,
Knowing which leads to which is critical if managers want to this is not what the average person wants to hear. They aren’t
know what to do – how much they should invest in greater levels interested in hearing about partial causation or incremental
of satisfaction versus other objectives.” factors which might also be involved. They want a simple
– Phil Rosenzweig cause-and-effect relationship – do this better and your business
“The margin between success and failure is often very narrow, will flourish or ignore this factor at your own peril because your
and never quite as distinct or as enduring as it appears from a competitors will use it to bury you.
distance.” Whenever a business study has claimed to isolate an important
– Tom Lester, columnist, Financial Times driver of performance, pause and consider whether they have
fallen for the delusion of a single explanation.
The Halo Effect - Page 4
The nine delusions of business thinking The nine delusions of business thinking
Connecting If we search for what winning Rigorous If you study enough companies
the companies have in common, we can Research systematically and scientifically, then
4 Winning isolate the reasons for their success. 5 you’ll be able to identify the reasons
Dots We then just have to follow their lead. behind their successes.
When you look only at companies which are performing well, it Logically, it makes sense that if you’re thorough and exhaustive,
becomes very difficult to show what makes them different from you should be able to speak about something with authority.
the companies which are performing less successfully. You’ve Thus, if you can collate the data from large enough samples of
biased your database by selecting participants on the basis of successful and not-so-successful companies, then it should
the outcomes you want to see. You can then say all of these become obvious what the successful companies are doing right
companies do one thing or another but this is never an accurate and what the unsuccessful firms are doing wrong. This is the
picture because you don’t know whether the average companies essence of the Delusion of Rigorous Research.
do the same things that way or not. So why does this concept not work out in practice? There are
When you “connect the winning dots” by studying only those several reasons:
companies which meet your specific definition of success, then n The Halo Effect means you’ll never really be able to find out
it’s not surprising you find some commonalities. To then suggest what drives high or low performance by talking with the
those same commonalities could be applied to any company to managers involved. They will merely trot out the usual
make it become more successful just isn’t logical. What isolates explanations for success which they’ve read about
a successful company from a less successful one can’t be elsewhere. Good managers don’t know what they’re doing
uncovered in this way in just the same way as you can’t find what right because they don’t know in detail what the bad
causes high blood pressure solely by studying those who suffer managers are doing differently.
from high blood pressure. You have to compare what you’ve
n When it comes to data, quality trumps quantity every time.
found out about those who have high blood pressure to a sample
The unspoken message of a rigorous research project is the
of those who don’t have high blood pressure.
authors are trying to say they have collected large amounts of
The other problem with this delusion is the fact managers are data meticulously and therefore only someone who has done
unlikely to be able to actually articulate the reasons for their an equal amount of work will be in any position to challenge
success. When asked, they will feel the pressure to respond and their findings. That’s all well and fine but if your source data is
will resort to restating the usual ideas which run in the business not of a high quality, then it really doesn’t matter how much
press all the time. They will happily talk about “focusing on goals” quantity you have, the findings will be inferior.
and “working hard” and so forth because it sounds right rather
n Regardless of the amount of information about successful
than because it’s what they actually do.
companies which is studied, it is still impossible to say
So how can this natural instinct to want to try and connect the whether the common factors seen lead to high success in and
winning dots be avoided? It’s really quite straightforward: of themselves or whether all high-performing companies tend
n Take 100 well established companies with audited financial to be described using the same established terminology.
results at random.
“In the South Seas there is a cult of people. During the war they
n Ask half of those companies to manage their businesses saw airplanes land with lots of materials, and they want the same
according to one set of principles and the other half to manage thing to happen now. So they’ve arranged to make things like
by an entirely different set of principles. runways, to put fires along the sides of the runways, to make a
n Compare the results once the companies have had say about wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his
10 years or so of application of the different management head like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like
philosophies. antennas – he’s the controller – and they wait for the airplanes to
n Don’t allow any fine-tuning or changing of the management land. They’re doing everything right. The form is perfect. But it
during the entire study so the results will be able to be isolated doesn’t work. No airplanes land. So I call these things Cargo Cult
and seen, even if that means companies with unhelpful Science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and
management practices have to be closed down. forms of scientific investigation, but they’re missing something
essential, because the planes don’t land.”
That’s really all there is to it. Of course, no business study has
– Richard Feynman, physicist
ever been conducted along these lines for a number of very
sound and practical reasons. First and most obviously, the cost “The business world is full of Cargo Cult Science, books and
of this type of experiment would be enormous. The fact the articles that claim to be rigorous scientific research but operate
management teams could not make changes in their practices mainly at the level of storytelling. Now, there’s nothing wrong
during an extended period of time is also completely untenable. with stories, provided we understand that’s what we have before
And obviously the question of whether the right management us. Some of the most successful business books of recent years,
practices have been grouped together correctly in the first place perched atop the bestseller lists for months on end, cloak
would have to be addressed. But this is the only way the human themselves in the mantle of science, but have little more
tendency to connect the winning dots of high performance could predictive power than a pair of coconut headsets on a tropical
actually be avoided completely. island.”
– Phil Rosenzweig
The Halo Effect - Page 5
The nine delusions of business thinking The nine delusions of business thinking
Absolute Company performance occurs in a Lasting Once a company figures out how to be
Performance vacuum. If a company gets better, it Success a high performer, it has a blueprint for
6 will grow and prosper, irrespective 7 long-term success. It’s just got to keep
of anything its competitors do. doing what it has always done.
Some commentators like to create the illusion business When we isolate what makes companies successful, then it’s
performance exists in a vacuum. Under this scenario, reasonable to assume those companies which have figured this
companies succeed or fail on the merits of their own actions out for themselves should be able to use those principles to stay
alone. If they do the right thing, they prosper. If they get things very successful indefinitely. That seems to be a reasonable idea.
like strategy, execution, culture or focus wrong, then it’s obvious The problem is in the corporate world, lasting business success
they will fail miserably. is essentially a delusion.
This is a wonderful illusion because it discounts entirely the fact Study after study has shown over the long haul, all companies
companies operate in a competitive market economy. The end up generating average returns which match the
performance of any one company is always affected by what its performance of the market as a whole. Companies may enjoy
competitors do, by the emergence of new technologies which brief periods of time where they generate exceptional returns
confer a temporary advantage on another company, and so and profits but sooner or later they get cut back to size by the
forth. It is conceivable, therefore, that even when a company various forces which characterize free markets. These forces
significantly ups its own game, it may in fact fall still further are powerful and would include:
behind its competition if they are simultaneously improving their n New rivals who will enter the same markets and set up similar
own performances by an even greater percentage. style businesses.
A good example of this phenomena is found in the automotive n Existing companies who will change their product mixes to try
industry. The cars General Motors is selling to the public in 2005 and access the same markets.
are far superior to those it produced and sold in the 1980s. They
n Consulting companies who will disseminate to rivals best
have better quality, added features, superior dynamics and
practices and other operational information.
enhanced safety features. Yet GM’s share of the U.S. market
has slipped from 35-percent in 1990 to 25-percent in 2005. The n Employees who will move from company to company or start
real problem is Japanese and Korean automakers have their own businesses to compete.
improved their products by an even greater rate of progress than n At some point, even highly successful companies will offer
GM. Thus, although GM has upped its own game in absolute things which are inferior to what competitors offer. No
terms, it has moved backwards because its competitors have company can be right 100-percent of the time about
moved forward even faster in relative terms. everything for years and years on end.
The Delusion of Absolute Performance is important because it n Technology always changes. This will give some companies
means success in business can never be reduced to a simple an advantage and disadvantage others.
fail-safe formula. The actions of competitors will always play a
n Companies regularly get acquired, restructured, merged and
role in deciding whether your enterprise moves ahead or falls
go through various other structural changes.
behind. The dynamics of your industry will influence what
happens. There is no one set of “enduring principles” which can As tempting as it is to look at a subset of companies which are
possibly guarantee success because events will always be currently in the ascendancy and conclude they must be doing
affected by what your rivals do. In fact, the greater your own something right, this is a combination of the Delusion of
success, the more rivals you’ll have and the more difficult it will Connecting the Winning Dots and the Halo Effect. At the very
become to sustain your success. This doesn’t even take into least it’s a case of making selections based on the outcomes you
account the impact of the arrival of new competitors or new want to see rather than on the inputs or decisions being made by
technology. each company. When you look at the full picture, the dominant
pattern of commerce is not enduring greatness at all but ongoing
Ultimately, some elements of business performance will always
rise-and-fall, growth-and-decline. Anyone who says otherwise
be outside your own control. As appealing as it may sound to
has an appealing story which, unfortunately, doesn’t match the
weave a story where a company is the master of its own fate and
true facts.
the author of its own success, this just isn’t realistic.
“The Delusion of Lasting Success promises that building an
“The Delusion of Absolute Performance diverts our attention
enduring company is not only achievable but a worthwhile
from the fact that success and failure always take place in a
objective. Yet companies that have outperformed the market for
competitive environment. It may be comforting to believe that our
long periods of time are not just rare, they are statistical artifacts
success is entirely up to us, but a company can improve in
that are observable only in retrospect. Companies that achieved
absolute terms and still fall further behind in relative terms.
lasting success may be best understood as having strung
Success in business means doing things better than rivals, not
together many short-term successes. Pursuing a dream of
just doing things well. Believing that performance is absolute can
enduring greatness may divert attention from the pressing need
cause us to take our eyes off rivals and to avoid decisions that,
to win immediate battles.”
while risky, may be essential for survival given the particular
– Phil Rosenzweig
context of our industry and its competitive dynamics.”
– Phil Rosenzweig
The Halo Effect - Page 6
The nine delusions of business thinking The nine delusions of business thinking
The Wrong Very successful companies often follow Organizational Success in business follows various
End of the a tightly focused strategy. Therefore, to Physics immutable laws like those found in
8 Stick succeed, all you need to do is become 9 science. Find those laws, obey them
highly focused on whatever you do. and you must be successful.
Many business theories can be distilled down to one concept: This is a wonderfully reassuring and appealing delusion. It
Successful companies slowly and methodically stay focused on assumes the world of business runs with precision and
one product or one industry until they learn how to become truly even-handedness. All you need to do to prosper is to find the
great in that field. Less successful companies scatter their universal principles of good management and obey them with
resources and efforts over a number of different endeavors and exactness. Do that and your future success is locked in.
thereby end up only becoming average performers in each. If ever you find yourself leaning towards accepting this delusion,
This idea appeals because it draws on our sense of fair play. The pause and consider:
only problem is it doesn’t have any genuine or factual basis in n Do these universal laws apply to both the huge corporations
reality. To be specific: and very small businesses alike? Can the same principles of
n A number of companies which currently excel got their first big success be followed by a huge multinational organizations
break by making a “bet the ranch” punt on what would happen with billions of dollars in resources and a small start-up which
in the future. They have generated huge and immediate is bootstrapping itself with minimal resources?
payouts because they made good investments in the future n What happens if both the incumbents in an industry and
and not because they gradually refined what they were doing. challengers follow these same principles to the same degree?
Whether those big investments were carefully made or the Do these two actions cancel each other out, or who moves
result of happy circumstances is open to conjecture but the ahead?
fact remains big investments can sometimes turn out to be
n Do the same laws of success apply to a growing company
stellar successes.
which is desperately seeking capital to fund its growth and a
n Companies that are resilient and which adjust to changing well established company which generates substantial cash
circumstances usually do better than those which do not. This flows from very mature products? Do following these rules
is true whether the companies are tightly focused or dabble in offset the advantages of access to more capital?
a number of different industries.
It should be reasonably obvious even to a casual observer the
n When we look only at successful companies and note they business world really doesn’t run with clock-like precision. For all
had narrow focuses, there is an inbuilt Halo Effect at work. We sorts of different reasons, sometimes the bad guys win. In fact,
find only what we expect to find and subconsciously dismiss most of the time, it isn’t even possible to tell who are the good
anything which does not align with our point of view. Less guys and who are the bad guys anyway.
successful companies may be even more tightly focused but
we don’t study them that closely because they are either out of “The Delusion of Organizational Physics implies that the
business or obviously struggling. business world offers predictable results, that it conforms to
n Company performance is always relative rather than precise laws. It fuels a belief that a given set of actions can work
absolute. Perhaps it’s true that those companies which have a in all settings and ignores the need to adapt to different
narrow focus will win out over the long haul. This sounds conditions: intensity of competition, rate of growth, size of
reasonable and could be studied, but even the firms which competitors, market concentration, regulation, global dispersion
excel in a declining industry will still never perform as well as of activities, and much more. Claiming that one approach can
average performers in an emerging industry. The state of the work everywhere, at all times, for all companies, has a simplistic
industry can have a huge bearing on results achieved. appeal but doesn’t do justice to the complexities of business.”
– Phil Rosenzweig
“The Delusion of the Wrong End of the Stick lets us confuse
causes and effects, actions and outcomes. We may look at a “We people in organizationland are fascinated with science, I
handful of extraordinarily successful companies and imagine think, because we seek to minimize the feeling that our world is
that doing what they did can lead to success – when in fact it governed not by laws of nature but by mad, impetuous
might lead mainly to higher volatility and a lower overall chance barbarians driven by greed, need, and the desire for maximum
of success. Unless we start with the full population of companies power and booty. In such a cosmos the stately dance of physical
and examine what they all did – and how they all fared – we have science is reassuring.”
an incomplete and indeed biased set of information.” – Stanley Bing, columnist, Fortune 2004
– Phil Rosenzweig “The most important role of managers is to create an
“I work on a daily basis with executives from a wide variety of environment where people are passionately dedicated to
industries. What I’ve observed, over and over, is a tendency by winning in the marketplace. Fear plays a major role in creating
managers and professors alike to embrace simple answers, and maintaining such passion. Fear of competition, fear of
some of them patently simpleminded and wrongheaded, and to bankruptcy, fear of being wrong and fear of losing all can be
latch on to quick solutions rather than to question and think for powerful motivators.”
themselves.” – Andy Grove, former CEO, Intel
– Phil Rosenzweig
The Halo Effect - Page 7