First and Second Peter Lesson 2 2Q 2017: An Inheritance Incorruptible

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First and Second Peter Lesson 2 2Q 2017

An Inheritance Incorruptible

Read Memory Text:

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for
your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. 1Pet 1:22 NIV

What does this mean to you?

First, according to this text, what is the result of purification, or what does purification do to a person?
It results in a change in heart where people genuinely love others.

What does this mean regarding purification?

Is purification legal or is it something that actually happens within the person?

What did the Jews think purification was? Ritualistic, ceremonial washings, etc. Do Christians today
ever struggle with the idea that spiritual purification is found in rituals or ceremonies? Is it?

So what does it mean to be purified? It means a pure heart and right spirit, a change in the inner man to
be like Christ. Consider this quote:

Co-workers with Christ will manifest no harshness, no self-sufficiency. These elements

must be purified from the soul, and the gentleness of Christ take possession. {Christian
Leadership 8.1}

So we understand that being purified is important and necessary for salvation, and that purification is a
change in heart from selfishness to love, but how are we purified?

Peter says “you purified yourselves by obeying the truth” What does this mean?

Consider this quote from Evangelism:

There is a vast amount of rubbish brought forward by professed believers in Christ, which
blocks up the way to the cross. [What might that be? Is it only pleasure seeking, or any
method of the world, such as the world’s system of legality being taught in the church as the
means of salvation?] Notwithstanding all this, there are some who are so deeply convicted that
they will come through every discouragement, and will surmount every obstacle in order to
gain the truth. But had the believers in the truth purified their minds by obeying it, had they
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felt the importance of knowledge and refinement of manners in Christ's work, where one
soul has been saved there might have been twenty.--Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 68. (1876) {Ev

This quote from evangelism agrees with Peter “believers in the truth purified their minds by obeying
it…” what does this mean?

Is Peter saying that we are saved by our works? Where does faith come in?

What law lens are you looking through?

If you believe God’s law functions like human law, imposed rules that require imposed punishments,
then serious false ideas emerge, like:
 Being purified means being purified from the legal guilt of the sins we have committed and
saved from the punishment of sin
 Purification is when we trust in the blood payment of Jesus we are declared to be pure, even
thought we are not
 Purification is purifying our heavenly record by purging our records of the recorded sins when
we accept the legal payment of Jesus
 But to ensure the records remain purged of our bad deeds we must obey all the rules He has
given or else our sins will be retained on the books and God will punish us.

However, if you return to the truth of God’s law, that God is Creator and His laws are the protocols
upon which reality function—in all domains—then you realize that sin is being out of harmony with
how life is constructed. Such a condition is terminal, and only Christ could restore humankind back to
God’s design. Thus, Jesus came and revealed the truth about God to win us to trust, exposed Satan as a
liar and fraud to free us from being duped by him, and provided a genuine remedy for our condition.

Thus, Jesus provides the truth which establishes our faith, or trust, and in faith/trust we choose with
our wills to not only trust Him, but to apply to our lives what He has instructed, to partake of Him and
His methods of truth and love. In so doing, we abide in Him, experience a transforming power to
renew and empower us. But it is our choice, to partake or not, to obey or not. And it is by the exercise
of our wills to trust and follow that we retain our individuality while the Holy Spirit changes the heart

Thus, the Remedy was achieved by Christ alone; our works could never cure the condition, nor add to
anything to what Christ has achieved. However, we must choose to trust, choose to partake, choose to
apply what Christ has achieved to our own individual lives—just as if you had a disease and a remedy
was available, you did not create or produce the remedy, but you must choose to take it.

So what does it mean to obey?

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The Greek for obey or obedience is:

5218 ὑπακοή [hupakoe /hoop·ak·o·ay/] n f. From 5219; TDNT 1:224; TDNTA 34; GK 5633.1

The first part is hypo, as in hypoglycemia, or hypotension and means under, or low, or lowly, and the
second half is akoe from which we get acoustic and means to listen, to hear. It means a humble
willingness to listen and to do.

So an obedient person is one who eagerly listens for the voice of God and has the desire to hear, to
understand, and to fulfill God’s instructions and therefore chooses to do so to the best of their ability.
It is not about perfect performance, it is about heart attitude.

So, with this in mind consider some of these quotes:

It is through faith in Jesus Christ that the truth is accepted in the heart, and the human
agent is purified and cleansed. . . .[What do you hear? Truth wins to trust, but in trust the
truth moves beyond comprehension, beyond ideas understood, into the heart and becomes part
of the building blocks of our values, character, identity, thus the truth transforms us—as we
choose to believe it and apply it! The truth becomes more than facts but leads to the truth about
reality itself, including the ultimate Truth—Jesus Christ!] He has an abiding principle in the
soul, that enables him to overcome temptation. [What truth is more than fact but also a
principle? Would it not be the truths of God’s laws—design protocols—the primary one being
love!] "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not." 1 John 3:6. God has power to keep the soul that
is in Christ who is under temptation. . . . {FLB 130.2}

A mere profession of godliness is worthless. It is he that abideth in Christ that is a Christian. .

. . Unless the mind of God becomes the mind of men, every effort to purify himself will be
useless; for it is impossible to elevate man except through a knowledge of God. [What
does this mean? Jn 17:3 life eternal = knowing God. What does this knowledge mean? Is it by
studying in seminary? Is it be speaking the ancient languages? What? Personal knowledge,
experience with God for oneself.] {FLB 130.3}

The question you need to put to yourselves is, "Am I a Christian?" To be a Christian is to be
far more than many understand. It means more than simply having your name upon the
church records. It means to be joined to Christ. It means to have simple faith, unwavering
reliance upon God. It means to have childlike confidence in your heavenly Father through
the name and merit of His dear Son. [What does this mean? It means our confidence in God
is based on the evidence Jesus revealed of God’s trustworthiness—we can trust God, have
confidence or faith in Him!] Do you love to keep the commandments of God, because the

1Strong, J. (2001). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Bellingham, WA: Logos

Bible Software.
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commandments of God are God's precepts, the transcript of His character, and can no
more be altered than can the character of God? [What are the commandments? Transcript
of His character, which is what type of law? Design law of love—do we love who God is and
do we love how He constructed reality to operate and do we love to live in harmony with it?]
Do you respect and love the law of Jehovah? {FLB 130.4}

Every individual, by his own act, either puts Christ from him by refusing to cherish His
spirit and follow His example, or he enters into a personal union with Christ by self-
renunciation, faith, and obedience. [What does this mean? Does our choice make a
difference in our eternal destiny? Is it a one time choice or ongoing choice? Why? Because of
design law—design law is about how life actually operates and we either choose to operate in
harmony with God’s design or not—and either choices changes us one way or the other] We
must, each for himself, choose Christ, because He has first chosen us. This union with Christ is
to be formed by those who are naturally at enmity with Him. It is a relation of utter
dependence, to be entered into by a proud heart. This is close work, and many who profess to
be followers of Christ know nothing of it. They nominally accept the Saviour, but not as the
sole ruler of their hearts. {FLB 135.2}

The evil tendencies of mankind are hard to overcome. The battles are tedious. [Have you
experienced this reality?] Every soul in the strife knows how severe, how bitter, are these
contests. Everything about growth in grace is difficult, because the standard and maxims
of the world are constantly interposed between the soul and God's holy standard. [What
are the standards and maxims of the world? 1) If it feels good do it 2) the strong survive by
defeating the weak 3) it isn’t wrong if you are not punished which is based on the imposed
legal law construct. 4) justice requires inflicted punishment - this false penal/legal
substitutionary theology which is based solely on human law construct obstructs the healing
power of God in many lives!] The Lord would have us elevated, ennobled, purified, by
carrying out the principles underlying His great moral standard, which will test every
character in the great day of final reckoning. {FLB 135.3} [What is the test on the great
day of reckoning? Is it a test of our records—whether the records have been purified? Or is it a
test of our character? And what would that test look like? Rev 12:11 “These are they who do
not love their life so much as to shrink from death” What is being described? A situation in
which their character is tested—do they love others more than self, or would they lie, cheat,
steal, kill, gossip, manipulate all in order to protect themselves? It is a test of the actual
condition of the heart!

So what is salvation? It is purification—it is healing, it is transforming the inner person and this
requires are active participation with God!

Here is another quote:

Christ gave His life to make it possible for man to be restored to the image of God. [What
is God working to achieve? Not legal outcomes but transformational ones!] It is the power of
His grace that draws men together in obedience to the truth. [Can one be purified, healed, in
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violations of the laws of health—design law? No! Does claiming one believes they are legally
justified mean that such a person has been transformed to God’s image? No! In other words,
the legal model creates the atmosphere for perpetual sin and obstructs God’s plan to heal and
restore people!] {Amazing Grace 103.4}

God desires us to reach the standard of perfection made possible for us by the gift of Christ.
He calls upon us to make our choice on the right side, to connect with heavenly agencies, to
adopt principles that will restore in us the divine image. In His written Word and in the
great book of nature He has revealed the principles of life. [What are these principles? The
law of love, liberty, worship, sewing and reaping, exertion i.e. design law!] It is our work to
obtain a knowledge of these principles, and by obedience to cooperate with Him in
restoring health to the body as well as to the soul. {AG 103.5}

Men need to learn that the blessings of obedience, [What does this mean? Rule keeping? No!
It means living in harmony with God’s design for life. As we do we are experience
transformation of heart and mind, peace with God and each other] in their fullness, can be
theirs only as they receive the grace of Christ. It is His grace that gives men power to obey
the laws of God. It is this that enables him to break the bondage of evil habit. This is the only
power that can make him and keep him steadfast in the right path. {AG 103.6}

To the heart that has become purified, all is changed. . . . The Spirit of God produces a new
life in the soul, bringing the thoughts and desires into obedience to the will of Christ; and
the inward man is renewed in the image of God. [Who is the transforming power? The Spirit
of God, which takes Christ’s victory and reproduces it in us. then what is our work? To
investigate the evidence/truth and choose what we believe, and what we cherish by choosing
what we do, what we take into our hearts this is partaking of the divine nature.] Weak and
erring men and women show to the world that the redeeming power of grace can cause the
faulty character to develop into symmetry and abundant fruitfulness. {AG 103.7}


Peter was an apostle, which the lesson tells us means “one sent.” What do you understand an apostle to

Do you think the term “ambassador” is a reasonable synonym? A person sent to represent and fulfill
the plans, aspirations, mission, directives, goals of the one who sent them?

Does apostle mean one had to spend time in the physical presence of Jesus being trained by Him?

Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have
chosen 25 to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.” 26 Then
they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles. Acts 1:25,26

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And while Paul spent 3 years in the desert learning from God, it was not likely that it was a one on one
with the physical presence of Jesus as the other apostles experienced.

What are the similarities and differences between an apostles and a prophets?


Both are inspired by the same Spirit, represent the same God, operate upon the same methods,
teach the same eternal truths, work for the same eternal agenda, teach the same principles of
God’s kingdom of love. Both can experience gifts of the Spirit as the Spirit deems necessary to
their individual mission.


The biggest difference is one of focus. Apostles are like ambassadors, primarily sent out from
an organization to represent and fulfill the mission of the organization whereas prophets are
typically brought up within the organization to address needs within the organization.

The message of the apostles are often to those who don’t yet know or identify with the message
or the organization, whereas the message of the prophets are often to those who do identify
with the organization yet need correction, clarification, redirection, etc.

But because both apostles and prophets teach the same principles of God’s government here is obvious
overlap between the two groups. And we can benefit from the teachings of both.

The lesson points out that there is debate over whether the Epistles of Peter were directed mostly to
Jewish or Gentile believers.

With this in mind read the last paragraph, “Some commentators argue…” thoughts?

What do you think of this question, “After all, would Peter really have written to the Jews about the
‘futile ways inherited from your ancestors?’”

Hmmm…. what do you think? Do these words of Jesus add anything to what Peter wrote?

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the
prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30 And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days
of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the
prophets.’ 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who
murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers!
“You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? 34
Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill
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and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. 35 And so
upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of
righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the
temple and the altar. 36 I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation. Mt 23:29-36

Was Jesus suggesting anything about futile ways inherited from their ancestors?

Or what about question from the lesson: “would he have said to Jewish readers, ‘For we have spent
enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts,
drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries.’”

Would he have written this to Jews? Does the OT give us any insight? Is there record of the Jews
getting caught up, over and over again, in pagan fertility rights with their orgies and drunken revelries?
Hmmm… so could this have absolutely been written to the Jews?

So, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me that Peter was writing to both Jews and Gentiles. What do you


What does it mean to be elected to salvation or to be the elect of God or “elect according to the
foreknowledge of God the Father” (1Pet 1:2)?

I am going to read a quotation from Christian Education and I would like the class to decipher,
interpret, and describe what it means:

Here are the conditions upon which every soul will be elected to eternal life. Your obedience
to God's commandments will prove your right to an inheritance with the saints in light. God
has elected a certain excellence of character; and every one who, through the grace of
Christ, shall reach the standard of his requirement, will have an abundant entrance into the
kingdom of glory. All who would reach this standard of character, will have to employ the
means that God has provided to this end. If you would inherit the rest that remains for the
children of God, you must become a co-laborer with God. You are elected to wear the yoke
of Christ, --to bear his burden, to lift his cross. You are to be diligent "to make your calling
and election sure." [2 Peter 1:10.] Search the Scriptures, and you will see that not a son or a
daughter of Adam is elected to be saved in disobedience to God's law. The world makes
void the law of God; but Christians are chosen to sanctification through obedience to the
truth. They are elected to bear the cross, if they would wear the crown. {CE 118.1}

What does it mean?

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Let’s go through phrase by phrase and see if we can comprehend the meaning. The first question to
ask as we start is: which law lens are we reading through, imposed human law or God’s design law?

Here are the conditions upon which every soul will be elected to eternal life. [what does
“conditions” connote? Factors, if one is viewing it through human imposed law, one thinks
“the legal conditions of legal payment and being baptized in the right way and claiming the
blood payment.” If one is viewing this through design law then one realizes conditions are
those aspects of reality upon which God constructed life and which the outcome depend] Your
obedience to God's commandments will prove your right to an inheritance with the saints in
light. [what commandments? Does this mean behavior? Does it mean day of worship? Does it
mean the commandment to love God and others? Is obedience primarily about performance, or
the NT Greek hypoacuae and it means a humble willingness to listen and choose to
incorporate, internalize, apply and do? And what happens to the believer when we do this? By
beholding we are changed, this is design law, law of worship, law of exertion, law of sewing
and reaping. This is God working through His design laws to heal and restore, but to retain our
individuality we must choose to actively participate!] God has elected a certain excellence of
character; and every one who, through the grace of Christ, shall reach the standard of his
requirement, will have an abundant entrance into the kingdom of glory. [When did God elect
a certain excellence of character? Originally in His creation, but then again in the person of
Jesus. Romans 3:21 from the Remedy “But now God has revealed a healthy state of being—a
character that is right and perfect in every way—that did not come from the written code, but is
exactly what the Scriptures and the Ten Commandments were pointing your minds toward.”
Why did God elect this excellence of character? Because it is the only character that lives in
God’s universe of love.] All who would reach this standard of character, will have to employ
the means that God has provided to this end. [What means has God provided? Truth and
love in freedom wins us to trust and in trust we open the heart and the Spirit provides a new
heart/character developed by Christ, and the Holy Spirit to enlighten and transforms as we
choose to seek, cooperate and apply.] If you would inherit the rest that remaineth for the
children of God, you must become a co-laborer with God. [What does this mean? how are we
to labor?] You are elected to wear the yoke of Christ, --to bear his burden, to lift his cross.
[What is a yoke? an instrument that binds to together to SHARE the burden, and the yoke that
binds us to Christ is the yoke of love! We must love God and Christ and that connects us to
Him and shares the burden of life with Him] You are to be diligent "to make your calling and
election sure." [2 Peter 1:10.] Search the Scriptures, and you will see that not a son or a
daughter of Adam is elected to be saved in disobedience to God's law. [Why? For the same
reason no son or daughter is elected to live in violations of the laws of health] The world
makes void the law of God; but Christians are chosen to sanctification through obedience
to the truth. They are elected to bear the cross, if they would wear the crown. [We must
die to selfishness if we are to live in love] {CE 118.1}

What is election? Election is God’s choice to provide Christ to reveal truth and procure the remedy,
and our choice to trust God and participate with Him in His plan to heal and restore us.

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Read last paragraph, “God’s foreknowledge of the elect…” Their example is not an effective example,
because the mother doesn’t know what her child will do based on knowledge of the future, but based
on knowledge of the character and motivations of the child. So the mother is predicting what is most
likely to happen, given her knowledge of previous experiences with the child. This is NOT the same
as God’s foreknowledge.

This type of foreknowledge is often wrong and often leads to many problems in relationships as
people presume to know what another will do before they do it and therefore prejudge people and not
give others the opportunity to grow, transform, make a new decision but anticipate people to do what
they have always done. This is not foreknowledge.

True foreknowledge is entirely different, it is knowing the future before the future happens.

Any evidences from Scripture that would demonstrate God does know the specific choices of people
before they make them?
 Noah and the ark—preached offering a place on the ark for all who would want a place, but
building only one ark
 Prophecy of soldiers rolling dice for Jesus’ clothing
 Prophecies of Daniel, the rise of the various nations
 Israel would be unfaithful and end up in captivity for 70 years
 Cyrus as one who would release Israel to return home
 Judas betraying Jesus
 Peter denying Jesus, but repenting and feeding the sheep

Anyone uncomfortable with God knowing what you will do before you choose to do it?

If God knows before we do it is that the same as causing us to do it? What informs God of what we
will do? Our choice in doing it! God doesn’t know it if we don’t do it—but because God lives outside
time He is aware of what we choose, but only because we choose it.


One of the key themes is the resurrection of Jesus Christ—why did Jesus predict so confidently He
would rise from the dead?

Was Jesus prediction of His resurrection based on foreknowledge?

In the book The Desire of Ages the author says Jesus could not see through the portals of the tomb
(753). If Jesus couldn’t see through the portals of the tomb, then was His prediction based on
foreknowledge? Or was His prediction based on something else?

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Was it based on real knowledge—the knowledge of God’s character, the nature of sin, what causes
death, what the solution for death is, and that He knew He would destroy the cause of death and
restore the basis of life into the humanity of which He partook? Thus He could predict the outcome
accurately, that He would die, but knew His death would destroy death—the infection of selfishness
which causes death, and restore the law of life (God’s design) back into the humanity He assumed, and
therefore He would rise in a perfected and immortal humanity?

So, what would the basis of His prediction? The truth of God’s character and design law!


What does it mean to “gird up the loins of your mind”? It means to exert purposeful governance over
your mind, specifically:
 Examine your beliefs and rid yourself of beliefs that are erroneous and establish beliefs based
on truth
 Control your thoughts and bring them into line with truth
 Govern your imagination, don’t let feelings control the imagination
 Process your emotions through your good judgment and make decisions based on truth, facts,
principles, not on emotions

The lesson points out three elements that motivate Christian behavior:
1. God’s character—God is holy and we must be holy
2. Fear of God’s judgment, as the holy God He must judge unholiness
3. We have been bought with a price

What does it mean that God is holy? God is the source of all perfection, purity, righteousness, the very
basis of life itself and thus God is the source of all healthiness. And those who are saved will be
healed, perfected, restored to perfect harmony with God, thus we will be holy, i.e. healthy, as He is.

What do you think of the second motive, fearing God because He will judge wickedness?

Is fear a good motivator?

What do you understand God’s judgment to be? Is it God determining the outcome of each soul or
God diagnosing accurately the condition of each person’s heart?

What determines if a person has a renewed healed heart or a heart hardened in selfishness? What did
we read earlier?

Every individual, by his own act, either puts Christ from him by refusing to cherish His
spirit and follow His example, or he enters into a personal union with Christ by self-
renunciation, faith, and obedience.

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So, is it God’s judgment of us that determines our eternal destiny, or is it our judgment of God—
whether we judge God someone we trust or distrust?

And God’s eternal judgment then would simply be His accurate diagnosis of the true condition of each
person’s character, which has resulted from their choice to either trust Him or not.

What about the third one, because we have been bought with a price, how do you understand this

What is a mature and healthy way to understand it?

It cost God—Father, Son and Spirit—an infinite amount, beyond our comprehension, to fix the
problem sin caused and provide us with the remedy which cures us.

What is an immature way of understanding it? Sin requires punishment and someone had to pay the
price so God won’t punish us. Jesus paid that price.


What does it mean to love one another? What does it not mean?


read and discuss questions

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April 27-29: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at the AACC Event The Struggle Is Real at the Thomas Road Baptist Church at
Liberty University at Lynchburg, VA. For more info visit

May 6, 2017: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at Summit Northwest Ministries, Post Falls, Idaho: for more info visit:

June 8-10, 2017: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at the AACC Event The Struggle is Real in Naperville, IL.

AUGUST 1, 2017: Dr. Jennings’ new book The God-Shaped Heart will be released by Baker Books. Here is a brief

Love is more than emotion, more than compassion, more than positive regard for another; love is power—the
power to live, heal and be free. Love is functional, operational, with specific design parameters built into the
fabric of reality. Love is intelligent and as we intelligently choose to harmonize with how love functions we not
only experience greater health, fulfillment and wellbeing, we are transformed to become forces for good in the
world. In The God-Shaped Heart Christian psychiatrist Dr. Tim Jennings explores the healing power of love,
exposes a belief system infecting Christianity that obstructs love, and identifies eternal truths that open the heart to
God’s transforming power of love.

June 23,24, 2017: Dr. Jennings will be doing a seminar for the Samaritan Counseling Service in Sarasota FL. For more
(T) 941-926-2959 (F) 941-929-0849

July 14,15, 2017: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at Lakeport SDA church, in Lakeport CA.

August 18,19, 2017: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at the Celebration SDA church in Celebration, Florida.

September 15,16 2017: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at the Church in the Valley, Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada.

September 26-Oct 1, 2017: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at the AACC World Conference, Nashville TN, and our
ministry will have a booth in the exhibit hall.

October 12-16, 2017: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at Garden Grove SDA church in Garden Grove, CA. This will be a
multi-speaker event focusing on the atonement. For more information contact:

Garden Grove Seventh-day Adventist Church

12702 9th Street
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Church office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Phone: (714) 534-1987

Fax: (714) 534-3877
Email: [email protected]

October 27, 28, 2017: Dr. Jennings will speaking at the Arlington SDA church in Arlington, TX. For more information

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