Rebellion and Redemption 1Q 2016 Lesson 5: The Controversy Continues

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Rebellion and Redemption 1Q 2016 Lesson 5

The Controversy Continues


Read first paragraph, “When we compare… What does this mean?

What does it mean to buckle?

 Does it mean to disobey an explicit instruction written in Scripture?
o What about David and the showbread?
 Is it about saying ‘no’ to God?
o What about the parable of the two sons, first son told his father no, but then went out
into the field, the other son said yes, but didn’t
o What about Moses telling God no when first called?
 Does it mean to lie?
o What about Rahab? Was she buckling when she lied?
 Does it mean question God?
o What about Abraham and questioning God about Sodom?
o Or Moses when questioning God about destroying Israel?

What does it mean to buckle?

It means to betray one’s loyalty to God, to give into fear and selfishness and make selfish choices at
the expense of love for God and others!
o Moses when he struck the rock
o Elijah when he ran away
o David with Bathsheba, and worse, murdering Uriah
o Abraham lying about his wife
o Peter denying Christ

What is the cause of the buckling? Our own fears, insecurities and failure to trust God.

What undermines our trust in God? Not knowing Him! Ideas we hold that undermine our confidence
in Him.

What is the power of God that enables us to stand firm?

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I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone
who believes… Rom 1:16

What is the power of the gospel? How do you avail yourself of it? Is it physical power and might or
something else?

What of this description of God’s power:

Rebellion was not to be overcome by force. Compelling power is found only under Satan's
government. The Lord's principles are not of this order. His authority rests upon
goodness, mercy, and love; and the presentation of these principles is the means to be used.
God's government is moral, and truth and love are to be the prevailing power. E.G. White
Desire of Ages 759

How are truth and love the prevailing power? What do truth and love prevail over?

Truth prevails over lies and love prevails over selfishness—if we want to prevail in this war we must
come back to an accurate understanding of God’s character and government, i.e. methods and designs
for reality. The truth of who He is and how He works, this is power—knowledge is power,
experiencing God’s character is power—power to live in harmony with God!

Satan’s power is lies—and thus by Christ’s death He destroyed him who holds the power of death that
is the devil. How? What does this mean?

How is love a power? Remember the example of crossing the street and a truck is about to hit you…

How does Satan get people to claim a belief in God, to have a form of godliness “but deny the power

Satan does this by infecting Christianity with a false law construct, once Christianity accepted the lie
that God’s law functions like man’s laws, rules imposed requiring imposing of punishment, he denied
Christians of the power of God. Why is this so?

Because Christians had their trust in God undermined, thus the avenues for the Holy Spirit to infuse
our hearts and minds with transforming love are closed:

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 Lies believed break the circle of love and trust—TRUTH believed destroys lies and wins to
 Broken love and trust results in fear and selfishness—restored trust opens the heart and God
pours His love into our hearts
 Fear and selfishness results in acts of sin—love and trust results in acts of righteousness,
service, giving, love
 Acts of sin damage mind, character, body, a terminal condition—acts of righteous result in
growth in godliness, witnessing God’s kingdom—a healing condition

Further, when we believe lies about God, not only is the avenue for healing love closed, we make
theologies to protect ourselves from God, this is fear based religion, not loved based religion.

o Refusing to baptize people into Jesus Christ who haven’t given up their Sabbath job, or quit
smoking, or drinking wine etc. We do this because we are afraid the institutional church will
get contaminated by “sinners” so we refuse baptism until people clean up their lives and attest
to a certain creed.
o Teaching theologies that function to protect us from God:
o Jesus pleads to the Father His merits to pay for our sins
o We are covered by the robe of righteousness so the Father won’t see us
o Our sins are removed from record books in heaven so when we get there no one will no
our confessed and forgiven sins
o Jesus died to take away the wrath of God

These ideas undermine trust and worsen people’s actual spiritual condition, because of the Design law
of worship—by beholding we become changed—we actually become like the God we worship, so
holding such beliefs will not only incite fear, but harden us inside legal belief-boxes that cut us off
from the power of God.

Read last paragraph, “The focus, and the challenge…” It is talking about deliverance in the face of
stress, pain, problems—let’s consider their view, that it is faith, rather than logical consequences.

If one understands reality, what is actually transpiring and why, then one has a logical comprehension
of what is taking place, does that undermine faith?

When a pregnant woman goes into labor, what room to they put her in at the hospital? The delivery
room! What does she want to happen? She wants to be delivered?

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Is this process painful and distressing to the woman in labor? If she has understanding of her situation,
and what is transpiring, does her knowledge of her situation lessen her faith in her doctor? And if she
had been having monthly prenatal visits with her doctor, and has come to know her doctor from
experience and evidence, would that undermine or strengthen her faith in the doctor?

What about the case of a woman who presents to the ER in pain and is in labor, but unaware she is
pregnant, she doesn’t know the ER doctor who is assessing and treating her, does this impact her faith?

Faith is the logical consequence of knowing God for who He really is—supremely trustworthy!

Satan knows that the truth about God’s character is so overwhelmingly beautiful, consistent, reliable,
trustworthy, altogether lovely, and compelling so much that anyone who really comes to know God
will trust Him. Therefore, Satan uses strategies to prevent us from knowing Him. One of them is this
idea that we should believe or have faith without evidence or logic. For instance:
 God is love, but if you don’t love and trust Him, He will burn you in hell—this is illogical, it
doesn’t work in reality at all—so what do religious people say? Oh God’s way’s are not my
ways; I just take that on faith! Thus they believe lies about God that undermine faith and incite
fear, cut them off from the power of God!
 Or, God requires legal payment and our security is found in legal blood payment of Jesus. This
also undermines trust, teaching that God is the one whom we must fear, and more people fear
God who is trying to save them than sin which is destroying them.


The lesson is about David, first his victory over Goliath, and then his defeat with Bathsheba and Uriah.
What are your thoughts?

How could David have such a victory with Goliath and fail so bad with Bathsheba?

Did David have a different character with Bathsheba? In other words, was the defect in character that
manifested with Bathsheba not in David when he faced Goliath?

What was different about the situation with Goliath than with Bathsheba?

Would objective reality with Goliath provide David with confidence in his own ability to defeat
Goliath? The situation with Goliath was objectively beyond David’s ability to deal with on his own,

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thus that situation required David to look outside himself for help, to rely on another for power to
overcome, to not trust in himself, and thus turn to God—thus David didn’t trust in himself, he trusted
that God could defeat Goliath.

But, when it came to Bathsheba, was David looking through God’s perspective of reality? Was David
trusting God with his life, his actions, his choices, or was David in a life situation where David felt in
control, powerful, confident in himself?

David throughout much of his life found himself in circumstances where his own innate abilities were
inadequate to meet the challenges of life—not only with Goliath, but with the lion and the bear while
working as a shepherd, and during the many years of running from Saul, and fighting with enemies
around him.

But, the sin with Bathsheba happened in a different place in David’s life. David was now in a position
of authority, power, apparent control, safety, security, wealth. He was a beloved and popular ruler,
now David could handle it. He didn’t need God any more, this was in David’s ability to manage. (This
is likely the reason God instructed him not to take a census—because David would be tempted to
believe his strength was in his spearman, infantry, bowmen and cavalry)

Did the selfishness manifested in David when he took Bathsheba, suddenly appear in David at that
time in his life, or was it always in David, but it wasn’t until this situation, when trials, challenges,
tribulations seemed passed that David was most vulnerable to have this infection of selfishness break
out into the open?

What was necessary for David to be saved? To be reborn, to die to self, to have a new heart and right
spirit recreated within! When do you think this ultimate conversion experience happened for David?
Wasn’t it after Nathan confronted him?

We so often look at behavior and when a person in our church has stumbled and fallen in some sin, we
pick up the gossip stones and start throwing. But, isn’t it often the case that like David, like Peter after
denying Christ, like Moses after striking the rock, like Elijah after running away—that this is when the
secret infection of fear and selfishness is exposed and the sinner finally surrenders all to God and is
fully healed in heart, mind and character!
 It was AFTER Moses struck the rock that he was taken to heaven
 It was AFTER Elijah ran away that he was translated to heaven
 It was AFTER David’s sin with Bathsheba and Uriah he wrote Psalms 51
 It was AFTER Peter’s denial that he was converted and ready to feed Jesus’ sheep

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Do we allow for the falls in our own lives to be those painful moment that reveal to us the secret
infection we thought we could manage on our own, and humbly fall on our knees before God and let
Him have us completely to heal and restore us? Do we then get up in the newness of our recreated
hearts and minds, in union with Jesus, to live for Him?


Read first paragraph, “Hezekiah was king…” What do you hear happening in this paragraph? Who is
seeking to accomplish his purpose? Who is God seeking to save? What is the reason Israel is
overtaken by foreign forces? Was it God’s desire for it to be this way?

When God did permit it to happen was it for the purpose of punishing, i.e. inflicting retribution? What
was the purpose in allowing Israel to be overrun?

Do you see there is a much bigger reality to understand? If we fail to recognize the Great Controversy
we will misunderstand or MISS what we should understand about what is happening.

But what if we do understand there is a Great Controversy, what are the other errors in understanding
that can blind us to comprehending the truth of what was transpiring?

The biggest—is misunderstanding God’s law as imposed, then when one reads stories like these one
falsely believes God is punishing for disobedience.

But consider the total break down in all that is reasonable if this were the case: If it were a case of
imposed law not being obeyed and God inflicting punishment for breaking his law—what types of
complete contradictions in all that is reasonable and logical and just and good do you see in these
 God uses the pagans who are every bit as wicked as Israel to punish Israel
 God uses His power to control what people do—He needs Israel punished so He inserts
Himself into the mind of these pagan leaders and inspires them to go to kill, maim, mutilate,
torture, enslave, rape and destroy—really? What kind of God would He be if God were
inspiring such activity?
 God would be an abuser of power one who does use coercion and force and threat, and there is
no real freedom in His universe and thus no real love in His universe
 It would present God as saying He wants you to love Him, but if you don’t He will kill you

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The only logical way to understand this at all, and fortunately, that is also consistent with Scripture, is
Design law.
 God is acting as our protector, our Intercessor against the forces of evil in this world—
o God intercedes in our own hearts (I will put enmity between you and the woman)
against our own fear and selfishness, instilling a desire for good;
o God intercedes against the principalities and powers of darkness (Angels with Elisha, 4
angels at four corners, holding back the snakes and scorpions in the desert for Israel)
and in this story, God was holding back the evil nations around Israel. But when they
repeatedly rejected Him He finally gave them what they chose, freedom from His
protection. And what happens in a world in which selfishness dominates, a world
without the love of God governing the hearts of men? Those with power seek to
dominate and control those weaker and the enemies came and overran Israel!
o God interceded in the natural course that sin does to the human being, in Jesus, who
became sin though he knew no sin so that we might become the righteousness of God.
 Thus the punishment Israel received is the same punishment we receive when we:
o disobey mother and touch a hot stove
o run the toothbrush under water to show mom we brushed our teeth but really didn’t
o cheat on our exams—what is the punishment?
o cheat on our spouses—what is the punishment?
 Is the punishment for cheating getting caught? NO! Getting caught and
experiencing some external consequence, like an F, expelled from school,
separation and divorce etc. are not the punishment—such actions would be like
mother spanking for not brushing your teeth. No, the punishment for cheating is
a seared conscience, warped character and hardened heart less capable of love,
truth, compassion and sensitivity to God’s kingdom!

This past weekend I presented five talks at Carmichael SDA church in Sacramento, CA. I presented
the truth about God as we know it. One of the questions that came in was, “In light of the character of
God I presented, and the design law versus the imposed law constructs I outlined, what do we do when
ISIS shows up in our communities bent on killing us?”

I answered by saying that it is Satan’s government that works by force, coercion, and fear. That Satan
wants us to get afraid and think we are in danger. It inflames our survival of the fittest drives and
moves us away from love, moves us to justify killing others to protect self.

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In Bible times we have the story of Jehoshaphat who faced a huge army coming to destroy his city,
and what did Jehoshaphat do? He called the singers together and they sang praise to God—God
confused the other army, they killed themselves and the people were delivered.

We are taught that in the future many of us may very well face situations in which our lives are
threatened because of our faith? What are we to do?

Revelation 12:11 describes those ready for translations, “these are they that do not love their lives so
much as to shrink from death.”

Do we trust God with our lives, so much so that we can say to God, “God if I need to die at the hands
of an ISIS soldier, in order to bring that soldier to conviction, where he repents and is eternally saved,
I give you my life.”

Remember Saul of Tarsus—what event was used by God to bring Saul to conviction? The stoning of
Stephen. Do you think Stephen will awaken in the resurrection upset with God for not protecting him,
or will he be thankful his life was used in such an effective way to reach Paul, and thereby so many
millions more?

I am not saying I am ready to do this yet, but I want to be, I want to love like this and ask God to
recreate in me this heart of love and trust in Him. Which takes us to…


Death Decree

What do you understand is happening in the book of Esther? Read the third paragraph, “Little did the
king realize…”

What is it that gives us insight and understanding into the book of Esther? It is the Cosmic Conflict
over God’s character! This is the issue—humankind was “dead in trespass and sin” in a terminal
condition. God has a plan which will save the species human, but it requires Jesus to come as a human
being, to be born of a sinful human woman, but a woman who trusts God.

Does Satan want this to happen? No, he is trying to obstruct it and all through OT history you see the
battle—immediately Cain kills Abel, trying to destroy the righteous one, the Flood, only one righteous

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man on earth, Abraham is selected to be the family through whom Jesus will come and Satan attacks
on all fronts:
 Gets nations to kidnap Lot, seeking to draw Abraham into a war where he can be killed
 Gets Abraham to replace Sarah with Hagar seeking to create his own line of people and
obstruct the plan
 Gets Jacob’s children to fight against each other
 Brings a famine attempting to starve them
 Gets wicked nations to try and destroy them
 Gets wicked individuals to try and destroy them as in the book of Esther
 Infects their religion with false god constructs
 Leads the priests to misrepresent God
 And, in Thursday’s lesson, after Nehemiah rebuilds the walls, Satan leads the people to
legalism and bigotry and bias and prejudice—get rid of their heathen wives, put up walls and
rigid legal rules to protect them from ever going into paganism again and so they built a legal
religion based on rigid rule keeping

Read fourth paragraph, “How fascinating it is…” What did the Jews face that we will face? Was it
merely the death decree? Or is it something much more profound?

In the time of Rome, when Jesus was on earth, what had the Jewish religion become? A merging of
church and state—their Sanhedrin worked with the State to enforce religious rules coercively. They
did not present the truth in love and leave free. No, the religious authorities constantly sought to coerce
obedience. How many times did they try to stone Jesus? What did they want to do to the woman
caught in adultery? What did they do to Stephen? Did the Jews get permission from the Romans to
stone Stephen? No, the Jews themselves were infected with Satan’s version of God’s character and
law, thus their system was corrupt and ultimately as Jesus Himself said, they were loyal to their father
the devil!

Are we today vulnerable to being caught up just like the Jews 2000 years ago, serving Satan and
Satan’s plans, albeit on the “right” day of the week?

Isn’t that exactly what the beast of Revelation describes a union of church and state powers that
coercively enforce religious rule?

What is the one central belief that is at the root to such a system? The belief that God’s law functions
like human law and therefore it is just and right to use the power of the state to enforce obedience.

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What do you understand is the lesson for us today from the experiences of Nehemiah?

Israel was not only real people dealing with real issues in their day, they were also actors on a stage
and much of their history is object lesson history for the entire plan of salvation:

These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on
whom the fulfillment of the ages has come. 12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that
you don’t fall! 13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is
faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he
will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1Cor 10:11-13

So what lessons do we learn from ancient Israel that apply to us today?

 Israel slaves in Egypt—we are slaves to sin in this world
 Moses a deliver comes to free them—Jesus comes to free us
 They leave Egypt for the promised land, Christians in the first century left the ways of the
world for God’s methods and principles
 Israel accepts false views of God and rebels from God’s plan and end up slaves again, the
church accepted false views of God and rebelled from God’s law and ended up in the Dark
Ages, captives again of Satan’s lies about God
 They had a spokesperson for God, Nehemiah, lead them to repair the walls to repair the breach
and God has called for a people at the end of time to do the same, listen to this:

The spiritual restoration of which the work carried forward in Nehemiah's day was a symbol,
is outlined in the words of Isaiah: "They shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the
former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities." "They that shall be of thee shall
build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou
shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in." Isaiah 61:4;
58:12. {PK 677.2}

The prophet here describes a people who, in a time of general departure from truth and
righteousness, are seeking to restore the principles that are the foundation of the kingdom
of God. [Before we even go on, what might this be? What principles of God’s kingdom have
been lost and at the end of time need to be restored?] They are repairers of a breach that has
been made in God's law--the wall that He has placed around His chosen ones for their

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protection, and obedience to whose precepts of justice, truth, and purity is to be their perpetual
safeguard.[How has God’s law been broken down? By replacing it with imposed law instead of
design law!] {PK 677.3}

In words of unmistakable meaning the prophet points out the specific work of this remnant
people who build the wall. "If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy
pleasure on My holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and
shalt honor Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine
own words: then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the
high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of
the Lord hath spoken it." Isaiah 58:13, 14. {PK 678.1} [Design law or imposed law? Can a
mother force a child to eat their spinach? Can a mother make them enjoy it? Notice what is
being described here, not behavior change, but a heart change! This is healing, design law!
And note what comes next in the quote]

In the time of the end every divine institution is to be restored. The breach made in the law at
the time the Sabbath was changed by man, is to be repaired. [Notice how this is phrased, it
doesn’t say, the breech made in the law by changing the Sabbath, or the breech in the law was
the change in the Sabbath—no. Many SDAs have mistakenly believed that the breech in the
law was the change in the day. No, the breech happened at the time when the Sabbath was
changed. And was is the breech, the breakdown, the fracture in God’s law? The idea that God’s
law is imposed, that it functions like human law, rules imposed. We are to be the people, who
like Nehemiah, are called at this time in earth’s history to rebuild the wall. The wall of
protection in the truth about God’s law and character, that God’s law is design law, the law of
love upon which all reality is built and God is working to heal and restore His children.] God's
remnant people, standing before the world as reformers, are to show that the law of God is
the foundation of all enduring reform and that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is to
stand as a memorial of creation, a constant reminder of the power of God. In clear, distinct
lines they are to present the necessity of obedience to all the precepts of the Decalogue.
Constrained by the love of Christ, they are to co-operate with Him in building up the
waste places. [What is a memorial? Something that helps us remember—what is the Sabbath
designed to help us remember? God’s power—and what is the foundational power of God?
Truth and love—and how does the Sabbath help us remember this? The Sabbath was created in
the context of a war over God’s right to rule—and rather than use might to force all
intelligences in the universe to bow down, God created this planet and then said, “Universe, I
rest—my case—take 24 hours aside and consider the evidences for yourself, no coercion!” The
Sabbath is a reminder that God is the God of truth, love and freedom! This is design law and

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the existence of the Sabbath is evidence Satan lied. If God were the abuser of power Satan
alleges, there would be no Sabbath. This is also the Elijah message we read earlier, turning
hearts of the fathers to the sons, i.e. a message of God’s love!] They are to be repairers of the
breach, restorers of paths to dwell in. See verse 12. {PK 678.2}


The lesson is about Elijah and the lesson states, “To say that it would not rain was a direct challenge to
Baal, who was thought to bring rain to ensure fertile crops and herds that made farmers wealthy. The
prevailing religious rites focused on fertility and income.”

Who was Baal, was the issue primarily about fertility and income? Or was fertility and income a
measure used by the people to evaluate their standing before God? Was there some other issue which
was more insidious that this?

What was the problem with worshipping Baal? Was it simply a matter of using the wrong word “Baal”
when worshipping God? Was it because they were not saying “Yhwh” (Yahweh)? Or was it something

“The Hebrew noun ba‘al means ‘master’, ‘possessor’ or ‘husband’. Used with suffixes, e.g.
Baal-peor or Baal-berith, the word may have retained something of its original sense; but in
general Baal is a proper name in the OT, and refers to a specific deity, Hadad, the W Semitic
storm-god, the most important deity in the Canaanite pantheon.

“Yahweh was ‘master’ and ‘husband’ to Israel, and therefore they called him ‘Baal’, in all
innocence; but naturally this practice led to confusion of the worship of Yahweh with the Baal
rituals, and it became essential to call him by some different title; Hosea (2:16) proposed ’îš,
another word meaning ‘husband.’” Wood, D. R. W., & Marshall, I. H. (1996). New Bible
dictionary (3rd ed.) (108).

The problem was not the syllables used as ba’al was one name used for the true God. Therefore, the
problem must have been something else. There must have been some distortion presented in the
character of Baal that is not in the character of God. So, what was Baal like?

Baal was the son of El (i.e. El-ohim or El-Shaddai). He was the god of weather. Often called,
‘Almighty’ and “Lord of the Earth.” Baal was the god who brought rain, thunder, lightening, who
fertilized the earth, controlled the sun and brought the harvest. Baal fought the great serpent leviathan

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as well as battled against Mot, the god of death. And most amazing of all, it was taught that Baal died
in his battle with Mot and was resurrected from the dead to bring life to earth.

So what was the problem with worshipping a god who was the “husband and protector of Israel,” the
son of El, who controlled the weather, who brought rain, sunshine, and fertility, who blessed with full
harvest, who warred against the great serpent and death, who died and was resurrected to bring life to
the earth? What was wrong with this god? What was Elijah opposing? What made Baal worship false?

“Determined to keep the people in deception, the priests of Baal continue to offer sacrifices to
their gods and to call upon them night and day to refresh the earth. With costly offerings the
priests attempt to appease the anger of their gods;” White, E.G., Prophets and Kings, p.

And the Bible confirms this:

"So the prophets prayed louder and cut themselves with knives and daggers, according to their
custom, until blood flowed." 1 Kings 18:28 1

Could it be that Baal represented the characteristics of Satan’s version of God, the idea that he (as god)
must have bloody sacrifices in order to be appeased, have his wrath assuaged, or have his anger
propitiated? And is God waiting for His church on earth to complete the reformation by eliminating
this pagan god concept and restoring the true picture of God as revealed in Jesus?

So again, notice the issue is about worship, who do you trust, how do you understand God?

Is there an application today to what Elijah was dealing with in his day?

“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6
He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their
fathers; Mal 4:5,6

What is the Elijah of today? Why is Elijah needed today? What is the message?

Some may attempt to argue that what made Baal worship false was its gross and hedonistic practices. We assert that all such
degradation is the outgrowth of worshipping a god who must be appeased, assuaged or propitiated. In the Dark Ages these ugly
practices of worshipping such a god were evidenced in the inquisition and burning people at the stake. The gross forms of their
worship were the fruit of the real problem, which was accepting a god who had to be paid by sacrifice to grant blessings, a god who
would inflict punishment if sacrifices were not brought. And Revelation tells us that those who hold to this view of God will again
torture and kill in the name of their god.

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Read and discuss questions


Dr. Jennings has been named a Champion of Health by True Health Broadcasting Network in
association with Health Institute for Preventive Care, Access, Research and Education (HIPCARE)
and True Health TV and will be presented with the “Legacy Champion of Health” award at a Gala on
Saturday, April 9, 2016, at the Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC), Atlanta, Georgia.

This award is being presented to Dr. Jennings, as it states in the award letter, “because of your
unselfish commitment to community health exemplified by your leadership in the community and as
author of “The God-shaped Brain” and “Could it be this Simple? A Biblical Model for Healing the

There will be a Health Equity Town Hall Meeting, on January 16, 2016 at 3pm at the GWCC which
will be free to the public and will be televised on True Health Broadcasting Network (THBN) and its
affiliates, reaching millions of households.

The God-Shaped Brain is now available in Korean and is available at this website:

The Remedy – Dr. Jennings’ New Testament Paraphrase–FREE for ios and android systems.

The Journal of the Watcher is now available as a HARD COVER book at Amazon as well as a
movie in itunes for everyone without ios or android, you can now get it in itunes. It is also available as
an APP for Apple and Android devices.

January 29-30, 2016: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at The Haven Church in St. Helena, CA.

February 20, 2016: Class will meet at Hamilton Community Church due to the Courthouse
being unavailable.

March 11-12, 2016: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at the Village Church, College Place, WA.

April 1-2, 2016: Dr. Jennings will be speaking at Spring Branch Hispanic SDA church, Houston, TX.

Come And Reason Ministries 14

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