Growing in Your New Life

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List some characteristics that you expect to occur as God produces growth in Growing in Your
your life.

John 15:1-17; Galatians 5:22-23

New Life in Christ
2 Peter 1:5-9 gives us a picture of growth.


Remember: The Holy Spirit can empower you to live a Christ-directed
As we mature in our relationship with Christ, God has given us the privilege and life. As you continue to confess your sin and yield control to Christ,
responsibility of helping other people come to know Christ and grow in Him. you will experience a deepening fellowship with God enabling you to
This is the disciple making ministry Jesus has commissioned His people to invest
grow in Christian maturity.
in. Read Matthew 28:18-20.

Discipleship is an intentional friendship that helps another person grow in their

Maturity takes time — there are no shortcuts.
relationship with Christ.
Fact Faith Feelings Our Christian life is like a tree which begins to sink deep roots while at the same
time branching out and bearing fruit. As we begin to grow and draw strength
The acronym LIFE highlights the central aspects of a growing and healthy from our relationship with Christ, we also begin to see the fruit of that
relationship with Christ: relationship begin to be expressed in our personal lives and relationships with
Loving God other people. This spiritual fruit is manifested in our character (Galatians
Investing in others 5:22-23). Just like mature trees can produce fruit that has the potential seeds for
Following His Word the future, so our lives are designed to share the seeds of the Gospel and to help
Engaging our world others grow in Christ.

As we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, we look for opportunities to

help others experience the power of His presence in their 1) personal life,
2) family life, 3) career, 4) ministry.

Read: Philippians 1:3-11; Colossians 1:24-29; 2 Timothy 2:1-2. What do we learn 1. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO GROW IN CHRIST?
about the disciple making ministry to which Jesus has called us? It means to increase in knowledge of Christ and love for Him.

Next steps: Read Philippians 3:7-10. Why did Paul count all things as loss?
• Join a Bible study or small group where you can enjoy fellowship with
others who are also learning more about this new life in Christ. Read Matthew 22:37, 38. There are more than 600 commandments in the Old
Testament. Why do you think Jesus singled this one out?
• Talk to someone about Christ.
Who would you like to tell about the good news of God’s love and
forgiveness? How would loving God with all your heart, soul and mind affect your life?

• Ask a mature Christian to continue to show you and disciple you how
to follow Christ in your personal life, family life, career, and ministry. Just as it is a natural process for a child to grow in a loving relationship with a
parent, so it is also natural for you to grow in your love relationship with God.
• Begin looking for ways you can encourage and serve other believers in
your local church.

Study Guide 4 ⧫ Revised Nov. - 2020

Study Guide 4
HOW CAN YOU GROW IN CHRIST? ● We communicate with through prayer, sharing your thoughts,
our needs and our desire to do His will.
If you met a guy or girl whom you enjoyed, what would you do to get to know
that person better? Read Philippians 4:6,7.
* Pray about everything.
Communication is vital to any relationship, including your relationship with * Pray specifically—so you can see God answer specifically.
Christ. Since communication must be a two-way street, you need to let Him * Pray honestly—share your needs and desires to do His will
speak to you and you need to speak with Him. (1 John 5:14,15).

Four principles of communication that will help you grow in your relationship How can you know if what you are praying for is really something within God’s
with Christ as you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit: will?

————————————————————————————————— ● We communicate with (fellowship) by sharing life together

With God (Prayer) with other believers.

With Non-Christians With Christians Every person in the world who is trusting in Christ alone for their salvation
(Witnessing) (Fellowship) from sin is part of the body of Christ, which is called the church. The Bible
With You (Bible) also references a group of believers in one location which make up a local
____________________________________________________________________ church. A healthy church is committed to worshiping Christ, teaching His
Word, proclaiming the Gospel, and lifting up believers.
● communicates with you through the Bible, revealing His character
and His will. Just as logs burn more brightly when placed together, so Christians need
each other for warmth and encouragement. There are numerous "one
Read 2 Timothy 3:16,17. How would you define each benefit described? another" passages in the Bible that call believers to love, serve, encourage,
Which of those uses of the Bible would be most helpful to you right now? forgive and pray for one another.
How has the Bible reading you have done so far been helpful in your life?
Developing the pattern of reading and studying the Bible daily develops depth Read Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:23-25; Ephesians 4:11-16.
to one relationship with Christ and maturity to our lives. The following practices
are beneficial in learning to hear from God through His Word: Why is it important to spend time with other Christians?
How important would this be in your own life now?
Read: Daily read a passage, chapter or a section of the Bible. Repeated
readings of a passage or book of the Bible will greatly increase your The Greek word for fellowship, koinania, means “sharing in
understanding of the text. Common.” We desperately need to share our Christian experience
with others who love God and walk with Him, and likewise allow
Research: When you encounter something you do not understand, utilize a them to share with us.
study Bible, commentary, or Bible dictionary for greater understanding.
● We communicate with non-Christians (witnessing) by sharing our
Reflect: Take time to prayerfully consider the implications of what you are relationship with Christ.
studying in regards to your life.
Read Acts 4:12.
Respond: Through the power of the Holy Spirit, rely upon God to help you apply What would motivate you to tell another person about Christ?
what you are learning from His Word.

SUMMARY: Read 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7. God is the source of your growth.

You cannot develop spiritual maturity just by “trying real hard.” As you
read the Bible, pray, tell people about Christ and spend time with other
believers, God will be at work in you producing fruitfulness and maturity.

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