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1. Introduction
Originally published in JFE GIHO No. 21 (Aug. 2008), p. 8–14
Staff Manager, *3
Dr. Eng.,
Construction Engineering Services Dept., Senior Researcher Manager,
Construction Materials & Services Center, Plate & Shapes Res. Dept.,
JFE Steel Steel Res. Lab.,
JFE Steel
Staff General Manager, *4
Staff Deputy Manager,
Tubular Products Business Planning Dept., Welded Pipe Sec., Products Design & Quality Control
JFE Steel for Steel Products Dept.,
West Japan Works,
JFE Steel
High Strength and Heavy Wall Thickness Steel Pipes for Building Structures
1 200 As part of this trend, moves to adopt not only the con-
ventional elasto-plastic design, but also elastic design,
1 000
have also begun. As merits of adopting elastic design, in
contrast to elasto-plastic design, in which it is necessary
to consider the behavior of members as far as their plas-
400 tic properties after complex yielding, the elastic design
200 method is structurally clear, and above all, continuing
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Wall thickness (mm) use of all or part of buildings designed by the elastic
N34 906 method without damage is possible, even after an earth-
Fig. 1 Distribution of column size quake or other disaster. Because it is sufficient if ade-
quate yield strength can be secured in the main members
trial manufacture for confirmation of the performance of used in buildings of this type, use of high YR materials
these pipes. has become possible.
As outlined above, in steel materials for building
2. Performance Requirements for Steel Pipes structures, low YR steel pipes are required in elasto-
for Building Structures plastic design, and high YR steel pipes (high YS pipes)
are used in elastic design. JFE Steel has developed high
strength, heavy section steel pipes which respond to
2.1 Mechanical Properties
these respective requirements. In particular, in high YR
The current building design concept in Japan incor- pipes, the company has held tensile strength to the level
porates the concept of elasto-plasticity. Under this of the conventional steel grades and set YS at a high
concept, it is thought that building collapse can be level in consideration of economy.
prevented by plasticization of the structural members Where toughness is concerned, there has been height-
and the resultant absorption of energy during a major ened interest in this type of performance in the construc-
earthquake, as assumed in the design. The concept of tion field due to the earthquake disasters of recent years.
elasto-plastic design utilizes the performance of steel With steel pipes, there is a tendency to reduce the tough-
materials, which have a high plastic deformation capac- ness value in comparison with the steel plate before
ity. Because it is possible to reduce the necessary cross processing because pipes are subject to plastic working
section in comparison with elastic design, elasto-plastic in the manufacturing process. However, it is desirable
design offers superior economy. Therefore, in the main to secure a toughness value on the same level as general
members used in building structures, not limited to steel plates after pipemaking.
round steel pipes, standard values have been set with an
2.2 Weldability
awareness of allowing plasticization by setting the upper
limit of yield strength (YS) and specifying the ratio Welding of high strength steels generally involves
(yield ratio YR = YS/TS) of yield strength (YS) and a high degree of difficulty, including a high preheating
tensile strength (TS). The same concept has been incor- temperature and strict control of the inter-pass tem-
porated in the STKN standard in Japanese Industrial perature. Therefore, steel materials which enable sound
Standards (JIS), which is the general standard for steel welding with a low preheating temperature have been
pipes used in column material applications. In the STKN desired. The development reported here responded to
standard, both the YS range and the TS range are speci- that need by adopting steel plates which holds weld
fied as 105 N/mm2, and YR is specified as 85% or less crack sensitivity composition (PCM) to a low value.
(welded steel pipes). For high strength steels which are
2.3 Dimensional Accuracy
not designated in the Building Standard Law of Japan,
the approval of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and In steel building frames, JASS6 (Japanese Architec-
Transport (MLIT) is necessary. However, in many cases, tural Standard Specification – Steel Work1)) is generally
the specified values for steel pipes also follow the STKN used as the standard for dimensional accuracy. As a stan-
standard in this case. dard for round steel pipes for use in building structures,
On the other hand, in recent years, there have been the JIS STKN standard is generally adopted. However,
moves to change design practice from the specification in this standard, precision of diameter is specified in
code design used up to the present to performance code terms of the diameter as converted from the circumfer-
Table 1 Targets for mechanical properties and chemical compositions of steel pipes
Pcm: C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B
3.1.1 Yield ratio (YR) Fig. 3 Manufacturing processes for low yield ratio (YR) steel
As shown in Fig. 2, the YR of heavy steel plates
generally increases with strength in steels. The aver- plates with a YR controlled through the chemical com-
age YR of the conventional TS570 to 610 N/mm2 class position and manufacturing process. Figure 3 shows
steel plates exceeds 80%, and that of 780 N/mm2 class a schematic diagram of the manufacturing process for
plates exceeds 85%. In the steel plates with the high achieving low YR using JFE Steel’s Super-OLAC (On-
YR specification shown in Table 1, there are cases in line Accelerated Cooling) technology. At the strength
which the conventional high YR plates can be applied levels of 550 N/mm2 class steel (HBL3852)) and below,
without modification, but as steel pipe material for the low YR of 80% or less can be achieved by optimiz-
low YR specification, it is necessary to apply low YR ing the thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP) as
Pre-strain Pre-strain
TS780 class (High YR)
Tensile strength
Charpy fracture appearance transition
500 0
Yield strength
temperature, vTrs
600 100
400 150
0 5 10 0 5 10
Pre-strain (%) Pre-strain (%)
Fig. 4 Effects of strain aging on tensile and Charpy impact properties of steel plates
shown in Fig. 3(a). In higher strength steels, low YR of and back sides of the pipe. At maximum, this strain is
80% or less can be achieved with 590 N/mm2 class steel on the order of the ratio (t/D) of the plate thickness t
(SA440), and 85% or less can be achieved 780 N/mm2 and pipe diameter D. This causes changes in mechani-
class steel (low YR-HT780; JFE-HITEN780T) by apply- cal properties, including work hardening, embrittlement,
ing a complex multi-stage heat treatment process that etc. Thus, it is necessary to set the target properties of
includes inter-critical reheated quenching (Q’), as shown the steel plates which are to be applied as material for
in Fig. 3(b). JFE Steel has obtained certification from steel pipes considering the changes in mechanical prop-
the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport for its erties before and after pipemaking.
low YR steel lineup with tensile strengths in the range Figure 4 shows the results of an evaluation of
from 490 to 780 N/mm2.* mechanical properties after aging heat treatment at
Recently, JFE Steel established an on-line heat 250°C × 1 h when 5% or 10% tensile prestrain was
treatment technology that realizes fine dispersed micro- applied in the cold condition to prestrained test samples
structural control of the hard martensite phase, which (parallel part: 18 t × 80 w × 180 L) taken in the plate
could only be achieved with the off-line Q’ heat treat- transverse direction (C direction) from various types
ment process in the past, by applying the HOP® (Heat- of steel plates (thickness: 40–60 mm) in the TS550 to
treatment On-line Process)3) using an on-line induction 780 N/mm2 classes. In order to simulate a tensile test
heating device which was introduced by JFE Steel for of the pipe axial direction, round bar tensile test pieces
the first time in the world. As a result, JFE developed a and Charpy impact test pieces were taken in the roll-
low YR-HT780 steel by a non-heat treated process with ing direction, which was perpendicular to the prestrain
HOP4). direction. Because the amount of plastic strain intro-
duced by bending forming will differ depending on
3.1.2 Change of mechanical properties
the plate thickness position, this type of simple tensile
due to bending forming
prestrain test does not faithfully reproduce forming in
Bending forming in the pipemaking process intro- actual pipemaking. However, it can be used to obtain
duces tensile or compressive plastic strain at the front systematic basic data on the changes in mechanical
properties due to plastic working.
*TMCP steel materials for building structures (HBL325, HBL355, According to the tensile test results shown in
HBL385; Numerical values indicate yield point or proof stress), Fig. 4(a), YS, TS, and YR increase accompanying
High performance 590 N/mm2 steel material (SA440; YS440 N/mm2 increases in prestrain, but the increment of YR is larger
class), Low YR-HT780 steel (JFE-HITEN780T; YS630 N/mm2 class). in low YR steel plates than in high YR plates. Thus, in
Low YR
P-440B possible to manufacture pipes of the targeted specifica-
Low YR
70 tions. In particular, it is possible to produce low YR and
P-500T high YR specification steel pipes with the same strength
High YR
60 level in accordance with the customer’s requirements.
High YR As a result, it is considered possible to supply steel pipes
50 which respond to more diverse design requirements than
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
in the past.
t/D (%)
Fig. 6 Relationship of t/D and Yield ratio (YR) for pipe data
irrespective of strength, thickness, or curvature. 1) Japanese Architectural Standard Specification JASS6 Steel
Work. Architectural Institute of Japan. 2007.
Figure 6 shows the distribution of the yield ratio 2) Hayashi, K.; Fujisawa, S.; Nakagawa, I. High Performance
(YR) of the pipes by t/D. In spite of the differences 550 MPa Class High Strength Steel Plates for Buildings
in strength, thickness, and curvature, it is possible to — Steel Plates with New Reference Design Standard Strength
“HBL385,” which Minimize the Construction Costs in Frame
control the value of YR to within the required range, Fabrication and Alleviate the Environmental Burden —. JFE
irrespective of t/D, by appropriately controlling the per- Giho. 2004, no. 5, p. 45.
formance of the material plates using the Super-OLAC, 3) Fujibayashi, A.; Omata, K. JFE Steel’s Advanced Manufactur-
ing Technologies of Leading High Performance Steel Plates.
HOP, and other technologies, and appropriately selecting JFE Giho. 2004, no. 5, p. 8.
plate heating during pipemaking or heat treatment after 4) Ueda, K.; Endo, S.; Ito, T. 780 MPa Grade Steel Plates with
pipemaking. Low Yield Ratio by Micro structural Control of Dual Phase.
JFE Giho. 2007, no. 18, p. 23.
5. Conclusion 5) Omata, K.; Yoshimura, H.; Yamamoto, S. The Leading High
Performance Steel Plates with Advanced Manufacturing Tech-
JFE Steel carried out development in order to secure nologies. NKK Technical Review. 2002, no. 179, p. 57.
the performance required in steel pipes for building