Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete
Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete
Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete
Anıl Niş* ‡
* Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkey
([email protected])
‡ Corresponding Author, Anıl Niş, Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 212 422 7020, Fax: +90 212 422 7401, [email protected]
Abstract- In this study, steel fiber reinforced self - compacting concrete (SFR-SCC) specimens were examined by considering
the effects of different parameters on the material performance and to promote the use of fiber materials in building industry.
Use of steel fibers in SCC is still limited due to lack of required codes and standards in this field. More research is required to
understand the effects of steel fibers on mechanical properties of the concrete. For this purpose, 5 mixes; control and reinforced
with 2 different fiber volumes and two different fiber types; were produced. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength
and 3-point notched bending tests were carried out on these specimens for thoroughly evaluating mechanical performance of
steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concretes.
Keywords Steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete, flexural toughness, ductility, three point notched bending, flexural
Anıl Niş, Vol.4, No.1, 2018
compacting concrete is used and defined as steel fiber fibers bridge the cracks and prevent further widening of the
reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFR-SCC) in order to cracks (Crack bridging mechanism) [4].
obtain high flowability to solve workability and concrete
1.1.2. Influence of steel fiber amount
placement problem [1].
SFR-SCC usage has many advantages in concrete SFR-SCC properties mainly depend on the steel
industry. SFR-SCC has contributed to noise pollution, fiber amount or fractions in the mixture. As the amount of
construction time and labour cost due to lack of external steel fibers increases in the mix, flexural strength, shear
vibration. In nowadays, electric energy and labour costs strength and flexural toughness values are improved due to
become a significant part in the overall cost of the structure. the enhancement in the ductility of the mix. In addition,
However, SFR-SCC has not been used alone due to lack of tensile strength and crack opening displacement capacity of
structural design codes. It has been used with structural rebar the concretes improve with an increasing steel fiber fractions
(primary reinforcement) and steel fibers take place as (Vf). Inclusion of the high amount steel fibers especially
secondary reinforcement in design phase. Structural improved the post crack residual tensile strength and
applications of the SFR-SCC are; slabs and pavements, water ductility of the concretes [5].
tanks, channels, pipes, precast piles, precast walls, and blast Steel fiber content in a mixture generally ranges
resistance structures. SFR-SCC will be used more when steel from 0.3 to 2%. For lower fiber amounts, impact of the fibers
fibers totally take place of the conventional steel on the SCC concrete remains limited. For higher volume
reinforcement with further investigation [2]. In order to fractions than 2%, workability of the SCC reduces and
promote use of steel fiber, its effects on the mechanical passing ability problems emerge especially in the structures
properties of concrete should be further investigated. that high percentage structural reinforcement. In addition,
1.1. Factors Influencing Mechanical Properties of SFR-SCC steel fibers are expensive materials, usage of higher
percentages may become costly. For economic
Mechanical properties of SFR-SCC are influenced by considerations, optimum usage of the steel fibers is
concrete material components (cement, cementitious material considered as 1% for the majority of structures [6].
and water amounts) and steel fiber characteristics (steel fiber 1.1.3. Influence of steel fiber aspect ratio (l/d)
type, amount and aspect ratio). The effects of the concrete
material components to mechanical strength of SRF-SCC has Fiber aspect ratio is the ratio of steel fiber length to
already known in the concrete industry. However, the effect diameter. In structural applications, l/d ranges from 50 to
of steel fibers on the mechanical strength of concrete is 100. Large fiber aspect ratio, representing a higher fiber
required further investigation. matrix bond area that better bond is available between fiber
and matrix and so high energy absorption capacity is
1.1.1. Influence of steel fiber type obtained in the concretes. The fiber length is also another
important factor for structural behavior of the SFR-SCC.
There is a wide range of fiber types, steel fiber, Under same fiber aspect ratio, shorter fibers include larger
synthetic fiber, glass fiber, natural organic and inorganic number of fibers than longer fibers; which result in better
fibers; however, steel fibers are the most used fiber types in crack bridging and stress transfer across the cracks [7].
construction industry. Steel fiber performance is influenced
by 3 different properties: (1) the aspect ratio (L/d) of the steel From the light of the literature, two types of steel fibers
fiber; (2) steel fiber shape (straight, hook-end) and surface (hook-end long and straight short), two different fiber
deformation; (3) surface treatment. Surface deformation is volumes (0.5 % and 1 %) were selected considering
generally conducted in order to increase the anchorage economic aspects and different fibrous mixes were produced
between matrix and fiber. The used steel fibers have a and mechanically tested to evaluate the mechanical
circular cross section with a diameter changing from 0.2 mm performance of the SFR-SCC specimens.
to 1 mm, with a length varying from 10 mm to 60 mm and 2. Materials
with an aspect ratio less than 100. For better bond between
steel fiber and concrete matrix, steel fibers may be modified 2.1 SCC Materials and Mix Design
by surface and mechanical deformations [3].
For structural applications, straight and hooked-end Ordinary Portland cement (CEM I 42.5R) and fly
type steel fibers have been widely used. Plain concrete goes ash (F-Type) were used as binder materials with densities of
into failure under tensile or flexural loading by formation of 3.14 and 2.13 kg/dm3, respectively. A polycarboxylic ether
a single crack. However, steel fiber reinforced concrete based superplasticizer was used to obtain high flowability.
resists additional crack openings and multiple cracks As aggregates, natural sand, crushed sand and coarse
observed before the failure. This is due to two separate aggregate with a maximum grain size (dmax) of 10 mm were
mechanisms: (1) when tensile stress on the concrete exceeds used in the concrete mixture and aggregate densities were
its tensile strength, micro-cracks start to emerge. The steel 2.60, 2.68 and 2.74 kg/dm3, respectively. Two types of steel
fiber has a capability of arrest the micro cracks and hence fibers; hooked-end long fibers with fractions of 0.5% and
prevent the formation of macro-cracks (Micro-crack arrest 1%, straight short fibers with a fraction of 0.5% and hybrid
mechanism); (2) for further stresses, micro-cracks widen and fibers (combination of short and long fibers) with a fraction
turn into macro cracks. After macro-crack formation, steel of 1% (0.5% short fiber + 0.5% long fiber) were used in the
study. Straight short fibers have a length of 13 mm and
Anıl Niş, Vol.4, No.1, 2018
aspect ratio of 81 and hooked-end long fibers have a length the other mixes. As a total, five different types of self-
of 35 mm and aspect ratio of 64. Preliminary experiments compacting concretes including steel hooked-end and
were conducted in order to obtain required flowability and straight fibers were produced as control mix, 0.5% long FRC
stability. After reaching required control mix design with a mix, 1% long FRC mix, 0.5% short FRC mix and 1% hybrid
water-to-cementitious ratio of 0.37, all other ingredients were (0.5% short + 0.5% long) FRC mix as can be seen in Table 1.
kept constant while superplasticizer amount was changed
with inclusions of different steel fiber types and fractions in
Mixing procedure was as follows; in the first stage, surface levelling was applied to all specimens. The
cementitious material (cement + fly ash) and aggregates specimens were demoulded after 24 hours and kept in a
added to the mixer and all dry ingredients without fibers water tank at a temperature of 20 ± 2 ºC for 28 day curing
were mixed for 2 minutes. After that water and period time to obtain required strength for tests.
superplasticizer added to the mixer in 1 minute duration and
3. Experimental Program
mixed for 1 more minute. Finally, steel fibers were added
(for fiber-reinforced mixes) to the mixer in 1 minute and 3.1 Compressive Strength Tests
further mixed for 1 minute for homogeneity. For non-fibrous
mixes, dry + wet ingredients were mixed for another 2 Force controlled compressive strength tests were
minute for equal mixing procedure with mixes including carried out on 150x150x150 mm cube specimens according
steel fibers. The overall mixing procedure was terminated in to TS EN 12390-3 [9] standard at the ages of 1, 7 and 28
6 minutes. After mixing, fresh state performances of the SCC days to measure material properties under compression.
mixes were evaluated and all of the mixes showed superior Specimens were axially loaded at a rate of 13.5 kN/s (0.6
flowability characteristics, which was thoroughly MPa/s), Figure 1. The compressive strength of the cube
investigated in the previous study [8]. specimen is calculated by dividing the maximum load
2.2 Casting and Curing of Specimens reached during the compressive strength test by the cross-
sectional area of the specimens. For all of the 5 different
Prepared concrete mixes were cast to the moulds series, three cube specimens were tested for average values.
from one end of the specimen and left to flow to the other Specimens were tested under force-controlled test.
end. During casting, vibration and/or shaking was not
applied to the specimens since concrete was flowing under
its self-weight. Concrete surplus was taken by a trowel and
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3.2 Splitting Tensile Strength Test C496 M-11 standard [10]. Specimens were transversely
loaded at a rate of 0.5 kN/s (1 MPa / min) as is seen in Figure
Splitting tensile strength tests were carried out on 2. Three cylinder specimens were cast for all of the 5 series
cylinder specimens with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of concretes for splitting tensile strength tests.
of 200 mm at the 28-day in accordance with ASTM C496 /
3.3 Three Point Bending Test on Notched Specimens All specimens having widths and depths of 150 mm and
lengths of 600 mm and notches were composed on the
Three-point bending tests were employed on bottom of the specimens with a 4 mm width and 25 mm
notched specimens to in order to evaluate bending behaviour height as is seen in Figure 3. Specimens had a 125 mm
of different SFR-SCC specimens. Two specimens were effective height after notch and were tested under three point
poured for each group, and as a total 10 specimens were bending using MTS testing machine.
produced in accordance with EN 14651 standard [11].
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Based on the standard, three point flexural loading Experimental procedure was terminated when a CMOD
was applied in crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) value of 4 mm was reached. As a result of the tests, force
control at two different rates; CMOD rate was of 0.05 versus CMOD curves of the SCC specimens was obtained
mm/min from zero to 0.1 mm CMOD, and was increased to and results were evaluated accordingly.
0.2 mm/min from 0.1 mm CMOD to 4 mm CMOD, Figure 4.
4. Results and Discussions increase was observed for 1.0 % long and hybrid fiber added
4.1 Compressive Strength Test Results
4.2 Splitting Tensile Strength Results
Compressive strength test results of the cube SCC
specimens were determined at the ages of 1, 7 and 28 days as Splitting tensile strength results showed that steel
is given in Table 2. Results indicated the average of the three fibers have a significant influence on splitting tensile
specimens for each mix. Compressive strength values ranged strength of concrete especially for high steel fiber fractions
from 19 MPa to 24.5 MPa, 44.5 MPa to 50 MPa and 57.5 (≥1%). For 0.5 % long and short fiber reinforced SCC
MPa to 62 MPa at the ages of 1,7, and 28 days, respectively. specimens, splitting tensile strengths increased up to 5 % and
Increase in compressive strength values was found when 13 %, respectively, whereas for 1 % long and hybrid fiber
fibers were added. The extent of increase was around 2-3 % reinforced SCC specimens, splitting tensile strength
when 0.5 % short and long fibers were added, while 6-7 % increased up to 83 % and 55 %, respectively as is seen in
Table 3.
Anıl Niş, Vol.4, No.1, 2018
Table 2. Compressive strength values of concretes of the sharp decrease in the load was resulted from the
CMOD controlled loading. In Figures 5 and 6, maximum
flexural load was around 20 kN for control specimens;
Compressive Strength (MPa) whereas maximum flexural load ranged from 23 kN to 32
SCC specimens kN, 26 kN to 33 kN for 0.5 % long and short FRC
1st day 7th day 28th day specimens, respectively. In Figures 7 and 8, maximum
flexural load ranged from 44 kN to 48 kN, 45 kN to 47 kN
Control (Non-Fibrous) 20.72 44.47 57.75 for 1 % long and hybrid FRC specimens. Area under the load
– CMOD curve (toughness) was highest for 1% fiber
0,5 % Long FRC 19.01 48.06 59.23 reinforced mixes and lowest for the control specimens.
0,5 % Short FRC 20.44 47.79 58.92 Table 3. Splitting tensile strength results of concretes
Fig. 5. Experimental results of 0.5% long FRC specimens (L5) and control (C) specimen
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Fig. 6. Experimental results of 0.5% short FRC specimens (S5) and control (C) specimens
Fig. 7. Experimental results of 1% long FRC specimens (L10) and control (C) specimens
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Fig. 8. Experimental results of 1% hybrid FRC specimens (H10) and control (C) specimens