Gordon'S 11 Functional Health Pattern

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Health Perception – Health Management She sees herself as a total ill person because
Pattern she cannot do anymore the things she usually
does like playing with her siblings. She rely her
present condition with the help of the therapeutic
personnel and by following the prescribed
medications. The patient perceived that she is not
healthy because of her condition.
Nutrition The patient has loss her appetite and hasn’t
eaten a lot. She is on a DAT (Diet as Tolerated)
EDCF (Except Dark Colored Foods).
Elimination The patient urinates 2-3 times a day. The color
of her urine is yellow. The patient defecates once
every two days.
Sleeping She doesn’t have the adequate time of sleep
since she is disturbed with the nurses roaming in
the room every now and then and taking her vital
signs, and because of the environmental changes
of her surroundings. She also has inadequate time
to rest since she doesn’t have enough time to
Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern She was normal as before in her cognitive and
perceptual pattern. She responds clearly and well
understood. She has no sensory deficit; She
responds appropriately to verbal and physical
stimuli and obeys simple commands
Self- Perception-Self concept She was normal as before in his cognitive and
perceptual pattern. She responds clearly and well
understood. She has no sensory deficit; He
responds appropriately to verbal and physical
stimuli and obeys simple commands
Role Relationship Pattern She had more time to bond with his family. She
said that it was a nice feeling to know that your
family is so supportive to her. She learned to
appreciate the beauty of having a family that gives
you strength and support no matter what
Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern According to her, she doesn’t think of the things
like having a boyfriend and getting married yet.
She is still young for such matters.
Coping Stress & Tolerance Pattern She shares her problems to her family. She
verbalizes her feelings.

Activity-Exercise Pattern She interacts with his grandmother & other

people around her

Cooperates well to the doctor & nurses.

Value-Belief Pattern She is a Roman Catholic devotee. She always

goes with his family every Sunday to go to mass.
She was taught by his family to believe and have
fear to GOD. They usually believe in quack

Developmental task

Hope: Intimacy vs Isolation

Psychosocial Crisis: Intimacy vs Isolation
Virtue: Love and Affliation

In the initial stage of being an adult we seek one or more companions and love. As we
try to find mutually satisfying relationships, primarily through marriage and friends, we
generally also begin to start a family, though this age has been pushed back for many
couples who today don't start their families until their late thirties. If negotiating this
stage is successful, we can experience intimacy on a deep level.

If we're not successful, isolation and distance from others may occur. And when we
don't find it easy to create satisfying relationships, our world can begin to shrink as, in
defense, we can feel superior to others.

Our significant relationships are with marital partners and friends.

Intimacy means the process of achieving relationships with family and marital or mating
partner(s). Erikson explained this stage also in terms of sexual mutuality - the giving and
receiving of physical and emotional connection, support, love, comfort, trust, and all the
other elements that we would typically associate with healthy adult relationships
conducive to mating and child-rearing. There is a strong reciprocal feature in the
intimacy experienced during this stage - giving and receiving - especially between
sexual or marital partners.

Application Theory:

The case of CJS can be correlated with the theory of Nightingale wherein, the
environment of the patient is a factor leading to recovery. Having a clean, well ventilated
and quite environment is important in. With a nurturing environment, the body could
repair itself.

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