Tuansi-Pa Manuscript
Tuansi-Pa Manuscript
Tuansi-Pa Manuscript
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Group 5
September 1, 2021
Age: 12
Gender: MALE
Ward/Unit: X
Bed: X
Nationality: Filipino
Occupation: Student
Religion: Islam
B. Admission History
The patient said he has never been admitted in any hospital yet so there
weren’t any information collected for his admission history.
The patient did not state any current illness or pain. His vital signs were all
completely normal and he appears to be coordinated and full of energy.
The last form of sickness the patient can remember was having a cough with
phlegm last June but was instantly treated in just 3 days after home treatment.
Other than that the patient couldn’t recall any further health problems or anything
The patient has one older brother and one older sister. They and their parents are
the ones currently living together in one household. Three of them are not facing any
form of illness and are completely healthy but not their parents. The mother has high
blood pressure and the father is struggling with insomnia.
F. Gordon’s Functional Health Patters
Health Perception/Health The patient’s health has been very good lately. He eats
Management Pattern three full meals a day and each meal varies so that he
consumes as much different nutrients as possible. He
didn’t experience colds last year or this year nor were
there any absence from his school. He is a basketball
player which helps his overall health and physique. The
patient has no experience in consuming cigarettes,
alcohol, drugs or any substance and has no plans or
intentions to. No car or any serious accidents have
occurred to him as long as he can remember. His
parents have contact with different kinds of doctor so it
has been easy to consult and ask for advice when
experiencing any physical difficulties. He is an athlete
so proper diet and daily physical activities keep him in a
healthy state. The patient’s appeared very neat and
odourless; there were no stains in his clothes or any
dirt. He also seemed confident when answering health
related questions and kept an eye contact throughout
Nutritional/Metabolic The patient eats three times a day, mostly rice and
Pattern variation of usual Filipino fried viand every morning,
different chicken or beef dishes in the afternoon and
healthier options for dinner such as fish and vegetable
soups. He intakes different kinds of vitamins every night
but most commonly Cherifer. He drinks at least 8
glasses of water a day. The patient is pretty short in
comparison to his peers and has stayed that way ever
since; he gained a good amount of weight when their
classes started this year. The patient only eats when
hungry and has a healthy relationship with food. His
skin is very smooth as he applies lotion to prevent skin
dryness after bathing every morning, his teeth and oral
mucosa looks well and healthy also, no signs of
damage or discoloration. He has no injuries, or lesions
and he has an even skin colour. He is 149 cm tall and
weighs 46 kilos. The temperature is 36.5 C
Elimination Pattern The patient defecates three times a week without any
problem or any use of laxatives. He urinates at least
three times day without any difficulty either. Amount of
sweating throughout the day appears to be normal
without odour problems. Body cavity drainage tests
were not conducted.
Sleep-Rest Pattern The patient gets a good 8 hours of sleep every night as
he is very well disciplined by his parents. By 10 or 11
PM he gets to bed and wakes up energized for his 7 AM
classes. He often talks in his sleep but no experiences
of concerning occurrence such as having nightmares.
He rests at the living room and watches TV after school
Roles/Relationship The patient lives with parents and siblings. There were
Pattern no intense family problems experienced as they like to
help each other inside the household and gets very
good emotional support. He gets provided his daily
needs and gets his wants at the same time. He has a
group of friends in school and they’ve managed to bond
using online games in these times of pandemic. The
patient has been doing good in schools lately. He feels
very much involved with his family when it comes to
deciding fun activities they get to enjoy every free time
such a weekdays free from work and school.
Coping-Stress Tolerance He just entered junior high school a year ago which is a
Pattern big change from being an elementary student but with
the help of the friends that’s been with him since
childhood everything seems to be going fine with him.
The only pressure he experiences right now is the
online setting of classes but his family is always there
for him when things get hard and he gets to vent out
any difficulties so he gets the help he needs. The
emotional support he gets is very helpful for his growth.
I. General Survey
The patient walked in the room seemingly confident and knows what he’s
in there for. He introduced himself before he sat down. He is a 12 year old male.
His body built is ectomorph with a height of 149 cm and weight of 103.4 pounds
leading to a healthy BMI of 21.6. The patient appeared to have a firm gait and
He is very well groomed and smells decent. The patient is punctual and
came at the right time.
Vital Signs
Pulse Rate 60
Cardiac Rate 90
Respiratory Rate 24
The client’s skin is uniform in color, unblemished and no presence of any foul odor.
He has a good skin turgor and skin’s temperature is within normal limit. The hair of
the client is thick, silky hair is evenly distributed and has a variable amount of body
hair. There are also no signs of infestation observed. The client has a light brown
nails and has the shape of convex curve. It is smooth and is intact with the
The head of the client is rounded; normocephalic and symmetrical. There are no
nodules or masses and depressions when palpated. The face of the client appeared
smooth and has uniform consistency and with no presence of nodules or masses.
The client’s eyebrows are symmetrically aligned and showed equal movement when
asked to raise and lower eyebrows. Eyelashes appeared to be equally distributed
and curled slightly outward. The pupils of the eyes are black and equal in size. The
client was able to read the newsprint held at a distance of 14 inches.
The Auricles are symmetrical and has the same color with his facial skin. The
auricles are aligned with the outer canthus of eye. When palpating for the texture,
the auricles are mobile, firm and not tender..
The nose appeared symmetric, straight and uniform in color. There was no presence
of discharge or flaring. When lightly palpated, there were no tenderness and lesions.
The lips of the client are uniformly pink; moist, symmetric and have a smooth texture.
The client was able to purse his lips when asked to whistle. There are no
discoloration of the enamels, no retraction of gums, pinkish in color of gums. The
tongue of the client is centrally positioned. It is pink in color, moist and slightly rough.
There is a presence of thin whitish coating. The uvula of the client is positioned in the
midline of the soft palate.
The uvula of the client is positioned in the midline of the soft palate. Gag reflex is
also present which is elicited through the use of a tongue depressor.
The neck muscles are equal in size. The client showed coordinated, smooth head
movement with no discomfort. It is positioned at the midline without tenderness and
flexes easily. No masses palpated.
The chest wall is intact with no tenderness and masses. There’s a full and symmetric
expansion and the thumbs separate 2-3 cm during deep inspiration when assessing
for the respiratory excursion. The client manifested quiet, rhythmic and effortless
There were no palpable pulsation over the aortic, pulmonic, and mitral valves. Apical
pulsation can be felt on palpation. There are also no abnormal heaves, and thrills felt
over the apex that were noted.
There are no lumps or masses are palpable. No tenderness upon palpation were
observed. Nipples are free from any discharges.
The abdomen of the client has an unblemished skin and is uniform in color. The
abdomen has a symmetric contour. There were symmetric movements caused
associated with client’s respiration.
The patient pees 3 to 4 times a day with no any problems or discomfort. The
circumcised penis is free of rashes, lesions, and lumps. No swelling, tenderness,or
masses palpated along the testicle.
The muscles are not palpable with the absence of tremors. They are normally firm
and showed smooth, coordinated movements. There were no presence of bone
deformities, tenderness and swelling. There were no swelling, tenderness and joints
move smoothly.
The patient is alert and oriented to person, place, and time with normal speech.
Memory is normal and thought process is intact.
H. Conclusion
● Clin Med (Lond)., (2017). The value of the physical examination in clinical practice:
an international survey. Retrieved 2017 Dec; 17, from