Gun A Balan 2015
Gun A Balan 2015
Gun A Balan 2015
Abstract– This paper presents the transfer function modeling size and maintenance. Unbalance load condition arises in
and stability analysis of two induction motors of same ratings parallel operated drives whenever there is a change in wheel
and parameters connected in parallel. The induction motors are diameter or motor slip-torque characteristics [9] and is
controlled by a single inverter and the entire drive system is
mandatory to know the stability of the dual drive. To make
modeled using transfer function in LabView. Further, the
software is used to perform the stability analysis of the parallel the system stable for unbalanced load conditions, different
connected induction motor drive under unbalanced load control methodologies were presented in the literature [10–
conditions. It is very simple compared with the methods 11]. In this paper, two induction motors connected in parallel
discussed so far to study the performance of the drive under and controlled by a single inverter is modeled using transfer
unbalanced load conditions. Control design and simulation function and the performance of the drive system is proved
toolkits are used to model the drive system and to study the
for different operating conditions in LabView.
stability analysis. Simulation is done for various operating
conditions and the stability investigation is performed for
different load conditions and difference in stator and rotor II. TRANSFER FUNCTION MODELING OF VECTOR CONTROLLED
resistances among the two motors. INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVE IN PARALLEL
The transfer function model developed for vector control
Index Terms– Three-Phase Induction Motor, LabView Software, of single induction motor drive [12] is extended for two
Matlab Simulation, Transfer function model. induction motors connected in parallel and operated by a
single inverter. The transfer function of the induction motor
I. INTRODUCTION drive is derived under the assumption of constant rotor flux
MatLab (Matrix Laboratory) and LabView (Laboratory linkages. The block diagram representation of the vector
Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) are the modeling controlled drive system is framed by applying the transfer
softwares developed by Math Works and National functions of various subsystems, such as the induction motor,
Instruments respectively. Matlab is preferred by most of the inverter, speed controllers and feedback transfer functions.
engineers and scientists around the world for modeling and The simulation of transfer function model of the parallel
simulation of various power electronic circuits, electrical connected induction motor drive system is performed for
drives, digital signal processing, soft computing and power various load conditions and mismatch in stator and rotor
system analysis because of plenty of additional libraries and resistances. The speed response of the transfer function model
the simulink add-on. LabView is a graphical programming is similar to the response obtained by constructing the drive
language preferred for measurement and data acquisition
system with conventional state space model. The transfer
systems. It is also preferred for real time data processing and
functions of various subsystems are represented as follows:
for interaction with the hardware. It was employed to simulate
The approximate transfer function model of induction
the direct torque control (DTC) of asynchronous motor using
fuzzy logic [1]. It was used to identify the induction motor motor is given by:
parameters [2-3], on line determination of single/two phase (1)
induction motor drive characteristics [4], to study the ଵା௦்ೌ
asynchronous motor functional characteristics [5], dc-dc The q-axis stator current which produces the
converter [6], vector control of induction motor drive [7], electromagnetic torque is derived from the d-q model of the
power quality monitoring [8] etc. induction motor as follows:
Inverter fed induction motor drive is used in major ܭ
industries for simple control. Induction motors are connected ݅௦ ൌ ൛ܸ െ ߱ ܮ௦ ݅ௗ௦ ൟ (2)
ͳ ܶݏ ௦
in parallel and driven by a single inverter to reduce the cost,
978-1-4673-7376-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
EDPE 2015 373
2015 International Conference on Electrical D
Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE) The High Tatras, 21-23 Sept. 2015
ଵ ܭ
whereǡ ܭ ൌ ோ , ܶ ൌ ோೌ , ܴ ൌ ܴ௦ ೞ ܴ . (6)
ೌ ೌ ೝ ͳ ܵܶ
The Electromagnetic torque is given by: where,
ܶ ൌ ݅ ்ܭ௦ (3) ܸ
ܭ ൌ ͲǤͷ כ (7)
where, torque constant is given by: ் ଵ
͵ ܲ ܮଶ ܶ ൌ ൌ ଶ (8)
்ܭൌ ݅ (4) ଶ
ʹ ʹ ܮ ௗ௦ Transfer function of mechanical system is given by:
A Proportional Integral (PI) controller iss used to process ͳ
the speed error between the speed reference ssignal and filtered (9)
ܤ ܵܬ
speed feedback one. The transfer functioon of PI speed
controller is obtained as: The feedback signals are curreent and speed, which are
ܭ௦ ሺͳ ܵܶ௦ ሻ processed through first-order filterss. The feedback gains are
(5) assumed as unity. The block diagraam of the vector controlled
ܵܶ௦ parallel connected induction motor drive is illustrated in Fig.
The inverter is modeled as a gain Kin withh a time lag of Tin. 1. With the measured speeds of both h motors, torque reference
The gain is derived from the given DC voltagge to the inverter. is calculated from the speed error using PI controllers. The
The time lag in the inverter is equal to thee average carrier reference speed which is common to both induction motors is
switching cycle time. compared with the actual running speed. The speed error is
The transfer function of inverter is given bby: processed in the PI controller and d the torque reference is
developed from the average outputt of the PI controller. The
Fig. 2. Block diagram codes for modeliing of two induction motors connected in parallel (LabView Software Developments).
output of the inverter is proportional to the torque reference Simulation time waveform in graph utilities.
and it drives the induction motors in parallel. Numeric indicator in front panel.
Table I presents the parameters and ratings of the induction
III. SIMULATION OF TRANSFER FUNCTION MODELING motor. The developed block diagram codes after substituting
OF INDUCTION MOTORS CONNECTED IN PARALLEL WITH LABVIEW the ratings and parameters in Eqs. (1) - (9) are shown in Fig.
The transfer function model of the parallel connected 2. It is constructed with minimum number of components in
induction motor drive is developed in LabView. It is framed LabView using transfer function and is very simple. The
by the following block diagram codes in control and conventional state space model of induction motor with
simulation loop: controller equations for constructing the parallel connected
Step signal in signal generation. motor drive modeled in Matlab/Simulink. It is very complex
Gain, summation in signal arithmetic. and involves many subsystems, Simulink libraries and power
Transfer function in continuous linear systems. system blocksets. Once the drive is modeled; its performance
Sp e e d (rp m )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(a) Reference speed.
Speed (rpm )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(b) Speed response of motor 1.
Sp e ed (rp m )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(c) Speed response of motor 2
Fig. 3. Speed response for step change in speed in LabView. Fig. 4. Speed response by conventional method in Matlab.
is obtained under diverse operating conditions to confirm its response obtained from the conventional state space model
performance. with speed estimation [10] as shown in Fig. 4. It indicates that
the speed response is identical in both cases, which are state
III. a) Step Change in Speed space complex model and the simple transfer function model.
The speed command is set at 750 rpm and at t=4s, speed is Maximum overshoot exists in the speed responses in both
increased from 750 rpm to 1000 rpm (step command). The software packages.
speed responses of the motors for step change in speed
attained in LabView is illustrated in Fig. 3. It is inferred that III. b) Balanced Load
both motors follow the speed command with zero steady state The command speed is set at 1000 rpm and motors run at
error. The torque reference is generated by averaging the no load initially. At t=4s, a load of 2.5 Nm is applied to both
output of the PI speed controllers of motor 1 and 2 motors. The speed responses of the motors acquired in
respectively. The obtained speed waveform is identical to the LabView for balanced load are depicted in Fig. 5. It is
Sp ee d (rp m )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(a) Reference speed.
Sp eed (rp m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(b) Speed response of motor 1.
Speed (rpm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(c) Speed response of motor 2.
Fig. 5. Speed response for balanced load in Labview. Fig. 6. Speed response for balanced load in both motors in Matlab.
observed that both motors follow the speed and load VIs in control design simulation toolkit in LabView. It is
command with zero steady state error. For verification, the very simple and complicated d-q model, inverter circuits and
transfer function model of the drive system is constructed in PI blocks are not required. The average parameters are used
Matlab and the obtained speed response is shown in Fig. 6. and differential parameters between the induction motors are
not considered. It is possible to obtain speed, current, flux and
III. c) UnBalanced Load torque waveforms in state space model. But, in transfer
The command speed is set at 1000 rpm and motors run at function model, only the speed response is obtained. The
no load initially. At t=4s, a load of 2.5 Nm is applied to motor speed response is the required parameter to study the
2 alone. The speed responses obtained in LabView and performance under unbalanced load conditions. Complete set
Matlab are illustrated in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, respectively. It is of both Matlab and LabView results are provided and show
observed that speed of heavily loaded motor drops to 927.5 good agreement with theoretical equations.
(§928) rpm from the command speed of 1000 rpm and the
speed of the motor under no load conditions raises to 1071.6 REFERENCES
(§1072) rpm. The speed difference between the induction [1] B. Gao, J. Wang, F. Cheng, G. Zhang, X. Yang, J. Liu, “The simulation
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IV. CONCLUSIONS [3] A. Singhal, A. Garg, S.S. Murthy, V. Sandeep, “Online parameter
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1072 rpm
Speed (rpm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
927.5 rpm
Spee d (rp m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(c) Speed response of motor 2
Fig. 7. Speed response for unbalanced load in LabView. Fig. 8. Speed response for unbalanced load in Matlab.Lab