Goals of The Outreach Program - Mercado
Goals of The Outreach Program - Mercado
Goals of The Outreach Program - Mercado
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
a. Objectives
b. Goals
c. Significance (Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Metapersonal)
d. Lesson Planning
II. Outline of Activities
a. Planning phase
b. Day of Event
c. Post-Event
III. Learning Experiences
IV. Summary
V. Conclusion
VI. Sources
VII. Appendix (Lesson Plan, Financial Report)
I. Introduction
- To deepen our faith through the teaching of the Church
- To support and understand the children in a process that could penetrates
their inner heart, and that they may grow to become whole as a person
- To spread the Good News by using new technology
- To give more important the skills, attitudes and understanding about our
In doing an activity all of us are invited to work together. We divided its task
and prepare it. Sometimes it challenges us to put ourselves into the mode of
communication and friendship. Its values, learning’s and purposes. We share its idea
and experiences to engage a better work. Therefore, every events in life let us valued
it both in the Church and humanity.
As we share our time and dedication to the children. We developed each
member into active and value-driven agents of social transformation. To love God,
nature and humanity. Strengthening the members’ awareness on God’s creation and
His word. Therefore, let us serve as agent in attaining quality of life, sustain peace,
unity, cooperation and growth in faith of God.
D. Lesson Planning
Subject/Course Title: Catechetical Out Reach Program
Grade/Year: Grade 3-6
Venue: Maria Chiara Biagiotti School, MataasnaKahoy, Lipa City, Batangas
Date and Time: September 16,2017(8:00 am-3:00pm)
No. Of Students: 31 students
Title of the Lesson: Unng mga Kristiano... Nagkaisa... Tularan Natin Sila
Leadership Training-Pagpapahalaga sa Kalikasan
Materials: Projector, Speake, Microphone, Visual Aids, Audio Visual Aids,
Print Out Pictures
Opening Activities: Prayer, Animation, Introduction for the Catechism and
Lesson Objective
▶ At the end of the Catechism the students will understand about the value of unity
through their help or service to their community. The students will also be aware of
the importance and how to care of the environment as a leader/youth.
▶ At the end of the catechism the students will share their learnings, understanding
and experiences about unity in the family, school, community and church. And to
join of taking care of the environment.
Lesson Content
▶The lesson Content of the lesson we choose is about the unity of the Early
Christians. The unity of the Early Christians is about listening, praying together,
sharing, and the celebration of the Eucharist so that the students will imitate it to
their life today by serving or helping their family, school, community and church.
Lesson Experience
▶ The students will have some activities regard to the lesson(Unity). The activities
are visual prompting and visualization and group-oriented activities.
Lesson Evaluation
▶ at the end of the catechism the students will share to the community of their
learnings and understanding about unity. The students will also have their
leadership training about the care for the environment by planting and cleaning.
Closing Activities: Thanksgiving message, giving of prizes and gifts, prayer
II. Outline Activities
B. Day of Event
Our day start at around 6:00am with a morning prayer after the morning prayer
we had our breakfast at the convent’s refectory. At around 7:15am the children
started to arrive in the venue of the catechetical outreach program the children had
their breakfast and coloring activity as we wait for the start of the Holy Mass. At
around 8:00am we started the holy mass presided by Rev. Fr. Viktor Emmanuel I.
Aurellana, RCJ, the mass lasted for an hour. at around 9:00am we started the
catechism instruction to the children. We group the children in 2 so that the
instruction may be given more clearly we used two classrooms for the instructions.
At around 10:00am we had our morning break for snacks. We resumed the
catechetical instruction at around 10:30am. At around 11:00am we had some games
and activities to deepen the learning of the students on the topic. At around 11:45am
we wrapped up our instructions to them and give our conclusion on the topic at
12:15nn we all proceed towards the School Canteen to have our delightful lunch
prepared by Franciscan Sisters of the Transfiguration. At around 1:30am we started
new topic about the care for the environment as response to the call of the Holy
Father Francis to care for our common home the lecture ends at around 2:30pm with
a community cleaning of surroundings and planting. at around 3:30pm we had our
afternoon snacks and gift giving to the children as the culmination of the day’s
catechetical outreach program.
C. Post-Event
Post-event (things to improve)
Every activity has things to improve in order to have a better activity in the future.
First, the team must have more planning and organizing of event (checking
all the needs) because if we have more planning we can open up or suggest what we
need to do for the good of the activity.
Second, the team must follow what was planned in order to have an organized
flow of program/activity.
Third, there should be more communication. In organizing activities,
communication is important to changes which usually happen with regards to
instructions, adjustments to unexpected circumstances and discussion to unknown
Fourth, there should be accomplishing to the given assignment in order to do
what must be done by each member.
Lastly, there should be no sticking to one assignment and too much
dependence. As a team, everyone is responsible for the whole event/activity. One
member, given a certain task must not focus only on his/her own task; if he/she is
done with his’/hers’, the person must check after the needs of others. Each member
of the team must check each other’s assignments whether it is ready or not.
Every activity leaves a mark to be part of my life that I can treasure and
cherish. The Outreach Program held on September 15, 2017 at Mother Chiara
School, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas was one of my memorable experiences as a
student. Each student has different charism and gifts that was applied and used for
one objective which is to help and nourish the lives of faith of the children by
teaching some basic catechism. The activity enhanced and developed my gift of
teaching for I am called for this work as a future educator. I experience the joy of
sharing some learnings to the children especially in matters of faith. The activity
taught me to love more this profession as I saw the eagerness of the children to learn
from me. Their response to the activity was a relief for the effort and preparation I
made for the event.
The fruit of each one’s collaboration was success and indeed it happened. The
joy of working as a team was amazing despite of our differences we were able to do
our jobs and assignments successfully. The activity was a stepping stone for bigger
programs that will come.
Sr. Lorijane Beltran, Sft
The Outreach Program that was held in Batangas was a very significant
experienced for me because it made me realized how blessed I was that day. My
only prayer was to enjoy the day and the Lord granted it. I enjoyed the company of
my classmates, Fr. Viktor, and with the joyful presence of the children. All I want
to say is thank you for the wonderful feelings you gave me on my special day. You
made it the most memorable birthday ever.
My learning experienced with the said activity was that I learned to have the
courage to face the unexpected problems we encounter during the activity. That in
spite of those some moments of disorders we still stood up and continue what we
supposed to do. By the grace of God, the guidance of Fr. Viktor, and through the
unity of our group we successfully done this Outreach Program.
IV. Summary
The objectives of the event are to help the children understand and deepen the
faith that they embraced and to encourage them to live as true Christians. That
through our support and guidance and by using other new methods of
teaching/preaching they may grow as a responsible stewards of God’s creation.
The goal of the said Outreach Program is to educate the children about unity in a
religious context based on the Sacred Scriptures and the teachings of the church.
The next part is to educate them on how to give importance and care to our mother
The Catechetical Outreach Program was held in Maria Chiara Biagiotti School,
Mataas na Kahoy, Lipa City, Batangas last September 16, 2017. There were 31
students from Grade 3 to 6 as the participants. The overall topic of the lesson was
about unity based in the community of the Early Christians together with the
Leadership Training for the care for environment.
Valuing and sharing what the students learned about the importance of unity, and
awareness for the environment as young leaders is its lesson objectives.
Imitating the life and unity of the Early Christians through serving the community
in the present time is the lesson content. The students will participate in some
activities like visualization and other group-oriented activity regarding the lesson as
their lesson experience.
The said activity was closed by the thanksgiving/final message of our Professor, Fr.
Viktor Emmanuel Aurellana, RCJ, the giving of prizes and gifts and a closing prayer.
V. Conclusion
To conclude this paper: the said objectives and goals for the said outreach
program was being done with dedication by the group despite of many challenges
in doing so. Members are cooperating to one another. Unity was very visible to the
group though we have different concerns in each community.
VI. Sources
References: The module that is used for the lesson is from the Vicariate of Sta.
Rita, Diocese of Parañaque for the Catechism of the annual Flores de Maria in the
year 2017