Ime Ee101
Ime Ee101
Ime Ee101
This course will cover preliminary concepts regarding electricity and magnetism. Basic
circuit laws will be demonstrated to students including Ohm’s law, KCL and KVL. RC
and RL circuits will also be discussed with reference to phasors and vector diagrams.
First half of the course will emphasize on circuit topologies and laws whereas the
second half will focus on electric machines. A brief overview of dc and ac machines
including various types of dc motors, dc generators and transformers will be given.
Some concepts of instrumentation and types of storage elements will also be discussed.
1. Applied Electricity by Richard
2. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis
by J. David Irwin
3. Examples in Electrical Calculations
4. Allan R. Hambley, Electrical
Engineering Principles and
Applications, Chapter 15 and 16
5. Textbook of Electrical Technology by
A.K. Theraja and B. L. Theraja
Electric Machinery Fundamentals (4th
Edition) by Stephen J. Chapman.
Lecture Plan
Pre-Mid Term
Week Name of Topic Readings & CLOs
1 Layout of power generation and distribution, concepts Chapter 1, 2, 3 of Text 1
of current, voltage, energy, and power. Types of sources Chapter 1 of Text 2
(dependent & independent), Passive Sign Convention, CLO1 & CLO2
Tellegen’s Theorem, charge and current waveforms,
energy and power waveforms, graphical questions
related to differentiation and integration of electrical
2 Ohm’s Law, concept of conductance, power Chapter 2 of Text 2
dissipation, concepts of node, loop and branch.
Kirchoff’s Current Law, Kirchoff’s Voltage Law< CLO2
Voltage and Current division rules.
3 Equivalent Resistance Method, application of this Chapter 2 of Text 2
method on circuits containing series and parallel CLO2
connection of resistors. (Reference Example: 2.25).
Inter-conversion of circuits to VDR from CDR and
vice versa.
4-5 Nodal Analysis of DC circuits (Independent Sources, Chapter 3 of Text 2
Dependent Sources, Super-Node Technique with CLO3
independent and dependent sources between two non-
reference nodes)
5-6 Loop Analysis of DC circuits (Independent Sources, Chapter 3 of Text 2
Application to single and multiple source circuits, CLO3
Super-mesh technique)
7 Additional analysis techniques: Principle of Chapter 4 of Text 2
Superposition and Source Transformation. CLO 3
8 Additional analysis techniques: Thevenin theorem, Chapter 4 of Text 2
Norton Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. CLO 3
Week Name of Topic Readings & CLOs
9 Basics of AC voltage and current, terminology, Chapters 8, 9 of Text1
waveforms and their quantification, Types of power in Chapters 7, 9 of Text 2
AC circuits, Power factor. CLO4
10 Polyphase circuits: Interconnection of phases,
Symmetrical system, Balances System, Two-phase Chapter 22 of Text 3
three wire system, Power in balanced two-phase CLO4
system, three phase system, Star connection, Three-
phase four wire system, Mesh connection, Power in
balanced three phase system, Measurement of power in
balanced three phase system, The two-wattmeter
method, Power factor from two wattmeter readings.
11 Basics of Capacitors and capacitance, Voltage rating, Chapters 10 and 11 of Text1
Capacitors in DC and AC circuits, Capacitors in series CLO4
and parallel, Detection of faulty capacitors.
Basics of Inductors and inductance, factors affecting
indiuctance, ratings, inductors in DC and AC circuits,
inductors in series and parallel.
12 Charging and Discharging curves, RC and RL Time Chapter 13 of Text 1
constants, solving RC, RL and RLC circuits, resonance. CLO4
13 DC generator and its types (self-excited, separately Chapters 13 & 14 of Text 3
excited and series generator), EMF generated by Lecture Notes
armature, Losses and efficiency, Power stages, constant CLO5
and variable losses, armature reaction, commutation,
interpoles. Dc generator characteristics.
14 DC motor, back EMF, armature torque, shaft torque, Chapters 16 & 17 of Text 3
losses and efficiency, Power stages, motor &
characteristics, shunt motor, series, motor, compound Lecture Notes
motors, speed control of motors. CLO5
15 Introduction to Transformer, No load current, EMF Lecture Notes
equation, Transformation ration, Voltage drop due to &
winding resistance, Leakage reactance, Losses and Chapter 23 of Text 3
efficiency, Open circuit test, short circuit test, CLO5
Equivalent circuit, Regulation, Approximate drop
formula, percentage resistance and reactance drop,
three phase diagrams, auto transformer.
16 Review
CLO1 to CLO6
- Tentative, + - Time Permitting
Laboratory Plan
Domain Taxonomy PLO
CLOs Description
Measurable Learning Outcomes Level
1* CLO1
Voltage Division Rule
1* CLO1
Current Division Rule
1* CLO1
Superposition Principle
1* Study and Use of Oscilloscope CLO2
1* CLO2
RL Time Constants ( Plot charging and discharging curves)
1* CLO2
To study resonance in an RLC circuit and find resonant frequency.
1* To find power in a single phase AC circuit by one voltmeter CLO2
ammeter method.
1* CLO2
To find power in a three phase AC circuit by two wattmeter method.
1* Demo ( Speed Control of DC Motor using Armature Voltage CLO3
1* CLO3
Demo ( Speed Control of DC Motor using Field Excitation Control)
- Tentative