Weicco Flexible Connector
Weicco Flexible Connector
Weicco Flexible Connector
and unique configuration options for connecting steel pipe dir ectly to copper pipe or coppe r equipment headers .
Rugged leak-proof and slippage-proof design . Available for 16 bar o r 20 bar wor king pressure .
Product Application
Installation of Versaflex is recommended as expansion
joints within the piping system and at connection poin ts
of piping with mechanical equipment . These:
Compensate for axial, transverse and ang ular pipe
movements - thereby protecting the system from
stresses due to thermal pipe expansion / contraction ,
minor pipe mis alignment and hydraulic surge effects .
Significantly reduce noise and v ibration transmi tted
in the sys tem through pipe wall s .
Allow vibration isolators to function properly, by
providing flexibility at equipment connection.
r Cushion water hamm er by expanding volumetrically,
thus protecting against sudden startup / surge forces .
Typicalexamples of usage include: Versaflex with threaded connections for steel pipe
('VF' - supplied as standard)
At inlet and outlet of HVAC equipment - FCUs, small
AHUs, Pumps, Condensers, HEX.
In HVAC chilled / hot water piping - risers, circu lation
lines, across bu ilding expansion joints.
Process Piping, Power Plants , Water Distribution etc .
Product Features
WEICCO Versaflex have forged steel flanges , which
are not offered by any other manufac turer. Being muc h
stronger than cast I malleable I ductile iron (supplied
by others), forged steel eliminates any poss ibility of
leakage in operation or breakage during tightening.
Triangular threaded floating flange design offe rs
safety, reliability and conv enience over union type
design (please see comparison overleaf).
Special extra-wide lips of bellow prevent sl ippage.
Each unit is i ndividually tested at 150% of rated Versaflex
(add suffix with bronze couplers
for copp er pipe
maximum working pressure before leaving works .
Available with sweat-end or threaded bronze couplers
at bot h ends , or at one end with standard FPT steel
flange at the other (please see 'Options' overleaf) . This
unique configuration, a WEICCO innovation , serves as
both a flexible connection and a dielectric union . It
is part icularly recommended for connecting steel pipe
at Fan Coil Unit headers .
Rugged and f1exiQle construction , that eliminates need
for any ex ternal m 8taL.dIlQ£.Or steeVeinforcement in
the bellows. Versaflex do not re quir e control units ,
even at peak pressure in unanchored piping systems .
As per ASHRAE literature: Elastomeric joints are
significantly superior to metal hose since th ey
provide noise attenuation , axial movement and fluid
pulsation I hammer cushioning - none of which are
given by metal hose (please see comparison overleaf) . Versaflex with th readed connection and bronze
coupler - for steel to co pper pipe (add suf fix 'BS ')
F l anges are epo xy p o w der coated .
Option s Avai lable
Conn ections - Forged steel FP T flanges (standard ),
Model Steel Pipe Ove r all
Bronze FPT flan ges (suff ix 'BF '),
Nominal Length Bronze sweat-end couplers (suffix 'BC') ,
VF20 %" 150mm Bronze MP T couplers (suff ix 'BM'),
Flanges Epoxypowder coated
Nuts I Bolts Zinc Electroplated
Performance Da ta
Working Pressure' 16 kg /c m 2 (standard) or 20 k g /cm 2
Vacuum 650 mmHg
TemperatureRange -20°C to 105°C
Burst Pressure appx. 4 times working pressure
Working Fluids Water, weak Acids I Alkalies, Air