Series 59 Full Port Ball Valve
Series 59 Full Port Ball Valve
Series 59 Full Port Ball Valve
Series 59
Full Port Ball Valve
Full port valves offer maximum capacity,
minimum restriction, optional fire-rated design
Series 59 Full Port Ball Valves:
manual and automated valves for processes
requiring maximum flow area
Full Port ball valves are recommended for processes
requiring minimum restriction through piping, shutoff
valves, and other equipment. For example, pump inlet High cycle life stem seals
valves are often full port valves. Full port valves are also Standardized center
useful in systems handling slurries, viscous fluids and Full ANSI
body mounting
fluids with residues, and where the capacity to pig lines is compliance
pad for actuators
!/4" - 2"Series 59 valves are rated to ANSI Class 600. 3"
and 4" valves are rated to ANSI Class 300. New, stronger
handle design.
Worcester offers a complete line of pneumatic and
electric automation packages for on-off or throttling
control including the Series 39 twin piston pneumatic Heavy duty
bolting and valve
actuator (brochure PB 302) and the Series 75 electric construction
actuator (brochure PB 730).
Series 59 full port valves are available in a fire-rated
configuration AF59 in sizes !?2",#?4", 1", 1 !?2", and 2". Stainless steel nameplate to meet MSS SP-25
Refer to brochure PB FZ. Flanged ANSI Class 150 and
300 full port valves are available in sizes !?2"-10". Refer to
brochures PB 8283 and PB 800.
Sizes: !?4", #?8", !?2",#?4",1",1!?4",1!?2", 2",3",4" Design ANSI B16.34 (!?4" - 2", if ordered with Hydro Test)
Style: Three-piece, 4-bolt (!?4"-2") Specifications: ANSI B16.25 - Butt Weld Ends
Three-piece, 8-bolt (3"-4") (Weld End Preparation)
Valve !?4" -2" Carbon Steel and S. S. Valves, ANSI Class 600 ANSI B16.11
Pressure 3"-4" Carbon Steel and S. S. Valves, ANSI Class 300 ANSI B1.20.1 - NPT Pipe Threads
Rating*: !?4" -1" Brass Valves, 1500 psi MSS SP25 - Valve Marking
1!?4" -1!?2" Brass Valves, 1000 psi MSS SP72 - Socket Weld Ball Valves
NACE - MRO 1-75 Category 3
Body: Carbon Steel, 316 Stainless Steel,
UL Listed: Flammable liquid shut-off (YRBX)
Brass (valve sizes !?4" -!?2")
(!?4" - 2") Anhydrous ammonia shut-off (YQAR)
Pipe Ends: Screw End, Socket Weld, Butt Weld, Tube End Compressed gas shut-off, including oxygen
Ball: Chrome Plated Brass (YQNZ)
Chrome Plated Carbon Steel Trim and drain valves (VQGU)
316 Stainless Steel Weld-in-Place !?4" - 1!?2" Series 59 valves with "G" body
Temp. Range: Depends on seat and seal choice; Valves: seals and seats of reinforced TFE (R),
will operate from -20°F to +600°F Polyfill® (P), or High-per Fill® (X) may be
welded to the pipeline in the assembled
Seat/Seal Standard valves, less than 1 X 10-6 cc He/Sec inboard
Leakage: and through (bubbletight is 1 X 10-4 cc He/Sec).
Optional S-7 300 Series stainless steel
With preparation, leakage will be less than 2 X 10-9
External external components are available as an
cc He/Sec. All valves 100% tested to bubbletight standards.
Valve Trim: option on brass and carbon steel valves.
Flow: Bi-directional
They are standard on !?4" - 1!?2" stainless
steel valves. For 2" - 4", they are available
through custom products.
Certified Material Testing Reports (CMTR's)
are available with B16.34.
*These are valve body pressure ratings, Seat selection may derate the valve. Example: a 1" carbon steel Series 59 valve has a rating of 1480 psi at
70°F. Selection of reinforced TFE seats operating at fluid temperature of 200°F limits allowable pressure in the valve to 1000 psi.
25 11 14
26 9
2" 27
!?4" - 1!?2" 13
(1 - 1!?2") 1 2
9 5 6
20 3 1 (!?4" - #?4")
21 (3" - 4") 5
14 15 6
2 8
6 23
5 5 17
3 4
(3" - 4") 22
H M I.D. O.D.
G F SW TE SCH. 10 Stainless Steel
(Brass Only) SCH. 40 Carbon Steel F
!?4" 2.54 1.50 1.76 5.53 1.75 .813 .555 .440 .378 .440 .550 .406 .550 .344 .440 1.10
(64.52) (38.10) (44.70) (140.50) (44.50) (20.70) (14.10) (11.20) (9.60) (11.20) (14.40) (10.30) (14.00) (8.70) (11.20) (0.5)
2.54 1.50 1.76 5.53 1.75 .813 .690 .440 .503 .560 .670 .547 .670 .516 .440 1.10
(64.52) (38.10) (44.70) (140.50) (44.50) (20.70) (17.50) (11.20) (12.80) (14.20) (17.00) (13.90) (17.00) (13.10) (11.20) (0.50)
2.76 1.62 1.86 5.53 2.10 .969 .855 .440 .628 .560 .840 .672 .840 .625 .560 1.80
(70.10) (41.20) (47.24) (140.5) (50.80) (24.60) (21.70) (11.20) (15.60) (11.20) (23.30) (17.10) (21.30) (15.90) (14.20) (0.82)
3.66 2.19 2.28 6.53 2.38 1.25 1.07 .560 .878 .770 1.05 .878 1.05 .812 0.81 3.10
#?4" (92.96) (55.60) (57.91) (165.9) (60.50) (31.80) (27.10) (14.20) (22.30) (19.60) (26,70) (22.20) (26.70) (20.60) (20.60) (1.41)
4.16 2.38 2.47 6.53 2.70 1.63 1.33 .720 1.13 1.00 1.31 1.09 131 1.05 1.00 4.50
1" (105.7) (60.50) (62.74) (165.9) (68.60) (41.30) (33.80) (18.30) (28.70) (25.40) (33.30) (27.80) (33.30) (26.60) (25.40) (2.05)
4.50 2.88 2.83 8.03 3.16 1.91 1.68 .720 1.38 1.00 1.66 1.44 1.66 1.38 1.25 6.20
1!?4" (114.3) (73.20) (71.88) (204.0) (80.30) (48.40) (42.50) (18.30) (35.00) (25.40) (42.20) (36.50) (42.20) (35.10) (31.80) (2.81)
4.94 3.06 3.02 8.03 3.56 2.22 1.92 .720 1.63 1.11 1.91 1.67 1.91 1.59 1.50 9.50
1!?2" (125.5) (77.70) (76.71) (204.0) (90.40) (56.30) (48.60) (18.30) (41.40) (28.20) (48.50) (42.50) (48.50) (40.50) (38.10) (4.31)
5.86 4.56 5.58 10.00 4.57 2.86 2.41 .840 — — 2.38 2.15 2.38 2.06 2.00 25.00
2" (149.0) (116.0) (142.0) (254.0) (116.0) (72.60) (61.20) (21.34) (69.50) (54.50) (60.50) (52.40)(50.80) (11.30)
7.54 6.34 7.84 21.97 8.13 4.28 3.53 1.31 — — 3.50 3.25 3.50 3.07 3.25 50.20
3" (191.0) (161.0) (199.0) (558.0) (206.0) (108.0) (89.66) (33.27) (88.90) (82.55) (88.90) (77.98)(77.98) (22.80)
11.75 8.90 11.21 26.00 11.13 5.75 4.53 1.56 — — 4.50 4.26 4.50 4.03 4.03 80.10
4" (298.0) (226.0) (284.0) (660.0) (282.0) (146.0) (115.1) (39.62) (114.3) (108.2) (114.3) (102.4) (102.4) (36.40)
Dimensions are given for layout purposes only. For tolerances, consult your Worcester distributor. Metric equivalents are converted from Standard English.
How To Order*
!?2" 59 6 6 R T SW
Size Series Body, Pipe Ends Ball & Stem Seat Body Seal Pipe End
!?4" 59 1 - Brass 1 - Brass T - TFE T- TFE
SE - Screw End
#?8" (!?4" - 1!?2" only) 4 - Carbon Steel R - Reinforced TFE B- Buna (Brass only)
SW - Socket Weld
!?2" 4 - Carbon Steel 6 - 316 S.S. U - UHMWPE V- Viton®
TE - Tube End
#?4" 6 - 316 S.S. (!?4" - 1!?2" only) (Brass Only)
1" P - Polyfill M- TFE coated 316 S.S.
BW1 - Butt Weld
!?4" X - High-per Fill "S" gasket
Schedule 10,
!?2" G - Graphite Coated 316
Stainless Steel
2" S.S. "S" gasket
BW4 - Butt Weld
Schedule 40,
Carbon Steel,
Stainless Steel
3" 59 4 - Carbon Steel 6 - 316 S.S. T - TFE T - TFE SE - Screw End
4" 6 - 316 S.S. R - Reinforced TFE SW - Socket Weld
P - Polyfill BW1- Butt Weld, S.S.
BW4- Butt Weld, C.S.
*Ordering example depicts 1!?2" Series 59 with 316 stainless steel body, pipe ends, ball & stem, reinforced TFE seats, TFE body seals, and socket
weld ends.
Caution: Ball valves can retain pressurized media in the body cavity when closed. Use care when disassembling. Always open valve to relieve
pressure prior to disassembly.
Due to continuous development of our product range, we reserve the right to alter the dimensions and information contained in this brochure as
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