Biaxial Stretching Behavior of A Copper-Alloyed Interstitial-Free Steel by Bulge Test
Biaxial Stretching Behavior of A Copper-Alloyed Interstitial-Free Steel by Bulge Test
Biaxial Stretching Behavior of A Copper-Alloyed Interstitial-Free Steel by Bulge Test
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-010-0198-2
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2010
I. INTRODUCTION (YS 460 MPa; UTS 560 MPa) IF steels, with pro-
vision for using the high formability of IF steels.[8–12]
INTERSTITIAL-FREE (IF) steels constitute a major The basis of this strengthening can be traced to the
class of high formable steels for the automobile and classical precipitation hardening by copper in a-iron.[13–19]
white goods sectors.[1–3] The specialty of these steels is It should be noted that copper is the only commercially
characterized by an extremely low level of interstitial feasible substitutional element to give rise to the age
content (typically, C and N £ 40 ppm each) achieved hardening effect in the Fe-based system. It is now
through the use of modern degassing techniques. These generally agreed that from the supersaturated solid
remaining interstitials are further removed from the solution, initially, copper precipitates out as bcc
matrix as various types of carbide, sulfide, carbosulfide, copper-rich clusters and copper precipitation in ferritic
and carbonitride by addition of small amounts of iron generally follows the following precipitation
stabilizing elements such as Ti and/or Nb.[4–6] Thus, sequence:[19]
these steels are made ‘‘interstitial free,’’ rendering them
nonaging and ensuring a high formability (strain hard- supersaturated solid solution ! bcc Cu ! 9R Cu
ening exponent, n ‡ 0.22; normal anisotropy factor, ! e CuðfccÞ
rm ‡ 1.8). In spite of their high formability, IF steels,
however, lack severely in strength properties (yield In the peak-aged condition, copper precipitates are in
strength, YS £ 220 MPa; ultimate tensile strength, the form of nanometric (2 to 3 nm), spherical, bcc
UTS £ 360 MPa), which restrict their vast applicability. copper-rich clusters.[19]
Even with the application of various metallurgical IF-Cu steels in peak-aged condition are far stronger
concepts such as solid solution hardening (by substitu- than traditional IF steels.[20] However, interestingly,
tional elements such as P, Mn, and Si), bake hardening, IF-Cu steels are soft and ductile and should have
or Hall–Petch hardening, a maximum UTS of adequate deep drawability and stretchability (high rm
~450 MPa has been achieved so far in IF steels.[7] and n values) in the as-continuous-annealed condition,
To the contrary, copper-alloyed IF (IF-Cu) steels are indicating easy press forming. It has been suggested that
discussed in recent times as potential high-strength the advantage of high formability of IF steels would be
used by press forming the IF-Cu steel in the as-annealed
condition when it is soft and formable.[8–12] Then, the
R. RANA, Institute Research Scholar, formerly Department of high strength would be achieved during a short-time age
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technol- hardening treatment of the easily formed annealed steel.
ogy Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721 302, India, and DAAD Scholar,
Department of Ferrous Metallurgy, RWTH Aachen University, However, all these results were obtained from uniaxial
Aachen – 52072, Germany, is Researcher, Corus Research, Develop- tensile tests.[20,21] In sheet metal forming, the stress state
ment and Technology, 1970 CA IJmuiden, The Netherlands. Contact is biaxial and rarely the one of uniaxial tension.[22] The
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] bulge test provides extended stress-strain curve beyond
S.B. SINGH, Associate Professor, is with the Department of
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technol- the point of necking under biaxial stress conditions.[23]
ogy Kharagpur. O.N. MOHANTY, formerly Tata Research Profes- This information is very useful for the evaluation of
sor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian formability and selection of these materials for use in the
Institute of Technology Kharagpur, is retired. W. BLECK, Professor automotive sector. Therefore, bulge tests of IF-Cu steel
and Head, is with the Department of Ferrous Metallurgy, RWTH
Aachen University.
under various industrially important processing condi-
Manuscript submitted May 26, 2009. tions have been carried out, and their various features
Article published online March 25, 2010 have been discussed in this investigation. In addition, all
Fig. 3—Schematic diagram of the hydraulic bulging device attached to the Ericsen 145/60 universal sheet testing machine.
rVðHillÞ ¼ rx BT ½10
Steel Treatment Condition YS, MPa UTS, MPa eu, Pct et, Pct n4–6 n rm Dr
IF-Cu BA 164 317 21.1 22.7 0.29 0.23 1.2 0.2
CA 166 341 21.0 28.0 0.29 0.24 1.0 0.4
BA + PA 376 473 7.1 9.9 0.16 0.08 1.2 0.2
CA + PA 416 516 8.7 9.2 0.16 0.09 1.0 0.1
IF-HS-1 CA 215 357 24.0 38.9 0.22 0.17 1.8 0.2
IF-HS-2 CA 225 374 23.2 36.3 0.22 0.18 1.6 0.0
YS, UTS, eu, et, n4–6, n, rm, and Dr are yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, uniform elongation, total elongation, strain hardening exponent for
the true strain range 0.04 to 0.06, strain hardening exponent for the entire range of strain from YS to UTS, normal anisotropy factor, and planar
anisotropy factor, respectively. The values of YS, UTS, eu, et, and n4–6 are for the longitudinal specimen. The abbreviations BA, CA, BA + PA, and
CA + PA are defined in Table II.
Fig. 8—Flow curves, following Hill theory, obtained from bulge Fig. 9—Quasi-static tensile flow curves of the steels under various
tests of the steels under different processing conditions of BA, CA, processing conditions of BA, CA, BA + PA, and CA + PA. The
batch annealing and peak aging (BA + PA), and continuous anneal- flow curves are for longitudinal specimens.
ing and peak aging (CA + PA). uVðHillÞ and rVðHillÞ represent the
equivalent strain and effective stress, respectively, calculated from the
Hill theory.
obtained from the quasi-static tensile test on the
longitudinal specimen is compared with the flow curve
measure the bulge radius properly in the beginning of obtained from the bulge tests using the von Mises yield
bulging.[23] Therefore, the initial values of the effective criterion and Hill theory in Figure 10. It can be
stress in the beginning of the test are not reliable and are observed that the flow curve derived from von Mises
thus discarded. In view of this, the flow curves presented yield criterion is higher than that derived from Hill
here for interpretation start at an equivalent strain of theory due to the anisotropy parameter BT considered in
0.02. the latter. Therefore, for anisotropic materials such as
The flow curves of the samples according to Hill the present ones (Table III), the Hill theory is more
theory are given in Figure 8. The anisotropy parameters useful than the von Mises yield criterion. Further, in
BT calculated for the various samples using Eq. [9] are Figure 10, the flow curve from the bulge test calculated
listed in Table IV. These BT values were used to according to the Hill theory matches closely with the
the equivalent
strain uVðHillÞ and effective quasi-static tensile flow curve, enabling a direct com-
stress rVðHillÞ data according to the Hill theory parison between the two testing methods. This unique-
(Eqs. [8] and [10]). The trend of flow curves for various ness of the bulge test allows an extension of the
materials in Figure 8 matches closely with the trend of measurable data range beyond that of the tensile test.[23]
flow curves of these materials obtained by quasi-static Material data beyond the point of necking are useful for
tensile tests (Figure 9). sheet metal forming and can be obtained from the bulge
The flow curves obtained from uniaxial tensile tests test, but not from the tensile test. For all the materials,
and bulge tests showed some unique characteristics. As a the strain value at fracture from the quasi-static tensile
representative case, the flow curve of CA IF-Cu steel test is at least 50 pct less than that obtained from the
Table IV. Anisotropy Parameter of Hill Theory (BT) for the Bulge Test Samples
Fig. 13—LDH of the steels under different processing conditions of Fig. 14—Correlation between LDH and strain hardening exponent
BA, CA, BA + PA, and CA + PA. (n) of steels under various processing conditions of BA, CA, BA +
PA, and CA + PA.
IF-HS steels contain P and Mn as major alloying equivalent strain at fracture and lower LDH value
elements (Table I). Thus, the LDH value in the present of this sample in the bulge test (Table V and Figures 8
case can only be correlated with the n value among and 13).
different processing conditions of the same steel.
Further, local inhomogeneities in microstructure might
also have some influence on the LDH value. This is
discussed in Section 5. IV. CONCLUSIONS
It has been shown that the bulge test can be
4. Strain paths successfully applied to IF-Cu steel to obtain mechanical
The strain paths during the bulge test of the various properties beyond the range of uniaxial tensile tests. The
samples, shown in Figure 15, are not consistent with the results of this test give useful insight into the behavior of
anisotropy results from tensile tests (Table III). Irre- the material during forming operations, where the state
spective of the values of normal and planar anisotropy of stress is far from uniaxial tension. For this steel, the
factors (rm and Dr, respectively) obtained from the flow curves obtained from bulge tests using the Hill
tensile tests, the strain paths of all the samples lie near theory are directly comparable with those obtained from
the equi-biaxial strain path (longitudinal strain = uniaxial tensile tests on longitudinal specimens. The
transverse strain) of the plot, implying that the samples following conclusions can be drawn from the present
are deformed to the same extent in rolling and trans- work.
verse directions. It is true even for the materials with
high rm value (IF-HS-1 and IF-HS-2 steels). Since the 1. CA IF-Cu steel performs best among the variously
deformation is constrained in the bulge test, it can be processed IF-Cu steels under biaxial stretching con-
expected that the anisotropy results will not be consis- ditions in bulge tests. It shows the highest equiva-
tent with tensile tests. lent strain at fracture and the largest LDH as
compared to other processing conditions. However,
5. Fracture behavior due to the presence of solute copper and copper
The SEM fractographs of CA and CA + PA IF-Cu precipitates, IF-Cu steel under all processing condi-
steel samples, are compared with that of CA IF-HS steel tions shows lower equivalent strain at fracture and
(IF-HS-1 steel) in Figure 16. It appears that all the LDH than IF-HS steels.
samples failed mostly in a ductile mode, evidenced by 2. The LDH of IF-Cu steels under different processing
the presence of dimples almost in entire part of the conditions increases linearly with the strain harden-
fracture surface. However, the size of the dimples is ing exponent. However, this correlation does not
different according to the heat treatment and type of apply when comparing IF-Cu and IF-HS steels. It
steel. The dimples in CA IF-HS-1 steel (Figure 16(c)) is suggested that the LDH depends on composition
are clear and larger than that in CA IF-Cu steel as well.
(Figure 16(a)). Further, a small part of the fracture 3. The annealed and peak-aged IF-Cu steels show a
surface of CA IF-Cu steel shows flat facets, which are higher ISH rate in the bulge test than the annealed
not present in the fracture surface of CA IF-HS-1 steel. IF-Cu and IF-HS steels. This is believed to be due
This can be due to the presence of local inhomegeneities to a stress/strain induced martensitic transformation
present in IF-Cu steel. These observations correlate with of the copper precipitates.
the effect of copper in reducing the equivalent strain at 4. The fracture surface of failed IF-Cu steel under
fracture in the bulge test (Table V and Figure 8) and the biaxial stretching is mostly ductile type, with a
lower LDH values of IF-Cu steel (Figure 13). The minor presence of flat facets possibly due to local
dimple size in the fracture surface of CA + PA IF-Cu inhomogeneities. Further, the dimple size of the
steel (Figure 16(b)) is even smaller than that in CA fractographs is smaller than that in IF-HS steels,
IF-Cu steel due to the presence of peak-aged copper agreeing with the obtained mechanical properties
precipitates.[19] This fact is also reflected in the lower from biaxial stretching.