2015 National Iot Strategies

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Why Countries Need National

Strategies for the Internet of Things

By Joshua New & Daniel Castro | December 16, 2015

The Internet of Things offers many opportunities to grow

the economy and improve quality of life. Just as the public
sector was instrumental in enabling the development and
deployment of the Internet, it must play a similar role to
ensure the success of the Internet of Things. Therefore,
national governments should create comprehensive
national strategies for the Internet of Things to ensure
that the technology develops cohesively and rapidly, that
A national strategy for consumers and businesses do not face barriers to
the Internet of Things, if adoption, and that both the private and public sector take
designed and full advantage of the coming wave of smart devices.
implemented correctly,
Traditionally, most Internet users have been people: individuals sending
would maximize the
email, reading the news, shopping online, and the like. But in the near
opportunity for the future, most users will be machines: a vast array of ordinary devices that
Internet of Things to are equipped with sensors and networking capabilities so they can collect
deliver substantial and share data with people and other devices. In fact, we are already well
social and economic on our way toward building the Internet of Things (IoT). As the cost of
deploying smart devices declines, homes, factories, farms, office buildings,
and even cities are generating vast quantities of data that can be
collected, analyzed, and acted upon. Data from these connected devices is
creating tremendous opportunities to generate economic and social
benefits, ranging from sensor-equipped bridges that can alert authorities if
there is a risk of structural failure to waterways that can warn
environmental regulators about spikes of fatally toxic algae.1

Smart public policies that proactively support innovation—or carefully avoid

doing harm by restraining from the impulse to regulate or if needed,
regulating with a light touch—have been integral to the success of major

technological developments such as the Internet, global positioning
systems, and supercomputers.2 Smart policies can foster the growth of the
Internet of Things, too. Indeed, there is an even more compelling case for
countries to craft comprehensive strategies for the Internet of Things,
because, as this report details, there are a number of market failures that
if left unaddressed can slow the technology’s progress at the national level.
Moreover, because many opportunities are strongly tied to areas of public-
sector activity (such as health, environment, transportation, defense, and
city management), comprehensive national strategies can ensure
governments take full advantage of the Internet of Things to improve their
own performance.


The Internet of Things will have a substantial impact on virtually all aspects
of business and society. The number of new devices and services built for
the Internet of Things has risen sharply in recent years, and connected
devices are increasingly used to generate new insights into human health,
improve public safety, conserve resources, boost productivity, and support
more effective government.3 Industry forecasters estimate that by 2020
there will be 26 to 50 billion connected devices in use worldwide.4 While
many smart devices provide immediate benefits in isolation, their benefits
will multiply as their numbers increase and they generate more shareable
data that leads to more actionable insights.

The Internet of Things is expected to contribute up to $11 trillion in value

per year globally by 2025.5 Companies can use the Internet of Things to
become more efficient, for example by reducing downtime in factories as
they constantly monitor machine performance to address issues before
they become problematic, or as they use real-time data about customer
demand to better manage supply chains.6 And consumers can use the
Internet of Things to save money, for example by using smart thermostats
to reduce their energy bills or by using fitness trackers to earn lower health
insurance premiums in exchange for demonstrably healthy behavior.7

For the global public sector specifically, the Internet of Things could
generate $4.6 trillion by 2022 by increasing employee productivity, making
military defense systems more effective, reducing costs, improving citizens’
experience with public services, and increasing government revenue.8 First
responders can use the Internet of Things to save lives. For example,
firefighters can use smart clothing to monitor environmental conditions
and more safely respond to emergencies.9 Cities can use the Internet of
Things to operate more intelligently and better serve residents, such as by
monitoring flows in water and sewage treatment plants in real time to
reduce power consumption and costs; by installing parking sensors to help

people with disabilities quickly find accessible parking spaces; or by
tracking snowplows in real time to better respond to residents’ snow
removal requests and identify where communities are being

Ultimately, the Internet of Things is a platform for innovation that has the
potential to be as disruptive and beneficial as the Internet itself has been.
While industry forecasters and technologists can imagine its potential
applications and estimate its impact, there is simply no way to predict all of
or even most of the most of the opportunities that the Internet of Things
will create. But, from the many connected devices and services that have
already begun to reshape factories, hospitals, cities, and homes, there is
no doubt that the Internet of Things will be one of the defining technologies
of the first half of the twenty-first century.


While the private sector can successfully develop many valuable
technologies on its own, particularly those technologies with few network
effects, the Internet of Things is different. To be sure, the private sector will
be the primary driver of the Internet of Things as its potential benefits
create enormous incentives to invest and deploy the technology. However,
the Internet of Things is subject to an array of market failures that could
limit these incentives and thus slow progress toward a fully connected
world. Additionally, if poorly designed, government regulations can make
deploying IoT technologies more expensive and less valuable. Furthermore,
governments can help bridge the divide between those communities and
individuals who are able to fully benefit from the Internet of Things and
those who cannot based on market forces alone. Because of these three
factors—market failures, the need for an innovation-friendly regulatory
environment, and the need to promote equity—governments should
develop comprehensive national strategies that remove obstacles and
support development and widespread adoption of the technology.

If left solely to market forces, the development of the Internet of Things will
fail to reach its full potential. These market failures include:

Externalities, Including Network Externalities

Many of the social and economic benefits from large-scale deployment of
the technology accrue not to those buying or selling IoT products and
services, but to competitors—through the expansion of network benefits—
and to non-users, if the application generates an external benefit. One of
these external benefits comes from the use of the data. An application that

can analyze billions of data points is more valuable to society, or to an
individual company, than one that can tap only millions of data points. This
phenomenon occurs for many networked technologies, since the value of a
network rises as the number of users grows.11

Another externality is the generation of social benefits in areas such as

health and energy. For example, a smart thermostat may save consumers
money, but it can also reduce overall energy demand.12 If certain
consumers do not find the cost savings that smart thermostats can
generate sufficient to warrant buying them, then the nation as a whole will
suffer from increased energy prices and pollution. Likewise, when
consumers use IoT applications to improve their health, some of the
benefits go to society in the form of lower health-care costs. Because the
consumer benefit is smaller than the social benefit, there will be
underinvestment in IoT applications.

There are also externalities from increased scale. For many connected
technologies, a greater number of users will bring down prices due to
economies of scale in production, but individual buyers will receive only a
tiny portion of this benefit.

“Chicken-and-Egg” Dynamics
The success of some IoT applications depends on the success of other
technologies and vice versa. For example, some successful IoT application
rollouts will depend on widespread adoption of smart phones and
broadband Internet service. At the same time, more use of the Internet of
Things will spur more broadband and smart phone adoption. Similarly,
some vehicle applications that rely on the Internet of Things would have
more value if all infrastructures were IoT-enabled—from traffic lights to toll
booths to railroad crossings. Another example concerns near field
communication (NFC) technology.13 NFC technology allows electronic
devices to share data with each other when they are in close proximity and
can power applications such as from smartphone “wallets.” Though NFC
technology has existed for some time, consumers have had little reason to
demand it in new smartphones because they have had scant opportunities
to use it; and in the absence of demand from a large base of customers,
stores have had little reason to invest in NFC payment systems.14 However,
countries like Japan and South Korea have successfully induced a wide
variety of market players to adopt the technology, from retailers to banks to
public transit authorities.15 As a result, the Asia Pacific region has captured
the overwhelming majority of value of the global NFC payment market,
which is expected to reach $21.8 billion by 2020.16

While the market may eventually be able to establish effective

interdependent systems, it would take longer and happen much more

incrementally than it would with government support to resolve chicken-
and-egg dilemmas and encourage mutual adoption of these technologies
until market forces can take over and drive full deployment.

Risk and Uncertainty

Because the Internet of Things represents an emerging set of technologies,
many potential users, including companies and local governments, will
disregard the benefits it promises and delay adoption until the technology
is proven. Economists refer to this challenge as excess inertia or, more
commonly, “the penguin effect”—in a group of hungry penguins, no
individual penguin is willing to be the first to enter the water to search for
food due to the risk of encountering a predator. Yet if no penguin is willing
to test the waters, then the whole group risks starvation.17

Governments have much to gain from adopting connected technologies,

but when they do so, they are not the only ones that benefit; they help the
entire IoT ecosystem. As early and lead adopters, governments can help
spur development and growth of the entire ecosystem by helping to reduce
risk and by encouraging others to invest in the technology. However,
without a national strategy to drive this adoption, government agencies will
be less likely to consider the external benefits when weighing whether to
integrate the Internet of Things into their operations.

Competitiveness Externalities
The Internet of Things offers a valuable opportunity for countries to gain a
competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Those that are home to
companies well-positioned to produce billions of new connected devices,
develop software to run them, and apply analytics to generate value from
the data they generate will have a competitive advantage over other
countries. Similarly, given the efficiency and productivity gains the
technology can offer the private sector, countries that readily adopt and
implement the Internet of Things will gain a competitive edge over those
that do not.

While business actions can improve an individual firm’s competitiveness,

everyone, not just the individual firm, shares in the benefits of a national
economy that is more competitive overall.18 But the drawbacks of an
uncompetitive economy work the same way: if a country is not well-
positioned to develop or adopt the Internet of Things, its national economy
will be less competitive overall and individual businesses can be at a
relative disadvantage in the global marketplace. For example, an importer
that implements connected technologies to improve the efficiency of its
international supply chains and reduce overhead costs will increase the
overall competitiveness of domestic companies that can purchase

imported goods at resulting lower prices.19 Conversely, companies in a
country slower to adopt this technology, through no fault of their own, will
find themselves at a competitive disadvantage as a result of comparatively
sluggish supply chains.

The private sector can and should lead the development and adoption of
standards for the Internet of Things. However, standards coordination is
important in public-sector applications. In the past, the lack of national
coordination has led to incompatible systems and lagging adoption. During
the last two decades, for example, some U.S. states have implemented
radio-frequency identification systems to allow drivers to easily pay highway
and bridge tolls, but they have deployed these systems independently of
one another, leading to a patchwork of incompatible systems from state to
state.20 Earlier federal efforts to support interoperability and widespread
deployment would have made these toll payment systems more useful to

While local governments should be encouraged to experiment with the

Internet of Things, national governments have an important coordinating
role to play in developing large-scale deployments of sensor networks and
smart infrastructure that spans multiple jurisdictions. For example, in June
2014, the UK government’s Technology Strategy Board provided $12.1
million to convene an industry working group to develop an open standard
for the Internet of Things called HyperCat, designed to reduce the need for
additional software to facilitate data sharing between new connected
devices.21 In January 2015, the group, with support from the Technology
Strategy Board, launched an initiative called HyperCatCity to encourage the
adoption of the HyperCat standard by technology firms working with public-
sector agencies to support the interoperability of different smart city
technologies as they are developed for multiple cities.22

Additionally, certain countries may mandate the use of particular standards

within their borders in an effort to support domestic business interests.
However, nation-specific standards limit the ability of international
companies to enter domestic markets and actually reduce domestic firms’
ability to compete internationally.23

Public Goods
Certain aspects of the Internet of Things require public goods that the
private sector cannot or will not adequately provide. National strategies
should ensure the public sector provides these necessary public goods,
which include:

Human Capital
The value of the Internet of Things, and thus the willingness of the public
and private sector to develop and implement the technology, hinges upon
the data it generates. But no country will be able to fully capture this value
without a workforce equipped with the necessary skills. By 2018, the
United States will face a shortage of up to 190,000 workers well-educated
in data science and 1.5 million managers and analysts able to use data to
make better decisions.24 Similarly, a survey of 497 businesses in the
China, France, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States
revealed that this shortage of skilled data workers is a universal concern,
with only one-third of companies reporting they have the human capital
necessary to effectively use new data.25 The public sector will likely feel the
impact of this skills shortage more severely than the private sector,
because businesses will be able to offer more competitive salaries as data
skills become even more in demand, while governments will struggle to
attract comparable talent.

While businesses can provide some supplementary training for employees,

only government efforts to encourage the cultivation of data science skills
in high school and higher education can meaningfully reduce the human
capital shortages that stand to limit the benefits of the Internet of Things.

Radio Spectrum
The Internet of Things will consist of billions of connected devices
communicating with one another, and this influx of new connected devices
will create demands for spectrum frequency space that many national
spectrum licensing regimes will likely be unable to support. If too many
transmitting devices compete for spectrum, they will be unable to share
data with each other or operate effectively.

Many applications in the Internet of Things, such as smart home devices

and networked assembly lines, can operate on local Wi-Fi networks and
thus not take up much radio frequency space—a practice known as Wi-Fi
offloading.26 However, many applications of the Internet of Things will have
unique technical requirements that Wi-Fi is not well-suited to support. For
example, a sensor network dispersed through miles of farmland will need
to utilize spectrum bands that can transmit data over long distances, but it
will likely not need to transmit a high volume of data. As more specialized
applications of the Internet of Things emerge and more devices rely on
spectrum, governments will likely need to make available greater amounts
of licensed and unlicensed spectrum. Some countries have already begun
to explore how they can anticipate the spectrum needs of the Internet of
Things. For example, in July 2014, the French telecommunication regulator
solicited public comments about how it could be forward-looking in its

provision of unlicensed spectrum for connected devices.27 And in
September 2015, the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands
published a report examining the impact of the Internet of Things on radio
spectrum, which recommended that the government closely monitor how
new connected devices could contribute to bottlenecks in both licensed
and unlicensed spectrum and investigate how it could provide additional
spectrum to support critical IoT applications.28

Research and Development Funding

Substantial government investment in research and development (R&D)
played a critical role in developing many vital technologies, including
smartphones, search engines, genomic sequencing, and, of course, the
Internet.29 Thus, the Internet of Things, which offers equal or potentially
greater value than these examples, should be a high priority for
government R&D spending. Countries with robust technology sectors
already leading the development of the Internet of Things may not feel the
need to invest in R&D as urgently.30 However, countries in this position
should recognize that public and private R&D investments are
complementary, rather than interchangeable, as public-sector R&D can
advance research in areas that benefit all market players, such as
scientific measurement.31 In fact, government R&D spurs an increase in
private-sector R&D spending, which can help accelerate the growth of the
Internet of Things and give countries with already robust private sectors a
competitive edge.32

Excessive or poorly-designed regulations can significantly slow the growth
of the Internet of Things. Yet some policymakers have suggested that they
want to develop new rules and regulations specifically for the Internet of
Things, particularly as it relates to privacy.33 For example, the U.S. Federal
Trade Commission has expressed support for requiring the practice of data
minimization for data generated by the Internet of Things—limiting the
collection and retention of data so it can only fulfill specific, predefined
purposes.34 Applying such rules to the Internet of Things would be
damaging as there may be one primary reason to collect data, but
innumerable other ways to use the same data beneficially beyond its initial
purpose. And, with so many new opportunities to collect data from billions
of new connected devices, the value of the data at stake is proportionately
large. Furthermore, mandating data minimization practices can preclude
opportunities for de-identification, which can protect sensitive information
without unnecessarily sacrificing its value.35

Similarly, it would be damaging to apply existing notification and consent

rules to devices that gather consumer data on the Internet to the Internet

of Things, because many connected devices will have limited, if any, user
interfaces.36 Outdated notification requirements will prove particularly
frustrating given that the vast majority of applications on the Internet of
Things pose no real threat to consumer welfare and most data collection
would likely be routine and insignificant. Any costs incurred by adhering to
these regulations would be passed on to consumers and ultimately serve
to make consumers less likely to adopt connected devices.

Companies also face the prospect of multiple regulators creating a

confusing and disjointed patchwork of regulations. Whereas a company
making a device for a car previously may have worked with a single
government agency, a company developing connected devices for cars
today could very well be subject overlapping or inconsistent rules from a
consumer protection regulator, a transportation safety regulator, and a
spectrum regulator, among others. Not only should countries strive to
reduce counterproductive regulations, they should also curtail enactment
of multiple regulatory frameworks that serve as barriers to new products
and services, and instead simplify the regulatory process for innovators.

Some nations also want to restrict how data can flow across borders. India
requires gateways and application servers that support the Internet of
Things to be located inside the country if they service Indian customers.
The rationale is to protect national security, even though such localization
requirements have no impact on security whatsoever.37 Such requirements
limit the ability of international device manufacturers and service providers
to analyze data collected from the Internet of Things around the world,
thereby reducing the technology’s potential value.38

Creating restrictive rules for an emerging technology at such an early stage

in its development without clear evidence of concrete consumer harms can
have the unintended consequence of limiting innovation by unnecessarily
hampering certain business models or raising costs. Moreover, the privacy
fears associated with new technologies are often substantially inflated.39

A national strategy for the Internet of Things can forestall such problems by
sending a clear message to legislators and regulators that this technology
is important and that over-regulation or poorly-designed regulation would
limit its growth. Moreover, a national strategy can encourage legislators
and regulators to focus on regulations that would expand, rather than limit
use of the Internet of Things. For example, regulations designed to free up
energy consumption data from smart meters, which are traditionally locked
down by utility companies, can empower consumers to reduce their energy
use and spur the development of new analytics services.40 And in the
United States, the E-LABEL Act of 2014 allowed manufacturers of certain
connected devices to provide regulatory labeling information in an

electronic format through device displays, rather than on physical labels.41
This simple change reduces overhead costs for device manufacturers and
provides consumers with a greater amount of useful information.42

The Internet of Things can be a valuable tool to help meet the needs of
underserved populations, but without appropriate public policies such as
ensuring that smart city technologies serve all cities and neighborhoods
rather than just affluent ones, adoption will be uneven. Failure to do so will
limit the value of such systems as a whole because of the network effects
that widespread deployments generate. For example, smart city technology
that police departments use to reduce crime would be substantially less
effective if they could only analyze data from certain neighborhoods.

A more pressing concern for governments is that many people and

communities live in “data poverty”—the result of a routine lack of inclusion
in public and private data collection efforts.43 As the world increasingly
relies on data to improve services such as health care, education, and
finance, the potential harm of being underrepresented or excluded in the
data that drives this decision-making also increases.44 The Internet of
Things offers a valuable opportunity to close this divide. Low-cost sensor
technologies and networked services empower underserved populations to
more easily provide data that is useful for improving their quality of life.
However, this can only happen if governments invest in and deploy these
technologies equitably. If the public sector does not take this into account,
the Internet of Things could exacerbate existing inequalities by providing
the benefits of data-driven decision-making only to some, and placing
already underserved communities at an even greater disadvantage.45


Many nations have already recognized that the Internet of Things should be
a high priority for the government, and some have even gone as far as to
develop strategies to support the technology. However, none have
developed and implemented a sufficiently comprehensive Internet of
Things strategy.

In March 2010, the Chinese central government committed $117.2 million
to boost national competitiveness by opening a national center devoted to
Internet of Things R&D.46 Since then, the government has launched several
IoT initiatives. In 2011, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology issued a Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Internet of
Things, outlining how the government intends to support the technology,

such as by setting standards and demonstrating real-world applications.
This plan called for creating an Internet of Things “Special Fund” to support
R&D with investments totaling $774 million for the period of 2011 to
2015.47 In August 2013, China’s State Council issued guidance to support
smart city pilot programs, with a particular focus on smart utilities and
transportation, and the Chinese Development Bank agreed to establish
financing programs for smart city pilots.48 Also in 2013, China established
an inter-agency council to guide national policy on the Internet of Things
and issued guidance to support the technology, including fostering industry
development, workforce training, and R&D targets.49

The Internet of Things is a main focus of Germany’s “Industry 4.0” plan to
modernize its manufacturing sector.50 Germany has devoted $221 million
to support industry, academic, and government research and development
efforts to advance “smart factory” technologies ranging from sensor-
embedded systems to artificial intelligence platforms that can help operate
Internet-connected machinery.51

India’s National Telecom M2M (Machine-to-Machine) Roadmap, published
in May 2015, established a policy framework to support digitization efforts
and grow the Internet of Things.52 The roadmap outlines opportunities the
Internet of Things can offer for a wide variety of public- and private-sector
applications, and details ongoing and planned government efforts to
facilitate growth and adoption.53 These efforts include providing
government-backed venture capital funding, creating incubators and test
bed facilities to support the growth of the Internet of Things, carrying out
smart grid pilot programs, and working with educational institutions to
provide the workforce with data skills.54 The roadmap also outlines the
government’s ambitious plan to develop 100 smart cities, which it will
finance with a $7.4 billion investment over the next five years.55 India’s
smart city plan also calls on state and municipal governments to match
national funding for smart cities.56

However, several of the provisions in India’s roadmap designed to grow the

Internet of Things would do the exact opposite.57 For example, the
roadmap details plans to require import licenses for certain types of
connected devices, which could allow the government to charge foreign
device manufacturers high fees to access Indian markets or block them
from Indian markets outright. This policy necessarily reduces the ability of
Indian consumers and businesses to take advantage of the best and most
cost-effective connected devices and services, limiting their willingness to
invest in the Internet of Things.

In June 2013, Japan declared it would strive to make the country the
“world’s most advanced IT nation,” and announced a series of measures to
harness the Internet of Things to develop solutions in the areas of
healthcare, disaster resilience, public safety, and infrastructure planning,
as well as encourage sensor technology R&D.58 And in July 2015, the
Japanese government announced plans to establish a council of public-
and private-sector organizations to support the development and
implementation of specific Internet of Things technologies by the end of
2018, including information processing technologies that can analyze the
large amounts of data from connected devices, and systems for safely
disabling Internet-connected autonomous devices such as self-driving cars
in the event of a safety or security risk.59

In May 2005, Singapore unveiled its Intelligent Nation 2015 10-year plan
to support the growth of the information and communications technology
industry. This plan focuses in part on supporting the development and
deployment of sensor networks and developing the communication
infrastructure necessary to support ubiquitous connectivity.60 In November
2014, Singapore also launched its Smart Nation initiative to secure
economic and social benefits through greater adoption and cohesive use of
technology, particularly the Internet of Things.61 Singapore has allocated
$1.6 billion in for the Smart Nation initiative for 2015, and while not all of
aspects of the initiative are related to the Internet of Things, the funding
will focus prominently on large-scale deployments of smart city
applications.62 And in August 2015, a group of government agencies began
work on guidance to define standards for the Internet of Things, such as
sensor network standards and domain-specific standards, to support the
Smart Nation initiative and private-sector deployment of the technology.63

South Korea has $5 billion in planned investments in the Internet of Things
through 2020 to support industries ranging from wearables to smart
cars.64 In October 2014, the South Korean Ministry of Science, Information
Communications Technology, and Future Planning released a roadmap for
the Internet of Things to guide government actions to develop cybersecurity
standards and best practices.65 South Korea has also built the Songdo
International Business District, the world’s first purpose-built smart city,
with the help of government funding.66

The White House in September 2015 launched its Smart Cities Initiative,
which encapsulates the majority of the U.S. government’s efforts to support
the Internet of Things and outlines $160 million in new and ongoing R&D
funding that covers more applications than just smart cities.67 The Smart
Cities Initiative includes support for a range of programs including the
National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Global City Teams
Challenge, which encourages the development of smart city applications,
Internet-connected vehicle pilots, and the establishment of Internet of
Things research test beds.68 The federal government’s Networking and
Information Technology Research and Development Program also released
its Smart Cities and Connected Communities Framework—a short guide to
coordinate federal agency investment and collaboration for smart city
technology.69 In October 2015, the White House released its Strategy for
American Innovation, which highlights the value of the Internet of Things
for applications ranging from environmental monitoring to supply chain
management.70 And in December 2015, the Department of Transportation
launched the Smart City Challenge, which will award $40 million in March
2016 to a mid-sized city to implement connected technologies to reduce
congestion, improve transportation safety, protect the environment, and
support economic growth.71

Country Funding

China $774 million over five years

India $7.4 billion for smart cities

Germany $221 million for smart factories

South Korea $5 billion over five years

United States $200 million

Table 1: Ongoing and recently launched government funding for the Internet of
Things for select countries.


Every nation is different, so there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to
developing a national strategy. Yet, while specific policy considerations will
vary from country to country, all national strategies will have to include a
broad array of policies that focus in particular on funding, convening and
planning, agency action, regulatory action, and trade. These include:


 Funding local government efforts to implement connected

technologies and services;
 Funding large-scale national pilot projects for smart cities that
focus on integrating multiple smart city applications with scalable
and replicable solutions;72
 Establishing national challenges with prizes to spur the
development of IoT applications with high social or economic
 Subsidizing key connected devices for low-income populations;73
 Funding R&D for key underlying technological challenges relevant
to the Internet of Things, such as improving cyber security and
reducing power consumption; and
 Establishing government-backed venture capital funding for
promising connected technologies that could benefit public sector

Convening and Planning

 Encouraging robust public-private partnerships for ambitious civic

technology projects;
 Facilitating local government smart city deployments, such as by
providing best practices and financing guides and freely accessible
software tools;
 Coordinating public sector deployments of sensor networks,
particularly for applications spanning multiple jurisdictions; and
 Encouraging the development of industry-led voluntary standards
and best practices around issues like privacy and security.

Agency Action

 Requiring relevant government agencies to develop and follow

Internet of Things action plans focused on improving agency
mission delivery with connected technologies;
 Revising procurement and grant policies to encourage deployment
of connected devices;
 Making “smart” the default for government operations, such as by
requiring the use of connected technologies for customs
inspections, integrating smart technologies into government-
subsidized housing and agency buildings; and embedding sensor
networks into infrastructure as part of modernization efforts;74 and
 Supporting data science skills in high school and higher education.

Regulatory Action

 Allocating additional licensed and unlicensed spectrum for

connected devices;
 Ensuring that any consumer protection rules are narrow and
 Minimizing the regulatory cost of data collection;76
 Fast-tracking regulatory review and approval for smart devices in
regulated industries, such as connected medical devices;77
 Enacting regulations to increase the potential for data-driven
innovation from connected devices, such as by giving public utility
consumers access to their smart meter data; and
 Revising accessibility requirements for people with disabilities
based on the opportunities created by connected technologies,
such as dynamically adjusting the amount of accessible parking
spaces based on sensor data indicating demand.

Trade Policy

 Ensuring that companies can freely exchange data across local and
national borders;
 Promoting access to the best and most cost effective connected
devices and services, such as by eliminating policies that restrict
the ability of international device manufacturers to enter domestic
markets; and
 Supporting voluntary, industry-led standards and fighting against
nation-specific standards.

A national strategy for the Internet of Things, if designed and implemented
correctly, would maximize the opportunity for the Internet of Things to
deliver substantial social and economic benefits. No country will
successfully capture these benefits by leaving development of the Internet
of Things solely up to the market, just as no government actions could
capture all of the potential benefits without a robust private sector that can
innovate unencumbered by overly restrictive regulations. As countries
increasingly recognize the potential of the Internet of Things, they should
develop comprehensive national strategies that proactively promote
development and adoption of the technology while limiting regulatory
barriers that restrict its growth.

1. Daniel Castro and Joshua New, “10 Policy Principles for Unlocking the
Potential of the Internet of Things,” Center for Data Innovation, December
4, 2015, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2014-iot-policy-principles.pdf;
Joshua New, “The Internet of Things Could Stop Our Waterways from
Dying,” Center for Data Innovation,” June 8, 2015,
stop-our-waterways-from-dying/; Daniel Castro and Jordan Misra, “The
Internet of Things,” Center for Data innovation, November 2013,

2. Peter Singer, “Federally Supported Innovations: 22 Examples of Major

Technology Advances That Stem From Federal Research Support,”
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, February 2014,

3. Daniel Castro and Jordan Misra, “The Internet of Things,” Center for Data
innovation, November 2013, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2013-

4. “Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion
Units By 2020,” Gartner, December 12, 2013,
http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2636073, and “Broadband by the
Numbers,” National Cable & Telecommunications Association,

5. James Manyika et al., “Unlocking the Potential of the Internet of Things,”

McKinsey Global Institute, June 2015,

6. Daniel Castro, “Data is the Key to the Factory of the Future,” Center for
Data Innovation, October 2, 2014,
the-future/; Daniel Castro and Joshua New, “10 Policy Principles for
Unlocking the Potential of the Internet of Things,” Center for Data
Innovation, December 4, 2015, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2014-
iot-policy-principles.pdf; Joshua New, “5 Q’s for Steve Hershberger, CEO of
SteadyServ Technologies,” Center for Data Innovation, April 13, 2015,

7. “Energy Savings from the Nest Learning Thermostat: Energy Bill Analysis
Results,” Nest Labs, February 2015,
paper.pdf, and Parmy Olson, “Apple’s iPhone Just Stepped Closer to
Shaping Your Health Care Costs,” Forbes, October 1, 2015,


8. Joseph Bradley et al., “Internet of Everything: A $4.6 Trillion Public-Sector

Opportunity,” Cisco, 2013,

9. Casey Grant et al., “Research Roadmap for Smart Fire Fighting,” National
Institute of Standards and Technology, May 2015,

10. Parul Bhandari, “Governments Worldwide Embracing IoT,” November 24,

2015, Microsoft, http://www.microsoft.com/en-
iot/default.aspx#fbid=Y1jCXcaphoj; Lambros Lambrinos and Aristotelis
Dosis, “Applying Mobile and Internet of Things Technologies in Managing
Parking Spaces for People with Disabilities,” UbiComp, September 8,
http://www.ubicomp.org/ubicomp2013/adjunct/adjunct/p219.pdf; and
Terrell McSweeny, “Keynote Remarks of Commissioner Terrell
McSweeny,” Federal Trade Commission, September 10, 2015,

11. “Network Effect,” Investopedia,


12. “Energy Savings from the Nest Learning Thermostat: Energy Bill Analysis
Results,” Nest Labs, February 2015,

13. Robert Atkinson and Stephen Ezell, Innovation Economics: The Race for
Global Advantage, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012).

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. “Near Field Communication Market by Operating Mode, Indusry, and

Geography – Global Forecast to 2020,” Markets and Markets, November
2015, http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/near-field-
communication-nfc-market-520.html, and “Increased Adoption of
Contactless Payments in Japan, South Korea,” The Paypers, April 17,
2014, http://www.thepaypers.com/mobile-payments/increased-adoption-

17. Tim Weitzel, Economics of Standards in Information Networks, (Physica-
Verlag Heidelberg, 2004),

18. The true definition of competitiveness is the ability of a region to export

more in value added terms than it imports. This calculation includes
accounting for “terms of trade” to reflect all government “discounts,”
including an artificially low currency, suppressed wages in export sectors,
artificially low taxes on traded sector firms and direct subsidies to exports.
It also controls for both tariff and non-tariff barriers to imports. Robert
Atkinson, “Competitiveness, Innovation, and Productivity: Clearing up the
Confusion,” Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, August
2013, https://itif.org/publications/2013/08/19/competitiveness-

19. Daniel Castro and Joshua New, “Accelerating Data Innovation: A

Legislative Agenda for Congress,” Center for Data Innovation, May 11,
2015, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2015-data-innovation-agenda.pdf.

20. Eric Jaffe, “You May Never Need to Pay Cash at a Toolbooth Again,”
CityLab, August 12, 2013, http://www.citylab.com/tech/2013/08/you-

21. Ryan Daws, “Britain wants HyperCat to Reign the Internet of Things,”
TelecomsTech, August 21, 2014,

22. Daniel Robinson, “HyperCatCity Initiative Looks to Kickstart Smart Cities

by Opening Up Data,” V3, January 27, 2015, http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-

23. Stephen Ezell and Robert Atkinson, “The Middle Kingdom Galapagos
Island Syndrome: The Cul-De-Sac of Chinese Technology Standards,”
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, December 2014,

24. James Manyika et al., “Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation,
Competition, and Productivity,” McKinsey Global Institute, May 2011,

25. “Data Science Revealed: A Data-Driven Glimpse into the Burgeoning New
Field,” EMC, 2011, http://www.emc.com/collateral/about/news/emc-

26. Jack Schofield, “Most Mobile Data Will Soon Be Offloaded to Wi-Fi
Networks, Says Juniper Research,” ZDNet, June 12, 2013,

27. “ARCEP Launches a Public Consultation on the Use of Open Spectrum,

ARCEP, July 25, 2014,

28. Stratix, “Internet of Things in the Netherlands,” Rjksoverheid, September


29. Peter Singer, “Federally Supported Innovations: 22 Examples of Major

Technology Advances That Stem From Federal Research Support,”
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, February 2014,
http://www2.itif.org/2014-federally-supported-innovations.pdf, and
Bernhard Warner, “Why Private Companies Won’t Make Up for Cuts in
government Science Funding,” Bloomberg, March 5, 2013,

30. Kevin Ashton, “America Last?” Politico, June 2015,


31. Brad Plumer, “The Coming R&D Crash,” Washington Post, February 26,
coming-rd-crash/, and “Metrology and Standards,” The Innovation Policy
Platform, 2013,

32. Justin Hicks and Robert Atkinson, “Eroding Our Foundation:

Sequestration, R&D, Innovation, and U.S. Economic Growth,” Information
Technology and Innovation Foundation, September 2012,

33. Julie Brill, “Keynote Address for EuroForum European Data Protection
Days,” Federal Trade Commission, May 4, 2015,

34. “Internet of Things: Privacy & Security in a Connected World,” Federal
Trade Commission, January 2015,

35. Ann Cavoukian and Daniel Castro, “Big Data and Innovation, Setting the
Record Straight: De-identification Does Work,” Information Technology
and Innovation Foundation, June 16, 2014, http://www2.itif.org/2014-

36. For example, California’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 requires
companies that collect personal data from users of their website to clearly
display their privacy policies, and the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC)
Behavioral Advertising Principles suggests website operators notify users
about their data collection practices. “California Online Privacy protection
Act of 2003,” Cooley Godward LLP, June 2004,
https://cooley.com/files/ALERT-Cal_OPPA.pdf, and Leuan Jolly, “Data
Protection in United States: Overview,” Practical Law, July 1, 2015,

37. “National Telecom M2M Roadmap,” Ministry of Communications &

Information Technology, May 2015,
M2M%20Roadmap.pdf, and Daniel Castro, “The False Promise of Data
Nationalism,” Information Technology and Innovation Foundation,
December 2013, http://www2.itif.org/2013-false-promise-data-

38. Daniel Castro, “The False Promise of Data Nationalism,” Information

Technology and Innovation Foundation, December 2013,

39. Daniel Castro and Alan McQuinn, “The Privacy Panic Cycle: A Guide to
Public Fears About New Technologies,” Information Technology and
Innovation Foundation, September 2015, http://www2.itif.org/2015-

40. Daniel Castro and Joshua New, “Accelerating Data Innovation: A

Legislative Agenda for Congress,” Center for Data Innovation, May 11,
2015, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2015-data-innovation-agenda.pdf.

41. E-LABEL Act of 2014, S. 2583, 113th Congress. (2014).

42. Alan McQuinn, “Proposed E-Labeling Act a Homerun for Internet of

Things,” Industry Week, July 25, 2014,

43. Daniel Castro, “The Rise of Data Poverty in America,” Center for Data
Innovation, September 10, 2014, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2014-

44. Ibid.

45. Ibid.

46. “Shangai Launches First Internet of Things Center,” China Daily, March 2,
2010, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-

47. “物联网十二五规划或9月出台 产业规模或超5千亿,” Ministry of Finance

of the People’s Republic of China, August 24, 2011,

48. Ken Yaron et al., “Comparative Study of Smart Cities in Europe and
China,” EU-China Policy Dialogues Support Facility II, March 2014,

49. “How China is Scaling the Internet of Things,” The GSM Association, July
2015, http://www.gsma.com/newsroom/wp-content/uploads/16531-

50. “Industrie 4.0,” Germany Trade & Invest,


51. Ibid, and Sara Zaske, “Germany’s Vision for Industrie 4.0: The Revolution
Will Be Digitised,” ZDNET, February 23, 2015,

52. “National Telecom M2M Roadmap,” Ministry of Communications &

Information Technology, May 2015,
M2M%20Roadmap.pdf, and Joshua New, “What India Gets Right, and
Wrong, About the Internet of Things, Center for Data Innovation, June 16,
2015, http://www.datainnovation.org/2015/06/what-india-gets-right-

53. Ibid.

54. Ibid.

55. “Mission Statement & Guidelines,” Ministry of Urban Development, June
2015, http://smartcities.gov.in/writereaddata/SmartCityGuidelines.pdf.

56. Ibid.

57. Joshua New, “What India Gets Right, and Wrong, About the Internet of
Things, Center for Data Innovation, June 16, 2015,

58. “Declaration to Be the World’s Most Advanced IT Nation,” Kantei, June 14,
2013, http://japan.kantei.go.jp/policy/it/2013/0614_declaration.pdf.

59. “Japanese Government to Set Up Council for ‘Internet of Things’

Development,” Daily Herald, July 18, 2015,

60. “iN2015 Masterplan,” Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore,

https://www.ida.gov.sg/Tech-Scene-News/iN2015-Masterplan, and
iN2015 Infocomm Infrastructure, Services and Technology Development
Sub-Committee, “Totally Connected, Wired and Wireless,” Infocomm
Development Authority of Singapore, June 2006,

61. Rachel Au-Yong, “Vision of a Smart Nation is to Make Life Better: PM Lee,”
Straits Times, November 25, 2014,

62. Faris Mokhtar, “Governments to Launch S$2.2b in ICT Tenders to Realise

Smart Nation Vision,” Channel NewsAsia, August 22, 2015,
s-2/1874506.html, and Eileen Yu, “Singapore Unveils Plan in Push to
Become Smart Nation,” ZDNet, June 17, 2014,

63. Vivian Balakrishnan, “Speech by Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan at the Quality

and Standards Conference 2015,” Spring Singapore, August 12, 2015,
20150812.aspx, and “SPRING Singapore Supported Close to 600
Companies in Standards Adoption, and Service Excellence Projects,”
SPRING Singapore, August 12, 2015,


64. Cho Mu-hyun, “South Korea to Invest $5b by 2020 in IoT and Smart Cars,”
ZDNet, March 25, 2015, http://www.zdnet.com/article/south-korea-to-

65. James Lim, “South Korea Plans to Enforce Security of Internet of Things,”
Bloomberg BNA, November 2014, http://www.bna.com/south-korea-

66. “Korea’s Global Commitment to Green Growth,” World Ban, May 3, 2012,

67. “Fact Sheet: Administration Announces New “Smart Cities” Initiative to

Help Communities Tackle Local Challenges and Improve Services,” White
House, September 14, 2015, https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-

68. Ibid.

69. “Smart and Connected Communities Framework,” Networking and

Information technology Research and Development, November 25, 2014,

70. “A Strategy for American Innovation,” White House, October 2015,


71. “U.S. Department of Transportation Launches Smart City Challenge to

Create a City of the Future,” Department of Transportation, December 7,
2015, https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/us-department-

72. For example, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Lighthouse Projects
consist of groups of cities developing smart city applications that have
high market potential and are easy to replicate. “FAQ – Frequently Asked
Questions WP 2015 for Horizon2020 call SCC 1 – 2015,” European
commission, 2015,

73. Daniel Castro, “The Rise of Data Poverty in America,” Center for Data
Innovation, September 10, 2014, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2014-

74. Daniel Castro and Joshua New, “Accelerating Data Innovation: A
Legislative Agenda for Congress,” Center for Data Innovation, May 11,
2015, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2015-data-innovation-agenda.pdf.

75. Daniel Castro and Joshua New, “10 Policy Principles for Unlocking the
Potential of the Internet of Things,” Center for Data Innovation, December
4, 2015, http://www2.datainnovation.org/2014-iot-policy-principles.pdf.

76. Ibid.

77. Ibid.

Joshua New is a policy analyst at the Center for Data Innovation. He
has a background in government affairs, policy, and communication.
Prior to joining the Center for Data Innovation, Joshua graduated
from American University with degrees in C.L.E.G. (Communication,
Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government) and Public
Communication. His research focuses on methods of promoting
innovative and emerging technologies as a means of improving the
economy and quality of life.

Daniel Castro is the director of the Center for Data Innovation and
vice president of the Information Technology and Innovation
Foundation. Mr. Castro writes and speaks on a variety of issues
related to information technology and internet policy, including data,
privacy, security, intellectual property, internet governance, e-
government, and accessibility for people with disabilities. He has a
B.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and an M.S. in
Information Security Technology and Management from Carnegie
Mellon University.


The Center for Data Innovation is the leading global think tank
studying the intersection of data, technology, and public policy. With
staff in Washington, DC and Brussels, the Center formulates and
promotes pragmatic public policies designed to maximize the
benefits of data-driven innovation in the public and private sectors. It
educates policymakers and the public about the opportunities and
challenges associated with data, as well as technology trends such
as predictive analytics, open data, cloud computing, and the Internet
of Things. The Center is a non-profit, non-partisan research institute
proudly affiliated with the Information Technology and Innovation

contact: [email protected]



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